tv Iowa In Focus FOX January 24, 2016 9:30am-10:00am CST
9:30 am
you onef e mo wel own reblic luntrs i the ste. lcomto ia inocus- wherwe'rvingonte whathaens inhe helines d onhe caaign stts wh thrnstm. inhe mdle ofhe wk -- io goveor tey stred e poin t ucusace. ra.he h beerefu bere to stayou-- b now 's plicay sae want ted uz tbe defeed ithe io caucus cause uz at bnstacall a "big l caidat.cruz has openly against ethanol subsidies -- which people figud mit hu himn io. "his t bigst opnene newae fueland intruced ll in 2013o immediatelelnatehe renewable fus stanrd. is heavy finaed bbig oi" oil."we id fr the gninng th th waingt cael w goi to nic more d mo. asconsvatis ite hindoucampgn u'reoingto s the
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sh thecan fing ery cann thecan. dona trump s bu picking up enrsemts om jn wayns ughter andsarah pali-- but maged tweeout. t..."wowthe hily respted vernor of iowa st sted tt ed cz mustbe defead". big shker!peopleo noli ted." mocrs to thestaglate sund night r wh was ppos to behe fourth d finatimebefo iow's caus. caus.mocric pay chr bbie ssern-hultz had be takg cricisfor scheduli theebates nigh whenatiol atteion ght dived.sund nighs dete w at clocafter a lo day playf foballbut it turd in a showwn betwn llarclinn anbernie saers whe theform seetarof ste ted to hit nderon whathe ss hishangg stan on n control ile nder claid shs beholden twa stre compies o ha giveher g dotion "iave de icleased on setor sands owrerd that heas vot th t gun
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ted ainsthe brady bi five tes tis."idon't get ney fr the big banks. dot ge neus spkingees from goldman chs." now decratwi hava wn hall meetg monday- extly week befe the 2 and x had townhall meeng ofur o -- bouthe iowaucus. fused on iowa firsin t natn stat. predtabl-- everyone i atteencey they thout thatio shod stayhe fit ste th pickit's pridenal nominee.but natial figus have nted at machan.the ing -- ste ofcialsay takeso mh wo to t readthe way iowa doe- tween settg uprecit sites and ending milons of doars tin pple o theyan dit ght that ose suesmht pvent anne else fr dethronin iowa "oncyou t past the quaintss ofirst in the tioni rely don't know at whave a long li of states rdy to ke o spo it ineatnd iope 're
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takes a lo time to ger resints and cizensgaged atat partularlel." lel."we te a mucheepe ok ahow e discussi wenthis past weekust litt ler on in thehow. whe thstatparts are rayingembe acss t ste. ...local tms eaccoun e al woing for all caidat on bh sides of thaislst le the cauces a iqueo io -- republicans in linn cnty havene rty pporr unke a oth. otr. and saythank you r yo greahe on mycampaign in wa.iowans have thr own asonfor ing rt othe caaignpcess oceslra jns min thkingou for you stdfasupport...but ver w havandwttenletrs fr form presides -- thanng them for lpinthe n thwhe house. housncery, orgew. bushjo scoer normally n't lacking for wos fo r farite ndates -t a letter li thais ju
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ne...i lovjoincotter. whatoes she do for t part shedds fun, s adds thusms and erhing you wantn e decrat press isemboed bher outburst tburs. thk yojonileme tl you,oni scotr is frominn untyut she onef the mo enthusiast publans in e ste. staed en shand r huand moved iowa- and she got hind mar exander --yingo takewn bl intointo n e whe use but io repuicant jo -- supptingcandatesfoall ficeglan on hewall ows e hiory reblic polics iowas well as y hiory ok - th atoryehineachictu. picte.anhe'day wt's boss and i laugh bause i ew iasn'hen tt rney rain 22 --he cmitt to h befe heven ofcallannoced. anuncehe sd, i lik u toe myinn county air ansa, i'be hored.
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fari joni'sen when other mpaigns trd tory er away -- e stad wi rney --ust le shs picd je bushhis me aund.he wot even go eves for hecandites. caidates.iant verydy t ow tt jeishe onehat i'm ting for in theowa ucus. ucuse caus iike beg thp in e bakfa exrien -- n likthe chken yougta be all and ni'sll i evy we -- wel beoing insi iowpolics - talkg abt theeoplnot tryi to ve to t whi hous we'rjust days to t 201 gislative seson ides moes -so heres a lot f legislatiofloating aund nolily w't gepass. but e ise at cght our eye isthe. e...bathe box bi. wod keepme employers from askingabout parts of an
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summite is ill rkg roh it -- buit could offea condhancfor exons orpen up proble for bunesses sinees.thers al ncern over he gernos anti-blyinoffice.anags say there's nomoney to run it -- and the governor say ey'lhaveo pu fro ney allocateto e board of rents- whready sa they aren't getting enough in the xt bget. othebilln it way thugh the long legiativ ocesis o th hithome inaste ioweffiee explains h wou ange e mimum seences for th peopleconvicd ofsomef the wot ofnsesagait chdren ildr. jeriing ves n arnsas nobut ill feels closeo thcasehe oughfor in t linn countcrthoe ust a w yrs ago.he ce to speak with us bouthis ll sayi thethought ohe t behi herranddaughtr's death ree creas eve re ain. pa. kamn's randther03::57 "iruse belve h - h deatwou be vn - jer king ss n a day goeby where shdsn't rembeher
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schlter.kryn' andmher 03::46 ur lile kryn igone at e handof seoneels" batted a brued -he 18-mth-o dd fr hea injues i201 10.aft wee oemotnal stimies a jy coicte r fher riahandis e gifriend amy armefor invontarmanaughr a chd eangeent rulti in death.nderowa aw -oth fyrs ipson. pron. firstssisnt ln untyattney 04::17 ut the alitis -ort a fit deee muer convtion e ste ofiowa - eryby ge outf jailt somepot inime."so ery year - ri'samilrelis theinightme afr reivinthisnvele fr the wa brd oparole. paro., kryn'grdmothe :52: "ouheart skipa beatnd whold our bath unl we open it up d se e rd denin tre,.tate prestatis kerizeand dadaon s that's a instice.. 68 :45: "i s kind o surpsed fi outhat he in e statof ia - if
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orat the pers convicte woulbe eligible f paro mediely.they're ling partan bl -equing anne conctedf his feny tsee ateast irtyive the fty ars befo the chan of lkinfree. ee.,kayn'sgrdmother 03:526 " me pris sentce h losits lue and asonhen come re about aninntivto b goodhileyou're in prison an idoesunisent rehalition."jeri ss nothg wi evetake away hefaly's pn but not vingo woy - ves them so clore. clure.some csure osur "pee of het. for turefiliethatwl ha to ace is uortutely" reprentaverir and dawsonope ter lingthis ll -t wi reach a suommiee -hen eveually make its wayo gornortry brstad des f iowin focus im steffi e. the waa iffent kd of reporting gng oout n th campgn til ts we. esda-- whi dr.en cars wasn sth carolina -- van with taffers an vonteers inside t a sli patcof ce in westn iowa anlipp ovehat'when it wasit ba trk --nd a
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died in hospil inoma.n a 20 ampan tt's en coentsthat ha ffend someeopland trag otrs -it w an xtrely soringomenthatp more th jt the raceor t whe hse iperecti. "iust hopthatmbe h deatwillhelp me pele t think about hard arteess thatas heartedns tt hainfesd our ld whe pple e mea d sathin to hurt oer people a don caraut anody butthemsels. and aden w the oppositof hat.."
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old. the wod a esidt has grale wit metime can't en igi. that's the job. anshe'preped f i li no other. a ress sectaryf ste, anding up ainsthabuse of womennd gls. negotiing a ase-re gaz leing e omacy that us t of war. thpresencys thtoughest job theorld. anshe'the one leer who s wh it takes to g eve parof t jobdone. i'hilly clinton, d i provthisessa. lcombacktoowa focus. is wk we're joined by the iowa g cha, ff ufma,
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us.easureo bere. he.hoimpoant ist fo wa toeep 's rst in the tiontatu statusleme pick myrds ve carefully. cathinof no other potical cisi that moreimpoant all iowa than iowa keeping it first the itontatus. thiss onof ose ment as a republan chaiwhere thmocric chair and i are absotelym anarm. ar the a te wheryou stepn fothe flamory rhetic fm some ndides
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that, lettg myersol opinn gois to f themo part tting the repuican the ate termining what ossethe ne a at di't. thlinend wt crosd derming thstate republans letting the most part forhe onion go, to for themost part leing the republicans in e statdeteininwhat cssed the line and what dn' ultima artor gointo be februa first. rst. e reblic rty s
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getting ungepeople invledn thstate thanmocrs. democrats.we're real ease in therepublns partabou not ly the aderand actists at are ungebu the leslate. sons yoger an sitbesi gan jos. iuld ke to take ll crit f th but allyelieve e deh th younpeop havef th want exprs it. i don'see it as ung peoplechanng a gettg invoed iee this as yog opleknowg wee steng and they canbe heard. heard.does the parttaken a
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hiary clinn ge her me but other chois o? o? thgreat ing iowis th it'demoacy acti. it'she ght ze, you n drivall er, et ters. thidaof cizenunited itnot about undbites here, its aboumeetg peoplend lkinto them so anybody ha a chan to up in e lls. i sa frothe begiing was gog tobe a compative caucuas. thilegitiave ssn take on aiffent fe becse lt session. session.r legiatorhave
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educion and wee been fighng f th and the la sessn wassapointing, veotg ucatn fuing d rushin mecaidexpaion.e ne overght r mediid a needo ma surucatn is absutprritywe did not ket one la time. challee everyone tke sure it a iori. prioty. wi thi sessn bemore coentis bease that that?i pe t reblics ll tk tothr
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9:47 am is e re ory we're gng ttake thtimeo gi conxt o somef the ents at wl go on urinthe 16 ace for the ite use.thiweeke ayedn ouo bacard - withhe to halmeetg thats 2 and fox 28 hosted iowa city -- taing ou the wa ccuses. ucus.we fd outoda-- th bateas alot nuance it. thhawke state haonlyhad s sp fit inine sie the bore e causesimpact therest of thcouny -- theiverty iowa'carycovington sa theychand thwapart ficis acd wiin e theairsf both tatearti re exemelaref to tay t of polical attl unt a nonee picked. he wholoceshas just en voluoniz sce t 70'sith thespart officials feelg thed t
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rath thae decirs and i ink that one of hte st riki changes in thela 50 years theay th we mina candate" becausendorsementsar't like to come dung pma ras -- candidatese eir own to pound e pavement anget supporwith ters.that mns iowa' get sethe pers tryg to become themostpowerful figuren the freeorld- up clos-- rts d al hat personal eeriee is allyimptanto the caidat as well buase gives theman idea bothow ters hinkbout variy of sue t itao pres thr poticaskil.." t the pcesslso h a hu efft onhe eoplin thsta -- t just the pridenti candate becuase caus nht equis somebrava to support a candidat-- nd dit blically -repubcan state chair jefkaufnn ays can cnge e wayeopl proa the polits.
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ont pele tt yod knowyr enre ife ying whyou' up ifronof thi personnowi you're ing to ma a f pple d. onc oplehave do it onc therare lot peoe wh e hoed.. decrat chaidr. guir says paies n win ture eltionjust byayin atntioto the n- presidenal wk th goesn duri caus ght.sure - paicipts pi the choi for presidt --but they ao tlinpartplforms for the next fouars and ow n tant. "the's attleheckx you n doifou'r tereed irunng fo ofce. geta lot of ndide cuase theyl check - ll i thkingf runng fooffi andere' a congssmaleond boell, th's h he stard hi reerbecae heeckea box at aaucud hended becing e ofur coressn." one of theointmanypele obab hav't thought ois thburd of eingirstn the mes iows ar deing with ms maings- crowd cofe shs a nasty
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9:51 am
welce ba -we'lclos the ow each ek taking look awhatapped on cial media... wee--peop fromalpolical anin tooka brk fr thnorm polical ckering wh a carson camign olunteer dd in aarcide tuesy.dr. cars osted a rett touchi posohis facook pageand below i.. ...jie posted radeis myousi tha ou d caon. u havprov yoselfo be kinand compsionate man.ur fami is grefulor ur kindss. sa - ts its melosei'm a volunteer aderorhe crucampgn
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e travelingll ver e statfor a cau they believe in, st le this yog ma wadoin i prayhat d wod pride comft for brad's mily milyi al prafor trav mercies r a of e campgn membe, no matter who th suprt, during thi credly bu andre lled time now --e lo the voice --hat e candatesand theicampgns e posting on soal mia. mea.orn this cas-thei kids.wl o'malleys main malley's teege s -- an s be onhe mpai tra quite bit. bi posd th cture om the democraticdebate in soutcarona athe ginng of the week.t's 18 yearld william wi hi13 ye old brother jack.the ptio-- uickreinactmt. reintmenthone wnside to drawg a t of pple in the political press o ven't beenn iteforthey ey m not knowow t navigate somethinlikecaus t donald trump caaignook to febooto keure ey hped
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-- wi a veo explaing caucus night st by ep. "y'll ed tbe risted as arepublicann deto votefor donald trp. if you haven't readdone, that that'sk, you cano hat at yourucus location." you n llowlongon itteand fabo all we longe ouintviewas we dohem ime inith wh you ink senus our faritepturefromeves you t everweeke'll end with t weekhead. a cnce or y to s whathe ampans a up t .mony nit -- th mocrs anc-n-added a la minuteown ll meeng th a thr candatesn des ineso no*thiwil theast time at a ree caidateslk t tersbefore t wa caucuses.demoat rtin o'malley add in tou called "o'mley unplugd" dung the last fulweek bere ians li up thr first inive upo the firsin the tionniname anthuray, the repuican retu to wa f onelast bateeforthe io caus. wel be there-
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nextmorng inse youiss any ofhe actn. thks f watingbsureo tunen next week gethe clr fac on wa in focus. fo the world presenthato grapple with, sometimes you can't evenmagi. that's t j. and shs eparedor i like nothe a tireless srery of ate,stanngp agait thabus women andirls gotiating cease-fi in ga, lee diomac that kpss ouof war.
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