tv Iowa In Focus FOX September 18, 2016 9:30am-10:00am CDT
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look at the people and events that shape our community.this is iowa in focus.this week -- donald trump's new-look campaign coming through the hawkeye state.we sit down with the man so many people think is the only alternative to in 2016. welcome to iowa in focus -- we're giving context to what happens in the headlines and on the campaign barnstorm. donald trump rolled through iowa for one of his first appearances since shaking up his campaign structure a few weeks ago. -- trump is reading from a teleprompters much more -- and the biggest sign of that is hitting on a few topics very specific to iowans. before -- trump's stream of consciousness speeches would stay general.but in front of the crowd in clive -- he talked about things that are important to this narrow sliver of the american population.
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intrustions into your family homes and farms. we are going to protest the renewable fuel standard, corn-based ehtanol, eliminate job killing regulations like the waters of the us rule and provide desperately needed tax relief." relief."keep in mind -- trump has iowa secretary of agriculture bill northey and iowa governor terry branstad on his team.the governor's son -- eric -- is also trump's iowa state director. that night -- trump rolled out a plan that's a clear attempt to open up a group of voters he doesn't have a strong relationship philadelphia -- he spoke about making childcare expenses tax deductable to help families. his daughter -- ivanka -- is the brains behind it. would have 6 weeks of paid maternity leave -- paid for by -- what trump says would be -- cutting out fraud in unemployment
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paternity leave. leave.childcare expenses would be treated like a deductable business expense -- with additional tax credits for people on the lower levels of the income scale -- who may not pay enough or any taxes. would also create "dependent care savings accounts" where families set aside money to help children's development and offset elder care for their own parents. "they will be able to fully deduct the average cost of childcare for their state, from birth through the a o 13.because of the way the benefit is capped and structured, our plan will bring relief to working and middle class families. the deduction also applies to elder care, capped at 5- thousand dollars." the next day -- outside the state capitol -- women who are backing trump doubled down on those ideas.lieutenant governor kim reynolds and speaker linda upmeyer say his new affordable childcare plan is a promising solution to a huge expense for many families.
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help lift people out of poverty -- grow family incomes and ensure a prosperous life. and the current washington dc childcare assistance program does just the opposite. so we know the obama record from the last eight years and we know hillary's vision is more of the same." hillary clinton's campaign said that trump's words show he's hateful and offensive towards women.the campaign says trump's policies are -- --paid for by existing benefits for working w. women.they say the tax parts of his plan benefit wealthy families much more than working class families. families.the clinton camp says her plan will come with a 20- percent tax credit to help offset caretaker costs up to 12-hundred dollars. dollars.iowa ?republican steve king says rarely does just "cleaning up waste -- fraud and abuse actually work in finding new money to help pay for new policy.he told c-n-n that he first went to
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feelings about how to clean up washington -- only to realize it's not quite that easy. while hillary clinton gets back to full health -- he's had two of maybe the most effective speakers on the trail for her.president obama spoke for her tuesday -- and laid out just how rediculous he thinks 2016 has gotten.bill clinton filled in for an event in las vegas that hillary was supposed to be at before she got sick. sick."what we see from the other side isn't abraham lincoln's republcian this isn't even division of freedom that ronald reagan talked about. her opponenet says "vote for me, what have you got to lose?" well for starters, you say 14 million jobs. no thank you. i don't think we're gonna lose those jobs." at least partially because of all the attention to health -- hillary clinton and tim kaine released letters from doctors laying out their updated health history. history.clinton's says that she's been dealing with allergies -- which isn't out
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-- right around the time that we sat down with her right before the iowa caucus -- she was fighting off what sounds like a pretty bad sinus and ear infection. infection.then -- at the start of september -- she was treated for a high fever and fa. fatigue.right before the 9/11 memorial -- the doctor saw her again -- and said she had pneumonia -- which then led to her being overheated -- dehydrated and dizzy at ground zero.he says she recovered quickly after leaving -- and is overall -- healthy. the next day -- the trump campaign released health report after he spoke about it on the doctor oz show. experts say he has a family history of alzheimer's -- but right now -- he shows ?no signs of the neuological diseas" disease."doctor oz told trump that he's a little overweight at 236 pounds -- trump says he looking to shed about 15 pounds. pounds.he also takes medicine to manage his cholesterol. former c-i-a counterrorism officer evan mcmillin jumped into the race only a month ago -- and spent his thursday night in des moines. moines.he says what sets him
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cia and congress. on isis -- he says the u-s must work better with her allies. " "our allies right now don't think what we are doing is going to work, any strategy that's going to be effective in defeating isis has to involve also constraining bashar al-assad - he's carrying mass atrocities against syrian people." let's go inside iowa politics -- to talk about the people not trying to move into the white house. this week -- the months-long board of supervisors to raise the minimum wage officially pas. passed.the third and final reading -- and supportive vote was monday.on new year's day -- the minimum wage will become 8-25 an hour -- that's up from 7-25 an hour right now. it will increase one dollar every year over the next three years -- eventually stopping at 10-25 an hour.individual towns can effectively "opt-out" of the increase by passing an ordinance that resets the wage in that town to another value -- as long as it's higher than the state
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"hiawatha has been the most creative on that has said since they already have a lot of small businesses that pay 10-dollars and above, they'd be willing to see it through. cedar rapids and marion i think are willing to go to 8-25 and wait to see what the legislature might do." do."wapello county followed suit just days later -- becoming the third iowa county to approve a plan for a higher minimum wage.on january first -- they're setting their at 8-25 an hour -- up from 7-25.the next year -- it goes to 9-15 -- in 20-19 -- it'll be 10-10 an hour.cities within the county can also decide to "opt-out" week two of the n-f-l continues in justa few hours -- but iowa lawmakers are getting ready to tackle fantasy sports in the state. state.right now -- when you go to sites like fan-duel -- you get an error message because it's not allowed in iowa.even just playing for cash can be out of line -- but some lawmakers are trying to create regulations to govern -- and
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they say the iowa racing and gaming commission would oversee it all "we realize it's gambling -- but we want to make sure it's regulated and it's done properly -- we want to make sure people who are playing have the means to play and are not in debt..""we know that there is a very strong corelation between online gaming and fantasy sports leading too the potential to having a gambling disorder." before -- we heard how donald trump is pushing farm issues -- likely with the help of iowa governor terry branstad on trump's agricultural advisory board. board. still doing plenty of work on his own.he just joined six other midwestern governors sending a letter to the e-p-a trying to get regulation changes boosting the sale of gasoline blended with ethanol. they say current regulations stifle widespread adoption of e-15 blends. the iowa supreme court will hear about what led up to governor branstad closing two mental health facilities. facilities.the lawsuit was filed in july 2015 when he vetoed funding for the facilities.branstad said there
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required them to be open.a lower court ruled for branstad already. after a veteran living in johnson county seems to have killed himself after reaching out to the iowa city v-a hospital -- iowa politicans at all levels started trying to figure out what happened. friday -- senators chuck grassley and joni ernst both sat down with v-a officials to learn more about how the system works right now -- and figure out where it might be able to improve.weeks ago -- they both demanded investigatio to figure out where sergent brandon ketchum might have fallen through the -- grassley and ernst say it's time to wait for the investigation to wrap up. "i remain fired up about it but we have to getall sides. theremay havebeen a provider who triedto do something, we don't know that yet. do we have to getfiredup again? it might have to happen.""but i think that they know that i have a reputation for enhancing the independence of
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do after the break...the presidential candidate many people say is a viable third option -- even if he won't be in the first presidential debate -- and gallagher: this type of disaster hits, it's like, "man, what do we do? where do we start?" after the flood, when we came in here, there was nothing left. there's no way we're gonna do this ourselves. people like monica vernon really fought to get the assistance that led to the recovery. it took vision. it took courage. there is a true community spirit. i don't think she asked anybody after the flood whether they were democrat or republican. she took the bull by the horns,
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this week -- we have our first sit down interview with a presidential candidate outside the two major li parties.libertarian gary johnson came to iowa a little while ago -- jill stein came through just last weekend. we've been getting a lot of complaints about we don't cover those candidates fairly or at all.some people think it's because we're biased towards either one of the two major parties.the reality is -- we don't cover them very much because there isn't much to cover in iowa.gary johnson is building a growing presense across the united states -- maybe he'll get to the 15-
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maybe he won't.but -- his first visit to iowa was two weeks ago. the year and a half that declared presidential candidates have been coming through one of the most important battleground states -- gary johnson has been to iowa the days before -- his campaign wouldn't commit to the interview you're about to see with him.he's scratching and clawing for as much name recognition as possible -- but we still had to jump through hoops to schedule a little bit of time media exposure. exposure.when jill stein was in des moines last week -- the same thing happened.i personally reached out to the campaign -- and got the run- around until untilmately -- we couldn't set up a sit down interview -- so you won't be hearing from jill stein today. so if you wonder why those candidates don't get air time -- they'd be welcome on our show.they're not here often -- because they don't put themselves here.steffi lee sat down with gary johnson -- and started with his uphill climb
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known. that's one of our obstacles. 70-percent of america doesn't know who i am. i'm at 12 percent. i'm hoping to get in the debatesa nd if we do, anything isp ossible. we are two former republcian governors serving in democrat states and made a difference. fiscally conservative and socially inclusive and skeptics to military interventions that made the world less safe. you consider yourselfa spoiler? spoiler?yeah! i can actualy
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thinking about if they'll waste a vote on clinton or trump trumpwhy is that? that?hillary is all about bigger government and of late it's become evident that the clinton foundation has become a pay to play organization speech and hillary signs a policy the next day. trupm, he's said 150 things that would disqualify anybody from
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immigrants to start. building a wall on the borader is crazy and i am speaking as a border governor. back to deprotation, what is the best policy? policy?make it as easy as possible with a work ensure taxes. with regard to the 11 million here right now, stay in the country as long as law abiding and we don't want to take you out of the home or take away from your kids.
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to know? know?i think free market ultimately benefits all of us. we are proposinga ballanced budget to congress, reducing farm subsidies by 20% starting with ethanol believing it ethanol than it actually produc. produces.will that be popular in iowa? iowa?maybe not but everything msut be subject to a cost benefit analysis analysis in the new yorker, you said
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marijuana, has itw orked? orked?my whole like is health and welness and i hope that shows that i tell the truth adn if you do that, you don't have to remember anything. you should never be on the job impaired and being is a 24/7 endeavor. incoming missiles? you want a president that's not impaired in anyway whatsoever. coming up next...a brief history of people around the presidency feeling less than
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this week -- we look at candidate and politican health . scares...after hillary clinton made headlines at at the 9-11 memorial last week. back in 1992 -- george h-w bush had a much worse public relations nightmare than hillary clinton.he was visiting japan... japan...when he vomited on -- the japanese prime minister -- and then promptly fainted. secret service and first lady barbara bush rushed in to help. he ended up being alright -- but it was pretty embarrassing -- and was pretty quickly parodied on s-n-l. george h bush had a famous scare with a pretzel -- that caused him to pass out too.the story goes -- he choked while watching a football game in his private white house residence in 2002 so badly that he fainted. my mothe always said when you're eating pretzels. chew before you swallow, listen to your mother. i hit the deck. when i woke up, there was
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what happened til i looked in the mirror, my glasses cut the side of my face. president obama even had his own health scare -- being rushed to the emergency room in december 2014 -- when he had a sore throat.he went to walter reed national medical center for a cat scan -- because he was a ended up being acid reflux. this week -- the story goes that hillary clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday -- and a doctor told her to stay off the campaign trail for five days. days.the problem is s 11th was just two days away -- with the anniversary ceremony at ground zero.clinton was a senator from new york when the attacks happened -- and played a large role in the recovery. she went -- and the goal was clearly for her to power through with no one knowing that she was probably not feeling great.that didn't work -- and after resting for a while -- she showed her face again.she was off the trail from sunday until thursday.
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fair game for donald trump to go after -- he's decided to not make any comments about this.with trump not taking the bait -- his supporters are saying they don't like hillary clinton at all -- but they're still ok with it. it. "that's a good move, let the surrogates do that. he's staying on mark. i don't agree with anything that he stands for but you don't wish that on anybody. that lady that's running his campaign now i think is keeping him in tow." tow." conway.she became the trump campaign manager when paul manafort was pushed aside a few weeks ago. after the break...the former obama staffer dishing it out
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beat hillary clinton in 2008 -- but this time around -- is generally on her side -- except when he tweeted about her secrecy. secrecy.he said: antibiotics can take care of pneumonia -- referencing her sickness that took her off the trail this week. then he said: what's the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly craeted unnecessary problems? problems?in no uncertain terms -- he's getting at the idea that clinton's need to play everything close to the vest -- by keeping her own email server -- and now -- not telling anyone she had diagnosed the friday before -- makes minor issues into big ones.on the trump side... side...kellyanne conway -- trump's new campaign manager -- enjoyed that and tweeted out "whoa -- well said" -- and linked back to axelrod's tweet. tweet.that's when axelrod fired back -- this time with exclamation points.he said: transparency works both -- in caps -- ways -- @kellyannepol ls -- that's kellyanne conway. where are donald trump's tax returns -- health records --
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twitter and facebook all week long.see our interviews as we do them -- chime in with what you think -- send us your favorite pictures from events you go to. every week we'll end with the week ahead...'s a chance for you to see what the campaigns are up to. to.monday -- democratic v-p candidate tim kaine and his wife will be in central iowa. the same day -- donald trump is expected to be in fort meyers -- florida.and lastly -- 51 days until election day. thanks for watchingbe sure to tune in next week to get the cl
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in a world where one hungry boss. there better be food up there are you're all fired! can cost an entire office their jobs. who ordered the food? and time, is running, out. someone has to take the fall! tom orders on tuesday's. today isn't tuesday. it's not tuesday!? we're all fired! it will take one intern
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>> announcer: welcome to "fox nfl kickoff" presented by walmart. save money, live better. after a crazy week 1, the nfl action continues today. eli manning that is 38 of the 2015 season, the most in the nfl. the giants will need him to be sharp today if they hope to keep up with the saints. hey, jimmy, there's your buddy, bill parcells on his way to check out his former team. >> yeah, he looks like he's been on the treadmill. >> walking with you and terry in the morning, it looks like. we have drew brees, he's going to hopefully have a big day. the saints quarterback -- leads just 36 passing yards to
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