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tv   CBS 2 News 6  CBS  October 29, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm CDT

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as the temperatures drop, not everyone has a warm place to call there's an effort in iowa city to help the homeless through the winter months. but as cbs 2 news reporter mellaney moore explains explainsr one shelter - there's more than money standing in the way. there is no doubt about it, it's getting colder outside. the building that housed a temporary shelter last year is now organizers need a new space. space. the shelter house in iowa city needs more than their 70 beds on winter's coldest nights. last year...the shelter tried out a new program.14:56:40 the temporary shelter was a shelter that opened upbetween 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and there were 124 unique
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shelter.area homelesespeople could come to get warm... even while under the influence. 14:56:56 the mission of that was, is to get people out of the cold in the winter so that pecple didn't have to experience the winter conditions and not have to deal with things such as frostbite and even death.the shelter house is trying to get the program going again and thinks they'll be able to fund it.the johnson county board of supervisors set aside $15,000 because they say people dying in the cold is unacceptable. rod sullivan, johnson county supervisor14:48:58 even from a budgetary standpoint, the people who lack permanent shelter that time of year are the people that end up costing a lot of money in terms of jail and hospital and different services.what stands in the way right now... is where the temporary shelter can n go.14:58:28 we are hopipi to do this project this winter. right now the success of having this project hinges on us finding a property and a building to do the project at.
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if youounow of a possible property the shelter house asks that you contact them. they say there are otheways you can help too by donating winter clothing.covering the corridor in iowa city, llaney moore. cbs 2 news. last year, vagrancy reports in iowa city went down 95-percent once the shelter opened. new information tonight on a story we broke earlier this month, a man is under arrest - accused in the crash of a school bus near manchester. october first,police say monte klink was intoxicated, raraa yeild sign and crashed into a bus full of children. the bus ended up rolling, and children were taken to the hospit. the injuries were minor but the students were still shaken by the frightening experience.klink bonded out of jail today he'll be back before the judge in a preliminary hearing sefor november 4. cbs 2 news has the latest details detailson the drug g smuggling
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ring at the anamosa state prison.two former prison guards are pleading guilty to state drug charges.authorities tell cbs 2 news, guards were taking brbres from inmates for marijuana and prescriptions drugs.some even smuggled cell phones into the least nine employees have resigned or been fired. october is national domestic violence awareness month., local and federal leaders gathered in cedar rapids to talk about ways to combat violence against men, women, and childrenenwaypypnt services held the event to make sure people understand the laws *already on the books to deal with abuse. "we talked about the many dimensions of victims experiences wiwi domestic assault, whether it is language, services, housing, protective orders so we could all look at where the gaps are and work better together." together." 13-hundred people are killed and more than two-million more are injured, each year by
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in black hawk county, a woman is now dead following a rash in cedar falls.police tell cbs 2 news, 59-year-old terry harp was hit by a car as she was trying to walk across university avenue at five thirty this morning.witnesess told police a car driven by walter seals legally drove through the intersection and hit harp.seals will not face charges.harp was airlifted to university of iowa hospitcal and d inics in iowa city where she later died. in waterloo, authorities are investigating a second attack on a park trail. trail.according to the waterloo-cedar falls urier, a female jogger was runnnng on a trail near cedar bend park at about 5-30 last night.she says a man pulled the hood on her sweat shi and pulled her off the trail.investigators say the suspect tried to sexually assault her, but she was able to fight him off. police are asking anyone who may have seen the attack to call them.
6:05 pm july, a man attacked a woman ogging on a trail inside george wyth state park and assaulted her in a wooded arrests have been made in either case.police aren't saying if the two attacks are connected. it's up there e with the top ways we can protect our children's health. that's what one mercy medical center specialist says today about a brand new report out from the american academy of pediatrics. cbs 2 ne reporter joy howe was there when she addressed a group about what she calls a 'pandemic.' you might have guessed it - tobacco use. but this tim there are some brand new recommendations - because this mercy medical specialist says, there's a big, *new threat. ((nats)) "this is just how much informatien i've gained on e-cigarettes just in the st couple of years 14.51.51 clip 0177ltit's not that tobacco use is bad, dawn sabin tells this group at mercy medical thursday morning, it can be deadly. sot - tobacco companies have been producing product
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for years, and now they're producing new and different products and they're aggressively taking over the e- cigarette market that new threat, sabin says... ((nats)) these are a couple different samples, a couple different sizes "15.00.14 clip 0204gr is one reason we're not making progress.the sleek, fun-flavored, celebrity- endorsed new form of tobacco, might not be a safer alternative, especially when kiki get ahold of it.sot - 14.38.11 they feel like it's just a 'harmless water vapor' and there is nothing harmless about these e-cigarettes says flavors like gummy bear, and oreo, are targeted to young people. ((nats)) "they are toxic to the lungs, these flavorings"14.52.57 clip 0180bv) that's why the american academy of petiatrics wants those flavorings banned now. they also want more changes, like - ising the age to legally urchase tobacco products from 18 to 21. even making movies that have *any tobacco products in them, be given a minimum rating of "r" right off f e bat. a third of our youth, if
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are, will die of tobacco dependence and nicotine addiction and we can prevent this by getting the education and regulations out there now. again, the american academy of pediatrics h 15 recommendati ons they'd like to see put into place. you can n ad all of them, on our website. joy howe, cbs 2 news. in iowa city, city,satelite voting locations are now open for theity council can cast your ballot tomorrow uuil ur in the afternoon at the fountain lobby at the u-i-h-c. the location at the public library will also be open also until four.election day is november third. coralville is now celebrating the opening of its new transit facility.the hub is located in the iowa river landing and actually opened in august.a tour was held today for people wanting to know more about the hub.the transit hub offers bike lockers and park and ride spaces for commuters.
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screamingthat was cbs 2 news reporter ssffi lee getting a sneak peak of one of the spookiest haunted houses in the's the last weekend to check out scream acress at bloomsbury farm in atkins.this yr, they have three different attractions - 2 haunted houses and a haunted corn field. those there say itgs their best yet. "we're building the characters up more - giving them more layers - so the character tells the story." story."scream acres is open from 7 til 11 tomorrow and saturday night.t. coming next on the cbs 2 news at six. six.why the opening of a new donut shop isn't sitting well
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tomorrow on cbs 2 this morning. a random act of kindess. makes a little girls birthdau wish come true. true. how a big time college football player went out of his way, to make a toddler's day.that's tomorrow on cbs 2 this mo time now for this week's cbj report reportjoining live from the corridor business journal is editor adam moore.adam, hurts donut in coralville has been a
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hit so far, but opened with some controversy. coralville has a new donut shop with a punny name, but its launch hasn't been all smiles and sprinkles. sprinkles.hurts donut opened on fifth st. last week, and offers toppings ranging from chocolate to bacon. as part of the franchise's off-beat brand, the owners originally wanteded sign reading "wanna hurts donut?," but some city officials contended that constituted an advertising message, violating signage guidelines. that meant the owners had to order a huhus dodot co. sign instead. the hiccup hasn't slowed business at the new shop, however. owner kyle howard said that the staff has been hustling to keep its display cases full. city leaders have said t ty will revisit signage rules soon. there's s so some work finishing up near an exit off interstate 380 for travelers to stop and check out? out?the city of robins will l soon have some new dining and shopping options. work is
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nearing completion on otter creecountry store, part of a new velopment off county home road. that convenience mart is currently expected to open in december, city officials said. shortly after that, a new restaurant called lebowski's is slated to open in downtown.robins mayor chchk hinz said that the new developments are part of the city's use of so-called "community-endorsed" development, where residents are polled about their preferences. he also said the terchange location has already attracted other development proposals. the north liberty city council tuesday approved the plat and site plan for a new cocoidor business joururl (cbj) headquarters, clearing the way for a new 12,000-square-foot facility in the villas at lirty executive park, located between kansas avenue and interstate 380. ththcity council approved condensed passage of the second and third readings of the
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ordinance in order to allow consuction to begin this fall, and to help the cbj meet its schedule for moving in next spring. the cbj started in north liberty in the basement of owners john and aspen lohman's home, and now employs a staff of 12. compass commercial is expected to begin construction on the fusion architects-designed project the week onov. 8. a groundbreaking is tentatively scheduled for nov. 4. 4. adam, ththk you! for more in-depth coverage of these stories and more, be sure to check out monday's edition ofof
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and coming up in sports -- meet the media -- coming up in sports - -a lot of new faces in bluder's bunch -- by why the culture is staying the same in iowa city -- next on cbs 2. 2."cbs 2 news connects with us at 1-800-222-kgan email us anews at cbs 2 iowa dot comconnect with us on
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what a year it has been for the hawks -- before the season started all the experts had no faith in the -- "new" kirk ferentz and his hawkeyes -- now through 8 weeks -- and 7 and oh start -- they're all on the iowa bandwagon bandwagonone that according to them -- has an 86 percent chance of winning the west -- and now everyone has the hawks going undefeated -- but to ferentz all that is white noise "none of this stuff ally matters. it's october. we haven't even hit november, and all you're trying to do is advance. we've got 62.5, to be exact, percent of our big ten schedule to play yet. so to worry about those things is really kind of silly." silly.":"before the season started people were saying the opposite and now they're all of a sudden thinking we should go undefeated and all that stuff. you know, who knows what they know, they don't know much and we know that. we just havto stay focused." the iowa women's basketball team didn't just graduate 3 starters -- bluder's bunch lost the highest scoring trio
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easy shoes to fill for this yearar squad especially with a team so young -- but the hawkeyes aren't rebuilding -- they're reloading -- because the culture hasn't changed in iowa city "i can assure you it's not all doom and gloom around our program. we have great optimism in the gym, and we have a group of women that are kinda excited about proving everybody wrong." wrong.""we don't have a lot of girls coming back who've played substantial minutes in the past, and, maybe that makes some people uneasy, but for our team, we view it as an opportunity... they're not gonna know what to expect because maybe they don't know us." in theirirtate qualifying meet -- both the monticello girls and boys cross country teams finished at the top -- which really wasn't a surprise to head coach dan sauser -- because lotimes -- keeping it loose -- and elief -- are all part of his equation for success successdan sauser -- the ed week dan sauser is like an equation -- he's one half -- math wiz --
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to me... haha"and one half cross country genius -- -- "anythihi we need to calculule any time we need to hit he'll calculate a pace for us."but his sum -- is more than just numbers and state titles --- sauser keeps it loose -- - "he's just always a positive part of the team. he's never r down on anybody --- as a team that really helps us, brings us together." "we try to have a lot of fun with what we are doing here, becacae we are running and a lot of time running is kind of a grid."one that sauser's solved ---- though not by numbers --- ---"he always tells us these times that we can run which seem insane. at the beginning of the year he gives us these timemeand we arereike we can't run those and he is going to make sure we can."but by subtracting doubt from his runners runners "he definately belives in us and i think that's the number one thing that inspires us."and that has an equauato -- or greater than effect on sauser sauser "it's so presious to be
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coming to practice, i enjoy every day coming to school. it's just one of the most rererding careers that i ever could have thought about being into." we will be right back to take one last look at your forecast
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do you think when you are president you'll be paid as much as if you were a man-male... this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the e me. but there are so many examples where that doesn't happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same... the men who are doing that job. i'm hillary clinton
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thanks for watching your cbs 2 news at six. "entertainment
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