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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 5, 2015 7:00am-9:00am CST

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to announce we're excited captioning fundedeby cbs good morning. today is thursday, november 5th. welcome to "cbs this morning." the united statesesnd britain say an isis bomb may have brought down a russian jetliner. >> donald trump goes to work on "saturday night live." outside, protesters demand to have him fired. only on cbs, the uber passenger caughthtn camera beating a driver says he's ashamed at what he did. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. we believe there is a significant possibility there was ans an explosive device on the plane. >> britain points to a bomb as the cause of the russian jet crash. >> a s srce tells cbs news it could have been a bomb but it could could be a catastrophic mechanical failure as well.
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>> hey, ho, ho! >> donald trump is suspected to host "saturday night live." the protests are getting louder. >> what can i say? i'm the absolute best. what can i say. >> reporter: >> investigators say joe gliniewicz staged his suicidede and had stolen thousands o o dollars from a youth program. >> mortgage payments, gym memberships, adult websites. a california college campus, a male student stabbed two students, a faculty member and a construction worker. he was shot and killed. >> chris stapleton. >> chris stapleton! >> well, there i i probably a party tonight. >> air traffic was interrupted at san diego airport and the gunman surrendered. . >> she sprang into action chasing down.
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>> all that matters. >> the failed pro legalalation in ohio has drawn criticism about growing pot with a mascot named buddy. i think we actuallhave a picture of buddy. there he is. >> on "cbs this morning." >> i need a car. >> i'll be right with you. >> look. i need a car really quickly. i'm being chased by a number of of assassins. >> we all have things to do. announ and chris johnson is also with us. glad you're with us. >> thank you. a russian plane crash
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have been caused by a bomb on. u.s. intelligence intercepted messagesesrom isis members talking about bringing down the jet. a top british official calls a bomb explosion a significant possibility. >> u.s. government security professionals will meet today to discuss ways to enhance aviation security. thee disastete killed all 224 people on board the plane after it international standardrdand they said t tre is no e edence yet to support the bomb theory. the startling admission that tied into claims of responsibility of an isis affiliate were spelled out to the end of a special meeting of f the british cabinet's crisis committee. former secretary philip hammond didn't mince words.
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>> we looked at the available information available to us, including intelligence, and we have concluded from thaha that there is a significant possibility that the russian aircraft was brought down by an explosive device on board. >> reporter: new video reportedly taken shortly after the crash shows s ske rising from the wreckage and egyptian ambulance workers on the scene. officially u.s. intelligence agencies declined to speculate on the cause in order to not to prejudice the ongoing investigation. off the rererd, u.s. intelligence sources have told cbs news they are leaning toward the bomb theory and basing it on a chatter evidence from social media. a tracking w wsite showed the plane plunging at the ground at 300 miles an hour. if there was a bomb, wreckage and bodies will provide the evidence. aviation consultant danny kelly say. >> there is going to be certain types of markings on the b by and there is going to be certain things, certain types of
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that would show that there was, if you will, an sternal explososn. those two things can r not saying anything about a bomb or anything else. anthony? >> allen pizzey in cairo, thanks. cbs news senenr security contributor michael morerell is a former cia officer. >> we know there was an explosion based on the heat flash h at was picked up by the satellites. we know isis has taken responsibility now two or three times. we know that there is chatter among isis members saying, hey, great success for us, we brought this plane dodo. and we know that isis was thinking about bringing down a plane, wanting to bring down a
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plane so we know all of that. but the chatter is not specific. the chatter does not give you any confidence that these guys who are actually talking know anything about the plot or know anything about putting a bomb on a plane so we need to be cautious. >> whahamore do we need to ow? >> we need bomb fragments or bomb residue from the wreckage, or we knee intercepted communications of senior isis official who would be have na position to know what t ty did, or people involved in a plot and talking about specifics about how they did it. we need one of those two things. >> the british government is taking this very seriously. in fact, they suspended flights to sharm el sheikh. >> it's an abundance of caution, i think. i do think they are overstating the possibility of a bomb at this point. look. there is a possibility it was a bomb, right? i would not say there is a strong possibility. >> okay. if it was a bomb,, do youhink it was likely brought aboard the plane at the airport? >> yes.
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>> taking a bomb on an airplane is a pretty sophisticated operation. >> what does it say about security there then? >> i don't know what the security is like there. but somebody needs to take a look at it, irregardless, right, of whether or not there was a bomb. >> what are the implications if there was a bomb and what can you tell us aboutut this tick group that is claiming responsibility. >> this is a militant group in the sinai and it's been around since morici came to office.. they are originallll a group of al qaeda guys. when isis became a big thing, they rebranded themselves in the sinai as isis in the sinai. they have conducted a number of attacks against -- against thehe egyptian military facilities. group. if this was a bomb, it would be the largestyou. theeewest p presidential polll this morning h has donald trump back o on top.
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the fofox news polll of g gop primamary supporters g gives t trump 26%% and carson 23%. cruz and r rubio tied att 11% a at th comments about illegal immigrants. now they say he is sending the wrong messagee by putting the billionaire back in the spotlight spotlight. >> i would kill for a real man. >> hi, lady. >> oh, high, donald trump. nice to meet you. >> reporter: no everyone is swooning over donald trump's upcomingngppearance on "saturday night live." >> what do we do? >> foot back. >> reporter: wednesday night latino groups delivered a
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petition to nbc studios asking them to fire the billionaire. >> n n should know better. >> reporter: it's the latest in a dump trump movement that has inspired everything from ads to impassioned speeches on capitol hill. >> when publicc figures cross certain lines, they should lose their privileges to host tv shows. >> reporter: but trump. >> "saturday night live"! >> reporter: doesn't seem fazed. >> get the highest ratings ever. they don't care. why would they care? >> reporter: he poked fun of himself and rivals. >> because of equal te rules for television, mr. trump can only speak f four seconds in this promo. >> so let me just s s this. ben carson is a complete and total loser. >> reporter: ben carson, who is leading in some polls, wasn't laughing. >> i discovered when i was in grade school that thosese tactics really are for grade school. >> who is that under there?
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>> reporter: the "snl" stage has become somewhat of a campaign stop for those vying fororhe white house. >> i wish you could be cameo just last month. >> "saturday night live" can be real king maker in politics. it can show a different side of offer a bounty member to any audience member who disrupts his performance saturdayayight. senanarubio is defending his personal finances after donald trump called him a disaster with his credit cards. he failed to disclose he charged 34,000 when he was a state legislator. starting in 2006 he used a florida republican party credit card to pay his expenses. he owned a house that fellnto
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missed the mortgage payments. rubio says he h h repaid all of his personal charges and putting them on a gop credit card was a mistake. >> what i said was that i would do differently is i just wouldn't have done any personal things on it because i would have avoided all of that confusion it's created in the minds of some but it's been coming up for five years so it's not a new issue. >> reporter: an investigation cleared marco rubio of any wrongdoing. he says he release all of the statements from the gop creditit card the next few weeks. >> the family of an illinois police officer of accused of staging his sued is facing intense scrutiny. the chicago sun times reports the wife and sonf lieutenant e gliniewicz are being investigated. authorities announced wednesday the fox lake police officer stole thousands of dollars from a youth program before killing himself. dean reynolds is at the fox lake police depeptment with the low ofofcers and the communini. dean, good m mning. >> reporter: good morning. well, the two-month investigation revealed a cop who
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was a big-time thief, afraid of getting caught. when staged his own death to make it seem heroic. police say he was probably not alone in his criminal activity. lieutenant joe gliniewicz's wife and son m m have knowne was laundering money according to new reports. >> our investigation strongly indicates criminal activity on the part of at least two other individuals. >> repepter: an attorney foror gliniewicz's family says they have cooperated with the investigation. the information came to light the same day investigators announced gliniewicz's murder wasn't a murder at all. george filenko of the lake county crimes task force. >> this staged suicide was the end result of extensive criminal acts that glininiicz had been committing. >> reporter: investigators said he embezzled money from a youth
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cover was about to be blown. investigators combed through delatede deleted texts in his cell phone. one said a local administrator might endd up inn a swamp. investigators say on the morning of september 1st, gliniewicz was on patrol in a secluded area and radioed that he was pursuinging three men on foot. but soon after that, he shot himself. >> the first shot hit his right chest region. the fatal catastrophic gunshot wound was in the left upper chest. >> reporter: to throw off a backup unit, gliniewicz left a trail of his belongings at the scene to suggest a struggle had taken place. his firearm was found in tall grass just a few feet from his body. commander filenko told us that gliniewicz committed the ultimate betrayal. >> i felt ashamed of being a police officer. >> reporter: not ashamed of the
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>> it reflects on all of us. those acts reflected on the entire police community. we took a black eye. >> reporter: gliniewicz spent the money he stole on first class air travel, mortgage payments, and pornographic bsites. today, a charity which donated $15,000 to his widow is now asking that that money be returned. >> dean, thanks. flights are back to normal this morning at san diego international airport after a scare from a nearby gunman with a high-powered rifle. police say titus colbert opened fire on officers respond to go a domestic violence complaint at a rooftop apartment right under the airport's landing path. the standoff forced the faa to stop all arriving flights and kept some planes from taking off.
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shooting sporadically until he surrendered more than five hours later. no one wasas hurt. classes arede that construction worker, two students, and a staff member.. > this morning,g, kansas city community is mourning the death of a high school football player. 17-year-old luke schemm collapsed on the sideline tuesday night during a playoff game. he had just scored a touchdown.
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suffered trauma to the brain. testing the fresh food at ten restaurants to pinpoint the source related to this outbreak. >> country music superstars verged on nashville to celebrate the best of the best and big names were there cheering on each other during one of the biggest nights of the year for the performers. chris stapleton had a breakout night taking home every award for which he was nominated. are you ready for the country are you ready to go >> reporter: after an electric opening number byountry starsrs hank williamss and eric church. take that america >> reporter: a rendition of "pink houses" by john mellencamp and keith urban, brought down e house. host brad paisley and carrie underwood lit up the crowd with their monologue.
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bruce jenner is a babe now >> hey now! hey all right i'm thinking on hitting on you tonight >> reporter: the country music awards are about the music and the perfofoers on the nashville stage spanned generations. >>hris stapleton! >> chris stapleton, "traveler." >> chris stapleton! >> reporter: the night belonged to breakout artist chris stapleton who has written six number one country songs for other artists. he pocketed three pieces of hardware for h h debut album. and hit the stage with pop star justin timberlake for a haunting
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> reporter: then in front of a transfixed sea of celebritiescelebrities -- i c c't think of you i can't think of you >> reporter: stapleton blew the roof off the nashville arena, playing timerlake's track "break you away." >> let me hear you say it. i can't take you away i try i try >> it was such a good shea. they said after chchs stapleton won, he had the highest google search of people saying who is this guy? >> he wrote number one hits for kenny chis kenny chesney and george strait. they said have you heard this guy? they said you had to listen to this cd.
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saturday show. are pro sports team honoring our love of country or love of cash? ahead how senators claim the pentagon spent millions of your announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by
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floor liners. you saw the video right here. now the passenger who attacked an uber driver breaks his silence. >> i got out of jail and i was wondering, you know, what happened. i didn't know what happened until i saw this videdeand then my heart sank. ahead why the driver doesn't want to hear his apology. >> the news is back here on cbs on "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places.ected to your street but to the ends of the earth. from coastal highways
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if you're not under god's will, you can go to hell.
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virtual reality pro yep. this is for real for real. early november and the first big snowstorm in genessee, colorado. welcome back. coming up this half hour, two senators say you're paying for some of those tribubus to our military pro sports events from season tickets to that ceremonial first pitch. is the pentagon wasting millions in the name of pr stunts? we will talk with one of the senators demanding answers. plus inside t t secretive church where a teen was beaten to death. a former member describes growing up in what he calls a cult. the "wall street journal" says there has been a surge in cking attacks by iran's military. obama administration officials were targeted in recent weeks.
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were hacked. the cyber attacks may be tied to the last month of this iranian american businessman who pushed for stronger economic and diplomatic ties between the u.s. and iran. "the new york times" reports on harsh words from president george h.w. bush about key figures in his son's administration. his comments are in the upcoming biography "destiny and power." bush said that vice president dickck cheney asserted too much hard line influence in president bush's white house and he called donald rumsfeld an arrogant fellow. >> they said donald trump wanted to be bush's running mate in 1988. kraft will closese seven north american plants and they will
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approximately 2,600 jobs lost and the secondd round of job cuts since the kraft and heinz merged. "the san francisco chronicle" reports people along the pacific coast are warned not to eat dungegess and rock crabs this season. officials are meeting today to decide what else should be done. the california departmenof health warning applies to crabs caught from oregon to santa barbara county. they may have a poison that could cause seizures and comas and deaths. the "los angeles times" reports on accusations that the pentagon is playing pro sports teams to stage events honoring the troops. arizona's two senators say they have uncovered nearly $7 million in contracts with items they described as patriotism. the nfl says it will refund taxpayer money if it finds that
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to honor troops at the game. m&t stadium, the home of the baltimore ravens, jan has more. >> reporter: in fact, nfl anchises are pocketing t t most money from the government. now the senators say that most of that is for legitimate recruiting efforts. but not all of it. o say can you see >> reporter: an army reservist singing the national anthem. >> welcome sergeant first-class kio potki. >> reporter: an army sergeant dropping from in the rafters and guard service members unfurling the american flag. senator jeff flake some of these events are little more than marketing gimmicks. >> fans assume when they see
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thee tributes it's done because of patriotism. to finin out taxpayers are payingg for r me of these kind of cheapens the whole thing. >> reporter: according to flame and former senator john mccain they have 122 deals with pro marketing teams w wth $10.4 million and 72 of those that is paid patriotism. like the 7500 dollars the milwaukee brewers got andnd covered on the field presentations by national guard members and ceremonial three pitches at three home games. >> the department of defense is always saying we are strapped for fund. then we find out in some case they are paying for these paid tributes on the field. >> reporter: flake says some items were outright boondoggles like the air force paying for four sideline season tickets to l.a. galaxy games. the national guard came for 40 lower level center court seats at indiana pacers game.
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spending isng if we find inappropriate payments were maid, they will be funded in full. now the nhl had no comment. major league soccer told "cbs this morning" that the ceremonies it does honoring the armed forces are separate from the marketing agreement that it signs with the mimitary. the pentagon has promised it's going to end this practice but up this morning about the 13 years he spent there. the word of life christian chump is now at the center of a murder investigation. two brothers were beaten last month during what police described as a so-called
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the church is a fundamentalist christian church not affiliated with any larger group. many members live and attend classes inside. don dahler talked with a man who attended school with the victims. >> reporter: good morning. word of life is an evangelical christian congregation in central new york. little is known what life is like behind those walls, until now. >> i went there from the time i was born until i was around 13 use nathan ames and his family attended word of life in new york until 2002. he and his brothers attended school inside that church which occupies a converted high school building. last month police say three church members beat two brothers with electrical cables for more than ten hours inside the sanctuary. 19-year-old lucas leonard died and his 17-year-old brother christopher was seriously injured. the boys' parents and sister
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assault, along with other church members. investigators believe the brothers wanted to leave the church. ames says problem at word of life began when the late founder stor jerry irwin and his family began to exert total control over the congregation. >> were they afraid to leave? >> some were. if you you were not under god's word then you would go to hell. >> reporte if they did poorly on test, whipping them. >> spare the rod? >> spopo the child. >> reporter: you must have been knew. >> the last year and a half i lived there i went through >> reporter: how did you know what whop would happen? >> if i didn't get my homework done on time or pass a test. >> reporter: weekly? >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: it sounds to me
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like a a cult. . >> i inow it is. it is a cult. >> reporter: when did you realize that is what it was? >> see, i was young. i thought that was normal. it took me many, many years to get out of that mindsese >eporter: ames says his family was kicked out of the church when he was 13. the leonard boys, he says, were not so fortunate. as for the victims' parents allegedly taking part in the beatatgs, ames said it was all part of the church culture. so you think the parents were so afraid themselves -- >> uh-huh. they did whatever was told to them. >> reporter: to their own kids? >> uh-huh. these are peoeoe who got misled. >> reporter: and it went too far? >> went too far. >> reporter: we were unable to reach the church for comment. naij ames has been interviewed by police detectives. a grand jury will decide whetherer to indict theix members later this month on charges, including murder and gang assaults. gayle? >> don, disturbing and heart breaking at the same time. thank you very much. the uber passenger who beat
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up his driver on camerer says he cannot believe what he did. coming up next, the apology that the driver doesn't want to hear. if you're heading out the door because you've got stuff to do, we totally understand but we ask you to do one thing -- pleaseseet your dvr so you can watch "cbs this morning" any time feel like it, because we will be here until 7:00. song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your bloooosugar... ....his is jardiance. along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination.
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it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030. so, what are we waiting for? the uber passenger caught on camera attacking his driver wants to meet him in person so say he is sorry. the dash cam in the car captured ben golden attack on edward caban during also says what happened was inexcusable and out of aracter.
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>> let me tell you something. >> reporter: 32-year-old ben golden says he has no memory of his violent behavior caught on camera during a friday night uber ride. >> it's not me in the video. you know? it's not me. and it was hard to watch and i'm ashumed. >> reporter: he says he lost count of how many drinks he had that night. moments before the attack, the video shows him falling over in the back seat and arguing with his driver. >> get out of my car orally call the police. >> reporter: when he is ordered snaps. fights. i think a lot of people i know were shocked by what they saw. >> reporter: driver edward caban used pepper spray to defend hihielf. he says he is afraid o o golden and has no intention of meeting him for an apology. >> call the police! he says that is not him but that is the only him that i know. that wasn't him bud it was him who had the first drink and in the end, i iwas him that made the decision to beat me. >> reporter: golden was arrested
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>> so the next day, i got out of jail and i was wondering, you know, what happened. i didn't know what h hpened untitii saw this video. and then my heart sank. >> reporter: he is no longer a taco bell marketing executive. they fired him on tuesday and he is facing four misdemeanor charges includininassault and battery and could spend a year in jail. >> i've worked so hard and i had a stupid night that is my fault, and i've thrown everything away. >> i don't know whether he was crying bececse he was so shocked that it went viral. i don't know if he is crying because he has been outed.
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at least $25,000 for assault and but, gayle, he says he is now seeking counseling. >> we certainly hope so. thank you, carter. he seems very remorseful but it's so hard when you look at that deo. >> it is. and as the driver points out, he says it's not me, but actually, it's clearly him and he needs to do something about it. >> he said es is paranoid now. he wakes up in the middle of the night scared. >> i understand the driver's position. if someone had wailed on your head like that you might not be forgiving days later. could e-mailsy we communicate. see what happens when a jet
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york's announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota toyota. let's go places. your journey isn't about a single destination. it's about everything your corolla can reveal to you along the way. the surprises you find 200 feet in front of you and all the stories hidden up ahead. there are endlesss destinations waiting for you to find them. discover more in a corolla.
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new york >> drones may not be the only low flying hazard. an australian entrepreneur claims off what is the first light weight wearable jet pa. david mayman is his name. he flew across the hudson river and around the statue of liberty this week. they say the faa and coaoa guard proofed the device. no word when you can buy one or what it might cost. >> but i want one. >> i know, right? >> i don't see a lot of people out there doing that. >> people bumping around into each other in the sky? >> i think thinking i can use it to watch my windows outside. >> you wonder where charlie rose is? there he is. >> why the presidential
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okay, it's thursday, november 5th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead, include ing businesses punishing customers who complain online. the fine print that lets tm fine you for speaking out. but first, here iss aook at today's eye opener at 8. >> the egyptians insisted its security is up to international standards and said there is no evidence yet t support theomb eory. >> if this was a bomb, it would be the largest bombing of an aircraft in 25 years. >> pro immigration groups are accuseing the net welcome ofwork of sending the wrong message. >> police say he was probably not alone in his criminal activity. >> the university of california merced, a male student wounded
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four people before campus police shot and killed him. >> they said that after chris stapleton won, he had the highest google search of people saying who is this guy. you knew . >> he's not a secret in nashville. >> thank you. anybody else. not me. and it was hard to watch. m hamed. >> last week i made a bet with a gentleman from kansas city, i bet that the mets would win the world series. you may not have heard, the mets did not win the world series and now here we are. >> why is seth rogan shooting me? he's not even american! hello to you. i'm gayle king with anthony mason and christine johnson of wcbs tv in new york. charlie is on assignment and norah is off today. officials say a b bb may have brought down the russian plane
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britain suspended flights to and from sharm el sheikh. u.s. intelligence intercepted messages. the british foreign secretary says there is a significant possibility of an explosive device. >> this morning, egyptian officials say there is no evidence to support the bomb theory. new video reportedly taken shortly after the crash shows smoke rising from thehe wreckage, where 224 people died. egyptian rescue workers are on the scene. u.s. government security professionals will meet today to discuss ways to enhance aviation security. a gallop poll says donald trump is the most unfavorable presidential candidate in both parties. 56% of voters in the poll say they have an unfavorable view of trump. his main republican rival ben carson is most liked candidate, with a favorability rating of 42%. this weekend trump is set to join the list of candidates who de "saturday night liveve a stop on the campaign trail.
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the whole show he's not going to brag or say he's the best at anything, right, donald? >> that's right, ceslie. i'm going to do the best job anyone has ever done, not saying it. >> you just said it. >> what can i say? i'm the absolute best. what can i say? >> but latino and pro immigration groups don'tant to see trump on the air. they delivered a petition last night with more than half a million names calling on nbc to fire him. the protesters say trump should not be allowed to hostt "snl" because he called some mexican mexicans -- >> america's biggest drug threats are now prescription drugs and heroin. that's according to a new drug enforcement administration report. the dea blames heroin and prescription pills for three quarters of the more than 46,000 overdoses reported in 2013.
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focusing on the issue including new jersey governor chris christie. he is speaking from the heart to call for changes in drug policy. nancy cordede is in washington whereehe candidate's emotional plea is hitting home. good morning. >> good morning. what caught people's attention was the very personal story that he told about one of his most successful friends who hurt his ck jogging,ot hooked on painkillers and lost everything. his law career, his family, and eventually his life. >> he had everything. he's a drug addict. and he couldn't get hehe. and he's dead. >> christie told the story about his long time friend at a town hall in belmont, new hampshire. >> he lost his right to see his girls. he lost his license to practice law. he lost his driver's license. he lost his home. a year and a half ago on a sunday morning, mary pat and i got the call we were dreading forever forever, that they found him dead in a motel room with an empty bottle of percocet and
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empty quart of vodka. 52 years old. >> his comments were posted on facebook last week and had been viewed roughly 5 million times. but it is actually a topop he's raised many times before. including with gayle king last year. >> no question it can happen to anyone. any family, no matter your education, your economic background, your race, we're not helping our society by just locking people up. >> christie isn't the only candidate arguing drug addiction should be treated as an illness, not as a crime. >> my husband frank and i buried a child to drug addictioio so we must invest more in the treatment of drugs. >> carly fiorina, rand paul, bernie sanders and hillary clinton all say the country's approach to addiction is misguided. >> my precious daughter was caught in a pharmacy, actually -- >> former florida governor jeb bush whose daughter noel has had her own struggles with drugs argued wednesday that meds have
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become too easy to access. >> this is not appropriate. we have to take a pause and recognize that we're not, you know -- pain is part of life. you have to monitor pain for sure and have to deal with it, but overprescribing creates all sorts of adverse outcomes as well. >> in the video that went viral, christie noted that drug addicts are still magmatized than other addicts, like cigarette smokers. his mother was one. >> she was diagnosed with lung cancer. no one came to me and said, don't treat her because she got what she deserved. >> this is an issue no one expected would become a major campaign theme for so many candidates. but clearly it is on the minds of the voters. in fact, a recent poll in new hampshire where christie gave that moving speech found that voters consider drug abuse the most important issue in this campaign, anthony. above jobs and the economy. >> very interesting. nancy cordes, thank you, nancy. it is called slack and it is
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one of the fastest growing business apps. ahead, ceo and co-founder stewart butterfield to show us why his startup is being called
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so did you know so did you know posting a negative review online could cost you more than you spent in the first place? up next, the fine print that may threaten your credit and how congress is getting involved. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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and now when i kiss her you forgot the milk! that's lactaid . right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid . 100% real milk. no discomfort. i will live the life of now with the skin of then olay total effects vitamin-enriched. to fight the 7 signs of aging. in 4 weeks, skin looks up to 10 years younger. 7 in 1 from the world's #1
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congress is taking action this morning to protect your right to post negative review s online. businesses across the country are firing back at disgruntled customers. in some cases, that can mean penalties costing you thousands of dollars. >> remember the next time that
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of service, buried inside those pages and pages of fine print could be what is called a gag clause. a paragraph that sayshe business can make you pay if you post a negative review online, even if it's true . >> i stood up and said i'm tired of this. we need to fix it. >> jen palmer brought her fight to capitol hill wednesday. more than six years after posting this negative review for a christmas present her husband ordered online, but never received. >> you know, hey, we had badad customer service and that's what you do. >> the company, a gift store called klear wrote back with a warning. >> you violated a clause in our terms of service, we're going to fine you $3500 i you don't pay the review down. >> known as a gag clause, they called it an effort to prevent the publishing of libelous content, similar language slipped into contracts by everyone from travel agents to dentists. the federal trade commission is
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pill manufacturer roca labs for threatening unsatisfied consumers who posted negative reviews. >> this is essentially online bullying. you're infringing on people's rights, their freedom. >> senator john thune led a hearing wednesday where one expert told the panel businesses would be more effective tackling negative feedback head on. >> if the company manager, whoever that might be, affirmatively responds to that review , and says we're sorry, or thanks for the review , we're going to try to fix that problem, it actually turns out that that gets them better result s with consumers. >> now senators are considering bipartisan legislation to make these clauses illegal. >> the average person is never going to understand what is being done to them. i think many of them would run in horror. >> for the palmers, what happened was a horror ststy. >> we were delayed on the car loan. >> they reported the fine as a
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debt, ruining the family's credit until 2014, when a judge ruled in palmer's favor, awarding a $300,000 settlement. >> i hope nobody ever has to go through that nightmare. nobody has to feel scared, humiliated, and bullied by a business. >> california is the only state that has its own law s prohibiting gag clauses but committees both here in the senate and the house are considering bills to ban them nationwide and in the meantime, the ftc says it is monitoring cases, prepared to step in to help consumers. >> thank you. i wasn't aware businesses did that. it is outrageous, stunning. all right. slack ceo stewart butterfield is in our toyota green roro with how he's trying to make e-mail a thing of the past. and best-selling author tony robbins is here. he'll share what all successful people have in common. i want some of that. that's ahead on "cbs this morning."commmm. i want to hear some of that. that is ahead on "cbs this morning." t the coffee i was drinking having acids.
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it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy
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just released, a brand-new ebook entitled "reply all." it's a great way to show you're done making mistakes by naming a book after something people do by accident. >> that "the late show" stephen colbert on jeb bush.
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he said he spent eight hours of e-mail when he was florida's governor but now a platform that with minimize e-mail. slack has two million daily users and a private market of 3 billion dollars. it includes a range of government agencies and private companies. the service launched last year and is considered one of the fastest growing business appears in history. stuart butterfield is the cofounder of slack. good morning. >> good morning. >> >> it may finally sink e-mail. slack is a messaging app just like i message and skype and those kind of apps but specifically designed for teens and in business. the difference is that the default mode of communication inside the organization becomes public. >> right. >> so if you're using e-mail, it doesn't matter if you're the ceo or intern on your first day you have a narrow slice of everything and everything else is okay to you forever. >> right. >> using slack, you can have a look what is going on across the
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organization. if up work on a marketing team you can see what the salespeople are dealing with. if you work in technical operations team you can see what customer support team is doing. that kind of lateral transparency is an important thing. >> they say slack stands on the presscipice of modern game. what do you want to do? >> to make people's working lives simpler and more pleasant and more productive. you might not think it's a grand ambition but even simpler and a little bit more pleven and productive for tens and hundreds of millions of people because people work a lot, first of all, and don't necessarily people empowered by their work most of the time. >> do you still have an e-mail address? >> i do. because slack is for internal communication, as a ceo and i do this stuff and i have to deal with investors and partners, i spent a lot of time on e-mail. with we won't kill it all. >> it's not going to go away. >> not going to go away. >> can you send a private message?
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>> you can send a private message. we have a channel for doing compenation reviews, dealing with hr issues. that is private. but to the extent you can make the communications side of the company public, i think it's a huge -- one of the reasons people don't feel empowered they don't know what is going on. when you talk about the transparency inside the office the workers see what the boss are doing or bosses are forthcoming and you still can't see what is going on around you. if you're able to dip your toe into these other conversations around the company can be very empowering. >> i think you and your company are very interesting. they say you're different than the other kids in the class. not a group -- not that there is anything wrong with that, but nerd tech people. you yourself studied philosophy. when you hire people you say one of the things you look for, i'm not trying to be funny or disrespectful to you. when you hire people, you hire people with empathy. why is that important in your
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>> to the extent we can make people happy using our product they will recommend us and recommend us and it's very difficult to be focused on a customer unless you have some empathy. what kind of workplace do we want to have and do you want to show up every day and come to the office? if we make it more simpler and more productive. >> it's been hard to introduce these to companies? and having them agree to bring this in? >> when you first sign up, imagine you hear about it and someone hears about it today and they go to sign up and now they created a team and invited anyone and haven't sent a message and nothing for them to search and no value. right? one cranky pants person on the team can put the wash on it. it's a challenge to get them to make the conversion. you can't, for yourself, decide i'm going to use slack to communicate with my team. the whole team has to change it. once they do, it tends to be very sticky.
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it's like people switch and that is it. >> i was interested in your hiring processes because as gayle eludes to, a lot of companies go to those nerd tech people. you were looking for liberal arts major. you airwere a philosophy major. you are looking for liberal arts students? >> i think we are past the point. not to say there is not a lot of hard technology innovation left to do but past the point that is the competitive edge. we are a faster transistor will mean that your product becomes successful. we are dealing with and trying to enable groups of people to work together and if you don't understand how human beings think, you don't understand how people react to each other, it's pretty hard to do. >> does slack get to reply to all? no, take it back! >> yes. >> thank you, stuart. >> apply all to added messages after that. >> that alone is worth it. thank you. johnny football takes the field tonight as the browns starting i'm _______it's eight-25 on this thursday morning. your top stories are coming up in
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just a moment...but right now - - let's take a look at what's happening outside -- --justin has your cbs 2
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there will be more testimony this morning in the trial for nicholas luerkens. luerkens.luerkens is accused of stabbing lynnsey donald in the marion hy-vee parking lot in april.witnesses say the two dated -- but broke up around the start of the year. yesterday - jurors saw the
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aftermath of the attack -- and the knife that was used to kill donald.her friends told the jury about luerkens' pattern of stalking before the killing.investigators also showed ramblings in a notebook luerkens made after the couple's relationship ended.court.the defense says mixing alcohol and anti- depressants made luerkens more prone to violence. this trial is expected to wrap up by the end of the week. changes are coming to the cedar rapids public library. library.on tuesday -- voters rejected a tax levy that would've provided funding for the library's operations. library staff members say most likely -- both the downtown location and the ladd library across town will have to shut down one day a week and reduce some of their services.they beleive it will most likely be a few months before they have to start making those cuts. also in cedar rapids, a proposal to help veterans find housing is gaining traction. the city council recently approved tax credits for the healing out heroes project.the group aims to help veterans near the v-a outpatient clinic
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as we inch closer to the weekend, gas prices in iowa are staying stable.that despite rising prices throughout the country.the average gallon of gas in iowa is roughly 2-dollars and 34 cents.that's still higher than the national average of 2- twenty. in north liberty - the corridor business journal is celebrating a new beginning. the pupuication held has broken ground on their new headquarters.the independent paper is moving out of their current spot at the iowa river landing in coralville. north liberty is where their first issue was published 11 years ago. don't forget -- cbs 2 connects with you - call cbs 2 if you see news happen.800 222 kgan. you can also email tips,
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neos -- at cbs 2 iowa dot com. if you think we can grow our economy while ignoring climate change, think again. america's most innovative companies are already moving to clean energy using existing technology to improve their bottom line. now we need a plan to help businesses and families across america to save money on electricity and create millions of new jobs. it all starts with 50% clean energy by 2030.
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good day sunshine good day sunshine >> you got to take a moment and look at your tv screen right now. this is a beautiful time lapse view of this morning's sunrise in new york. we shoot this every morning. one of our brilliant producers, that would be you, ryan, said we should put on this tv so people can see. you look at the sunrise and you know i got ather chance today. starts out with a good day, a new beginning. welcome back to "cbs this morning." in this half hour, boomer esiason, he is hosting his radio show right now! hi, boomer esiason. he can't hear me. because he is hosting his radio show. did i mention that? he'll take a break to give us a preview of tonight's "thursday night football" matchup. can his cincinnati bengals keep their perfect season alive? plus, w! will follow his golden journey back to where it all began.
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helped groom football greatness. >> we will look reach your dreams and how smart financial planning can actually start with pizza. make my pepperoni. that is ahead. right now it is time to show you some of this morning's headlines. the colorado springs gazette reports on a high school football game. police found some students at canyon city high school were exchanging nude and seminude photos o themselves at a large number of the accused students are on the football team. school officials and coaches decided to forfeit this saturday's game. police are also investigating if adults were involved or if the photos were coerced. >> don't do that, a note to yourself. >> absolutely. >> i don't get it! >> if you don't want your parents to see it, don't send it! >> don't do it! >> the orlando sentinel reports on nasa looking to hire the next generation of astronauts. some of the job requirements include a bachelor's degree or higher in engineering, science,
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or math. at least three years of related professional experience. and the ability to pass nasa's long duration space flight physical. you do not need 20/20 vision. trevor noah is expected to be at work tonight. he had an emergency appearen enen anecdote appendectomy. the network says the procedure went well. we are glad he is okay. tonight the undefeated cincinnati bengals take on the cleveland browns. we will talk with boomer esiason, the bengals quarterback great in a moment. there is he co-hosting "boomer
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and super bowl xxiii. boomer brought a golden football for his alma mater. nfl films is capturing this journey and james brown host of "the nfl today" take u.s. is to east islip high school outside of new york city. >> he is east islip high school's favorite football son. >> it is so great to be back here at east islip. it's 37 years since i've been in this gym. i can't believe it. >> reporter: fourteen of those years were spent as an nfl quarterback. ten of them with the cincinnati bengals. >> i had great coaches who understood who i was and they just kept feeding me and i just kept taking it in and loving every minute of it. >> reporter: in 1988, the bengals won the afc championship and boomer esiason was the league's mvp. >> we caught lightning in a bottle and it was just an unbelievable year.
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at east islip with boomer's football father figure. >> i was around boomer a lot. and you could see he was a kid that he wanted the ball in his hand. he is a quarterback. he wanted to be in position to make the play. >> i think on this spot right here, i think you yelled at me like a hundred times. >> well, it wasn't you. >> he basically became a second dad to me like most high school coaches do for their kids. >> sal, you got to get rid of the poster stuff. can i give you new pictures or something? >> no, this is great. this is boomer town. >> not so bad. looks like i have a full head of head there. >> you look great. >> cool head of hair. >> that's because i coached you. >> reporter: boomer's ongoing legacy is the result of his son gunner who was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of 2. >> i thought i was going to retire. i thought this is it. what do you do as a parent of a special needs child? don't you quit and don't you just te on this child? 23 years later and raised 133
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against cystic fibrosis he is living and breathing and succeeding and doing what he truly loves. he is coaching football. >> whoa! >> reporter: as for east islip high school football they are never far from boomer's thoughts. >> boomer is still so visible and out there every day and either on radio or tv maybe because their parents are listening. a lot of these kids do know exactly who he is. >> the best coach and the best player to ever be part of this program in its history, my father, sal champee and boomer esiason! >> yea! football brings a lot of people together. it brings family together and brings men together and makes men into men. so many who was meant so much to me in my life, sal champion. >> he has never forgotten where he has come from and you know what? so many people do. last year we won a championship the first thing they asked me at the game, have you heard from
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boomer yet? a lot of schools will have a lot of trophies in the trophy cases but very few with something like that so i think it's a great thing for the school. >> east islip! >> boomer is also an analyst for "the nfl today." he joins us live from his radio show. that was so touching and see what it meant to the coaches and the tunts. what did it mean to you to go back and spend time there? >> it really was great, guys. i caca tell you the nfl knows how to do it. i was overwhelmed by the reception there in the gym. like, i had not been there in 37 years and to feel that reception from those kids who seem to be so detached from me, but as you heard from the coaches there, they are, obviously, aware of what i'm doing for a living now because i'm on local radio and being on the nfl today really certainly has given me a high profile. i love my high school. i love my time there. i love my memorors therend certainly love the coaches and players there. >> boomer, your old team the bengals are currently undefeated, 7-0.
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game in the playoffs the last four years, they have lost. do you think it's different this year? >> i think it is difference this year. andy dalton, their quarterback, has grown into being the leader that they all expected him to be but they have been really healthy guys and big game tonight in instant. battle of ohio. johnny manziel is there for the cleveland browns. and it's just absolutely going to be a great, great, i think, atmosphere there at paul brown stadium. so i think this year is a year that they can really legimate make a run to the super bowl. >> boomer also undefeated are the broncos, patriots and the panthers. now being undefeated in a whole season is very, very rare. who has the best chance here? >> well, i would say right now it would be the broncos and the patriots. the patriots this is like deja vu all over again for them in the 201707 season. the broncos had the best performance last sunday night when they beat the green bay packers and the panthers have one of the great dynamic quarterbacks in all of football cam newton. three great teams and no question about that.
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i think right now the patriots and broncos are still head and shoulders above everybody else. >> let's talk about johnny manziel because he certainly had some issues off the field, you could say. last season you said you didn't think he was quite ready. do you think he is ready tonight? >> well, he is more ready this year than he was last year. when he played the bengals last year, he only threw for 80 yards and threw two interceptions. but he still has a personality. i think a lot of people in cleveland are looking forward to his performance tonight to see how he does against a very formidable team in the bengals. but i'm not so sure that he is, overall, mature enough just yet to take over an entire franchise. he is playing tonight simply because josh mccown is hurt and josh is a terrific older quarterback that was in the midst of having a pretty good - year for them. >> boomer, you reported that the new york jets asked the nfl to sweep the locker room of the patriots at gillette stadium last month and there have been conflicting reports subsequently about whether that is totally accurate it or not.
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what is it about the patriots that you call patriot paranoia that everybody has? >> well, first and foremost, it is accurate. in fact, the jets had two patriot employees nerinterrogated and i think the patriots are preeminent organization in the nfl. they have been on top of the heat now the last 13, 14 years and they have six super bowl appearances. in the nfl people don't like success, especially when it's sustained like that. then when you couple it with the deflategate and spygate and everything else there is a pair paranoia in the head of 30 other teams that work against them and it really gives the patriots an edge when they play in gillette. the patriots are not bugging any locker rooms. they don't have any cameras in there or anything else like that. i just think it's overblown simply because of the environment we are in now. >> they are getting inside of
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everybody's heads. tony robbins is here in studio 57, in the green room. he'll show us how dads can balance family and career and
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one specific time you're really shallow. >> oh, yeah. i got one. >> devils come out!
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>> what are you doing? banana hands? >> hang on. we got to jolt your nervous system. >> oh, yeah, i'm sorry. >> here's what i want you to do. just relax for a moment. >> all right. >> and i won't do it again. >> i didn't mean banana hands. >> that's okay. >> life and business strategist tony robbins is a very big man and he didn't help just shallow hal gain perspective. for more than three decades, some of the world's most successful people have turned to him for advice. his ted talk on finding fulfill fulfillment and finding our potential rack up 15 million views online. he helps millions reach their goals. tony robbins, we welcome you back to studio 57. >> good to see you. >> i want people to know, tony told us at the table in the past 21 days he's been in seven countries. you're in new york city. you pride yourself on helping people find their peak performance in all facets of
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their life. now tackling finding peak performance in our finances. >> yes. >> why was that a topic you wanted to delve into? >> only a few areas that affect the quality of your life, relationships, your body, energy, your emotions, and economics. and so i taught finance for a long time. in 2008, when i saw so many people losing half of all they developed their lifetime, their retirement, their homes, it wasn't statistics. i grew up in a tough environment. most people don't know but i coached paul tutor jones for 22 years every day. >> you got mad when you saw -- >> i got mad. i said, you know, i have access. i got to find solutions and i said, what if i could get to the 50 most successful financial people on earth who started with nothing and find out how they did it. i wrote the book. in doing it, i learned so much about the use that happens to the average person that it is mind boggling. >> you look into the fees that people pay at 401(k)s and most people don't know they pay a fee. >> most amazing thing.
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it is a $4.4 trillion industry that for 30 years they didn't tell you what they were charging you. 58% of the people don't think there are fees. fees matter and you're paying them. a 1% in fee because of the compounding over time costs you 10 years of retirement income. the average person thinks they're paying less than 1% or nothing, and they're paying 3.1%. that's 30 years of fees. i'll give you an example, if you have a 35-year-old person, they have a $100,000 and put it in the market and let it compound for 30 years until they retire, and they're paying 1% in fees, they have $761,000, which is a nice growth from that time. if you paid 3% of fees for the same stocks, you have $432,000. in other words, you have 76%
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more money if you have less fees, or the other view, 19 years less income. so people don't understand that fees matter. where do you want to put your money? most people are not stock experts. warren buffett, david swenson, took yale from 1 billion to 24 billion, they all say, you're never going to beat the index. 96% of all active mutual funds will never match the index. 4% make it. i'll find the 4%. if you play blackjack, you have
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>> good information. >> tony, right now -- >> all you go to do is show me the, the information in the company, it will spin out for you immediately where you are and your company has to, every year, benchmark against the bet. >> go ahead. >> yeah. >> most people -- >> break it down. >> most people, one in every three americans has a thousand dollars staffed for retirement. >> $1,000? >> $1,000. and so as a result, most people don't get started because they have no money. one metaphor i give people, if you took one night a week, instead of going out and had pizza instead and saved yourself $24, doesn't seem like much, but do that for a month, a year, that's $2,000. put that in the market growing at 8% over 40 years, have a half a million dollars. $500 million, from that one little thing alone.
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a little change in the marketplace -- >> gigantic difference. >> one thing all successful people have in common. i have you talking in the green room to stewart, what is the one thing all successful people have in common? >> hunger. there is a -- you know it, it is in your own life, anybody who is really successful and has an extended level of success, people hungry to lose weight, hungry to do something for a moment, people that haven't lost their hunger, always driven, want to learn more, give more, do more there is no greater gift than hunger. if you don't have it, you want to get it reignited. it makes us feel alive. >> tony robbins, thank you. i'm ravenous. you're watching "cbs this morning." we'll be right back. fety." dad: i'm on it. culligan man: dude. don't do it yourself. dad: no? culligan man: no.
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you get better water, and service you can actually count on.
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you get better water, and service you can actually count on. dad: hey, culligan man. culligan man: hey! dad: this is great! culligan man: i know. anncr: leave it to the experts. with a culligan whole-house water softening system, you get better water, and service you can actually that's it for us. we will be back tomorrow.
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watch our jeb bush was a very strong governor, probably the strongest governor in the history of the state of florida. he was a young guy
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and i think there were some folks in the legislature that thought they might be able to run over him. that didn't happen. one tax cut wasn't enough- he had to do more. it wasn't enough to have 15,000 kids with school choice in florida, he wanted to have 100,000 kids. if he didn't like a project, it was going to be vetoed. it didn't matter if you were a republican. it didn't matter if you were his best friend. he said: 'this is where we're going, this is how we're going to reform state government...' every politician comes in talking about making change, and generally there's not much change. but governor bush made a lot of changes. he got the nickname veto corleone. if he saw something in the budget that he thought violated his conservative principles, you could guarantee it was gonna get whacked. he vetoed a bunch of my stuff and i was the senate president. the message to washington, d.c., is 'get ready...' because there will be change.
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