tv CBS 2 News 10 CBS November 5, 2015 10:00pm-10:35pm CST
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lease on life.the plans cedar rapids city leaders are making for a historic landmark. landmark.and...what happened to mars?"i like to think of mars as a leaky bucket."the discovery the university of iowa made about the red planet., the corridor's top stories and tomorrow's weather forecast in the first ten minutes. this is cbs 2 news 10 at 10. testimony has ended in the murder trial against nicholas luerkens. he is accused of stabbing hy-vee parking lot in april., those closet to donald's killer, shared their views of his mental health. 2 news reporter dora miller has more from the final witnesses. witnesses. in day three of the hyvee stabbing trial, nicholas luerkens' family life came into focus.his brother and sister both testifying their brother needed help. help. "you could see the depression start to settle in nick's behavior." behavior." "he couldn't even
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feel, i believe."a family friend -- who also works with mental health patients --was the first to make a recommendation for committal to a mental institution. institution. "he seemed to get along with everybody, he was just like everybody else having a good time, then in 2/15, it changed. his intensity became different." but it was luerkens' best friend who says he almost made the call after an incident at the defendant's apartment. apartment."i told him i was gonna try and get him commited." why did you think that was something that needed to be told to him? "i was scared, that's my friend. i didn't want him to hurt myself."a forensic psychologist detailed luerkens' medical history -- calling his diagnosis a major depressive disorder...but when he was asked whether luerkens knew right from wrong when he committed the murder, the answer didn't work for the prosecution. prosecution. "if we accept for arguments sake, that this statement and the other statement recites ' think
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about ways to kill lynnsey, also ways to track her down,' wouldn't you consider that to be evidence of planng or premeditation?" "well, yea he was documenting what he was thinking at the time."the final comment of the trial came from a rebuttal witness -- a deputy sheriff who talked to luerkens during his recovery from surgery. surgery. "he looked up at me and he said 'officer, i know i f---ed up, i committed the ultimate crime." crime."the trial continues tomorrow at 11 a.m. where we hear closing arguments from the defense and prosecution. after that, it's in the jury's hands. covering the corridor in cedar rapids, dora miller cbs 2 news ten at ten. new tonight at was one hurt in a standoff in bremer county. county.authorities tell cbs 2 news it took three-and-a-half hours to get a man out of a all started at about 11-this morning in tripoli. deputies say a man was threatening to harm himself with a weapon.a viewer told cbs 2 news, residents were asked to stay inside their
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in university heights, a person who wasn't even on the ballot is the town's new mayor. mayor.weldon heitman earned enough write-in votes to defeat incumbent mayor louise from.more than half of all those registered in university heights turned out to vote. cbs 2 news is learning new developments in a black hawk county mayoral race., cedar falls mayor john crews announced he will leave office when his current term ends on december first. crews was running for his 16th term on tuesday and failed to pick up enough votes for an outright win. win.he was supposed to face jim brown in a run off election next month.under black hawk county rules, the runoff election must still take place.third candidate dave halterman, told the waterloo-cedar falls courier, he is considering a write in campaign. the stage at next week's g-o-p debate will be less crowded. crowded.chris christie and mike huckabee have been bumped from the main stage.both will appear in the under-card
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lindsey graham are completely cut from the line business network made the changes due to low polling numbers. numbers.we will have complete coverage of the week's political news this weekend. watch iowa in focus sunday morning at 10:30 on cbs 2. we all know iowa has the first in the nation caucuses during every presidential campaign. but do you know how it *really* works? works?in iowa city tonight, the league of women voters of johnson county held a meeting to better explain the process. their goal is to get more iowans to take part in the entire caucus process. "so we want to see if we can't get that voter participation up to represent the population." population."as of right now, both the democratic and republican caucuses are february first. now ten at ten continues with a look at tonight's other stories across the corridor. an iowa city hot spot,is hoping to attract more customers by sprucing up their
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store the city and the downtown district announced new guidlines for stores in the leaders hope the new rules will give owners ideas for attractive store fronts and branding.the downtown district hopes to have a final draft by thanksgiving and implement it next year. marion is one of the, best small cities in the entire country.wallet hub ranked marion as the 20th best out of nearly 13-hundred other earned high marks for affordable housing.the biggest room for improvement was found in the number of residents with a college degree and the number of millenials who choose to move from other communities. in cedar rapids, after three months of hard work, a group of up and coming businesses made thier big pitch in cedar rapids tonight. it's all part of launch day for the iowa startup accelerator.some of this year's pitches included goquets, swineguard, and caredrop, a health technology startup.hundreds of people, including commumnity partners and potential investors turned
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out to hear tonight's pitches. also in cedar rapids, the old science station building is finally getting a new lease on life.the city council approved a plan to modify the historic old brick fire station into commercial and office space. the project will cost an estimated 2-point-5 million to complete and add about 160-thousand dollars to the city's tax revenue. a university of iowa scientist is a part of a team from nasa that made a big announcement today about mars. mars.this time it's not only about what's on the red planet right now, but what used to be there, and why it was literally blown 2 news reporter marissa scott has the latest revelation revelationfrom the university of iowa. iowa. for years, scientists have wondered why and how mars' climate changed from warm and wet to cold, dry and desert- like.u-i associate professor jasper halekas says nasa's "maven" mission has now provided an answer. answer. "we're reporting that a significant amount of the
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atmosphere is being lost to space."halekas is one of several scientists studying mars.he says it all started 12 years ago when he was getting his ph.d at the university of california-berkeley. berkeley. "i happened to be at the right place at the right time." now, he says, the team can confirm that the sun's solar wind has been removing mars' atmosphere and changing its climate. climate. "the sun constantly puts out a stream of both sunlight and charged particles. charged particles flow out a million miles an hour. we call this the solar wind and it blows on mars and all other planets."he says one day mars may *not* have an atmosphere.although scientists say they know there are large amounts of carbon dioxide replenishing the atmosphere, it's not enough to replace what's being lost--making the future of mars unknown. "i like to think of mars as a leaky bucket. "it's not being lost at a constant rate. it's being lost in bursts."and because the red planet's atmosphere is thin,
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halekas says water freezes or evaporates quickly.--meaning nasa will need to find ways to face several challenges *if they decide to send humans to mars in the near future. covering the corridor, in iowa city, marissa scott, cbs 2 news. halekas says we don't need to worry about earth's atmosphere deteriorating anytime soon.he says earth's magnetic field helps protect our atmosphere from solar winds.he is concerned about our planet getting warmer and eventually becoming like venus--which has a ground temperature of 900 degrees. speaking of mars, nasa also is looking for a few good men and women who might wind up visiting the red planet.right now, the space agency currently employs 47 astronauts.nasa says it will start accepting applications next month. that is cbs 2 news ten at ten -- the corridor's top stories and tomorrow's weather first forecast in the first ten minutes. minutes.but we are just getting started.coming up... up...iowans have a 1 and 68
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the son of a polish immigrant who grew up in a brooklyn tenement. he went to public schools, then college, where the work of his life began -- fighting injustice and inequality, speaking truth to power. he moved to vermont, won election and praise as one of america's best mayors. in congress, he stood up for working families and for principle, opposing the iraq war, supporting veterans. now he's taking on wall street and a corrupt political system funded by over a million contributions, tackling climate change to create clean-energy jobs, fighting for living wages, equal pay,
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and tuition-free public colleges. people are sick and tired of establishment politics, and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather, an honest leader building a movement with you to give us a future to believe in. sanders: i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. tomorrow on cbs 2 this morning. it's a medical emergency you might think can only happen to adults. adults. why it can happen in kids too, and what parents need to look out for.that's
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damage to the data recorders, it could take another month to pinpoint the cause of the isis-affiliated group is claiming resposibility for the downing of the plane in the sinai peninsula.all 224 people on board were killed. cbs 2 news is learning stunning new developments in the death of officer joe gliniewicz. gliniewicz.months before he staged his suicide to look like a murder, investigators say gliniewicz tried to hire a hit man to kill a lake fox manager. manager.they say he tried contacting a high ranking gang member to put a hit on ann marrin.this was in response to her investigation into the spending habits of a youth program he led.officers found gliniewicz dead after he radioed for back up.that prompted an expensive manhunt for three alleged suspects. chicago police are asking the public to come forwardso they
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person who executed a 9- year-old boy.police say the killing of tyshawn lee was meant to send a message to his family.tyshawn's father, pierre stokes, is a known gang member. this killing is the latest in a string of gang-related violence plauging the city.he is now *not* cooperating with police.the boy will be laid to rest next tuesday. at the capitol capitolthere is new hope for defense and national security funding tonight. members passed a revised version of a comprehensive spending bill. president obama vetoed the last version of the bill.right now, the white house says it will review the wording of the new bill.the u-s senate is expected to vote on it in the coming days. also today, the house passed a six year highway funding bill. if passed by the senate and signed by the president, it would be the first new long-term highway plan in a decade.critics say the bill is insufficient to fund all of the nation's infrastructure needs.three of iowa's four delegates voted in favor of
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november is the worst month of the year for car, deer collisions in iowa.state farm insurance's annual study shows iowans have a one in 68 chance of hitting a deer this year. remember if you see one deer, there are likely more nearby. the insurance company suggests using high beams when there is no on coming traffic.they say scan the road, don't rely on devices such as deer whistles, and never veer for deer. iowa earned a "c" on the march of dimes premature birth report card. the report takes a look at premature births in iowa and around the world.15 million babies are born preterm worldwide and nearly one million of those die.the organization is now working to educate the public, which they say is key to bringing these numbers down. "i think this is a great change and improvement in it, because instead of just implying everything to the state, you can look at the different counties and see 'oh, on this report, maybe polk has a higher rate than
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johnson does' and we can work specifically on these different counties." counties." if you'd like to read the full report, we've put it on cbs 2 iowa dot com. it's football and it's fun -- still to come on cbs 2 the motto colby yoder brings to don bosco football -- our ed thomas coach of the week is next. next."cbs 2 news connects with
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email us a "you know nothing has changed, we are after winning national titles and individual titles and those guys have been good in the past and the same usual suspects are good this year as well." the stakes are always high with the iowa wrestling program -- this year -- as tom brands just said -- is no different -- it's championship or bust for the hawks -- who are ranked 4th in the preseason poll -- this team is a little different than last years -- iowa lost 9 letterwinners including 2 all-americans in mike evans and bobby telford - - so their leadership will be missed, but with 4 all- americans returning -- brands belives they can fill that leadership voild -- they just need to do it. "they have to develope a platform for leadership. people don't tend to listen to somebody who has a goose egg
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in the "w" column, they listen to the people that have a lot of notches on their belt, so to speak." speak.""benjiman franklin always said take care of everyone else by taking care of yourself first. and that's kind of how i veiw leadership. i'm going to take care of myself, i'm going to do what i need to do and if i'm doing what i need to do these guys are going to see it nand they are going to come along." the don bosco football team is the total package -- they score at will and they play great defense -- but more importantly this group has fun -- and that starts with their head coach -- colby yoder -- who pat moroney found out -- is all about the wins -- but more about the fun -- colby yoder -- our ed thomas coach of the week. week. at don bosco... they like to keep it loose... we've got a lot of goofballs... but it makes practice a lot of fun and.... ///.... if you can't have fun playing sports... then you shouldn't play 'em at all... coach colby yoder is the dons' goofball in charge... and his players he's in charge of are... cheeseballs, yeah... he calls us cheesballs... he likes cheeseballs... he always calls us cheeseballs
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and stuff like that... i do call 'em cheeseballs every once in awhile... those type of things... i have a lot of nicknames for the kids... and that positive energy has translated to results... don bosco's won 20 of their last 21 games... when you see guys celebrating on the field and hugging each other after a big score... that's all coach yoder... but there are some things yoder... doesn't take lightly... he really takes it into his hands to make sure we're doing good in school... he doesn't let us slack off in the classroom either... that's my main goal is to get kids graduated and get them on in life... ///... football and sports in general it's not all about winning... his dons are getting the message... and winning a few games along the way... coach yoder's just the type of coach that you always want to play for... it's hard to explain... he's just a hell of a coach... and the biggest goofball on the team... in gilbertville... pat moroney... c-b-s two sports... and don't forget to nominate your coach to be our ed thomas coach of the week -- just head to our website -- and fill out a nomination form -- remember
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it can be any coach at any level. stay with c-b-s two -terry has one last look at your forecast after the break. skies becoming dad: i'm on it. culligan man: dude. don't do it yourself. dad: no? culligan man: no. anncr: leave it to the experts. with a culligan whole-house water softening system, you get better water, and service you can actually count on.
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you get better water, and service you can actually count on. dad: hey, culligan man. culligan man: hey! dad: this is great! culligan man: i know. anncr: leave it to the experts. with a culligan whole-house water softening system, you get better water, and service you can actually after 20 years of people sticking their gum to the walls of an alley near seattle's pike place market, officials say it is time for a cleanup.known as the "gum wall", the sticky landmark has become a popular attraction to visitors and locals.a crew will use steam to remove the
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