tv CBS Morning News CBS November 18, 2015 4:00am-5:00am CST
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this morning." tonight from paris, the manhunt widens. the search is on for a second terrorist who got away. france launches more bombing raids against isis. secretary kerry tells us the u.s. and russia may join forces against the terror group. and how do you explain evil to the most innocent among us? a dad's tender words of wisdom. this is the "cbs overnight news." the president of france ordered a third round of attacks on isis targets tonight. inspired, he says, by the faces that don't leave his mind. the faces of the 129 killed in
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ththterror attacks, most of them under the age of 30. youth, he said, in all its diversity. the violinist from algeria, studying music at the sorbonne. the frfrch advertising executive who oncecettended the university of north texas. the architect from germany. the romanians who immigrated to paris to find a better life and found each other. tonight, france celebrates who they were and weeps for what they might have been. the search for the terrorists widened today, and elizabeth palmer is following the investigigion. liz. >> reporter: scott, the police say that tonight they're looking for a second man who got away. that would make him the ninth terrorist, and they say they spotted him inside a car on surveillance camera video very near the place where the clients of the restaurants and cafes were gunned down. first, a police robot moved in to examine this car abandoned on a paris street.
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then an officer broke in, arching for links to the terrorists. police are scouring europe for evidence that might lead them to salah abdeslam, the attacker who got away. but in brussels, his brother mohammed appealed to himim directly. "my advice to him is to turn himself in to the police," he said, "so justice can shed light on what happened." at this hotel in the paris suburbs, another p pce of the puzzle fell into place. it's where salah abdeslam and his co-conspirators are believed to have spent the two days before the attacks. police discovered it and dusted it for fingerprints on the weekend. when salah abdeslam reserved two rooms in this hotel, he did it with his own credit card and he used his own name, which suggests he wasn't the least bit concerned about leaving a trail for investigators. knowing what they were about to do, he probably didn't think he'd survive. and it's unclear why he did. but incredibly, in the
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massacre, he called some friends to come and pick him up. they drove him back to belgium, where he vanished. the police have also asked for help in identifying this man, one of the suicide bombers at the football stadium who came to france on a false syrian passport with a fake name. the picture, though, is accurate, and so the police say mebody's got to know who he is. >> elizabeth palmer, thank you, liz. in belgium, the hunt is focused on molenbeek, a suburb of brussels, there was a raid there tonight and allen pizzey is there. >> reporter:olice say the opererion tonight was not directly targeting anyone connected to the paris attacks. but it's clear they're intent on not letting anything slip through the net. they closed this bar for drug offenses three weeks ago, and now one of the owners, salah abdeslam, is the subject of an international arrest warrant for the paris attacks. his older brother was a suicide bomber there.
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this woman, whonly agreed to talk if her identity and voice were heavily disguised, knew them well. "there is no way i would have thought they were terrorists," she said. "quite the opposite. they ran a cafe where drugs were taken. they defended women who were dressed provocatively." how could they go from that to launching a terrorist attack? the suburb of molenbeek with it's mix of languages and cultures, is opaque to outsiders, a place where strangererand police are viewewe with suspicion. it also has connections to many of the major terrorist attacks in europe. the gunmen in the "charlie hebdo" massacre are believed to have bought guns here. so is the man who attacked the belgium jewish museum. and a gunman who was stopped by three americans for murdering passengers on a high-speed train to paris lived here for a while. for the police, figuring out how and why molenbeek breeds extremists is as impmptant as tracking them down and in the case of ones who committed the paris massacres, perhaps even harder. scott? >> allen pizzey, in belgium, thank you, allen.
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tonight, the u. is working to put together a ailitary alliance with russia and france in the war on isis in its syrian homeland. secretary of state john kerry told us he can foresee u.s. and ssian forces fighting alongside one another. kerry visited french president francois hollande today. hollande will meet in washington with president obama next week, and then with russian president putin. after meeting hollande today, kerry sat down with us. he calls isis by its arabic acronym, daesh. >> the basic strategy of destroying daesh's center, its core, which is what we did with al qaeda, is working, and al qaeda was diminished as an entity that had the ability to do w wt it did in 9/11 through the protracted effort in afghanistan and pakistan and elsewhere, in the arabian peninsula. and daesh sort of filled their void.
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>> we did that. >> now we have to do it to daesh. >> we did that with an enormous land invasion of afghanistan. you know better than anyone that never in history has an air campaign accomplished the goals that you just set out in this interview. >> correct, and there's no pretense here. president obama has never suggested. >> how do you root them out of syria? >> which is exactly what is beginning to happen now as the syrian arabs, the kurds and others move and earn back their capacity to be able to fight. they are currently full square in the fight to liberate r radi. it's a tough fight and they've lost over 200 people and 1200 wounded, but they're fighting and doing it. that's exactly what the strategy is. it m m take a little longer. it's tougher. who knows? but if we don't empower them to have the control over their communities, thewhen you leave, daesh will move right back in. and you wind up ininhis cycle.
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that's not where we want to go, and i think the president's on the right track to be able to take out daesh in a methodical, systematic way, which is going to i irease through the help of the russians, the french are now upping their involvement, and that's all to the better in terms of speeding up the process of taking them out. >> after paris, the question becomes do we have time to wait for that strategy to work, before we see this kind of thing in the united states? >> we are doing everything possible within the framamork of homeland security, and what we worry about is that for terrorists, if you're willing to die-- you want to strap a suicide vest around yourselfnd you want to walk into a crowd and blow yourself up -- you can choose almost anywhere to go do that. and everybody ulse who is in law enforcement trying to prevent it has to get every single e ing right all the time, 24/7, 365.
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that's a much tougher task. >> the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. almost sixty million americans are affected by mental illness. together we can help them with three simple words. my name is chris noth and i will listen. from maine to maui, thousands of high school students across the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. chris young: action teams of high school students are jojoing volunteers of america and major league baseball players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. carlos pea: it's easy to start an action team at your school so you, too, can get in on the action. get in on the action at 'cause you'll be in my heart yes, you'll be in my heart
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all: cbs cares! one day before the paris attacks, isis struck in lebanon, which is bursting with syrian refugees. twin suicide bombingngin beirut killed 43 and wounded more than 200. the victims were mostly from the shiite branch of islam. isis is the sunni branch. holly williams is followinthis from t tkey. holly, how significant was that attack in lebanon? >> reporter: scott, it was very significant. lebanon has been a war-torn country, but this was the worst terror attack in the capital irut in many years, , d it comes at a time when lebanon is especially fragile and the civil war raging just across the border in syria has played into those tensnsns, destabilizing
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on top of that, lebanon, which has a population of around four million people, has had an influx of over a million syrian refugees since the civil war began. >> paris has demanded the world's attention, but it's been at the expense of coverage like the story in lebanon. >> reporter: well, scott, that's true. and there's been a lot of criticism on social media coming from inside lebanon and other middle eastern countries asking why there wasn't more coverage of the attack in beirut. and some people have said thth it was racist, that what the western media was effectively saying is that european lives matter more than arab lives. and, scott, there is one very important point which is sometimes forgotten but which we have madadbefore and it's thisis isis has killed many more muslims than it has members of any other religious group, including christians. >> holly williams in turkey for us tonight. holly, thank youou
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isis has already claimed responsibility for blowing up the russian jetliner over egypt. well, today, the russians confirmed it was a bomb with a force equivalent to about two pounds of t.n.t. thahabrought the plane down. 224 were killed, mostly vacationing families. in retaliation today, russia fired cruise missiles from ships in the mediterraneanannd dropped bombs from planes on isis targets in syria. major american cities have been tightening security, and here is our homeland security rrespondent jeff pegues. >> reporter: around pennsylvania avenue in washington, it's not just the white house that is a potential terrorist target. it's also the restaurants, coffee shops, and publbl squares. the area has tight security, but even at midday, we didn't see any police presence. former assistant f.b.i. director ron hosko. >> there are simply not enough popoce, law enforcement t duty,
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off duty, hired security to cover every potential gathering spot where americans enjoy their liberty. >> reporter: in los angeles, depupu police chief michael downing says since the paris attacks, the l.a.p.d. has increased patrols and is working with the community to step up awareness ound soft targets. >> there are 45,000 private security guards in the los angeles area alone. there's 10,000 l.a.p.d. when you combine that with community members that are interested as well, we have some good leverage. >> reporter: but law enforcement officials say the best way to stop a suicide attack is having the right intelligence, and once an attack is under way, cutting down on the response time is key. that involves active shooter training developed after the columbine school massacre. move in and immediately neutralize the threat. t hosko says even a huge show
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>> is that going to stop a determined terrorist who sees only one thing -- jihad and martyrdom and mass carnage? i don't know that it's been known to stop that. >> reporter: it is not just los angeles that's relying on private security guards. scott, we also spoke with philadelphia's police commissioner who says they are as well. >> jeff pegues reporting. jeff, thank you. today, the republican leaders of the house and senate called on the president to stop accepting syrian refugees. we have moreren that from our congressional correspondent nancy cordes. >> it strikes me that we need to pause or a moratorium. >> reporter: it's no longer just the republican rank and filele senate leader mitch mcconnell and house speaker paul ryan both called for a halt today to the refugee program. >> this is a moment where it's better to be safe than to be sorry. >> reporter: but the administration isn't wavering
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from its plan to let in 10,000 syrians over the next year. white house officials insisted today one-on-one interviews are conducted with each potential refugee, something that didn't happen when the refugees arrived in europe earlier this year. officials add that just 2% of the 2,300 syrians let in so far are single males of combatatge. >> frankly, there are probably greater risks with passport- holding europeans. >> reporter: adam schiff is the top democrat on the house intelligence committee. what's wrong with taking a brief pause to make sure that the refugee program is as safe as possible? >> a refugee who is trying to come and find solace here in the ited states now, it's still going to be a year and a half before they get through the process. so adding further delay to that i don't think makes sense. >> reporter: but 27 of the nation's governors now say they'll try to deny refugees resettlement assistance. robert bentley is alabama's
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>> we're not going to allow them into the state of alabama. >> reporter: white house officials are holding a conference call with governors tonight while the f.b.i. director briefs members of congress here on capitol hill. it is a full court press from an administration, scsct, that has been crititized abroad for not taking in more refugees. >> nancy cordes on the story in washington. nancy, thank you. there's also breaking news tonight in the presidential race. republican bobby jindal, the governor of louisiana, is dropping out. jindal never got out of single digits in the polls. still ahead, the hunt for jsis in iraq. the "cbs overnight news" will be right it's the final countdown! the final countdown!
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isis has captured much of syria and iraq already, and it's using terrorism to expand its reach in those countries. charlie d'agata went along as kurdish troops huntetefor isis sleeper cells in northern iraq. >> reporter: on the outskirts of kirkuk, the anti-terror squad hoped to find four isis suspects. they've been under surveillance for a while. they are considered dangerous, and they don't know what to expect once they get there. the men spread out and surrounded the house.
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gate, weapons drawn. but it's not until the next house that they nabbed the first susuect, but he was alone. and the only information he would give them was his name. general sadar qadir told us the men are suspected of being among the gunmen who massacred as much as 1,700 army recruits when isis overran a military base in tikrit last year. now they're believed to be part of an isis sleeper cell plotting to attack civilian areas. the next location was a warehouse. men were ordered to face the wall and squat on the ground. back at the base, the general told us the tragic events in paris just showed that isis is a global enemy. "it's very sad," he said. "but there have been days where seven car bombs went off in kirkuk, and hundreds were
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killed, just like france." and although they captured two isis suspects overnight, tre are now two more on the run. these squads are out there day and night, scott, and the general told us because it is the aim of the terrorists to kill civilians, they pose a greater threat than the isis militants hihiforces face on the battlefield. >> charlie d'agata on the battlefield in northern iraq. charlie, thank you.
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will be ght back. back home, storms are heading g st tonight through arkansas, louisiana, and mississippi. the system spun off tornadoes yesterday, four in the texas panhandle. as many as ten in kansas where a number of homes were destroyed. and a fierce snowstorm dumped mo than a foot of snowown kansas and colorado. there was a bomb scare at a soccer stadium in germany today. turned out to be a false alarm, bubuthe match between germany and the netherlands was canceled. soccer was played in london as two rivals stood together. here's mark phillips. >> viva la france! >> reporter: when is a game more than a game? when the visiting team's anthem is the theme song of the night. when the national stadium of england is decorated in the colors and slogan of the old
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sporting enemy, france. when the game comes just four days after suicide bombers tried to blow themselves up in the crowd during another game in paris. but had to settle for detonating outside when they couldn't get in. when two members of the french team were directly affected by the attacks, lassana diara's cousin was killed. antoine griezmann's sister escaped from the bataclan hall massacre. when the heaviest security anybody can remember is set up around the stadium. it was the french who said they wanted this game to go ahead. the english not only agreed. they turned it into an exercise in solidarity. >> we here to support england, we're here to support frce. we're here to say yes to peace and no to terror. >> repepter: and when it wasas time for the anthems, instead of a competition between rivals, there was a singalong, the words to the french "marseillaise" put
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up on the scoreboard so the english fans could join in. and those two century-old french revolutionary lyrics about resistance to invasion and blood flowing seemed as relevant now as when they were written. the anthem's message of historic defiance resonates today and not just in france. the challenge, though, is how to turn that defiance into effective international action. but what mattered here was the sentiment. >> i cried, like, for two days, and i was dispirited. and now i'm here to support my country. and know that every country are behind us in this situation. >> reporter: the score in the game, 2-0, england. nobody cared. mark phillips, cbs news, london. >> there's no greater antidote
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pelley. . [ gunshots ] [ gunshots ] breaking news this morning. violence erupts in a paris suburb as police raid the suspected hideout of the mastermind of last week's terror attacks. it's wednesday, november 18, 2015. this i ithe "cbs morning news." good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. overnight, french police raided an apartment in a suburb of paris where suspects in last week's terrorist attacks were
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hold up. the target of the operation was the alleged mastermind of the attacks, abdelhamid ababoud. scores of heavily armed police were involved in the raid north of paris and jonathan vigliotti is in saint-denis with the tails. >> reporter: good morning. we're standing about three blocks away from where the early morning raid was carried out around 4:00 local time. still see the active scene behind me. police and military troops scouring the street for other possible suspects. french prosecutor is confirming one person killed identified as a female suicide bomber who we're told set off her suicide vest. five other suspects taken into custody, three inside the apartment, two outside on n e streets. their identities not confirmed.. police had reason to believe that the mastermind behind friday's attack was hiding
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inside. gunfire erupted in a paris suburb of saint-denis overnight where police believed the mastermind was hiding. residents heard explosions, some were evacuated, others told to stst indoors as heavily armed officers and s sdiers moved authorities think mastermind abdelhamid abaaoud was inside the apartment with several other heavily armed suspects. lice began searching for a second man who they say slipped away after the carnage. authorities reportly spotted him on surveillance video in a car with two other attackers who opened fire on customers at a bar. e brother of one of the suspected attackers is appealing for him to come forward. my advice to him is to turn himself into the police, he said, so justice can shed light on what happened. saint-denis is just over a mile from the soccer stadium targeted
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by three suicide bombers. secretary of state john kerry says attacks on so-called soft targets like these pose yet another challenge fothe fight against isis. >> for a terrorist, if you're willing to die, you can choose almost anywhere to go do that. and everybody else who is in law enenrcement trying to prprent it has to get every single thing right all the time 24/7, 365. that's a much tougher task. >> reporter: and we are back here live again three blocks away from where the early morning raid was carried out and where ririt now the search for more suspects very much real and active this morning. police break through the barrier where we are in the search for and we've already seen the barrier stretch over to our left as that ongoing search continues this morning. >> can you tell me more about the area, saint-denis? >> reporter: the neighborhood is center of paris, pretty close to
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attacks took place. been the focus of these police raids in the past 48 houou. hundreds of raids have been carried out throughout the country including in this very location. as far as the intelligence tha led police to this particular area and to that flat behind us, still unclear. that we have spoken with said they woke up to explosions and to gunfire and again right now still very much an active site. unclear ririt now if other raids are being carried out behind me as we speak. >> looking at the video, it's clear that this is a major, major police and almost military operation. but it's also a place where a lot of people live. what has it been like for the people who call this area home? >> reporter: yeah, you can imagine how hectic it's been. we've only had the opportunity through all the chaos here to he speak with just a handful of people. we spoke with one person, a father and his son, who said they woke up to those explosions
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and quickly hid under their bed. you can imagine the fear andhe tension here this morning. and really throughout the the mastermind, abdelhamid abaaoud, was believed to be in syria, but now with everything that is unfolding, it's obviously believed that he may be here and possibly one of the suspects that was found inside. of course there is another person in all this, salah abdeslam, one of nine attackers involved in friday's attack and one of two still on the run. so as the search continues to widen, three suspects within france's border, you can imagine right here in this very block where this seems to be the latest of all of this, a lot of tension continuing. >> i can only imagine now. jonanaan vigliotti, thank you so much. we'll have the very latest from saint-denis on the raid related to last week's terroristttacks in paris coming up on "cbs this morning." now overnight, two air france flights headed from the u.s. to paris were diverted following anonymous bomb threats.
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one en route from los angeles landed safely in salt lake city, the other took off from dulles international outside washington, d.c. and landed in halifax. there were just under 500 passengers on the flight that landed in utah. the fbi says no evidence of a bomb was found. the investigation in canada is under way. the air campaign in syria intensified since russia found evidence a bomb destroyed a russian airliner over egypt. bombers and cruiseissiles hit suspected d rgets including raqqah. vladimir putin vowed to hunt down those responsible for destroying the jet. and a soccer match in germany was called off because of a bomb threat. the match between germany and the netherlands in hannover was canceled 90 minutes before kickoff. angela merkel was due to attenen but was not at the stadium. no arrests were made and no
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explosives found. a jazz concert was also canceled. and the house is expected to vote on legislation to temporarily close u.s. borders to syrian refugees as early as tomorrow. pressure is building following the paris attacks while the administration is defending its plan to admit 10,000 syrians next year. don champion is here in new york with the latest. >> good morning. emotions are high and the rhetoric is hot. president obama characterizes efforts to bar syrian refugees from the u.s. as offensive, but republicans and now even some democrats say it's time to circle the wagons. >> this is a moment where it's better to be safe than to be sorry. so we think the prudent, the responsible thing is to take a pause in this particular aspect of this refugee program in order to verify that terrorists are not trying to infiltrate the refugee population. >> reporter: republican
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syrian refugees. even as the administration defends the vetting process they claim the refugees are not being thoroughly investigated. lawmakers are having second thoughts. chuck schumer said a pause in taking the syrians may be necessary. in the philippines, president oboba lashed out at efforts to >> they're scared of widows and states of america as part of our tradition of compassion. apparently referring to remarks by new jersey governor chris christie who said orphans under the u.s. and on the campaign trail, donald trump charges the obama sending syrian refugees to states led by republican governors. trump also says religion plays@a role as to who is allowed into >> the hardest thing you can do is be a christian in syria and
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come into the united states. one of the easiest places in the entire world to come into the united states from is syria if you're a muslim. >> some refugee advocates compare the reaction against allowing the syrians into this cotry to placing japanese americans into interment camps during world war ii and the u.s. government turning away jews fleeing nazi germany. >> don champion here in new york, thank you so much. well, the midwest and pacififinorthwest are facing the threat of severe weather. a storm system stretching across the middle of the country could bring flooding along with blizzard conditions to the plains. the northwesescould see damaging winds and rain. three people are dead in falling trees brought down by gusts hit 70-mile-per-hour in spokane, a tree crushed the roof of a car, but the driviv inside was pulled out safely. the winds knocked down power
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people are in the dark. and storms left a trail of damage in memphis, tennessee. wind peeled the roof off an apaptment complex, one section hung down from an upper story. huge chunks littered the yard between the buildings. heavy winds closed roadsdsest of little rock and the storm pulled trees from the ground knocking down power lines. debris littered the street. a massive tree briefly trapped a homeowner inside. coming up on the "morning news," we will take you back to france as police there close in on terror suspects in an overnight raid. this is the "cbs morning news." suspects in an over overnight raid. this is the "cbs morning news."t a cough. you'd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone e se. new robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to twelve hours. new robitussin 12 hour cough relief.
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tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, and decreases in your white blood cells. the most common side effects are flushing and stomach problems. tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, y other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the us, at talk to youruroctor about tecfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. taking another look at our top story this morning, an ongoing standoff in a parisian suburb, it all started as a raid targeting the suspected mastermind of friday's paris attacks. police stormed an apartment where they believe abdelhamid abaaoud was hold up.
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several explosions were heard. at least two people were killed, including a woman who police say blew herself up. at least five people are in custody. there is no word on whether abaaoud was killed, arrested or if he was even in the apartment. we'll continue tcheck back on this developing story. on the cbs "moneywatch," a dietary supplement maker faces criminal charges and the fed chair says no to more oversight. hena daniels is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. >> good morning. fed chair janet yellen strongly opposes republican sponsored legislation to increase oversight over the federal reserve. yellen called the proposal, quote, significantly flawed and a grave mistake detrimental to the economy. the legislation would require the fed to use a mathematical formula to determine interest rates and place restrictions on the fed's ability to make emergency loans. the house could vote on n e matter this week.
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a late afternoon slump wiped out early gains here on wall street and stocks finished just about where th started. the dow jones industrial gained 6, the s&p&post 2 and the nasdaq finished 1 point higher. criminal charges against a company for intentionally mislabeling its productsts six executiviv of dallas based usp labs were also charged. previously the company had been ordered to a recall dietary supplement pill known as oxy elite pro because of its links to liver damage. they say usp falsified labeling and marketing materials and sold products regardless of the safety risks. big changes to american airlines frequent flyer program. beginning in the second half of next year, members will earn award miles based on how much money they spend on a ticket as opposed to how far they fly. american advantage members will receive five miles for every
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fees. >> all right. hena daniels at the new york stock exchange, thank you very much. still to come, police shooting protests. demonstrators in minneapolis gather for a third straight night demanding answers in the deadly shooting of a black man and we're following developments outside paris where police are in a standoff with suspects in the terror attacksks paris where police are in a standoff with suspects in the terror attacks. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. in fact, it whitens more than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff. whiten more just by brushing. when your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... need the power of... new theraflu expressmax. the power to feel better.
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taking another look at our top story this morning, an ongoing standoff in a parisian suburb, it all started as a raid targeting the suspected mastermind of friday's paris attacks. police stormed an apartmtnt where they believe abdelhamid abaaoud was hold up. at least two people were killed, including a woman who police say blew herself up. at least five people are in custody. there is no word on whether abaaoud was killed, arrested or if he was in the apartment. we'll contntue to check back on n this developing g ory. an airline passenger is restrained after disrupting a flight and ptesters gather again in minneapolis over the deadly police shooting of a man. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. the minneapolis star tribute
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reports two officers involved in the deadly shooting of a black suspect agreed to speak to state investigators. police shot jamar clark sunday after they say he attacked his girlfriend and tried to stop paramedics from treating her and then he fought with officers. witnesses say clark was handcuffededhen he was shot. the state bureau of f iminal apprehension superintendent says that claim is under investigation. >> there was handcuffs at the scene at the time and we're still examining whether or not they were on mr. clark or whether or not they were just at the scene. that's what we're trying to assert. >> the shooting led to days of protests including this one last night outse the city's police department. and the "new york times" reports two advisers to ben carson's campaign say he's struggling to master foreign policy. in the past week carson wrongly asserted that chcha has intervened in syria. he also failed to name te countries that could form a coalition to fight isis. one adviser, former cia
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expressed frustration about carson's lack of mastery, in a statement the carson campaign distanced itself. mr. clarridge is an older man who had an amazing career. he is not our foreign policy adviser and he would have no personal knowledge of who or whenenr. carson is briefed. and the boston herald reports on a drunk passenger who was restrained on a flight from london to boston. the polish woman is charged with interfering with the flight crew. police say she tried to open an exit door mid-flight after she wasn't allowed to smoke an ecigarette on board. up next, we will take you back to france where a massive raid overnight targeted the suspected mastermind in the paris terror attacks. mastermind in the paris terror attacks. right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. wiwiout it the virus sprprds from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately
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the country. returning to our top story this morning, a raid in a parisian suburb targeting the suspected mastermind of last week's terror attack. for the latest, let's go to jonathan vigliotti in saint-denis. >> reporter: again, we're about three blocks away from where the early morning raid was carried out. police and troops continue to scour the streets for other possibib suspects. the headlines here, five people taken into custody, one person was killed, a female suicide bomber. we're also told five police officers were injured. the identities of those taken into custody at this point still unclear. but police say they have reason to believe that the mastermind behind friday's attacks was hiding inside. >> and we will have much more on the raid coming up on "cbs this
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a look this morning at the parisi suburb where an overnight raid targeted the mastermind of last week's attacks. at least two people were killed, including a woman who blew herself up. the neighborhood is not far from the soccer field where some of the attacks occurred. jonathan vigliotti is there. is this still a pretty active scene? >> reporter: you can see just how active it is still behind me. we have seen dozens of police officers and military troops here on the streets. at one point, twice actually we should point out they broke through the barriers that we're standing in front of right now. we assume they were looking for a person of interest after about 15 minutes or so of chasing
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actually went to the left. all of this after five people earlier today around 4:00 this morning were taken into custody and of course the french prosecutor saying this all started off as a female suicide bomber detonated a vest. this all unfolding as police continue their 48 hours now and counting of raids over 300 raids that they conducted, many of them focused in this specific area. >> jonathan, you mentioned five people in custody. do we know if they were all in the apartment and with the alleged suicide bomber blowing there were any injuries among the police? >> reporter: yeah, so two we'll start with the police. we are hearing reports right now that five police officers were injured. the extent of their injuries at this point still unclear. going to now the suspectctand taken into custody, not clear if apartment at the time. what we can say for sure,
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though, three people, three men, were taken into custody inside the apartment, we're told by police and by the prosecutor that a man and a woman were taken in custody outside of the apartment. the identities of all of these people at this point still unclear as the investigation continues. of course what police are really focusing on right now is if abdelhamid ababaud, the maststmind of the attacks, was among those inside. if so, we expect to hear a lot more in the hours to come. saint-denis. neighborhood is look? neighborhood, it's a pretty that we spoke with. of course today a much more chaotic scene. this neighborhood has definitely been the focus of many of these raids over the past 48 hours. as i was telling you, about 300 raids have been conducted, a number of those conducted here. and of course earlier this morning, that's when this raid was triggered by that gunfire and by that suicide vest that
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went off. again, though, very active this morning as the investigation continues. >> all right. jonathan vigliotti in saint-denis, thank you very much. you can follow the latest developments on your local news and on "cbs this morning." that is the cbs morning news oig for this wednesda thanks for watching.
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