tv CBS2- This Morning CBS November 19, 2015 6:00am-7:00am CST
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right now on cbs 2 this morning...the latest information about the rara in a paris suburb yesterday -- and why we still don't know if police got their main targets. the corridor mayor who's defying the governor's refusal to take in refugees -- and what some of his residents have to say about it. the rare charge one eastern iowa man is facing after a bar fight nearly a year ago. welcome to cbs two this morning...i'm kevin bbarry. d'ambrosio.
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a follow up p the deadly raid in a north paris suburb, french authorities say the suspected mastermind of last week's attacks was *not one of the 8 arrested, but could be ong the dead. least two people were killed during the raid on wednesday.this morning -- authorities don't exactly know who they are -- but they are using d-n-a tests to try to figure it out.a french prosecutor is alsoacking away from a statement his office made that one ofofthe dead was a woman who set off an explosive vest.police are still searching for two suspects who were involved in last friday's attacks -- and the man who they b%lieve planned them, abdelhamid abaaoud. is has released a new propaganda video -- threatening attacks on new york city. the clip are various shots of manhattan, including
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timesquare and herald square. the new york police department says they are aware of the video, a a note there's no specific or credible threats to the city.however, the n-y-p-d is continuing to work with the f-b-i and will deploy additiwnal counter-terrorism teams throughout new york. experts believe the video has more to do with attracting new members, than actually issuing a threat. isis also released new images of what they claim is the bomb that took down the russian metro-jet plane over egypt last month.the picture shows a soda can, a wire and what appears to be a switch.the plane crash killed all 224 peopleon board.earlier this week, russian officials said the plane was downed by a bomb, and offered a 50 million dollar reward for information on those who brought it down. one issuthat continues to - cause a stir back here in the unitit states, is the debate over whether t t country should welcome syrian refugees. corridor mayor says he's willing to accept them into his city without's in response to governor terry branstad's
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refugees into iowa.swisher's mayor -- christopher taylor -- signed a proclamation saying he'll help out.the mayor says it's part of our duty as humans -- and americans. " " you want to face it from a position of fear and suspicion or do you want to face it from a stance of neighborliness, hospitality, welcomininfolks in and i think that's what swisher's all about." about."the mayor's position isn't really sitting well with some 2 news spoke with some people living in swisher -- who don't think 'd be a great idea. "i don't want my family, your family or the mayor's family to be impacted like the families were in france this weekend." weekend." "a lot of peoeoe were at war with the people in that region now and there's gonna be a lot of prejudices against them and it's just not a safe environment for anybody." anybody."mayor taylor says he does *not have a solid plan for housing the refugees -- but he says he's willing to figure it out.
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cbs 2 news contacted the governor's office about the mayor's decision.they told us - quote- "gov.v.branstad believes that iowa must continue to have compassion for others but also must maintain the safety of iowans and the security of our state." a new bloomberg poll shows most americans side with the momoly republican governors in halting the program to accept syrian refugees in the u-s.the poll found 53-percent of americans don't want them resettled in the united stat. 2828ercent said it should d proceed... without religious screening.another 11 percent said only christians fleeing isis and syria's civil war should be allowed in.the results were split along partisan lines. the house of representatives is set to vote today on a bill that would beef up background checks for syrian and iraqi refugees.president obama is vowing to veto that legislation if it reaches s desk -- it is expected to pass in the house.the white house says that type of measure would introduce "unnecessary and impractical requirements" for refugees coming to the u.s.
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many gathered to remember the victims of terrorism. organizers say they were inspired by the outpouring of support for terror victims on social media in recent days. they say the vigil wasn't only for the people killelein friday's attack in paris -- but also for victims of terror attacks in syria -- lebanon and central africa. new this morning - waterloo police are now investigating a pair of shootings. shootings.around 9-30 last night officers responded to ray's market on franklin street for a report of an armed robbery.someone shot a gun in the store t nobody was hurt.police could not say if any cash or items were stolen. stolen.just moments later - officers went to the intersection of west 8th street and leavitt street for a shooting report man suffered a gunshot wound, but should be okay.right now - police arereot saying ififhe shootings are connected. an eastern iowa felon has been jailed while he faces a federal hate crime stemming from a fight outside of a bar last winter. winter.randy metcalf was in federal court wednesday in cedar rapids for an initial
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complaint says he repeatedly stomped on a black man during a racially motivated bar fight in dubuque last january.the complaint alleges he used racial slurs in the bar before the fight.dubuque police tell cbs 2 news a hate crime charge is rare, but when it does happen, it brings more jail time if convicted. right now -- a coralville man accused of ofkidnapping his 10-year-o-o stepepughter is back in jail this morning.court documents say 49-year-old kenneth johns was convicted of two counts of child endangerment and sentenced to time a plea deal -- kidnapping and d other charges were dropped. authorities say since he violated parole -- he's now heading back to prison to serve up to 71 years for crimes committed in four counties. counties.johns has maintaiaid that he took the girl from her solon home to get her away from her abusive mother. mother.shelly johns is the girl's mother -- she pleaded guilty to child endangerment charges back in april. in cedar rapids... is still going on to ededate residents about a two-year old program. stands for
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secure and friendly environments in cedar rapids. last night, program leaders met with the public to help them understand what that memes, and to discuss some proposed changes to tackle problem properties.there's also new wording designed to protect those that come forward.the city council will vote on those changes in the near future. 's after the e break... break...the one restaurant combining two favorite american food trends.
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a restaurant in california is boasting that it's one of a kind.'s bringing togeth two favorite culunary styles under one roof. roof.don ford shows how this san fransisco spot will get the healthy food to you quickly. quickly. natsa&(ordering) "how you doing today? good!"looks like just another fast food lunch placea&but it's noterica welton - founder organic coup, "we were shocked to learn that we were america's first organic fast food."all the food and all the drinks are certified organica&meaninga& erica welton - founder organic coup, "no gmos, no antibiotics, no added hormones and no synthetic chemicals or pesticides."hope you like
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attraction herea&prepared in a wrapa&ah bowla&natsa&and as a classic burgera&bring your walleta&the organic chicken burger is nearly nine dollarsa&helps keep the staff happya&erica welton - founder organic coup. "we're starting at fourteen dollars an hour. [fourteen dollars ah hour??] fourteen dollars an hour so, we're very disruptive to the fast food industry." natsa&"delicious reallya&" pricy or nota&nats cash h drawer customers like what they are gettinga&mos 1 "who doesn't like fried chicken?'mos 2 (kid) perfect! right up my alley."mos 3 "i try to avoid fast food! [what are you doing here?] uha&getting a quick meal."no plastic bottled water eithera&comes in tiny milk cartonsa&and in case you forgota&everything is "organic" "organic" and "organic"!stand up close, don ford - pleasanton, "i know what you're ththking, like me you're asking, how can a legitimate fasasfood place operate without fries? not to worry they say, they have this thing in the works called a"
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welcome back -- it's now we're taking a look at your_______ your_______ the international community has shown major support to france, following the deadly atatcks last week in paris. paris.businesses have also been stepping up in the wake of the attacks.mary moloney talks about the ways companies are trying to pitch in, in this morning's consumer watch. watch. (nats)as parisians opened their homes to those who had been displaced by the terror attacks in paris... air-b-n-b took note.the online acation
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rental service set up a page providing urgent paris accommodation in the days following the attacks.the site waived all service fees to those affected.several cellular services followed suit.t-mobile and verizon both offered free calling and texting from the u-s to france...and sprint waived long-distance fees on calls and texts for all sprin boost and virgin mobile service skype made its phone and video calls to france free of charge for an undisclosed amount of time. google also tweeted that calls to france would be free via its hangout application. facebook launched several features --in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, the social media giant activated 'safety check'... enabling people in the vicinity to notify friends and family they were was the first time safety check had been activated during a situation other than a natural disaster. facebook also introduced a function allowing users to overlay a french flag on their profile picture.other companies made symbolic gestures --amazon changed the top half of its website to a banner displaying the french
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"solidarite."groupon... reddit... and apple's french site all incorporated the flag into their logos.and google posted a black ribbon on its homepage.for consumer watch, i'm mary moloney. it's coming up next... next...the special way one teacher starts his class every day. your cbs 2 the cbs two community calendar is brought to you by collins
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here's a look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... in north liberty -- the public came out to talk about a big change for the growing community.state transportation officials s e looking at adding a second interchange from interstate 380 into the town.the new on and off ramps would be built on forever- green road.right now -- there's no timetable to start or finish the proposed work on the south side of north liberty. the cbs 2 news team will be out ringing the salvation army bells today!you can help us raise money for families in need ts holiday season.we'll be at the first avenue fareway
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here in cedar rapids.crew members s will be there from 10 this morning until six tonight. and don't forget the iowa high school football championship games start can watch all the games on our sister station fox 28.don bosco will play in the 8-man championship today at 10-a-m. gladbrook reinbeck plays for the class a title at 1-thirty. a special education teacher from jacksonville florida has gained f fe online for how he starts his classroom every day. day.chris ulmer gives every one of his students a compliment at the beginning of class.this video has been posted showing how he does it and it's q qckly spread online. online. he says his classroom has
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enviroment because of this new practice.he's seen his students confidence and self worth sky rocket. and now he's seen his students $& start to compliment each other consistently and help eachother. it's still to come... one midwestern city is making sure *parents get the message when their kids
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right now on cbs 2 this moing...the winddamage some eastern iowa communities are waking up to after strong gusts blew through yesterday. the newest information from minneapolis overnight where tensions between protesto and police increase each day. the problems wa farmers could face even after they've harvested a healthy crop. welcome to cbs two this morning...i'm kevin bbarry. barry.and i'm kelly d'ambrio. ambrosio.
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before our real first taste of winter weather -- a wind storm left damage throughout the corridor. it was a very windy day on wednesday -- some people found damage in one corridor town. town.very heavy winds bent flag poles and even knocked down a treonto cars and tore roofs off in marengo.the national weather service confirmed it was part of a microburst storm, which can have winds of up to 85 miles per started in the early morning hours wednesy. the marengo police chief said he had an officer on patrol during the peak hours. he heard a big gust of wind kind of noisy and everything. he said it was probably, maybe 20 seconds or so lasting sounding like large hail hitting the office here.
6:19 am marengo business owner whose roof was blown off says they aren't sure they will be able to rebuild until spring. this morning clean up is underway after powerful winds tore thrhrgh washington state, which is right now under a state of emergency. emergency.for a second straight day -- schools will be closed again today in spokane. spokane.three people were killed by falling trees.winds sometimes topped 100 miles per hour.crews are working to clear at least 175 fallen trees blocking streets while also dealing with more han a foot of sno[ in some parts of the state. and how's this for one of the first snow-falls of the year.a town in kansas is clearing **20 inches of snow!national guard teams were out all day yesterday looking for stranded cars.with temperatures well ove freezing -- the snow started melting causing slick roads, and many road closures. back in the corridor corridora lot of farmers are getting ready for the first snowfall of the season. one farmer who spoke to one farmer who o oke to cbs 2 news says he just finished harvesting his crops last week and it was a very good year. but the
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market prices for corn and soybeans are down. there are several reasons for the price decline, including high yields the last couple of years. o we've kind of got a lot of things on the demand side, that are working against us on this crop that we just got done harvesting couple that with better-than-expected yields in a lot of places throughout the midwest, it's kind of like two trucks running into each other so to speak" speak"that has a lot of farmers *storing their crops, and waiting until the market bounces back to sell. just to give you some perspective - kirk says a "break-even" point for corn fmers is between 4-20 and 4-40 a linn county yesterday, it closed at 3-61. cbs 2 news has learned an iowa city church, will keep fighting the construction of the chaunce june, inity iscopal church filed a lawsuit to keep the 15-story project from moving forward. the historic church sits across the street from the proposed building site.a judge
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struck down the suit in october and now the church is moving forward with an appeal. the church says rezoning the property goes against the city's comprehensive plan. new this morning -- protests escalated overnight in minneapolis, minneapolis,and some police officers even suffered minor injuries last night after being hit by watetebottles and rocks. rocks.protesters were out after the death of jamar clark -- who was shot and killed by police on sunday.protesters last night tried to block the entrances to precint headquarters.authorities said they used pepper spray to get rid of the protesters.the city's mayor and police chief were both urging officers to use restraint and demonstrator s to act man n was arrereed for slashing the tires of an unmarked squad car. california authorities have seized more than five-hundred weapons from the he of a man who isn't upposed to have any. any.ey raided 59-year-old albert sheakalee's two homes -- and found 541 guns and thousands of rounds of
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health block list -- and had the guns illegally. illegally. sheakalee was a federal firearms dealer before his license was revoked in 2014. a small town in wisconsin is tackling the issue of bullying, by fining the accused bully's parents.the town of plover recently passed a city ordinance that would fine parents 124 dollars if police determine their child has bullied someone multiple times within 90 days.the town's police chief says the best way to make an impact on kids, is in their home. "it's not the school's responsibility to raise the kids. it's the school's job to teach the kids. it's not the police's job to raise your kids. it's the parents job to raise the kids." kids."police say the first offense, warrants a warning, that way officers could provide help to parents who don't know what to far, in the few weeks it's been in effect, there have been n complaints.
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here's a look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... in north liberty -- the public came out to talk about a big change for the growing community.state transportation officials are looking at adding a second interchange from interstate 380 into the town.the new on and off ramps would be built on forever- green road.right now -- there's no timetable to start or finish the proposed work on the south side of north liberty. tobacco users all over the country today will be taking
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another step towards quitting. the great american smoke out is held every third thursday in november with the hope that it becomes the target date for people to kick the cedar rapids - there will be an event tonight where people can learn more about available resources to help them starts at 5-30 at saint wenceslaus church. you can help a pair of cedar rapids sports teams help local people in need today.the rampage and titans are holding their annual "stuff the bus" food drive.from seven to six today - players and coaches will be at the wal-mart on 29th ave south-west accepting both food donations and hygiene products.all donations go to way-poininservices. good morning, it's on this morning, we'll have a look at some of today's top stories, right
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jeb bush: leadership means you've got to be all in. it's not about yappin'. it's not abobo talking. it's abobo doing. i know how to do thihibecause i was prprileged to serve in florida for eight years. and we turned the systems upside down that weren't working. 1.3 million new jobs were created. we cut taxes every year. income rose in people's pockets. people were lifted out of poverty. children started to learn. as president of the united stat, i pledge to you that i ll solve problems. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the
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weweome back -- it's now we're taking a look at your_______ your_______ breaking news this morning, morning,french authorities say the mastermind of the paris attacks last friday, , abdelhamid abaaoud, was killed in a police raid yesterday in saint denis. least one other person was killed during the raid on wednesday.prosecutors say they identified them based on skin samples.we'll contntue to give updates to this
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developing story on our sister station fox 28 and on the cbs 2 news at noon. isis has released a new propaganda video -- threatening attacks on new york city. city.iithe clip are various shots of manhattan, including times square and herald square. the new york police department says they are aware of the video, and note there's no specific or credible threats to the city.however, the n-y-p-d is continuing to work with the f-b-i and will deploy additional counter-terrorism teams throughout new york. experts believe the video has more to do with attracting new members, than actually issuing a threat. isis also released new images of what they claim is the bomb that took down the russian metro-jet plane over egypt last month.the picture shows a soda can, a wire and what appears to be a switch.the e plane crash kikied all 224 people on board.earlier this week, russian officials said the plane was downed by a bomb, and offered a 50 million dollar reward for information on those who brought it down. one isise that continues to cause a stir back here in the united states, is the debate over whether the country
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sxould welcome syrian refugees. corridor mayor says he's willing to accept them into his city without's in esponse to governor terry branstad's opposition to accept syrian refugees into iowa.swisher's mayor -- christopher taylor -- signed a proclamation saying he'll help out.the mayor says it's part of our duty as humans -- and americans. "do you want to face it from a position of fear and suspicion or do you want to face it from a stance of neighborliness, hospitality, welcoming folks in and i think that's what swisher's all about." about."the mayor's position isn't really sitting well with some 2 news spoke with some people living in isher -- who don't t ink it'd be a great idea. "i don't want my family, your family or the mayor's family to be impacted like the families were in france this weekend." weekend." "a lot of people re at war with the people in that region now and there's gonna be a lot of prejudices against them and it's just not a safe
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environment for anybody." anybody."mayor taylor says he does *not have a solid plan for housing the refugees -- but he says he's willing to figure it out. cbs 2 news contacted the governor's office about the mayor's decision.they told us - quote- "gov. branstad belies that iowa must continue to have compassion for others but also must maintain the safety of iowans and the security of our state." a syrian refugee family moving to the u-s this week, will now be living ababt 800 miles awawa from where they thought they were moving. moving.that's because the family was supposed to settle in indiana, but the governor banned syrian refugees from the experts have suggested governors don't have the authority to block thihi type of move.but the organization handling this particular case, said they didn't want to fight it, so they found them a home in connecticut. "push back and say this is not ok, but it w w too quick of a time period, and we did not want this family caught in the middle of that. you can't come here because our state government has said you're not
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painful."the family has been waiting since 20-12 to be resettled in the u-s, and was scheduled to arrive in indianapolis today. in iowa city last night, many gathered to remember r e victims of terrorism. organizers say they were inspired by the outpouring of support for terror victims on social media in recent days. they say the vigil wasn't only for the people killed in friday's attack in paris - but also for victims of terror attacks in syria -- lebanon and central africa. new this morning - waterloo police are now investigating a pair of shootings. shootings.around 9-30 last night officers esponded to y's market on franklin street for a report of an armed robbery.someone shot a gun in the store but nobody was hurt.police could not say if any cash or items were stolen. stolen.just moments later - officers went to the intersection of west 8th street and leavitt street for a shooting report man suffered a gunshot wound, but should be okay.right now - police are not saying if the shootings are connected. an eastern iowa a lon has been jailed while he faces a
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federal hate crime stemming from a fight outside of a bar last winter. winter.randy metcalf was in federal court wednesday in cedar rapids for an initial appearance.a criminal complaint says he repeatedly stomped on a blacacman during a racially motivated bar fight in dubuque last january.the complaint alleges he used racial slurs in the bar before the fight.dubuque police tell cbs 2 news a hate crime charge is rare, but when it does happen, it brings more jail time if convicted. it's now on this morning. morning.we'll take a look at the three stories you need to know about before you head out
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people are sick anantired of establishment politics, ananthey want real changng [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather. he's taking on wall street and a corrupt politicasystem that keeps in place a rigged economy. bernie's campaign is funded byover a million contributions -- people like you, who see the middle class disappearing and want a future to belelve in. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. look at the top three stories that you nene to know to start your thursday morning. morning.french authorities say
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attacks last friday, , abdelhamid abaaoud4 was killed in a police raid yesterday in saint denis.prosecutors say they identified them based on skin samples.we'll continue to give updates to this developing story on our sister station fo28 and on the cbs 2 news at noon. the hohoe of representatives is set to vote today on a bill that would beef up background checks for syrian and iraqi refugees.president obama is vowing to veto that lekislation if it reaches his desk -- it is expected to pass in thehehouse.pass in the house. the mayor of swisher says he'd welcome syrian refugees to his town.he's even signed a proclamation saying he'd help out.but residents we spoke too disagreed, saying they believe that'd be a bad idea right now. around 30 governors have said they oppose taking in those
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