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tv   CBS 2 News 10  CBS  December 2, 2015 10:00pm-10:35pm CST

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fatalities.""it was just boom boom boom " ""plesaeray for us, we're locked in a closet." closet."she texted me and said she was cold, and she told me she was shot in her side. "they came ppared" "armed with long gunsa&" gunsa&""it's just crazy. there's too many shootings." good evening,once again cbs 2 news is delivering tragic news about another mass shooting inmerica. america.san bernardino police say three attackers went on a shooting rampage inside a state-run building that helps people with developmental disabilities. disabilities.right now, we know 32 people were shot, 14 of them are dead.police say the shooters came prepared with military-style gear and targeted a health department holiday party in the office building.there's no word on a motive tonight. witnesses told police the suspects got away in a dark colored s-u-v.officers caught
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miles away from the medical center..two of the suspects - a man and a woman - were killed in a shoot out with officer was hurt, but is expected to be ok.authorities have identified one of the suspects as ssd farook. they have not yet identified the third suspect but they say that person is being detained right now.swat teams are still seching the witnesses here i ia live look at the inland regional center.the building is *not secure tonight.police s that is because authorities found one explosive today marks the seventh time in five months that president obama has felt compelled to
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the u.s. and called for common sense gun control. in an interview with cbs this morning's norah o'donnell, the president said all levels of government need to act in a bi-partisan way. way. "we should never think that this is something that just happens in the ordinary course of events, because it doesn't happen with the same frequency in other countries." cbs 2 news will stay on top of this developing story and bring you the test information on cbs 2 iowa dot com and tomorrow on cbs 2 this morning. now to the war on terror, today *british lawmakers approved a measure to art launching air strikes on isis in minister david cameron opened fierce debate bere the vote.he outlined why the u-k should take action and elp its allies figig the terror group.the labor party says air strikes haven't been affective in iraq, and they
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in cedar rapids, cbs 2 news continues to follow the mumuer trial of edward cusic. cusic.he's accused of killing his mother with a crow bar nearly three years, $ prosecutors played audio from a police car cusic rode in after the killingngtheheury also heard from an officer who witnessed cusic's behavior after his arrest.cusic's attorneys admits he killed his mother, but they plan to argue
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cbs 2 news ten at ten continues now with more of the corridor's top stories. stories.the iowa city mmunity school district wants your opinion.the district is considering the addition of a magnet school. 2 news reporter mellaney moore is live from van allen elementary in north liberty with where the project ststds right now. the iowa city community school district says this is a discussion that started in the fall of they want to know how much interest there is in making it a reality. reality. some parents in the iowa city community school district are interested in learning more
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coming magnet school.katie andernacht, coralville mothehe 09:2:233 i haven't done a a t ofofesearch into it, but i think the magnet schools could be a good thing, anything that can help enhance the learning of our children in any way can't be a badthing. andernacht thinks her children could be interested in fine arts.09:30:01 my oldest child really likes anything additional other than learning math and science and reading. the district says students would still follow the iowa core curriculum.stephen murley, iowa city community school district superintendent 09:35:50 it's an opportunity to look at programming in our $& schools that's different than what we currently have. that could be theme based, it could be focused on specific things like arts and sciences or stem or other programs that the community may have an interest in.superintendent stephen murley says the idea came from community members.that started a discussion in a committee appointed by the district board.09:36:13 the first step in that process is to actually engage the commity and find our which types of programs they would be interested in sending their kids t tmurley estimates it could take two to
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elementary program going.then, any family in the district could apply.for now, the district is hoping for community feedback on their survey.brian marshall, north liberty parent09091:35 it was basic. they asked you to kind of rate you know, like your top three out of a handful of different categories for special areas of focus. marshall ss he is interested in learning more about music, arts and stem programming. brian marshall, north liberty parent09:32:24 it's, you know, something that other schools, you know, community colleges are doing, focusing on more and then the arts, because it seems to be an area that the public schools haven't been ab to keep funds for.. the district survey will be open through december 30th.we have informati on how you can voice your opinion on our website, fox 28 iowa dot com. covering the corridor in north liberty, mellaney moore, cbs 2 news, ten at 10. cbs 2 news is learning the state's largest public employees' retirment fund is facing a five-bililon dollar short-fall. fall.assests for the fund stand at about 28-billion
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percent funded.that's actually better compared to last year's report.right now - the pension fund has 346-thousand members including current and retired public school employees, and workers for counties and cities. in cedar rapids, rapids,a new commercial property tax will soon start being collected in a newly-created self-supported municipal improvement district--or ssmid-- in the czech village and newbo areas. the city council appppved an ordinance forming the district, which will collect up to three-dollars per one-thousand dollars of assessed dollar will start being collected, for the first year, in july. the funds will bebesed for economic developement, maintenance, and capital improvements.a commission to oversee the funds will need to be appointed by early next year. waterloo voters made history last month, the city will swear in its first african american mayor.this, after a runoff election between a former mayor and a current city council member. member.quentin hart defeated
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hundred votes in tuesday's runoff., the mayor-elect spoke with cbs 2 news reporter matt hammill who joins us from the newsroom. matt? ____________ a bout 15 - percent of the population in waterloo is african american.hart says while he's proud* to be first - it definitely - was not* part of his - platform platform " varoooooom " waterloo is decked o o for christmas - but down the street quentin hart already has his gift - and is still on the phone saying thank you. you." the community spoke loudly and i'm just blessed and happy abououthe outcome of the election. "the front page notes the history - the kid who grew up here - part of the 70's - de-segregation busing to grant school school" some of our bosnian n community .. " but hart says his supporters know he's not focused on being a black mayor - - just the best* mayor. " i want`to be the mayor that could erase all those river
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i'm african american and i'm absolutely proud of who i am. " - " it's insanity " part of hart's platform - to stop the gun violence. violence." i think it says waterloo is ready to move into a new chapter. " michaed muhammad has known hart - since they were five.he says - if anyone can bring police and neighborhoods together it's quentin - and diversity at city hall - can make a difference.michael muhammad - friend ceo kbol radio " it's verersignificant in this regard, in that it speaks to the heart of this community and the potential of this community. quentin wasn't voted in by blacks along, quentin was s voted in by the whwhe community. " " there's not a challenge that we can't face head on and continue to move this community forward. " hart says afteeight years on the city council - knkns - waterloo is a place of incredible potential and talent.he'll get the chance to lead the way - starting january fourth.matt hammill
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donald trump remains in the lead for the republican nomination for president. president.that's accoring to a new quinnipiac univerisity poll.marco rubio has regain the second place spot, ten ints behind trump.former frontrunner, dr. ben carson is now in third place. meanwhile, hillary clinton continues to mainin a very strong lead among the democrats.the same poll shows the e former secretety of state pulling away from senator bernie sanders.the poll shows clinton with a 30 point lead over sanders.that's a twelve point bump from just a month ago. for more political headlines, tune into iowa in focus, sunday morning at 10:30, right here on cbs 2. now ten at ten continues with a look at tonight's other stories across the corridor. washington county authorories arartrying to figure out what sparked a fire at a hog confinement in wellman.the fire broke out last night on ginko took nearly three hours to put out the
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cbs 2 news, it lost more than five-thousand, 25-pound hogs in the fire. iowa city, city,four university of iowa udents are attendininthth conference of parties climate change talks in france.they'll be with 40-thousand delegates from nearly 200 countries trying to find a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.the ststents say they want to bringngack new perspectives on issues like water quality - and how that impacts iowans. also in iowa city,two lawsuits are prompting city leaders to consider extending building deadlines for the chauncey on the 15- story building is scheduled to begin this october, leaders at the trinity episcopal church filed a suit agaiait the construction.the building is being built across the street from the historic church.the city council will take up the extension at its meeting on december 15th. time is ruruing out for r u to help give less fortunate children in the corridor a merry christmas this year.
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you can drop off a gift for toys for 2 news is s partnering th capriotti's and united fire group to fill boxes full of gifts for children in can drop oftoys here at broadcast park starting five tomorrow morning.we'll have crews out in the parking lot to greet you until 6-30 tomorrow evening. that is cbs 2 news ten at ten -- the corridor's top stories and tomorrow's weather first forecast in the first ten minutes. minutes.but t are just getting started.coming up... up...the steps you can take to keep the winter blues from
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at the first world conference on climate change, the challenge seemed insurmountable. but today, as world leaders come together in paris, the solutions are clear. with a real commitment to clean energy, we can tackle the climate crisis, end our dependence on oil from foreign countries, and create millions of american jobs. bubunone of it will happen unless america leads.
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shopping last week, and are still looking for gift t eas, tune in tomorrow for cbs 2 this morning, we'll check out some of the top tech gifts, that you can wear.that's tomorrow on cbs 2 this morning. temperatures are cold in the 20s and s 30s patch clouds are paasing through midwe skiesheadlines passing clouds tonighthtill
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conditions highs were in the low to mid 30s with l lhs snow overnight overnight current temps are in 20s and 30s 30s a major west coast sotrm will
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weekend the jet flattens bring pacific air this weekend weekend no snow through monday monday no rain through monday
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move out for thursday thursday scattered clouds and cold with lows 20-25 20-25 mostly sunny and a bit warmer with highs in the upper 30s to low 40s 40s temperatures will be mild in the 40s with dry conditions through the next 7 days
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next on c-b-s two news... news...the amount of h-i-v cases in one corridor county and how officialsare@working to keep it from spreading.
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it's been her fight for twentytyyears. something is wrong with our healthcare system m d it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopopng republicans frfr repealing amacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices.
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i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare ananthrow it away.
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as we continue to head toward winter, many people will begin fighting a battle to keep the blues away. a new survey from the university of phoenix found that nearly half of all americans de with some form of "seasonal affective disorder," which includes sadness or depression during the winter months. one counselor at mercy family counseling tells cbcb2 news, there ararsome simple ways to keep your spirits up. make sure you are regularly exercising, eat fewer carbs and more healthy foods, limit your caffeine, and if you don't feel like e "yourself," don't hesitate to talk to someone. it's an ongoing health condition. and if people are in treatment, they're taking medication, we want people to follow that treatment recommendation, so that they can live a healthy, happy,
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the counselor also says it gets tough for some people who don't have family during the holidays. she recommends you volunteer on christmas at a shelter or other community event, to get plenty of social interaction. in iowa city, a week-long commemoration of world aids day continues tomorrow. tomorrow.the johnson county public health department hosted a variety of educational events, including freeh-i-v testing.more than two thousand iowans and 200 resisints in johnson county are infected with h-i-v, according to the c-d-c.they also say one new infection occurs every nine--and-a-half minutes in the u-s. the universisi of iowa is re- naming its new children's hospital to honor a major donor.the board of regents voted today to change the name to the stead family university of iowa children's hospital. it's named for gerry stead and his wife, mary joy.the couple has pledged more than 53- million dollars to support the hospital, and otheuniversity progra.the new children's
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in cedar rapids,police officers were a local store search for goods this afternoon, it was all for a good cause. cause.the department holds several shop with a cop events through out the year to help children in need. today children and officers shopped for winter coats, boots, hats and gloves.e shop with a cop program helps about 70 children each year. coming u uon c-b-s two sports... iowa and florida state go down to the wire on the hardwood...
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"cbs 2 news eight games into this hoops season... and we don't know much about the iowa hawkeyes... they lost an exhibition to augustana... en blew out marquette... ey dropped the first two games of their thanksgiving trip... but bounced back to beat a ranked wichita state team. so what can we find out tonight at home against florida state... early on... iowa had to dig out of a deficit... good ball movement here... and jarrod uthoff... is cash on the threes... iowa ties it... and then the big fella... adam woodry... gets out on the break after the steal.... drops it off to peter jok... that's an 11-0 run by the hawks... then before the half... they started knock 'em down from r away... mike gesell... he bangs it home... score...
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took care of business on the road at virginia tonight... 22 points from alexa kastanek to lead the team... now let't'go to the mcloud center... iowa state visiting northern iowa in a rivalry game... this was all cyclones early on... first quarter... shawna johnson bails out her buddy with a beautiful cut toto the e op... that's two easy points...u-n-i trailed by thirteen... but never quit... madison weekly gets into the paint and nds stephanie davison for the jumper... but not enough of that for the nthers... and too much shawna johnson for the cyclones... the junior with the steal and the finish... iowa state rolls 84-75... the cyclones get back on the winning track after a tough go down in cancun -- - ey move to 3-and-3 overall... the message from iowa football has been pretty consistent all year long... they're jus taking it onteam at a time... trying to be 1-0 each week... but when n u go 1-0 twelve times... the games mean a little more at the end... but even the hawkeyes can admit week's big ten championship game has a little
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say... a game in seseember... and much of the talk is about how the country is about to find out if iowa is "for real"... but the voice of the hawkeyes says... ubt these guys at your own risk... i think if you were totoump some truth syrum in the players... they hear all the criticism about how they shouldn't be t`ere... and they're joe blue collar... they're boring to watch... they would take that as an affront... as offensive to them... and i think they're using that in their play... while the panthers chase a championship on the football field... the search for a new athletic director begins... news broke today that troy dannen is leaving cedar falls to be the a--d at tulane... the u-n-i alum spent eight ars running panther r athletets...
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one last look at your forecast sunny weather is expected thursday with readings climbing from 26 at 8am to 41 at 3pm 3pm thanks for watching your cbs 2 news at ten.we'll see you back
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tomorrow. at the first world conference on climate change, the challenge seemed insurmountable. but today, as world leaders come together in paris, the solutions are cleaea with a real commitment to clean energy, we can tackle the climate crisis, end our dependence on oil from foreign countries, and create millions of american jobs. but none of it will happen unless america leads.
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