tv CBS2- This Morning CBS December 8, 2015 6:00am-7:00am CST
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the f-b-i is now saying the two shooters in san bernardino participated in target practice within days of the attack that killed 14 people. people.they also believe the two had *both been radicalized for some time, but aren't sure exactly when or how.the new inforamtion comes as county employees in the area returned to work monday.investigators also said they found 19 pipes in the couple's home, that could have been turned in bombs. president oma says his administration is responding to t t evevving threat of terrorism and vowed the u-s and its allies will defeat extremist groups like isis. isis.the department of meland security will eventually roll out a new
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the e rrent system requires a a specific -- credible threat to be activated -- the new one will include an intermediate step. this will be the third change since the september 11-th attacks. new this morning, an air france flight from san francisco paris has been diverted to anonymous threat grounded the plane.all passengers have gotten off the plane safely. air france says the crew decided to divert as a precautionary measure.france has been in a state of emergency since the november 13-th attacks that killed 130 people. the band that was playing when terrorists stormed a paris concert venue last mon was back onstage last night.the eaeaes of death metal were ecial guests at a u2 concert in the french capital.the band says "we want to offer our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for everything our brothers2in u-2 did for us in the aftermath of the november 3 attacks."u-2 cancelled two concerts after the attacks three weeks ago. an international group is detailing where isis has gathered most of its arsenal. a report released
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says most of the weapons the terror group has were taken from the iraqi army.the report says decades of reckless arms trading and poorly regulated arms flowing into iraq contributed to them gathering their stockpile o oweapons. that includes weapons made in the united states, russia, china and european countries. while the syrian refugee debate continues to unfold -- the state of utah announced it will assign a police detective to watch over any refugees coming from syria. syria.that detective would join a team of state workers looking to find em jobs and homes.officials said they would not only monitor for possible problems -- ut also connect newcomers with police if they become victims of crime in the state. here in iowa, people at luther college are responding to a wave of islamophobia.a group called "just action" released a statement called friendship, not condemns islamophobia and affirms solidarity with muslim students.the group says as presidential hopefuls comom rough the state,e,students
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their classmates and send a strong signal that the community is committed to the values of diversity and inclusion. republican front-runner front-runnerdonald trump made another controversial l statement about muslims last night at a rally in south carolina. carolina."donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown ofmuslims entering the united states. states.the proposed ban would apply to immigrants and visitors.he later went on to say it would only be until leaders figure out what's going on.many of his republican collegues quickly condemned the commmmts. trump is gaining support in the hawkeye state. state.a new c-n-n, o-r-c poll says trump has 33-percent support with iowa caucus voters.senator ted cruz is also on the rise in iowa -- coming in at second place with 20-percent.former fronter- runner doctor ben carson is losing ground -- with only 16- percent support. a new poll from monmuth universityhows a different front runner in iowa. this poll, ted cruz came in first with 24-percent
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lagged behind in second.marco rubio and ben carson were third and fourth, and the only two others to crack at least ten percent support. the national tech advocacy group engine partnered with the technology association of iowa to host this first ever presidential tech town hall monday. martin o'malley and republican carly fiorina spoke at the town hall about how they would support technology growth.engine's executive director julie samuels says many candidates haven't talked about waysyso keep the tech industry afloat - due to other pressing issues. "one of the trends we see in places outside of silicon valley outside of new york that have successful startup communities is that they kind of rely on what it is that their community is already good at. so for instance in iowa you might see more agricultural startups." startups."o'malley and fiorina talked also about healthcare innovations and the importance of keeping young talent in the community. we are now into the e second week of the edward cusic murder trial. the 47-year-old is accused of killing his mother in their
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home.the jury heard about cusic's mental state from a prosecution witness on monday. doctors showed the results of cusic's i-q tests for the jury. two tests were administered ten months apart from each another. cusic's score differed slightly between the two. based on the tests, a doctor concluded cusic does not suffer from long term brain damage. "well my opinion about that is his behavior during that call is sufficiently coherent and organized and linear but he does not appear to be majorly intoxicated at that time." time."testimony will resume later this morning. the former car salesman shot by police in cedar rapids, will spend the next six months behind bars. bars.a judge sentenced 27- year-old kyle orth march, officers spotted orth driving a dealer-owned car the wrong way on 12-th street northeast.officers then began chasing him and opened fire after orth accelerated towards
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charges. the supreme court is refusing to rule on whether cities or states can ban assault weapons used in recent shootings. the decision came as they rejected an appeal from gun owners who wanted to challenge a ban on assault weapons in a chicago suburb.the court upheld a lower court's ruling that found local governments do have the right to decide how to regulate firearms. cbs 2 news has learned a court case involving a cedar rapids trucking company *will be heard by the supreme court. court.they will review a decision saying c-r-s-t cannot recover four-point-seven million dollars in legal fees. those fees would come from the u-s equal employment opportunity commission which launched a major investigation into an allegation that female truckers were routinely sexually harassed.a decision is expected next year. it's still to come... come...the vehicle you see on the road year round that's bringing a little extra holiday cheer to the midwest.
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nats- truck starting02:05:05 it's a one of a kind tradition started by the team at mississippi truck and trailer repair in rock island four years ago.(steve pruett, christmas truck driver)so we were looking at the truck and were like, let's do something for christmas. so we just started throwing some christmas lights on it and it just kind of evolved from there.with thousands of lights, a blow up snow globe, a christmas tree and even a nose fit for a reindeer -- this semi has become a "big deal" in local illinois cities. thank you merry christmas. 02:10:25-02:10:26thank you very much, merry christmas.but steve pruett says... the reason he drives this larger than life christmas sleigh is for reactions like little jason russell's.(jason screaming and waving)(lindsay russel, holiday shopper)we were actually back in the woman's clothing department and the doors were opening and i heard the music.needless to say... i think jason enjoyed the truck more than the shopping... a sentiment shared by many others...i think it's
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02:12:34-02:12:38the kids sure liked it didn't you.what did you think pumpkin, did you like it?while it takes the team hours of planning, and over a week for body shop manager jerry kinney to decorate... pruett says... it's nights like this that remind you what having christmas spirit really means. 02:11:18-02:11:21)(can you say thank you... your welcome.) (nats) the truck runs 5 t0 6 days on the illinois side of the quad cities until december 23rd. 23rd. it's now on this morning. morning.coming up next... next...the popular toy that's helping kids celebrate and learn more about one of the
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anncr: when the attacks come here... ...the person behind this desk will have to protect your family. will he be impulsive and reckless, like donald trump? will he have voted to dramatically weaken counter-terrorism surveillance, like ted cruz? will he have skipped crucial national security hearings and votes just to campaign, like marco rubio? 27 generals and admirals support jeb bush. because jeb has the experience and knowledge to protect your family. right to rise usa is responsible
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it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message.
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welcome back -- it's now we're taking a look at your_______ your_______ it's the holiday season, and that includes hanukkah, which began on sunday. sunday.dan haggerty explains how one community in texas is using a popular toy, to help celebrate. celebrate. when you're bringing together this many... piecesnat - tapping down lego-- you need a plan.mike lavi,"i started working on this in july."and mike lavi is like the project manager.mike lavi,"any time i tell people... // they all get really excited. they go, oh that's pretty cool."he has just about everyone at congregation aha-vath sholom in fort worth helping out.mike lavi,"families, kids, the sunday school kids, their
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try to get the whole community involved."sharing the first day of hanukka -- in a very unique way.mike lavi,"oh, we're building a 16 foot tall lego menorah."almost all the way to the ceiling -- more than 50-thousand little lego blo"i'll tell you, i've got lego thumb. getting hard to push on these things."only problem is -- mike is scared of heights.mike lavi,"the top part is going to be a little tricky, because i'm going to already be on the ladder and someone is going to hand it to me and i'm going to put it on top."a little nerve racking to watch -- until someone reminded us---"it's just legos laughs."though -- just legos -- looked like a whole lot more when they were done."oh, i feel good now that i'm on the ground laughs." after hannukkah, all of the legos in the menorah will be donated to organizations serving children and families. families. it's
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here's a look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... in cedar rapids -- there is a new program to help fund the public library after voters rejected a 27-cent tax levy. it's called the library champion program -- to support the library through donations. board members say they need the money to cocoinue the high level of programs they have been providing.they say the *public funding the library receives does not cover all of the services. in cedar rapids, transamerica will restructure its two major business divisions next year. the insurance and investment firm tells cbs 2 news, the move could result in some layoffs, but a number has not been set.employees learned of the pending changes last week. transamerica employs about 45-hundred people in the cedar rapids metro. in hiawatha today -- high school juniors and seniors and their parents can learn about the college financial ai process.a free seminar is tonight at 6 in the linn county regioiol center -- room 100.students and parents will get answers about paying for college and how to apply for aid.
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in vinton, vinton,officers blocked off several streets and arrested several suspects as part of an on-going drug investigation by the vinton police department. department.neighbors tell cbs 2 news one of the homes in question was damaged by a meth lab fire last year. the department tells cbs 2 news officers arrested five people for manfacturing meth and having drug paraphenalia.two of the five are now in the benton county jail. in iowa citytyfirefighters had to battle three structure fires on monday, spread throughout the town. starting at 8, fire crews were sent to streb concrete to find smoke coming from the roof. about an hour later, firefighters were sent to beta theta pi fraternity on the north side of town, to put out flames in a third floor bedroom.then nearly an hour after the second fire, fifighters were sent from the frat, to an apartment fire.
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were displaced.the cause of each fire remains under investigation. an update from chicago chicagowhere a federal civil rights investigation of the chicago police department is getting started. comes nearly two weeks after the city released the dash cam video of a white officer shooting a black teenager 16 times in the street.but%its will go well beyond at one shooting dedeh. investigators will be looking for unconstitutional policing practices. that announcement came just hours before chicago officials announced they will not file charges againststanother police officer who shot and killed a man last year.cook county attorney anita alvarez says 25-year old ronald johnson was armed and ignored officers comman to drop his gun during the october 20-1-1 incident.october 20-14 incident. new details from colorado springs. springs.a law enforcement official says the man charged with the killing of three people at a planned parenthood in november, asked at least one person for directions to the facility before opening fire.
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year-old robert dear with murder and other crimes tomorrow.officials have refused to comment on a motive for the shooting, but more evidence is coming out that suggests he was deeply opposed to of his former wives says he once put glue in the locks of an abortion clinic 20 years ago. new this morning, oscar pistorious was granted bail in a south african courtroom.the double amputee runner was convicted of murdering his girlfriend reeva steenkamp.he was previously on house arrest on a lesser charge but last week a judge threw out that conviction and instead determined he was guilty of murder.he'll now stay on housarrest pending a new sentencing date. in b bjing, china -- officials issued their first-ever red alert for puts restrictions on driving and a ban on a time-lapse of the city -- you can see heavy smog coating the city i iseveral was taken over the last 10 months. chinese president xi jinping has promised "action" on greenhouse gas emissions. officials at zoo miami will
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this morning.they were orced to close monday due to record rainfall that caused flooding. walkways became flooded, which is an obvious safety hazard for guests.flooding pushed water levels in some moats up to seven feet highehethan normal.a zoo spokesman says it would be easy for some of the more dangerous animals --like lions-- to swim across, do a little pull-up and try to escape. continuing coverage of the privatization of medicaid in iowa. iowa.the centers for medicare and medicaid services are planning to visit des moines today. today.they're taking a look at what's called iowa health link. governor terry branstad is looking for federal approval on the january first switch to allow foururprivate companies to manage medicaid.two groups left from coralville and cedar rapids monday morning to discuss the possible changes with state lawmakers. this bus is here because we are a group of concerned people who are either those on medicaid, providers of those who are on medicaid or family
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and wewere in opposition of governor branstad's proposal to move iowa medicaid to managed care organizations. some are skeptical the private companies are not ready to take over the state's 4- billion dollar program.state democrats are calling for the companies to release more specific information about how many health care providers have signed new contracts to provide memecaid. parents are hoping to keep a cedar rapids early childhood program open. open.the saint paul's united methodist church childhood education program runs four days a week - teaching children basic skills.the church wants to make its building more accessible - but that means construction.last night-the church passed the final construction plans. parents fear the construction will prevent the program from continuing. "there are so many questions there are so many uncertainties and there are no hard solid facts." facts." "the whole idea is to look at the spaces we have here and making the very best use f the spaces that we have
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how construction will interrupt for a very short period of time." time."the pastor says a task force is looking for temporary spots to help the children and they may not even have to move at all. going to california for the rose bowl is a dream come true for many hawkeye fans...but actually getting a ticket can bebetricky. tricky.the university has around 2 2thousand tickets alloteteto them -- and football season ticket holders can try to get a ticket in the iowa section for about 150 dollars after completing a reservation -- for as long as those tickets last. the rose bowl wililhave tickets for sale outside the allotment for each school and if each school doesn't sell their tickets in the allotted time, those tickets will also be available." available."if you get tickets another way -- you'll probably bebeaying a lot more.a check on stub-hub this morning shows the cheapest ticket at 500 dollars. it's coming up later... later...the conflicting
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here's look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... in waterloo - a hearing has been rereheduled for a man convicted in a homicide case. case.perquondis holmes wants a new trial because facebook photos were shown during his orginal trial when he argues they weren't supposed to be. the prosecutor who introduced the photos also refused to come to the stand when the defense called them.holmes was convicted in may for his involvement in the death of dae-quan campbell two years ago.his hearing will be in january. also in black hawk county -- authorities are investigating a body found in the cedar river.a trapper discovered the remains sunday morning northwest of gilbertville. right now -- police arereot saying if it was a m m or a autopsy from the state medical examiner is planned for today. in north liberty tonight - the city council will discuss weapons on public property. last month - leaders discussed a weapons bans, but did not come up with a plan for an
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the f-b-i is now saying the two shooters in san bernardino participated in target practice within days of tt attack that killed 14 people. people.they also believe the two had *both been radicalized for some time, but aren't sure exactly when or how.the new inforamtion comes as county employees in the area returned to work monday.investigators also said they found 19 pipes in the couple's home, that could have been turned into bombs. president obama says his administration is responding to the evolving threat of terrorism and vowed the u-s and its allies will defeat extremist groups like isis. isis.the department of homeland security will evenally roll out a new terror alert warning pystem. the current system equires a specific -- credible threat to
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will include an intermediate step. this will be the third change since the september 11-th attacks. new this morning, an air france flight from san francisco to paris has been diverted to anonymous threat grounded the plane.all passengers have gotten off the plane safely. air france says the crew decided to divert as a precautionary measure.france has been in a state of emergency since the november 13-th attacks that killed 130 people. the band that was playing when terrorists stormed a paris concert venue last month was back onstata last night.the gles of death metal were special guests at a u2 concert in the french capital.the band says "we want to offer our heartfelt thanks and preciation for everything our brothers in u-2 did for us in the aftermath of thth november 13 attacks."u-2 cancelled two concerts after the attacks three weeks ago. an international group is detailing where isis has gathered most of its arsenal. a report released today, amnesty international says most of the weapons the terror group has were taken
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says decades of reckless arms trading d poorly regulated arms flowing into iraq contributed to them gathering their stockpile of weapons. that includes weapons made in the united states, russis, china and european ccntries. while the syrian refugee debate continues to unfold -- the state of utah announced it will assign a police detective to watch over any refugees coming from syria. syria.that detective would join a teamamf state workers looking to find them jobs and homes.officials said they would not only monitor for possible problems -- but also connect newcomers with poce qf they become victims of crime in the state. re in iowa, people at luther college are responding to a wave of islamophobia.a group called "just action" released a statement called friendship, not condemns islamophphia and affirms solidarity with muslim students.the group says as presidential hopefuls come through the state, students want to show their support of their classmates and send a strong signal that the
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values of diversity and inclusion. republican front-runner front-runnerdonald trump made another controversial statement about muslims last night t a rally in south carolina. carolina."donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. states.the proposed ban would apply to immigrants and visitors.he lar went on to say it would only be until l leaders figure out what's going on.many of his republican collegues quickly condemned the comments. trump is gaining support in the hawkeye state. state.a new c-n-n, o-r-c poll says trump has 33-percent support with iowawaaucus voters.senator ted cruz is also on the rise in iowa -- coming in at second place with 20-percent.former fronter- runner doctor ben carson is losing ground -- with only 16- percent support. a new poll ffm monmuth university shows a different front runner in iowa. this poll, ted cruz came in first with 24-percent support, and donald trump lagged behind in second.marco rubio and ben carson were third and fourth, and the only two others to crack ten
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the national tech advocacy group engine partnered with the technology association of iowa to host this first ever presidential tech town hall monday. monday.democrcr martin o'malley and republican carly fiorina spoke at the town hall about how they would support technology growth.engine's executive director julie samuels says many candidates haven't lked about ways to keep the tech industst afloat - due to other pressing issues. "one of the trends we see in places outside of silicon valley outside of new york that have successful startup communities is that they kind of rely on what it is that their community is already good at. so for instance in iowa you might see more agricultural startups." startups."o'malley and fiorina talked also about healthcare innovations and the importance of keeping young talent in the community. we are now into the we are now into the second week of the edward cusic murder trial. the 47-year-old is accused of killing his mother in their cedar rads home. home.the jury heard about cusic's s mental state from a prosecution witness on monday. doctors showed the results of
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two tests were administered ten months apart from eaeh another. cusic's score ffered slightly between the two. based on the tests, a doctor concluded cusic does not suffer from long term brain damage. "well my opinion about that is h behavior during that call is fficiently coherent and organized and linear but he does not appear to be majorly intoxicated at that time." time."testimony will resume later this morning. the teenager charged with killing another teen in cedar rapids is expected to take a plea deal today. day.investigators say 14-year-old robert humbles shot 15-yeararld aaron richardson on park avenue in september.richardson died at the hospital.humbles is taking the plea deal in adult court, but will be sentenced at the juvenile's expected he wililgo to prison when he turns 18. it's now on this morning.
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here's a quick look at the top three stories you need to know on this tuesday morning. morning.the department of homeland security will eventually roll out a new terror a art warning system. the current system requires a specific -- credible threat to be activated -- the new one will include an intermedte step. this will the third change since the september 11-th attacks. many republicans and democrats running for president are condeming donald trump's remarks that he'd ban muslims from entering the country, as immigrants and vitors.trump later went on to say it wouldld only be u uil leaders figure out what's going on.two polls just released have trump in
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iowa g-o-p caucus goers. and oscar pistorius was let out on bail this morning.the double amputee runner was convnvted of murdering his girlfriend reeva steenkamp.he was previously on house arrest on a lesser charge but last week@a judge threw out that conviction and instead determined he was guilty of murder.'ll now stay on house arrest pending a new
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