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tv   CBS2- This Morning  CBS  December 9, 2015 6:00am-7:00am CST

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right now on cbs 2 this morning...the latest information about the cedar rapids murder trial that's been going for more than a week. the latest changes that make it harder for certain people to come into the united states. the new way that iowans can caucus on february 1st even if they can't be in the hawkeye state in person.
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morning...i'm kevin barry. barry.and i'm kelly barry. barry.i'm kevin two this welcome to cbs two this morning...i'm kevin barry. barry.and i'm kelly d'ambrosio. d'ambrosio. let's get a check of our cbs 2
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a corridor murder trial could come to end today, after about a week and a half in court. court.the case of edward cusic is now in the hands of linn county jurors. jurors.cusic is the 47- year-old man charged with first degree murder for
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crowbar three years ago. ago.both sides delivered closing arguments tuesday. prosecutors say cusic knew what he did on the night of his mother's murder.cusic's defense team points to a psychologist's diagnosis that he was mentally impaired at the 2 news will have the latest from the courtroom if a verdict comes today.check our facebook page and website for the latest updates. in another corridor court case, the 14-year-old boy who killed 15-year-old aaron richardson this summer has pleaded guilty. part of a deal -- robert humbles pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter.he was originally charged with first-degree murder.humbles will be held in a juvenile detention center until he's 18 -- then -- he could be moved to prison. a trial date has been set for the man charged in a delaware county bus crash. crash.authorities say on october first, monte klink didn't yield at an intersection near manchester. manchester.klink's vehicle crashed with a west delaware school bus, causing the bus to
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to the hopsital - most of them kids.last week, klink pleaded not guilty to charges - including o-w-i and serious injury by motor vehicle.his trial is scheduled to start march 23rd. new details this morning on the san bernardino shooter, syed farook. farook.investigators believe he may have plotted another attack in 20-12.they say he conspired with another person and selected a target, but didn't go through with the plan after a round of terror arrests in the area.this new information would help confirm suggestions by some officials that farook was radicalized well before last week's rampage that killed 14 people. first responders spoke last night -- reflecting back on last week's attack in san bernardino. bernardino.several officers rushed to the scene during chaotic calls about active first responder is being called a hero for leading survivors out of the building where the shooting took place.detective jorge lozano was caught on cell phone video telling scared workers he'd take a bullet for
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"i don't feel like a hero whatsoever. anyone behind me or anyone of the people, 300 people that were there would have said the same thing. that's our job to put ourselves in the line of danger to protect the community." community."the detective said he had been scared himself when someone opened a door without announcing themselves. many of the officers talked about how difficult it was -- even with active shooter training to actually go through a real life situation. the house overwhelmingly passed legislation that would overhaul the federal visa waiver program. would bar people from iraq, syria, iran and sudan, or those who have visited those countries in the last five years, from traveling to the united states *without a visa.action on the proposal comes in response to the isis inspired attacks not only in california, but also in paris.the senate may consider the bill... but it's unclear when that would occur. new this morning, a french legal official has identified the third attacker at the bataclan concert hall
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for syria in 20-13. 20-13.left for syria in 20-13. 20-13.left for syria in 20-13. 20-13.the official did not provide his name.all of the suspects identified so far were either french or belgian, and all were native french speakers.the three who attacked the bataclan were killed.130 people died last paris. in the race for the white house, house,donald trump's controversial comments he made about banning muslims from entering the country are getting heavy criticizm. criticizm.trump's proposed ban would apply to muslim immigrants and visitors - he says it would only be temporary until elected officials know what's going on. many democrats and republicans have condemned the comments -- including speaker of the house -- paul ryan. "normally, i do not comment on what's going on in the presidential election. i will take an exception today. this is not conservatism. what was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and, more importantly, is not what
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for."trump did not back down from the comments -- and saidid yesterday that a ban is warranted after the attacks in paris and california. trump is still leading in many polls.a new c-n-n o-r-c poll from new hampshire has him getting 32-percent support. this poll was done before he made the comments about banning muslims.trump holds an 18-point lead over his closest rival -- marco rubio.chris hristie came in third with 9-percent. on the demoatic side of the race, hillary clinton is back in iowa just a few hours she's hosting a town hall in waterloo where she plans to talk about her plan to create good paying jobs for american workers.doors at the sullivan brothers nvention center open at 11-fifteen. for more political headlines, join me sunday on iowa in can watch that right here on cbs 2 at 10-30 and on our sister station fox 28 at 9-30. a *rural iowa district is getting a lot of attention after the twitter campaign - keota hopes for hillary started trending. clinton hasn't visited the town yet, but others have stopped by.
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santorum visited earlier this year.and last evening, martin o'malley paid the town a visit. he spoke to a crowd of students on tuesday.the keota sociology class that's reaching out to candidates say they want the next president to make sure there is enough funding in education, espeicailly in rural towns. chemistry is a class a lot of people need for college and we dont have a science teacher to teach chemistry. chemistry. maybe something like ap courses that we dont offer. i mean they're available to us but our school doesn't offer them. them.students say they're facing more budget cuts and have lost several resources - such as technology devices. the iowa caucuses are just months away, and there's new technology this presidential cycle, to get more people involved. involved.the iowa democratic party is creating a virtual caucus location, callll a tele- caucus, intended for military members serving out-of-state and iowans living will take place the same evening when the caucuses are held.more information on
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to register can be found on cbs two iowa dot com. the u-s postal service and carriers like u-ps and fed - ex expect a record christmas season as they ship millions of packages. but police warn that you're not the only ones waiting for the delivery.all across the country -- they're investigating thieves who run up and snatch packages right off of front porches. they say if you're not going to be at home -- make ararngements with a neighbhb ----have a hold placed o oall your packages at the post office or require a signature for the gift to be delivered. delivered. it's still to come... come...the way one driver gotot out t a ticket that left everyone feeling better.
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first a gospel singer is making the rounds on social media, for belting out a tune for forgiveness. forgiveness.his song with a smile came during a traffic stop. stop.justin potter shares his story. story. *nats from video*craziest thing just happened to me. i'm being pulled over by the police ficers, and i'm going pray my way out of thissot: tj bristoli was like oh my god, i'm in i was like oh my god, i'm in trouble, because i thought that i did something wrong.nats:hello officers. how are ya'll doing? may i get out of the cars? yeyeyou yes you may.sot: she asked me what do i do, so i gave her my license. i told her i'm a singer i'm a gospel artist, and she was like sing me a song... grabbed my selfie stick, and it was action!
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beautiful to me!and if it would have been three men officers i would have sang it's raining men.*nats*i loved it because it brought us together. both of us left smiling, and they made my day out there, and im pretty sure with that beautiful song it made beautiful with that pretty sure with that beautiful song it made theirs. so it worked out real all the drivers out their click it or ticket, or you better have a good song to
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it's now on this morning. morning.after the break... break...we know texting and driving is dangerous.find out why more people still do it every day.
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welcome back - - it's now we're taking a look at your_______
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every year, thousands of americans are involved in accidents caused by distracted driving. driving.kenneth craig explains how a new survey shows most people know texting and checking email while behind the wheel is dangerous - but a growing number of drivers are still doing it. it. steff demaya is learning how to walk all over again.(nat: steff demaya/accident victim) "that's where they cut it."her leg was wawainjured and later amputated after she crashed her car. she admits she was distracted, and reaching for her ringing cell phone. (sot-steff demaya/accident victim)"i reached down to grab it on the floor board...just that quick."the number of distracted driving deaths continues to climb.(standup: kenneth craig/cbs news/new york)but even though many drivers recognzie how distracting cell phones can be behind the wheel - and support measures to crackdown on using them ... new data shows the problem is only g gting worse. ot - chris mullen/state farm dir. of technology research)) "if you know this to be distracting, why are you doing it. (vo) these additional
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a new state farm survey found the number of people texting whilildriving has remained relatitily stable since 2009 but it shows more than twice as many drivers surf the internet .. (vo)reading emails (vo)reading emails and checking social media accounts while driving are also up... (sot- chris mullen/state farm dir. of technology research) "one thing we could glean from this survey... the increase in smart phone ownership (butted) so they have the opportunity for more functions like visiting the internet, reading emails." "we've seen the emergence of ople taking pictures and video with their cell phones while driving." experts are warning drivers to think twice about their devices so they don't become part of the growing number of drivers injured or killed while distracted behind the wheel. that was kenneth craig reporting.the survey also found that 51-percent of drivers program m eir g-p-s while driving.
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still to come... come...the touching reason one
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stories -- on this morning... waukon has been named the safest community in iowa!this list comes from safe-wise dot com.the website used violent crime stats from the f-b-i's 20-13 report.other eastern iowa cities to make the top 15 include new hampton at number four.williamsburg and decorah rank fifth and eighth.mount vernon is 14th. iowa city is walalt-hub's third best small college town. those are college communities with populations less than 125- thousand people.wallet-hub used categories like quality of education and crime stats to figure out the rankings. fellow b b ten city -- ann arbor, michigan was the best small college town. the price to see iowa play in the rose bowl continues to go up.this morning - the cheapest ticket price on stub-hub dot com is 635-dollars.that's up 135 dollars from this time yesterday.ticket-master started selling tickets to the game yesterday.the cheapest price on that site this morning is 18-hundred dollars.
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michigan has gone viral with more than 100 thousand likes from around the world. world.6 year old landon went to see santa at the mall and had a typical visit, but then when his mom was paying for pictures, landon went back over to santa to share with him a concern.he told santa he was worried he'd be on the naughty list because he's autistic. "but santa took his hands... and landon was really really excited and he took his hands, this is all i saw was just him massaging his hands. budded to "after that he said it`s okay to be yourself." budded to "christmas is about love and joy. and that`s what i try to bring to all the children and people that i meet. and it`s an honest pleasure to o do that." that." it's
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improving public health -- why the average person is not
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cbs 2 this morning...the latest information i ithe debate over gun rights in north liberty -- and the final decision from the city council. the benefits behind the new spot where certain victims police. chipotle is underfire in one college town. welcome to cbs two this morning...i'm kevin barry. barry.barry. barry. and i'm kelly d'ambrosio.
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let's get a check of our cbs 2
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a gun control a gun control debate in north liberty has reached a decision. council members and some residents spent last night resovling an issue that was brought up a few weeks ago. ago.that was when some citizens nted city property be weapons free zones.but council members decided last night they would *not create any type of resolution... instead the city dermined the recreation center and the library will have e vise their policies banning weapons. "after california, what were finding is that more and more law-enforcement officials are saying if you have a permit, please carry. as others have said the police force does the best they can but they respond, they're not proactive." proactive."iowa code does say
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weapons free zones...that will be upheld. the counc says they do want everyone to feel safe, so this issue has to stay on the top of their minds. gun stocks have soared since president obama's oval office address sunday.shares of smith and wesson aswell as sturm and ruger @umped more than five percent yesterday. both companies havavseen double-digit stock hikes since the shooting in san bernardino. mass shootings tend to boost u-s gun sales, particularly when the president talks about addressing gun violence.sunday night, he asked congress to make it harder for people on the government's "no-fly" list to buy guns. the university of iowa hopes a anew approach from their police department will help them continue the fight against sexual vioionce. olence.the department is now using what they're calling the "soft space."it's a new room designed to make victims more comfortable.local experts say a police station atmosphere isn't always the best place for victims to open up.therere are e elements in the soft space design that agencies hope will make that easier to come forward -- like dimmed
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and white noise. jen carlson, rvap executive director18:44:06 "if we can create an environment that i i warmrmcompassionate and empathetic that allows survivors to help counter that neurobiological response, which is a high trauma, high anxiety, also with some memory recall issues." issues."u-i-p-p-says the room is open to other nearby law enforcement if they need that kind of space.the department partnered with several othej university groups to create the room. right now the e ate is considering legal action school district. district.a new report by the iowa deparment of natural resources shows some students and staff may have been - exposed to asbestos during renovations at washington high school last year.the d-n-r says the state is also considering action against abatement specialties -- the cedar rapids firm responsible for removing the asbestos.the report says the potential exposure cured three times during the school year.the school district says safety is their top priority and they
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an update from a baltimore courtroom. courtroom.defense attorneys will start testimony this morning in the trial of a police officer accused in the death of freddie gray. gray.the prosecutors rested their case yesterday.william porter has pleaded not guilty to several charges including involuntary manslaughter d second-degree assault.he's accused of failing to call medics to help an injured gray... who died in april from a neck injury he suffered while in police custody.the case is expected to end by december 17th. a motive still hasn't been released for the kidnapping of two students in rochester new york. york.six suspects were arraigned tuesday.court documents say the two students were abducted over the weekend, and spent more than 40 hours being punched and was even shot in the leg with a rifle.the two were rescued when a swat team stormed the home.police are expected to release more information soon, but say for now, the six suspect are facing very serious charges. chipotle is facing scrutiny again after zens of students
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restaurant. boston cocoege officials sasa at least 80 students have checked into student health services after eating at a nearby chipotle. a chipotle spokesman says the illness is noro-virus and not related to an e-coli outbreak thatat been reported i i9 statesesstill -- students say they're shocked at how fast this illness spread. "one of our friends was in the infirmary with a concussion and e said when she walked out there were like ten people in the waititi room, all with buckets, all throwing up from chipotle." chipotle."the massachusetts department of public health is investigating.chipotle stock has been dropping since the e-coli outbreak. more than one in five americans report going ononne "almost constantly" according t oa new pew research center poll. poll.broken down by age, 36 percent of 18 to 29 year-olds say they spend most of their free time online.among people 65 and older, it's just six percent.the pew research center says this is the first time it has included "almost constantly" as an answer option in its survey of internet usage.their phone survey polled more than
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two months. life expectancy in the united states has stalled for three years stight according to new numbers from the government.a child born last year can expect to live 79 years and about 9's not clear why life expectancy has been flat lately, but experts say suicides and drug overdoses are probably playing a role.the last time ititstuck k for three years straight was in the mid-1980's.the world bank reports the u-s ranks below 40 other countries in life-expectancy. it's coming up next... next...the local mpany helping a non-profit reach
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goals. at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... it's computer sciencnc education week and to promote the subject -- the cedar rapids community school district is partnering with imagination iowa to teach code. throughout this week, hundeds tf students from several schools have the opportunity to participate in what's called hour of code.students are also getting the opportunity to go on tours of local businesses and receive guidance for their college planning. this weekeke, the johnson county commission of veterans affairs is offering limited saturday office hours.from 9 to noon, staff will be on hand to assist local veterans on how to get certain benefits availae to them.these office hours will also be available on january 9-th, february 13-th and march 12-th, all during the same hours. you can help he salvation army reach their goal of 790-thousand dollars in alliant nergy
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thousand dollars raised in the blairs ferry walmart red kettles.the salvation army has met 36-percent of what they're looking to raise, , d are currently behind where they should be to met their goal. good morning, it's on this morning, we'll have a look at some of
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welclce back - - it's nowowe're taking a look
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a corridor murder trial a corridor murder trial could come to end today, after about a week and a half in court. court.the case of edward cusic is now in the hands of linn county jurors. jurors.cusic is the 47- year-old man charged with first degree murder for killing his mother with a crcrbar three years ago. ago.both sides delivered
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prosecutors say cusic knew what he did on the night of his mother's mmrder.cusic's defense team points to a psychologist's d dgnosis that he was mentally impaired at the 2 news will have the latest from the courtroom if a verdict comes today.check our facebook page and website for the latest updates. in another corridor court case, the 14-year-old boy who killed 15-year-old aaron richardson this summer has pleaded guilty. part of a deal -- robert humbles pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter.he was originally chargegewith first-degree murder.humbles will be held in a juvenile detention center until he's 18 -- then -- he could be moved to prison. a trial date has been set for the man charged in a delaware county b b crash. crash.authorities say on october first, monte klink didn't yield at an intersection near manchester. manchester.klink's vehicle crhed with a west delaware school bus, causing the bus to flip over.33 people were taken to the hopsital - most of them kids.last week, klink pleaded not guilty to charges - including o-w-i and serious
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mamah 23rd. the san bernardino shooter, syed farook. farook.investigators believe he may have plotted another attack in 20-12.they say he conspired with anoth person and selected a target, but didn't go through with the plan after a round of terror arrests in the area.this new information would help confirm suggestions by some officials that farook was radicalized well before last weekek rampmpe that killed 14 people. first responders spoke last night -- reflecting back on last week's attack in san bernardino. bernardino.several officers rushed to the scsce during chaotic calls about a aive first responder is being called a hero for leading survivors out of the building where the shooting took place.detective jorge lozano was caught on cell phone video telling scareded workers he'd take a bullet for them if he had to. "i don't feel like a here whatsoever. anyone behind me or anyone of the people, 300 people that were there woulul have said the same thing. that's our job to put
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danger to protect the community." community."the detective said he had been scared himself when someone opened a door without announcing themselves. many of the officers talked about how difficult it was -- even with aive shooter training to actually go through a real life situation. the house overwhelmingly passed legislation that would overhaul the federal visa waiver program. would bar people from iraq, syria, iran and sudan,r those who have visited those countries in the last five years, from traveling to the united states *without a visa.action on the proposal comes in response to the isis inspired attacks not only in california, but also in paris.the senate may consider the bill... but t it's unclear when that would occur. new this morning, a french legal official has identified the third attacker at the bataclan conct hall as a french national who left for syria in 20-13. 20-13.the official did not provide his name.all of the
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were either french or belgian, and all were native french speakers.the three who attacked the bataclan were killed..130 pepele died last month during the attack in paris. in the race for the white house, house,donald trump's controversial comments he made about banning muslims from tering the country are getting heavy criticizm. criticizm.trump's proposed ban would apply to muslim immigrants and visitors - he says it would only be temporary until elected officials know what's going on. many democrats and republicans have condemned the comments -- including speaker of the house -- paul ryan. "normally, i do not comment on what's going on in the presidential election. i will take an exception today. this is not conservatism. what was proposed yesterday is not what this party stands for and, more importantly, is not what this country stands for." for."trump did not back down from the comments -- and said yesterday that a ban is warranted after the attacks in paris and california.
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polls.a new c-n-n o-r-c poll from new hampshire has him getting 32-percent support. thisisoll was done before he made the comments about banning muslims.trump holds an 18-point lead over his closest rival -- marco rubio.chris christie came in third with 9-percent. on the democratic side of the e race, hillary clintotois back in iowa just a few hours she's hosting a town hall in waterloo where she plans to talk about her plan to create good paying jobs for american workers.doors at the sullivan brothers convention center open at 11-fifteen. for more political headlines, join me sunday on iowa in can watch that right here on cbs 2 at 10-30 and on our sister station fox 28 at 9-30. at 9-30. a *rural iowa district is getting a lot of attention after the twitter campaign - keota hopes for hillary started trending. clinton hasn't visited the town yet, but others have stopped by. by..former senator riri santorum visited earlier this year.and last evening, martin o'malley paid the town a visit. he spoke to a crowd of students on tuesday.the keota
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rebching out to candidates say they want e next presesent to make sure there's enough funding in education, espeicailly in rural towns. it's now on this it's now on this morning. morning.we'll have the top three stories you need to start your wednesdadamorning.
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here are the three stories you need to know to start your wednesday. wednesday.a corridor murder trtrl could coco to end today, after about a week and a half in court.the case of edward cusic is now in the hands of linn county jurors.cusic is charged with first degree murder in his mother's death. cbcb2 news will havavthe latete from the courtroom if a verdict comes today.check our facebook page and website for
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a trial date has been set for monte klnik.authorities say he didn't yield at an intersection in october, causing a crash with a west delaware school bus.33 people were taken to the hopsital - taken to the hopsal - most of them kids.klink last week pleaded not guilty to charges - including o-w-i and serious injury by motor vehicle.his trial is scheduled to start march 23rd. investigators lieve san bernardino shooter syed farook. may have plotted another attack in 20-12.they say he conspired with another person and selected a target, but didn't go through with the plan after a und of terror arrests in the area.this new information would help confirm suggestions by some officials that farook was radicalized well before last week's
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thanks justin. it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by c/rrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. campaign is powered by over a million small contributions,
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who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message.
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