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tv   CBS 2 News Noon  CBS  January 15, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm CST

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rescue crews rescue crews rescue crews are still looking for survivors after two military helicopters colided
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oahu.12-people were on board the two aircrafts when the collision happened late last far - none of the passengers have been found, which has officials fearing the worst.crews were able to find a debris field, including an empty life raft. right now - there's no word on what the two helicopters were doing at the time of the crash. the hard times continue on wall street. street.this morning the dow plunged 430-points after the opening started rebounding and got back under the 400-point mark.but it has since started falling again, and is at a 450 point loss right now.analysts belive concern over china's market and falling crude oil prices are behind the rocky for the other major indexes - the nas-daq is down 160 points.the s and p 500 has lost 50 points. in the race for the white house... house...the republican candidates are back on the campaign trail today after their debate last night. night.the top seven candidates
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today, many are calling it a slug-fest between the two front-runners - donald trump and ted cruz.there's a lot of talk about trumps arguments that cruz should not be allowed to run because he was born in canada.but cruz was ready and fired back by calling trump out on his values. "there are other attorneys that feel, and very, very, fine constitutiional attorneys, that feel that because he was not born on the land he cannot run for office." office.""the values in new york city are socially liberal, are pro- abortion are pro-gay marriage, focus around money and the media." media."last night was the first time cruz and trump have openly attacked eachother during a debate.many today are saying they believe trump had his best performance last night. even though he wasn't a huge part of the focus last night, jeb bush is feeling like a winner today.this morning he picked up an endorsement from south carolina senator and former presidential candidate lindsey remember, graham, dropped out of the race last month.he says he's
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stance on national security. - i tried to run a campaign that centered on who to defend america against multiple threats, how to rebuild a military that is in decline.... i fell short. i am proud of the effort. now i am a citizen having to cast my vote on who i want to be commander in chief, for that one percent fighting for us." us." after he dropped out of the race, graham was quick to say he would support who ever ends up winning the republican nomination. nomination.i checked bush's twitter page to see if he'd reacted to this endorsement and he has!his twitter says:
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support. help us build on our momentum by joining us today." meanwhile - front-runner donald trump is renting out a des moines movie theater to show supporters a new movie for free. free."13 hours" was released today, and depicts the benghazi attack in 20-12. benghazi is one of the most noticable incidents during democratic front-runner hillary clinton's time as secretary of's also frequently used in arguments against her by republican candidates.director michael bay says "13 hours" stays clear of any political agenda, and neither clinton nor president obama are mentioned in it. happening right now in sioux city... city...clinton's husband - former president bill clinton is there stumping for her. this is a live look from the organizing event he's appearing at.clinton will be in our neck of the woods later six tonight - he'll be at north-west junior high in'll be
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corridor in as many weeks.last thurday clinton was here in cedar rapids. take a good look at this next picture.cedar rapids police need your help in a theft case. case.if you know the person in this surveillance picture, police want you to contact them.the suspect has been involved in several thefts at local businesses using a stolen credit card.this photo was taken november 20th at one of the wal-marts. school standards for social studies will soon be re-written by some of iowa's top educators, including some from our area. area.the state department of education announced today a team will begin drafting new standards january 21st. officials believe social studies standards have room for growth, and are not on par with subjects like math and reading.they cite a recent survey of iowa teachers in which 17-percent said updating was needed.after the team comes up with a draft - it will go to public review.
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the weekend forecast, road crews are hard at work getting the pavement ready. ready.warmer temps the past couple days have tunred ice and snow back into water, which will freeze over the next couple days.crews have started salting roads to break up left-over ice before it gets too cold.they've also begun filling pot-holes. officials tell cbs 2 news that you can make it easier for the crews by not parking on the street while they try to work. if you have a pot hole that you'd like to be filled. did you know there's an app for that?it lets you take a picture of the pot hole and notify the agency who can fix it. we have a link up on our website right now so you can com. today is dr. martin luther king's birthday.starting monday, the university of iowa will celebrate the civil rights leader all week. week.and one student's art work will be on display.senior graphic design student sam watkins is the artist behind the exhibit.watkins will
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day and more pieces will gradually be added through the week.watkins said his pieces were inspired by listening to dr. king's speeches.originally watkins was supposed to just create one poster for the event. "it started off as just as doing graphic design work for the event here and my boss erin fitzgerald who's the creative coordinator. she turned me on- well you have been doing so many paintings the design and stuff we can do a little exhibit and of course that was right up my alley." alley."monday on cbs 2 news, we'll share what watkins hopes his exhibit will achieve, the impact m-l-k had on his life, and what drew him to art. it was a busy morning for astronauts at the international space station. the performed a six-and-a-half hour space-walk outside of the station.this was so they could replace an electonic box out late last year.nasa says they had to do that repair quickly because it was cutting power
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coming up on the cbs 2 news at noon - the action being taken over a water crisis in one michigan community. community. she's always stood strong... get the job done.
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she stood up to china... ...and spoke out on women's rights... ...went toe to toe with russia on human rights. the drug and insurance companies spent millions against her... ...but hillary didn't quit until eight million children got health care. i've never been called a quitter and i won't quit on you. she's got what it takes to do the toughest job in the world. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. announcer: 3 republican governors. but which governor won national praise for tough leadership handling nine hurricanes? which governor made his state number one in job creation? which governor led the fight to stop obamacare expansion in his state? and which governor laid out a tough plan to destroy isis months before the paris attacks? jeb bush. right to rise usa is responsible
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the n-f-l playoffs return to cbs 2 this weekend.tomorrow - the kansas city chiefs travel to new england to take on the defending super bowl champion patriots.kick-off for that game is scheduled for 3-35. 3-35.then on sunday - the denver broncos will be out for revenge when they host the pittsburgh steelers.the steelers won their regular season match-up last month. that game starts at 3-40. 3-40.also on sunday, the seattle seahawks will try to work some more playoff magic.
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date with the top-seeded panthers.the game is at noon
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trending online right now,a venomous sea snake has washed on the shore of a beach in coronado's yellow bellied and measures 20 inches long, it actually washed ashore on tuesday, but the word is just now spreading online about december, another yellow-bellied sea
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still ahead on the cbs 2 news at noon - a sneak preview of sunday's 60 minute interview with sean penn over his interview with el chapo.
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there are two democratic visions for regulating wall street. one says it's okay to take millions from big banks and then tell them what to do. my plan -- break up the big banks, close the tax loopholes, and make them pay their fair share. then we can expand health care to all, and provide universal college education. will they like me? no. will they begin to play by the rules if i'm president? you better believe it.
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at least 14 people are dead after a tour bus crashed in japan. was on its way to a ski resort when it veered into opposing traffic and rammed through a guard-rail.the vehicle partially slid down a mountain before stopping.27 people were hurt.japanese officials say the passengers were mostly college-aged students. now a follow up to a story we told you about earlier this week. week.the michigan attorney general is promising an investigation into the water crisis in flint.residents there have been complaining for a year that there is too much lead in their drinking water.but it wasn't until last week that michigan's governor declared a state of emergency. this all started when the city made water supply changes to save money.the michigan attorney general said this mornigng they will look into if any laws were violated. there were more protets today against the mayor of chicago.
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this morning outside of the chicago's annual martin luther king junior breakfast.they're frustrated with mayor rahm emanuel, and beleive he helped cover up the police shooting death of la-quan mcdonald last october.since video of that shooting was released two months ago, there have been numerous protests in chicago demanding emanuel step down. actor sean penn is opening up about his rolling stone interview with "el chapo" guzman, which helped lead to the mexican drug lord's capture.penn spoke at length with charlie rose for a special edition of 60 minutes. kenneth craig has the preview. preview. "there is this myth about the visit that we made..."sean penn tells "60 minutes'" charlie rose that he does not believe his october interview with joaquin "el chapo" guzman led to the drug lord's capture last week.(cr)(17:17:03)"so as far as you know, you had nothing to do and your visit had nothing to do with his recapture?"(sp)(17:17:10) "here's the things that we know. we know that the mexican government -- (17:17:17) // (17:17:23) they were clearly very humiliated by the notion that someone found him before they did. well, nobody found him before they did. we didn't -- we're not smarter than dea or the mexican intelligence. we had a contact upon which we
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invitation" guzman escaped one of mexico's maximum security prisons last july by crawling through a hole in his shower and then a mile-long tunnel 30-feet underground. guzman is believed to be responsible for as many as 34-thousand deaths. officials say his sinaloa cartel is the number one supplier of heroin, cocaine and marijuana to the u.s.(cr)(17:26:51) "do you believe that the mexican part because they wanted to see you blamed and to put you at risk?(sp) "yes"(cr) "they wanted to encourage the cartel to put you in their crosshairs?"(sp) "yes"(cr) "are you fearful for your life?"(sp) "no." (17:27:20) penn says the focus on his meeting with guzman and his recapture means that his article - which was supposed to bring attention to the war
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- has the war on drugs - has failed. kenneth craig, cbs news, new kenneth craig, cbs news, new york. you'll be able to wacth charlie rose's interview with penn this sunday on 60 minutes. it airs at 7 right here on cbs 2. coming up on the cbs 2 news at noon - why all chipotle stores will be closing next month,
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for good. she's always stood strong... get the job done. hillary clinton. she stood up to china... ...and spoke out on women's rights... ...went toe to toe with russia on human rights. the drug and insurance companies spent millions against her... ...but hillary didn't quit until eight million children got health care. i've never been called a quitter and i won't quit on you. she's got what it takes to do the toughest job in the world. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. wal-mart is closing hundreds of stores around the world. world.269 stores will be shut down, leaving 16-thousand people with out jobs.154 of those locations will be in the u.s. - but none in the corridor or iowa.wal-mart says the majority of the stores getting the axe are with 10
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which the company hopes will save some jobs. all chipotle restaurants will close...but just for a few hours. hours.on febraury 8th - all chipotles will hold staff meetings to go over food safety.the company has been at the center of a number of illness outbreaks across the u.s. over recent months.that's hurt chipotle on wall street where share prices have sunk 42-percent since august. with less than a month until valentines day, the world is starring down a chocolate shortage. shortage.demand for chocolate is on the rise around the globe, and cocoa growers are struggling to keep up.the wall street journal reports
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diseased crops and bad weather conditions.over the past three years, cocoa prices have climbed nearly 40-percent. marissa has your weather to go next...but first here's a look at today's markets. markets. announcer: 3 republican governors. but which governor won national praise for tough leadership handling nine hurricanes? which governor made his state number one in job creation? which governor led the fight to stop obamacare expansion in his state? and which governor laid out a tough plan
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the paris attacks? jeb bush. right to rise usa is responsible
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