tv Iowa In Focus CBS January 24, 2016 10:30am-11:00am CST
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welcome to iowa in focus -- where we're giving context to what happens in the headlines and on the campaign trail.that starts with the barnstorm. in the middle of the week -- iowa governor terry branstad stirred the pot in the caucus race. race.he had been careful before to stay out -- but now he's publically said he wants ted cruz to be defeated in the iowa caucus because cruz is what branstad called a "big oil candidate".cruz has been openly against ethanol subsidies -- which people figured might hurt him in iowa. "he is the biggest opponenet of renewable fuels and he introduced a bill in 2013 to immediately eliinate the renewable fuels standard. he is heavily financed by big oil." oil." "we said from the begninning that th washington cartel was going to panic more and more. as conservatives unite behind our campaign you're going to see the washington cartel fire every shot they can firing every
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donald trump was busy picking up endorsements from john wayne's daughter and sarah palin -- but he managed to tweet out... out..."wow, the highly respected governor of iowa just stated that "ted cruz must be defeated". big shocker! people do not like ted." democrats took the stage late sunday night for what was supposed to be the fourth and final time before iowan's caucus. caucus.democratic party chair debbie wasserman-schultz had been taking criticism for scheduling the debates on nights when national attention might be divided.sunday night's debate was at 8 o'clock after a long day of playoff football.but it turned into a showdown between hillary clinton and bernie sanders -- where the former secretary of state tried to hit sanders on what she says is his changing stance on gun control -- while sanders claimed she's beholden to wall street companies who have given her big donations. "i have made it clear based on senator sanders own record that he has voted with the gun lobby numberous times. he's
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times."i don't get money from the big banks. i don't get generous speaking fees from goldman sachs.."" now -- democrats will have a town hall meeting monday -- exactly a week before the 2 and fox 28 had a town hall meeting of our own -- *about the iowa caucuses. focused on iowa's first in the nation status. predictably -- everyone in attendence say they thought that iowa should stay the first state that picks it's presidential nominee.but -- national figures have hinted that may change.the thing is -- state officials say it takes so much work to get ready the way iowa does -- between setting up precinct sites and spending millions of dollars to train people so they can do it right -- that those issues might prevent anyone else from dethroning iowa. "once you get past the quaintness of first in the nation, i really don't know that we have a long line of states ready to take our spot. it is neat and i hope we're all humbled to do that but it takes a long time to get our
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at that particular level." level."we take a much deeper look at how the discussion went this past week just a little later on in the show. while the state parties are rallying members across the state... ...local teams in each county are also working for all candidates on both sides of the aisle.just like the caucuses are unique to iowa -- republicans in linn county have one party supporter unlike any other. other. and it says thank you for your great help on my campaign in iowa.iowans have their own reasons for being part of the campaign process. process.laura joins me in thanking you for your steadfast support...but very few have handwritten letters from former presidents -- thanking them for helping them win the white house. house.sincerely, george, w. bush.joni scotter normally isn't lacking for words for her favorite candidates -- but a letter like that is just justincredible.but w. better get in line... line...i love join scotter. what does she do for the
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enthusiams and everything you want in the democratic process is embodied by her outbursts. outbursts. thank you joni, let me tell you, joni scotter is from linn county but she is one of the most enthusiastic republicans in the started when she and her husband moved to iowa -- and she got behind lamar alexander -- trying to take down bill clinton.clinton won the white house -- but iowa republicans got joni -- supporting candidates for all offices.a glance on her wall shows the history of republican politics in iowa as well as any history book -- with a story behind each picture. picture.and he'd say what's up boss and i'd laugh because i knew i wasn'twhen mitt romney ran in 2012 -- she committed to him before he even offically announced. announced.he said, i'd like you to be my linn county chair and i said, i'd be honored. honored.i'm here with my two
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campaigns tried to pry her away -- she stayed with romney -- just like she's picked jeb bush this time around.she won't even go to events for other candidates. candidates.i want everybody to know that jeb is the one that i'm voting for in the iowa caucus. caucus.the caucus is like being the pig in the breakfast experience -- not like the chicken -- you gotta be all in and joni's all in. every week -- we'll be going inside iowa politics -- talking about the people not trying to move into the white house. we're just days into the 2016 legislative session in des moines -- so there is a lot of legislation floating around now likely won't get passed. but one issue that caught our eye is the... the...ban the box would keep some employers from asking about parts of an applicants criminal history. a sub committee is still working through it -- but it could
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ex-cons -- or open up problems for businesses. businesses.there's also concern over the governor's anti-bullying office. managers say there's no money to run it -- and the governor says they'll have to pull from money allocated to the board of regents -- who already say they aren't getting enough in the next budget. another bill on it's way through the long legislative process is one that hits home in eastern iowa.steffi lee explains how it would change the minimum sentences for the people convicted of some of the worst offenses against children. children. jeri king lives in arkansas now but still feels close to the case she fought for in the linn county courthouse just a few years ago.she came to speak with us about this bill saying the thought of the two behind her granddaughter's death go free - creates even more pain. pain. kamryn's grandmother 03:54:57 "i refuse to believe her - her death would be in vain - jeri king says not a day goes by where she doesn't remember her granddaughter - kamryn schlitter. schlitter., kamryn's grandmother 03:53:46 "our
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hands of someone else." battered and bruised - the 18-month-old died from head injuries in 2010. 2010.after weeks of emotional testimonies - a jury convicted her father zyriah and his ex- girlfriend amy parmer for involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment resulting in death.under iowa law - both face fifty years in prison. prison. first assistant linn county attorney 04:08:17 "but the reality is - short of a first degree murder conviction in the state of iowa - everybody gets out of jail at some point in time."so every year - jeri's family relives their nightmare after receiving this envelope from the iowa board of parole. parole., kamryn's grandmother 03:52:03 "our heart skips a beat and we hold our breath until we open it up and see the word deny in there,.:state representatives ken rizer and dave dawson say that's an injustice.. . 68 03:45:09 "i was kind of surprised to find out that here in the state of iowa - if a child is killed by shaking or that the person convicted would be eligible for parole
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bipartisan bill - requiring anyone convicted of this felony to serve at least thirty five of the fifty years before the chance of walking free. free., kamryn's grandmother 03:52:26 "to me a prison sentence has lost its value and reason when it becomes more about an incentive to be good while you're in prison than it does punishment or rehabilitation."jeri says nothing will ever take away her family's pain - but not having to worry - gives them some closure. closure.some closure. closure. "peace of heart. for future families that will have to face this unfortunately." representatives rizer and dawson hope after filing this bill - it will reach a subcommittee - then eventually make its way to governor terry branstad's desk. for iowa in focus im steffi lee. there was a different kind of reporting going on out on the campaign trail this week. tuesday -- while dr. ben carson was in south carolina -- a van with staffers and volunteers inside hit a slick patch of ice in western iowa and flipped over.that's when it was hit by a truck -- and a volunteer -- braden joplin -- died in a hospital in
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comments that have offended some people and outraged others -- it was an extremely sobering moment that put more than just the race for the white house in perspective. "i just hope that maybe his death will help some people to think about the hard heartedness that has heartedness that has infested our land where people are mean and say things to hurt other people and don't care about anybody but themselves. and braden was the opposite of that.." that.."braden joplin was 25 years old. old. you know the basic bargain of america is if you work hard, and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. but so many families don't feel like their hard work pays off. that's not the way america is supposed to operate. i want to go to bat for them every single day.
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today in america, the top 1/10 of 1% owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90% this great country and our government belong to all of us. wall street, corporate america, wealthy campaign donors have so much influence that the only way they are defeated is when millions of people begin to stand up and say loudly and clearly, "enough is enough." i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. welcome back to iowa in focus. this week we're joined by the iowa gop chair, jeff kaufmann, chairman, thanks for joining us.
10:42 am important is it for iowa to keep it's first in the nation status. status.let me pick my words very carefully. i can think of no other political decision that's more important to all iowans than iowa keeping it's first in the naiton status. this is one of those moments as a republican chair where the democratic chair and i are absolutely arm and arm. there a time where you step in for the inflamatory rhetoric from some candidates candidatesgenerally my answer
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opinion go, is to for the most part letting the republicans in the state determining what crossed the line and what didn't. the line and what crossed determining the state republicans in letting the most part to for the opinion go, is to for the most part letting the republicans in the state determining what crossed the line and what didn't. the ultimate arbitor is going to be february first. first. the republican party has gotten a lot of credit for
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invovled in the state than democrats. democrats.we're really pleased in the republians party about not only the leaders and activists that are younger but in the legislature. my son is younger and he sits beside megan jones. i would like to take full credit for that but i really believe the depth that young people have if they want to express it. i don't see it as young people changing and getting invovled i see this as young people knowing we are listening and they can be heard. heard.does the party take on a special role in makting sure
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but other choices too? too? the great thing in iowa is that it's democracy in action. it's the right size, you can drive all over, meet voters. in this day of citizens united its not about soundbites here, its about meeting people and talking to them so anybody has a chance to go up in the polls. i said from the beginning it was going to be a competative caucuas. caucuas.does this legisltiave session take on a different feel becuase of last session. session.our legislators have been fighting for medicaid and
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fighting for that and the last session was dissapointing, veoting education funding and rushing medicaid expansion. we need oversight for medicaid and we need to make sure education is an absolute priority. we did not make it one last time. i challenge everyone to make sure it is a priority. priority. will this session be more contentious becuase of that? that?i hope the republicans will talk to their constituencies. if they do,
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you know the basic bargain of america is if you work hard, and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. but so many families don't feel like their hard work pays off. that's not the way america is supposed to operate. i want to go to bat for them every single day. get incomes rising... get equal pay for women... cut the cost of health care and child care so people can actually get ahead. hillary clinton, she has what it takes to get things done.
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welcome back.this is the real story -- we're going to take the time to give context to some of the events that will go on during the 2016 race for the white house.this week we stayed in our own backyard -- with the town hall meeting that cbs 2 and fox 28 hosted in iowa city -- talking about the iowa caucuses. caucuses.we find out today -- this debate has a lot of nuance to it. the hawkeye state has only had its spot first in line since the 1970' before the caucuses impacted the rest of the country -- the university of iowa's cary covington says they changed the way party officials acted within the -- the chairs of both state parties are extremely careful to stay out of political battles until a nominee is picked. "the whole process has just been revolutionized since the 1970's with these party officials feeling the need to be fair and impartial umpires rather than the deciders and i think that's one of hte most
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50 years in the way that we nominate candidates." because endorsements aren't likely to come during primary races -- candidates are on their own to pound the pavement and get support with voters.that means iowans' get to see the person trying to become the most powerful figure in the free world -- up close -- warts and all. "that personal experience is really important to the candidates as well becuase it gives them an idea both how voters think about a variety of issue but it also proves their political skills.." but the process also has a huge effect on the people in the state -- not just the presidential candidates. becuase caucus night requires some bravado to support a candidate -- and do it publically -- republican state chair jeff kaufmann says it can change the way people approach their politics. "now you're standing up in front of people that you'd
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why you're up in front of this person knowing you're going to make a few people mad. once people have done it once, there are a lot of people who are hooked.." democratic chair dr. mcguire says parties can win future elections just by paying attention to the non- presidential work that goes on during caucus night.sure -- participants pick their choice for president -- but they also outline party platforms for the next four years -- and grow new talent. "there's a little check box you can do if you're interested in running for office. we get a lot of candidate becuase they'll check - well i'm thinking of running for office and there's a congressman leonard boswell, that's how he started his career, because he checked a box at a caucus and he ended up becoming one of our congressmen." one of the points many people probably haven't thought of is the burden of being first in the means iowans are dealing with mass mailings -- crowded coffee shops and nasty political ads -- including
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kaufmann said some state officials might want to take iowa's first in the nation status -- but many voters in other states might be just fine with where it is. after the break...the interesting ways candidates and their families are using social media with just weeks left before the iowa caucus. congress doesn't regulate wall street... wall street regulates congress. it's a rigged economy that sends most new wealth to the top 1%. and it's held in place by a corrupt political system where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is funded by over two and a half million small contributions. people who know you can't level the playing field by taking more money from wall street.
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welcome back -- we'll close the show each week taking a look at what happened on social media... media...this week -- people from all political leanings took a break from the normal political bickering when a carson campaign volunteer died in a car accident tuesday.dr. carson posted a pretty touching post on his facebook page and below it... it...jamie posted - braden is my cousin. thank you dr. carson. you have proven yourself to be a kind and compassionate man. our family is grateful for your kindness. kindness.matt said - this hits me close. i'm a volunteer leader for the cruz campaign in eastern iowa. my friends are traveling all over the
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in, just like this young man was doing. i pray that god would provide comfort for braden's family. family.i also pray for travel mercies for all of the campaign members, no matter who they support, during this incredibly busy and stress filled time. now -- we look at their voice -- what the candidates and their campaigns are posting on social media. media.or in this case -- their kids.will o'malley is martin o'malley's teenage son -- and has been on the campaign trail quite a bit. bit.he posted this picture from the democratic debate in south carolina at the beginning of the's 18 year old william with his 13 year old brother jack.the caption -- quick reinactment. reinactment.the one downside to drawing a lot of people into the political process who haven't been in it before they they may not know how to navigate something like caucus the donald trump campaign took to facebook to make sure they helped supporters through the process -- with a video explaining
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"you'll need to be registered as a republican in order to vote for donald trump. if you haven't already done, that, that's ok, you can do that at your caucus location." you can follow along on twitter and facebook all week long.see our interviews as we do them -- chime in with what you think -- send us your favorite pictures from events you go to. every week we'll end with the week ahead...'s a chance for you to see what the campaigns are up to. to.monday night -- the democrats and c-n-n added a last minute town hall meeting with all three candidates in des moines. so now *this wil be the last time that all three candidates talk to voters before the iowa martin o'malley added in a tour called "o'malley unplugged" during the last full week before iowans live up to their first in live up to their first in the nation nickname. and thursday, the republicans return to iowa for one last debate before the iowa caucuses. we'll be there -- live that night and again the next morning in case you miss any of the action.
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the person who lives here... has to solve problems as big as the world... and as small as your kitchen table. that's the job. everyday. and now, the first lady who helped get healthcare for eight million kids... the senator who helped a city rise again... the secretary of state who stood up for america, and stared down hostile leaders around the world... is the one candidate for president who has everything it takes to do every part of the job... she'll never let anyone privatize social security and medicare... or shut down planned parenthood... she'll take on the gun lobby... finally get equal pay for women... and stop the republicans from ripping all our progress away. so on february first, stand up for hillary. because if you want a president who knows how to keep america safe... and build a stronger economy... hillary's the choice... i'm listening to you, i'm fighting for you,
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