tv CBS2- This Morning CBS January 28, 2016 6:00am-7:00am CST
all come to look for america all come to look for america all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. right now on cbs 2 this morning...what to expect at tonight's g-o-p debate, after the front-runner announced he will not participate. how an iowa hawkeye coach responded to coach hawkeye how an iowa how an iowa hawkeye coach responded to the many questions surrounding athletes up on stage at a donald trump rally in iowa city. plus, the major change coming to a corridor political hot- spot, and also a favorite breakfast diner to many eastern iowans. welcome to cbs2 this morning, we're looking now at*****i'm kelly d'ambrosio, happy thursday!kevin barry will be joining us in just a few
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des moines is waking up this morning to the date that republicans have had circled on their calendar for months. cbs 2 news anchor kevin barry is in des moines this morning where the final republican debate before the iowa caucuses kicks off tonight. kkevin? kevin?it's hard for voters to know what to expect from tonight's debate - mainly because the front runner and candidate who's defined the race so far won't be on stage. donald trump announced earlier this week that be won't be on the stage tonight after he felt like he was t treated
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debate. it's started a conversation about what trump supporters want from a debate. some want to see their candidate walk all over someone like ted cruz who has suffered recently over his renewable fuel standard positions - but other say this is a great move - taking control of tonight just like he has the entire 2016 race. at the debates they're really not getting to voice much they're so limited on the time they don't get to express any views i don't know how you can have a fair and honest debate or fair and balanced debate with someone who is obviously going to take jabs at him. the trump campaign has said he'll be having his own event somewhere else -- but likely at the same time as the debate
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barry, cbs 2 this morning. thanks kevin..questions continue to swirl this morning, after nearly twenty hawkeye athletes took the stage at a donald trump rally in iowa city. city.the football players and wrestlers jumped on stage with the presidential candidate to fire up the crowd tuesday night.but later, some fans who support other candidates took to social media and asked if their participation violated any n-c-double-a rules.athletic director gary barta says it was *not an endorsement of trump.wrestling should be free to express themselves. themselves. nat " nice guys they endorsed me .. they like me and i like them." " you know we certainly didn't endorse them or push them to do that, but independent thinkers on this team. " there are rules that prohibit college athletes from endorsing a political
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any controversy, but as of this morning there's no indication the n-c-double-a plans to investigate. investigate. at that same rally in iowa city...the secret service arrested one protester, accused of throwing two tomatoes at donald trump. here's how trump resonded as the man was escorted out.. out.."you wanna let the football team take care of it? (cheers)" (cheers)"this is video cbs 2 news shot during the rally and our cameras caught the tomatoes being thrown at trump. we've slowed that moment of his speech down - you can see one of the tomatoes at the bottom of your screen.another hits the curtains at the back of stage. stage.28-year-old andrew alemao was escorted out of the rally and taken to the johnson county jail.he's been charged with disorderly conduct, and bonded out of jail on wednesday. the famous coffee bean jars at the hamburg inn number two in iowa city are starting to fill up.every four years, the restauant's "coffee bean caucus" lets customers toss a coffee bean into the jar of
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you can see here, bernie sanders seems to be doing well on the democratic side. republicans seem to be backing donald trump. meantime, our radio partners at k-c-j-j report that the hamburg inn will soon be under new ownership.the panther family has owned and operated the restaurant since it opened word yet on who the panthers are selling to.we should learn that after the sale is finalized. new this morning.. australian teen is in custody this morning for discussing a possible terror attack that invloved packing an explosive on a kangaroo, and then setting it loose on police officers. officers.australian prosecutors say this 19- year-old suspect discussed ways to pull it off with a british accomplice.right now, he's been ordered to stand trial on charges of planning an isis-inspired terrorist attack on australia's version of veteran's day in april, that would have targetted officers. there is a tragic new twist in the death investigation of joe gliniewicz. remember he's the former illinois police
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suicide to look like a homicide.that was back in september when he feared investigators would discover he was stealing from a charity. his widow, melody, is facing chargs for being a part of that scheme.she's accused of embezzling 10- to -100-thousand dollars from a youth training program.her attornies say she is a victim of her husband's criminal acts. melody gliniewicz is out of jail this morning. a follow up in ferguson, missouri.. missouri..where the police department has come to an agreement with the u-s justice department..apart of the sweeping deal are new policies, training and practices.these recommendati ons follow the 20-14 shooting death of 18-year-old michael brown.they're detailed in a 130 page decree that was just released and meant to correct unconstitiutional and discriminatory practices by the department. at the capitol.. capitol..democrats introduced legislation that would repeal a 2005 law granting the gun industry immunity from civil lawsuits.supporters of the
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down on negligent sellersa& and hold the industry accountable for better product safety. "the standards of negligence are the same, whether you're coming after a negligent gun dealer or a negligent automaker. we're not asking for any special treatment for the gun industry. we're asking for the special treatment they enjoy today, the immunity they enjoy, to be removed." removed."opponents of the repeal say they believe it will lead to frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers. at the state capitol here in iowa,new controversial right-to-die legislation has been introduced. would allow terminally ill, but mentally capable people to end their lives with drugs prescribed by a doctor.there are bills in both the house and the senate. the two chambers heard testimony from supporters yesterday.but right now, it's unclear how much support it has in the republican controlled house. it's and right now in it's degrees.
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main weather- your planner shows what's ahead for the next hoursa&- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycama&- temperatures around the areaa& - taking a look at regional temperatures we see highs are warmer today all around iowaa& - the regional satellite/radar is mainly clear todaya&- let's move ahead in time by taking a look at the midwest surface mapa&- moving into a closer view with our 'predictor' forecast we see
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practice this week, before they head west for super bowl 50, they had to come up with excuses... and quick. kristen hampton tells us, there's a bug spreading in north carolina. carolina. is that more important than school you think." it's a bacterial viral combo that's packing a mean blow to work and school attendance records. did you ditch school today..."yea, panthers are going to the super bowl!" pantheritis is a serious disease... and privacy is paramount. "i have a chance to be down here with my son and that's more important..."take that boss! while most of these people are deep undercover... mackenzie is not... in fact... her case of pantheritis isn't quite that bad...mackenzie sot: "i love panthers and i
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tv ever... it's amazing just feels good... "i understand these children are very sick.... they are they're very sick today. the only cure for this wonderful disease... is in california... and it won't be available until next sunday... in the meantime - what if your teacher sees you on the news? sot; i don't know... no i
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if you're looking to make your credit score a little better, be careful. some scammers are looking take advantage of you. mary moloney has three tips to help you look out for potential scammers. scammers. when trying to make a financial decision for the future -- it's often financial decisions from the past that can trip you up.from buying a car to buying a home -- lenders can see your decisions in a credit report.and some scammers see an opportunity. according to the federal trade commission -- there are a few easy ways to spot a credit repair scam.first -- if the company asks for payment before they render any services.also-- if they ask that you do not contact the credit reporting agencies directly.and if they suggest giving false information when applying for a mortgage or a loan.another troubling trend among credit repair scammers -- the promise of an entirely new credit identity -- which can unwittingly land a consumer in trouble with the can spot these scams when a service suggests abandoning a social security
identification.and instead using a new number they assign and call a c-p-n -- for credit privacy number or credit profile many cases -- these numbers are stolen social security numbers -- often from children -- which is why they have a clean credit slate.and that can turn a consumer into an unknowing identity thief -- despite their good financial intentions.for consumer watch -- i'm mary moloney. it's right now it's degrees in coming up...a look at the new efforts to take down crime here in cedar rapids. your cbs 2 weather first forecast we have... have... cbs-2 news connects with the us with your story tips at 1-800-222-kganor email us at news at
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here's a look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... the linn county juvenile detention center is helping young inmates cope with traumatic issues in their lives through's a new program called trauma-informed yoga. the goal is to give them a realistic and healthy way of dealing with their emotions -- in and out of the center. in cedar rapids, some second graders got a lesson in immigration. the annual immigration simulation at coolidge elementary helps students get a first-hand look at life on ellis island, when settlers came to u.s.students were separated into two groups, including a first class and lower class group,
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teachers tell cbs 2 news they hope seeing the process helps student understand what the immigrants had to go through on ellis island. the cedar rapids salvation army is in the final push of its red kettle campaign.with just a few days remaining, the non-profit says it needs just over 16-thousand dollars to reach this year's goal of 790-thousand.that 16-thousand dollars could serve nearly six-thousand-500 community meals. the red kettle campaign covers about 47-percent of the army's annual operating budget. all donations made through january 31st will go towards that fundraising goal. super model tyra banks is now a mom! mom!here's her instagram picture she posted with the's a little baby hat with the caption: "the best present we worked and prayed so hard for is finally here. he's got my fingers and big eyes and his daddy erik's mouth and chin. as we thank the angel of a woman that carried our miracle baby boy
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who struggles to reach this joyous milestone. york banks asla, welcome to the world." tyra recently revealed on the talk show "fab life" that she had struggled with infertility and was undergoing ivf treatments.but it looks like she was able to have a baby through surrogate instead of ivf. she's been reportedly been dating the baby's father, photographer erik asla, for two years now. it's right now it's degrees in just around the corner...what lawmakers in michigan will do today as the water crisis
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right now on cbs 2 this community members are helping in the fight against violence in the corridor. developing news overnight in oregon, concerning the wild-life refuge that's been occupied for nearly a month. how nasa is remember the seven brave crew members lost 30 years ago today, in the challenger shuttle. welcome to cbs2 this morning, we're looking now at*****i'm kelly d'ambrosio, happy thursday!kevin barry will be joining us in just a few moments live from des moines with a preview of tonights republican presidential debate. let's first see what justin has for us in weather. let's get a check of our cbs 2 weather first forecast. first weather- your planner shows what's ahead a&- now a live look outside courtesy of -temperatures around the area are warming todaya&- the current winds around our planner features partly cloudy
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new details breaking overnight in oregon. oregon.three more members of an armed group that took over buildings at a federal wildlife refuge have been arrested. arrested.the f-b-i says the three men turned themselves in to agents at a checkpoint near the refuge.this comes just one day after a shootout with police ended with the death of the militia's spokesman lavoy finicum.the group's leader, ammon bundy, is now telling the remaining members to go home, that they will continue the battle in the courts.f-b-i officials are working around in the safest way possible. and last night a vigil was held for, lavoy finicum.the 55-year-old was a rancher from cain beds, a interview with n-b-c just weeks ago, he said he'd rather die than go to prison. new this morning.. morning..the suspect that shot a state trooper in georigia, died overnight in the hospital.
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spokesman says the 26-year-old suspect was speeding when trooper jacob fields tried to pull him over.fields chased him for about 10 miles, before two other troopers joined in. that's when the suspect stopped his vehicle, got out with a hand-gun and began firing.trooper fields was shot twice but is in stable condition this morning. he's expected to make a full recovery. law enforcement officers can't solve recurring violence in cedar rapids by themselves... now a new task force is lending a helping hand.. 2 news reporter stephanie johnson has the latest information on how they plan to work together in this connects against crime report. good morning stephanie. stephanie.hey kelly...the police and the community formed two groups that are working together to cut down on violence.. group, p-cat, or the police community action team, was assembled so a handful of officers could respond to incidents at a moments's made up of
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determine crime trends, which will increase police presence in some neighborhoods.the other group is known as s-e-t which stands for safe equitable and thriving... they will try to understand what causes the violence. "the community actually has started to identify possible root causes. the gun violence is just a symptom of something underneath that's causing that violence and it could be a variety of reasons." reasons."so far this month, there have been 13-shots fired reports here in cedar rapids alone.the two groups hope that with more research and community policing, that number will not rise.stephanie johnson, cbs 2 news. all eyes are on des moines for tonight's republican debate. the last one before iowan's head to their caucus locations on monday night. night. cbs 2 this mornging co-anchor kevin barry joins us live in
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what voters can expect. expect.kentucky senator rand paul yesterday set the bar high saying that the g-o-p is poised to have their best debate of 20-16 tonight. tonight.paul has reason to be happy - a last minute sure in the polls put him back on the main debate stage after he had been relegated to the undercard debate - and chose not to take part if he wasn't with the top candidates. but senator pauls comments came when he was talking about the fact that front runner donald trump would likely not be on stage tonight -- and instead has said he'll have an event at the same time as the event because he wasn't being treated fairly in other. that's good. he'll draw a crowd over there. yeah i like that. smart. i have full faith and trust in mr donald trump to do the right thing and if that's the decision he's made
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we'll be here tonight for the debate so be sure to follow along for the latest information on our twitter feed and facebook pages - and also on cbs 2 iowa dot com. in des moines, kevin barry, in des moines, kevin barry, cbs 2 this morning. president obama met with one of the democrats trying to succeed him. him.vermont senator bernie sanders sat down with the president for an informal meeting at the oval office.the president held a similar meeting a few weeks ago with hillary clinton.after the meeting, sanders told reporters he enjoyed the discussion and responded to accusations that obama is trying to persuade democrats
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"i don't believe that at all. i think he and the vice president have tried to be fair and even-handed in the process, and i expect they will continue to be that way." way."president obama says he will not endorse a candidate but will lend support any way he can to the eventual democratic nominee. sanders main rival, hillary clinton, has had several big name celebrities stumping for her in iowa over the past few weeks.that includes lena dunham, demi lovato, and billie jean king.. king..but now *senator sanders is bringing a famous actress into the hawkeye state to campaign for him..susan sarandon made stops in des moines and mason city yesterday and spoke on his behalf. former president bill clinton will be back in the corridor today, on the campaign trail for his remember, president clinton spoke in cedar rapids just a few weeks ago.he will be at cornell college at 2 this afternoon and also is speaking at washington high school at around 4-thirty. new developments in flint, michigan.. michigan..state lawmakers are expected to vote today on an
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would give even more funds to address the water crisis. crisis.the bill would approve 28-million dollars to go towards relief.some of the money would pay for more bottled water, water filters and monitoring children who could be at risk of developmental delays due to their exposure to increased amounts of lead. 30 years ago today, a tragedy played out on live television. television.nasa will pay tribute to the 7 crew members of the challenger who died that day.just 73 seconds after the launch, a booster engine failed and caused the shuttle to break apart. apart.on their website, nasa has a special page dedicated to remembering the challenger crew, as well as the crew of apollo 1 and columbia shuttles, who were also killed in separate missions.head to our website at cbs 2-iowa-dot- com for a link to this page. it's and right now in it's degrees. degrees.still to come...the questions still lingering after hawkeye athletes appeared on the same stage as donald trump. your cbs 2 weather
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main weather- your planner shows what's ahead for the next hoursa&- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycama&- temperatures around the areaa& - taking a look at regional temperatures we see highs are - the regional satellite/radar is mainly clear todaya&- let's move ahead in time by surface mapa&- moving into a closer view with our 'predictor' forecast we see cloudy conditions tonighta&- today's forecast bring us partly cloudy skiesa&- tonight's forecast has us dealing with cloudy skies, maybe some flurries- tomorrow will feature sunshine & warming weathera&- the next three days show more sunshine with warming weathera&- our 7 day forecast has a warming
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here's a look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... managers at an eastern iowa ethanol company are now facing multiple charges of federal tax violations.last week, a cedar rapids grand jury indicted the owner and general manager of permeate refining in hopkinton.according to court documents, randy less and darrell smith allegedly withheld federal income, social security and medicare taxes from employees-- but didn't pay those taxes to the i-r-s.prosecutors say both
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thousand dollars worth of taxes in 2009 and 20-11. the head of the iowa national guard says nearly 17-hundred positions have been opened up to women this year following a federal policy change.during his condition of the guard address at the state capitol, major general timothy orr said the changes come after the pentagon's 20-15 ruling that allows women to serve in any position, including combat roles. right now, the guard has 15 soldiers and airmen deployed around the world. good morning, it's on this morning, and if you're in it's degrees.just ahead... we're updating the most
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the time has come to make a choice... about which candidate can actually make a difference for you. in a world as complex as this, we need a president as experienced as hillary. in the situation room... at the negotiating table... and always on your side... fighting for children and families. with a real plan to get incomes rising... ...reduce drug prices... equal pay for women... ...and protect social security and medicare for seniors. she'll build on obamacare, not start over. break through the gridlock, not add to it. defend planned parenthood, not attack it.
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not protect it. lead on foreign policy, not ignore it. we need a president with the experience and determination to get the job done. i'm running to make a difference. a real difference for you and your families across our country. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. welcome back -- it's now we're
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your_______ tonight gop candidates will square off in a debate one last time before the iowa caucuses, which are now just days away. away.and tonight, the front- runner will not be on stage. the trump campaign announced they'd be skipping this debate after disagreements with fox over how the republican front runner was treated at the first fox debate. seven candidates will take place in tonight's prime time debate, senator rand paul was added back on stage after sitting the last debate early card debate will take place before that. questions continue to swirl this morning, after nearly twenty hawkeye athletes took rally in iowa city. city.the football players and wrestlers jumped on stage with the presidential candidate to fire up the crowd tuesday night.but later, some fans
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took to social media and asked if their participation violated any n-c-double-a rules.athletic director gary barta says it was *not an endorsement of trump.wrestling coach tom brands says athletes ould be free to express themselves. themselves. nat " nice guys they endorsed me .. they like me and i like them." " you know we certainly didn't endorse them or push them to do that, but you know what, we have some independent thinkers on this team. " there are rules that prohibit college athletes from endorsing a political candidate or being involved in any controversy, but as of this morning there's no indication the n-c-double-a plans to investigate. investigate. at that same rally in iowa city...the secret service arrested one protester, accused of throwing two tomatoes at donald trump. here's how trump resonded as the man was escorted out.. out.."you wanna let the football team take care of it? (cheers)" (cheers)"this is video cbs 2 news shot during the rally and our cameras caught the tomatoes being thrown at trump.
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his speech down - you can see one of the tomatoes at the bottom of your screen.another hits the curtains at the back of stage. stage.28-year-old andrew alemao was escorted out of the rally and taken to the johnson county jail.he's been charged with disorderly conduct, and bonded out of jail on wednesday. the famous coffee bean jars at the hamburg inn number two in iowa city are starting to fill up.every four years, the restauant's "coffee bean caucus" lets customers toss a coffee bean into the jar of their favorite you can see here, bernie sanders seems to be doing well on the democratic side. republicans seem to be backing donald trump. meantime, our radio partners at k-c-j-j report that the hamburg inn will soon be under new ownership.the panther family has owned and operated the restaurant since it opened word yet on who the panthers are selling to.we should learn that after the sale is finalized. new this morning.. australian teen is in custody this morning for discussing a possible terror
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an explosive on a kangaroo, and then setting it loose on police officers. officers.australian prosecutors say this 19- year-old suspect discussed ways to pull it off with a british accomplice.right now, he's been ordered to stand trial on charges of planning an isis-inspired terrorist attack on australia's version of veteran's day in april, that would have targetted officers. there is a tragic new twist in the death investigation of joe gliniewicz. remember he's the former illinois police officer that staged his suicide to look like a homicide.that was back in september when he feared investigators would discover he was stealing from a charity. his widow, melody, is facing chargs for being a part of that scheme.she's accused of embezzling 10- to -100-thousand dollars from a youth training program.her attornies say she is a victim of her husband's criminal acts. melody gliniewicz is out of jail this morning. at the capitol.. capitol..democrats introduced legislation that would repeal a 2005 law granting the gun industry immunity from civil
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bill say they want to crack down on negligent sellersa& and hold the industry accountable for better product safety. "the standards of negligence are the same, whether you're coming after a negligent gun dealer or a negligent automaker. we're not asking for any special treatment for the gun industry. we're asking for the special treatment they enjoy today, the immunity they enjoy, to be removed." removed."opponents of the repeal say they believe it will lead to frivolous lawsuits against gun manufacturers. right now, the university of iowa will be paying more than 200-thousand dollars, to settle a gender discrimination lawsuit, filed by a former track coach. coach.mike scott, was already working as a volunteer assistant, when he applied for an open assistant coaching position. position.scott says he was warned by another coach that administrators wanted to hire a female coach.under the agreement the university does not have to admit to the discrimination. developing story in tiffin, city leaders are considering a
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johnson county minimum wage hike.if approved, the increase will apply only to workers in tiffin who are 18 and older. the council had previously considered opting out of the county-wide mandate all together.they will discuss the change during a hearing next week.swisher, shueyville and solon have already opted out. it's now on this morning. morning.right now it's degrees in when we come back, we'll take a look at the three stories you'll need to know on this morning. morning. cbs-2 news connects with the us with your story tips at 1-800-222-kganor email us at news at cbs2iowa.comor connect with us
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there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. i know we can create that america if we listen to our hearts. and that journey begins here in iowa. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, and i ask you to join with us at the caucuses on monday night.
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announced they'd be skipping this debate after disagreements with fox over how the republican front runner was treated at the first fox debate. new details this morning in oregon.three more members of an armed group that took over buildings at a federal wildlife refuge have been arrested.the f-b-i says the three men turned themselves in to agents at a checkpoint near the refuge.this comes just one day after a shootout with police ended with the death of the militia's spokesman lavoy finicum. 30 years ago today, a tragedy played out on live television. nasa will pay tribute to the 7 crew members of the challenger who died that day.just 73 seconds after the launch, a booster engine failed and caused the shuttle to break apart.nasa is also using the day to remember other fallen astronauts. final weather- your planner shows what's ahead for the next hoursa&-temperatures around the areaa&- statewide satellite/radar shows mainly clear conditions for the day aheada&- moving into a closer
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our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television.
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