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tv   CBS 2 News 10  CBS  January 29, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm CST

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no matter where they're born, no matter to whom they a a born. our children's future is shaped both by the values of their parents and the policies of their nation. it's time to protect the next generation, fill the lives of our children with possibility and hope, open up the doors so that every child has a ance to live up to his or her god-given potential. i've spent my life fighting for children, families and our country, and i'm not stopping now. (crowd cheers) i'm hillary clinton, and i have always approved this message. happening right now on cbs 2 news ten at ten."they have to determine what kind of risk is acceptable to the public."why leaders say it's time to ange the definition of drunk driving. driving.developing
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police are investigating another report of sex assault on campus.when it happened and what police are saying about the aaacker.'s so close now."only on cbs 2 news, an exclusive look at the progress being made on the new hancher auditorium. but t rst--even more of a warmrm up is in store for this weekend. weekend.but the nice weather won't last 2 chief meteorologist terry swails is tracking the potential for heavy snown eastern iowa next week.he joins us now with
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cbs 2 news is learning about a oposed change that could affect almost everyone's entertaining night out.the national transportation safety board wants to lower the legal blood alcohol limit to point-zero-five.that's nearly half the current legal threshold for drivers. 2 news reporter marissa scott is live in cedar rapids rapidswith the reason behind this proposal, marissa?
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transportation says one in four car crashes involve distracted driving.when you think of distracted driving - you probably think of someone on their phone.but university of iowowresesechers say drinking and driving definitely falls into the distracted driving category. category. "anytime you have an impairing substance it's going to change your driving performance." andrew spurgin is the pharmacist and assistant research scientist at ui's national advanced driving simulator.he says the research they do in this buildidi is critical for drivers and lawmakers. "by studying their abilities to drive, we're able to measure everything from lane position to speed to how hard their prprsing on the acelerator or the break."for the last 13 years, the university of iowa has used driving simulators like this one to research drunk driving. driving. "the simulator allows us to provove a realistic environment where people would drive like they normally
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their full motion simulator provides three-hundred-60 degree visuals along th the capability to make drivers feel like they're driving on the road. they also look at how drugs and distractions play a factor on the roads. roads. "we're really able to demostrate what kind of effects these substances have on driving performace." performace." "we're allowed to dose them with a certain limit either with alcohol or drugs and they are able to drive in a realistic area without risk of harm to themselves, property or other people." spurgin says down the road, he hopes lawmakers s ll look at their data andndecide if they should keep the current blood alcohol level or lower it. "if we're setting a per say limit, we're saying maybe a little bit is unacceptable but they have to determine what kind of risk is acceptable to the public." each year, nearly 10,000 people die in alcohol-related traffic accidents and 170,000 are injured, according to the n-t-s-b.currently, all 50 states have set a b-a-c level of .08covering the corridor,
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scott, cbs 2 news ten at t t. new tonight at 10 10university of iowa police are investigating another report of a sexual assault on campus. campus.u-i police tell cbs 2 news it happed last weekend d at an n eaststide residence hall. hall.the department says the victim knew her alleged attacker. attacker.this is the sixth sexual assault to be reported on campus this school year, ananthe first this semester. cbs 2 news ten at ten continues now with new developments in a deadly crash in cedar rapids. rapids.lawson chadwick is out of jail tonight on a 110-thousand dollar bond. he's accused of killing a city employee while leading police on a high speed chase. april, chadwick slammed into a city water department van driven by stephen cook.he is charged with impaired driving and vehicular homicide.his trial is scheduled to begin in april. cbs 2 news is learning new details about borched robbery turned shooting in cedar rapids. rapids.police tell cbs 2 news
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trying to rob a home when he was shot.the unidentified man is expected to be o.k.right now, no one is facing charges connected to the case. cbs 2 news is following the lastest developments in the deportation of a very popular iowa pastor.max villatoro was deported last year.he had b bn in iowa for 20 years, but was forced to return to honduras without his family., iowa congressman dave loebsack has introduced legislation that could help.if passed, the law would allow people like pastor max to apply for an immigrant visa. after months of retail campaigning and political ads, democrats and republicics acroro the state willllcaucus for their favorite candidates monday night.and thousands of volunteers are still trying to get ready. ready.they are working to prepare more than 16-hundred iowa caucus sites.e process itself is different between the two parties, but both say it has taken a lot of time and effort to get sure to join us monday night
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reactionfrom across iowa, and the country.that's monday y night on the cbs 2 and fox 28. still dogging hillary clinton on the campaign trial---her handling of email while secretary of ate. tonight, the state department is refusing to release 22 of the emails, classifying them as top secret. those emails came from a personal server@ clinton used while leading that department. she says, in hindsight,t,hat it was wrong to use the server, but maintains she did nothing illegal. on the g-o-p side, many are now asking if a more traditional republican candidate still stands a chance against front-runner donald trump?cbs 2 news anchor and political reporter kevin barry discussed that with the host of 'face the nation,' john dickerson. dickerson. the challenge for the establishment, although that is an imperfect word. the challenge for anyone who is not donald trump and ted cruz, the challenge is tre are too many of them, they are splittttg the vote. and so until that gets resolved,
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more mainstream challenger to trump and cruz has to winnow the field. and will iowa play its traditional winnowing role? will number three in iowa matter the way it did with lamar alexander in 1996 where he got a boost for about 48 hours where people thought he was a real alternative to bob dole. dole.the clinton campaign has changed a lot and learned a lot since 2008, learning from what went wrong. but have they made the right questions. questions.that's a great question, kevin. one of the things that's very different this time around is that in 2008 they didn't see the obama thing coming and once they did it was too late and obama had a sste of the art organization building on what howard dean did in 2004. this time, the clinton campaign went to iowa even before
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and worked the state like madad and really worked the state. has the right kind of opperatives in the state. so they have really done everything they could in terms of buildinan iowa organization and taking the state sererusly and thinking about it as an important place. never the less, bernie sanders has the love and the enthusiasm of the vers. they are both working hard in the state it's juju two dififrent appraches. i don't think she could have done anything different in terms of what hillary clinton did, but we'll hav e to see whether the emotions of bernie sanders overwhelms aa of her careful plans. for more of kevin's interview with john dickerson, be sure to watch 'iowa in focus' this sunday morning at 10:30, right here on cbs 2. cbs 2 news continues to track the lastest developments in the flint water crisis., michigan governor rick snyder signed an emergency funding bill for the city. city.flint will getet28-million
10:10 pm'll recall the city's drinking water was contanimated by lead two years ago, when an emergency manager, appointed by governor synder, switched the city's water source to save money. now, flint city leaders say they will replace all 15- thousand lead-based water pipes in the will take until at least 0-30 for that project to be completed. here in the corridor, north liberty libertyis working on improvements to that city's water leaders tell cbs 2 news, their water systems haveveeen able to keep up with the townwn steady population increase.but as the city continues to grow, it becomes more of a 2008 the city completely rebuilt its waste water treatment, they're moving on to phase two. the city is working on designing a new, 20 million dollar water plant near public works. tiffin is also making upgrades to its a water system. administrator doug boldt t tells cbs 2 news, bids are due on february 16th for an inflow and infiltration
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eliminate ground water that *does not need to be treated from getting i io the sanitary sewer.boldt says it's been putting stress on the city's aging infrastructure. now ten at ten continues with a look at tonight's other stories across the corridor. a new committee is being set up to analyze the impact of johnson county's new minimum wage ordinance.the eleven- member group is being appointed by the johnson county board of supervisor they'll study how the wage increases are affecting workers as well as businesses. so far, solon, swisher, shueyville and oxford have opted out of the new ordinance. in cedar rapids...mount mercy university is highlighghng its growing international student programs. over the last few years, the school has accepted students from 24 countries, and sending *iowa students overseas. students tell cbs 2 news, the program is "life-changing" and they say they are so glad they stepped outside of their comfort zones, to experience a world beyond the one they know. if you'd like to know more
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program, log onto cbs 2 iowa dot com. that is cbs 2 news ten at ten -- the corridor's top stories and tomorrow's weather first forecast in the first ten minutes. minutes.still to come... come...revenge served ononhe mama-- in a dominating fashion -- how the hawks were able to
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car repairs, home improvements, a family trip... it's not easy to afford them. what did marco rubio do? he put $22,000 in personal expenses on a republican party credit card. rubio's bad judgment caused a scandal and for five years rubio refused to release the credit card records. marco rubio: skipping major votes... all over the place on immigrationon. bad judgment. marco rubio: just too many questions. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message.
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the latest details coming from the campaign trail, just hours before the much anticipated iowa caucuses..join us monday morning for everything u'll need to know, before you
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next on c-b-s two news... news...getting ready to take the exclusive look at the progress being mama on the w hancher auditorium. auditorium.
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but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, answer the call already. there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place d look to the amemecan horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest andndrandchildren.
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but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. i know we can create that america if we listen to our hearts. and that journey begins here in iowa. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, and i ask you to join with us the caucuses on monday night.
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years of waiting are now down to m mths. months.after the historic 2008 flood destroyed hancher auditorium, construction crews started building a new one in 2013.and right now they're working on the final phase. cbs 2 news reporter steffi lee brings us an exclusive inside look at their progress. progress. "i just keep on focusing on that opening. it's so close now."with the lights turned on and glossy wood ceilings throughout hancher - the construction tools covering the floor means work on the venue is in its final stretch. stretch."we're down to ceilings, we're down to flooring, we're down to painting"even without old hancher for the past eight years - staff and construction
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mission to bring the best of the best to iowa city. city. "the intimacy of the theatre is going to be unbelievable." new hancher will grab your attention as it shines bright outside - but the show starts inside. inside."there's the t tatrical piece of it - to make sururthe theatrical tuning takes place properly, which involves having people in the theatres, in the rehearsal halls, making sure that the sound systems work perfectly." perfectly.""from backstage all "from backstage all the way to the front of the house." audience members can fill eighteen hundred seats under elegant circles of led lights. but on a asmaller scale - "we're going to have a great hancher cafe, we're going to hopefully be able to have some experience to put on some soft events, where we can experience what the cafe is like."."after breaking grouou three years ago - every morning - more than 200 craftsmen put their hardhats on - chipping away at every corner of the building. building. "there's still a lot of work to be done, both o o the building and for the
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gearing up. we're gearing up - i think it's going to be out of the past 43 years, one of the best seasons hhcher's ever had."ctc in iowa city, steffi lee, cbs 2 news ten at ten hancher gets the keys to the new home this open house is planned during the cy- hawk football game in september. and coming up in sports sportsit was a battle for the top spot in the wamac west -- could marion avenge an early season lls and knock off undefeated c--p-u -- next on cbs 2.
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iowa has won 19 straight big 10 duals -- that's something -- but getting to 20 -- would mean something special to tom brands and his grapplers because that means the hawks avenged the last t tm who beatat thememn a conference dual -- the golden gophers minnesota won that meet in iowa city 2 years agothomas gilman still not happy about that -- and he took out his frustration -- not even 80 seconds into the matctc-- gilman pins his man -- hawks start the dual up 6 nothingand corry clark followed suite -- just before the buzzer sounds in the second period -- clark gege the shoulder down for the fall -- back to back pins for the hawks -- brands pumpedand as expected -- this was all
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simple dominanad his opponent -- he won with a tech fall in the first period -- iowa rolls 34 to 6. in the iowa conference -- coe hosting wartburg -- the knights won the first meeting 3535o 3 -- and it was more of the same this time around -- at 133 -- connor campo -- with the take down -- he'd win his match with a 10 to 5 decisonthen at 141 -- kaz oh-no -- got brady rewden in the oh-no position -- oh-n-n gets the 4 point near fall before the second period ends -- he'd win his match 17 to 10 and the wins just kept on coming for the knights -- at 157 -- drew wagenhoffer -- gets 2 for the take-down -- wartburg won every match -- and the daul -- 33 nothing the final.. huge game on the hardwood in the wamac -- if marion beats center point urbana -- then the two are tied d top west standings... the stormin' pointers haven't lost -- corby laube getting his girls ready -- early on in the first -- chloe rice -- beats the pressure -- spots up
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makes it rain -- marion takes the lead c-p-u would battle back -- allison wooldrige -- spinning and winning on the blocbut the indians wouldn't be denied -- mia laube up ahead to isabell sade -- too easy -- marions get a big win -- 61 to 54 the final. in the tri rivers... alburnett looking for the big upset -- hoststg 3rd ranked springvile and like all season long -- the orioles flew out of the gates -- look at the ball movement -- all around the world to mikayala nachazel -- she puts it home for two of her 14 pointsthe pirates didn't back down -- kassidy rose spots up and nails the three ballbut springville just too much -- megan wagamen - three the old fashion way -- orioles win 6666to 27 stay with c-b-s two -terry has one last look at your forecast
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car repairs,s, home improvementnt a family trip... it's not easy to afford them. what did marco rubio do? he put $22,000 in personal expenses on a republican party credit card. rubio's bad judgment caused a s sndal and for five years rubio refused to release the credit card records. marco rubio: skipping major votes... all over the place on immigration... bad judgment. marco rubio: just too many questions. right to rise usa
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thanks for watching your s 2 news at ten.we'll see you back
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there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor,
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a nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. i know we can create that america if we listen to our hearts. and that journey begins here in iowa. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, and i ask you to join with us at the caucuses on monday night.
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