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tv   CBS 2 News 10  CBS  February 17, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm CST

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cbs 2 news at 10 pm. cbs 2 news is tracking new developments in an allegation against cedar rapids handling this of asbestos. the atty. gen.'s office is investigating exposure claims at washington high school. a man proposed subcontractor work at jefferson high school and said asbestos there was not properly handled during a project in 2013. today he provided pictures the back up his claim. cbs 2 reporter dora miller visited to get to the bottom of the allegations. dora? >>reporter: it looks like there has been movement to the ststy since we reported, progress has been made in there trying to figure out what really happened at jefferson high. brent bush says these pictures were taken in the
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jefferson high. there are signs stating asbestos was in the area but according to brent the sign and the red tape or not ough to reduce e risk. it should not have happened the way it did. we should've had proper shooting up an hepa filters to keep that from being spread. >>reportererdr. brad bok isisthe superintendent at the school district in cedar rapids that he only found out about the mishap. >> a look at the pictures anan n't have the expertise. in an email he contacted the department months ago. >>reporter: he called common iowa dnr and left a detailed voicemail, neither toto nor anyone else bothered to return my call. >> i don't know that i have enough information to understand where things are. it sounds like he would try and do due diligence with talking to a variety of people.
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about hoseriously this was taken. but please know that we will take it seriously. for future projects they are looking into preventative measures. we will continue to look at if we need to provide additional oversight to architects and our own staff. >>reporter: a specialty was used for both projects and we reached out to the company but they refused to mment, they did not want to really talk to them that we did decide if we would look into health risks for those that were exposed and we will have more details as they become available. covering the corridor in cedar rapids, dora miller. asked the ended medical use of cannabis oil is one step closer to reality. house committee passed a bill making that form of medical marijuana more accessible to
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if it proved -- approved it would allow the production and distribution of cannabis oil, unlike the broader bill, the house version would only allow patients with it telepathy, multiple sclerosis or terminal cancer to buy in use. it moves to the full house for consideration. tonight we are awaiting a windy warm-up around eastern iowa, when gus could reach 35 mi./h but it will send warm temperatures into the eastern parts of the state that we have been anticipating for almost 10 days now. 29 is the current temperature and we have used a southeast winds and all around temperatures are in the range of 25 to 30 degrees and we should stay steady from here on out things to a thin layer of clouds the indicates the warm air advancing. by friday this is the storm tracker and we can see temperatures are 25 degrees above normal, meaning highs could be pushing 60s in the southern counties by the time
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as you can see in the temperature spread tomorrow is a mild day with the readings climbing up into the 40s. cbs 2 news continues with more stop -- top stories, a man is charged for recording a student by hugh that she was showering in a university of iowa dorm. robert hightower, 23 stole the key to get into a bathroom and officer found hightower hiding in another bathroom, whwhe this photo was taken.u-i police arrested him last night. he was also wanted on two him and an officer found him in a bathroom where this photo was taken, university of iowa police arrested him and he was wanted on to warrenton coralville for similar crimes. cbs 2 news is learning disturbing details about an attack of a woman whososbaby was cut from her womb, michelle wilkins survived that last year in colorado and today she took a a and at triaiaagainst her r attacker.
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responded to a craigslist ad for maternity clothes and went to die now lanes -- tran7's home, she cut the baby out with kitchen knives and if convicted faces 140 years behind bars. in cedar rapids a person is in trouble after shots were fired. ficers were in the e area investigating a burglary and they took one person into custody and they tell cbs 2 news that they found a handgun and they are not sure how many people are involved or if the crimes are cocoected. waterloo police are investigating shots fired and the gunfire, luckily no one was hurt. a cedar falls teacher is now charged with stealing student medication.according to the waterloo-cedar falls courier,
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camera allegedly taking drugs from a medicine cabinet at holmesesunior high earlier this month.wilkinson is accused of taking at least 48-pills from five different students.according to court documents, he admitted to being addicted to prereription drugs. right now, credit card theft is a national epidemic and any of us could end up becoming a victim. violates your privacy aa allows crimimils to charge thousands of dollars in your name. a story you will only see on cbs 2 news... news...reporter matt hammill spent the last week talking with victims and police aut how quickly this can happen. matttt karen - i know you carry a purse .. scott you have a wallet - for the next few minutes - think about - where* you keep those.- tonight a cautionary tale - - of how one simple** decision - can throw your life - into chaos . " varooooooom. " " i simply met my girlfriend for lunch, we decicid to go in at panera
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." elaina kempin says she should have known - a man behind her - sat a little too close - and then a woman caused a scene - complaining about her food. " they took my wallet out of my purse .. actually opened up my purse took the wallet out while it was literally right beside me. "" varoooooooooooooom " five - mintues - later before elaina even knows her wallet is gone - police say - someone - hit the cedar rapids target - " ching - ching "charging nearly seven hundred dollars in gift cards to her credit card. a minute later - in the same store - - " ching ching " another nine - hundred dollars.a half hour later elaina's credit cards show up at coral- ridge mall - chchg - ching "another target store - another nine hundred - dollars. coralville police obtained these security pictures which they believe show this couple using the cards." about this
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cards. i'm shutting my credit cards down, calling the credit card companies i'm in a panic. according to police reports the suspects run into shields anpolice showed her the vide as the suspects tried three different visa cards and each one was declined. a fourth card finally works. according to police reports a grand total of nearly $3000 in less than two hours. >> i felt violated. >> they will hit as many stores as possible and race the clock and they will charge the cards first match as they can. they have seen people come from as far away as florida just to steal credit cards. they will be in town for a day or so and then they go on to the next area, des moines are upstate. >>reporter: no one intends to make it easy for thieves but take a look at what we found at this cedar rapids restaurant.
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back of chairs, sitting behind chairs, in shares, some open with wallets in plain view. >> don't leave your persosoa cart watch it at a restaurant when you go out to get your meal or to use restroom facilities, do not leave things unattended. >>reporter: with the suspects on the loose elena changed her credit cards and take account and was glad the nightmare was over until two months later when her husband called. >> he asked if i tookok$3000 out ofofhe checking account and i said no. a woman walked into this bank and cleaned out her account, even with the fraud alert the teller handed over thousands of dollars. knkning that i was being watched and d sought out is extremely disturbing. >>reporter: the crime has cost her nothing and everything, shsh hahato watch alalof her financial accounts like a hawk and it may never end. taken
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worried about tax time, they will get in the letter saying they won't get a refund because you've already received it. on top of everything else they also got away with her concealed weapons permit and they could buy a gun. i see women at the grocery store with their purses in them .. hey this happened to me .. just you might want to be careful. " cedar rapids and coralville police are interested in any tips - that can lead them to the suspects - in this case. as for safety - if you're out to lunch - some suggest - putting your purse between your feet* .one officer told me - he writes* on his credit cards - - ask for i - d - - to encourage cashiers to look at a picture* - i - d. matt hammill - cbs 2 news, ten atat0. now ten at ten continues with a look at tonight's other stories across the corridor. we begin with new developments in a deadly cedar rapids house
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that 76-year-old karen jacobs has died following the fire monday morning.she and her husband were pulled from their home on 16th avenue southwest. ronald jacobs, also 76 - died in the fire.investigators believe smoking materials sparked the blaze. the debate over raising the minimum wage is heading north to linn county. county.the board of supervisors is looking to raise the minimum wage to 10-10 an hour.johnson county passed a similar ordinace last year.governor branstad has said he would consider a statewide increase if lawmakers sent a bill to his desk. that is cbs 2 news ten at ten -- the corridor's top stories and tomorrow's weather rst forecast in the first ten minutes. minutes.still to come... come...a dream matchup on the mat... lisbon dukes it out with alburnett highlights from the one-a state wrestling team
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cbs 2 this morning.a new program is being used by police for the first time across the country. could tip officers ff to potential dangers while in the line of duty.find out
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that's tomorrow on cbs 2. i don't know about anyone else but this needs to be about performance february thth i have seen. i have seen warmer ones but it has been a long time. this will be the warmest temperatures we have seen in 2 months, good things to talk about. it will be wind driven and i do mean wind. gus over 40 mi./h and we are at 29 degrees right now. skies are mostly cloudy and it seems to be thinning t but what a day it was. all the way up to 54 degrees right now and there is omaha. the warm air is building in southwestern iowa and it will come towards us in the next 24 hours. you can tell it's moving because the clouds are dancing over eastern iowa and we're getting a cloud because the warm area comes up over the top and it's overrunning this
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from time to time and into the day tomorrow. a big warm up coming in tomorrow temperatures. back in the 40s among eastern iowa and 50s in the north and 60s in the south. winds will crank up and that will negate some of the warmth. we want to give you a heads up there. is down to 25and further south ththtemperatures are substantially warmer where there is no snow on the ground. colder readings. across the northern one third in here on the satellite tonight there are some of the clouds that could keep temperatures up. you can really see this major area of low pressure and there is the storm track running in from thehesouthwest and it's starting to transport into the midwest and it looks like it will be around for several days to come. the northwest flow is already starting to lift out and by the
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see the rich that expands across will be there with unseasonably warm temperatures. as we get in tomorrow midshipman 40s and look at the southwest iowa. we could see some temperatures close to 60 and the far southern county and this model even indicates a high of 58 degrees in cedar rapids. it will be wind driven and you can see morrow afternoon the gus could be around 40 mi.i. and they continue to blow into friday. you will need to hold onto your hat that you can wear a bite coat. of forecast shows some of the clouds will deal with in the nighttime hours. during the day they should do now and it allows temperatures to start warming. tonight in advance of all that
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to 31 degrees and the winds picking up from the southeast. during the day tomorrow temperatures in the upper 30s to lower 40s and about 50 degrees to the far south h and the extended forecast does have temperatures up to 57 degrees on friday unless went on saturday and still try on sunday with a high temperature of 47 degrees. a nice-looking forecast. thank you barry, next the high-tech court battle over privacy versus government security and how it could
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apple says it will not be forced to help the f-b-i break into the phone of one of the san bernadino apple says they will not be forced to help the vi brick san bernardino attackers. a judge orred the tech company to provide softwa for the agency to provide phone -- away in and this is an unprecedented step that threatens the security. the company has 5 days to appeal and many are asking what this means to the millions of customers. jeff barnes explains the
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against government security. >>reporter: government investigator said was the families of the san bernardino victims of thorough investigation, one securury expert says the court order demanding apple creates a phone for government use is a slippery slope and not just for iphone users. in this specific case they appear to be rolling the dice every american. apple says the government suggests using the back door only once on one phone but that simply is not true. the technique can repeatedly be used on any number of devices and it will compromise apple's customers. among users that we talk to the opinions are mixed. security which shouldldtake precedent. i don't think the fbi should be able to get information from apple to spy on people.
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>>reporter: any flaw that's "they'll figure it out. they'll get to it one way or the other. and when they do, bare." 3:16 3:16as of now, nothing's changed regarding privacy among i-phphe's customers. and many legal experts agreea& this case *could* go all the way to the supreme court. court.:37 " i think it's a really complicated issue. washington, im jeff barnd, cbs 2 news ten at 10. coming up in sports... road woes to continue for the hawkeyes... find out what went wrong in happy valley... next
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tournament now sports with pat brown. i resume is as strong as anyone in plenty of good winds but more importantly no bad bosses. they put the hawkeyes on alert and the talks started. this i ia thunderous jam and the hawkeyes jump out to a 10- to lead. the trail that the half and they go to jared utah. not much room and they cut the
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cold and huhury. this is the game stealing put back and they were upset on the road, 79-75 and the good news is they get a week off. they slide in to the top. the winning streak screeches to a halt and it will be back at it on saturday at home. the iowa state women get a much- needed win in throttle texas tech. this game included 29-0 run. rustling is one-on-one but great wrestlers make great teams. they duked it out in des moines wiwi the championshsh on the line and a couple of power houses met in 18. connor adds another pin to his resume and that has to feel good.
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this is price paul at 152. that is the pen and the pirates led by 10. lisbon roared back in here as wally was a 3 point near fall in route to a 15-1 decision. they were dinged f f being unsportsmanlike and it cost his s team a point and al burnett wins by criteria and the pirates party. this is a fight and they taught us to do thdt all year. we said to break it out and they said to fight because that is what the program is based on. why they were shaking hands i was looking at them and i did not know what to say and then the coach said we nt a t streak and i could not hold it in. that's been our goal. in girls hoops they have clasasd twice in 2016 and him both times the panthers came away winners and they hope the third time is the charm for the
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first corner lindsay dolphin making waves and they were up 7 apiece ithe cougars would not be denie they clawed their way back and lisa tucker all over the board. cascade gets revenge and they went up 41-36. in the 4a regional quarters this was all safe and early goings and mckennitt anderson
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they score the first 10 and tomorrow morning we start ararnd six tomorrow w rning we start around 6 am and we will
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you can almost have lunch captioning sponsored by cbs >> jon: stephen colbert! ( band plang "late show" theme ) >> stephen: hey! thank you, everybody! ( cheers and applause ) hey, welcome to "the late show"."
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stephen! stephen! stephen! stephen. >> stephen: that's very nice. please, have a seat, everybody. >> stephen: welcome to "the late show." you spoil me. you spoil me. welcome to "the late show." you jon, grace. pleads, welcome. i'm stephen colbert. did you guys watch the westminster dog show this weekend? i love it. it's like the grammys, but with dogs, and less public urination. and yesterday, they announced the best-in-show winner, a german short-haired poininr named c.j. look at that beautiful dog! ( applause ) finally answering the age-old question, "who's a good boy?" ( laughter ) c.j. is.


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