tv CBS This Morning CBS February 24, 2016 7:00am-8:58am CST
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is your phone secretly recording you, how some apps steal your personal information and your money. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. look up. it's going to cross right in frfrt of us. >> oh, my god. >> wind picked up and sounded like a bomb hitting the house, basically. deadly storms sweep through the south. >> severe weather threatening on the southeast atlantic coast to the middle east atlantic coast. >> we love nevada! thank you! >> donald trump winning the nevada c ccuses and leaving rubio and cruz far behind. >> donald became president? nobody know what he would do. he doesn't know what he would do. >> sanders went after clilion over her wall street speeches. >> i'm very happy to release all of my paid speeches to wall street. here it is, chris! there ain't none!
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u.s. health officials say 14 cases may have been sexually transmitted. republicans aren't blasting the plan to close guantanamo bay. >> this is what i think of the president's plan. to send terrorists to the united states. >> in new york, two window washers had to be plucked from the country's tallest hotel. >> in connecticut, up to 12 people fighting. >> all that. >> the nt generation of robots looks so much like humans, it's kind of scary. >> oh, no! >> oh! i just threw that up. i drew that up at the time-out. >> and all that matters. >> bernie sanders who has had trouble attracting african-americans voters just got a high profile endorsement from spike lee. >> for bernie's sake, i hope it's better than other spoik lee'slee
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>> the vatican spokesman clarified the pope wasn't attacking trump. trump went toe-to-toe with the victor of christ and the pope blinked. just put a poster of him in the chapel. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places. welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump is now in a three-state winning streak after his big victory in nevada, building even more momentum toward the republican nomination. after a turbulent night of voting, trump won the nevada caucuses with 46% of the vote.
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just ahead of ted cst night, he was really pumped. >> we will be celelrating for a lolo time tonight. have a good time. have a good time. >> reporter: celebrating his big night in nevada, donald trump declared victory across the board. >> we won with younun we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated! i love the poorly educated! >> number one with hispanics. i'm really happy about that! >> reporter: trump rejected the notion he has a ceiling of support and laughed at conservatives who are calculating how he could lose. >> and if you could add them up, because, you know, the other candidates amount to 55%. so if they could -- they keep forgetting when people drop out, votes.
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they don't say it. >> reporter:ong lines pointed to a big turnout for trump and 60% of caucus go-ers said they are angry at the ferguson and more than 60% want the president to come from outside the political system. >> one week from today will be the most important night of this campaign. >> reporter: looking past his third place finish, t cruz took the stage in las vegas, focused on super tuesday and his home state of texas. arguing he is the only remaining candidate who can dethrone the front-runner. >> the only campaign that has beaten donald trump and the only campaign that can beat donald trump p this campaign. >> thank you. >> reporter: leaving nevada before caucusing began, marco rubio watched the results from michigan, where he urged voters to look beyond emotion. >> we can't just elect someone that is angry. we have to elect someone that
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someone that will win. >> reporter: now, early reports of some irregularities at the caucuses, people not being allowed in or others double voting appeared to be overblown. but the republican national committee did call the process controlled kayus. in fact, the ballot was a little confusing with voters being allowed to choose from among 11 candidates. six of whom a a no longerr running for president. gayle? >> thank you, dean. this is a question what will it take to stop donald trump? it all comes down to the delegates. republican voters in 11 states will hand outlmost 600 delegates on super tuesd. cbs news election director is here to where we take a stand on that. anthony, can donald trump mathematically be stopped? >> mathematically, yes, but it's politically going to get harder.
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nevada, donald trump has a commanding 81 to 17 delegate lead over cruz and rubio what is given out so far. on super tuesday we will see 595 delegates in playnd mainly across the south and full of kinds of voters donald trump has been winning like conservatives and evangelicals. if he keeps up this pace, then he can going to have at t ast 281 delegates coming out of super tuesday. partlily because of the rules give out those delegates proportionately. that means based on how many votes you get, not just whether you win or lose, that makes it even harder for everyone else to catch him. now, there is still time. it takes over 1,200 delegates to win and further down the road on march 15th, there are big delegaga prizes in states like florida and ohio. those states are winner take all. the question for folks like cru and rubio, can they hang on that long? charlie? >> thanks, anthony. florida senator and republican presidential
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from grand rapids, michigan. good morning, senator. >> good morning. >> reporter: congrgrulations on your second place showing in nevada. many people are asking this question this morning -- as the group narrows, as the establishment's so-called makes endorsrsents and many of them, is it simply too little too late to stop donald trump, especially if he does very well -- - >> no. >> -- on the s.e.c. day, the super tuesday voting? >> yeah. i think it's important to take a deep breath here. first of all, the republican nomination is decided by delegates. over 1,200 delegates you need to have and we are nowhere that number of people have been filed, much less being able to win them. and nthat sense the votes happening between now and the 15th and bore the 15th all of these states are aaaarding delegates proportionately. it's not how many states you win but how many delegates you pick up. there are plenty of states out there in the winner take all category if you win them, you
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so i think what needs to happen here, though, this race needs to continue to narrow because donald trump, for example, he underperformed mitt romney yesterday in nevada. four years ago, mitt romney got 50% of the vote there so shows a significant number of republicans even in nevada who are not -- do not want donald trump to be their nominee but right now divided up among four people. >> right now, you have yet to beat him, including the latest poll in your home state of florida. it shows that you're not even beating him in your own home state. at what int, at what state do you think kou're going to be the one to trump donald trump? >> well, we will with win in florida. now that governor bush is no longer in the race. i filled up a lot of the support in florida so that will help us. again, as far as going into next week, we feel great about every state on the map. has to be a coalescing here and i think that process began after south carolina and i think continue after our second place showing inevada last night. if we are going to keep working hard. we are in michigannlready and here last night for a rally and
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for the debate tomorrow and a rally today. we feel great about the work we are putting in and what it's leading to when this process plays out. >> senator rubio, we keep hearing the party doesn't want it but the people tell a different story how they feel about donald ump. have you asked jeb bush for his endorsement? >> firststf all, the people in every state that has voted, the overwhelming majority, including last night, 55% of the people did not vote for donald trump and that is helping him right now divided among the other people. i haven't discussed an endorsement with jeb bush and we are friends and i look forward to visiting him soon. >> can i ask you about the jssues before the republican people, the ones you have debated. one of your opponents, senator cruz this week said that he would have federal agents knock on the doors to find those who are in this country illegally. would you follow that? >> yeah. well, that is a changef position for him obviously now that he is under duress in this campaign and trying to guess -- change his positions once again
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the bottom line i don't think this country supportrt and i do not military style tactics. i do think we are going to enforce the law and people are being deported now. if you're here illegally in this country and have you a deportation n der, you're going to be deported, especially if you're a dangerous criminal. that is going to happen but i don't think this country is going to support nor do i think we need to support a roundup style of people in america. we need to secure our border and bring illegal immigration under control and i think the american people will be reasonable and responsible who you deal with use o o
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secretary of state. nancy, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yes, she was asked about a new ruling by a federal judge who said that some state department official and even her own aides should testify under oath whether they set up her private e-mail system to evade public record laws. she says there is no base for it. > i know there are, you know, challenges about what the state department did or didn't do and that will all be worked out. it's just not something that, you know, is going to have any lasting effect. >> reporter: clinton was also asked again whether she would release transcripts of her wall street speeches. >> why is there one standard for me and not for everybody else? playing field. >> repororr: sanders was asked if he would be willing to level the playing field. >> i am very happy to release all of my paid speeches to wall street. here it is, chris! there ain't none. >> reporter: in a state where african-americans make up a majority of the democratic
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republican front-runne of race i'm. >> this birther issue, which we heard from donald trump and others, a racist effort to tie -- to try to delegitimatize the president of the united states. can you imagine that? >> you're making the right choice. >> reporter: earlier, clinton peared at a emotional gathering at a columbia church. >> she was joined by him t mothers of five victims of gun violence or policerutality ose support she cultivated for months. including the mother of sandra bland. >> i am very angry, but i'm not angry enough to riot. i'm angng enough to vote for r this lady. >> reporter: and the mother of trayvon martin. >> we ha an opportunity to have someone that is going to stand up for us as african-americans, for us as women! i say my vote goes to hillary clinton. >> reporter:'s thon five women are taking that message all
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events throughout the day. without h hlary clinton and getting huge crowds. senator sanders is spending most of the week outside of south carolina in super tuesday states where he, arlie, thinks h@ has a better chance of winning. >> nancy, thanks so much. severe weather is two people were killed. the storms damaged several homes and buildings. more than 80 million americans today still face severe weather threat. the system is moving from the gulf to the mid-atlanticregion. davidd begnaud is in convent, louisiana. good morning, david.d. >> reporter: good morning. 30 people were hurt here. seven critically and two people died. this rv park looks like a disaster zone. shredded rvs tossed like children's toys.
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there were people who live here off and on. they work at jobs in the area chemical plants. yesterday, when the tnado rolled through the plants closed and so the park was packed. as the sheriff told me, katrina was the worst hurricane to hit louisiana in modern memory and this, he believes, is the worst tornado. >> look! it's going down! >> reporter: more than two dozen tornadoes were reported across five southern states tuesday in a deadly outbreak of storms that punished the gulf coast. a portion of the sugar hill trailer parkrkn convent, louisiana, was demolished. two people killed and another seven are in critical condition. >> i heard like a big rumbling sound. the whole entire house start shaking. >> look at thousand these trees were snapped off like toys. >> reporter: we toured the damage with louisiana's governor edwards. >> what makes this tornado different? >> it could not have hit a moror vulnerable area. these are travel trailers. these are not even mobile homes
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>> reporter: some of the most critically injured were thrown from their rvs and suffered major head trauma. >> you have individuals crawling out of debris and people looking for help. you see walking injured.@ >> reporter: in the florida panhandle, a tornado tore a two-mile long path of damage. at least six people were injured here. 24 homes were destroyed at this apartment complex in pensacola. rescue teams searched for anyone possibly traraed under debris. . >> it just felt like a big train just running through. >> look up. look up. >> that looks tornadic >> reporter: 20 miles eas of baton rouge, the capital of louiuiana, another tornadodoas record in prairieville and gold's gym. dozens of people inside at the time but no one hurt. the storm stretched to mississippi where a 73-year-old man was killed after his mobile hoho was tossed nearly 500 feet. back here at the rv park in convent, louisiana, there were cadaver dogs being used
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who may still be missing under the debris. as of this morning, gayle, there are six to seven people unaccounted for. it doesn't mean they are dead. it just means their family keeps lling the sheriff and he can'tt find those people at a local hospital. >> got to remain hopeful there. thank you, david. the fight over replacing late supreme court justice antonin scalia is escalating. senator republicans said they will not consider a nominee from president obama and that breaks precedent. the senatete a always given a nominee a hearing since 1875. politico reports that senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said there isn't a snowball$s chance in hell tha he'll bacac down. >> the judiciary committee has unanimously recommended there be no hearings. i agree with that. number two this nomination will be filled by the next president electetein novembmb. a letter from scalia's doctor says the late justice suffered from heart disease and obesity
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ailments. the 79-year-old justice was also a smokerer republicans will strongly challenge the president's plan to close the guantanamo bay prison in cuba. the proposal involves bringing arly 60 prisoners to thee congress outlawed the transfer of any inmates into the u.s. they looked at locations to house the prison and that includes the n nal bringing in south carolina and super max prison in colorado and the military prison in leavenworth, kansas. apple wants congress to resolve its fight with the fbi raraer than the urts. the associated press reports the tech giant plans to make that argument to a federal judge in the standoff over the san bernardino gunman's iphone. cbs news has confirmed justice department is demandingng apple's help in other investigations. the fbi has asked the company to unlock a total of 12 devices in nine other cases. apple is fightinin the government in at least seven of those cases. >> it's more than just one
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a prosecutor says uber driver accused in the deadly kalamazoo, michigan, shooting rampmpe planned to kill more people. surveillance video shows dalton before the killing spree. they say he bout a jacket with an inside pocket designed for a handgun. the shooting saturday killed six people and seriously hurt two others. there is a hopeful new devepment this morning on the plan for a partial truce in syria. in a ahone call, syria president bashar al asaid told russian president vladimir putin his government will help implement the plan. the agreement broken by the u u. and russia takes effect at midnight on friday. it does not cover isis or the al qaeda affiliated neutral front. the nephew of robert f. kennedy could head back to prison. ahead the new push by
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let's go places. cyberthieves are stealing confidential information and even money through your phone. ahead, the apps that could be hiding a dangerous secret. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." this morning" sponsored by nature made vitamins.. because i trust their quality. they were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended letter vitamin brand. it's a taste so bold, yet so smooth, it could only be called, black silk, from folgers. a taste you could enjoy, fresh brewed, or one cup at a time. black silk, from folgers. when your cold makes you wish...
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the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. i try hard to get a great shape. this... i can do easily. benefiber healaly shape helps curb cravings. it's a clear, taste-free daily supplement.... ...that's clinically proven to help keep me fuller longer. benefiber healthy shape. this, i can do. find us in the fiber aisle. hi, i'd like to make a dep-- scanner: rescan item. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often you almost get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative.
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representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we e t this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side representative. what's witithim? he's happy. your family's finally eating vegetables thanks to our birds eye voila skillet meals. and they only take 15 minutes to make. ahh! birds eye voila
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and simple. dad: hey, culligan man. culligan man: hey! anncr: a culligan whole-house water softening system turns your problem water into culligan water, pure and simple. today,eople in this country are up in arms. they are furious. they are seething with rage. 0 about starbucks new reward systst. this is all so frustrating. if only there was some way for people to make their own coffee at home. >> starting april, y will no
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instead, they wiwi give you two stars for every dollar spent. sounds fair, right? well, wake up! i believe that this is the revolution that bernie sanders is talking about! >> that is brilliant. >> people take their coffee seriously. >> remember the days when we used to make coffee in the office or at home?? i still make coffee at home. >> it can still be done, i've heard. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, the nephew of robert f. kennedy on could face a new murder trial. prosecutors want him back in prison. ahead, the development of a case that is more than 40 years old. > dr. dave agus is here to talk about the zika virus. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" says donald trump is not the classic power broker he may portray himself to be.
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make the top ten in list of major condominium developers and power players in real estate. he also does not belongo influential trade groups. trump said he started going international and national and running for president, which is, quote, cooler than all of that. >> okay. >> you like thatat, don't you? >> i do. i think it's very telling. "usa today" looks at the u.s. marshal's heavy use of cell phone trackers that were used to track nearly 6,000 suspects. the tools raised privacy concerns because they also intercept information about other phones in the area. the marshal services is the most prolink known users of those devices. the surveyeyays marshals use various techniques to locate subjects. >> 72 million dollar jury award involving baby powder. jacqueline has a lawsuit. the company is expected to
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safe and the health care giant could face more than a thousand dollar cases. britain aguardian" on a huge recall on mars chocolate company. the united states is not among the recall. the discovery is plastic in a snickers prompted the move. the effective products including mars, mickey way, snickers, "the washington post" reports on a new twist in more than 40-year-old murder case involving the nephew of robert f. kennedy. prosecutors in connecticut could petition for michael skakel to return to prison. a judge in 2013 overturned his conviction for the death of his 15-year-old neighbor martha moxley. "48 hours" correspondenteter van zandt shows us the next chapter in this murder mystery. >> reporter: in 2013 a judge decided michael skakel received an inadequate defense from his trial lawyer mickey sherman.
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their last shot at reinstating skakel's conviction. if the state supreme court rules skakel's favor, prorocutors wiwi get a new trial. >> mr. skablegkel has been through this before. the hearing in the highest court in connecticut comes 40 years after martha moxley was found dead outside of her home. skakel was convicted in 2002 for moxley's death. >> i'm praying that i can find justice for martha. >> reporter: the case has been a roller coaster for the skakel and moxley families and has remained in a spotlight, partly, because skakel is the nephew of ethyl kekeedy, robert f. kennedy's widow. skakel's new criminal defense lawyer says the family dynamic has brought unwanted attention. >> this case is not about the kennedy family. >> reportete but skakel's cousin, attorney robert kennedy jr., fought for years to get the
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>> i am utterly convinced he did not do the crime. >> reporter: the 2013 appeal centered on skakel's attorney mickey sherman provided a confident defense.e. skakel testified his former lawyer was more interested in his own public profile. >> he was hanging out with the press. he said he was a media hoar. >> reporter: the judge agreed and said sherman did not poioi the fingerr at other possible suspects. seger says he won't make the same mistake. who killed marriage moxley? >> that is a great question. i can tell you michael skakel is innocent of this crime and he moxley. >> reporter: but someone within his own family may have. >> that is possible. his own brother, that's possible. >> reporter: and that brother, attorney steven seger, iss referring to is tommy skakel, two years older than michael. it could be several months before the supreme court issues its ruling. until then, michael skakel
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>> very interesting, peter. thank you very much. the cdc is investigating 14 possible u.s. cases of zika virus that may have been spreadd through sex. the new cases include several pregnant women and brings the u.s. total to at least 105 travel-related cases covering 24 states and washington, d.c. ououdr. david agus i i here. david, good morning. this even surprised officials at the cdc. >> reporter: surprised but there is medical literature showing a zika virus can be transmitted and present in sperm and been around several years so it's not new, but i think the number of cases this early on when zika is in the u.s. is a very small amount is surprising. >> what doess it mean? >> well, what it means is that we have been giving warnings to women, volunteer traveling and get pregnant. nonowhat iteans ise have shown or certificates have shown zika in sperm for up to 60 days and so what it means is anybody
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having sex, they need to have protection or abstain from sex. >> they might not know they have it. >> you're right. many people may have no symptoms of zika. we don't know if they can have zika virus in their sperm and not documented but especiaiay possible with the new cases. zika virus is, obviously, here in the united states. mosquito season comes in the gulf coast it will spread dramatically. >> what is the recommendation now? when it first broke it was about pregnant women and now talking about men and sexually transmitted disease. >> you remember the 0s? we were worried about hivt the time. now you have to ask people about their travel history. we need a quick test for the virus. we need to accelerate vaccines. you need to be very careful if somebody you're considering having sex with had travel to south america or a place where there is the zika virus. >> what is a diplomatic way to ask that question? >> you'll have to ask charlie on that one. >> i cannot get an answer.
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value? >> well, only women mosquitoes -- >> only women mosquitoes sting or bite you. >> men don't bite? >> you're right. we can eliminate all of the mosquitoes but the frogs will be upset. ecosystem out there. once you hit one thing, other things are affected also. mosquitoes have killed more people in this w wld than -- >> the most dangerous animal on the planet. >> they are? >> yes. mosquitoes are. i have 8-year-olds and 7-year-olds and how i know this. mosquitoes are the most t dangerous animal on the planet. >> one more thing to worry about. >> thank you, dr. david agus.
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flas the ginormous hit musical called "hamilton." we will be right back. and plane tickets and shoes? you would turn an intimidating process into an easy one. you could get a mortgage on your phone. and if it could be that easy, wouldn't more people buy homes? and wouldn't those buyers need to fill their homes with lamps and blenders and sectiol couches with hand-lathed wooden legs? and wouldn't that mean all sorts of wooden leg-making opportunities for wooden leg makers? and wouldn't those new leg makers own phones from which they could quickly and easily secure mortgages of their own, further stoking demandndor necessary household goods as our tidal wave of ownership floods the country with new homeowners, who now must own other things and isn't that the power of america itself now shshnk to fit the hands of a child, or, more helpfully, a home-buying adult.
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they say when mr. clean saw all the different things his new smart phone does... remindedim of his magic eraser. it's not just for marks on walls.... it's tough on kitchen grease... and bathroom grime too. he's your... ...all around-tough-cleaner, mr. clean. are you ready? are you ready? you've got to be ready. i mean, really ready. are you ready to open? ready to compete? ready to welcome? the floors, mats, spotless. the uniforms clean and crisp. do your people have the right safety gear? are they protected? i'm ready! you think your customers can't tell the difference between who's ready and who's not? of course they do.
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there has to be a way. carry the centimeter, divide by 3.14 something something something... [ beeping, whirring ] great caesar salad! annow the name your price tool shows s ople policy options to help fit theieibudget. is that a true story? yeah! people really do save an average of over $500 when they switch. i mean about you inventing it. i invented the story, and isn't that what really matters?
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those popular apps on your smartphone are convenienen and fun but some carry malicious software known as malware. a security firm found between 75% and 80% of the top three apps on android phones or iphones were breached. the number jumps as high as 97% among the top paid apps on those devices. anna w wner is here with the hackers mergeed. >> reporter: whether it's apps that help target you or help hackers rip you off, you want to do your housework before downloading apps. >> any way that hi money they could take, they got a hold of it. >> reporter: california's susan harvey says she was a victim after she used a debit card to download a slot machine game app to her smoen.
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purchased for $15. >> reporter: when she went to reload the game she found made. >> i was sick. i didn't know what they were. >> some of the information the apps ask for are way beyond what they should be asking for. >> reporter: that thorough stroerstory is no surprise to gary whose company tracks malware. what are the consequences.` >> you'll lose your identity. you wonder why there was a transaction and got neurobank doesn't exist. >> reporter: he says when you download an app, you're also giving the app permission to phone. like an alarm clock app that can track phone calls. >> you think an alarm clock
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access to the internet over the wi-fi? your call information calls you made and call history and i.d. to me is not a safe alarm classwork. >> reporter: as he showed us in a demonstration of what could happen when someone takes a photo of a check to send to their bank. what happepe to the check now? >> well, the flashlight app spies on the camera and notice the check and grabs a copy of it and shipped it off to a server somewhere far away. >> reporter: last year the group fireeye discovered 11 apps that gathered users sensitive information and sent it to a remote server and it included ththfolllling. apple fought back by removing the apps and putting stricter security measures in place. >> they go to at your gps, your contacts list to build a profile you on. >> reporter: some apps are collectiti information simply for advertising purposes. in 2014, the federal trade
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with a company over its popular brightest flashlight app, alleging it transmitted consumers personal information to third-parties without telling them. but gary says he has found another flashlight app that can do much more troubling things. >> this one turns on your micropopne in the background, listens in on you and sends an encrypted tunnel to a server we discovered in beijing. >> reporter: you're saying they are actually listening to peopop's conversations and sending that audio back to beijing? >> yeah. we have tracked it. i can show you where it does it. >> reporter: where is it on this map? >> a few blocksrom tiananmen square. >> reporter: he gave that app to the fbi. his recommendation? >> we really have to look at our phone and say this is really personal computer that fits this our pocket. let's shut down all of the apps we don't use and delete apps
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the risk of being spied on. >> reporter: the creator of the brightest flashlight app settled with the ftc and agreed to era l of the information it had gathered. lawsuit. saying s failed too late. way to shake usll up this morning, anna werner. read the fine print. >> don't you have an increasing suspicion that a lot of people known more about it than we do? >> i'm deleting my flashlight app. there is one that comes on the phone by itself so i don't need it any more. a awards show where actors of color will be honored. we will show you the all def awards show and they are like us, how a surprisingly human
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first, it's time to check your local weather. cloudy, windy and cloudy. breezy, 36 tomorrow. sunny, upper 30s for friday. more sunshine with 50s for saturday and for sunday, just a small chance of a stray sho announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by cigna. ahh... yeah! ahh... ahh... ah. you probably say it a million times a day. ahh... ahh! ahh... ahh! but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. say "ahh". >>ahh... cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent
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i am ready to put hep c behind me. i i ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. boston dynamics is showing off the impressive human-like new generation of its robot. video shows the robot opening doors and navigating uneven snow covered ground. the 5'9" robot walal comfortably next to a human and it performs task like lifting boxes and a man pushes him down with a stick. it popped up and walked away.
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if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's,strain miranda value cal vo.. . just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvivimay increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection,
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or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's medition isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. this is not a job for me, this is, this is my life. this is my family. being a part of helping people in need is who i am. working at brookdale for me is not just a job, it's a life for me. i love it. i formed many connections with the residents. i feel like i i part of their family and they're part of mine. if you can get up in the morning, ya know,
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>> this rv park looks like a disaster zone, shredded rvs, tossed like children's toys. >> donald trump got more votes than ted cruz and marco rubio combined. so he was really pumped. >> donald trump has a commanding delegate lead but on super tuesday we will see 595 delegates in play. >> what state do you think you will be the one to trump donald trump? >> we'll win in florida. >> if a state supreme court rules in skakel's favor, prosecutors will get a new trial. >> you remember the '80s, you had to ask everybody their sexual history and we were all worried about the hiv at the time. now we have to ask travel histories. >> what is the diplomatic way to ask that question? >> you have to go to charl on that one. >> you are saying, th are actually listening t t people's conversations and sending that audio back to beijing. >> we tracked it. i can show you.
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>> the hit abc show scandal, is that really the show you should be visiting right now? why not drop by the set of "i did nothing wrong"? >> this morning's eye openen@8 is presented by nationwide. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. severe weather today threatens 80 million americans after a series of punishing storms. threats of tornados stretch from the gulf coast to the southeast and mid-atlantic. the systems blamedd for at least three deaths yesterday in the south. >> more than two dozen tornados were reported across five southern states. one tore through pensacola, florida. 24 homes were destroyed at this apartment complex. devastating winds ravaged a trailer park. two people were killed there. seven others are in critical condition. the presidential campaign is marching toward super tuesday,
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south carolina democrats still have to vote this saturday. hillary clinton and bernie sanders held a town hall there last night. they talked to voters about money, politics and racism in america, in a state where a large number of voters are african-american. >> i have proven record of taking on wall street. >> people like the koch brothers, second wealthiest family in this country. ey and a few of their billionaire friends will spend $900 million on this campaign. i think that stinks. i think that is undermining american democracy. >> we have serious challenges. i think it's important for people, particularly white people to be honest about those and to recognize that our experiences may not equipip us to understand what a lot of our african-american fellow citizens go through every day.
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from poland. i'm running for president. guess what, nobody has asked for my birth certificate. maybe it's the color of my skin. i don't know. >> reporter: clinton heard steven colbert reaction to an interview where scott pelley asked clinton if she had ever lied. >> you are asking me to say have i ever, i don't believe i have. i don't believe i have i don't believe i ever will. i will do the best i can to level with the american people. >> how can you be this bad [ bleep ]? just say no. just say no. even richard nixon knew to say i'm not a crook. he didn't say it has always been my intention as far as i believe, i will do the best i cannot to be a crook. will you lie is the home run of campaign questions. you just say no and then touch
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>> i i that a question you would like another shot at answering? >> i'll just say no. >> with three day s left before the primary, clinton leads the polls in south cacalina. have you ever told a lili >> has your sense of humor in e intact. >> have you? >> yes. >> yes, i have. >> the polls have it right in nevada. >> i feel better that i have confnfsed, thank you. >> i'm -- have your kids ever told a lie to you. >> hard to find a person who's never told a lie. >> mike maybe. in nevada, donald trump got another decisive win. he beat his rivals in virtually every voter cat goimpl marco rubio in second ahead of ted cruz by 2,000 votes. trump dell celebrated in las vegas and predicted more ws to come. >> we have had great numumrs
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and amazing numbers out of tennessee and georgia and arkansas. and then in a c cple of weeks later, florida. we love florida. it's going to be an amazing two months. we might notven need the two months to be nest. >> new york daily news syndicated columnist mike lupica is known for his commentary on politics and sports. his column suggeges that donald trump's outsider status is helping him to stay ahead. mike lupica, welcome back. >> have you ever told a lie first? >> yes >> you want to keep the record going. >> when scott pelley asked her that question, all i could think of is the day that somebody said to tom brady, are you a cheater and he said, i don't think so. and he answer is no. >> you could lie without knowing
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>> yeah, but then it becomes a definition of what is a lie. >> we're not going there. >> you have known donald trump for a long time. what is it about donald trump that you think has connected in 2016. >> charlie, i don't think he knew how angry people were about, not just congress but the president as well. he tapped in to something that i think was more profound than he ew. every time i have interviewed him throughout this process, he always says the same thing, come on, aren't you a little surprised? i would always say, yes, yes. no, listen, if somebody told you eight years ago that a first term senator, african-american from illinois was going to take on the clinton machine and beat thememou would say oh, yeah, right. this is way more surprising than that. >> here's the point, too. it is within his dna the ability
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>> something he does, it's been interesting to watch. he will find your weakest point and attack it. he w wl listen to three hours and seize on the one thing he can use. when hillary clinton called him sexist, he put her husband in to play at warp speed. when jeb bush thought he was going to bring his brother out of the bull pen, like the first army coming over the hill, he went right after him on iraq. >> and cled jeb low energy,, whicicwent right to a quality that people seemed to sense. >> jeb bush, if you asked me at the start of this thing to bet my own money, i would have bet on jeb bush, way back, before trump came down the escalator. now you look at him and he's the nice boy with his book bag and lunch money walking to skoochl he's almost at school and he thinks it's going to be a great day at school a a then this guy is waiting for him on the street corner. >> do you think that donald trump will be the nominee? >> i do. i do.
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is if cruz pulls out of the race. my wife was saying the other day, why doesn't cruz pull out and i said he thinks he will be president and rubio is the only one that wouou possibly have an avenue. the second and third place finishers, declaring victory, it's my favorite -- it's a child of the south this would have been l le the panthers going home after the super bowl and parade. >> to be fair to them, this is a game of proportional math at this stage in the race. so they are tracking in terms of proportional delegates but even if you give trump the same percentage, he is on the path to get 1200 delegates even with that slice. >> any metric that you look at -- i think the only one who has a chance now is rubio. >> he has to win -- he would have to sweep florida andnd ohio. >> he has to win something.
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himself to the american people that the second place finishes somehow make him the odds on favorite to beatt hillary clintonon in november. >> capping.about expectations. it is expectations that allows people to declare themselves a winner even tugh they came in second. >> ted cruz said we made history tonight. i'm thinking what kind of history? you are in the south. you can't walk a block without running in to a white evangelical. >> thank you, mike. >> okay. >> are you donene >> well, no. >> no, no, no. we are delighted you are here. >> no, that's fine. >> tre's a clock. it's just a clock. >> it's not welcoming. >> it wasn't hostile. >> it wasn't welcoming. >> mike, you need a hug. oscars.
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nationwide sois on your side ahead, a field trip ahead a field trip for fans of the blockbuster musical "hamilton." >> i'm chip reid in alexander's house. he's the biggest name on broadway. coming up on cbs this morning we explain why hamilton is becominin the e ppest of american founding fathers. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that i won't stop. until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven thelp the majority of people find clear o o almost clear skin.
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innycting category for the simmons and it's morexclusive alternative. so this will be the stage? >> yes. we will build a staircase. >> reporter: comedian tony rock isn't looking to spoil his bringing brother's big night but the awards show he is hosting is looking to disrupt hollywood's status quo. >> hopefully, this awards show will create dialoguee and get things moving as far as the oscars is concerned and casting is concerned and how people produce and right and how we are perceived in television and how we are shown in the memea. >> i don't understand why black people feel this undieing need
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>> reporter: this launched tmz documented dieatribe. >> our movies and our culture. >> reporter: your rant was epic? >> yeah, it was epic. >> reporter:r:ut when you get down to nuts and bolts, is this something that you need? and if you have this, then do you no longer worry about the oscars? >> no, no, you always worry about the oscars, but this is needed because dialogue always, you know, can create a change. >> reporter: while the all fed movie awards were created to make a point, the show, produced by media mogul and def jam cofounder russell simmons -- >> we poke fun at the oscars and everybody else, but this is about celebrating people who might not otherwise get celebrated and movies. like, i can't expect 94-year-old
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why would i? >> hey. >> it did get a nod on the all def picture of best pictures nominees but the awards will go to categories like best hopeful white person. >> harrison ford. "star wars." "star wars." "star wars." significant vester sylvester stallone. >> you're a good fighter. >> you continue to deny my work. the world will deny my work. >> will smith. >> and legendary producer norman lear. >> reporter: who cated the show? >> yes. we are moving on up >> george jefferson walked with swagger. >> we don't have to go anywhere. look around! we are already there! >> he cursed white people out. >> who you calling crazy? .
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we don't have to go back then. big screen will show some of the room >> reporter: tony rock is promising to bring his irreverent star to "the all def movie awards." he says you can spp someexpect some edges in the oscars. >> you have to address the big black efficientlephant in the room. carroll. they he accepted the award, he
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>> the best helpful white person award, y y will not see that at the oscars. >> norman lear? >> no. special category. >> he got a special category. >> sylvester staone may win that one. emotion overcomes celine dion during her return to the vegas stage. ahead, the powerful tribute to her late husband. you're watching "cbs this morning." for the past 27 days, four men have outlasted authorities by making their getaway in a prius. this game ends now. to catch a prius, you've gotta be a prius. guys, what's that? oh, man. toyota. let's go places. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have alleies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes
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no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. how do you eat healthier, while you enjoy life and lolo weight? now you can do it all with one simple plan. the all-new smartpoints from weight watchers. our most advanced plan ever. join for free. hurry, join by march 3rd and get 1 1 nth free. this winter, you have the power to heal. because your purchase of vaseline intensive care lotion, supports the vaseline healing project. join us to help millions in crisis heal their skin. crisp garden vegetables. no artificial flavors. philadelphia garden vegetable. rich, creamy... ...and delicious
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our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, ririt? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television. what? culligan man: the problem is your water! anncr: a culligan whole-house water conditioning system gets rid of sediment or impurities. so keeping everything spotless is effortless. dad: spots. culligan man: the problem is your water!
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videos shows a terririing moment. a rhineo charges pull feed at a truck. it rams the toyota and pushing it sideways. no one inside was hurt. but they were shaken up. >> that is when you hit the gas! i'm _______it's eight-25 on this wednesday mornini. we'll take a look at the day's top headlines in just a moment.but first justin has our cbs 2 weather first forecast. forecast. main weather- your planner shows what's ahead for the next hours- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycam- temperatures around the area will be cooler with cloudy skies- taking a look at regional temperatures we see are going to warm for much of the week- the regional satellite/radar is featuring cloudy skies again today- let's move ahead in time by taking a look at the midwest surface map- moving into a closer view with our 'predidior' forecast we clearing tonight - today's forecast bring us cloudy & breezy weather- tonight's forecast will be cloudy & breezy- tomorrow will feature mixed sunshine with a slight cool down- our 7 day forecast has generally warming weather
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cbs 2 news has the latest details on a shooting investigation happening right now in cedar rapids. happened at the cedar valley townhouses apartment complex-on j street southwest last nighghpolice did confirmed with cbs 2 news that 2 people were shot.our crew on the scene last night saw a body bag near officers. tune into the c-b-s 2 news at noon for the latest details on this devleleing story. new details this morning on a man accused of video-taping a woman in a university of iowa dorm.court documents say the suspect went into multiple bathrooms in burge hall and video-taped multiple women. women.robert hightower is now facing charges of invasion of privacy, trespass and assaulting an officer.he was arrested for/video-taping a woman showering on februaryry5-th. th.police sayayhightower video-taped two more women in burge hall on the 12-th and the 13-th.investigators found
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cell phone. they say he also admitted to recording them without their consent. after now two delays -- the federal government has given iowa the green light to privatize its medicaid system. but it has been pushed back another month -- to begin on *april first. first.the centete for medicare and medicaid services says iowa has made significant progress on its plan and governor branstad says manag care will give quality treatment and save taxpayers millions.the news comes just as a group people from the corridor leaves this morning for a rally in des moines to lobby for an oversig panel to monitor the program. the city of coralville wants to join other corridor communities in treating e- cigarettes and vaporizers the same as regular cigarettes in public spaces. spaces.citing potential health risks johnson county health officials reached out to coralville and north liberty askingnghem to amend their current smoke free air ordinance to include vapor products.the change would require vapor users to be 25
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alexander hamilton but he has trouble saying w w shot alexander hamilton, charlie rose. >> remember? >> ding, ding, ding. >> because he is out of milk! that is one of the fun facts i learned when i went to see "hamilton." you learn a lot going to see that play. i knew very little about him. highly recommend. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, more on the run-away success o o the musical "hamilton." it is enjoy norginormous in this city. how the store can be seen beyond the stage. >> how do you spell that?
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>> you learn something new in our sew show. dr. tara n nula is in our green room. why women fare worse than men. >> ginormous fact. >> that's true. she has got a good excuse. >> let's show you some of this morning's headlines. wp reports on dr. samuel alito said the supreme court will find a way to get its work done without dr. scalia's on the bench. he said the supreme court. erin andrews wants $75 million in damages.
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her room number to a stalker. >> two window washers in manhattan were stranded 70 feet up more than an hour yesterday when their scaffold got stuck. firefighters broke a window to rescue them. a coworker says the pair laughed and joked once they were safely inside. >> most people would have needed a depend so it's good they have a sense of humor. >> most people wouldn't. >> you know what? >> i'd be scared! >> i'm surprised depends has not called you to be a spokesperson because you say that quite oftete >> and i don't use them! >> that would be ginormous news if it were true! >> what happened here. "wall street journal" reports on companies that pay workers to live close to the office. they offer rent subsidies and other service and companies. believe the perk will attract people to move to high rent areas. managers say people w w live
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and stay with a company longer. and "the new york times" looks at the declining popularity of cereal. in 2010 sales were $13 billion and last year fell to $10 billion. almost 40% of millennials say cereal is inconvenient for breakfast because they have to clean up the bowl afterwrwds. > heart disease is t t number one cause of death in women. it affects more than 6 million women every year. recent studies from the american heart association show how women's symptoms are often overloloed or misunderstood. our dr. tara narula is a cardiologist at lennox hill hospital and also a spokesman for the american hea association. good morning. >> good morning. >>hy do women fare worse? >> right.
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i didn't thinknkor cardiovascular i i longer for women. they have longer hospitalizations and more remissions and there are multiple reasons for this. one of the reasons i age. women tend to have their carve events cardiovascular event older at around 60. women have more risk factors like hypertension and tobacco, bates, depression and psycho risk factors. in addition their presentation can be different. they can have atypical symptoms that can be misdiagnosed and treatment is different. either not tailored specifically to women or they are not receiving the appropriate guidelines. >> that is the question, isn't it? i mean, does treatment and the fact they are somehow not as recognition? >> there's an attitude problem d a biology problem. >> exactly. >> the go red for women movement
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increase awareness and done well but 55% of women recognize that heart disease is a health threat. women don't recognize the symptoms or if they do they blow them off and say i don't have time to go to the doctor, i have to pick up my kid or go to work or they are afraid or embarrassed. then the biology issue. we arereearning that the biology of women's heart disease may be different from men in terms of how they have their heart attacks. the mechanisms of their blood vessel dysfunction. let's not forget the health care practitioners and doctors who are also to blame here, in part, for misdiagnosing heart disease in women and for not as often sending them for diagnostic evaluatiti, not giving them the guideline related treatment. we have a ways to go. >> other than raising awareness, what else can we do other than? >> right. >> -- telling people? >> women can do a lot. 80% of this is preventable. one of the things the aha is
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you go as a woman to see an internist and talk about your risk factors before you get to a point where you have a problem. you should know your family history. >> everybody should, shouldn't they? >> most people wait until they have a problem. >> they do, unfortunately. >> thank you. >> accolades keep coming for the broadway hit musical "hamilton." it won the kennedy prize on monday. the cast wowed grammy viewers. tickets are sold out throughout at least januaryf next year. the show is based on alexander hamilton, our nation's first treasury secretary. chip reid spoke with the author who helpedhe foundinin father find new life. chip, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning. , you know, george washington and thomas jefferson are over this town but good luck finding alexander hamilton. yes, you can pull a 10 dollar
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here to this galgalaxy. now he is getting his turn in the spotlight. >> reporter: behind the wrath-inspired lyrics and hip-hop, new york's most talked about show "hamilton" served up a history lesson like no musical ever before. >> reporter: until recently, alexander r milton was best known as the stoic face on the 10 dollar bill. that changed when hamilton hit broadway. so this is. >> hamilton grange where he lived the last couple of years of his life. then you have to remember, chip, this would have been very far north of the city at the time. this would have been virtual wilderness. >> reporter: about a hundred blocks north of the theater is where the real alexander lived in what is known as hamilton heights.
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on which the muvenlgsical is based. what is it like for you to be siting here? >> it's a thrill to be in this house because it's the only house we know h h ever owned. >> reporter: it is signer of the constitution and founder of the coast guard and the new york post was hamilton a genius? evil genius? >> not for me. >> reporter: but for some people? >> s se people. >> reporter: a visionary? >> undoubtedly. >> reporter: insecure? >> to an extent. >> reporter: how about temperamental? >> definitely. >> reporter: definitely temperamtal? >> i think people thatttracts people tolexander hamilton, there's so many things about him
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time, you can identify with him. >> reporter: play writewright decided to tell his stories behd rap. in a "60 minutes" interview, mannered complained it to charlie rose. >> i believe that form is uniquely suited to tell hamilton's story. it has rhythm and it has density and if hamilton had anything in hisswritings, density. >> reporter: his furious disputes with the other founding fathers were legendary, including a decades long rivalry with thomas jefferson over slavery which hamilton opposed and over the future of the young republic. >> hamilton had a vision of the country and not only true
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there would be large cities and factories and stock exchanges. >> reporter: hamilton died in a duel at the age of 49. at his grave in lower manhattan, there's a surge of visitors here to remember the man who history almost forgot. he died more than 200 years ago and now he's getting his turn in e limelight. >> his name is literally up in lights on broadway. doesn't get any better than that. >> reporter: the alexander hamilton craze is showing no signs of swing down. ron chernow's book has been on the best seller list 18 weeks and six weeks longer than in 2004 when it first came out. >> i just got the book yesterday. i'm one of the ones! thank you so much, chip. i marvel that here is lynn reading his book on vacation and comes away with that amazing play. >> and knew it was perfect f rap. >> so good. >> he says he'll be happiest notwithstanding all of the attention when that play is being produced by theater groups
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back the plastic wrapped on the prepared foods at your grocery store and 29 billion dollar industry and growing as fast as overall grocery sales. a survey looked at whether the prepared foods are fresh and healthy and save you any money. the magazine analyzed food samples in a lab for calories and fat and saturated fat and sodium. welcome, trisha. >> we wanted to look at prepared foods. people are busy and looking at convenient options to make fast. we wanted to see what was in them nutritionally because those foods are not required to information. >> let's get specific.
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take tilapia? >> we found they were similar in sodium and found the restaurantt meal was slightly higher in calories in sodium and fat. >> what does that tell us or what are you suggesting? >> it really tells us that, you know, thth are all m me or less the same and it really does mean best option. >> so we reached out to whole foods but have not heard back that. this is what you did. you u nt secret shoppers into the grocery stores. what did you tell them to do? >> we asked the secret shoppers to buy the dishes we identify as being available regularly and asked them to ask the store clerks, the people behind the counters about the food, where the food was prepared and how the food was prepared. >> one of them went to shop rite's chicken march enen marsala? >> what did you find out? >> we found the same dish from two different locations of the
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content from 363 milligrams to a thousand milligrams in the same sized serving. >> how do you explain that? >> you know, it's just that the foods are not prepared consistently and people are not, you know, they are not adhering necessarily maybe to the store's recipe or the clerk throws an extra bunch of sodium in. you just don't know. >> shop rite has coming to say. it says the article does not represent the depth of their prepared food options and that they do provide healthy dishes for their customers to that, you say? >> yeah, i think thatt they do. i think there are some that they do, but i think the real issue with this is nobody knows which ones are healthy and which ones aren't because there are no nutritional information and that store doesn't provide nutritional information. >> you say rotisserie chicken is a great deal? >> it is and it's $1.66 a found what we found in our tests. >> the whole study is sort of do
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getting a good deal and whether the nutrition in is it what you expect or whether it has more salt or sodium than you expect? >> absolutely. >> to those of us who don't have secret shoppers, what are we supposed to do? >> i think that you should -- you have to pay attention to portion sizes. that is big part of this. you also -- ask the clerks about e food. ask they have nutritional information, ask where it was prepared. >> good information. thank you. >> thank you, trisha. >> thank you. celine dion returns to the stage with an emotional tribute to her late husband.
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without feeling it inside where do all of the lonely hearts go >> celine dion playing tribute to her late husband in las vegas last night. her first performance since her husband died. she said every time she closed her mom: seriously? culligan man: problem water. i'm on it. anncr: a culligan whole-house water softening system turns your problem water into culligan water, pure and simple.
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we have auto-tune, right? oh, yeah. that's a hit! all: yeah! and simple. dad: hey, culligan man. culligan man: hehe anncr: a culligan whole-house water softening system turns your problem water into culligan water, pure and simple. i'm _______it's eight-55 on this wednesday morning. we'll take a look at the day's top headlines in just a moment. moment.justin has your cbs ather first forecast main weather- your planner shows what's ahead for the next hours- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycam- temperatures around the area will be cooler with cloudy skies- taking a look at regional temperatures we see are going to warm for much of the week- the regional satellite/radar is featuring cloudy skies again today- let's move ahead in time by taking a look at the midwest surface map- moving into a closer view with our 'predictor' forecast we clearing tonight - today's forecast bring us cloudy & breezy weather- tonight's forecast will be cloudy & breezy- tomorrow will feature mixed sunshine with a slight cool down- our 7 day forecast
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apartment complex-on j street southwest last night police did confirmed with cbs 2 news that 2 people were shot.our crew on the scene last night saw a body bag near officers. tune into the c-b-s 2 news at noon for the latest details on this devleoping story. new details this morning on a man accused of video-taping a woman in a university of iowa dorm.court documents say the suspect went into multiple bathrooms in burge hall and video-taped multipip women. women.robert hightower is now facing charges of invasion of privacy, trespass and assaulting an officer.he was arrested for video-taping a woman showering on february 15-th. th.police say hightower video-taped two more women in burge hall on the 12-th and the 13-th.investigators found those additional videos on his cell phone. they say he also admitted to rording them without t their consent. cedar rapids mayor ron corbett is preparing to give his annual assessment of the city later today at the double-tree hotel.he'll update the community on how the city is doing and what the community
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state of the city luncheon starts at 11-30 -- admission is free. don't forget -- cbs 2 connects with you - call cbs 2 if you see news happen.800 222 kgan. yoyocan also email tips, pictures, and even video --to news -- at cbs 2 iowa dot com. that's a quick look at your wednesday morning news.get cbs 2 iowa dot com!have a great day. surf, stream, download, and play on multiple devices at once, with centurylink internet. get up to 40 megs for $20 a month for 1 year when bundled with qualifying home phone plan. just call... ...right now. wanna see this as an action movie? [ deep voice ] get ready. 40 megs is only $20 a month. [ normal voice ] drama? [ memedramatic voice ] get up to 40 megs for $20 a month. [ normal voice ] only from centurylink. speed may not be available in your area.
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wayne: who wants to look fancnc - go big or go home! wayne: you've got the big deal! but you know what i'm good at? giving stuff away. jonathan: it's a new living room! you won zonk bobbleheads. - that has to be the biggest deal of forever. jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal". now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: hello, america, welcome to "let's make a deal". i'm wayne brady, ready to makeke deal with one persrs, let's go. who wants to make a deal?
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stand right over there in front of me so america can see you. hello, you are... let me get it, is it "ki-may?" - kemaye. wayne: kemaye. (cheers and applause yeah, i was close. - very close, it's very close. wayne: now i've got a little al for you, all righgh now curtain number two, there is a clue. the clue is: #windinmyhair. so what does that sound like to you? what could that be? - the window down in a car. wayne: ooh, i like that. it's a stretch, but it's good. (cheers and applause) or it could be a zonk hairdryer. - that's possible. wayne: how about i g ge you curtain number one, which has no clue? whatever you don't take i will give to... (cheers and applause) the notebook, the notebook, yes. hello, and you are? - i'm nina. wayne: nice to meet you, nina. - nice to meet you. wayne: so what does it say?
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