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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  September 8, 2016 2:07am-4:00am CDT

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it's been so much fun. [ laughter ] painstakingly slow. at the current rate it would take 50 years to remove all the tiny bombs. >> there is lots of heavy contamination in the area. >> reporter: simon rain of mines advisory group said president obama's pledge of $90 million will speed up removal. >> i think with announcement of additional funding that will please a lot of lao people. they will understand the americans are committed here. >> reporter: remarkably, phong its not bitter toward a country responsible for his injuries. >> i forgive you. i forgive everyone because angry, it doesn't give you any good thing. >> reporter: scott, president obama said the u.s. has a moral obligation to help the many victims. but he did not apologize. >> margaret brennan in laos tonight. thank you.
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almost sixty million americans are affected by mental illness. together we can help them with three simple words. my name is chris noth
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september is childhood cancer awareness month. what better time to donate to st. jude children's research hospital? where families never receive a bill
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. cbs cares. we have our own victims of war here in america. there were headlines recently when a 76-year-old veteran shot himself to death outside a va hospital in north port new york. suicides by vets happen on average, 20 times a day. tonight, jim axelrod has a remarkable story about an organization that is helping to
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after trying to drink himself past the demons that darkened his mind and after a second member of his old platoon committed suicide, frank lesnefsky got help. in his therapist's office he can talk about his post-traumatic stress instead of being haunted by it. >> you know the tension across my chest. >> i was immobilized. like being frozen. just watching time pass. it's crazy. >> lesnefsky hit his own bottom life. >> i had a great person tell me once that -- you know, don't -- so, they're killing us, they're killing us over there and they're still killing us here. the guy told me don't let it happen. don't give them that satisfaction and let them know that. >> reporter: in 2014 he found phelp at headstrong.
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helping any vet who needs it, deal with their hidden wound. no cost. no win. >> that's all it takes. >> now, lesnefsky is leading by example. a very public example. the tentative steps towards healing first taken in therapy have turned into strong purposeful stride. sharing his struggle with the 20 million followers of the popular blog humans of new york. >> there is an old man fishing in the same spot every single day. and, so one day this 15-year-old kid ride up on a scooter and drops a bomb behind him. i always just honor the human form. now i have come to a place where the human body is shredded and stomped and blown to bits. and it's just wasn't me. i used to be jokey, i used to be goofy, i was frank from north scranton, and i know i won't be that again. >> reporter: so far more than a dozen stories have been published. we asked a few bloggers to read what they posted.
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the burden of wartime leadership still with him even after the shooting has stopped. >> you don't do your job people will die over and over. it was drilled into me, people would die if i messed up. nine guys died. it's been extreme leap hard to forgive myself. >> others like jenny pacanowski, described the battle they fought once they arrived back home. >> for a long time when i got back i isolated myself in a cabin and drank all the time. then at one point i decided i was going to try everything possible to feel better. and if nothing worked, i was going to kill myself. god, this is harder to talk about than bombs. >> these folks are just as courageous as folks who do something physically daunting on
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baring their physical wound in order to help a broader community and save lives. >> reporter: headstrong's director, retired marine captain, zachary iscol, teamed up to get the word out. recovery is possible. but you have got to ask for help. >> to sit there and watch somebody be vulnerable and possibly read their story and say, you know what, i'm going through that too. but i am not talking about it. i need to. >> reporter: it took a lot of therapy to release this type of self-torment. therapy is the only reason i can talk about these thing today. >> now i can own it. i can say this is who i am. this is what i have been through. >> reporter: there is an importance in just sharing the story? >> absolutely. i can tell other people there is a way out. there is a way to get better. why not take it? >> reporter: when you are fighting a battle where the wounds are invisible. >> just being consumed by the feeling. >> reporter: true courage is letting others see them.
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>> help is available. coming up next, a final victory for a world war ii veteran. and, the government said a college didn't make the grade so
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tonight, 40,000 students and 8,000 employees are studying their next move. because itt tech one of the largest for-profit colleges sh down yesterday with little warning. don dahler is looking into this. >> i haven't even told my mom. >> reporter: this group of itt technical institute nursing students came to the merrillville indiana campus to find answers, instead locked doors three months from graduation. >> you are right at the finish line. planning parties.
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no it is not happening. >> i have been really struggling to be a mom and just do it all and to be able to do it, full time student. it has been very difficult. and all of that cannot go to waste. >> students were notified by e-mails. federal and state agencies have been investigating the college on allegations of luring students in with deceptive promises. and leaving them with more debt than job prospects. last month the department of education banned itt from receive federal aid. that turned out to be the death sentence since 80% of itt students depend on that aid. itt is one of a handful of for profit colleges to come under intense scrutiny in the last year. missouri senator, claire mccaskill. >> they were not getting the job
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not producing job ready garage graduates. >> our dream its to be nursz, we want to help people, genuinely help people. they won't allow us. >> reporter: itt calls this a lawless execution caused by the department of education. students can now apply to have their federal loans forgiven or scott they can try to have those credits transferred to another school. >> don dahler, thanks. up next, the new iphone, apple takes an ax to the jacks.
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extraordinary starts here. new k-y intense. a stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. k-y intense. someone's hacked all our technology. technology... say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico.
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today apple unveiled its iphone 7, but two traditional apple features were missing. the headphone jack and the magic. apple stock was flat as a tablet today.
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whether apple is losing appeal. >> reporter: at apple's annual launch of new products. -- >> it is the best iphone that we have ever created. >> reporter: introducing iphone 7 today, ceo tim cook gushed over the success of apple's flag ship product. >> we have now sold over 1 billion of them. [ applause ] this makes iphone the best selling product of its kind in the history of the world. >> reporter: this past year for the first time, apple sold fewer iphones than the year before with revenue dropping 27%. apple's counting on new features added to iphone 7 to bring buyers back. scott stein, senior editor. >> i think there were upgrade people wanted to see on previous iphones, water resistance, battery life that doesn't add up to something that sound immediately exciting if youness necessarily take the plunge. >> reporter: the price is $649. these are expensive products. >> they're very expensive.
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shock, cook talked up the company $32 a month lease plan that lets users get the latest iphone directly from apple every year. >> basically the way i look to think the iphone is a dollar a day product. tech analyst, horace dedieu. one way to think of apple. little different than waiting for a big hit every few years. >> reporter: some users worry what is not on the new iphone, the hole in the bottom to plug in the ear phone jack is gone. ear phones will use apple's lightning connector or $159, scott, apple will sell you wireless ear phones. >> john blackstone, thank you. coming up next, a pioneer for women scores one last
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woman: what does it feel like when a woman is having a heart attack? chest pain, like there's a ton of weight on your chest. severe shortness of breath. unexplained nausea. cold sweats. there's an unusual tiredness and fatigue. there's unfamiliar dizziness or light-headedness. unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your upper stomach, are signs you're having a heart attack. don't make excuses. make the call to 9-1-1 immediately. learn more at you can help children in low income neighborhoods get the help they need to stay in school and go on to college. i have a dream foundation provides mentoring, academic help, and tuition to make this dream come true. learn how this program helps students build life skills while increasing high school graduation and college participation rates. visit:
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we end tonight with a long overdue honor for a veteran of world war ii. elaine harmon of maryland, died last year at age 95, was laid to rest today in america's premier military cemetery after winning one final battle. here is david martin. [ "taps" plays ] >> reporter: it took an act of congress for elaine harmon's ashes in the arlington cemetery.
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members of the wasp were the first will tine fly military aircraft for the united states military. >> reporter: erin miller was proud of her grandmother's service training the men who went into combat. >> reporter: my grandmother's last wishes were to have her ashes inurned at arlington national cemetery. >> reporter: so she had to store her grandmother's ashes in a closet. that its not a very dignified resting plac >> no, certainly is not a very dignified resting place. we didn't know what else to do. >> congresswoman martha mcsally one of the first women to fly combat aircraft introduced a bill to allow wasps into arlington. >> the fact that they were told they couldn't has them thinking this is one last slap in the face of sexism. thought it was over. and it was just this one last element of not being treated
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>> mcsally's bell was passed and signed into law in five months. the speed of light in politically gridlocked washington. >> i see a tattoo on your forearm there, is that the bill. >> this is our bill number, yes. >> that's pretty intense. she, this is so important. so meaningful to her. that this was made right for her grandmother that she chose to memorialize it in that way. >> reporter: elaine harmon's ashes came off the shelf transferred by erin and her mother into a handcarved urn. only 100 wasps are still alive and eligible to be inurned at arlington. >> we want to make sure we made this right as fast as possible for those that are still with us. >> reporter: a year and a half after she passed away at 95, she was granted her last wish. and with it an honor she hadn't asked for. a fly-over by world war ii vintage planes. david martin, cbs news, arlington, national cemetery. and that's the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and of course, cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new
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this is the "overnight news." welcome to the "overnight news, i'm vladamir dut tichlt ers. capitol hill was abuzz when florida congressman david jolly showed up on the house floor with a container of mosquitoes. making a point about congress not funding the fight against the zika virus. turns out, mosquito larva and not mosquitoes they weren't infected with zika any way. in florida the virus spread. 56 confirmed cases of locally transmitted infections and the battle is turning ugly. dozens turned out in miami to protest the use of a powerful
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carry zika. >> reporter: the chemical used, an insecticide, naled sprayed over the city in a mist. every expert said such a fine, small amount it is harmless to humans. i got to till you trying to convince people here in miami beach that it is harmless is proving difficult. just yesterday, miami beach began ground spraying using bti, slowly kills mosquito larvae. with mosquito counts on the rise that air as it was in the miami neighborhood of wynwood last month. planes carrying a neurotoxin, naled will be used to target adult mosquitoes over a 1 1/2 square mile area of miami beach. naled band by the european union. the epa website says it is used in this country since 1959 without posing unreasonable risks. when applied according to the label.
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system. causing nausea, dizziness, or confusion. >> epa says it is safe. >> yes. >> do you believe that? >> as the mayor? >> will i believe that the epa, it is telling us the truth the i believe the cdc on their website, explains specifically, and exactly what aerial spraying is about. >> cdc previously said aerial spraying over miami beach wouldn't work due to high rise buildings and wind currents. the use of naled is causing an uproar on social media. residents petitioning local and state leaders to reverse decision. one of them is alberto gross. he lived on miami beach for seven years. >> the solution could be just as bad as the problem. you know, why are they doing this? why aren't they listening to residents of miami beach? >> president obama wraps up his historic visit to laos on final day of the southeast asian summit. the president and leaders attend a gala dinner, all smiles and
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mr. obama had a short meeting with the president of the philippines days earlier referred to the president as the son of a whore. mr. obama is the first sitting president to visit the land locked nation, dealing with the aftermath of the vietnam war. more on that from margaret brennan. >> reporter: president obama says the u.s. has a moral responsibility to help the victims of america's secret war in laos. it was one of the largest covert cia operations in history and it left laos, the most heavily bombed country in the world. the prosthetic limbs dangling above president obama were a stark reminder of the wound still caused by the american bombing decade ago. >> we are reminded that war is always carry tremendous costs. many unintended. >> during the war in neighboring vietnam, u.s. war planes dropped 270 million cluster bombs on laos to cut off military supply lines.
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there have been 20,000 casualties since the war ended. phong manithong, maimed and blinded at 16. a friend gave him what looked look a toy ball. it was a bomb that suddenly exploded in his hand. >> i feel lots of pain on my body. and i feel like -- i, i was in fire. >> reporter: for a year after the devastating accident. phong was afraid to leave home. surprisingly he is not angry at the country that dropped the bomb. >> i forgive you i forgive everyone because angry doesn't get you any good thing. >> reporter: across laos hard to miss the imprints from the ombs. [ explosion ] clearing unexploded munitions is painstakingly slow.
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take 50 years to remove the tiny bombs. 300 people are killed or maim each year. >> you can see there is lots of heavy contamination in the area. >> simon rea of mines advisory group said the president's pledge of $90 million will help speed up removal. >> with the announcement of funding that will please a lot of lao people, they understand the americans are committed here and taking their responsibilities seriously. >> reporter: that aid money while much needed is not enough to complete the clean-up or to handicapped and damaged. >> donald trump is vowing a big increase in military spending if he is elected. >> whether we like it or not, that's what is going on. >> more ships, more submarines, more fighter jets and called
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reckless in fact that she put her e-mails on an illegal server that our enemies could easily hack. and probably have. then, clinton's team used a technology called bleachbit, which is basically acid. and this is going to acid wash her e-mails. who would do this? and nobody does it because of the expense. who would do this? they even took a hammer to some of her 13 phones, to cover up her tracks in obstruction of justice. these e-mail record were destroyed after she received a subpoena. remember that word. after. after, she received a subpoena from congress. >> hillary clinton is dismissing trump's criticism of her as well as his military plans. nancy cordes reports. >> he says he has a secret plan to defeat isis. the secret is he has no plan. >> reporter: clinton likened trump to a two bit scam artist trying to pull one over the american people.
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scams, the frauds, the questionable relationships. >> got tickled the other day when mr. trump called y foundation a criminal enterprise. >> in durham, north carolina her husband went after trump's foundation for illegally donating $25,000 to a group with ties to a key official. >> he made a political contribution to the attorney general of florida who at the time had her office investigating trump university. and mysteriously the investigation vanished. >> hillary clinton could have her own investigations, to worry about. >> i want to get to the truth make sure this never happens again. top house republican, sent a letter to the u.s. attorney in d.c., urging him to examine why a computer specialist deleted secretary clinton's e-mail archives in march of 2015, even after a congressional subpoena
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those documents? because the proximity and the timeline is stunning. >> clinton accused him of scandal mongoring. >> clinton was asked why the e-mails were deleted when they were, she claimed she didn't know anything about how it happened. even though it happened a year
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this pimple's gonna last forever. aw com'on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... let's be clear.
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the national museum of african-american history and culture opens this month at the smithsonian in washington. one of the exhibits will focus on the role of african-american women in the early days of the u.s. space program. jan crawford has the story. >> four, three, two, one. >> reporter: it was a race to forefront of space. >> we have liftoff. >> reporter: fueled by men brave enough to travel where no one had gone before. >> that's one small step for man, one vast leap for mankind. >> boy. >> reporter: the astronauts were superstars. engineers the stuff of movie legend. but america's triumph in the space race was made possible by
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see. they were called human computers, and they were women, many of them african-american, hired by nasa to hand calculate, propulsion, lift, thrust and trajectory. >> they had to make sure the planes were safe, that the planes were fast. they were efficient. that the astronaut went into space and came back safely. this was life or death. >> this is life or death. importance. do the work right. do it right the first time. >> daughter of a nasa scientist, was raised in hampton, virginia, the same town where these women once worked. a hidden history that had been staring her in the face. >> it is not a first or an only story. it's a story of a group of women given a chance an who performed and who opened doors for the women behind them. >> the book "hidden figures" and upcoming movie. >> what do you do for nasa? >> reporter: the story of a small band of black women joined
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60s, challenging a segregated system. >> quite a few women working in the space pre gram. >> one of the women katherine johnson. on her 98th birthday she still lives by the same motto her father told her when she was young. >> you are as good as any body here. >>-up took that to heart. >> yeah, and you know what -- are no worse, you are no better. >> she figured the trajectory of the space flight, verified the numbers, in john glenn's orbit. in 1969, her numbers helped the apolo mission land on the moon. >> every number, every research report everything they did was directed at expanding the concept of what was possible for
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crow south, these women were relegated to the back of the bus to get to work couldn't use the same bathrooms or sit at lunch tables. langley's newly diverse work force made it not just a flight laboratory but a social experiment. >> do you think there is something about math that it -- it doesn't matter, it's -- it is the equalizer. >> what you are doing isit right or wrong in math. >> leiland melvin started at nasa after johnson retired. >> her name was spoken in reference. katherine johnson. >> an engineer and astronaut that flew on two missions. >> they were the barrier breakers, that helped people see, there were opportunities at nasa. takes a few people to establish a foothold, no matter what that foothold is. >> it really is a story about the american dream.
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>> struggle for the american dream. what i really hope this story does is fuse these different histories to the american team. just because the protagonists of the book are black women does not mean in any way this is less an american story. >> for cbs this morning, jan crawford, hampton, virginia. >> the cbs "overnight news" will be right back. ? i don't think that's how they're made. klondike hooks up with tasty flavors... the best ice cream bars ever conceived.
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? ? this summer marks the 100th anniversary of the national park service. we have been reporting on our natural gems. and some of the animals who live there. today, connor knighten has the story of theev fish. >> reporter: death valley is the largest national park in the low er 48 united states. it protects acres along the california/nevada border. look closely at a map. you will notice there are 40 additional acres. 60 miles from everything else. far down this lonely gravel road, you will find this extra piece of the park.
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a trip to devil's hole feels like you discovered a super villain's lair, in the middle of nowhere and the barbed wire fence. there are security cameras, wind speed monitors, all for a hole in the ground. if something seems a little fishy, well that's because, it is. the devil's hole puff fish became one of the first listed species to preservation act in 1967, which became the endangered species act. >> the devil's hole puff fish is one of the rarest fish in the word. this hole in the the desert is the only place you can find it. it its actually considered the smallest habitat known for a vertebrate species in the word. 10 feet width, 60 feet in length. they use the top 20 feet where
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kevin wilson is aquatic ecologist in the driest place in north america. >> when we walk down here, just be careful of your footing. >> reporter: thousand of years ago the region was covered in water and how the puff fish arrived at devil's hole. >> still -- still trying to figure it out. still has the us asking questions, why, how? a special place. it gets me up in the morning. coming to work. >> this morning is especially exciting. it is fish counting day. >> i got the analyzer, cam calibrated for you guys. >> reporter: twice a year a group of divers spends a week end heading into the hole to count. >> did you bring your special flash light today. the fish are in constant danger of extinction. >> we reached ultimate low, all time low, 35 observable fish in the spring of 2013. >> reporter: most fish can be counted from surface. for the cave divers, a risky endeavor.
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died, exploring devil's hole. their bodies were never recovered. nobody actually knows how deep the hole goes. >> we know that divers have been to 436 feet. they did not see a bottom. >> devils hole is an aquifer, 93 degree water here runs under the region. which puts farmers in search of water against environmentalists fighting for pup fish survival. >> it was a private company drilled the well. as soon as they turned on the well, the water started to climb and the population. the conversationists, federal government task force raised the alar. >> landmark case that went all the way to the supreme court in 1976. the farmers versus the fish.
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pumping was regulated it led to a lot of resentment. >> there are people that are really anti-puff fish, it does regulate water rights and development in the area. people have threatened. say let's throw a couple bottles of bleach in here. we do have to be careful. >> hence the barbed wire and cameras. not long after my visit. surveillance video captured three locals, breaking in to skinny dip. beer and vomit were found in the water. fortunately only one pup fish was killed. it could have been a lot worse. which is why there is a second devil's hole. >> in case they go extinct in the wild. we have a backup. >> luke oliver its raising the puff fish in captivity. a building a mile from their natural habitat. >> cat tails in there. >> the facility was built to replicate the devil's hole and cost $4.5 million. which may seem like a lot of money to save a tiny little fish. but, for kevin wilson, the pup
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the bald eagle. >> the they're a beautiful fish. very inquisitive. when we enter to the water, they will come up and swim in front of our mask so we can learn from this species. in a region so inhospitable to life they named it death valley, these tiny fish are still managing to survive. >> author/journalist tom wolfe has never been shy, challenging accepted society. in his book, kin he tries to debunk darwin's theory evolution. jeff glor has the the story. >> he stalks his neighborhood like an immaculate white persian cat. >> doesn't matter what year, 1981, 60 minutes. 2006 with sunday morning. >> don't miss out on the big apple buttons. >> reporter: or this summer the you will find tomwolfe in a white suit and blasting out wry, wicked language, aiming to
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too important. >> well i just try to bring truth. >> reporter: in his book, wolfe argues speech not evolution is responsible for humanity's highest achievements. he skewers the man who introduced evolution to the masses, charles darwin and fame ed linguist. noam chomsky. >> darwinnism and theory of evolution is a myth. no use saying human beings creatures with different powers. if you have -- the power of speech. that is the power of memory. >> it is bold. i think some would say dangerous to say that darwin its m and evolution is a myth. >> i think a lot of people don't agree with me. >> reporter: not hard to recall wolfe's achievements. crushed the print party in the
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reference with incoming calls to banks over the past month. (franklin d. roosevelt) the inherent right to work reference is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources... ...and inspired as it should be to make those resources and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all... ...we approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now. narrator: donate to goodwill where your donations help fund ople in your community.
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a little town on the coast of italy, the focus of a scientific investigation. turns out people who live there live longer and healthier lives than anywhere else in the country. seth doane went looking for the fountain of youth. >> there is no doubting the natural beauty of the region. the place is raising questions. why are the people here living average. and why does this have one of the world's highest concentrations of people over 100 years old? >> reporter: it is a place where you can find an 88-year-old tending the town garden daily. walls no obstacle. or the rather spry 94-year-old amina fidulo. i feel young she told us from her front window as 100-year-old
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i eat, shave and sleep well and do everything myself, he said. >> for us it is natural. >> it is natural? >> yeah. >> we have many people who live 100 years. >> the mayor figures about one in ten of the residents are over the age of 90. he credits the laid back lifestyle. note the outfit. he says extolling the virtues of the place only means so much coming from the mayor. enter dr. allen can you list what makes these people different? >> they have less alzheimers, less cataracts, less bone fractures dent see heart failure. high blood pressure. but the heart is good in practically everybody we measured. there is something there. >> mazel, a cardiologist part of a team from the university of san diego that is working with rome's university on a pilot study to look at those super
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lee. >> what we saw in these patients was the amazing, add kit, little small blood vessels that give things where he want it. and probably remove things we don't want. >> the research team thinks the diet here rich in fresh fish and locally grown fruit, vegetables likely plays an important roam. 94-year-old giseppi basolo eats from his back garden daily. doesn't eat rich foods. the best thing i tranquil, he told us. we asked dr. mazel if they found the fountain of youth here, he said they weren't sure. more research was needed the he did say likely right combination of diet, activity, low stress
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channelling his inner reagan. >> peace through strength. >> peace through strength. trump lays out his foreign policy and draws fire from clinton. >> also tonight, a public backlash spraying as the the zika virus spreads. >> apple rolls out a new iphone, why hard core apple fans are irate. >> and a world war two veteran, wins her final battle. with just over 60 days
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he told america what he would do as commander-in-chief. his foreign policy speech in philadelphia was peppered with attacks on hillary clinton, but for the most part he stuck to the script, and the teleprompter. here is major garrett. >> sometimes it seemed like there wasn't a country in the middle east that hillary clinton didn't want to invade, intervene in, or topple. she is trigger happy and very unstable. >> reporter: indictment of hillary clinton pinned the secretary of state for every problem in the middle east, citing support of the iraq war and overthrow of moammar ga daffy, actions, trump supported at the time. >> the strategy of toppling regimes with no plan what to do the day after, only produces power vacuums that are filled simply by terrorists. >> reporter: trump promised to pull back from nation building
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november. >> i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. >> reporter: trump said he would be listening to military brass. >> immediately after taking office, i will ask my generals to present to me a plan within 30 days to defeat and destroy isis. >> reporter: trump called for a new wave of defense spending, to increase the size of the army to 540,000, and 12 marine corps battalions, increase the fleet and air force fighter jets. trump also said he would beef up cyberdefenses and took a shot at the vulnerability of clinton's unsecured e-mail server. hillary clinton has taught us how vulnerable we are in cyberhacking. that its probably the only thing that we have learned from hillary clinton. >> reporter: trump offered few specifics on paying for all this mentioning cutting the federal work force and eliminating
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loves, the pentagon opposes scott. old idea that produced limited success or savings for presidents of both parties. >> major, thank you. congress is still battling over emergency funding for the fight against zika. and in the house today, florida congressman, david jolly held up the canister of mosquito thousands they were not carrying the virus but said that they could be. mosquito spraying in miami beach planned for tomorrow was put off until friday after a public protest. and david begnaud is there. it started as a chant outside miami beach city hall. inside it turned into an outcry. >> the plane went over my house 11 times. >> reporter: this woman says she lives in the zika zone of wynwood where naled was used for weeks in early august. >> my tongue for four hours, felt so tight and shaky, i was
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room. >> reporter: that's what the residents of miami beach are worried about. >> in miami-dade county. >> folks, folks. >> reporter: miami-dade county may your, carlos jimenez told the crowd public health officials assured him the amount of naled is harmless to humans and effective in wynwood. >> we cannot pick and choose where to spray. there is a science to this. >> many people in the crowd shouted they didn't science. that shows pregnant women with zika are at risk of delivering babies with microcephaly. >> you don't believe there is a link. what if there is a wrong. >> dr. christine curry is an obgyn who delivered a bab with microcephaly and spoke to the crowd. >> zika is real. while we don't understand it fully, that its not a reason to dismiss its impact.
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starts friday morning at 5:00 a.m. that's know it. they will do it again sunday. and two sundays after that. scott, one man who lives here in miami beach sent ape tweet saying based on what i heard today i am going to pack up my family and head out of town for a month. >> david begnaud reporting from miami. thank you. what was hurricane newton killed at least four people on mexico's baja peninsula. at least two drowned yesterday when a shrimp boat cap sized in the gulf of california. knocked down pout in cabo san lucas. tonight newton is just a tropical storm. dumping rain on arizona and new mexico. today in southeast asia, president obama promised $90 million to help laos clear millions of unexploded american bombs that were dropped decade ago. during vietnam, the u.s. dropped more explosives on laos than it did on germany and japan
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margaret brennan is traveling with the president. phong manithong was maimed, blinded at 16. a friend gave him what looked like a toy ball. a bomb that suddenly exploded in his hand. >> i feel lots of pain on my body. and i feel like i was in fire. >> reporter: phong's devastating injuries came from american munitions dropped more than 40 years ago. vietnam, u.s. war planes unleashed 270 million cluster bombs on laos to cut off enemy supply lines. 80 million did not explode. there have been more than 20,000 casualties since the war ended. today, president obama was surrounded by prosthetic limbs designed for the injured. >> we see the victims of bombed that were dropped because of decisions made half a century ago. and we are reminded that war is
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>> reporter: clearing the unexploded munitions is painstakingly slow. at the current rate it would take 50 years to remove all the tiny bombs. >> there is lots of heavy contamination in the area. >> reporter: simon rain of mines advisory group said president obama's pledge of $90 million will speed up removal. >> i think with announcement of additional funding that will please a lot of lao people. they will understand the americans are committed here. >> reporter: remarkably, its not bitter toward a country responsible for his injuries. >> i forgive you. i forgive everyone because angry, it doesn't give you any good thing. >> reporter: scott, president obama said the u.s. has a moral obligation to help the many victims. but he did not apologize. >> margaret brennan in laos tonight. thank you. >> reporter: the cbs overnight
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my name's hillary. i was born on september 11, 2001. i know a lot of people who go to my school and lost their parents or other family members in 9/11. i would hope people can realize how much the world has grown. doing something good makes me realize i have the power to change things.
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we have our own victims of war here in america. there were headlines recently when a 76-year-old veteran shot himself to death outa va hospital in north port new york. suicides by vets happen on average, 20 times a day. tonight, jim axelrod has a remarkable story about an organization that is helping to rescue, vets in distress.
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after trying to drink himself past the demens that darkened his mind and after a second member of his old platoon committed suicide, frank lesnefsky got help. in his therapist's office he can talk about his post-traumatic stress instead of being haunted by it. >> you know the tension across my chest. >> i was immobilized. like being frozen. just watching time pass. it's crazy. >> and contemplated taking his own life. >> i had a great person tell me once that -- you know, don't -- so, they're killing us, they're killing us over there and they're still killing us here. the guy told me don't let it happen. don't give them that satisfaction and let them know that. >> reporter: in 2014 he found help at headstrong.
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helping any vet who needs it, deal with their hidden wound. no cost, most win. >> that's all it takes. >> now, lesnefsky is leading by example. a very public example. the tentative steps towards healing first taken in therapy have turned into strong purposeful stride. sharing his struggle with the 20 million followers of the popular blog humans of new york. >> there is an old man fishing in the same spot every single da and, so one day this 15-year-old kid ride up on a scooter and drops a bomb behind him. i always just honor the human form. now i have come to a place where the human body is shredded and stomped and blown to bits. and it's just wasn't me. i used to be jokey, i used to be goofy, i was frank from north scranton, and i know i won't be that again. >> reporter: so far more than a
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we asked a few bloggers to read what they posted. like chris wilson who described the burd in of war time leadership with him after the shooting stopped. >> you don't do your job people will die over and over. it was drilled into me, people would die if i messed up. nine guys died. hard to forgive myself. >> others like jenny pacanowski, described the battle they fought when nay arrived home. >> for a back i isolated myself in a cabin and drang all the time. then at one point i decided i was going to try everything possible to feel better. and if nothing worked, i was going to kill myself. god, this is harder to talk about than bombs. >> these folks are just as courageous as folks who do something physically daunting on the battlefield because they are baring their physical wound in order to help a broader
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>> reporter: headstrong's director, retired marine captain, zachary iscol, teamed up to get the word out. recovery is possible. but you have got to ask for help. >> to sit there and watch somebody be vulnerable and possibly read their story and say, you know what, i'm going through that too. but i am not talking about it. i need to. >> reporter: it took a lot of therapy to release this type of self-torment. therapy is the only reason i can talk about these thing today. >> now i can own it. i can say this is who i am. this is what i have been through. >> reporter: there is an importance in just sharing the story? >> absolutely. i can tell other people there is a way out. there is a way to get better. why not take it? >> reporter: when you are fighting a battle where the wounds are invisible. >> just being consumed by the feeling. >> reporter: true courage is letting others see them.
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>> help is available. coming up next, a final victory for a world war ii veteran. and, the government said a college didn't make the grade so 40,000 students are forced to drop out. question, and be honest. are my teeth yellow? have you tried the tissue test? the what? tissue test! hold this up to your teeth. ugh yellow. i don't get it. i use whitening toothpaste. what do you use? crest whitestrps. you should try them!
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safely work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than the leading whitening toothpaste. you used the whitestrips. i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. would you pass the tissue test? see for yourself with crest whitestrips. they are the way to whiten. (?) (?) when you are suffering from chest congestion but you have got a full day ahead of you, try mucinex 12-hour. only mucinex has a unique bi-layer tablet. the white layer releases immediately. blue extended release layer lasts a full 12 hours. relieve chest congestion with mucinex, and enjoy living well. marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo"
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ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! ? music ? extraordinary starts here. new k-y intense. a stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights.
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s gonna laaw com'on.. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast. tonight, 40,000 students and 8,000 employees are their next move. because itt tech one of the largest for-profit colleges shut down yesterday with little warning. don dahler is looking into this. >> i haven't even told my mom. >> reporter: this group of itt technical institute nursing students came to the merrillville indiana campus to find answers, instead locked doors three months from graduation. >> you are right at the finish line. planning parties.
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>> i have been really struggling to be a mom and just do it all and to be able to do it, full time student. it has been very difficult. and all of that cannot go to waste. >> thuz sastudents were notifie e-mails. federal and state agencies have been investigating the college on allegations of luring students in with deceptive promises. and leaving them with more debt than job prospects. last month the departmen enrolling new students who receive federal aid. that turned out to be the death sentence since 80% of itt students depend on that aid. itt is one of a handful of for profit colleges to come under intense scrutiny in the last year. missouri senator, claire mccaskill. >> they were not getting the job done, not producing garage war,
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>> our dream its to be nursz, we want to help people, genuinely help people. they won't allow us. >> reporter: itt calls this a lawless execution caused by the department of education. students can now apply to have their federal loans forgiven or scott they can try to have those credits transferred to another school. >> don dahler, thanks. up next, the new iphone,
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today apple unveiled its iphone 7, but two traditional apple features were missing. the headphone jack and the magic. apple stock was flat as a tablet today. so we asked john blackstone whether apple is losing appeal. >> reporter: at apple's annual launch of new products.
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have ever created. >> reporter: introducing iphone 7 today, ceo tim cook gushed over the success of apple's flag ship product. >> we have now sold over 1 billion of them. [ applause ] this makes iphone the best selling product of its kind in the history of the world. >> reporter: this past year for the first time, apple sold fewer iphones than the year before with revenue dropping 27%. apple's counting on new features buyers back. scott stein, senior editor. >> i think there were upgrade people wanted to see on previous iphones, water resistance, battery life that doesn't add up to something that sound immediately exciting if youness stae necessarily take the plunge. >> reporter: the price is $649. these are expensive products. >> they're very expensive.
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shock, cook talked up the company $32 a month lease plan that lets users get the latest iphone directly from apple every year. >> basically the way i look to think the iphone is a dollar a day product. tech analyst, horace dedieu. one way to think of apple. little different than waiting for a big hit every few years. >> reporter: some users worry what is not on the new iphone, the hole in the bottom to plug in the ear phone ear phones will use apple's lightning connector or $159, scott, apple will sell you wireless ear phones. >> john blackstone, thank you. coming up next, a pioneer
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? ? every day it's getting closer ? ? going faster than a roller coaster ? ? a love like yours will surely come my way ? ? hey, hey, hey ? babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks.
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on its own. a healthy baby is worth the wait. ? ? travel is part of the american way of life. when we're on vacation, we keep an eye out for anything that looks out of place. [ indistinct conversations ] miss, your bag. when we travel from city to city, we pay attention to our surroundings. [ cheering ] everyone plays a role in keeping our community safe. whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, be aware of your surroundings. if you see something suspicious,
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we end tonight with a long overdue honor for a veteran of world war ii. elaine harmon of maryland, died la rest today in america's premier military cemetery after winning one final battle. here is david martin. [ "taps" plays ] >> reporter: it took an act of congress for elaine harmon's ashes in the arlington sim terry. >> my grandmother and other members of the wasp were the first will tine fly military
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military. >> reporter: erin miller was proud of her grandmother's service training the men who went into combat. >> reporter: my grandmother's last wishes were to have her ashes inurned at arlington national cemetery. >> reporter: so she had to store her grandmother's ashes in a closet. that its not a very dignified resting place? >> no, certainly is not a very dignified resting place. we didn't know what else to do. >> congresswoman one of the first women to fly combat aircraft introduced a bill to allow wasps into arlington. >> the fact that they were told they couldn't has them thinking this is one last slap in the face of sexism. thought it was over. and it was just this one last element of not being treated fairly. >> mcsally's bell was passed and signed into law in five months. the speed of light in politically gridlocked washington. >> i see a tattoo on your
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>> this is our bill number, yes. >> that's pretty intense. she, this is so important. so meaningful to her. that this was made right for her grandmother that she chose to memorialize it in that way. >> reporter: elaine harmon's ashes came off the shelf transferred by erin and her mother into a handcarved urn. only 100 wasps are still alive and eligible to be inurned at arlington. >> we want to make sure we made this right as fast as possible for those that are still with us. >> reporter: a year and a half after she passed was granted her last wish. and with it an honor she hadn't asked for. a fly-over by world war ii vintage planes. david martin, cbs news, arlington, national cemetery. and that's the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some of you, the news continues. for others, check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and of course, cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new
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this is the "overnight news." welcome to the "overnight news," i'm vladamir dut tichlt er. capitol hill was abuzz when florida congressman david jolly showed up on the house floor with a container of mosquitoes. making a pin the not funding the fight against the zika virus. turns out, mosquito larva and not mosquitoes they weren't infected with zika any way. in florida the virus spread. 56 confirmed cases of locally transmitted infections and the battle is turning ugly. dozens turned out in miami to protest the use of a powerful pesticide to kill mosquitos that carry zika. >> reporter: the chemical used,
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over the city in a mist. every expert said such a fine, small amount it is harmless to humans. i got to till you trying to convince people here in miami beach that it is harmless is proving difficult. just yesterday, miami beach began ground spraying using bti, slowly kills mosquito larvae. with mosquito counts on the rise that fight will be taken to the air as it was in the miami neighbor month. planes carrying a neurotoxin, naled will be used to target adult mosquitoes over a 1 1/2 square mile area of miami beach. naled band by the european union. the epa website says it is used in this country since 1959 without posing unreasonable risks. when applied according to the label. at high doses however, it can overstimulate the nervous system. causing nausea, dizziness, or confusion.
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>> yes. >> do you believe that? >> as the mayor? >> will i believe that the epa, it is telling us the truth the i believe the cdc on their website, explains specifically, and exactly what aerial spraying is about. i believe what the krcht dc says. >> cdc previously said aerial spraying over miami beach wouldn't work due to high rise buildings and wind currents. the use of naled is causing an uproar on social media. residents petitioning state leaders to reverse decision. one of them is alberto gross. he lived on miami beach for seven years. >> the solution could be just as bad as the problem. you know, why are they doing this? why aren't they listening to residents of miami beach? >> president obama wraps up his historic visit to laos on final day of the southeast asian summit. the president and leaders attend a gala dinner, all smiles and champagne toast. mr. obama had a short meeting
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referred to the president as the son of a whore. mr. obama is the first sitting president to visit the land locked nation, dealing with the aftermath of the vietnam war. more on that from margaret brennan. >> reporter: president obama says the u.s. has a moral responsibility to help the victims of america's secret war in laos. it was one of the largest covert cia operations in history and it left laos, the most heavily bombed country in the the prosthetic limbs dangling above president obama were a stark reminder of the wound still caused by the american bombing decade ago. >> we are reminded that war is always carry tremendous costs. many unintended. >> during the war in neighboring vietnam, u.s. war planes dropped 270 million cluster bombs on laos to cut off military supply lines. 80 million did not explode. there have been 20,000
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phong manithong, maimed and blinded at 16. a friend gave him what looked look a toy ball. it was a bomb that suddenly exploded in his hand. >> i feel lots of pain on my body. and i feel like -- i, i was in fire. >> reporter: for a year after the devastating accident. phong was afraid to leave home. surpri surprisingly he is not angry at the country that dropped the >> i forgive you i forgive everyone because angry doesn't get you any good thing. >> reporter: across laos hard to miss the imprints from the bombs. [ explosion ] clearing unexploded munitions is painstakingly slow. at the current rate it would take 50 years to remove the tiny bombs. 300 people are killed or maim each year. >> you can see there is lots of heavy contamination in the area.
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group said the president's pledge of $90 million will help speed up removal. >> with the announcement of funding that will please a lot of lao people, they understand the americans are committed here and taking their responsibilities seriously. >> reporter: that aid money while much needed is not enough to complete the clean-up or to help all of those left handicapped and psydamaged. >> donald trump is vowing a big increase in military spend >> whether we like it or not, that's what is going on. >> more ships, more submarines, more fighter jets and called hillary clinton "trigger happy and very unstable." >> she is also reckless, so reckless in fact that she put her e-mails on an illegal server that our enemies could easily hack. and probably have. then, clinton's team used a technology called bleachbit, which is basically acid.
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her e-mails. who would do this? and nobody does it because of the expense. who would do this? they even took a hammer to some of her 13 phones, to cover up her tracks in obstruction of justice. these e-mail record were destroyed after she received a subpoena. remember that word. after. after, she received a subpoena from congress. trump's criticizep of her as well as his military plans. nancy cordes reports. >> he says he has a secret plan to defeat isis. the secret is he has no plan. >> reporter: clinton likened trump to a two bit scam artist trying to pull one over the american people. >> the list goes on and on, the scams, the frauds, the questionable relationships. >> got tickled the other day when mr. trump called my
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>> in durham, north carolina her husband went after trump's foundation for illegally donating $25,000 to a group with ties to a key official. >> he made a political contribution to the attorney general of florida who at the time had her office investigating trump university. and mysteriously the investigation vanished. >> hillary clinton could have her own investigations, to worry about. >> i want to get to the truth make sure this never happens again. top house republican, sent a letter to the u.s. attorney in d.c., urging him to examine why a computer specialist deleted secretary clinton's e-mail archives in march of 2015, even after a congressional subpoena had been issued. >> what did he do or not do with those documents? because the proximity and the timeline is stunning. >> clinton accused him of scandal mongoring. >> clinton was asked why the e-mails were deleted when they
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happened. even though it happened a year and a half ago now. if you're taking prescription medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. and it keeps your mouth refreshed too. remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. we're going to prove just how wet and sticky your current gel antiperspirant is. now, we're going to show you how degree dry spray
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degree. it won't let you down. these days. you are buying finish these days. i got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. really? you should try it. unlike cascade gel, finish has active cleaning enzymes. its unique powerball takes on anything.
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the national museum of african-american history and culture opens this month at the smithsonian in washington. one of the exhibits will focus on the role of african-american women in the early days of the u.s. space program. jan crawford has the story. >> four, three, two, one. >> reporter: it was a race to secure america's >> we have liftoff. >> reporter: fueled by men brave enough to travel where no one had gone before. >> that's one small step for man, one vast leap for mankind. >> boy. >> reporter: the astronauts were superstars. engineers the stuff of movie legend. but america's triumph in the space race was made possible by another group the country didn't
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computers, and they were women, many of them african-american, hired by nasa to hand calculate, propulsion, lift, thrust and trajectory. >> they had to make sure the planes were safe, that the planes were fast. they were efficient. that the as ttronaut went into space and came back safely. this was life or death. >> this is life or death. importance. do the work right. do it right the first time. >> daughter of a nasa scientist, was raised i the same town where these women once worked. a hidden history that had been staring her in the face. >> it is not a first or an only story. it's a story of a group of women given a chance an who performed and who opened doors for the will who women behind them. >> the book "hidden figures" and upcoming movie. >> what do you do for nasa? >> reporter: the story of a
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the space program in the 50s and 60s, challenging a segregated system. >> quite a few women working in the space pre gram. >> one of the women katherine johnson. on her 98th birthday she still lives by the same motto her father told her when she was young. >> you are as good as any body here. >>-up took that to heart. >> yeah, and you know what -- are no worse, >> she figured the trajectory of the space flight, verified the numbers, in john glenn's orbit. in 1969, her numbers helped the apolo mission land on the moon. >> every number, every research report everything they did was directed at expanding the concept of what was possible for
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>> reporter: working in the jim crow south, these women were relegated to the back of the bus to get to work couldn't use the same bathrooms or sit at lunch tables. langley's newly diverse work force made it not just a flight laboratory but a social experiment. >> do you think there is something about math that it -- it doesn't matter, it's -- it is the >> what you are doing is either right or wrong in math. >> le iland melvin started at nasa after johnson retired. >> her name was spoken in reference. katherine johnson. >> an engineer and astronaut that flew on two missions. >> they were the barrier breakers, that helped people see, there were opportunities at nasa. takes a few people to establish a foothold, no matter what that
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the american dream. >> reporter: and the struggle for the american dream. >> struggle for the american dream. what i really hope this story does is fuse these different histories to the american team. just because the protagonists of the book are black women does not mean in any way this is less an american story. >> for cbs this morning, jan crawford, hampton, virginia. >> the cbs "overnight news" will be r ? i absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. delivery. hey. lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce
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ah, these small new york apartments... protect your belongings. let geico help you with renters insurance. (?) (?) when you are suffering from chest congestion but you have got a full day ahead of you, try mucinex 12-hour. only mucinex has a unique bi-layer tablet. the white layer releases immediately. mucinex is absorbed 60 percent faster than store brands. while the blue extended release layer lasts a full 12 hours.
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extraordinary starts here. new k-y intense. a stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. k-y intense. this pimple's gonna last forever. aw com'on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin
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won't walk in on you... forever. let's be clear. clearasil works fast. this summer marks the 100th anniversary of the national park service. we have been reporting on our natural gems. and some of the animals who live there. today, connor story of the devil's hole puff fish. >> reporter: death valley is the largest national park in the lower low er 48 united states. it protects acres along the california/nevada border. look closely at a map. you will notice there are 40 additional acres. 60 miles from everything else. far down this lonely gravel
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they call it devil's hole. a trip to devil's hole feels look you discovered a super villain's lair, in the middle of nowhere and the barbed wire fence. there are security cameras, wind speed monitors, all for a hole in the ground. if something seems a little fishy, well that's because, it is. the devil's hole puff fish became one of the first species to endangered species preservation act in 1967, which beef came the endangered species act. >> the devil's hole puff fish is one of the rarest fish in the word. this hole in the the desert is the only place you can find it. it is actually kidded the smallest habitat known for a vertebrate species in the word. 10 feet width, 60 feet in length. to the top 10 feet where the
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ecologist in the driest place in north america. >> when we whack down, be careful of your footing. thou >> reporter: thousand of years ago the region was covered in water and how the puff fish arrived at devil's hole. trying to figure it out. still has the us asking questions, why, how? a special place. it gets me up in the morning. coming to work. >> this morning is especially exciting. it is fish counting day. >> i got the analyzer, cam greated for you guys. >> reporter: twice a year a group of divers spends a week end heading into the hole to count. >> did you bring your special flash light today. the fish are in constant danger of extinction. >> we reached ultimate low, all time low, 35 observable fish in the spring of 2013. >> reporter: most fish can be counted from surface. for the cave divers, a risky
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died, exploring devil's hole. their body were never recovered. nobody actually knows how deep the hole goes. >> we know that divers have been to 436 feet. they did not see a bottom. >> devils hole is an aquifer, 93 degree water here runs under the region. which puts farmers in search of water against environmentalists fighting for pup fish survival. >> it drilled the well. as soon as they turned on the well, the water started to climb and the population. the conversationists, federal government task force raised the alarp. >> landmark case that went all the way to the supreme court in 1976. the farmers versus the fish. when the fish won, and the pumping was regulated it led to a lot of resentment. >> there are people that are
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regulate water rights and development in the area. people have threatened. say let's throw a couple bottles of bleach in here. we do have to be careful. >> hence the barbed wire and cameras. not long after my visit. surveillance video captured three locals, breaking in to skinny dip. beer and vomit were found in the water. fortunately only one pup fish was killed. it could have been a lot worse. which is why there is a second devil's hole the wild. we have a backup. >> luke oliver its raising the pup fish in captivitien a building a mile from their natural habitat. >> cat tails in there. >> the facility was built to replicate the devil's hole and cost $4.5 million. which may seem like a lot of money to save a tiny little fish. but, for kevin wilson, the pup
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>> the they're a beautiful fish. very inquisitive. when we enter to the water, they will come up and swim in front of our mask soecht we c we can m the p the spee he say-- spee he says. in death valley these tiny fish are managing to survive. author tom wolfe never shy challenging a in his book, kingdom of speech, he tries to debunk darwin's theory evolution. >> he stalks his neighborhood like an immaculate white persian cat. >> doesn't matter what year, 1981, 60 minutes. 2006 with sunday morning. >> don't miss out on the big apple buttons. >> reporter: or this summer the you've will find tom wolfe in a white suit and blasting out wry, wicked language, aiming to
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they're too smart, too rich or too important. >> well i just try to bring truth. >> reporter: in his book, wolfe argues speech not evolution is responsible for humanity's highest achievements. he skewers the man who introduced evolution to the masses, charles darwin and fam ed linguist. >> darwinnism and theory of evolution is a myth. no use saying human beings evolvefr creatures with different powers. if you have -- the power of speech. that is the power of memory. >> it is bold. i think some would say dangerous to say that darwin its m and evolution is a myth. >> i think a lot of people don't agree with me. >> reporter: not hard to recall wolfe's achievements. crushed the print party in the 60s with essays and argument that that showcase rigorous reporting. climaxing with the right stuff in 1979.
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novels. including most famous. bonfire of the vanities. >> started working on newspapers. as soon as i left school. graduate school, actually. i assumed when i first started working for newspapers well i will be a novelist one day. i lost total interest in being a novelist. because it is nonfiction is so exciting the i got a little carried away. next book. a novel also. but i am quite at homecoming back to, to >> reporter: at 85, seems wolfe's concession is the shirt. a polo, collar up, on guard, instead of the legendary ties and tall collars. the white suit remains. as does the passion to provoke. >> is this the last book? >> to be honest i only have five more planned.
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which i think is the funniest subject in a long, long time. ? ? ? embarrassed by a prostate exam? imagine how your doctor feels. as a urologist, i have performed 9,421 and a half prostate exams. so why do i do it? because i get paid. und... on this side of the glove i know prostate exams can save lives. so, if you are a man over 50, talk to you doctor to see if a prostate exam is right for you. if we can do it, so can you.
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man: i am a veteran; my victory was finding the strength to be a champion. man: my victory is having a job i can be proud of. narrator: at dav we help veterans get the benefits they've earned. woman: my victory was finishing my education. man: my victory was getting help to put our lives back together. narrator: dav provides veterans with a lifetime of support.
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go to little town on the coast of italy is the focus of scientific investigation. turns out the people who live there tend to live longer and healthier lives than anywhere else in the country. seth doane went looking for the fountain of youth. >> there is no doubting the natural beauty of the region. this place is raising questions. why are the people well beyond italy's national average. why does this have one of the highest concentrations of people over 100 years old. a place where you can find an 88-year-old tending the town garden daily. walls no obstacle. or the rather spry, 94-year-old amina fidulo. >> translator: i feel young she told us from her front window.
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joined us. i eat and shave and sleep well and do everything myself, he said. >> for us, it is natural. >> natural. >> yeah, we have many, many people live 100 years. >> reporter: the mayor figures about one in ten of the residents here are over age of 90. he credits the laid back lifestyle. note his outfit. but says extolling virtues of the place only means so much coming from the mayor. enter dr. allen >> reporter: can you list what makes these people different? >> they have less alzheimers, less cataracts, less bone fractures, don't see heart failure. high blood pressure, the heart seems good in everybody we measured. there is something there. >> reporter: a cardiologist is part of a team from the university of san diego, that is working with rome's university on a pilot study to look at those super agers in this region
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was amazingly adequate, little small blood vessels that give things where we want it and probably remove things we don't want. >> reporter: the research team thinks the diet rich in fresh fish and locally grown fruit and vegetables likely plays an important role. 94-year-old giseppi visolo eats from his back garden daily. doesn't eat rich foods. he told us. we asked dr. mazel if they've found the fountain of youth. he said they weren't sure, research was needed. likely right combination of diet. activity levels, low stress and maybe something genetic. >> that's the "overnight news" for this thursday. for some the news continues. for others check back a little later for the morning news and "cbs this morning. "from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm vladamir
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channelling his inner reagan. >> peace through strength. >> peace through strength. trump lays out his foreign policy and draws fire from clinton. backlash delays mosquito spraying as the the zika virus spreads. >> apple rolls out a new iphone, why hard core apple fans are irate. >> and a world war ii veteran wins her final battle. with just over 60 days before the election we saw a


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