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tv   CBS 2 News 10  CBS  November 2, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm CDT

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and aroura. 70th and aroura. possible officer down. "they were ambushedthese officers had no idea what was c" coming."what we're now learning about the investigation and the suspect. - the true definition of iowa nice. nice."i want you to go home to your families." families."the show of support for police officers across the . 2 news ten starts now with team coverage of the attack on iowa's finest. right now - iowans are trying to cope with the tragic iowa police officers. authorities in the des moines metro are trying to piece together ?why a man went on a shooting rampage. all started at one this morning when officers found urbandale police officer justin martin dead in his patrol car.police say more than 15 rounds had been fired at martin as he was driving - he was just 24 years old. minutes later and less than 2 miles away, des moines police sergeant anthony beminio was
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- police caught up with the suspect - 46-year-old scott greene.police say greene flagged down a wildlife officer and told him to call 9-1-1.investigators believe he used a rifle to kill the officers. cbs 2 news reporter matt hammill has been in the des moines area all day. day.he begins our team coverage with the latest on the show of support for the off. officers. just an incredible demonstration of love and support tonight here in urbandale as this memorial continues to this afternoon and evening we've watched as a steady stream of families came to honor these two fallen officers.we saw parents try to explain to their children what happened.we saw officers in tears as they hugged members of the community.officer martin, just hired on here in urbandale last year.sergeant beminio, a ten-year veteran with des police, also an iowa city west grad and a state
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"on the dsmpd side that was sgt. beminio, he goes by tony. 8:43 ?flash? 8:52 great guy, good friend to a lot of us, fantastic family man. it's really hard to lose tony."9:00 22:29 "justin's hometown is in rockwell city, iowa 22:33 ?flash? 23:16 we had high expectations of his future and it's tragically been cut short here 23:21we'll continue to bring you the latest as community waits for urbandale, matt hammill, cbs 2 news ten at ten/fox 28 news. as matt just mentioned - officer beminio grew up right here in the corridor.earlier tonight - cbs 2 news spoke with one of his former west high teammates. once you ahve that bond, it just doens't go away and even today, when i got the text from my wife -- i teared up quite a bit. it touched me and it touched everybody else.
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wrestling champion at iowa city west in 1996 -- the year after he helped west win a state championship in football -- as a captain. cbs 2 news reporter dora miller also spent the day in des moines today. today.she met people who knew both officers before they started their careers.
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shameful acts of violence. that's how president obama described the attack on iowa's . a statement to cbs 2 news, the president said quote "we once again mourn american police officers lost in the line of duty, we must also renew the call to match that same sense of service, that same devotion within our own lives and our own communities."
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communities are stepping up to show their support for both police departments. departments.this is a live look at a growing memorial outside the des moines police department.all day people from across the state have been going out of their way to send well wishes to officers in des moines and urbandale.we were struck by one woman's offer to help a grieving officer. "i couldn't even imagine, this is the only thing i know how to help is to feed, and i want you guys to stay i want you to go home to your families because i want my dad to come home to me and i want my son to me and i'm sorry" sorry"we thought it was important to show this interaction between a woman and an officer--both grieving and both unsure what to do. what you ?can? see happening in this video is proof that community and kindness all have a bigger impact than any act of hatred. police say they have had several run-ins with the lone
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michael greene.the 46-year-old father was charged two years ago when he refused to be searched for weapons.just days later, he was accused of threatening to kill a man at his apartment complex.he later pleaded guilty to harassment. harassment.right now - officers are trying to figure out if the man in this image from you tube is the suspect. the posting claims the man in the video got into an altercation with some african american fans at a high school carried a confederate flag. police later removed him from school grounds after several complaints. still developing - authorities are looking at the video and whether it may have sparked today's 2 news spoke to several of the suspect's neighbors who say he was quiet and friendly. friendly. : "in talking with him, he didn't seem to have any ill will towards law enforcement or anything like that - i'm
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like why - why kill an officer - why kill two officers why do these things." this year - 114 officers have died in the line of duty across the country - five here in iowa.50 officers have been killed because of gun violence. we will keep following the latest developments in the investigation and bring you up-to--the minute information on cbs 2 iowa dot com - and the very latest tomorrow
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cbs 2 news ten at ten continues now with more on- going coverage 20-16.there are six days until the nation goes to the polls. in these final days of the campaign - democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton and republican rival donald trump are stepping up their visits to iowa. former president bill clinton was in waterloo drumming up support for his wife hillary.speaker of the house paul ryan was also in the hawkeye state rallying support for congressman rod blum.
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the memorial outside the des moines police department - where cards and flowers are piling up outside headquarters. our thoughts and prayers are with the families of officer martin and sergant beminio.
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tomorrow on cbs 2 this morning - two corridor women are using their creative juices to spread the message of safety in their neighborhood. that's
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next on c-b-s two news newspreventing suicides for those who serve our country. how one iowan is taking on the
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by the end of this day - 20- veterans will have committed suicide and sadly - tomorrow - another 20. that is hard to spot before it's too late late.a corridor man is now going to battle to save veterans in the fight against the enemy from within.cbs2 news anchor jenee ryan shows us how -- --in tonight's special report. report. some doctors believe many of the struggles veterans go through - like ptsd - stem from brain injuries .some say - these injuries can be helped with a therapy created to treat decompression sickness in sea there's a
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veterans. take pkg --nowadays - michael clair spends his time promoting local concerts but in the eighties - he wrestled several circuits including wwf - as doctor squash235657 clair you get thrown around every day. you're taking body slams, backdrops, the worst of the worst.throughout his wrestling career clair suffered ?dozens of concussions. 235732 clair about 4 years into career i had the career ending one which was out of the ring and of my head. clair's health plummeted from his brain injuries. 235859 clair i had a tremor in my left hand, and id shake really bad then my head started to shake. he needed a cane to walk - took 22 medications a day - became depressed and lost all short- term memory. 000057 clair it was everyday just fighting this thing trying to stay cognitive.235946 clair when the doctors told me this was my new normal this was terrifying.000044 clair i knew if i didn't do something i would die. hoping for a miracle - clair soon
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forty dives -000226 clair it was painless and super easy. and finally - resurfaced. 000423 clair about the tenth treatment i woke up and realized, i was awake. i don't know how to describe this to you or the viewers or anybody else. it's the feeling that you're there. you're not over here looking at this person saying how do i get there. you're there. now- he fights - along with dr. zant - for hbot to become a mainstream prescription for veterans. 001155 clair i figure, i got a second chance at life now, im gonna spend it soldiers get the treatment they need. along with clair, 011552 zant i get calls probably 2-3 a week just screaming for helpdr. zant - who was an army doctor in the vietnam war - has treated 42 war veterans pro-bono - or at a major discount. 010620 zant i would say 95% of these men and women were completely returned to normal after their hbot dr. zant theorizes - veterans's ptsd, emotional
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as a result of brain damage or concussions caused by explosions of war - which create toxic bubbles in the brain - like bends.000830 clair these guys are very smart, and a lot of them come home and they can't put together full sentences cuz their brains have been rocked. 010825 zant the hbot actually treats the brain, we're not treating the symptoms directly dr. merete ibsen and mike holder at university of iowa hospitals and clinics showed iowa's only hyperbaric oxygen multi-chamber. 154445 ibsen you will get the oxygen for 30 minutes then we take the hood off and you breathe this for ten minutes then we do that 3 times. in addition to breathing 100% oxygen - the patient's inside air is
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which forces the oxygen to stay within the body. 155338 ibsen the super oxygenation of tissue starts developing new vessels and the whole tissue becomes more vascalurized and that means more oxygen is supplied and then we go into a good circuit a lasting effect this is very good. but iowa veterans don't come here for hbot for their neurological prescribe it.011938 zant they will treat these guys. they'll treat them with pills and they'll treat them with counseling and they're just not getting better with that. 001359 clair all these big companies are making millions of dollars keeping the kids tranquilized instead of treating them. even though they know it works. but - in the medical and political world - whether hbot actually works on brain injuries is not agreed upon because of a past controversial study.011418 zant even before it started
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their protocol knew it was going to fail and it did. 000639 clair the man who did the study recanted and later said yes it does work160946 ibsen if i was convinced that it was the right thing to do, that would be so horrible not to do it. but i just don't know. there's a lot we don't know. dr. ibsen says she and her team at u of i have been asked to participate in a new study of how hbot affects the brain.160227 ibsen it makes sense to me when you think about what is happening especially with traumatic brain injuries, something has happened, trauma, contusion, bleeding. and you have - now we are back to what i talk about, healing -the we're gonna find that this works and it might end up a standard care. but until that may happen161808 holder it's hugely expensive unfortunately. and not covered by insurance in iowa.160706 ibsen it's about 2900 per treatment. and about how many treatments would a person? about 20 to 40. (shock) and you know, theres no one that can pay that themselves.011630 zant eventually insurance will pay for it- the
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nine and still to come.... come....why gary dolphin believes the hawks have what it takes to stop penn state's star running back -- next in
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whatcha' doin? just checking my free credit score at credit karma. what the??? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it! just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. positive. so i guess i can just check my credit score then? oooh "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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tom brands' opening statement at media day said it all: "i like our guys.. that's my opening statement." but as mitch fick explains -- brands also likes winning -- and that's what the hawks are looking to get back to. the iowa defense has been sound but a tall been sound
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they won nine of the last 10 championships but no national title since 2010. going into the 16, 17 season it's all about ownership and accountability.>> it's not about the team or as a guy who broke the lineup it's about ownership for the weight class where you are competing. >> when i am the comraderie is a lot better than it has been. they are training hard and holding each other accountable. just because i'm a leader doesn't need i don't need to be held accountable.>> 133 pounder tells me he's feels like he has
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pretty sure other people feel that way too. the iowa defense has been sound but tall order when they will stack up against penn state. the sophomore has 10 touchdowns and he is nearing 1000 yards. gary dawson believes the hawks will be up for the task.>> he was one of the most heavily recruited kids coming out of high school a c back. you have to wrap them up but i am confident iowa's defense will be fine. >> playoff action on the south side tonight. still in the first set morgan
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charm. this is erica armstrong she lets them know eagles on to the
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-- tomorrow morning patchy fog up to 65 degrees with lots of sunshine. on behalf of all of us
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putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. do you treat women with respect? uh... i can't say that either.
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>> the late show was taped earlier so we don't know who won the world series. for that reason we have two messages. is there congratulations, cleveland. you played great ball. your city should be proud. this is the kind win that makes us briefly forget your mascot. i also want to say congratulations to this goat. as you know in the owner cursed the chicago cubs because they kicked his goat out of gaiment. apparently the curse worked really well. goat, your power is undeniable, and we stand in awe of your black magic. all hail evil goat! wooo!


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