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tv   ET Entertainment Tonight  CBS  November 9, 2016 1:30am-2:00am CST

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good morning. it is election morning here. >> good morning. >> on cbs. we are still waiting for a few states to come in. donald trump is leading by small margins in these states. if he wins two or three of them now, he will be the 45th president of the united states. let's have a look at wisconsin. this is one of the states that we are projecting is leaning donald trump's way. we are unable to protect him as the the winner. because the vote totals just aren't there yet. there he is, 1,385,000 votes.
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pennsylvania. michigan. arizona. new hampshire. very close vote totals. let's have hey look at pennsylvania. there is -- donald trump with 2.9 million. hillary clinton with a little over 2.8 million. 97% of the votes counted in pennsylvania. just a few outstanding. still a little bit too close to call. pennsylvania is the largest state outstanding at and -- if -- if pennsylvania goes donald trump's way which it aparpears to be heading that wa all but over for hillary clinton tonight. michigan as well. see the numbers for michigan. >> it is. and, yet our decision desk still has pennsylvania and michigan as tossups. at this hour. as well as new hampshire. wisconsin is leaning republican. and arizona is leaning
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pennsylvania, still tossups according to the cbs news decision desk which we are showing right now is, there all looking very closely at those numbers. >> yeah, the jackets have come off. it's like it is hot in here already all of a sudden. you know i feel like someone needs to find alanis moresettes song, isn't it ironic. started off. people are anxious. at least the wait will be over. by the end of the night we will know something. now we sit here at time. we still don't really know. >> you are looking at trump campaign headquarters. their watch party tonight. and major garrett is there for us. donald trump is expected at any moment. >> yeah, donald trump is here. the top advisers to his campaign are beginning to make their way towards the center of the stage. sarah palin, early endorser. john mccain's runningmate is here in hilton midtown manhattan. we're told that donald trump
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moments from now. some time in the near future. and because there is not a concession from hillary clinton, he will not declare absolute victory, we are told. but talk abut tout the directiod he sees, all the numbers, outstanding point favorably in his directs. he wants to thank supporters and talk about this moment. and bask a little bit in the improbability of it all. but also tell the country that, he is going to wait, see how the numbers come in, and wn the vectick victor and some poi. and propriety of concession from hillary clinton should it come is carried out. then he will declare himself the winner. so in that sense, you can begin to see in the emerging possibility of a president-elect trump. a deference to the methodology, the long standing, process of working through a presidential election, a hard fought one and closely contested one.
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this moment. and share it with his supporters. and give the country a bit of a glimpse what he sees and expects in the coming hours. i made a reference to this a moment ago. i really do think it is worth pointing out. every day that donald trump gives a speech he heaps scorn on the dishonest, lying media. i find it ironic that at this moment what is holding donald trump back from declaring himself the next president of the united states is the very same numbers, meticulously, accurately, probingly, to declare him the winner. >> major, thank you very much. and we are not holding back, folks, believe me. none of us want to be sitting here at 3:00 in the morning. >> sure we do, scott. >> our decision desk is going over the numbers as major said, meticulously. we just want to make sure that we make these estimates correctly. for you. and so, we are still counting
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states. that are so close. you know, what a difference -- six or eight hours makes. hillary clinton watch party early this evening filled up with high spirits. they were expecting to win. they, they thought it was going to be a walk perhaps. the trump campaign watch party was much more somber in the beginning. they were afraid they were going to get clobbered. and then, slowly, as the night progressed. it dawned on both of them. >> donald trum electoral volts. and -- hillary clinton with 218. we should point out, as we -- also look at the popular vote, and donald trump leading in the popular vote, that if we turn, return to the map of the united states, we still have a number of states that are not blue or red. as you can see. arizona. minnesota. wisconsin. michigan. pennsylvania. and new new hampshire.
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states. those are the states our decision desk is looking at. hillary clinton's campaign chairman said go to sleep. donald trump will have something else to say about that shortly. but these are the states why we are still sitting here at 2:35 in the morning. >> so interesting, how, how evenly and closely divided our country is you. saw that, popular vote. it really hasn't changed. in terms of the difference all donald trump has been ahead by 1 million votes out of 100 million cast. round numbers. in other word he has been ahead by 1% and that has really been the case over the last several hours. it hasn't changed much at all. >> i remember scott when we assembled here at 5. 30. . seemed like a long time ago. yesterday, we looked for the word to describe. the word we used and decided on was tight. it could not be any tighter.
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charlie. you will remember in the early exit polls. that a large percentage of voters. almost 40%. said the most important thing to them was change. and, the single most important thing. >> early, early in the evening. that gave us a clue about which way this was headed. >> but it was also a little bit of a fooler. then on judgment and who you -- thought could handle the office, added up to -- the b change. so, all of which were attributes that hillary clinton has the. >> we have had an incredible team of reporters that spoke with people as they voted. we polled those who voted early. we have a sense of the mood of the electorate that has been these exit polls. if you look at sort of -- what happened with clinton tonight. she underperformed obama four years ago amongst a number of groups.
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obama got 60% of the vote. it goes on. even among black voters. she got 88% of the black vote. obama got 93%. >> when she underperformed did he overperform. did all the people go to him? >> is that what happened here? >> yes. also the case may be too that the third party candidate took part of -- >> see where the third party candidate would make a difference in some of the battleground states. >> his turnout in republican counties was, was very shy. >> that's right. she may have turned out in some places but just not enough. florida again. the best example. he turned out high. and then she turned out, and she turned out and then he turned out even higher. >> she just never seemed to generate excitement. i think that is the thing we haven't talked about here. from the start of her campaign
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almost rehearsed. everything that she did. and -- i mean, the fact is in the beginning, any way, she was just simply not a very good candidate. i mean, she just didn't seem to stir up a lot of excitement. especially among young people. they were going for bernie sanders. they were getting excite add but bernie sanders. >> young women. >> young women. you never really thaw that in the clinton >> i had a chance to talk to millenials, two hours, group of 30 recently. one of the things gary johnson supporter said about hillary clinton is that -- people don't talk about the fact that she is part of the 1%. for him, that was -- a big issue. because he felt as the though both candidates, major party candidates could not identify with his own economic struggles. that was something that was a deciding factor for him. >> this evening is not turning
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the trump campaign. have to think that even they john have to be ape little surprised by, that it has come done to this close. of a margin. >> well, i -- i do know the conversations. they have always been very bullish. >> always confident. >> always saying, you know, look at the rallies. look at our, we have a different way of trying to -- tap into the country, the real country. not the country as political operators in washington see it. i must s operators in washington -- in the republican establishment, thought that donald trump was not going to win. so, he knew something that they didn't. live pictures of the trump watch party. donald trump is there. we are told. we understand he will be taking the stage at any moment. and we will switch to him immediately when hat happens. but we will first go to major garrett who is there at campaign
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approval here. you can hear behind me. we have been told, i believe, i can confirm, that hillary clinton has called donald trump to concede. we expect donald trump to come out at any moment and announce that to the throng of supporters at the hilton hotel in midtown. and this moment, long sought by donald trump, long disbelieved by some in the republican party, everyone in the democratic party, and a the good number of the american people still about donald trump. apparently has the come. trump, if in fact hillary clinton, as we are led to believe called to concede, will tell supporters that. tell the country that and be ginlt procegin the process of moving from republican nominee to president-elect of the united states. the atmosphere as you can imagine here is elated. enthusiastic beyond belief. and a roar just went up right
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norah. ear splitting, the kind i have been hearing on the campaign trail when donald trump appeared to rallies where thousands and thousands of supporters hoping this moment might come. in fact it appears it has. >> we want to emphasize, major, of course, that though word there is that hillary clinton has called donald trump to concede, we do not have confirmation of that from the clinton campaign. and of course, the way the vote totals are right now, donald trump has presidency tonight. he is at 245 electoral votes. he needs 270. the states that are remaining, certainly are leaning his way. there is no question about that. but -- we were told earlier that hillary clinton's people were going to take the rest of this morning and wait until tomorrow morning to have any more to say about all of this.
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to come out on to the stage. and the moment he does, we will be sure to go to him. and -- >> sure would look to know when she called. >> arizona, we are now calling for donald trump, cbs news estimates that when all of the votes are counted, donald trump will be the winner in arizona. >> 11. >> give him two more electoral votes. so that now brings our vote donald trump, 256. he only needs to get to 270. and there are a few more states like pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan. that are still outstanding. but donald trump is leading in those states. so, it may just be a matter of -- time. maybe just a few more minutes
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>> all he needs is 14, right? >> to get to 270. that's right, bob. that's, that's all he needs is 14. pennsylvania, alone would do that for him. michigan alone would do that for him. >> here comes donald trump. >> sound look they just introduced mike pence. >> there is mike pence. mike pence. and his family. we would expect donald trump next. and -- probably pandemonium to follow him on to the stage. >> cnn projecting trump wins wisconsin.
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then he would be down to four. >> they have reason to celebrate. at this headquarters tonight. >> this is an historic night. the american people have spoken and the american people have elected their new champion. america has elected a new president. and it is almost hard for me to
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family feel that we will have the privilege to serve as your vice president of the united states of america. >> usa! usa! usa! usa! >> i come to this moment, i come to this moment, deeply humbled. grateful to god for his amazing grace. grateful to my family, my wonderful wife karen, our son michael and his fiancee sarah. our daughter audry, far away and our daughter charlotte. i could not be here without them. and i am -- i am deeply grateful
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for placing their confidence in this team and giving us this opportunity to serve. and i am mostly grateful to our president-elect, whose leadership and vision will make america great again! so let me say it is my honor, and distinct privilege to introduce to you the president-elect of the united
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>> donald trump, not having officially won yet, just shy of the 270 electoral v necessary. but certainly the states that he needs to go over the top, are all leaning in his direction. and the trump campaign claiming victory. cbs news has just projected the state of wisconsin will also go trump's way. no big surprise there. that brings him to 266. four short of what he needs to win the election. but, certainly as we said
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outstanding states are, leaning his way. there doesn't seem to be any mystery in this any more. as donald trump takes the stage in front of his fans and all of his campaign workers there. at his watch potter in manhattan. >> cbs news has not yet called the election as we are waiting for vote to come in, in a number of states. but, mike pence has just declared victory what he said is the next president of the united states. donald trump who has never run for political office. and in his first bid for office. has managed to capture 266 electoral votes. and is on his way to winning the presidency. >> he became a republican in 2012. >> here is donald trump. >> yes. >> thank you.
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sorry to keep you waiting, complicated business. complicated. thank you very much. i just received a call from secretary clinton. she congratulated us, it is about us on our victory. and i congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign. i mean she, she fought very hard. hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time. and we owe her a major debt of
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country. i mean that very sincerely. now it's time for america to bind the wound of division. we have to get together. to all republicans, and democrats, and independents across this nation, i say, it is time for us to come together as one united people. it's time. i pledge to every citizen of our land that i will be president for all of americans. and this is so important to me. for those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people -- i am reaching out to you for
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unify our great country. as i have said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement made up of millions of hard working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family. it is a movement come the prized of americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and believes, who want and expect our government to serve the people and serve the people it will. working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the
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i have spent my entire life in business, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world. that is now what i want to do for our country. tremendous potential. i have gotten to know our country so well, tremendous potential. it is going to be a beautiful thing. every single american will have the opportunity to or her fullest potential. the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. we are going to fix our inner cities, and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. we are going to rebuild our
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which will become, by the way, second to none. and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. we will also finally, take care of our great veterans. we have been so loyal, and i have gotten to know so many over this 18 month journey. the time i spent with t among my greatest honors. our veterans are incredible people. we will embark upon a project of national growth, and renewal. i will harness the creative talents of our people. and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. it is going to happen. we have a great economic plan. we will double our growth, and
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anywhere in the world. at the same time, we will get along with all other nations. willing to get along with us. we will be. we will have great relationships. we expect to have great, great relationships. no dream is too big, no challenge is too great. nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. america will no longer settle for anything less than the best. we must reclaim our country's destiny. and dream big and bold and daring. we have to do that. we are going to dream of things for our country and beautiful things and successful things once again. i want to tell the world community that while wailable is a put americas interest first, we will deal fairly with
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all people and all other nations. we will seek common ground, not hostility. partnership not conflict. and now, i would look to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight, very, very historic victory. first i want to thank my parents, who i know are looking down on me right now. great people. i have learned so much from them. they were wonderful in every regard. i had truly great parents. i also want to thank my sisters, mary ann and elizabeth, who are here with us tonight. where are they? they're here some place. they're very shy, actually. and my brother, robert, my great friend, where is robert. where is robert.
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and they should all be on this stage. but that's okay. they are great. and also my late brother fred, great guy. fantastic guy. fantastic family. i was very lucky. great, brothers, sisters, great unbelievable parents. to melania and don and ivanka and eric and tiffany and baron i love you and i thank you and especially for putting up with all of those hours. this was tough. this was tough. this political stuff is nasty and it's tough.
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really, fantastic. thank you all. thank you all. and laura, unbelievable job. unbelievable, vanessa. thank you. thank you very much. what a great group. you have all given me such incredible support and i will tell you that we have a large group of people. you know they kept saying we have a small staff. not so small. look at all the people we have. look at all of these people. and kellyann and steve and david. we have got, we have got tremendously talented people up here. i will tell you it has been very, very special. i want to give a very special thanks to, our former mayor, rudy giuliani. unbelievable. unbelievable. he traveled with us and he went
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rudy never changes. where is rudy? where is he? rudy. governor chris christie, folks, was unbelievable. thank you, chris. the first man, first senator, first major, major politician, let me tell you he is highly respected in washington because he is as smart as you get, a great man. another great man, tough competitor. he was not easy. he was not easy. who is that? is that the mayor that showed up? is that rudy?
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another great man who has been really a friend to me, but i will tell you, i got to know him as a competitor, because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those democrats. dr. ben carson. where is ben? where is ben? and by the way, mike huckabee is here some place, he is fantastic. mike and his family, sarah. thank you very much. general mike flynn. where is mike? and general kellogg. we have over 200 generals and admirals that have endorsed our campaign. and they're special people. it is really an honor the we have 22 congressional medal of honor recipients. just tremendous people.


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