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tv   CBS 2 News 10  CBS  November 14, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm CST

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. right now on 10 at 10, a politically charged message of hate, why authorities are choosing not to investigate it. >> there was a sign on the door that said, this is discrimination, but you voted for it. >> how a corridor restaurant knowingly discriminated against its customers. something as small as a safety pen is opening up big dialogue when it comes to talking about diversity. now the corridor's top stories and tomorrow's weather first forecast in the first minutes. this is cbs 2 news 10 at 10. the fantastic weather about to come to an end our meteorologist is just how long we have left to enjoy this great weather. >> we still have three days nothing coming up, was a nice evening enjoying the super moon, this is an impressive feature, 13% brighter and 14%
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this large was back in 1948 the next time we'll see it this close will be in 2034. a rare event to say the least, mostly cooperative we'll see clouds in our northern and western county, temperatures will be in the upper 30s nice dry conditions and eventually with more sunshine tomorrow afternoon temperatures will head to the low 60s and then it is about friday when start to change you want to stay tune to the forecast because we have significant after donald trump's election v. victory.amar samel and his family told the gazette they found a note after returning from his father's read, "you can all go home found a note that read you can all go home now, we don't want blank and terrorists here #trump. he is an american citizen
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received multiple messages of support from friends and neighbors. he says police decided not to investigate the incident and the police chief bill campbell said they were absolutely unacceptable. in an effort to support those who were most vulnerable many people are turning to an act of solidarity, cbs 2 news dora miller joins us live on a growing tend. >> you might get to safety pens people putting these on their clothes that they'll protect those they feel discriminated against this is a nice gesture in a time so uncertain. the meaning behind the anti- for a quieter act of solidarity. solidarity... "people have to find different outlets for communication, there's not a single communication channel that accomplishes all the
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that accomplishes all of the goals we want. >> a safety pen to stand with those who feel attacks, vulnerable unwelcome muslims, women, people of color. >> i don't have a safety pen on, if i had i would be wearing it i think that's a great idea demonstrate a sense of community. >> if it is going to bring more love and not a guard up so you're approachable then i think it is great. >> david, assistant director of diversity at this might help heal the very fresh wounds. >> we've had students who express discomfortable who have expressed fear for their own safety. we have quite a lot of international students. though it is not the first symbol, it is another attempt to mend a divided country. >> it would be nice to wear but i don't feel like every person should be like that in general you shouldn't have a safety pen
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here. >> will this die down in yes of course but it is important that the conversation is happening the more that we have it happen on the micro level the more we can move forward. >> to take it a step forward they are saying they want to have an open forum on thursday that will be at 5:30 here on mount mercy university campus so people can vent and talk about their reaction to election. dora miller. an iowa city bar accused of over charging trump supporters. a stella employee confirms they asked customers who they voted for if customers voted for hillary clinton it was $5 to get in, trump supporters were charged $10. cbs 2 news reached out to the bar's owner several times and so far we've not heard back. apart from the presidential race women did make strides in politics this year securing several victories in the u.s.
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the statehouse reporter shows how women are taking steps to continue pushing the glass ceiling in iowa. >> a record number of women ran for state legislatures nationwide including here in iowa. despite a tough election season, there is still a lot of interest from women wanting to get involved in politics. >> to all the little girls who are watching this never doubt that you are valuable and powerful. >> words of encouragement from hillary clinton president elect donald trump after election day possibly enough encouragement to spark immediate inspiration. >> from wednesday through yesterday, i was tracking, we have over 25 people that just signed up for more information on ready to run. >> ready to run is a nonpartisan campaign training program at thecarry chapman center for politics every year
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>> the biggest problem is not that they can't get elected if they run they have a 52% chance of winning it is getting them to run strategically in races they can win which are typically open seed races. iowa's women in politics say they strive to also set a positive example. >> my colleagues have been willing to give me a fair shot, i would encourage any woman who is running for office in iowa to please step up and people will welcome you. >> as i travel the state i'm constantly encouraging young girls and women to not only think about running for office but serving on a school board on a nonprofit. stephie lee, cbs 2 news. many groups of americans are concerned about president elect donald trump and some members of his cabinet taking office. our political reporter and host of iowa in focus kevin berry explains the latest
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will be the chief of staff and steve bannon will be in the white house, he was the former executive at bright bart media that very conservative news site and donald trump tweeted out how he got a bunch of con garagelation calls. twitter account where we're getting a lot of information what that new tab innocent to look like so far like we said only pervis and steve bannon, reporting that rudy giuliani, we heard how chris christy might be a favorite to be attorney general, we're
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son, eric was head of the iowa campaign. and he could potentially be the ambassador to china or the new secretary of agriculture, ironically would replace secretary tom vilsack another former iowa governor but a democrat governor branstad so far denied he wants either one of those jobs he doesn't want to move to china or doesn't want to move to washington d.c. but we'll be tracking that through the news and through this twitter account through transaction 2016 to see what happens in the coming days. 10 at 10 continues with the stories, cameras tell scones getting a glimpse of the super moon, it reached its closest point to the earth in 70 years tonight is going to be a great night to view the moon if you happen to get a good snapshot post your picture to our facebook page kgin, cbs 2. in cedar rapids the
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giving $800,000 to kirkwood community college. the money will go towards a variety of programs more than half will be used to fund scholarships for students preparing for careers in electrical computer and software engineering more than 22,000 students enroll every year. >> today cedar rapids firefighters donated $32,000 to the nba the corridor resident generously gave the money to the fill the boot campaign over labor day 32nd year the cedar rapids fire department participated in the event. in their, a number of groups and citizens in fairfax came together to make a significant contribution. their effort raised 30- thousand dollars for the honor flight.the money will help pay raised $30,000 for the honor flight. the money will help pay for 55 vets to make the trip.
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had been battling cancer. they posted the news hour and the political show washington week. the campaign season, moderated one of the democrat debates in take a leave of absence from the p-b-s news-hour in may.
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tomorrow on cbs 2 this morning - the internet has become an online shopping mall.find out the new type of products more
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person.that's . it was another nice day here in eastern iowa, plenty of sunshine, temperatures back in the upper 50s to low 60s, once again, about 10 to 15 degrees above normal tonight we've had a few high clouds begin to show up in some of our northern and western counties these continue to advance sth long and certainly not producing any precipitation the radars are nice and quiet so for the morning commute tomorrow, dry conditions expected once again been on a roll there temperatures are in the upper 30s 10 degrees above normal sunshine tomorrow afternoon, looks like the highs should get back up there around 60 degrees. another sunny mild day expected tomorrow that good weather lasts all the way through thursday and then a strong cold
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even a few thunderstorms and then the temperatures really take a tumble for the upcoming weekend get prepared there is going to be a real reality check for us then. so far, november has been about as good as you could possibly ask for the average high temperature coming in at 64 degrees the second warmest november so far, we've gone 18 consecutive days with above temperatures and 12 days without any rain. you can't ask for much nicer conditions than that we'll keep the good four more days these the highs we're expecting through friday, you can see on thursday with the reading of 71 degrees, 26 degrees above normal and pushing records then that front hits could be thunderstorms with that on friday look at saturday's temperatures highs down around 36 degrees that's 90 degrees below normal looks like we'll stay below normal at least in the early portions of next week. so a big change definitely coming our direction.
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southeast of us tonight another one located to the northwest this one hasn't moved southeast, fizzles out and washes out entirely as a big storm system out in the pacific northwest revs up you can see that in the satellite out in here where that big spin is what that's doing is spreading a lot of warm pacific air across the country and keeping our temperatures nice and mild so that lasts for three more days and that storm comes through with chance of rain and sharply colder temperatures here for the upcoming tonight low temperatures back in that range of 35 to maybe 37 degrees in our northern counties skies partly cloudy in the south a few passing clouds here too temperatures around 36 to 39 degrees about 37 here in cedar rapids and 39 in washington. for tomorrow up in the forth temperatures right around that 60 degree mark maybe as warm as 62 in waterloo further to the south temperatures under mostly sunny skies maybing it back in
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iowa city and 65. here is the extended forecast, we're just fine all the way through thursday, then the front hits with a chance for storms on friday saturday, it wouldn't shock me to see some snow flurries in parts of eastern iowa 36 for the high and that cool weather lasts through the upcoming weekend lows down to 21 degrees monday morn. next on cbs 2 news. >> could a beautiful gambling casino like this one be built
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right now - a new proposal is being developed for a gambling casino in cedar rapids. local developers steve emmerson and hunter parks floated the plan a few
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both new. this has become clear it comes with both opportunity and challenges, matt hamel is joining us now with what he has found this marks 25 years of slots and blackjack in iowa. cedar rapids is the only large sy without a casino continue you'll hear from the major players in a high stakes game where who are trying to improve from thousands who come to concerts in sporting events at the u.s. cell center. just up the block from some of the most popular restaurants and bars in town and just a short walk for convention goers at the double tree. two weeks ago a pink gorilla selling halloween costumes, two years from now, the site at first avenue and the railroad
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jackpot with this $40 million boutique casino. >> if this were 15 years ago and we had the blank canvas so to speak, we'd be looking at putting the second largest casino in the state of iowa in cedar rapids. he is proud of the iowa city he has been part of from the beginning and of his company's newest success this beautiful casino here in jefferson the third operation for wild gambling license granted in iowa. but when steven emerson went looking for an experienced gaming partner for downtown restaurants and the convention center, wild rose saw an opportunity to win the next license too. >> if this is proposed the right way and we listen to what the commission said to the previous application, maybe we could structure this so it is not as big and not as
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that's where things get complicated.nats cheers at rally " cheers "three years ago, with great enthusiasm - investors lead by steve gray proposedthe grand 160 - million dollar cedar crossing casino .it held the promise of hundreds of jobs - crowds of tourists - and millionsof dollars for both flood protection and local charities.nat dan kehl " if you vote no " but riverside casino owner dan kehl - fought it - tooth and nail - sayingit would steal his customers .mayor corbett they made the whole time was cannibalization - cannibalization. " mayor ron corbett - says when a study suggested it could take nearly thirty - percent - of the profits - he and investors could only watch as the gaming commission crushed the city's dreams for a gambling license.nats " i have to vote no " corbett says the smaller boutique proposal caught everyone by application. >> says the smaller boutique proposal caught everyone by surprise and while it could work right now the city's
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take advantage of all the work the original group did and then the group that cuts in line gets the application and gets the license. " kehl - says he won't have any comment on the new plan - but racing and gaming commission members say a smaller casino - is not a sure bet.lamberti (( 2:15:51 )) " clearly the eight hundred pound gorilla is the impact on existing facilities. " jeff lamberti - says iowa's 19 casinos are all profitable and putting millions of dollars back into their communities - while other states have se he says it all comes back to protecting the industry. the number of slots - and tables and size of the casino determine how much it hurts a neighboring operation - but, it's not an exact science. lamberti - (( 2:16:03 )) " there's no magic number, there's not a number that says if you have more than 20 percent impact on a facility it's no .. if it's less it's yes. " nats traffic at old casino site - " varoooom "the cedar crossing casino site is still an empty lot.- other developers have proposed buildings - but it's locked up until 20-18 in the agreement between cedar crossing investors and the
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group offered up a one and a half million dollar re-imbursment fundto help pay back those investors.but in a written statement - steve gray hints - he might double - down.he says in part - - " their offer represents pennies on the dollar to our investors and only partially recognizes the collective efforts and commitments a& we continue to work on another path forward that would be more beneficial to cedar rapids a& "nat ding ding - - but wild rose - says the boutique idea - is simply part of emerson's vision for a vibrant downtown - agreement with gray - they hope the city will support a great plan.tom - (( 2:02:40)) " so we're not asking the city to violate that .. we're not gonna go forward and say them or us .. this is an option. "and maybe one that comes at a good time. the gaming commission admits some studies indicating - extensive cannibalization - haven't turned out to be true. if nothing else - the boutique idea - has their attention.lamberti - (( 2:13:27 )) " but i think there's enough difference there that it'll be
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for city support - corbet says he hopes any decision comes down to what the people of cedar rapids want.mayor corbett - (( 1:24:44 )) " should we kind of rally around a new effort which may not be exactly what we wanted or hoped for, but something is of cedar rapids want. >> should we rally around a new effort that won't be exactly what we wanted or hoped for something is better than nothing or should we take the attitude, let's go big or go home. >> i think this would be nothing but great for cedar rapids. there is one final wild this game is over. the worse kept political secret in iowa is that mayor corbid is thinking about running for governor if he does and wins he could suggest changes and be appointing members who might vote on a future cedar rapids casino. cbs 2 news 10 at 10. coming up in sports, iowa state improved 2 and 0 on the
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we live in a pick and choose world. love or like? naughty or nice? calm or bright? but at bedtime... ...why settle for this? enter sleep number. don't miss the semi-annual sale, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! give the gift of amazing sleep. only at a sleep number store, right now save $500 on the queencse mattress with sleepiq technology. plus 36 months special financing.
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[ tower pinging ] [ whistling ] we've got a problem, friend. half off any smartphone for anyone who switches? what's the problem? the naughty list shouldn't get deals! yeah, but anyone who switches gets half off of any smartphone. even these? yeah, any smartphone. call the big guy! [ bell dings ] santa? no, jingles. [ knuckles crack ] [ spits ] ooo. ouch. [ neck cracks ] [ darien ] switch and get half off any smartphone.
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iowa state's first game of the season -- a lapper against savannah state -- and now the . iowa state's first game of the season, against savannah state now they welcome mount saint maries that has the brother on the team? a family affair in ames this
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morris drives and matt thomas, the ice man knocks down the triple later this is what the cyclones love to do off the miss, nick takes it himself and throws down two handed slam, 10 points from the sophomore off the bench, morris the drive for two, cyclones win easy, 73-55. let's face it, me, you, nobody thought the hawks beat the wolverines expect themselves, kurt and his staff thought they could knock off an undefeated michigan team and they did. that winning feeling was definitely something they needed. >> feeling is speechless, we needed this win for us and we just believe.
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of the guys on our team and coaching staff preaching for us to believe we can beat them we believe that 100% going into the game we have no doubt we're going to win. the hawks weren't the only team who got a much needed win saturday the cyclones finally got their second win of the season, iowa state went into kansas with the favorite and left with the w, it was matt campbell's win after taking over the program for him the rest of the year is all about to overcome a lot in their own career... you talk about the loss of a bunch of guys before the year starts, you talk about a new staff, you talk about new schemes, all these things. these kids deserve way more than that and they are laying a great foundation for the of our football program." that's a check of sports.terry is back with a final look at
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. shaping out to be another nice day, 37 to start, 10 degrees above normal, 62 later in the afternoon i still think on wednesday a good chance of another 73 degree day, we have a few more nice cool down. >> get really chilly, you said maybe a snowflake? >> it is possible could be a few flurries around, the air will be cold enough for that. >> i'm kind of excited about that. >> not yet. >> have a great night we'll see
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the butterburger is made of just three cuts of fresh midwest beef. nothing more, nothing less. so we got the sirloin, the chuck and the plate. no fillers; that's it. all prized cuts, all well-marbled for richness and flavor. this is where those three wonderful cuts of beef come together. you can just tell that blend is working in there. and we sear them, and that seals in the juices of the burger. it doesn't get any better than that.
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captioning sponsored by cbs >> stephen: president-elect donald trump, thank you for sitting down with me. >> thank you. >> stephen: really nice place you got here. it looks like caligula's man-cave. >> a li-- a little bit, a little bit. >> stephen: now, with your victory, i'm sure you've been getting a lot of congratulatory phone calls. have you talked to putin? >> he actually called last night. >> stephen: i also understand he sent you a large wooden horse as a victory gift, correct? >> it is so big, it is so-- it's so enormous, it's so amazing. >> stephen: have you looked inside it to see if there's anything before you open the gates and bring it into america? >> no.


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