tv CBS Overnight News CBS November 28, 2016 1:30am-2:00am CST
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? >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for everstrong, brought to you by purity products. ? >> hello, and welcome to the show i'm your host, mark larson. we're brought to you by purity products. we have a fascinating show lined up for you today. but first, i want to ask you a couple of quick questions. number one -- is there a pill that you can take that actually helps make you stronger? number two -- if you could get stronger, would the extra strength make your life better? well, if you answered "yes" to either of those questions, stay tuned. dr. neil levin is joining us to discuss a special compound
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to helping you get stronger and healthier at any age. dr. levin is a chiropractor, a nutritionist. he's spokesperson and longtime adviser for purity products. doctor, welcome aboard. good to have you here. >> oh, it's great to be here with you today, mark. and we have a very exciting topic to cover. we're talking about strength and power, and how to increase it, even if you're a bit older. so, if you want to feel better, if you want to feel stronger, this is some very important information that we're gonna >> this really is an exciting topic. let's talk about this important story today, this molecule of strength and how's impacting the lives of people who follow the science. >> right, right. well, we're talking about a new supplement. it's called everstrong, and it features an exciting molecule called creatine. now, mark, for those that don't know about creatine, it's mainly used in the olympic circles, professional athletes, body builders, college and high-school athletes, because it does something
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what i'm about to tell you, right now, mark, is based on real science, and it's amazing. and this is supported by many, many, many human studies. so, here's what creatine does for us. it's part of a strength-training regiment. it helps us to get stronger, more powerful. it helps put muscle mass, on the body, and it can help protect us from losing muscle tissue as we get older, which as we know, that's a big part of aging. not only that, mark, it appears to be important for the brain, supporting brain function, and it helps support y strength, as well. so, creatine is a molecule that both men and women can use to enhance strength and power. and we're gonna get into some the studies in a few moments. so, this is an amazing molecule that everybody needs to know about. >> this is exciting news. can you share some of the science behind it, and tell us why you're calling creatine one of the best kept secrets the to healthy aging? >> oh, sure, mark. well, what we need to understand is that creatine -- this is a natural substance to the body, mark.
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so, you'll find it in every single cell, tissue, organ in the body, and its job, mark, is to generate and maintain energy, strength, and power. >> mm-hmm. >> that's it's reason for being, to maintain energy, strength, and power. but, while it's in every single cell in the body, mark, most of it resides in your muscle tissue, because that's where we tend to use the most of it. 'cause, mark, it powers up the muscles. it's good for strong muscle contractions. it's important to help maintain strength in muscles using them over and over again. for instance, let's say you're working out at the gym, or you're you're playing sports -- golf, tennis, softball -- anything like that -- it keeps your muscles powered up in their high-energy state, mark, so they're strong and ready for action. >> okay, so creatine is in every cell in our bodies, especially the muscles. it helps power up the muscles. but you told me before we came on the air, doctor, that we have more creatine when we're young, and we don't make as much as we
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and that's a key, key point. super important, especially for those of us in our, say, 50s, 60s, 70s. you see, we made lots of creatine when we were young. we had oodles of the stuff, but as we get older, like everything else, we don't make as much. so we have less creatine in our muscle tissue, and that's bad news. but the news, mark, is that clinical studies show us that when you supplement with creatine, it gets absorbed and gets where it's transported -- right into your muscle tissue. so, it pumps up the creatine concentration in y helping you to get stronger, more powerful. and not only that, it supports your memory, it supports your brain health, it supports the strength of your bones, as well. so, an all-around win-win molecule. >> now, before the show, you were also talking about how olympic athletes have been using creatine for years to enhance their strength and their performance. tell us more about that. >> right, right. well, creatine, mark, -- this is the premier sports supplement. there's no question about that.
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athletes certainly know about it. hands down, this is the number-one sports nutrient. so, you know, back 20, 25 years ago, olympic athletes and their coaches -- hey, they knew about creatine. they knew it made you bigger and stronger and faster. they knew it was natural to the body, that it was supposed to be there. but, still, they were a little concerned about supplementing with it, because they were afraid it might be considered cheating, that it might be considered too much of an edge. so, back in 1998, the international olympic committee, they came out, they officially confirmed that creatine can be used by athletes to enhance their performance. so, that's great. and now, mark, it's not just for athletes anymore, because studies show that for older adults this stuff is amazing. and purity products has an incredible, new formulation, mark. we call it everstrong, because that's exactly what it does for us. it helps us to get stronger and stay stronger. and we use the best-studied form of creatine that money can
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it's called creapure, and it's fantastic. >> now, we should point out creatine is naturally occurring in red meat. but what about people who don't really eat a lot of red meat? that's a very good point, mark. vegetarians or people that don't really eat a lot of meat, they can be very low on creatine. so, if you're a person out there that's staying away from red meat -- if you're staying away from meat in general, you have more of a vegan-style diet -- well, this is definitely for you. try everstrong -- it'll help restore the healthy muscles, and you will feel the difference. you're gonna love it. >> all right, so obviously this works with athletes, but you say creatine is now going mainstream. i mean, there are studies showing that for older folks, like people over 50, creatine can be a cornerstone compound to help people stay strong, stay healthy, stay vital, right? >> exactly, mark. i mean, this is the ideal muscle-enhancing, muscle-strengthening, muscle-protecting nutrient as we
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like you and me. in fact, let's go to a couple of studies on older folks... >> all right. >> ...just to see and show how well this works. we'll do one on the guys, we'll do one on the gals. so, let's start with the guys. >> love the title of this one. "creatine supplementation improves muscular performance in older men." now, mark, this study done at several american universities, a group of men, get this, mark, age 59 to 72. >> that's not when people are known for getting stronger. >> no. >> well, this was a one-week study, mar that's how effective creatine is. this study -- again, just one week -- the guys on creatine, they were able to put on lean mass. now, for those that don't know, that's muscle tissue. it shows that they built muscle and they hydrated the muscles very nicely. now get this, mark -- blows me away -- increased the power of their chest press. they increased the strength of the leg exercises they were doing. they could get in and out of a chair more times faster without using their arms.
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on a stationary bike. mark, this happened in one week! i mean, when i think about that... >> [ chuckles ] >>'s really quite incredible to get these results in just one week, mark. >> one week! that is amazing. now, we talking before the show about these scientific studies. they tend to use what's called a "loading dose," and you guys have matched it so that our viewers can expect similar benefits, right? >> oh, great point, mark. and this is so important, 'cause most studies on creatine -- researchers use what c "loading dose," because you really want to saturate your muscles with it when you get started. so, what purity has done -- and this is very smart -- we're giving everybody what we call the 7 day booster dose of creatine. you're getting that for free, along with your free bottle of everstrong. so now, everyone can match the dose used in the clinical studies and get the benefits that these studies reveal. it's the right way to do it. so that's what we're doing. it's free today, the everstrong and the 7 day booster dose.
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here, and we'll get into the details on all that in just a minute. but first -- what about the women out there? do they get the same kind of benefits the men got, and will it actually help women in their 50s, 60s, 70s, get stronger, too? >> oh, absolutely, mark. let's go straight to another study. >> okay. >> love the title of this one, as well -- "creatine supplementation improves muscular performance in older women," published in the european journal of applied physiology. 30 women, age 58 to 71 -- again, this is a one-week study. that's how fast this works. and just like the guys, the women on creatine increased their chest press. they increased the leg press that they were doing, the leg exercises. they had better balance. they had better agility. so, mark, we're talking about 58- to 71-year-old women... >> mm-hmm. >> ...not only getting stronger, not only getting more powerful, but getting faster with improved balance. i mean, they could lift more weight. their muscles didn't fatigue as fast. and -- get this, mark, 'cause
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especially for the ladies, and i think you know this already, mark. but when women resistance train their bones get stronger, too. i don't know if you know that. >> sure. >> well, another study done on women between the ages of 50 and 64 found that women who resistance trained with creatine -- they got even better bone support benefits than those on placebos. so, all-around, win-win for the muscles, for the brain, for the bones. and, you know, while it's obviously not a miracle pill, everstrong really can help older adults to feel better, to feel stronger and more powerful. >> all right, doctor, talk a little more about this unique everstrong formula. it's the exclusive everstrong formula from purity products. there's even a clinical study, which shows an increase in upper-body strength and power. >> we'll get into that shortly. but tell me what's in it, why do you like it so much. i mean, this is more than just creatine, right? >> absolutely, absolutely. everstrong -- this is a very comprehensive formula, mark.
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feel stronger with everstrong. i mean, that would be enough, but -- >> mm-hmm. >> i mean -- we're dealing with people in their 50s, 60s, 70s. i want people to feel more energetic, as well. so, not only did we use the most-researched creatine, we also added a patented ingredient called coffeeberry extract, which is a powerful antioxidant. >> mm-hmm. we also added vitamin d, which supports the immune system and bone strength. but we added it into everstrong, because it's good for the muscles, as well. we added fruitex-b, another patented compound that's wonderful for joint support and bone support. so this is an all-around win-win, because you get your vitamin d, you get your fruitex-b to maintain the joints. you get the coffeeberry extract for that powerful antioxidant protection. and, of course, the most evidence-based creatine that money can buy. mark, best of all -- forget about money today. today it's free. purity knows you're gonna see these amazing benefits. we're talking about strength, we're talking about power, we're talking about energy support,
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it's free, and you're gonna love the benefits. >> now, we're gonna explain how to get the free bottle in a few moments, but first -- we already mentioned how great creatine works for women, so please take a moment and share a story you told me about this award-winning, 70-year-old swimmer who uses everstrong. i love this. >> oh, she is fantastic -- emma charron. let's put a picture up for the viewers, so they can see her. okay, there she is. >> she looks fantastic -- 70 years old, 70 -- six medals around her ne mark, this is the 2015 senior olympic games. you know, she wrote to us that at age 70 she was getting a little tired during her workouts. >> i mean, of course. she's 70, right? she just didn't have that same stamina. but fortunately, she heard about our everstrong formula. she started using it, and, mark, almost right away, she was invigorated in her workout. she had more energy throughout the day. now, i'm quoting from emma. she says, "i feel my investment in everstrong was one of the best choices i ever made.
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when people think i'm 50!" >> [ chuckles ] >> love it, right, mark? she looks terrific. she moves fantastic, and i hear this stuff all the time. mark, this isn't one of those vitamins like a multivitamin -- you take it, and you don't really notice the difference. not everstrong -- this is a game changer. this is a supplement that you can use to help get some of that youthful vim, that vigor back, some of that strength and power back. mark, this is wonderful stuff. >> now, of course, purity's giving away a free bottle of everstrong, but purity products doesn't stop there. in fact, doctor, you insisted they also give away a free bottle of their b-12 energy melts. these are great -- great for supporting energy. i know you love this combination. talk about this incredible free offer today. >> right, right, right. you know, when i think about everstrong, mark, i think about muscular energy. i think about power. but it's all about energy and feeling great, strong, and vital. and when i'm thinking that way, the next thing i think about is b-12, because when you think
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the problem for many 50-plusers like you and me -- you know, we're not absorbing the b-12 as well as we used to, especially into our 60s, 70s, 80s. so, supplementing with b-12, helps to bump up those b-12 levels, and that's what purity's b-12 energy melts are all about. they're fantastic. they melt in your mouth, they taste like berries, and they help bump up your b-12 levels, promoting healthy energy, and that's because b-12 makes the red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the tissues. it helps burn carbs, turning them into energy. we also added biotin to support your hair, skin, and nails. so, people love these. but, mark, if you want the b-12 energy melts for free, you got to be one of the first 1,000 callers. now, everybody's getting the everstrong. everybody's getting the free booster dose, but you got to be one of the first 1,000 callers to get the b-12 energy melts, as well. so, call quickly and you're getting all three for free today -- the everstrong, the 7 day booster pack, and the b-12 energy melts.
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you're gonna feel great. well, let's tell folks how they can get all three for free right now. >> announcer: are you concerned about your strength and stamina? what about your energy and vitality? would you like to recapture your edge? well, if you answered "yes" to any of these questions, purity products -- a leading provider of intelligent, nutritional solutions for over 20 years -- wants to put a free bottle of everstrong into your hands. everstrong is the exclusive combination of premium-grade creatine, supercharged b clinically tested phytoboron along with the blockbuster benefits of vitamin d and patented coffeeberry extract. and, today, it can be yours for free. here's how it works -- just call now, and purity will rush you a free bottle of everstrong to try for yourself. pay only $6.95 for shipping and handling, and you get to put it to the test. even the shipping is 100% refundable, so there's absolutely nothing to lose. and it gets even better, because
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offer, if you're one of the first 1,000 callers, you'll also get a bottle of purity's amazing b-12 energy melts absolutely free. they're fabulous for a delicious burst of energy support you can give yourself every day to simply feel great. and to top it all off, purity is also including their free 7-day creatine booster formula. it's the power-pack way to kick start the awesome benefits of creatine. so dial right now. whether you're a man or a woman, we guarantee everstrong will work for you, promoting your strength, stamina, energy, healthy brain function, even your bone and joint health. once the secret of world-class athletes, now it's your turn to experience the power of creatine for yourself. you won't believe the difference. there's just one catch. this free offer is not available online. it is only available through this special order hotline. so call now for your free
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7 day booster formula. plus, be one of the first 1,000 callers today and get the b-12 energy melts for free, as well. don't miss out. call right now. ? >> and we're back with dr. neil levin. and, doctor, this everstrong formula does so much for us, and we haven't even touched on the incredible brain-support benefits. some of theses studies you sent me are absolutely amazing, fascinating. >> they are absolutely amazing. and this is one of the areas where creatine really shines. you see, what we need to understand is that your brain, even though it's only 2% of your body's weight, mark, it uses 20% of your body's energy. so the brain is a very thirsty organ for energy. and because creatine is a naturally occurring molecule, it passes right on through the blood-brain barrier, and the brain neurons soak it up like a sponge. and, mark, it increases the creatine-phosphate reserves in
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those neuronal batteries, so to speak, basically to help make energy inside the brain. and scientists have done some amazing research here. they found that people that take creatine -- it helps support normal brain function. it actually helps their brain to utilize oxygen. it supports brain health in people that are sleep-deprived. and get this study, mark -- amazing. five days on 8 grams of creatine supported mental tasks in subjects that were getting rapid-fire questioned. i mean, scientists were asking questions over and over and over. they found, mark, the folks on creatine didn't fatigue as quickly mentally. so this stuff is amazing. it's kind of like brain food, if you will. it's like a supercharger for your muscles. it recharges all your cellular batteries, so you have more readily available energy. >> i love how everstrong appeals to athletes and people who want to get more reps in the gym, maybe some extra power in their workouts.
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community to encourage people in their 40s, 50s, 60s, even in their 70s, to leverage the power of creatine to stay fit, strong, and healthy. in fact, you say creatine is going mainstream, because it offers so many benefits beyond its traditional role in sports nutrition. >> absolutely, mark. we definitely see this going mainstream, because so many people need this. and more importantly, the science is there in a big way. and that's why i love everstrong -- because it supports your power, it supports your strength, your speed. if you're an athlete, you're gonna love this. but even if you're not an athlete, you're gonna notice the difference, because it supports your strength. it supports your power, certainly with a resistance-training program. it supports your brain health. and on top of that, it supports your bones, as well. >> this is all exciting information, doctor. and i want to remind everybody that you can only get everstrong -- this clinically-tested creatine blend -- from purity products.
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this is exclusive to purity products, so you cannot get this anywhere else. >> and i know that everstrong combines the creatine with the vitamin d, the coffeeberry, the patented fruitex-b boron. and for those who don't know, talk about how these come together. they work so well together, and it's a great value, as well. i know we have the free-bottle offer today, but if you wanted to buy all nutrients separately it would cost a small fortune, wouldn't it? >> oh, absolutely. i mean, if you went out and you bought the creapure ea that's the most clinically tested creatine, the stuff from europe. if you went out and bought that, right -- and then you'd want to separate antioxidant formula, and the vitamin d, and the fruitex-b for your joints, and the b-12. i mean, that's gonna cost you a lot of money, a heck of a lot more than you're gonna spend today, right? because today it's free. your job is just be one of the first 1,000 callers so you get the free b-12 energy melts, as well. everybody gets the everstrong. everybody gets the 7 day booster
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right dose to match the studies. but if you want the b-12 energy melts, you've got to be one of the first 1,000 callers. and we want you to try everstrong, and we want you to try the b-12 energy melts. we know you're gonna see the benefits for yourself, so give a call, get on these, judge them for yourself. we know you're gonna love them. we know you're gonna love the way you feel on everstrong. >> all right, dr. levin. let's talk about how you take this. it comes in tablets, which are coated -- super easy to swallow. it also comes in a very refreshing berry-flavored powder. so, how do you like to take it, and can people choose just the tablets or the powder when they call in for the free bottle? >> right, right, right. you know, you can go either way. you can go with the tablets, you can go or the powder. personally, mark, i use both. >> mm-hmm. >> you know, on my workout days, days i'm making a protein shake or juicing, i dump it right there into my juice, my protein shake -- tastes fantastic that way. but if you don't do that stuff, if you don't juice, you don't make a shake, just use the pills. they're convenient, they're
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swallow. so, either way, mark, it's wonderful stuff, and it gets the job done. >> okay, i know you're eager to tell us about the study that purity did on the everstrong powder. they tested young golfers. they found out that not only were these golfers getting stronger and more explosive, but they were driving the golf ball -- get this -- 14 yards farther, on average. talk about amazing. >> you got me remembering when the researchers came back to us with these results. mark, we were bouncing off the walls. it was so exciting. i mean, this is our everstrong powder, the product we're talking about right now. so, double-blind, placebo-controlled, published in a peer-reviewed journal, mark -- nearly 30 male golfers -- average age 30 -- took everstrong, a double-dose or a placebo for a month. well, get this, mark -- in just one month, the golfers on everstrong -- they're banging the golf ball... >> [ chuckles ] >> ...14 yards further. i mean, not only that, they gained power on the bench press, they were able to lift the
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little more explosive. so, simply amazing results. >> and here's a crazy thing, doctor -- people spend hundreds of dollars on a new driver and they barely hit the ball any further doing that. >> so true, so true. you can go in 500 bucks on a driver to pick up, what, 5 yards? mark, this 14 yards farther. i mean, people shouldn't just "ho-hum" about this. this is amazing, because, let's face it -- i mean, this was a golf study, but more explosiveness, more power? that's impressive. >> that's amazing stuff. doctor, we only have a few minutes left in the program, so we're talking about creatine, what you like to call the "molecule of strength." now, who needs it, and tell us about the three-for-free offer today. >> oh, sure, mark. it's as simple as this -- you're gonna get your free bottle of everstrong, plus your 7 day booster dose that ensures you're getting the right amount to prime the pump, so to speak, right? and this is just what they do in the research studies -- they prime the pump, right? so you start to use it, and what you're gonna notice is that you feel stronger.
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and there's so much clinical data, human studies backing up what i'm saying to you right now. mark, these aren't studies, like, with a hamster in a lab somewhere. that's not -- we're talking about dozens and dozens of human studies backing up the benefits that we're talking about today. you will notice the difference. >> you know, that's what i love about everstrong and creatine, doctor. there's the science -- human studies verifying the benefits we're talking about today, right? >> absolutely, mark. in my clinic, i call everstrong muscle fertilizer, because that's how well it works. it's great. and, of course, this is not just creatine. remember, we also added the patented fruitex-b to support joint health and bone health, right? we added the patented coffeeberry extract, as well, that phenomenal antioxidant. we added vitamin d for bone and muscle health. so, this is a very, very comprehensive formula. again, this would cost a lot of money, and it would be a real hassle to replicate on your own.
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worry, because today it's free. we want you to try it. we want you to be impressed with the benefits. >> let's not forget about the b-12 energy melts, doctor, because we're giving those away for free today, as well, to the first 1,000 callers. tell us why you love these, the b-12 energy melts. >> right, right, right. we've been talking about everstrong today, right? and everstrong -- with everstrong it's all about strength and power and energy support. and when you think "energy," think b-12, because b-12 helps make the red blood cells, which the b6 and folic acid in there supports healthy circulation. we added biotin for hair, skin, and nail supports. so, just make sure you're one of the first 1,000 callers today so you get the b-12 energy melts for free, as well. that's important. don't be caller 1,500... >> [ laughs ] >> ...and come crying to me. that's not the way this works. you've got to be one of the first 1,000 callers today to get your free b-12 energy melts. everyone gets a free bottle of everstrong. everybody gets the 7 day booster formula.
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b-12 energy melts. let me tell you -- you're gonna feel better. you're gonna feel stronger. you're gonna feel more powerful, and the b-12 energy melts will support your energy, as well. so, fantastic offer today. don't miss out. i know you're gonna be thrilled. >> fascinating information today, doctor. thanks for being here with us. >> oh, thanks for having me, mark. >> and let's tell our viewers how they can get their free bottles right now. >> announcer: are you concerned about your strength and stamina? what about your energy and vitality? would you like to recapture your edge? any of these questions, purity products -- a leading provider of intelligent, nutritional solutions for over 20 years -- wants to put a free bottle of everstrong into your hands. everstrong is the exclusive combination of premium-grade creatine, supercharged by clinically tested phytoboron along with the blockbuster benefits of vitamin d and patented coffeeberry extract. and today, it can be yours for free. here's how it works -- just call
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free bottle of everstrong to try for yourself. pay only $6.95 for shipping and handling, and you get to put it to the test. even the shipping is 100% refundable, so there's absolutely nothing to lose. and it gets even better, because as a part of today's special tv offer -- if you're one of the first 1,000 callers, you'll also get a bottle of purity's amazing b-12 energy melts absolutely free. they're fabulous for a delicious burst of energy support you can give yourself every day to simply feel and to top it all off, purity is also including their free 7-day creatine booster formula. it's the power-pack way to kick start the awesome benefits of creatine. so dial right now. whether you're a man or a woman, we guarantee everstrong will work for you, promoting your strength, stamina, energy, healthy brain function, even your bone and joint health. once the secret of world-class
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experience the power of creatine for yourself. you won't believe the difference. there's just one catch -- this free offer is not available online. it is only available through this special order hotline. so call now for your free everstrong and your free 7 day booster formula. plus, be one of the first 1,000 callers today and get the b-12 energy melts for free, as well. don't miss out. call right now. ? >> announcer: the preceding was a paid advertisement for everstrong, brought to you by
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cuba's farewell to fidel castro. we're in havana as the island nation begins a week of rallies and tributes to its father figure. but here in the u.s. some cuban americans say history will not absolve the man they call a brutal d him. history will condemn him. also tonight, president-elect trump slams election recount efforts as a scam. the young victims of the chattanooga school bus tragedy are laid to rest. concerns were raised about the driver weeks ago. and the online holiday shopping rush is on. could cyber monday shatter an internet sales record? >> it's going to be a very strong cyber monday.
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