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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  December 2, 2016 2:07am-4:30am CST

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>> i promise you, as we were meeting yesterday on capitol hill with leaders of the house and senate, we're going to go straight to work after this congress convenes and this administration takes office. >> the speaker of the house told us today that when it comes to deporting 11 million illegal immigrants it's not going to happen and he won't fund it. >> well, i -- i will tell you that the policies that the president-elect outlined in his speech in arizona will be the policies that we advance. i'm very confident that we'll have broad-based support in the congress for what the president-elect outlined in the course of his campaign and we're going to work every day to make sure that we advance those policies and end illegal immigration once and for all. >> vice president-elect mike pence, also governor of indiana until january the 20th, we thank you very much for your time. you made a big difference for about 800 families in your home state there. thank you very much again. >> thank you, scott.
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and our streaming service, cbsn. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. with three simple words. my name is chris noth
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the repeal of obamacare will be the first bill taken up by the new congress. that's according to the speaker of the house. in an interview for "60 minutes" paul ryan told us that repeal will be immediate but a replacement is months, even years away. no one, he said, will lose health coverage in the meantime. we met the speaker at the capitol today, and we asked him about his rocky relationship with mr. trump. >> you called donald trump a racist. >> no, i didn't. i said his comment was. >> uh-huh. i'm not sure there's a great deal of daylight between those two definitions. but he definitely called you ineffective and disloyal. have you patched it up? >> yeah, we have. we're fine. we're not looking back. we're looking forward. we actually -- we've had -- like
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forward -- back in the past. that's behind us. we're way beyond that. >> did you believe he could be nominated? really. >> yeah, no, i didn't see this one coming. he knows that. donald trump's a very -- he was a very unconventional candidat. he's going to be an unconventional president. what i like about it in my, like i said, almost daily conversations is he's just a get things done kind of guy. >> have you told him being president is not being ceo of thun that the congress is going to have a say? >> oh, we've talked about that extensively. we've talked about the constitution, article one in the constitution, the separation of powers. he feels very strongly, actually, that under president obama's watch he stripped a lot of power away from the constitution, away from the legislative branch of government, and we want to reset the balance of power so that people and the constitution are rightfully restored. >> the speaker of the house on his plans for sweeping tax reform and immigration enforcement.
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minutes." ryan's home state of wisconsin today began recounting votes. but the recounts there and possibly in michigan and pennsylvania are not expected to change the outcome of the presidential race. donald trump won with 306 electoral votes, even though hillary clinton got nearly 2.5 million more popular votes. that is nearly a 2% margin and is the largest by any candidate to win the pop on to lose the election. tonight in syria, families are running for their lives to escape aleppo. once a home to a million people. syrian government forces, backed by russia, are obliterating neighborhoods held by rebels. and today debora patta got a rare look. >> reporter: for the tens of thousands of civilians who fled
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felt like even the weather deserted them. huddling under blankets for warmth, they sleep cheek to cheek in makeshift shelters. for many this is their first meal in days. the united nations estimates that 200,000 are still inside eastern aleppo, trapped between the syrian army and rebel fighters, the relentless shelling continues. the u.n. has demanded a pause in the fighting to allow for the evacuation of the sick and injured and the delivery of food and medicine. but the syrian government has answered with silence. its main backer, russia, talks about opening humanitarian corridors, but so far that's all it is, talk. the government's five-month siege has left food and medical supplies dangerously low, while hospitals have been blown to pieces. as the rebel territory shrinks under the advance of the syrian military, desperate civilians
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um muneer spent six hours trying to escape. "my son and i had no choice but to leave," she said, "even if we had to walk all the way." as miserable as it is for those who made it out to safety, it's far worse for those who stayed behind. we can tell you, scott, that since we arrived in aleppo the sound of shelling has not let up. >> debora patta in the war zone for us tonight. debora, thank you. today the death toll from th to 10. 80 are injured and many are missing. demarco morgan is in the great smoky mountains. >> reporter: with dozens of leads to track down, authorities here continue to search for those who have been reporting missing. sevier county mayor larry watters. >> we're concluding the rescue probably today, and we're moving tomorrow into the recovery. >> reporter: this board at an american red cross shelter is
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members of the reed family. donna casey and kela inman are school nurses at the school where missing sisters, 9-year-old lily and 12-year-old chloe reed, attend. the two were with their mom, constant, the night of the massive wildfire. >> our school is a family. i mean, we are truly a family. and this is hurting all of us. >> reporter: monday night michael reed received a desperate call from his wife that flames were fastly approaching their home. he hasn't heard from her since. >> to have two of our own missing, it's just -- it's devastating. we're heartbroken, and we need the help. >> we want them back. >> reporter: scott, this three-story home on the mountain is just one of hundreds of structures destroyed. officials expect to start letting other homeowners return to their property within the next few days. >> demarco morgan, thanks. in medellin, colombia they were supposed to play a soccer championship last night but instead the stadium was packed for a memorial for the brazilian
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monday. 71 were killed, including most of the players. six people survived. the club's home stadium in brazil was also filled last night for a mass in honor of the victims. coming up next, a molecule in mushrooms relieves depression in cancer patients. and later, shedding new light on the beauty of nature. i did everything i could to make her party perfect. almost everything. you know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste.
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?living well?
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triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. today doctors testing a groundbreaking treatment for some of the side effects of cancer reported what "very impressive results." here's our chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: after dinah bazer was treated for ovarian cancer in 2010, the next two years were filled with dread. >> all i thought about was the cancer, that it would come back and i would die of it. >> how severe was the anxiety? were you able to go on with your life? >> i felt like it was destroying my life. >> reporter: in 2012 bazer
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patients using the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin, the active ingredient in certain mushrooms. dr. stephen ross directs addiction studies at nyu langone medical center and led the study. >> the idea was that drugs which were known to induce spiritual or these unusual mystical states of consciousness might help people who were having this domain of distress. >> reporter: bazer took the medication in this treatment room with therapists present for support. during the session she saw her fear inside her body. >> and as soon as i visualized the fear i became furious. in my mind i screamed, "who the hell do you think you are? i won't be eaten alive." from that moment the fear was gone. >> you took control. >> i took control. and it was gone. >> reporter: the nyu study, and a second one at johns hopkins, followed a total of 80 patients
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dose of psilocybin. there was lasting reduction of anxiety and depression in 60% to 80% of the patients. >> i began to feel the most amazing love i have ever felt. i think my brain was rewired a little bit, and that love that i felt has done very well, very good things for me. >> reporter: there were no serious side effects. though encouraging, these results are definitely preliminary, and for now the drug remains banned except for research. and scott, dr. ross told me that the fda is expected to consider within the next two months whether or not to approve a larger study. >> what an amazing result for dinah. jon, thanks very much. coming up next, the national christmas tree is lighted by the head of the executive branch. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water.
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in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. i pinky promised my little girl a fabulous put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic
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? rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control, the air wick? scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down for the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the room. air wick?. home is in the air. carnival's princess cruise lines was hit today with a record $40 million penalty for polluting the ocean and trying to cover it up. the "caribbean princess" dumped thousands of gallons of contaminated waste using a its hull. a whistleblower alerted the authorities.
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needed a lift from the bottom of the earth today. aldrin, now 86, developed fluid in his lungs while sightseeing at the south pole. he was evacuated by ski-plane and is now resting in new zealand. there was a north pole feel in washington today as the obamas presided over the lighting of the national christmas tree, a tradition started by the coolidges in 1923. the tree is a colorado blue spruce, planted on the ellipse across from the white house in 2012. and there is another light slowly we turn to niagara falls,
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woman: what does it feel like when a woman is having a heart attack? chest pain, like there's a ton of weight on your chest. severe shortness of breath. unexplained nausea. cold sweats. there's an unusual tiredness and fatigue. there's unfamiliar dizziness or light-headedness. unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your upper stomach, are signs you're having a heart attack. don't make excuses. make the call to 9-1-1 immediately. learn more at don't just thank me for my service, or focus on my past, and remind me what i've done for my country. instead, let's talk about my future, the work i have yet to do, the work my time in the service prepared me for. my mission today is to impact technology, science, finance, and beyond. we are veterans. we're veterans.
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changed the light bulbs at niagara falls. michelle miller gives us a look at a new work in watercolor. >> reporter: by day the view is majestic. water cascading nearly 200 feet between the u.s. and canada. but at night it's illuminating. a dazzling rainbow of colors from the canadian side light up the american falls from nearly half a mile away. tonight, thanks to a $4 million renovation, they will be even brighter. >> this is a new era in niagara falls history tonight. >> reporter: mark thomas is chairman of the niagara falls illumination board. >> we're eliminating all the dark spots so that you can actually see the whole rim of the falls, the whole curtain of the falls, and we're going to add a whole host of colors you that couldn't get before with our old technology. >> reporter: i mean, aren't lights just lights? >> yeah, except when you put lights on these falls they dazzle. >> reporter: the illumination of the falls started in 1860 to celebrate the prince of wales'
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by 1925 the light show became a nightly spectacle. the lights themselves were even an attraction. today some 20 million people are drawn to them. >> yes, they're going to be bright. >> reporter: ed gesh helped with the new 1,400 l.e.d. lighting makeover, boosting the colors up to 14 times brighter. are they also more energy efficient? >> absolutely. up to 85% energy savings as we do >> reporter: when the lights came on, visitors on the canadian side got the full view. how big of a difference is it? >> oh, i love the blue. the blue is beautiful, the color. >> reporter: it's hard to beat natural beauty, scott, but nothing wrong with adding a little color. >> michelle miller with a bright idea. thanks. and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and be sure not to miss "cbs this morning."
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? >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." and welcome to the "overnight news." i'm don dahler. president-elect donald trump kicked off his victory tour in indiana. he was given a hero's welcome at a carrier air-conditioner factory where he made good on a campaign promise to save hundreds of union jobs. mr. trump personally negotiated a deal to keep the company from relocating the positions to mexico. but hundreds more jobs are leaving the country and the deal itself will cost the government upwards of $7 million. major garrett is there. >> they say it's not presidential to call up these massive leaders of business. i think it's very presidential. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump called the ceo of
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united technologies, directly to discuss keeping the jobs in indiana. >> companies are not going to leave the united states anymore without consequences. not going to happen. >> reporter: during the campaign trump threatened to slap import tariffs on companies that sent jobs overseas. but in this case the state of indiana provided the company $7 million in tax incentives, something states often do to keep or attract businesses. and mr. trump promised lower corporate taxes regulations. the publicity bang is larger than the national economic impact of saving 1,000 jobs in a labor force of 159 million. but for carrier workers like bryan dyson the reaction was emotional and appreciative. >> crying. relieved. christmas coming, you know, everybody's head's up. >> reporter: dawn kinnard said it was a promise kept.
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he could have just said that and walked away. but he really did follow through. >> reporter: all this is a stark contrast to the reaction when carrier announced in february that jobs were moving to mexico. [ yelling ] not far from the carrier plant, manufacturer rexnord plans to move 300 jobs to mexico. brian reed is an assembler. >> devastated. it just -- i can't put it in words. i mean, the 300 people i work with, things just went through my mind and it just -- it was just devastating. >> reporter: reed said he >> with what mr. trump did it does give a sense of hope for the american working class. i don't know that personally it will affect my factory. in the waning days of the obama administration the white house is working to find countries willing to accept dozens of detainees who have been cleared for release from the prison camp at guantanamo bay. margaret brennan reports from cuba. >> reporter: well, the pace of
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trump's campaign pledge to stop this prison from closing has left the fate of many prisoners in limbo. on a quiet day in the guantanamo prison yard giant buzzers picked at a detainee's leftovers. one prisoner spotted our cameras and gave an impromptu art show. we weren't permitted to film his face as he described each painting in a mix of english and arabic. hi he's accused of training with al qaeda, but he's never been charged with a crime, 14 years after arriving here. nearly half of the 60 remaining detainees will never be charged, in part due to a lack of conclusive evidence. but rear admiral peter clark said there are grounds for their detention. >> i know that the detainees we have here today are not folks who were accidentally rounded up. there's a reason why they're
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>> reporter: saifala parasha is the oldest detainee at 69. he claims his encounters with both osama bin laden and khalid sheikh muhammad from innocent. the u.s. intelligence community disagrees but his son mustafa said it's not fair to continue holding him. >> charge him, take him to court, release him, transfer him to the u.s., but something needs to be done. >> reporter: parasha's lawyer david remus is afraid the prison doors will slam shut when donald trump takes office. his client told him the prisoners were on edge on >> he said that many detainees thought it was the end of the world and felt terrible. and that many detainees asked for tranquilizers, sleeping pills, because they were so distraught. >> reporter: some prisoners are being freed as the u.s. no longer considers them a security threat. commander steven gabovics old us that before leaving detainees
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apartment to begin adjusting to life on the outside. >> here they'll have a refrigerator, they have showers, they have the tv, free action. they'll have a dvd player. they'll have if they want to a playstation game. >> reporter: this route out of the prison is called the pathway to freedom. officials here insist that they are not rushing out any prisoners, but there is congressional concern that they are being sent to countries that won't adequately monitor them or stop them from posing a future threat. southern california is one of the only places on earth peacefully among people. they're photographed, tagged, and tracked, and most people like having them around. so there was outrage when a local rancher was given a permit to shoot one of the big cats after it killed some of her livestock. carter evans has the story from the santa monica mountains near malibu. >> reporter: wildlife officials held a meeting right here to talk to locals about building complete enclosures like this to keep their livestock safe at night. they expected about a dozen
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instead there were hundreds. >> no one wants anyone to shoot p-45 -- >> whoo! >> reporter: at a packed meeting with wildlife officials last night, concerned residents voiced their outrage over plans to kill a mountain lion known to locals as p-45. the 150-pound cat is one of roughly a dozen roaming the hills near los angeles who are being tracked by the national that logs every move. but over the past year it's believed p-45 has killed dozens of livestock, carrying out its bloodiest attack yet last weekend. >> he didn't eat any of them. he just killed them. and kind of left them where they lay and went on to the next one. >> reporter: wendell phillips immediately suspected p-45 when he saw the ten dead alpacas on his neighbor victoria's ranch. monday california's department of fish and wildlife granted victoria's request for a ten-day
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when it's determined a mountain lion has destroyed a land owner's property. still, the decision sparked immediate backlash. >> it makes no sense! >> reporter: attorney reed brightman, who represents victoria, attended last night's meeting. >> she has taken a lot of steps to try and avoid this over the last year. she's lost 20 of her alpacas -- >> no. >> reporter: he revealed she's now reconsidering her next move, asking the department of fish and wildlife to capture the animal instead and have it relocated to an animal sanctuary. >> if she could have any solution that does not involve the animal being killed, she wants to explore it. >> reporter: but the department says that request may not be possible. >> in this situation he wouldn't relocate this animal based on the fact that it's killed animals. so it would take it kind of off the table. >> reporter: of course wildlife folks don't want the animal shot. they don't even want it relocated. they just want him to be able to
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mountain lions of southern california when we return. this is the "cbs overnight news." i did everything i could to make her party perfect. almost everything. you know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste.
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there's outrage in malibu, california after a local rancher got a permit to hunt down the mountain lion that slaughtered some of her livestock. mountain lions roam freely in the santa monica mountains, and so far there are no reports of the big cats attacking any humans. the national park service has been studying the animals for 13 years, tagging, tracking, and photographing them. and some of the big cats have become local celebrities. bill whitaker has the story for "60 minutes." >> when you moved here, did you know there was a mountain lion in the vicinity? >> no. >> no. not at all. not at all. there are signs for rattlesnakes. there's not signs for mountain lions. >> some view you have here. >> yeah. >> reporter: paula and jason
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of a local landmark. not just for the killer view of los angeles but also for an encounter a workman had one day in the crawlspace under the house. he was doing some wiring when he saw something scary. >> he comes into my office terrified, and he says, bro, you have a mountain lion in your house, bro. and so i said to him, a mountain lion? he goes, yeah, man, a mountain lion. face to face, eye to eye. and he was like terrified. >> reporter: he had been eye to eye with p-22, so named by the park service. p for puma. number 22 out of 44 they've studied. photographed here with a small camera on a very long stick. p-22 wears a park service tracking collar that sends gps signals on his location.
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day because he was under the house. >> he was just laying there trying to snooze, completely just like we woke him from a nap. >> reporter: soon the house was packed with cameras and reporters. p-22 was already a local celebrity because of this national geographic picture taken by a remote camera a mile or two from the wildlife experts finally decided to shoo everybody out after the 11:00 news. hoping p-22 might head back into the hills nearby. which he did. >> when did he leave? how did he leave? >> we don't know how. >> they call them ghost cats. >> right. >> there you go. >> reporter: and though they live in the shadows in much of southern california they're never far away. a trail camera caught this one a stone's throw from the rooftops of suburbia.
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to, you know, stay elusive and away from us. even us researchers who follow them almost daily, we hardly ever see them. >> jeff sikic is a park service biologist, an expert on big cats who holds something of a record. he's seen and captured p-22 four times now. this time he corners the animal and hits him with a tranquilizer dart. quickly it knocks p-22 out, with his eyes still open. the batteries on his gps collar were running low. replacing them gives sikic and his crew a chance for a checkup. p-22 is healthy. weighing in at 125 pounds. from experience, sikic knows that when the animal comes to it's no threat. the instinct to get away from
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sure enough, a groggy p-22 wakes up and stumbles back into the shadows. >> here's the past eight months of where p-22 has traveled. >> reporter: the gps signals from their collars tell sikic and his colleague seth riley where the animals roam. p-22 wanders the hills of griffith park, a small enclave in los angeles frequented by hikers and visitors to the park's famed observatory. >> we haven't, knock on wood, had any major conflicts with him and people, and it shows that even a large carnivore like a mountain lion can live right among people for many years. >> reporter: they think p-22 migrated east across the santa monica mountains for 20 miles or so. perhaps chased out by a bigger male. he somehow crossed the 405 freeway, one of the world's
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bel air and beverly hills, and somewhere near the hollywood bowl amphitheater crossed a second busy freeway, the 101, to griffith park. >> p-22 had it great, no competition, no other adult males in griffith park, seemed to be plenty of prey for him. >> reporter: he's been in griffith park for three years now. all alone, loking for love in all the wrg out there, which is pretty surprising. i would have bet he would have left looking for a potential mate. >> reporter: if the mating urge overwhelms him, he could take his chances crossing the freeways again to find a female. a very risky business. why not move him? >> usually it doesn't work moving lions. we'd just be moving this animal,
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usually results in the death of one of them. >> reporter: and in the verdugo mountains a small range overlooking the san fernando valley, there's another lonely lion. >> i never thought one would actually come through our back yard. and he was right next to our bedroom window. and then he'd continue up this way. >> reporter: nancy vandermay and eric barkolo moved here to be close to wildlife and got their wish in the form of a mountain lion named p-41, who seems to love their back yard deck. he's right out here where we are? >> exactly where we are. >> reporter: he has come to visit at least ten times. triggering security cameras taking both video and still pictures. the area is called cougar canyon. what else? >> here he is just literally made a loop around our house for some reason. >> yeah.
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their video scrapbook. >> and let me point out how his paws are on the wood and not on the gravel so he can make as little noise as possible. >> wow. >> they want to be silent at all times. >> reporter: camera technology has revolutionized the way mountain lions and other wild animals are studied. joanna turner is a sound effects editor for universal studios. on her own time she's one of several citizen scientists, as they're called, who put remote get that perfect shot. >> there he is. oh, come on, buddy. >> how do you know where to look? >> we look for tracks and we look for signs of them and we look for deer because that's their food source. >> reporter: to lure the lions into camera range she'll sprinkle catnip, vanilla extract, even men's cologne on a branch, and just like house cats they love it.
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but her cameras also catch bobcats, coyotes, foxes and bears. >> you can see the full report on our website, the "overnight news" will be right back. with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. my hygienist said the most random thing. she said i should think of my teeth like an apple. it could be great on the outside not so great on the inside. her advice? pro with crest pro-health advanced. it's uniquely formulated with activestrength technology to strengthen teeth inside and is better at strengthening the outside than colgate total. crest toothpaste and mouthwash makes my whole mouth feel amazing. advance to healthier gums and stronger teeth from day one. my check-up was great. mmm... i can't believe it's so delicious. i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.
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industry is coming up craps. mark albert found some big-time casino developers still prepared to roll the dice. >> reporter: casinos have never been more flush than they are right now. >> we went from about 800 employees to 3,000 employees in less than six months. >> reporter: so the demand is there. >> oh, the demand is there. >> reporter: rob norton is president of maryland live, a sprawling casino in the baltimore, maryland suburbs that opened just four years ago. after rounds of expansion it now sells itself as one of the nation's largest gaming, retail and entertainment venues. >> are you going to keep growing? >> we are going to absolutely keep growing. >> reporter: and like a gambler on a winning streak, the casino is plunging ahead. it's just broken ground on a $200 million convention center and hotel. a confident david cordish owns maryland live. is it a bet for you to build this hotel or is it a sure thing? >> it's pretty much a sure thing. >> reporter: cordish is doubling down because he says he only
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community, a busy interstate, and a major retail magnet. maryland live sits next to arundel mills mall, a 1.6 million-square-foot shopping paradise. you're a bullish man on a lot of things. >> i am bullish. very optimistic. >> reporter: but even an optimist dreads a losing hand. 30 years ago only two states had casinos. now 42 states do. you're running out of room to expand in. >> by and large the united states is running out of good locations. >> reporter: does that mean that at some point casinos will be cannibalizing from each other? >> at some point. it's already happening. >> reporter: on election day new jersey voters will decide whether to amend the constitution to allow casinos beyond atlantic city. the one-time las vegas of the east where the chips are most certainly down. in 2001 the new jersey resort city had 16% of the u.s. commercial casino market.
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pennsylvania and maryland let casinos open there. and it's hurting the bottom line. new jersey's casino tax revenues are half what they were ten years ago. meaning less money for senior citizens, the disabled, and economic revitalization programs. while new york's quadrupled, sending a windfall to education. delaware's general fund took a hit as maryland hit the jackpot. with five casinos since 2009 is & a sixth, the mgm at national harbor, opening december 8th. >> basically kind of an arms race. >> reporter: alex bumoginy is an analyst at fitz ratings. even though commercial casino revenue nationwide is up 48% since 2001 to more than $40 billion nationwide, bumoginy says the casino industry is now extremely saturated. >> fortunately, most states at this point already have gaming and have a limited amount of licenses to issue. so we're getting to the point where future development is very limited.
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ones we're involved in. >> you think you're immune. >> i think we're immune in the locations we've picked. >> reorter: david cordish now has plans for a new live casino in philadelphia. his fifth casino. convinced he's on a roll. do you think there are too many casinos opening? >> actually, no, i don't. i don't feel like there's too many casinos. because you want choice? >> yes. most definitely. >> reporter: andrea hanks came from her fiance 2 1/2 hours north from richmond, virginia to give maryland live a spin. as did betsy bane. she's a shrewd shopper at the slots and vows to check out mgm's brand new mega casino when it opens in national harbor. she told us she'll keep sampling. >> you can try another one.
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to one particular casino. you like to try them all. >> yes. with their different promotions like tournaments. >> you want them to fight for you, your business. >> exactly. >> reporter: there are now more than 1,000 casinos nationwide. and just like these gamblers, states are hoping to strike it rich too. no matter the odds. mark albert, hanover, maryland . y i'm blind and i'm working in a job i love i love because i was given a chance to contribute my skills and talents to show that my disability is only one part of who i am who i am who i am
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(franklin d. roosevelt) the inherent right to work is one of the elemental privileges of a free people. endowed, as our nation is, with abundant physical resources... ...and inspired as it should be to make those resources and opportunities available for the enjoyment of all... ...we approach reemployment with real hope of finding a better answer than we have now. narrator: donate to goodwill where your donations help fund
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the holiday shopping season is in full swing, and a lot of people are determined to avoid the malls at all costs. but if you're one of the millions who shop online with your smartphone, you could be putting your personal information at risk. a lot of those phone apps are fake. anna werner has the details. >> i would say for most of my purchases i do use my ipne >> reporter: nicole barker likes shopping through her apps but didn't realize they could put her identity at risk. >> it's really scary. you trust those brands when you see them and you just accept or trust that that's who you think you're dealing with. >> reporter: but a company that creates many of those apps for major retailers found some shopping apps for names like dillard's, payless, even christian dior and jimmy choo, weren't real. >> we found there were hundreds of fake apps. hundreds. >> reporter: chris mason from
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and you get rid of that provider, you'll find them show up in a different form of a new name, new credentials. for every one you take down there's two that come up. >> it's collecting a lot of data. >> reporter: gary milevsky with cyber security firm snoop wall says it's all about criminals getting hold of your private information. >> some of these apps, these counterfeit apps, are so good they give you a complete shopping cart experience. everything through the "congratulations, here's your order number, it's on its way." and then you never get the goods. >> reporter: but he points to something even more disturbing, with super popular emoji keyboard apps. these keyboards replace the one on your phone giving you an endless supply of emoticons for every occasion. but he says many can also gain access to your contacts, text messages, possibly even passwords and send your private information overseas. >> these are all developed by employees of companies in china. >> so what do you think somebody in china is doing with all that
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>> some think that the chinese version of the nsa is using these kinds of tools to collect a lot of information on people overseas. and time will tell. >> we don't know, do we? >> we don't know. >> reporter: google told us it scans apps for potentially malicious code as well as spammy developer accounts and they have a separate tool for android devices to verify apps. apple told us they provide notice on all keyboard apps about the fact these apps can have access to what you type. except for passwords, which apple says can only be typed in using the regular keyboard. but milevsky says better to avoid emoji keyboards entirely, especially if they're free. news to nicole barker. >> i do have an emoji keyboard. as do most of my friends. that really gets me scared, makes me realize i probably should take that off my phone. >> and that's the "overnight
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the president-elect already on the job. with the deal that saved hundreds of them. >> companies are not going to leave the united states anymore without also tonight, the vice president-elect on donald trump shifting positions on immigration and prosecuting hillary clinton. >> did he just say those things to get elected? a so-called magical treatment for the anxiety and depression that come with cancer. >> from that moment the fear was gone. and a new over-the-top light
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overnight news." the trump-pence administration takes office in 49 days, and we are about to hear from two key players. we have interviews with vice president-elect mike pence and the speaker of the house, paul ryan. but first, donald trump has made his first public appearance since he was elected more than three weeks ago. he appeared at a furnace manufacturer in indiana that was sending more than 2,000 jobs to mexico. mr. trump's intervention and tax incentives from the state have persuaded the carrier corporation to send only 1,300 jobs south of the border, saving 800. major garrett has the story. >> they say it's not presidential to call up these massive leaders of business. i think it's very presidential. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump called the ceo of carrier's parent company, united technologies, directly to
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indiana. >> companies are not going to leave the united states anymore without consequences. not going to happen. >> reporter: during the campaign trump threatened to slap import tariffs on companies that send jobs overseas. but in this case the state of indiana provided the company $7 million in tax incentives, something states often do to keep or attract businesses. and mr. trump promised lower corporate taxes and fewer regulations. the publicity bang is larger than the national economic labor force of 159 million. but for carrier workers like bryan dyson the reaction was emotional and appreciative. >> crying. relieved. christmas coming, you know. everybody's head's up. >> reporter: dawn kinnard said it was a promise kept. >> i'm very thankful that he did follow through because he didn't have to. he could have just said that and walked away. but he really did follow through. >> reporter: all this is a stark contrast to the reaction when
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that jobs were moving to mexico. [ yelling ] not far from the carrier plant manufacturer rexnord plans to move 300 jobs to mexico. brian reed is an assembler. >> devastated. i can't put it in words. i mean, the 300 people i work with, things just went through my mind, and it just -- it's just devastating. >> reporter: reed said he doesn't feel left behind. >> with what mr. trump did, it does give a sense of hope for the american working class. i don't know that personally it will affect my factory. >> reporter: at rallies during the campaign then candidate trump often said he and populist democrat bernie sanders agreed on trade and protecting u.s. manufacturing jobs. but scott, sanders is very critical of this carrier deal, arguing it will incentivize other corporations to threaten to move jobs overseas to extract tax breaks and other government concessions.
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that the trump transition team is getting closer waive that congress would have to intervene. the trump transition team has been told by congressional leaders they would do that. >> major gartd reporting for us tonight. major, thank you. well, that deal in indiana was done with the help of the governor of indiana, who is also the vice president-elect.
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today, and we asked him what mr. trump meant by consequences for companies that moved jobs overseas. >> the president-elect's made it very clear that when companies shutter factories and move them out of this country in the hopes of being able to build their products and ship them right back into the united states that we're going to have the kind of trade deals that have consequences for enterprises like that and we're going to have the kind of trade that puts american jobs and american workers first. consequences, are we talking about punitive taxes? >> i think -- everything is really on the table as we negotiate trade deals going forward, as we renegotiate the north american free trade agreement. i think what the american people can anticipate, that the trump administration is going to roll our sleeves up and we're going to drive a hard bargain. >> now, carrier tells us that you have saved 800 jobs that were headed to mexico. how did you do it?
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he called the chairman of the parent company and just asked them to reconsider their decision to move jobs to mexico from here in the state of indiana. >> but not to put too fine a point on it, sir, 1,300 jobs are still going to mexico. and i wonder, why were you not able to save those? >> this change? their business policies was set into motion many months before he even secured the nomination. but the fact that carrier was set at this factory to go to than 1,100 good-paying jobs here in the state of indiana with the opportunity for that to grow i think is welcome news. >> just since the election president-elect trump has reversed himself on prosecuting hillary clinton and on deporting 11 million illegal immigrants in this country. did he just say those things to get elected? did he never intend to do them? >> i promise you, as we were
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hill with leaders of the house and senate, we're going to go straight to work after this congress convenes and this administration takes office. >> the speaker of the house told us today that when it comes to deporting 11 million illegal immigrants it's not going to happen and he won't fund it. >> well, i -- i will tell you that the policies that the president-elect outlined in his speech in arizona will be the policies that we advance. i'm very confident that we'll have broad-based support in the congress for what the president-elect course of his campaign and we're going to work every day to make sure that we advance those policies and end illegal immigration once and for all. >> vice president-elect mike pence, also governor of indiana until january the 20th, we thank you very much for your time. you made a big difference for about 800 families in your home state there. thank you very much again. >> thank you, scott. and we have more of the pence interview on
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the , trt: :30 c cbs cares - justin constantine: overcoming adversity jc14oa30, trt: :30 closed captioned as a marine in iraq, i was shot in the head by a sniper. at first no one expected me to survive, let alone regain my life. with the right help and determination, i did. whatever hardship you face, never give up. if you feel overwhelmed by problems, it's okay to ask for help and lean on others for support.
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the repeal of obamacare will be the first bill taken up by the new congress. that's according to the speaker of the house. in an interview for "60 minutes" paul ryan told us that repeal will be immediate but a replacement is months, even years away. no one, he said, health coverage in the meantime. we met the speaker at the capitol today, and we asked him about his rocky relationship with mr. trump. >> you called donald trump a racist. >> no, i didn't. i said his comment was. >> uh-huh. i'm not sure there's a great deal of daylight between those two definitions. but he definitely called you ineffective and disloyal. have you patched it up?% >> yeah, we have. we're fine. we're not looking back. we're looking forward.
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i said, we speak about every day, and it's not about looking forward -- back in the past. that's behind us. we're way beyond that. >> did you believe he could be nominated? really. >> yeah, no, i didn't see this one coming. he knows that. donald trump's a very -- he was a very not conventional candidate. he's going to be an unconventional president. what i like about it in my, like i said, almost daily conversations is he's just a get things done kind of guy. >> have you told him being president is not being ceo of th that the congress is going to have a say? >> oh, we've talked about that extensively. we've talked about the constitution, article one in the constitution, the separation of powers. he feels very strongly, actually, that under president obama's watch he stripped a lot of power away from the constitution, away from the legislative branch of government, and we want to reset the balance of power so that people and the constitution are rightfully restored. >> the speaker of the house on his plans for sweeping tax
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that's this sunday on "60 minutes." ryan's home state of wisconsin today began recounting but the recounts there and possibly in michigan and pennsylvania are not expected to change the outcome of the presidential race. donald trump won with 306 electoral votes, even though hillary clinton got nearly 2.5 million more popular votes. that is nearly a 2% margin and is the largest by any candidate to win on to lose the election. tonight in syria, families are running for their lives to escape aleppo. once a home to a million people. syrian government forces, backed by russia, are obliterating neighborhoods held by rebels. and today debora patta got a rare look. >> reporter: for the tens of thousands of civilians who fled rebel-held aleppo it must have
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deserted them. huddling under blankets for warmth, they sleep cheek to cheek in makeshift shelters. for many this is their first meal in days. the united nations estimates that 200,000 are still inside eastern aleppo, trapped between the syrian army and rebel fighters, the relentless shelling continues. the u.n. has demanded a pause in the fighting to allow for the evacuation of the sick and injured and the delivery of food and medicine. but the syrian government has answered with silence. its main backer, russia, talks about opening humanitarian corridors, but so far that's all it is, talk. the government's five-month siege has left food and medical supplies dangerously low, while hospitals have been blown to pieces. as the rebel territory shrinks under the advance of the syrian military, desperate civilians
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um muneer spent six hours trying to escape. "my son and i had no choice but to leave," she said, "even if we had to walk all the way." as miserable as it is for those who made it out to safety, it's far worse for those who said behind. we can tell you, scott, that since we arrived in aleppo the sound of shelling has not let up. >> debora patta in the war zone for us tonight. debora, thank you. the tennessee wildfires climbed to 10. 80 are injured and many are missing. demarco morgan is in the great smoky mountains. >> reporter: with dozens of leads to track down, authorities here continue to search for those who have been reporting missing. sevier county mayor larry watters. >> we're concluding the rescue probably today, and we're moving tomorrow into the recovery. >> reporter: this board at an american red cross shelter is covered with the names of those
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members of the reed family. donna casey and kela inman are school nurses at the school where missing sisters, 9-year-old lily and 12-year-old chloe reed, attend. the two were with their mom, constance, the night of the massive wildfire. >> our school is a family. i mean, we are truly a family. and this is hurting all of us. >> reporter: monday night michael reed received a desperate call from his wife that flames were fastly approaching their home. he hasn't heard from her since. >> to have two of our own missing, it's just -- it's devastating. we're heartbroken. we're heartbroken, and we need the help. >> we want them back. >> reporter: scott, this is just one of hundreds of structures destroyed. officials expect to start letting other homeowners return to their property within the next few days. >> demarco morgan, thanks. in medellin, colombia they were supposed to play a soccer championship last night but instead the stadium was packed for a memorial for the brazilian
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monday. 71 were killed, including most of the players. six people survived. the club's home stadium in brazil was also filled last night for a mass in honor of the victims. coming up next, a molecule in mushrooms relieves depression in cancer patients. and later, shedding new light on the beauty of nature. jack be nimble, jack be quick, jack knocked over a candlestick onto the shag carpeting... ...and his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. luckily jack recently had geico help him
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got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. visit and see how affordable renters insurance can be. ? rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control, the air wick? scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down for the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the room.
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?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well.
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ses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. today doctors testing a groundbreaking treatment for some of the side effects of cancer reported wha here's our chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: after dinah bazer was treated for ovarian cancer in 2010, the next two years were filled with dread. >> all i thought about was the cancer, that it would come back and i would die of it. >> how severe was the anxiety? were you able to go on with your life? >> i felt like it was destroying
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entered a study to treat anxiety and depression in cancer patients using the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin, the active ingredient in certain mushrooms. dr. stephen ross directs addiction studies at nyu langone medical center and led the study. >> the idea was that drugs which were known to induce spiritual or these unusual mystical states of consciousness might help people who were having this domain of distress. >> reporter: bazer took the medication in this treatment room with therapists present for support. during the session fear inside her body. >> and as soon as i visualized the fear i became furious. in my mind i screamed, "who the hell do you think you are? i won't be eaten alive." from that moment the fear was gone. >> you took control. >> i took control. and it was gone. >> reporter: the nyu study, and a second one at johns hopkins, followed a total of 80 patients for six months after a single dose of psilocybin.
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anxiety and depression in 60% to 80% of the patients. >> i began to feel the most amazing love i have ever felt. i think my brain was rewired a little bit, and that love that i felt has done very well, very good things for me. >> reporter: there were no serious side effects. though encouraging, these results are definitely preliminary, and for now the drug remains banned except for research. and scott, dr. ross told me that the fda is within the next two months whether or not to approve a larger study. >> what an amazing result for dinah. jon, thanks very much. coming up next, the national christmas tree is lighted by the head of the executive branch.
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rhea!? ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? here's pepto bismol! ah. ?nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea!? my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours?
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carnival's princess cruise lines was hit today with a record $40 million penalty for polluting the ocean and trying to cover it up. the "caribbean princess" dumped thousands of gallons of contaminated waste using a so-called magic pipe hidden in its hull. a whistleblower alerted the authorities. buzz aldrin, the second man to leave bootprints on the moon, needed a lift from the bottom of the earth today.
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in his lungs while sightseeing at the south pole. he was evacuated by ski-plane and is now resting in new zealand. there was a north pole feel in washington today as the obamas presided over the lighting of the national christmas tree, a tradition started by the coolidges in 1923. the tree is a colorado blue spruce, planted on the ellipse across from the white house in 2012. and there is another light show slowly we turn to niagara falls,
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? ? every day it's getting closer ? ? going faster than a roller coaster ? ? a love like yours will surely come my way ? ? hey, hey, hey ? babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks.
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a healthy baby is worth the wait. ? ? travel is part of the american way of life. when we're on vacation, we keep an eye out for anything that looks out of place. [ indistinct conversations ] miss, your bag. when we travel from city to city, we pay attention to our surroundings. [ cheering ] everyone plays a role in keeping our community safe. whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, be aware of your surroundings. if you see something suspicious,
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finally tonight, they've changed the light bulbs at niagara falls. michelle miller gives us a look at a new work in watercolor. >> reporter: by day the view is majestic. water cascading nearly 200 feet between the u.s. and canada. but at night it's illuminating. a dazzling rainbow of colors from the canadian side light up the american falls from nearly half a mile away. tonight, thanks to a $4 million renovation, they will be even brighter. >> this is a new era in niagara falls history tonight. >> reporter: mark thomas is chairman of the niagara falls illumination board. >> we're eliminating all the dark spots so you can actually see the whole rim of the falls, the whole curtain of the falls, and we're going to add a whole host of colors you that couldn't get before with our old technology. >> reporter: i mean, aren't lights just lights? >> yeah, except when you put lights on these falls they dazzle. >> reporter: the illumination of the falls started in 1860 to
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visit to canada. by 1925 the light show became a nightly spectacle. the lights themselves were even an attraction. today some 20 million people are drawn to them. >> yes, they're going to be bright. >> reporter: ed gesh helped with the new 1,400 l.e.d. lighting makeover, boosting the colors up to 14 times brighter. are they also more energy efficient? >> absolutely. up to 85% energy savings as we do the colors. came on, visitors on the canadian side got the full view. how big of a difference is it? >> oh, i love the blue. the blue is beautiful, the color. >> reporter: it's hard to beat natural beauty, scott, but nothing wrong with adding a little color. >> michelle miller with a bright idea. thanks. and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and be sure not to miss "cbs this morning."
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? >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." and welcome to the "overnight news." i'm don dahler. president-elect donald trump kicked off his victory tour in indiana. he was given a hero's welcome at a carrier air-conditioner factory where he made good on a campaign promise hundreds of union jobs. mr. trump personally negotiated a deal to keep the company from relocating the positions to mexico. but hundreds more jobs are leaving the country and the deal itself will cost the government upwards of $7 million. major garrett is there. >> they say it's not presidential to call up these massive leaders of business. i think it's very presidential. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump called the ceo of
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united technologies, directly to discuss keeping the jobs in indiana. >> companies are not going to leave the united states anymore. without consequences. not going to happen. >> reporter: during the campaign trump threatened to slap import tariffs on companies that sent jobs overseas. but in this case the state of indiana provided the company $7 million in tax inkrenives, something states often do to keep or attract businesses. and mr. trump regulations. the publicity bang is larger than the national economic impact of saving 1,000 jobs in a labor force of 159 million. but for carrier workers like bryan dyson the reaction was emotional and appreciative. >> crying. relieved. christmas coming, you know, everybody's head's up. >> reporter: dawn kinnard said it was a promise kept. >> i'm very thankful that he did follow through because he didn't
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walked away. but he really did follow through. >> reporter: all this is a stark contrast to the reaction when carrier announced in february that jobs were moving to mexico. [ yelling ] not far from the carrier plant, manufacturer rexnord plans to move 300 jobs to mexico. brian reed is an assembler. >> devastated. it just -- i can't put it in words. i mean, the 300 people i work with, things just went through my mind and it just -- it was just doesn't feel left behind. >> with what mr. trump did it does give a sense of hope for the american working class. i don't know that personally it will affect my factory. in the waning days of the obama administration the white house is working to find countries willing to accept dozens of detainees who have been cleared for release from the prison camp at guantanamo bay. margaret brennan reports from cuba. >> reporter: well, the pace of prisoner releases has picked up
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trump's campaign pledge to stop this prison from closing has left the fate of many prisoners in limbo. on a quiet day in the guantanamo prison yard giant buzzers picked at a detainee's leftovers. one prisoner spotted our cameras and gave an impromptu art show. we weren't permitted to film his face as he described each painting in a mix of english and arabic. his name he's accused of training with al qaeda, but he's never been charged with a crime, 14 years after arriving here. nearly half of the 60 remaining detainees will never be charged, in part due to a lack of conclusive evidence. but rear admiral peter clark said there are grounds for their detention. >> i know that the detainees we have here today are not folks
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up. >> reporter: parash sachlt is the oldest detainee at 69. he claims his encounters with both osama bin laden and khalid sheikh muhammad from innocent. the u.s. intelligence community disagrees but his son mustafa said it's not fair to continue holding him. >> charge him, take him to court, release him, transfer him to the u.s., but something needs to be done. >> reporter: parasha's lawyer david remus is afraid the prison doors will slam shut when donald trump takes office. his client told him the election night. >> and he said many detainees thought it was the end of the world and felt terrible. and that many detainees asked for tranquilizers, sleeping pills, because they were so distraught. >> reporter: some prisoners are being freed as the u.s. no longer considers them a security threat. commander steven gabovics told us before leaving detainees stay in this college dorm-like apartment to begin adjusting to life on the outside. >> here they'll have a
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they have the tv, free action. they'll have a dvd player. they'll have if they want to a playstation game. >> reporter: this route out of the prison is called the pathway to freedom. officials here insist that they are not rushing out any prisoners, but there is congressional concern that they are being sent to countries that won't adequately monitor them or stop them from posing a future threat. southern california is one of the only places on earth where mountain lions live peacefully among people. they're photographed, tagged, and tracked, and most people like having them around. so there was outrage when a local rancher was given a permit to shoot one of the big cats after it killed some of her livestock. carter evans has the story from the santa monica mountains near malibu. >> reporter: wildlife officials held a meeting right here to talk to locals about building complete enclosures like this to keep their livestock safe at night. they expected about a dozen
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instead there were hundreds. >> no one wants anyone to shoot p-45 -- >> reporter: at a packed meeting with wildlife officials last night, concerned residents voiced their outrage over plans to kill a mountain lion known to locals as p-45. the 150-pound cat is one of roughly a dozen roaming the hills near los angeles who are being tracked by the national park service with a gps collar that logs every mo believed p-45 has killed dozens of livestock, carrying out its bloodiest attack yet last weekend. >> he didn't eat any of them. he just killed them. and kind of left them where they lay and went on to the next one. >> reporter: wendell phillips immediately suspected p-45 when he saw the ten dead alpacas on his neighbor victoria's ranch. monday california's department of fish and wildlife granted victoria's request for a ten-day permit to shoot p-45, which
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when it's determined a mountain lion has destroyed a land owner's property. still, the decision sparked immediate backlash. >> it makes no sense! >> reporter: attorney reed brightman, who represents victoria, attended last night's meeting. >> she has taken a lot of steps to try and avoid this over the last year. she's lost 20 of her alpacas -- >> no. >> reporter: he revealed she's now reconsidering her next move, asking the department of fish and wildlife to capture animal instead and have it relocated to an animal sanctuary. >> if she could have any solution that does not involve the animal being killed, she wants to explore it. >> reporter: but the department says that request may not be possible. >> in this situation he wouldn't relocate this animal based on the fact that it's killed animals. so it would take it kind of off the table. >> reporter: of course wildlife folks don't want the animal shot. they don't even want it relocated. they just want him to be able to
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>> we'll have more on the mountain lions of southern california when we return. mmm... i can't believe it's so delicious. i can't believe it has 40% fewer calories than butter. i can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients. i can't believe we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. oh, it's real. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. go ahead, enjoy. i did everything i could to make her party perfect. almost everything. you know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by real ingredients. unbelievable taste. an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. x. ? rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control, the air wick? scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down
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the air. thank you for dining with us. hope to see you again soon. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. .
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there's outrage in malibu, california after a local rancher got a permit to hunt down the mountain lion that slaughtered some of her livestock. mountain lions roam freely in the santa monica mountains, and so far there are no reports of the big cats attacking any humans. the national park service has been studying years, tagging, tracking, and photographing them. and some of the big cats have become local celebrities. bill whitaker has the story for "60 minutes." >> when you moved here, did you know there was a mountain lion in the vicinity? >> no. >> no. not at all. not at all. there are signs for rattlesnakes. there's not signs for mountain lions. >> some view you have here.
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archanakos's house is something of a local landmark. not just for the killer view of los angeles but also for an encounter a workman had one day in the crawlspace under the house. he was doing some wiring when he saw something scary. >> he comes into my office terrified, and he says, bro, you have a mountain lion in your house, bro. and so i said to him, a mountain lion? he goes, yeah, man, a mountain i came eye to eye with it. and he was like terrified. >> reporter: he had been eye to eye with p-22, so named by the park service. p for puma. number 22 out of 44 they've studied. photographed here with a small camera on a very long stick. p-22 wears a park service tracking collar that sends gps signals on his location.
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house. >> he was just laying there trying to snooze, completely just like we woke him from a nap. >> reporter: soon the house was packed with cameras and reporters. p-22 was already a local celebrity because of this national geographic picture taken by a remote camera a mile or two from the archanokosess house. wildlife experts finally decided to shoo everybody out after 11:00 news. hoping p-22 might head back into the hills nearby. which he did. >> when did he leave? how did he leave? >> we don't know how. >> they call them ghost cats. >> right. >> there you go. >> reporter: and though they live in the shadows in much of southern california they're never far away. a trail camera caught this one a
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to, you know, stay elusive and away from us. even researchers who follow them almost daily, we hardly ever see them. >> jeff sikic is a biologist, an expert on big cats who holds something of a record. he's seen and captured p-22 four times now. this time he corners the animal and hits him with a tranquilizer dart. his eyes still open. the batteries on his gps collar were running low. replacing them gives sikic and his crew a chance for a checkup. p-22 is healthy. weighing in at 125 pounds. from experience, sikic knows that when the animal comes to it's no threat. the instinct to get away from people kicks in.
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up and stumbles back into the shadows. >> here's the past eight months of where p-22 has traveled. >> reporter: the gps signals from their collars tell sikic and his colleague seth riley where the animals roam. p-22 wanders the hills of griffith park, a small enclave in los angeles frequented by hikers and visitors to the park's famed obse had any major conflicts with him and people, and it shows that even a large carnivore like a mountain lion can live right among people for many years. >> reporter: they think p-22 migrated east across the santa monica mountains for 20 miles or so. perhaps chased out by a bigger male. he somehow crossed the 405 freeway, one of the world's
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somewhere near the hollywood bowl amphitheater crossed a second busy freeway, the 101, to griffith park. >> p-22 had it great, no competition, no other adult males in griffith park, seemed to be plenty of prey for him. >> reporter: he's been in griffith park for three years now. all alone, looking for love in all the wrong places. >> yeah, you know, still hang out there, which is pretty surprising. i would have bet he would have left looking for a potential mate. >> reporter: if the mating urge overwhelms him, he could take his chances crossing the freeways again to find a female. a very risky business. why not move him? >> usually it doesn't work moving lions. we'd just be moving this animal, this adult male, into another adult male's territory, and that usually results? the death of one of them. >> reporter: and in the verd goh
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overlooking the san fernando valley, there's another lonely lion. >> i never thought one would actually come through our back yard. and he was right next to our bedroom window. and then he'd continue up this way. >> reporter: nancy vandermay and eric barkolo moved here to be close to wildlife and got their wish in the form of a mountain lion named p-41, who seems to love their back yard deck. he's right out here where we >> reporter: he has come to visit at least ten times. triggering security cameras taking both video and still pictures. the area is called cougar canyon. what else? >> here he is just literally made a loop around our house for some reason. >> yeah. >> reporter: like proud parents with baby pictures they show off their video scrapbook. >> and let me point out how his paws are on the wood and not on the gravel so he can make as
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>> wow. >> they want to be silent at all times. >> reporter: camera technology has revolutionized the way mountain lions and other wild animals are studied. joanna turner is a sound effects editor for universal studios. on her own time she's one of several citizen scientists, as they're called, who put remote cameras up in the wild hoping to get that perfect shot. >> oh, come on, buddy. >> how do you know where to look? >> we look for tracks and we look for signs of them and we look for deer because that's their food source. >> reporter: to lure the lions into camera range she'll sprinkle catnip, vanilla extract, even men's cologne on a branch, and just like house cats they love it. the holy grail is a shot like this one of p-41.
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bobcats, coyotes, foxes and bears. >> you can see the full report on our i pinky promised my little girl a fabulous garden party for her birthday. so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. hi, anne. how are you doing? hi, evelyn. i know it's been a difficult time since your mom passed away.
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this is the check i've been waiting for. mom had a guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy through the colonial penn program, and this will really help with the cost of her final expenses. is it affordable? it costs less than 35 cents a day-- that's pretty affordable, huh? that's less than the cost of a postage stamp. so, you said it was guaranteed acceptance? yes. it's for people ages 50 to 85. there's no medical exam or health questions. you can't be turned down because of your health. and gave her added peace of mind. you should give them a call man: are you between the ages of 50 and 85? for less than 35 cents a day, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program. you cannot be turned down because of your health. there are no health questions or medical exam. your rate will never go up and your benefit will never go down due to age-- guaranteed! these days, the average cost of a funeral is over $7300,
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don't leave a burden for your loved ones. call about the colonial penn program now. ?living well? rise above joint discomfort with move free ultra's triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... and enjoy living well. over the past three years five casinos in atlantic city have shut their doors. but that doesn't mean the entire industry is coming up craps. mark albert found some big-time
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>> reporter: casinos have never been more flush than they are right now. >> we went from about 800 employees to 3,000 employees in less than six months. >> reporter: so the demand is there. >> oh, the demand is there. >> reporter: rob norton is president of maryland live, a sprawling casino in the baltimore, maryland suburbs that opened just four years ago. after rounds of expansion it now sells itself as one of the nation's largest gaming, retail and entertainment venues. >> are you going to keep growing? >> we keep growing. >> reporter: and like a gambler on a winning streak, the casino is plunging ahead. it's just broken ground on a $200 million convention center and hotel. a confident david cordish owns maryland live. is it a bet for you to build this hotel or is it a sure thing? >> it's pretty much a sure thing. >> reporter: cordish is doubling down because he says he only builds casinos near these three things -- a high-income
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maryland live sits next to arundel mills mall, a 1.6 million-square-foot shopping paradise. you're a bullish man on a lot of things. >> i am bullish. very optimistic. >> reporter: but even an optimist dreads a losing hand. 30 years ago only two states had casinos. now 42 states do. you're running out of room to expand in. >> by in large the united states is running out of good locations. >> reporter: does that mean you're running out of customers, be cannibalizing from each other? >> at some point. it's already happening. >> reporter: on election day new jersey voters will decide whether to amend the constitution to allow casinos beyond atlantic city. the one-time las vegas of the east where the chips are most certainly down. in 2001 the new jersey resort city had 16% of the u.s. commercial casino market. now it's just 6%. after neighboring new york,
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casinos open there. and it's hurting the bottom line. new jersey's casino tax revenues are half what they were ten years ago. meaning less money for senior citizens, the disabled, and economic revitalization programs. while new york's quadrupled, sending a windfall toej educati. delaware's general fund took a hit as maryland hit the jackpot. with five casinos since 2009 is & a sixth, the mgm at national >> basically kind of an arms race. >> reporter: alex bumoginy is an analyst at fitz ratings. even though commercial casino revenue nationwide is up 48% since 2001 to more than $40 % billion nationwide, bumoginy says the casino industry is now extremely saturated. >> fortunately, most states at this point already have gaming and have a limited amount of licenses to issue. so we're getting to the point where future development is very limited.
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>> it doesn't worry me for the ones we're involved in. >> you think you're immune. >> i think we're immune in the locations we've picked. >> reporter: david cordish now has plans for a new live casino in philadelphia. his fifth casino. convinced he's on a roll. do you think there are too many casinos opening? >> actually, no, i don't. i don't feel like there's too many casinos. >> why not? because you want choice? >> yes. most definitely. >> reporter: andrea hanks came from her fiance 2 1/2 hours north from richmond, virginia to as did betsy bane. she's a shrewd shopper at the slots and vows to check out mgm's brand new mega casino when it opens in national harbor. she told us she'll keep sampling. >> you can try another one. >> so you don't have a loyalty to one particular casino. you like to try them all. >> yes. with their different promotions like tournaments. >> you want them to fight for you, your business. >> exactly. >> reporter: there are now more
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states are hoping to my brother brian was my best friend, but when he went to college and struggled with depression, he felt alone. he thought he was to blame and no one would understand. when he finally told me he was hurting, i didn't know what to do. a few months later, my brother took his life. if someone you know is struggling like brian did, find out how to help. what will you say when someone suffering from depression comes to you?
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when the engines failed on the plane i was flying, i knew what to do to save my passengers. but when my father sank into depression, i didn't know how to help him. when he ultimately shot himself, he left our family devastated. don't let this happen to you. if you or a loved one is suicidal, call the national suicide prevention lifeline. no matter how hopeless or helpless you feel,
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cbs cares. . the holiday shopping season is in full swing, and a lot of people are determined to avoid the malls at all costs. but if you're one of the millions who shop online with your smartphone, you could be putting your personal information at risk. a lot of those phone apps are fake. anna werner has the details. >> i would say for most of my >> reporter: nicole barker likes shopping through her apps but didn't realize they could put her identity at risk. >> it's really scary. you trust those brands when you see them and you just accept or trust that that's who you think you're dealing with. >> reporter: but a company that creates many of those apps for major retailers found some shopping apps for names like dillard's, payless, even christian dior and jimmy choo, weren't real. >> we found there were hundreds of fake apps. hundreds.
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>> if you take those apps down and you get rid of that provider, you'll find them show up in a different form of a new name, new credentials. for every one you take down there's two that come up. >> it's collecting a lot of data. >> reporter: gary milevsky with cyber security firm snoop wall says it's all about criminals getting hold of your private information. >> some of these apps, these counterfeit apps, are so good they give you a complete shopping cart experience. everything through the "congratulations, here's your order number, it's on its way." and then y goods. >> reporter: but he points to something even more disturbing, with super popular emoji keyboard apps. these keyboards replace the one on your phone giving you an endless supply of emoticons for every occasion. but he says many can also gain access to your contacts, text messages, possibly even passwords and send your private information overseas. >> these are all developed by employees of companies in china. >> so what do you think somebody
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information? >> some think that the chinese version of the nsa is using these kinds of tools to collect a lot of information on people overseas. and time will tell. >> we don't know, do we? >> we don't know. >> reporter: google told us it scans apps for potentially malicious code as well as spammy developer accounts and they have a separate tool for android devices to verify apps. apple said they provide notice on all keyboard apps about the fact these apps can have access to what you type. except for passwords, which using the regular keyboard. but milevsky says better to avoid emoji keyboards entirely, especially if they're free. news to nicole barker. >> i do have an emoji keyboard. as do most of my friends. that really gets me scared, makes me realize i probably should take that off my phone. >> and that's the "overnight news" for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning
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morning." from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm don dahler. the president-elect already on the job. with the deal that saved hundreds of them. >> companies are not going to leave the united states anymore without consequences. also tonight, the vi president-elect on donald trump shifting positions on immigration and prosecuting hillary clinton. >> did he just say those things to get elected? a so-called magical treatment for the anxiety and depression that come with cancer. >> from that moment the fear was gone. and a new over-the-top light
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>> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." the trump-pence administration takes office in 49 days, and we are about to hear from two key players. we have interviews with vice president-elect mike pence and the speaker of the house, paul ryan. but first, donald trump has made his first public appearance since he was elected more than three weeks ago. manufacturer in indiana that was sending more than 2,000 jobs to mexico. mr. trump's intervention and tax incentives from the state have persuaded the carrier corporation to send only 1,300 jobs south of the border, saving 800. major garrett has the story. >> they say it's not presidential to call up these massive leaders of business. i think it's very presidential. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump called the ceo of carrier's parent company, united technologies, directly to
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>> companies are not going to leave the united states anymore without consequences. not going to happen. >> reporter: during the campaign trump threatened to slap import tariffs on companies that send jobs overseas. but in this case the state of indiana provided the company $7 million in tax incentives, something states often do to keep or attract businesses. and mr. trump promised lower corporate taxes and fewer regulations. the publicity bang is larger than the national economic impact of saving 1,000 jobs in a labor force of 159 million. but for carrier workers like bryan dyson the reaction was emotional and appreciative. >> crying. relieved. christmas coming, you know. everybody's head's up. >> reporter: dawn kinnard said it was a promise kept. >> i'm very thankful that he did follow through because he didn't have to. he could have just said that and walked away. but he really did follow through. >> reporter: all this is a stark contrast to the reaction when carrier announced in february
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[ yelling ] not far from the carrier plant manufacturer rexnord plans to move 300 jobs to mexico. brian reed is an assembler. >> devastated. i can't put it in words. i mean, the 300 people i work with, things just went through my mind, and it just -- it's just devastating. >> reporter: reed said he >> with what mr. trump did, it does give a sense of hope for the american working class. i don't know that personally it will affect my factory. >> reporter: at rallies during the campaign then candidate trump often said he and populist democrat bernie sanders agreed on trade and protecting u.s. manufacturing jobs. but scott, sanders is very critical of this carrier deal, arguing it will incentivize other corporations to threaten to move jobs overseas to extract tax breaks and other government concessions. >> major, there's word tonight
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is getting closer to naming a secretary of defense. what do you know about that? >> reporter: that would be general james mattis, retired marine corps general, formerly head of central command. he has two nicknames. mad dog mattis and warrior monk. a confirmed bachelor, 66, mattis is regarded as probably the most respected marine of a generation or two. people often call him not in the marine corps a soldier's soldier. marines call him a marine's marine. we are told the announcement there is one wrinkle here, scott. to become defense secretary if you're a retired general there needs to be seven years between your separation from the military force and that ascension to defense secretary. to waive that congress would have to intervene. the trump transition team has been told by congressional leaders they will do that. >> major garrett reporting for us tonight. major, thank you. well, that deal in indiana was done with the help of the governor of indiana, who is also the vice president-elect.
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today, and we asked him what mr. trump meant by consequences for companies that moved jobs overseas. >> the president-elect's made it very clear that when companies shutter factories and move them out of this country in the hopes of being able to build their products and ship them right back into the united states that we're going to have the kind of trade deals that have consequences for enterprises like that and we're going to american jobs and american workers first. >> when mr. trump talks about consequences, are we talking about punitive taxes? >> i think -- everything is really on the table as we negotiate trade deals going forward, as we renegotiate the north american free trade agreement. i think what the american people can anticipate, that the trump administration is going to roll our sleeves up and we're going to drive a hard bargain. >> now, carrier tells us that
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were headed to mexico. how did you do it? >> he picked up the phone. he called the chairman of the parent company and just asked them to reconsider their decision to move jobs to mexico from here in the state of indiana. >> but not to put too fine a point on it, sir, 1,300 jobs are still going to mexico. and i wonder, why were you not able to sae those? >> this change? their business policies was set into motion many months before he even secured the nomination. but the fact that carrier was set at this factory to go to zero jobs and now we have more than 1,100 good-paying jobs here in the state of indiana with the opportunity for that to grow i think is welcome news. >> just since the election president-elect trump has reversed himself on prosecuting hillary clinton and on deporting 11 million illegal immigrants in this country. did he just say those things to
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did he never intend to do them? >> i promise you, as we were meeting yesterday on capitol hill with leaders of the house and senate, we're going to go straight to work after this congress convenes and this administration takes office. >> the speaker of the house told us today that when it comes to deporting 11 million illegal immigrants it's not going to happen and he won't fund it. >> well, i -- i will tell you that the policies that the president-elect outlined in his speech in arizona will be the policies that we advance. i'm very confident that we'll have broad-based support in the congress for what the president-elect outlined in the course of his campaign and we're going to work every day to make sure that we advance those policies and end illegal immigration once and for all. >> vice president-elect mike pence, also governor of indiana until january the 20th, we thank you very much for your time. you made a big difference for about 800 families in your home state there. thank you very much again. >> thank you, scott.
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pence interview on and our streaming service, cbsn. the "cbs overnight news" will be almost sixty million americans are affected by mental illness. together we can help them with three simple words. my name is chris noth
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you can help children in low income neighborhoods get the help they need to stay in school and go on to college. i have a dream foundation provides mentoring, academic help, and tuition to make this dream come true. learn how this program helps students build life skills while increasing high school graduation and college participation rates. visit: and find out how you can be a part of the dream. cbs cares. cer: you taught him how to hit a baseball. how to hit a receiver. you even taught him how to hit the open man. but how much time have you spent teaching him...
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the repeal of obamacare will be the first bill taken up by the new congress. that's according to the speaker of the house. in an interview for "60 minutes" paul ryan told us that repeal will be immediate but a replacement is months, even years away. no one, he said, will lose health coverage in the meantime. we met the speaker at the capitol today, and we asked him about his rocky relationship with mr. trump. >> you called donald trump a racist. >> no, i didn't. i said his comment was. >> uh-huh. i'm not sure there's a great deal of daylight between those two definitions. but he definitely called you ineffective and disloyal. have you patched it up? >> yeah, we have. we're fine. we're not looking back. we're looking forward. we actually -- we've had -- like
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forward -- back in the past. that's behind us. we're way beyond that. >> did you believe he could be nominated? really. >> yeah, no, i didn't see this one coming. he knows that. donald trump's a very -- he was a very unconventional candidat. he's going to be an unconventional president. what i like about it in my, like i said, almost daily conversations is he's just a get things done kind of guy. >> have you told him being president is not that the congress is going to have a say? >> oh, we've talked about that extensively. we've talked about the constitution, article one in the constitution, the separation of powers. he feels very strongly, actually, that under president obama's watch he stripped a lot of power away from the constitution, away from the legislative branch of government, and we want to reset the balance of power so that people and the constitution are rightfully restored. >> the speaker of the house on his plans for sweeping tax reform and immigration
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minutes." ryan's home state of wisconsin today began recounting votes. but the recounts there and possibly in michigan and pennsylvania are not expected to change the outcome of the presidential race. donald trump won with 306 electoral votes, even though hillary clinton got nearly 2.5 million more popular votes. that is nearly a 2% margin and is the largest by any candidate on to lose the election. tonight in syria, families are running for their lives to escape aleppo. once a home to a million people. syrian government forces, backed by russia, are obliterating neighborhoods held by rebels. and today debora patta got a rare look. >> reporter: for the tens of thousands of civilians who fled
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felt like even the weather deserted them. huddling under blankets for warmth, they sleep cheek to cheek in makeshift shelters. for many this is their first meal in days. the united nations estimates that 200,000 are still inside eastern aleppo, trapped between the syrian army and rebel fighters, the relentless shelling continues. the u.n. has demanded a pause in the fighting to allow for the evacuation of the sick and injured and the delivery of food and but the syrian government has answered with silence. its main backer, russia, talks about opening humanitarian corridors, but so far that's all it is, talk. the government's five-month siege has left food and medical supplies dangerously low, while hospitals have been blown to pieces. as the rebel territory shrinks under the advance of the syrian military, desperate civilians
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um muneer spent six hours trying to escape. "my son and i had no choice but to leave," she said, "even if we had to walk all the way." as miserable as it is for those who made it out to safety, it's far worse for those who stayed behind. we can tell you, scott, that since we arrived in aleppo the sound of shelling has not let up. >> debora patta in the war zone for us tonight. debora, thank you. today the death toll from to 10. 80 are injured and many are missing. demarco morgan is in the great smoky mountains. >> reporter: with dozens of leads to track down, authorities here continue to search for those who have been reporting missing. sevier county mayor larry watters. >> we're concluding the rescue probably today, and we're moving tomorrow into the recovery. >> reporter: this board at an
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unaccounted for, including members of the reed family. donna casey and kela inman are school nurses at the school where missing sisters, 9-year-old lily and 12-year-old chloe reed, attend. the two were with their mom, constant, the night of the massive wildfire. >> our school is a family. i mean, we are truly a family. and this is hurting all of us. >> reporter: monday night michael reed received a desperate call from his wife that flames were fastly approaching their home. he hasn't heard from her since. >> to have two of our own missing, it's just -- it's deva we're heartbroken. we're heartbroken, and we need the help. >> we want them back. >> reporter: scott, this three-story home on the mountain is just one of hundreds of structures destroyed. officials expect to start letting other homeowners return to their property within the next few days. >> demarco morgan, thanks. in medellin, colombia they were supposed to play a soccer championship last night but instead the stadium was packed for a memorial for the brazilian
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monday. 71 were killed, including most of the players. six people survived. the club's home stadium in brazil was also filled last night for a mass in honor of the victims. coming up next, a molecule in mushrooms relieves depression in cancer patients. and later, shedding new light on the beauty of nature. i did everything i could to make her party perfect. almost everything. you know, 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste.
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triple action joint support for improved mobility and flexibility, and 20% better comfort from one tiny, mighty pill... get move free ultra, and enjoy living well. today doctors testing a groundbreaking treatment for some of the side effects of nc "very impressive results." here's our chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook. >> reporter: after dinah bazer was treated for ovarian cancer in 2010, the next two years were filled with dread. >> all i thought about was the cancer, that it would come back and i would die of it. >> how severe was the anxiety? were you able to go on with your life? >> i felt like it was destroying my life. >> reporter: in 2012 bazer
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and depression in cancer patients using the hallucinogenic drug psilocybin, the active ingredient in certain mushrooms. dr. stephen ross directs addiction studies at nyu langone medical center and led the study. >> the idea was that drugs which were known to induce spiritual or these unusual mystical states of consciousness might help people who were having this domain of distress. >> reporter: bazer took the medication in this treatment room with therapists present for support. during the session she saw her fear inside her body. >> and as soon as i visualized the fear i became furious. in my mind i screamed, "who the hell do you think you are? i won't be eaten alive." from that moment the fear was gone. >> you took control. >> i took control. and it was gone. >> reporter: the nyu study, and a second one at johns hopkins, followed a total of 80 patients
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dose of psilocybin. there was lasting reduction of anxiety and depression in 60% to 80% of the patients. >> i began to feel the most amazing love i have ever felt. i think my brain was rewired a little bit, and that love that i felt has done very well, very good things for me. >> reporter: there were no serious side effects. though encouraging, these results are definitely preliminary, and for now the drug remains banned except for research. and scott, dr. ross told me that the fda is expected to consider within the next two months whether or not to approve a larger study. >> what an amazing result for dinah. jon, thanks very much. coming up next, the national christmas tree is lighted by the head of the executive branch. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water.
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in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. i pinky promised my little girl a fabulous put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic
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? rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control, the air wick? scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down for the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the room. air wick?. home is in the air. carnival's princess cruise lines was hit today with a record $40 million penalty for polluting the ocean and trying to cover it up. the "caribbean princess" dumped thousands of gallons of contaminated waste using a its hull. a whistleblower alerted the authorities.
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needed a lift from the bottom of the earth today. aldrin, now 86, developed fluid in his lungs while sightseeing at the south pole. he was evacuated by ski-plane and is now resting in new zealand. there was a north pole feel in washington today as the obamas presided over the lighting of the national christmas tree, a tradition started by the coolidges in 1923. the tree is a colorado blue spruce, planted on the ellipse across from the white house in 2012. and there is another light slowly we turn to niagara falls,
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woman: what does it feel like when a woman is having a heart attack? chest pain, like there's a ton of weight on your chest. severe shortness of breath. unexplained nausea. cold sweats. there's an unusual tiredness and fatigue. there's unfamiliar dizziness or light-headedness. unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your upper stomach, are signs you're having a heart attack. don't make excuses. make the call to 9-1-1 immediately. learn more at don't just thank me for my service, or focus on my past, and remind me what i've done for my country. instead, let's talk about my future, the work i have yet to do, the work my time in the service prepared me for. my mission today is to impact technology, science, finance, and beyond. we are veterans. we're veterans.
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finally tonight, they've changed the light bulbs at niagara falls. michelle miller gives us a look at a new work in watercolor. >> reporter: by day the view is majestic. water cascading nearly 200 feet between the u.s. and canada. but at night it's illuminating. a dazzling rainbow of colors from the canadian side light up the american falls from nearly half a mile away. tonight, thanks to renovation, they will be even brighter. >> this is a new era in niagara falls history tonight. >> reporter: mark thomas is chairman of the niagara falls illumination board. >> we're eliminating all the dark spots so that you can actually see the whole rim of the falls, the whole curtain of the falls, and we're going to add a whole host of colors you that couldn't get before with our old technology. >> reporter: i mean, aren't lights just lights? >> yeah, except when you put lights on these falls they dazzle. >> reporter: the illumination of
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by 1925 the light show became a nightly spectacle. the lights themselves were even an attraction. today some 20 million people are drawn to them. >> yes, they're going to be bright. >> reporter: ed gesh helped with the new 1,400 l.e.d. lighting makeover, boosting the colors up to 14 times brighter. are they also more energy efficient? >> absolutely. up to 85% energy savings as we >> reporter: when the lights came on, visitors on the canadian side got the full view. how big of a difference is it? >> oh, i love the blue. the blue is beautiful, the color. >> reporter: it's hard to beat natural beauty, scott, but nothing wrong with adding a little color. >> michelle miller with a bright idea. thanks. and that's the overnight news for this friday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little bit later for the morning news and be sure not to miss "cbs this morning."
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y, i'm scott pelley. captioning funded by cbs it's friday, december 2nd, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." where at least i know i'm free ? victory lap. president-elect donald trump kicks off his thank you tour with a fiery speech, promising to put america's interests first. and returning home. today, people who escaped the tennessee wildfires will be allowed to go back to their neighborhoods to see what is left. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york.


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