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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 23, 2010 11:05pm-12:05am PST

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it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into sometng tasty. this guy's doing magic. there's chocolate chips in here w. hod you do that? right! tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. what's she thinking? that's right! i'm not thinking anything! [ male announc ] fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes. finally tonight, all eyes are on the gulf coast. tropical storm bonnie hit florida today before weakening as it passed over south florida, leaving behind some flooding and
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minor damage. but bonnie is now expected to strengthen as it takes dead aim for bp's leaking oil well. the storm is expected to hit the louisiana coast tomorrow night. and officials have already closed the flood gates around new orleans. work on the oil spill has come to a stop as an armada of vessels pull up anchor and chug out of harm's way. get the latest on this dropping story all weekend at but that's our report for tonight. for all of us at abc news, good night, america, and have a safe, wonderful weekend. >> dicky: tonight on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> jimmy: lindsay is in the same jail that paris hilton was in. it's the coolest jail there is. i'm actually hoping to get my daugt entire that jail. >> when she opens the door, we're going to be quiet so we can hear. >> lindsay, fight for your right to party. fight for your right to party. i'll wait for you! i'll wait for you!
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>> we also had mc hammer playing on the opposite team. >> jimmy: how was haller? >> we asked him, repeatedly, hammer, don't hurt them. and it turns out, he was far too legit to quit. >> jimmy: he was? >> oh, look at that -- >> give me that. >> jimmy: good news in the gulf of mexico for a change. the effort to stop the oil leak seems to be working. the cap they're using child proof so, it's never coming off. ♪ >> dicky: "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with jon hamm, j.b. smoove and ralph macchio. jake byrd saves lindsay lohan. and music from runner runner. and the cast has been gathered. when the lighting is perfect
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and the lead hits his mark. when the curtain rises and the spotlight is yours. having a strong signal at your back is like having invisible power everywhere. because in that moment, you're not there to take up space. you're there to fill the room. rule the air. verizon. hey kid! ...that's uniform-azing. ooo! you put the 'you' in you-niform! the girl: you know it! the mike: hakis 10 bucks. polos 5. uniforms! this week at olllld naaavy! you can get a great deal on a volkswagen. sounds terrific. cars built for the autobahn. actually, we're both pretty conservative drivers. ooh! shoot the gap.
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shoot the gap! whoo! so, they all come with carefree maintenance? yep, scheduled maintenance is included. i like the color. good. [ male announcer ] the autobahn for all event. lease the jetta limited edition for $199 a month or get 0% apr. ♪
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- from "mad men", jon hamm. jb smoove and ralph macchio. jake byrd saves lindsay lohan. and music from runner runner. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> dicky: and now, in all honesty, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, everyone. i'm jimmy, thank you for watching.
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welcome to the show. and i'm happy to be with you but i want you to know that while my body may be standing on the stage, my heart is at the linwood correctional facility with lindsay lohan. is she out yet? lindsay lohan went to jail today for killing a homeless guy? what did she do? no, she violated the terms of her parole after her dui arrest. they sent her to jail. this could be good for her. just look at, like, dr. martin luther king. he was incarcerated and then went on to become the leader of the civil rights movement. granted, before he was arrested, he was already the leader. but still, there's a comparison to be made there. not a good one, but a comparison. lindsay is in the same jail that paris hilton was in. it's the coolest jail there is. it's like, there's a line down the block, around to get in. i'm -- well, actually, i'm hoping to get my daughter into that jail.
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but -- because of the overcrowding, lindsay will probably only serve a quarter of her sentence. though they do take good behavior into consideration. which means she could be in there for, like, i don't know, a couple of years or something. all i know is that she's safer in there than she is with her father and/or mother. big, big news event this morning. cameras and reporters from almost every news organization in the country were there. and none of them seemed embarrassed to have been there. though they should have. our old friend jake byrd was on the scene now. if you're not familiar with jake byrd, he's on the show from time to time. he's a man who loves celebrities and who supports celebrities. no matter what they're charged with. we met him outside the michael jackson trial. and then we met him many times. one of them was at the o.j. arraignment. >> we expect mr. simpson to be processed and released -- >> yes! >> jimmy: and we met him at paris hilton's dui hearing. >> he ruled that he was
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remanding miss hilton to the sheriff's custody to serve the remainder of her sentence -- >> no, no, no, no! >> jimmy: he gets agitated sometimes. and then, today, he was there when lindsay lohan arrived for sentencing. >> being surrounded by deputies as she walks into the courtroom. and you can hear people -- >> is that confetti? >> reporter: somebody threw confetti, yes. >> a gentleman to the left with a lindsay sign. hello-lo, let her go. >> jimmy: that's jake. he was there to support lindsay and her family. lindsay's father michael lohan was at the courthouse this morning. despite the fact that lindsay did not want him there or in her life at all. but there are cameras there, and what are you going to do, you're michael lohan, you have to go. so, he showed up with his own camera crew and held a press conference to tell the world,
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through his attorney, just how much he cares about this daughter he helped raise so well. >> thank you, michael. thank you. >> keep up the good work, mike. >> jimmy: that was jake. [ laughter ] it was a very big day for jake byrd. he pulled out all the support he could possibly muster and fortunately, there were 1,000 cameras there to capture it. >> i'm not talking to cnn anymore. i've been down the road with you guys and you misquoted me and you took my stuff out of context and you made me look like a stupid idiot. >> how about tmz? >> that's cool. hi tmz! >> she's just arrived. >> we're going to be quiet so we can hear -- >> lindsay, fight for your right to party! fight for your right to party! i'll wait for you. i'll wait for you! make me your one call.
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>> reporter: and then it was lindsay. she showed up with her lawyer and as you mentioned, she was late. she showed up several minutes late. >> bob shapiro quit on her. now you know they're saying the only one that's going to get her off is her thick-fingered meth-dealing cell mate. you know what i mean? >> i know what you mean. >> she stepped up. she's accepted responsibility and that's really all i have to say. >> she went to jail? >> yes, she did. >> oh! >> michael spent the morning praying for his daughter. he loves her. he does not believe she could be incarcerated. >> dad michael had his attorney speak on his behalf, while a few followers screamed their support. >> father of the year, folks. father of the year. michael, you look great, man. good luck to you, buddy. >> thank you. >> say hi to jon gosselin for me. he's also awesome. i hugged him. i hugged michael lohan because he's a great dad. like my dad. >> looks like lindsay on her way to that county lockup down there in linwood. >> okay, lindsay just tweeted,
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surrendered, heading into jail, i wonder if i can keister and iphone 4. i don't know what it means. no more questions. >> jimmy: well, there you go. [ applause ] jake byrd, everyone. oh, there's jake. hey, jake. nicely done. great job. [ cheers and applause ] >> looks like "mean girls 2." >> jimmy: i'm sorry -- >> it's like "mean girls 2" in that prison. >> jimmy: you're probably right. jake byrd, everybody. [ applause ] i hope that jake will be there for me when i commit my crime. it was a crazy day here in l.a. i hope this turns out to be a turning point for lindsay lohan. she's a talented kid with maybe the worst parents we've seen in this city since the menendez brothers. on the bright side, all the craziness today did provide us with something pretty great today. our unintentional joke of the day. >> it's a sheriff's department issue. i'm sure they have a procedure for getting her out of the building. >> front door or back door?
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>> not going to go there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: good call, alan. good call. [ applause ] so -- in other crazy people news, sarah palin is speaking out -- finally. she is opposing a plan to build a mosque, there's a plan to build a mosque near the site of the world trade center. why she's opposing it, i don't know. you put a mosque there, there's no way the terrorists blow it up. if i was in charge, i'd put a mosque on top of every building in america, just to be safe. but sarah palin tweeted this on sunday. she said, ground zero mosque supporters, doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland. is alaska part of the heartland? peaceful muslims, please refudiate. now -- i don't think refudiate is a word. and it wasn't a typo, either, because she's used the word refudiate before. >> the president and his wife, the first lady, spoke at naacp
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so recently, they have power in their words. they can refudiate what it is that this group is saying. >> jimmy: she's like the eskimo don king. she makes up words. it's like -- but -- [ applause ] i'm not criticizing, i mean -- a lot of famous -- abraham lincoln made up words. fore score was not a word before lincoln. uncle frank, you know a lot of wo words. what are some of your favorite words? >> screw you. >> jimmy: what? what? really? >> but i didn't mean you. >> jimmy: thank you. >> it's just an expression. >> jimmy: yeah, okay. anyway. i think we understand what sarah palin meant by refudiate, but there's only one way to find out for sure and that's by asking uncle vocabulary. >> refudiate. deny the whole thing. that's what it means. refudiate means deny.
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you can use the word deny, but let's use the word refudiate. we're more educated. refudiate. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you. [ applause ] hey, some good news in the gulf of mexico for a change. the efforts to stop the oil leak seems to be working. you remember the fat kid from willy wonka? they decided to jam him in it and it worked. the cap they're using is child proof, so it's never coming off. president obama's been hammering republicans this week for holding up an extension for unemployment benefits. paid to some of the many people who don't have jobs right now. today, a representative from florida, democrat named alan grayson, he took the floor of the house and he really, really let the republicans have it. >> and i will say this to republicans who have blocked this bill now for months, and kept food out of the mouths of children, i will say to them
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now, may god have mercy on your souls. i yield back. >> thank you very much. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you hear that, lady? [ applause ] nice -- i think it's nice that his mom shows up to hear him speak, so -- a new recording of what again sounds like mel gibson engaging in flirtatious banter with his ex-girlfriend was released online today. he really has to stop making his tapes. i don't know why he would continue with this. this is the sixth recording to come out. he's become the tupac of angry ranting. there are rumors that mel's planning to leave the country, but his people denied it. this is what they denied, by the way. we're not moving. [ laughter ] in fact, mel's been in new york doing voiceover work on a new movie called "the beaver." for real. this is a movie, jodie foster directed it. i'm not kidding. i don't know what it's about. i am not kidding! [ laughter ] i know what you're thinking, and
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i -- i would probably think the same thing. but it's for real. look it up on the internets. it's right there. but anyway, this movie, which is real, it's called "the beaver." it's a shame. because i'm sure a lot of people worked very hard on it and it's supposed to be good, and now i don't think -- people are probably not going to want to see mel gibson in something like this. but this is the world premiere of the trailer, it's never been seen before. mel gibson in "the beaver." >> you need a [ bleep ] kick up the ass for being a [ bleep ] gold digging whore. and i'm not giving you my house and you can rot unless you crawl back, suck my [ bleep ] and say you're sorry, in that order. >> jimmy: it looks good, right? [ applause ] this is -- that's where uncle
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frank got his language from, the tapes. >> definitely. >> jimmy: the tapes are interesting, but they're kind of upsetting to listen to. so what we've done is, we've softened them a bit to make them appropriate for all ages. we've asked a 7-year-old girl to read them and here is today's edition of mel gibson says the darndest things. >> you [ bleep ] offend my [ bleep ] maleness. my masculinity. my being, my soul. and you call me a sinner? you're a [ bleep ] moving violation. [ applause ] don't write letters. she didn't really say the words. hey, we've got a good show tonight. ralph macchio and j.b. smoove are here. we have music from runner runner. and we'll be right back with jon hamm, so stick around. hey, smart, we could stay here for the conference.
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i'm a member of this hotel's loyalty program. well, how far away is it? okay, we take a train 40 miles to a dude ranch where we pick up a couple of horses that we ride to a nearby river. then we canoe upstream to a helicopter that takes us to the conference. or we could book with and stay closer. see, with welcomerewards, no matter where you accumulate 10 nights, you get a free one. huh. smarter. [ male announcer ] accumulate 10 nights and get a night free. welcomerewards from smart. so smart. and suddenly i'm the world's greatest dad. oven-roasted beef, fresh lettuce and tomato, a dab of mayo... it's on the value menu -- starts at just a buck! so i bring the whole family and i get to be the big man without being the big spender. yep, world's greatest dad. this guy. right, kids? [ crickets chirping ] kids? [ male announcer ] some things you just can't compete with.
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introducing the new jr. deluxe. now on the value menu, starting at a dollar. only at arby's. [ sponge ] okay, team. time to tackle these greasy dishes. we're facing some toug opposition today. i'm gonna need my biggest player. a change in the lineup? that little squirt? [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] one bottle of ultra dawn has the grease-cleaning power of two of the leading non-oncentrated brand, giving you double the cleaning ingredients in every drop. [ sponge ] way to go, kid. you really knocked the grease out of them. [ female announcer ] dawn does more... [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. o! i just parked here a second ago! give me a break, will you? (announcer) dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles with two different gels for softness and support... ...are outrageously comfortable. ...on second thought, i think i'll walk... (announcer) are you gellin'? dr. scholl's to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm,
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is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm.
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>> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. with us tonight, an unlikely pair. they've got a humorous new video together. ralph macchio and j.b. smoove are here. you know ralph, of course, is the real karate kid and j.b. smoove is from "curb your enthusiasm." and later, a band from right here in california. this is their self-titled debut album. it comes out on september 28th. making their network television debut, runner runner from the bud light stage. tomorrow night, we have this kid, he's -- he's 5 years old. he's unbelievable. baseball phenom. his name is ariel antigua. he's coming here. he hits an 85-mile-an-hour fastball, they say -- i tell you what, if he does, i'm going to
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throw at his head. so tomorrow night, he'll be here. music from raheem devaughn and our old pal adam carolla will be here, too. is so please join us then. our first guest is a golden globe-winner and current double emmy nominee for his role as don draper on the great show "mad men." the fourth season of which premieres at 10:00 this sunday night on amc. please welcome jon hamm. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? [ cheers and applause ] they -- it's good to see you. how is everything? >> it's great. how are you? >> jimmy: doing well. you do always -- how do you keep your beard at that exact length at all times? >> i just exhale very forcefully
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when i'm ready and it pops out. it's great. >> jimmy: how is summer going? >> such as its been, it's going great. i don't get much of a summer, we shoot the show during the summer. we start in april and so, we've been working kind of through the summer. >> jimmy: you shouldn't have to work in the summertime. they should go by school schedules. >> i totally agree. get a couple of weeks off in the middle. >> jimmy: so, you played in major league baseball legend and celebrity softball game that they have at the all-star game -- >> i did. i've been fortunate enough the last couple of years to be invited to play in the celebrity tournament that they do, not tournament, the game they do. tournament would be -- >> jimmy: you played in st. louis last year. your hometown. >> this year in my adopted hometown of anaheim. >> jimmy: yeah, right. everyone's second home, really. >> jimmy: are there any houses in anaheim? >> jimmy: really only the mouse and duck family live there. >> if your name's not disney, you don't live there. >> jimmy: who played this year? who was on --
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>> it was star-studded. a lot of -- bo jackson was there. >> jimmy: yeah, great. >> jennie finch, the great professional -- >> jimmy: did she pitch to you? >> she was on my team. >> jimmy: you're lucky, because -- they try to humiliate you by putting -- >> no part of that. >> jimmy: and she throws hard. >> hard. >> jimmy: really hard. >> and she's tall and has long arms and it really comes at you. we also had mc hammer playing on the opposite team. >> jimmy: on the opposite team. how was hammer? >> we asked him repeatedly, please, hammer, don't hurt them. >> jimmy: uh-huh, yeah. >> and it turns out he was far too legit to quit. >> jimmy: he was. >> he did not -- [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's how he's always been. >> there's not an ounce of quit in that man. >> jimmy: were you able to touch him? this? >> are you kidding me? are you kidding me? you can't touch that. >> jimmy: it's impossible. >> it is impossible. you can try --
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>> jimmy: i feel like your pants are going to balloon up and you're going to start dancing around the stage. >> it could happen. >> jimmy: was he good? i think he was -- he was with the oakland -- he didn't play with them, but he was always with the team when he was a kid. >> he had two home runs -- >> jimmy: really? i hope he didn't hit two home runs. how did you do, by the way? >> my goal in any of these things is to not hurt myself, not hurt anyone else and to try not to fall down. so by that, i did excellent. >> jimmy: you did. okay, well -- all right. i think we have a clip of one of your at-bats. let's take a look here. >> and here's jimmy kimmel, host, of course, of his own show on abc. only down 2-1. watch out, watch out -- jimmy kimmel -- >> jimmy: it turns out -- i'm very sorry. [ cheers and applause ] that was -- i -- i thought -- i thought we were going to a clip of jon, but it turned out it was me hitting a home run. >> seemed like more it was a clip of you. >> jimmy: so sorry. i didn't mean for that to get in there.
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>> it's all right. i understand. must have been a very proud moment. >> jimmy: yeah, it was. it was. i keep it on my phone so i can watch it at home in bed. >> just in case somebody hasn't seen it. >> jimmy: that's great. did you play sports as a kid? >> i did. i played baseball. i still play baseball. and football. and i swam. as a high schooler. >> jimmy: really? >> yes. >> jimmy: like as part -- the school team? >> i was all-state. >> jimmy: oh, really. >> middle linebacker. i went to a very small school. let's not -- i was not 260 pounds at any point in my life. >> jimmy: no, i mean, you weren't a middle linebacker on the swim team, were you? >> no, no. that might have been why i was not as good as swimming as i was at football. >> jimmy: football, i can see. i didn't know about the swimming. so you were all-state? >> yeah. but it was a small school -- >> jimmy: you were still in a big state. if you're all-state that's pretty good. >> they kept the -- we were aa, which is the second smallest group that you can get. so we were very -- >> jimmy: are you worried people
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are going to be on the internet checking this? in the old days, you could say, yeah, i played in the nfl, everybody would be like, hamm was in the nfl. >> no kidding, yeah. i did, in fact, play in the nfl. that's neither here nor there. >> jimmy: everyone knows that. so you were not -- you must have been in, like, theater, too, as a kid. >> i, like most middle linebackers, have an innate love of musical theater. >> jimmy: sure. >> so, yeah, i -- my senior year, we went to state, the state championships, i played middle linebacker, and i was in our production of "god spell." >> jimmy: really? who did you play in "god spell?" >> thank you, thank you. [ applause ] >> jimmy: who were you? >> i played judas. >> jimmy: really? >> yes, i did. >> jimmy: whoa. i didn't know this about you. judas. that's one of the good ports, right? >> it's one of the good parts. >> jimmy: i mean, the bad guy. >> right. >> jimmy: when is it that you decided, i'm going to get in my car, go to california --
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>> i had an aunt and uncle that lived out here and i had a car, a 1986 toyota corolla. i pointed it west, i called my aunt and uncle, asked them if i could crash while i figure out l.a. it's a little bit bigger than st. louis. >> jimmy: how long were you there? >> a couple weeks. i tried to get a job, all that other stuff, and succeeded in finding living arrangements. >> jimmy: who did you live with? >> we lived in -- we, when i say we, me and four other people that i had never met, lived in a rented house that we rented from an 85-year-old ex-soap opera actress. >> jimmy: really? >> yes. so four 200-pound, six-foot guys were living in this very
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crickeric rickety -- >> jimmy: it was furnished by the old lady. oh, wow. wow. that's not a -- >> really -- it was four bulls in one old lady china shop, and -- it really -- >> jimmy: were you destructive? >> not on purpose. >> jimmy: right. >> but i was sort of nominated as the defacto peacemaker when she would come back in town from new york. so when she would come back in town, it was my job to intercept her. so, those chairs, like, were they important to you? >> jimmy: really? >> at any point in your life? were they heirlooms? are they fixable? just asking. >> jimmy: you were the sweet talker. >> i was nominated as that. >> jimmy: did she eventually throw you guys out? >> we all moved on. people went and got jobs and careers. >> jimmy: did she move on, as well? >> i think she's still there. >> jimmy: really? >> i think there's a new crop -- >> jimmy: she's sitting on the floor. >> she has no furniture. >> jimmy: and a pile of firewood around her. >> she can burn plenty of kindling. >> jimmy: wow, that's something. you should stop by every once in
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awhile, say, hey, sorry about the chairs. everything okay? can i smash something? >> here's some new stuff. >> jimmy: "mad men" is a great show, and you must be very proud. [ applause ] >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: i heard -- and this is really unusual, president obama wrote you guys a letter saying what a fan he was of the show. >> yes. he wrote -- he hand wrote a letter to the guy that created the show, matt weiner, which is now framed and sitting directly behind his head over his desk when you walk into his office. >> jimmy: that's pretty crazy. >> very, very crazy. tremendous honor. and -- it's a good president to get it from, too. you don't want to get it from, like, coolidge. >> jimmy: well -- let me tell you, if you get it from him, that would be pretty spectacular. so, you're nominated for an emmy for "mad men" and also for "30
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rock," which you did a great job on. you have two shots at it. >> i can lose twice for the second year in a row. >> jimmy: will you write two speeches? >> i won't write any speeches. >> jimmy: no? >> absolutely not. no, no. that's -- that is -- >> jimmy: i've seen, by the way, at the emmys, i've been behind people and i've seen people who lost and i've seen them very sadly crumple their speech up and it is really -- it's a heartbreaking thing to see. >> you can probably light a small town with the energy that's going into that crumpling, too. there's a lot of potential energy in that. >> jimmy: you can take over the dura-flame corporation for that. we have a clip from the first episode of "mad men." i think you're doing an interview -- >> yes, i'm doing an interview, there's a guy from advertising who asks a very -- appropriate, important question. >> jimmy: a very important question. considering we don't know what the hell is going on with this don draper. let's take a look. it's "mad men." >> who is don draper?
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>> what do men say when you ask that? >> well, they usually take a minute to think about it and then they do something cute. one director said he was a lion tamer. >> i don't want to do that. in the third person? >> i don't know. knockout wife, two kids, house in westchester. take the train. maybe take your car, now that you can afford it. >> who told you that? >> anything? i mean -- now's your chance. >> well, as i said before, i'm from the midwest. we were taught that it's not polite to talk about yourself. >> jimmy: there you go. "mad men," premieres sunday night at 10:00 on amc. jon hamm, everybody. we'll be right back with j.b. smoove and ralph macchio. ♪ hi, you ready to order? [ indistinct conversations ] uh, yohoo?!
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delicious granola bars made with 100% natural ingredients. nature valley. 100% natural, 100% delicious. >> jimmy: hi there. still to come, runner runner will be here. our next guests have very little in common other than the being actors and having slender legs. they have a wonderful new video together. please say hello to ralph macchio and j.b. smoove.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you guys look like you're about 11 years old right now. >> trying to stay young. >> jimmy: do you know each other? >> no. >> no. >> no, we just -- we do now. we met when we shot this video. on the day. >> just to make things cool, so he would not forget me, i borrowed money from him. >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: what happened? we have a microphone -- >> got to make sure. >> jimmy: j.b., your mike is dead. bring it back to life. you can have this. now singing "endless love." >> i'm a comedian. this is perfect for me. >> hand the comic a microphone. i have a lot -- >> jimmy: we're in a karaoke bar all of a sudden. now you guys -- first of all,
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let me just ask. j.b., who do you believe is the real karate kid, ralph macchio or that jaden pinkett smith kid? >> let me tell you, man, be careful throwing that pinkett in there. don't play around. that little boy kicks ass, you hear me? don't you even think about trying -- >> i'm not. >> have you seen the movie poster for that kid? the kid make a straight "l" out of his whole body. you know how easy he can kick joe pesci in the face? come on, man. are you kidding me? [ applause ] he will kick anybody -- all your movies, any movie you've done, he will kick anybody's ass. >> i buy that. >> that kid is tough. he'll go from karatee kid straight into "my cousin vinny." and kick everybody's ass. marisa tomei -- >> jimmy: i don't know about tomei. i think she can take him down. >> that little boy is tough. he's flexible.
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>> jimmy: let me tell you something, he's no ralph macchio. i will say that. [ applause ] >> come on, jimmy. >> jimmy: only one karate kid. >> jimmy, come on. dark alley, macchio's coming through the alley, jaden is coming the other way. who wins the fight? come on, man. >> i don't know about that. >> jimmy: i don't know. i think -- i'm going with macchio. no question about it. >> i think he's right. >> jimmy: give him six months and i'm going to go with the pinkett smith kid. >> that little boy got corn rows. you can't grab nothing. you can't grab nothing. you can't pull his hair. nothing. the kid is tough. >> jimmy: we have a video that you guys put together that is very entertaining. rather than explain it, let's just go right into it. take a look. >> karate kid right there. my cousin vinny up in this [ bleep ]. karate kid in line in front of me. my cousin vinny, everybody.
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my [ bleep ] [ bleep ] cousin vinny in this -- don't think i don't know you. i know those skinny ass chicken legs anywhere, man. those are the same legs you had in the [ bleep ] movie. >> hey, hey, hey, dude, put the camera away. >> calm down, karate kid. >> i'm not upset. put the -- how does that feel, huh? here we go. take a look at your legs. look at you. what are you bothering me for? you got chicken legs. >> what? >> come on, give me the camera. >> no, no. no karate kid. no karate kid. >> i'm serious. >> i know who you are. >> i know who you are. you're an [ bleep ]. where's the manager of this place. >> come on, baby. how do you think about that wrist action, baby? >> look at this crazy [ bleep ]. look at this karate kid. >> give me the camera. >> no, don't touch my camera. wait a minute. are those runtones? >> yeah.
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>> i got runtones, too. >> what are you talking about? >> you got on runtones, i got on runtones. me and the [ bleep ] karate kid got the same -- >> can you believe this guy? >> let me see your balls. >> what? >> let me see your balls. >> what are you talking about? >> let me see your balls. not your balls! the balls on the shoes. >> what? dude, dude. lay off. >> come on. karate boy, let me see your [ bleep ] balls. prove to me you're wearing runtones. >> i got the runtones. >> you don't got runtones. you got those from [ bleep ] chinatown. >> yeah, i got them -- >> look -- we in the same club. we got a lot in common. >> no, we got nothing in common. we got shoes in common. >> [ bleep ]. look at this guy's calves, man. would you look at this muscle-bound [ bleep ] -- no wonder. runtones. he's got on runtones. you must wear those all day. you [ bleep ] them shoes.
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do you [ bleep ] in them shoes? are you [ bleep ] in them shoes? [ bleep ] you, man. i'm working out. what up, man? tell me how you got them legs? we work out together. let's do this. >> what the [ bleep ] just happened? >> jimmy: very good. ralph macchio and j.b. smoove, everybody. we'll be right back with runner runner. you know, my brothers and i got our families together at olive garden the other night. c'mon pass a breadstick to your favorite uncle. ohhhh!!! ohhhh!!! we had a ball. announcer: try olive garden's two new parmesan polenta crusted dishes. sauteed chicken breasts topped with a golden parmesan crust. or try our tender steak medallions. both with mezzaluna ravioli filled with four italian cheeses in our creamy alfredo.
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plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. you know, these kids are growing up a lot like we did... yeah, around family. announcer: olive garden. when you're here, you're family. and then there's anthe twin-turbocharging,.. 365-horsepower-generating, ecoboost engine in the taurus sho from ford that has the thirst of a v6 with the thrust of a v8. the most innovative full-size sedan in america... is now highest ranked in initial quality. the taurus sho, from ford. drive one. stop it. hello? you spotted a million dollar accounting error that no one else noticed. that was pretty sweet. but you did have eight layers of sweet crunchy back up. what can i say? you're the man. or -- you know, the little dude. that's me. [ female announcer ] stop mid-morning hunger with kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® cereal. an excellent source of fiber from 100% whole grain that helps you stay full, so you can stay focused.
12:50 am
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12:54 am
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12:57 am
>> jimmy: this is their self-titled debut album. it comes out september 28th. here with the song "so obvious," runner runner. ♪ ♪ it's obvious that my heart beats for you ♪ ♪ let's go, go go let's go go i need you here but ♪ you're always so far away i call you up but you know it's just never the same 'cause being closer to ♪ ♪ you is my sweetest escape it's all i needed i need you here but you're always so far away
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this is our night ♪ ♪ the look in your eyes says we can go all the way been losing my mind broken inside i want you to take ♪ ♪ my breath away it's obvious that my heart beats for you beats for you ♪ ♪ just for you just let go tonight we're so close tonight i need you here but you're out there ♪ ♪ on your own do you still look like the pictures in my telephone hiding out in your room we could be alone ♪ ♪ laughing out loud you need me here but i'm always so far away this is our night ♪ ♪ the look in your eyes says we can go all the way been losing my mind broken inside
12:59 am
i want you to take my breath away ♪ ♪ it's obvious that my heart beats for you beats for you beats for you ♪ ♪ identit's obvious my heart be for you ♪ ♪ for you just let go tonight we're so close tonight just let go tonight we're so close tonight ♪ ♪ this is our night look in my eyes we can go all the way i'm losing my mind broken inside ♪ ♪ take my breath away this is our night the look in your eyes says we can go all the way i'm losing my mind broken inside ♪ ♪ i want you to take my breath away ♪ ♪ it's obvious that my heart beats for you ♪ ♪ beats for you ♪ beats for you
1:00 am
it's obvious that my heart beats for you beats for you beats for you ♪ ♪ it's obvious that my heart beats for you ♪ it's obvious that my heart beats for you ♪ so close tonight ♪ this is our night ♪ look in your eyes ♪ says we can go all the way i'm losing my mind broken inside ♪ ♪ i want you to take my breath away it's obvious that my heart beats for you it's obvious that my heart beats for you ♪ $ñ$ñ
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>> jimmy: thanks to jon hamm, j.b. smoove, ralph macchio. apologies to matt damon. thanks to jake byrd. tomorrow night, adam carolla and raheem devaughn will be here. their cd is in stores september 28th. playing us off the air with "papercuts," see the full performance at once again, runner runner! good night. ♪ she's an angel in disguise you can see it in her eyes i could never give up the fight and i'll be waiting at her door
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but i don't wanna wait no more so take me right now ♪ ♪ who do you want it's more than a crush loving you only gave me papercuts something so real ♪ ♪ taught me never to trust loving you only gave me papercuts you gave me papercuts loving you loving you now i'm walking ♪ ♪ close behind keep rehearsing all my lines if she'd turn around just one time i could tell her how i feel that we need to ♪ ♪ make this real


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