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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  August 6, 2010 11:05pm-12:05am PST

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and it's time now for tonight's closing argument. politicians and economists, well, they can argue about whether the economy is poised for a comeback, or edging to another deep slump. but today's job figures, they are indisputably bleak.
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overall, the nation lost 131,000 jobs last month. that's much worse than expected. jobs last month. that's much worse than expected. president obama remains optimistic that the economy is bouncing back, and private industry will begin hiring soon. we wanted to ask you, anted to ask we wanted to ask you, do you trust the president's assessment that recovery is around the corner? or do you believe the numbers speak for themselves and president obama's words are a little more than wishful thinking? tell us what you think about the economy at the "nightline" facebook page or on the "nightline" page at but that is our report for tonight. for all of us at abc news, good night, america, have a great weekend , i'm "jimmy kimmel with a message from the internet equivalent of real estate. offers e-mail, web hosting and everything else you need to get online. i started a website last night called get away from the snack
12:07 am it is a collection of photographs of our staff members eating from the snack table here at work. for instance, here is a nice shot of pat from gaffe ickes eating a carrot. looking like a young magnum p.i. that's growler, the cameraman, with a mouthful of meat. laura, the production assistant, popcorn. guillermo going for candy. uncle frank enjoying a peanut and jelly sandwich, orange soda and broccoli soup. guillermo going for more candy. there's our assistant stage manager gosh with -- i don't know, like a human elbow or something in his mouth. and finally, guillermo washing his candy down with more candy. good website. i made it myself, and i am as proud of it as i am disgusted by the people i work with. >> dicky: domains, websites and everything
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in between. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with lisa ling, music from rhymefest and zac efron. only $100. but am i wearing theainow? hello. i'm wearing my older sister's jeans
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that she ruined with bbq sauce... or so i thought. see, my mom washed them with this tide stain release in-wash booster stuff. she's all, "you use it with your detergent to help get stains out the first time." are you kidding me? so now the stains are magically gone. and my sister passes on her jeans to me. what a life. [ female announcer ] get your three dollar coupon at today. discover visine® .tired eye relief with hydroblend™, only from visine®. just one drop nstantly soothes and revives tired, overworked eyes. and comforts them for p to ten hours. visine® tired eye relief. try now an save $3. step right up to...the booty reader booty reader: ah, those weetheart jeans make your booty smile from cheek to cheek. amy: my booty's smiling in these stretchy sleek skinnies. heather: i've never seen so many happy booties. booty reader: but wait, i see so much more. bootcut! skinny! amy: back away from the booty! booty reader: so...many...styles
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wesley: get your booty down here! vo: old navy famous jeans for every booty, starting at $15 this week at old navy. visit >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- zac efron. lisa ling. and music from rhymefest. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> dicky: and now, without further ado, here's jimmy kimmel!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for being. very nice of you. do we have any bulgarians in the audience tonight? a bulgarian snuck in here tonight. there he is. [ cheers and applause ] that has nothing to do with the light. bulgarians reflect no light. welcome, welcome. hey, you know who else is here tonight, zac efron is here tonight. we're about to be hit by a category 5 zac attack. this is surprising.
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"the new york post" had a story that said that zac and his "high school musical" castmate corbin blue spent $2,000 this weekend at a trip club in new york. and if that is true, i would like to commend the strippers who even when two of america's most desirable young men walked into a club, managed to maintain their composures to fleece them for $2,000. that's professionalism, is what it is. by the way, if zac had to spent $2,000 to get girls to pay attention to him, where does that leave the rest of us? i mean, that's -- i'll ask him about it when he gets out here. after the show, we're going to have a high school musical sing long. a lot of fun. back at my place. paris hilton has been enjoying a well deserved summer vacation. still trying to figure out that differs from her not on vacation, but -- did somebody tell her, now you're on vacation?
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cut loose? how does that work? she does seem to be having fun. a lot of photographs of paris frolicking on the french riv riviera. she must be mortified that people are taking her picture while she's on vacation. such an invasion of her privacy that she cherishes so much. a lot of the people here in the audience are on vacation right now, and i thought it would be fun to find one family, to see how their summer vacation compares to paris hilton's so far right now, so -- where is -- where's our family? okay, all right. now, there is -- there we go. that's eddie. eddie forsberg. now, eddie is visiting from florida, correct? >> yes, sir, yes, sir we are. >> jimmy: very good. now, he's here with his daughters, jessica and farah. charlie's angels fan? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: you drove here from tallahassee? >> drove all the way here. >> jimmy: let's see -- these are their real vacation photos. let's see how they measure up to paris. here is paris opening a bottle
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of champagne on a yacht. and there's eddie with a stick. [ applause ] all right. >> yeah. what can i say? >> jimmy: okay, here's paris hilton riding a jet ski in that beautiful blue water. and there's eddie in his truck. here's paris jumping off a yacht into the water. there's jessica and farah in san francisco, looking miserable. [ applause ] and one more. paris chugging a $500 bottle of champagne on a raft in the mediterranean. and here's jessica -- asleep, somewhere between tucson and phoenix. how long did it take you to get out here? >> we've been traveling 3 1/2 weeks now. >> jimmy: girls, you must be delighted, huh? >> it's fun. >> jimmy: are you driving back?
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>> i wish i could just leave the car here and fly back, but we got to drive back. >> jimmy: this is a vacation the girls will never forget. >> absolutely. s absolutely. >> jimmy: and probably never go on another one with you. thank you for coming. >> glad to be here. >> jimmy: this is true. no amount of yachts in the world could ever match the excitement of watching your dad check the air pressure in the tires every 400 miles. it's true. you came to california at the right time. it's summer, which means it is barbecue season here. every year at this time, we barbecue the forest. we light the whole thing on fire. yesterday in kern county, a brush fire forced dozens of residents out of their homes, including this colorful person, who took the time to speak to our local nbc news. >> the blaze erupted around 3:00 and quickly charred 500 acres. >> i ran like a girl, bro. i forgot my teeth. i grabbed my dog and i'm here,
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i'm alive, i'm happy as hell. >> jimmy: well, that's why i train my dog to fetch my teeth. before we believe the house. iranian president mahmoud a-members only jacket has a new target. you know, normally he spends his time hammering obama and bush. this week, he's been making speeches in iran where he repeatedly lashes out at paul the octopus. you remember that octopus that picked all the world cup games? it lives in a german zoo, but ahmadinejad said paul the octopus is a symbol of everything that's wrong with the west. obviously he hasn't seen "jersey shore," but that's -- he also said -- [ applause ] paul the octopus is an example of decadence and decay in the western world. you have to lose some dictator cred when you pick a fight with an octopus, right? a little bit, at least, huh? [ applause ] no, i -- he's -- he's repeated this stance several times this week.
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most recently in this interview with iranian state tv. >> paul the octopus is an agent of western propaganda. those who believe in this type of thing cannot be the leaders of the global nations. paul the octopus is stupid. paul the octopus knows little of football. paul the octopus is a jew. and now, if you'll excuse me, i must leave to consult with my magic goat. >> jimmy: oh, that's -- how is that any more -- [ applause ] somebody -- sounds to me like somebody got ahold of some bad calamari. there are more tapes of what's reported to be mel gibson released today on the internet. how many of these do they have? they don't stop. it might be time to drill a relief well in mel gibson.
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eight new voicemails left for mel's ex-girlfriend oksana. in one two-minute clip he drops the f-bomb 23 times and not in a nice way, either. he berated her for being, quote, a sour-faced bitch, at a ceremony during which they buried their daughter's placenta and planted a tree on it. see, celebrities really are just like us. he's angry that she smiled at one of the maintenance workers. who was helping plant the tree. it is always something at these planting parties. i don't know why they have them. mel allegedly called oksana -- maybe that's where the confusion is. 30 times in one night, which, first of all, devastated his rollover minutes. he has none left. "inside edition" aired one of the messages on their show tonight. look at this. >> mel gibson's war against his
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exwages on. here's what's happening now. >> aggg. aggg. i called. >> jimmy: well, that's -- was he gargling? did he run out of curse words? i don't know. imagine if he got the wrong number. babysitter in fresno checked her voicemail and mel gibson calling her the c-word? i mean -- there is still much speculation as to who will replace simon cowell on "american idol." as you know, those are some very big nipples to fill, and there's a story in the hollywood reporter yesterday that said fox may be looking to replace all the judges. but whoever gets the job, it will apparently not be elton john, despite the fact his name has been mentioned. his publicist made it very clear that elton is in no way interested. >> rumors that sir elton john has joined the list of potential replacements for simon cowell on "american idol" have been flatly denied by the singer's rep. john's publicist told deadline
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london, there's more chance of me [ bleep ] you than elton being on us "idol." >> jimmy: all right, well -- tell you what, forget elton john. that is the guy they should hire to be the judge. you know, with all the attention on "american idol," and who will replace simon, my cousin sal thought it would be fun to set up his own singing competition program. this one features unsuspecting delivery drivers, and here is cousin sal with a new contest show that i think is going to be a very big hit. >> hi. this is the thai food delivery? >> yes. >> come on in. you're in luck, because this is "american thai-dol." come in. what is your name? >> owe. >> joe. >> all right. where are you from? >> thailand. >> very nice.
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i order thai food once in awhile. very good. all right, you're going to sing for us tonight. you ready to sing? >> um -- i didn't come here to sing. >> here's joe with "sweet home alabama." hit it, buddy. ♪ sing it. ♪ sweet home alabama ♪ where the skies are so blue ♪ sweet home alabama ♪ coming home to you >> all right, well, let's see what the judges think. randy? >> he's right. i think you were too pitchy. joe? you are in the bottom one. sorry.
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sorry. >> what about the food? >> thanks for playing. appreciate it. >> see you, joe. >> what about the food? >> sometimes things end in a tie. get it? tie? okay, bye now. here it is. the classic hit "girls just want to have fun." tim. hit it, big boy. read along. ♪ oh girls just want to have fun ♪ ♪ fun >> there you go. let's see what the judges think. simon? [ speaking foreign language ] >> boo! see what you've done now? this is your fault. what is your name? >> adam.
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>> adam, where you are from? >> l.a. >> l.a. okay. what brings you here, adam? >> you guys ordered food. >> adam is being bashful. he has an incredible story about how he got here. let's take a look. from the sidewalk to the driveway, then to my front door. adam fulfilled his childhood dream of delivering shrimp pad-thai. wow. now, with "i will survive," ladies and gentlemen, adam. ♪ at first i was afraid ♪ i was petrified ♪ kept thinking i could never live without you by my side ♪ ♪ but where i spent so many nights ♪ ♪ thinking about how you did me wrong ♪ ♪ i grew strong
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♪ and i learned how to get along ♪ ♪ and -- >> this is terrible. no, this. you're fine. all right. all right, adam. let's see how they voted. judges? >> okay. okay. >> all right. >> ellen? kara? they're telling you to die. but i think it's a good thing. simon? you are going to hollywood! and here. part of our "thai-doll" gives back. that's it for "american thai-dol." >> jimmy: here they are in hollywood. cousin sal. congratulations, adam, you made it. we have a good show tonight.
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lisa ling is here. we have music from rhymefest, and we'll be right back with zac efron, so stick around. air has no prejudice... ... it does not carry the opinions... ... of a man, faster... ... than those of a woman... it does not filter out an idea... ... because i'm 16... ... and not 30.
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. with us tonight, a young woman who has written a book with her sister laura about laura's imprisonment in north korea before being rescued commando-style by president clinton. the book is called "somewhere inside." lisa ling is here. then later on, a great artist from chicago, who is making his second appearance on the show. his new album is called "el che." rhymefest from the bud light stage.
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that's the album right there. tomorrow, we have a new show. matthew fox will be here with josh hutcherson, and music from the swell season. so join us then for that. in his young career, our first guest tonight has braved screaming young fans and played through heated basketball games that break out into full blown dance numbers. his new movie is called "charlie st. cloud," it opens in theaters friday. please say hello to zac efron. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. [ cheers and applause ] a lot of excitement here. >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: you are used to it, i'm sure. is this -- is this what they did when you walked in the strip
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club? >> it wasn't quite that nice. >> jimmy: were you there or not? >> yes, i was in fact. yeah. >> jimmy: i don't know why it's a big deal. because you -- we think of you as from "high school musical," whatever. but you're 22. >> i guess so, yeah. >> jimmy: it's legal. >> i know, it is legal. >> jimmy: was it your first time? >> yeah, no -- well, i'm cutting back right now. trying to keep it between three, four nights a week. >> jimmy: is that right? >> no, i'm not really the type of guy that does that thing often. i had this -- >> jimmy: corbin is? is that what you're saying? >> not at all. i had this sort of -- i heard a lot about these places, mostly from rap music, and they're supposed to be pretty reputable. right? so, i envisioned myself on a nice couch in stunner shades with t-pain and usher, you know, making it rain money. and it just wasn't like that.
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>> jimmy: it wasn't? >> no. those guys weren't there. this night. >> jimmy: they weren't? are you sure? did you look in the back and stuff? i mean, you got to check to see -- sometimes they'll be in the champagne room. >> i think we were in the back. >> jimmy: you were in the back. you bush ushered to the back. did you really spend $2,000 there? >> no, no. it was like six. i don't remember. i don't think i opened my wallet. >> jimmy: just some guys going out. >> more of a celebration, you know. like -- the hardest part was calling your girlfriend before. that's the awkward phone call. >> jimmy: you called my girlfriend? what kind of thing is that to do? oh, you called beforehand. that's a smooth move. >> how do you even start that conversation without feeling like a total [ bleep ]? >> jimmy: it's hard. it is hard. so i've done it. been there, done that. >> jimmy: what did she say? >> uh -- she was fine. >> jimmy: did she give you one of these -- i'm fine with it -- do what you want. by the way, you better enjoy
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this while you can. because this is probably it because eventually all phones will have cameras on them and you will not be able to call -- you'll have to show what's going on. >> i know. it's crazy. >> jimmy: you get calls, you better answer that phone. >> i make those phone calls beforehand. that's why. exactly. boom. >> jimmy: it's when they call back that's the problem. well, you'll see. just let core by answer the phone. you'll be fine. how is the rest of your summer going? >> good. >> jimmy: what have you been doing? anything fun? >> yeah, well, so far, we've been promoefting a lot. i've been all over the place and seeing a lot of the united states i haven't been able to see recently. >> jimmy: there's a family here that's doing that. not as exciting for them. >> i saw. where are those guys? >> jimmy: right there. there they are. [ applause ] what have you seen in the united states? >> i got to go to the atlanta braves training camp. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. or what i thought was the atlanta braves training camp. >> jimmy: what was it?
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what did it turn out to be? >> it was a youth boy's teaching pitch -- how to -- like, teach young guys how to play baseball thing. >> jimmy: how young were the guys? >> like 5 and 6. so i wasn't hanging out with the braves. >> jimmy: you were playing with the little scouts? >> yeah, turned out to be way cooler. >> jimmy: did they freak out when you came? >> they're at the place where they don't really know if i'm really troy or zac and they debate among themselves. they come up, they go, are you troy? and i go, well, yes and no. and one of them is like, see, he is. no, he said no, like, they don't get the whole thing yet. so, it's -- i don't know how you explain that. >> jimmy: did you get to play on the field? >> well, it was like a little league field. >> jimmy: oh, it was? really? you got duped. >> i did. >> jimmy: i heard you went camping, too. was it real? >> yeah, yeah. we do hard core. so, it's, you know, bear grylls, but not quite as cool. >> jimmy: you're not cutting off parts to survive or anything like that. >> no snake skins or anything like that. >> jimmy: you will set up your own tent and sleep on the ground? >> yeah, yeah.
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i like to go all the way out, definitely, for sure. we go -- it was like two hours out of civilization, you know, and we did the whole thing. we filtered our own water. we got firewood. >> jimmy: how do you filter your own water? >> oh, i actually had a device. >> jimmy: you had a device. and you have a guy that, like, carries the stuff or do you carry your own stuff? >> i carry my own stuff, yeah. definitely. >> jimmy: again, they are just like us. it's incredible. i know you have a production company, which has an interesting name. >> yeah. >> jimmy: ninjas running wild. why is it called that? >> i won't tell you the story, it's top secret, but it sort of speaks to the kind of movies we want to make. >> jimmy: about ninjas? >> namely, yes. and then, you know, also just, when you watch those graphics before movies come up, it's always like, you know, someone's, a name or something like that of a street, someone's parents name. something like that. ninjas running wild at least
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incites a response and maybe you'll remember it. >> jimmy: maybe fear. >> maybe. maybe. hopefully something. >> jimmy: we have, from your new movie, i don't know, i forgot to mention your invisible brother is here with us tonight. he's sitting on the -- yes. this looks like a sad movie. i saw the trailer before "inception" and i thought i could potentially wind up crying at that movie and really -- i'm sure it will be an embarrassing moment for me. it seems sad. is it sad? >> well, you have to go sad places to wind up happy, i think. and the character goes through big transitions. >> jimmy: like strip clubs. [ applause ] now i understand. >> like strip clubs. >> jimmy: at the end of this movie, does ninjas running wild come up at the end and there's ninjas running wild -- >> no ninjas this time around.
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ninjas haven't ran wild yet. we're hanging back. >> jimmy: tell us what the idea of the movie is. >> "charlie st. cloud" is a sailor who is about to go to college on the sailing team and he's leaving his family. he has to leave his little brother at home but makes a promise that he'll always be with him forever. later that night they get into a car accident and his little brother dies and it's sort of about how he withdraws from his own life and gets kind of caged in and goes to a very dark place. only to be saved by a beautiful young sailor who comes and they fall in love and she kind of lifts him from this dark place. it's a romantic movie. got the fantasy elements but it's very much a drama. >> jimmy: we have a clip from is movie. you need to set it up. >> yeah. this is -- going with the theme of the evening. i'm getting in a fight in a bar. >> jimmy: all right. zac efron in "charlie st. cloud." >> i'm good. >> have another. it's not like there's a big demand for you as a designated driver. so take the drink --
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>> take it easy. >> i'm fine. >> you want a piece of me, pathetic townie creep? your boy just saved you from a beating. >> you're probably right. i'm sorry, man. how is everything? how is goldman sachs? heard the layoff's been pretty brutal. >> just a better opportunity to weed out the weak. >> you're good, right? still full dental and everything? >> yeah. >> jimmy: there you go. "charlie st. cloud" opens on friday. zac efron. thanks for being here. we'll be right back with lisa ling. [ female announcer ] does your volume pass the afternoon test? or does it flop by 4 o'clock? get ready for a revolution. the new pantene. flat to volume system. we discovered fine hair has up to 50% less protein. so we customized a pro-v system
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>> jimmy: hello there. we're back. still to come, rhymefest will be here. last year, our next guest's sister was held captive in north korea for five months and experience to which she could no doubt relate after spending three years working on "the view." their best-selling account of that ordeal is called "somewhere inside." please welcome lisa ling.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm well. so nice to see you. >> jimmy: very good to see you. glad your sister got out -- that obviously must have been a terrible thing. >> it was terrifying. it was the scariest five months of our families lives. but we are so grateful that she is home, and she actually just had a baby about two months ago. >> jimmy: that's great. >> got to work fast. >> jimmy: yeah, i guess so. she really -- wait a minute. she was on the plane with clinton and all of a sudden she has a baby. >> it's really funny. my sister and i had dinner with president clinton a couple of months after she was returned. and he's very self-deprecating. he said, you know, i picked up two girls from north korea and their husbands approve. so sweet. >> jimmy: who paid? seems like your sister should have picked up the check. did -- who went for that check?
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>> we tried. we did. >> jimmy: that clinton. he is something else. >> he's fast. >> jimmy: why did he get selected to be the guy? or did he get selected? >> here's the interesting thing about the whole ordeal. kim jong-il wanted to meet bill clinton. that's one of the reasons the girls had been kept for so long. because when his father, the great leader, kim jong-il is referred to as the dear leader. when he died, bill clinton was the first leader to call him, even before his -- north korea's allies. and he always remembered that. so that kind of expression of humanity was something that he always recalled and that's why he wanted to meet bill clinton. pretty amazing. >> jimmy: maybe this whole thing was a ruse just to get to meet bill clinton. your sister -- well, you've been to north korea yourself. >> yes. >> jimmy: you did a documentary there. >> i did. >> jimmy: you did not have approval to do that. >> well, i was there legally.
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and this is actually what complicated the situation for my sister quite a bit. in 2007, i went into north korea as part of a medical team, a surgeon from nepal had asked me if i would go along with him to set up these medical missions and north korea, for me, was the one place in the world that i wanted to visit most because it's the most secretive. the surgeon said, you have to say you're part of this medical team. i agreed to go. it's kind of ironic, even though i'm asian, i'm so terrible in math and science and anything medical, but that's the reason i was allowed to go. and it was a really interesting look into that culture. i mean, these are the most brainwashed people on earth. the level of indoctrination is unlike anything we can even imagine. but it certainly did complicate -- we did a very critical documentary and complicated the situation for my sister. they said they had a dossier on me, when she was there.
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and at one point, they asked her, are you and your sister trying to overthrow the government of north korea? >> jimmy: are you -- wow. >> she's like, uh, no. >> jimmy: wow. so, this was all your fault, kind of. did you do any surgeries while you were over there with the medical team? >> i did not. thank god. >> jimmy: you just watched? >> definitely not. it was really a remarkable look into that crippled health care system and fortunately everything was resolved but yeah, it was pretty -- >> jimmy: how do they go about brainwashing so many people? >> that's what people don't understand. from the day north koreans are born, they are -- they are made to believe that this is the center of the universe. there's no -- their television consists of two channels, essentially, that entirely consist of propaganda. there are no advertisements in the entire country. that's completely impossible for us to imagine. there's no communication. people aren't allowed cell phones. cell phones are banned.
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and so, that's -- when i was there, there was a bookshelf that was filled only of books written by the great leader and the dear leader. that's it. >> jimmy: wow. and when they hear something like kim jong-il, he played golf once and i think he scored, he scored like a 21, they said he had, like, 16 holes in one. do they believe that? i mean -- >> they do. >> jimmy: anyone who picks up a golf club would know that's just impossible. >> they do. i mean, they believe that this tiny five foot tall man with a really, really bad perm is like a god, i mean, they really do, because that's what they were born believing. >> jimmy: you hear that guillermo? there's still hope. wow. now, one of the things that i think is very interesting is when you're trying to figure out what to do and you were brainstorming. you thought -- you considered going to michael jackson for help. >> well, we -- we did.
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kim jong-il apparently has one of the largest film collections in the world, even though it is a closed off country, he apparently loves american films. and so i'm not someone who would typically try to solicit celebrity participation, but this situation, i thought it might help. so, i started making calls, and i had a friend who wrote this beautiful song and i wanted to get various celebrities to, you know, hold signs that say peace and diplomacy and so on, to kind of offer a peace offering and we thought michael jackson would be the perfect person to sing the song, so my husband and i listened to "man in the mirror" the night before, and it was perfect, and then the next day it was reported that he died, so -- >> jimmy: kim jong-il killed michael jackson, to -- >> no, it was tragic. but we also found out that michael jackson had been curious and he called a mutual friend of ours and asked if he thought
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that kim jong-il might be a fan of his music, because he actually wanted to help us. >> jimmy: wow. >> and i'm sure kim jong-il probably did know who michael jackson was -- >> jimmy: sure, yeah. >> but the people certainly didn't. in fact, when i was there, i was just kind of curious about different pop culture celebrities and so on. they had no idea who madonna was. most of the people different know who michael jackson was. but my sister said that every single person she encountered knew the theme song to "titanic." you know that celine dion song? >> jimmy: those poor people. >> i know. i know. of all songs. >> jimmy: they really are brainwashed. >> so true. >> jimmy: this is really interesting. "somewhere inside." true story. and give our best to your sister laura, as well. lisa ling, everybody. we'll be right back with rhymefest. arby's has a new jr. deluxe, and suddenly i'm the world's greatest dad. oven-roasted beef, fresh lettuce and tomato, a dab of mayo...
12:50 am
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12:58 am
>> jimmy: this is his new cd, "el che." here with the song "celebration," with some help from dj spinderella and zzaje, rhymefest! ♪ it's a celebration life changes doing what you love let's celebration ♪ ♪ special occasion no one's promised us ♪ ♪ i've paid my dues i'm living proof that nothing stays the same gotta stay true until ♪ ♪ i'm through this may not come again ♪ ♪ how you feeling i woke up this morning i'm feeling great get to enjoy the day ♪ ♪ that god made
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a classic - drive my old school down - ashland no cops harassing or g-d's blasting ♪ ♪ i want three p's paper, profit and passion i'm like a broke street light look i'm flashing ♪ ♪ we get to head to the lake crack open the hennessey today i ain't giving haters no energy ♪ ♪ no beef - no b-m drama little kids say see him momma he's cool, let the top down we can ride round chi-town ♪ ♪ everybody's finna act a fool ♪ ♪ graduation, celebration you just got married congratulations this a jam for any special occasion ♪ ♪ you want to know how it feels - amazing ♪ ♪ it's so amazing ♪ all the changes ♪ ♪ doing what you love ♪ let's celebrate ♪ special occasion ♪ no one's promised us ♪ i've paid my dues i'm living proof that nothing stays the same gotta stay true until i'm through ♪ ♪ this may not come again ♪ what's the one time of your life you want to visit not to change nothing ♪ ♪ just to relive it just to feel it the first time you ever made love ♪ ♪ the first car you ever got your girl's first hug ♪
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♪ or if you had a time machine, would you use it at all or live in the present ♪ ♪ or go to the future and ball, life is a blessing hopefully you are involved a family affair is ♪ ♪ rare and good for us all ♪ the chosen few picnic or bud billiken the summer, the fun, the sun we be chilling in ♪ ♪ the women i touch people with words that's why they feeling them ♪ ♪ the say a black man's life span is 65 you half-dead let's get it while we alive ♪ ♪ gloria gaynor i tell haters i will survive ♪ ♪ ♪ put the beat down ♪ come on ♪ come on ♪ ♪ put the beat down ♪ spinderella ♪ spinderella ♪ one time
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♪ check it out ♪ my name is rhymefest ♪ and every time i do it ♪ you know that i'm the best ♪ every time i rhyme ♪ i'm going to get better ♪ i just stole the dj from salt n pepa ♪ ♪ hanging with the late night king jimmy kimmel ♪ ♪ who watch jay leno ♪ i don't even care ♪ about to rip it ♪ it's so amazing how life changes doing what you love let's celebration special occasion ♪ ♪ no one's promised us ♪ i've paid my dues i'm living proof that nothing stays the same gotta stay true ♪ ♪ until i'm through this may not come again ♪ ♪ we gonna party ♪ we gonna party ♪ we gonna party ♪ we gonna party ♪ yeah ♪ my name is rhymefest hmhm"@wwc
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[ man ] i was deciding wt to do with my citi thankyou points when it happened... [ glass breaks ] ...again. ♪ [ ild ] run! [ man ] first it was the mailbox. then my squirrel. and now, this. so i used my points to make a donation to get the park down the street built. when it finally opened, i also used my points for... car repair. [ male announcer ] use your citi thankyou points
1:04 am
citi can help you write it.a? dad, sometimes i feel like we're dwe are different, son.x we serve teriyaki bowls. delicious steak s÷ or grill c$,hicken on a bed f steamed rice, with broccoli, carrots and teriyaki sauce. you bet we're different and proud of it. but aren't we different in another way? we serve anything on our menu anytime of day. that's my boy. >> jimmy: i want to thank zac efron, lisa ling, apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. tomorrow night, matthew fox, josh hutcher zorn and the swell season will be here. "el che" is the new cd out now. playing us off the air with "city is falling", see the full performance at


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