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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  September 4, 2010 5:00am-6:00am PST

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livermore police are searching for a boy believed to be about 13 who attacked an 89-year-old woman. >> good morning. light offshore winds bringing fog across the bay. but they're gonna switch around and bring an offshore flow by labor day. >> good saturday morning to you. the wreckage of a small plane that crashed into the lagoon near the san carlos airport is out of the water. it was lifted to shore overnight. the body of the two victims were still inside when the wreckage was pulled from the water. the body of a third victim was recovered on thursday. lisa amin gulezian reports an audio recording of the crash might help investigators. >> this is what's left of the twin engine beech 65 queen air. it took hours to move the mangled wreckage across the lagoon and on to dry land. >> took a long time to get the plane rigged up to get lifted out of the lagoon. the impact did quite a bit of damage to the plane. getting it out we want to be careful it didn't break apart.
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>> this is what the plane sounded like when it crashed. a witness recorded it on his mp-3 player. (plane noises) >> he just crashed in the water! that plane just crashed in the water! oh, my god! oh, my god! >> all three people inside the plane died. the owner of the plane 92-year-old bob boreman, 47-year-old adelina suarez and the pilot arrived in redwood city and had this to say about the crash. >> could you tell how high the speed? >> the higher speed impact will lead to more damage. the craft is fairly damaged. >> the plane nose dived into the lagoon minutes from the airport.
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you're about to hear the visual confirmation that the plane crashed. >> don't hope to see anything like it again. >> dozens watched the plane go down and they and many more returned to the lagoon simply because they had to. >> it's sad because it happened right in front of my eyes. and, obviously, there's loss -- there's a loss of life here. >> i don't know if it's to put it to rest or not, but i think the reason just some sort of finality to it. >> security was posted to keep an eye on the plane last night. today the plane will be moved to the ntsb warehouse in sacramento. in redwood shores, lisa amin gulezian, abc 7 news. >> this morning police will resume their search at a pittsburgh landfill for the body of a missing man. authorities fear 35-year-old frederick salas of hercules could be a fifth victim in an east bay killing spree. they found his s.u.v. recently
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but said it has no evidence of a crime. the missing father is linked to the aspect. valdamoro was fatally shot by police tuesday night. investigators went to the landfill last night and received trash from the park where the suspect worked. an emotional vigil in vallejo. tran and salas both worked at the same strip mall where 100 people turned out on a holiday weekend to mourn them. amy hollyfield reports. >> their murders have made headlines throughout the bay area all week. but the loss of ricardo salas and cindy tran is very personal for this strip mall in vallejo. >> let us all remember cindy and rick not for having died but for having lived. >> 46-year-old cindy was known as jenny to her coworkers and clients at devin's salon. she cut people's hair for a living, but she was also a friend. >> she was so warm.
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and wonderful! >> she's a lady. she'll be missed. >> 73-year-old ricardo worked as a security guard at the bank. >> and ricardo. just a wonderful man. he always had a smile, and he was just -- so gracious. we'll miss them both. >> police believe cindy's boyfriend murdered ricardo because he thought ricardo was getting involved with cindy. it's believed he strangled cindy before he was shot to death in a confrontation with police. >> i still don't know why it happened. >> more than 100 people attended. >> what they represented was just true friendship. that's what will be missed most. >> cindy tran had four sons ranging in age from 14 to 21. her friends set up a fund for the boys. they say she was a devoted mother. in vallejo, amy hollyfield, abc
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7 news. >> and another aspect of this case. the husband of one of the other two murder victims connected in this case appeared in court. that's 72-year-old charles rittenhouse. he pleaded not guilty to possessing explosives including dynamite. he remains in custody of $2 million bail. his bond is set high because police expect rittenhouse had something to do with the murder of his wife and her friend smart. he was living in the home where the bodies were found. smart was an acquaintance and allen sometimes lived in their home. >> i have reason to believe the bodies were put there sometime the date of his arrest. i don't know who killed them. it wasn't my client. i don't know if it was mr. valdamoro. there's another potential suspect. >> no explanation why writtenhouse might have had those explosives in his home.
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craigslist has made a significant change. adult services has been removed and replaced with the word sensored. they've been criticized for posting ads for sexual services. last weeks attorneys general in 17 states called for removal of the section claiming it encouraged sex trafficking and prostitution. an attack on an elderly woman in livermore is frankly hard to wrap your mind around. it's not just her age, 89, but also that of her attacker, a boy last seen taking off on his scooter. here's lillian kim. >> livermore police want the public to take a good look at this composite sketch. he's believed to be around 13 years old and what he did has investigators dumfounded. police say it was on this path near the creek where he approached an 89-year-old woman. he told her his name was cameron, that he was in the 7th grade, and that he wanted to
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show her something off the trail. she followed him, and that's when he struck other-the head with an unknown object. the boy continued to hit the woman even after she fell down. >> just seems awful young. but he must have a lot of issues to take it out on an older person like that. >> luckily a man ran over after hearing the woman's cries for help. the boy immediately took off on his scooter. police say they have no idea what motivated him to attack. the 89-year-old woman was taken to the hospital. she suffered injuries to the head but she's since been really leased and is expected to be okay. the people of livermore hope police will find the person responsible soon. they'll be extra vigilant until the boy is caught. >> it's very unusual for this area. our group is definitely going to be out keeping an eye. >> in livermore, lillian kim, abc 7 news. >> the wife of a fremont police officer shot and badly wounded in oakland is speaking for the first time about her family's ordeal.
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officer todd young was working undercover when he was shot while trying to serve an arrest warrant eight days ago. young's wife says he called her from the hospital before undergoing surgery to try to reassure her. she says she's still shaken and is staying strong for her kids. >> they know daddy was shot in the leg. and he's sleeping so he can get better and come home. and that's all they know. and that's all they need to know. >> officer young remains sedated in intensive care. doctors say they expect a long but full recovery. coming up next, a setback for the makers of a controversial video game. find out where medal of honor won't be sold. hurricane earl is downgraded to a tropical storm. hohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho
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[ male announcer ] have something you love doing? cheerios could be your ticket to do it. big time. you could win a once in a lifetime chance to live your passion by choosing from t never-dreamed-possible prizes. from a customized v.i.p. vacion, to a hollywood red carpet experience, to cooking with a celebrity chef,
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and more. find details on specially marked boxes of cheerios. why cheerios? because whatever you love doing, you'll need a healthy heart to do it. ♪
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. a bay area gold star mom who lost her son in the iraq war is celebrating a small but significant victory in her effort to stop the release of a video game about to be released. military leaders announced the game medal of honor will not be sold at military base exchanges worldwide. the game depicts the fighting in afghanistan and allows players to choose to be taliban fighters who kill american soldiers. it's based on electronic art scheduled to release the game october 12th. richmond-based chevron agreed to restore 200 acres of san francisco bay wetlands. that's after a lawsuit linked to the refineries long-time discharge of waste into the bay. that ended in 1987. money will help restore 30 to 45 acres of tidal habitat and
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national wildlife refuge. a great white has been sighted at a sonoma county beach which is popular with surfers, kayaks and swimmers. people standing on the beach saw a shark with a sea lion in its mouth only 200 yards off the coast yesterday morning. the shark looked to be about 18 feet long. a park ranger said that's the closest a shark has been to the shore in years. what's left of hurricane earl has moved on to nova scotia this morning having caused less damage than feared in new england. reports show only isolated flooding and power outages. >> earl didn't live up to its billing as a monster storm as it swiped the east coast. for days it posed a menacing threat as those in its path prepared for the worst. >> the public should continue to take precaution. in particular, stay indoors and off the roads during the height of the storm. >> but many were baffled by all the hoopla once it passed.
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>> last night honestly we slept like a baby. like nothing ever happened. been through a lot worse than this. >> while it didn't pack a major wallop, it did cause significant damage, flooding streets, knocking out power and damaging buildings. still unknown is the economic fallout as vacations were shortened or cancelled in coastal resort areas hoping to profit from the final weekend of summer. >> we just got too many calls from relatives telling us to evacuate. >> powerful rip currents caused the death of at least one swimmer in new jersey and another remains missing. still many in earl's path are simply grateful that it wasn't worse and would likely agree with the assessment of north carolina's governor. >> we dodged the bullet. purely and simply, north carolina dodged the bullet. >> lindsay davis, abc news, chatham, massachusetts. >> a reason to be grateful this labor day weekend back there. wasn't so much. >> yeah, absolutely. right now -- yesterday about 100 miles east of nantucket. they got 40 mph winds, an inch
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half rain, more like a nor'easter. not bad. our weather really is going to be beautiful today. we have fog this morning. looking outside with this morning's temperatures in the 50s. we're gonna look for a warming trend for the end of the holiday weekend. i'll tell you how warm it's gonna get next. >> also next, barry zito continues his late season struggles as the giants miss out on another opportunity. larry beil with the highlights. a
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welcome back, everybody. how about a look at lake tahoe on this saturday morning. it looks fantastic. it's going to be a great day up there today. do you know what they're talking about for next week up there? >> no. >> snow. snow! didn't have much of a summer. autumn now, winter? >> behind this little warm-up that's coming for labor day, big cooldown. big, big cooldown. >> that would be really big if we got snow. >> 70s here for highs translating to very chilly overnight lows. maybe a dusting in the highest elevations. our cooldown got underway on friday. and today the onshore flow
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bringing just a little fog. you see it from the east bay hills camera looking at ballmer peak. the sun coming up in about 20 minutes. 6:42. we have clear skies in our inland valleys and we'll be looking at say lot of sunshine today all around the bay, even at the shoreline, 56 menlo park, 50 novato. good morning, napa. 50 for you with mist and drizzle at the coast. mild to warm days for the bay and inland for today and tomorrow. but then tomorrow the winds are gonna pick up. we're going to see an offshore component. it will be breezy. warmer weather, much warmer weather briefly. just one day on labor day. we can see low 80s san francisco, today the mid-60s. a big warm-up in store. as we talked about earlier, much cooler weather for tuesday and wednesday. so here we are this morning with the onshore flow. doesn't stay cloudy, about 10:00 san francisco. then by 11:00, the clearing begins. we'll look for a pretty nice day for those typical 60s at the coast and the fog hugging the
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shoreline but then it's out of here. as with this system here which is now a tropical storm with winds of 70 mph. this system quickly moving to the north and east lashing much of the eastern seaboard. new jersey saw the highways and some pretty good rain around nantucket, martha's vineyard and now nova scotia picking up rain and moving into cooler water. back home we'll look for that onshore flow today. tomorrow the fog really swept away as the high pressure ridge builds in behind our low today. as that happens strong northerly winds will sweep that fog away and the temperatures are going to go way, way up. for the art festival, look for upper 60s, the coolest day in sausalito. warming up sunday, monday and today in millbrae look for the low clouds and fog. nice sunny afternoon but the winds will keep it breeze and a little cooler tomorrow.
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high temperatures today, 80 santa clara. look for 88 los gatos. so numbers coming up a few degrees in the south bay. beautiful day redwood city, 76. pacifica, afternoon sun at 60. those clouds will be thinning out. today the coolest day at the coast and the coolest day in san francisco, 66. sonoma 87. 84 in napa. 72 in oakland. nice afternoon. union city 78 if you like it warmer, head inland. 92 antioch. now watsonville and monterey with half mile visibility. that will clear and see sunny skies along the san francisco coast. the trend will be warmer and windier beginning tomorrow. today afternoon sun and notice we're gonna hold on to those 90s inland right through the holiday. the much cooler weather come tuesday and wednesday. but that too will be short-lived. the forecast likes to change on us quickly.
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>> and you gotta watch it right here. >> yeah! >> thanks a lot. coming up at 7:00 on "good morning america," the latest on tropical storm earl. it appears it did not live up to its billing as a monster storm. a preview in new york. you lucked out. >> we did. the northeast was spared from what could have been a significant hit but a weekender hitting the northern seaboard with heavy winds, rain, monstrous waves. we're positioned up and down the coast and we'll have the latest on the storm that thankfully has dissipated. another month of job loss has the president saying he wants a new plan to jump start the economy. gma contributor aaron andrews takes usinside a nascar race car top speeds, talking 170 mph. don't wanna miss that. >> all right. (laughter) i thought you were gonna go on but here you are.
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looking at the picture behind it looks like a great day right there. >> it's beautiful here, yeah. the sun's out. a lot of people out at the beaches saying we stayed inside for this! but we were spared. it could have been ugly. >> yeah. well, thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> all right. coming up in sports, college football is back this afternoon. cal hosts u.c. davis, stanford at home. san jose state playing the number one ranked and defending national champion alabama crimson tide. why? for a million dollars. had to beat the dodgers. larry beil has the highlights. >> good morning, everybody. the giants open a huge ten-game road trip last night in l.a. this was the case of missed opportunity. the first-place padres lost their 8th in a row. a golden chance to pick up a game. tommy lasorda. dodgers still bleeding dodger blues. in the second puts this thing into orbit off barry zito.
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this way out. way out! to the dodgers. in the fourth the giants equalizing buster pocze. singles to left. two-out knocks and we are tied at deuces. zito hits just a wretched stretch. he owns some high heat there. giants fall 4-2 remaining three back of the padres and falling three back of the phillies for the wildcard. the raiders, they tore up in their last preseason game. a's and angels on that field. gets rivera swinging. bottom six. coco crisp lashes a base hit to right. 1-0 lead. matt carson, that made it 2-0. the heavy lumber.
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kevin going two-run blast. a lot of offense for the a's as they blank the angels 4-0. cut the roster to 53 players. the surprise seeing michael robinson's name on that list of cuts along with receiver jason hill. robert son was excellent special teams. robinson's versatility, a quarterback penn state to work in his favor but they did not value what they were getting out of that position with robinson. if you want to talk value, anthony dixon the star at training camp. the rookie, dixon, earns a spot on the roster. >> when you have a guy like that, yes, it's going to be a role. what it is right now, it will define itself. i just -- when you have a guy that's a talent like that, yes, you will find a role for him. >> now, the raiders finish the preseason 3-1. much improved. nice catch.
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his game with seattle. asked if he would have made that play last year, he said, yeah, maybe in my dreams after a rough rookie year. hayward bay says his confidence is up. >> may was just being confident in myself like i did playing football. playing the game like i've been playing since high school. simple as that. >> just good to see the depth there and the whole group kind of moving forward i think in trying to develop a passing game. >> we've got college football for you this afternoon. it'ss season opener as we've got lsu versus north carolina, kickoff at 5:00 followed by the premier of after the game right around 8:30 p.m.. hope to see you then. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. >> coming up next, 6:30. >> going to tahoe this holiday weekend. lake tahoe has a huge bear problem. already used it on one aggressive animal to make the area safer. >> what a san francisco woman has to do ififififififififififif
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♪ this morning police will resume their search for a body at a pittsburgh landfill. authorities fear 35-year-old frederick salas of hercules could be a fifth victim in the killing spree. the missing man's father is among four victims linked to
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suspect valdamoro fatally shot by police tuesday night. they searched the landfill yesterday and received trash from a business park where the suspect worked which is not far from where the suspect lived. last night in valaro, about 100 people turned out for a vigil remembering two of the victims that worked in a strip mall in vallejo. salas and cindy tran known as jenny to coworkers at the salon. >> let us all remember jenny and rick. not how they died but for how they lived. and ricardo. he was a wonderful man. he always had a smile. and he was just -- so gracious. we miss them both. >> ricardo salas worked as a security guard at a wells fargo branch. tran was a hairstylist and it appeared each left a lasting impression with a lot of people. a san francisco woman could
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hardly believe her good luck after her missing dog was found after seven years missing. now she can't believe her bad luck now that police and a veterinarian clinic have given the dog to someone else. here's mark matthews. >> my son found the dog. >> your who? >> my son. >> your son found the dog is your son kenneth griffin? >> yes. >> said her son found this small dog but does not want to return it to the rightful owner. >> she's a member of my family. i don't have any children and she was my little girl. >> mary says little girl was stolen from her home in san francisco seven years ago. but on the night of august 24th, kenneth griffin brought the dog to this all-night clinic and the vet scanned the dog for a microchip. >> there was a chip. we called the chip company. >> mary got the call. >> your little girl has been found. you need to go pick her up at the emergency vet hospital.
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>> she rushed down from san francisco to the san mateo clinic bringing her receipts, the dog's license, her theft report from 2003. but too late. >> my dog had been given to the person that brought the dog in. i was absolutely horrified. >> the clinic manager says he was told by the san mateo police to give the dog back to the people who brought it in. >> because the people have had the dog more than 30 days, under the law it was now their dog. >> does that make sense to you? >> it doesn't make sense to me but i'm bound to abide by it. >> san mateo police confirmed that was the advice they got from the humane society. scott is the humane society's senior vice president. >> not the law but what most use as a general rule of thumb. >> based on that quote, rule of thumb, the clinic with the blessing of the police gave the dog to kenneth who left before mary could arrive with her documents. >> they noted the california law
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says that dogs are personal property. they noted there's been a stolen police report filed way back in 2003. >> valaro is frustrated. >> the woman that owns the dog, she'd really like to have the dog back. >> i know. the police is the one who says -- the police say he -- he -- he owns the dog. >> he found the dog. >> yes. >> but she owns the dog. >> yes. >> you see the difference? >> yes. >> griffin's mother tells me she understands but she won't tell me where her son is, where he lives or how to reach him. the city attorney says there isn't a finders keepers law but he considers this a civil matter and mary has to go to court to get her dog back. >> people in tahoe are getting aggressive in dealing with aggressive bears. there's been a rash of break-ins this summer. in the latest case there was dna
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testing to track down the offender. nanette miranda reports on the problem and how it's being handled. >> there's lots of home video on of bears coming to neighborhoods and cam sites in the tahoe basin and helping themselves to people food. normally california fish and game gets one or two reports of bears becoming aggressive. but this year the number of incidents has jumped. >> we've had nine or ten of the same sort of calls where a bear has made harmful contact with a person. once they get our food, they really don't wanna go anywhere else. >> within the last month, a mother and her cub were frequenting the fallen leaf campground, eventually swiping at a man and injuring his arm. the two were captured and a lab compared saliva from the animals to that left on a yogurt cup at the site. >> the lab came back positive and the bear was euthanized. wildlife officials hope that makes the long labor day weekend a little safer for visitors.
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they will be boating in tahoe. they're upset the state took such drastic action and don't think the mother should be euthanized. >> no, i don't. we're invading them. i think it's a shame they did that because now there's a baby. now what are you gonna do? >> it's a tragedy. >> some animal rights groupsdon't think bears have to be euthanized. they say people are the ones responsible. >> otherwise your desire to be in nature and to be among these kind of animals could lead to this tragic situation. >> the state estimates there could be as many as 500 bears in the tahoe basin. more are having larger litters which is a sign they're getting plenty to eat. starting today, san francisco's muni transit system plans to restore 61% of the service cuts made in may because
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of a budget shortage. the san francisco municipal transit agency will go ahead with restoring service on the k-engel side and m-ocean view line. the market street lines will run more frequently, so will late night owl service. funding from two local agencies makes that possible. despite objections from the union, the transport local has asked a state agency that handles public employee union bargaining for an injunction. san francisco city leaders and port officials are finalizing a proposal due next month to host the next america's cup two or three years from now. sailing's most prestigious event could bring an estimated $1.4 billion to the bay area. mary ellison's oracle racing team sponsored by san francisco's golden gate yacht club gets to choose the next venue. piers 30 through 32 and 50 at an estimated cost of $150 million.
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none of that's going to be taxpayer money. it calls for race organizers to pay for improvement in exchange for future development rights on the city's southern bay front near at&t park. got a friend in san diego and she says when it was down there you wouldn't believe the excitement and all the stuff going on. just hearing from someone who knows what it's like to host it. >> i know about that. look at that fog out there, it's pretty dense. >> can't see the bridge. >> because of that 26 minute delays at sfo. a live look outside. emeryville cloudy now but over the weekend, the fog, it is going away and we're warming up. i'll tell you when and how much next. >> also ahead, get a chance to meet a san francisco man making
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the kincaids live here. across the street, the padillas. ben and his family live here, too. ben's a re/max agent, and he's a big part of this community. there are lots of reasons why re/max agents average more sales than other agents. experience, certainly. but maybe it's also because they care about the markets they serve and the neighbors who rely on them. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. [ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy... gives you a little slice of happy. and happess comes in 25 delicious flavors.
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explore them all. yoplait. it is so good. the yoplait you can't get enough of. now in a four pack. happy labor day weekend, everybody! we are looking at a live picture from ballmer peak looking out towards mount tam. you see mount tam in the distance. and in between, all that fog. legendary morning anchor larry thomas said he saw cool whip. i think eric was hungry. looked like cotton. you could just jump on it. >> takes your breath away how pretty it is. when it's so shallow, you still see the peaks of ballmer and mount tam. one of those days this morning we have the fog at the surface. and so it is not travelled far
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inland. so we're looking clear in our east bay valleys but from this shot pretty foggy. and we are looking at the fog at the coast creating drizzle. and it's all in response to an area of low pressure that has brought back an onshore flow. it's 59 in oakland. 53 santa rosa. good morning, livermore. 56. 55 concord. it's clear there. we have the dense fog by the monterey bay in watsonville. it's not gonna last too long and we will get into sunshine later on today. today the coolest day in san francisco and at our beaches. 24 hour temperature change. much cooler out by the delta. by tomorrow that delta breeze is going to be shut off. the winds are going to switch to the north. we get to an offshore component by labor day. 2 degrees cooler in napa. 5 degrees cooler in fremont. you get the idea the trend is for temperatures to come down a little today allowing for mild to warm afternoon highs around the bay area, inland valleys and that coastal sunshine returns in
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earnest tomorrow, much warmer monday. talking maybe some 80s in san francisco. and then after that, big, big cooldown. so hurricane earl kind of a dud. didn't get as close to the coast as we had thought. that's good news. just a little beach erosion. an inch and a half of rain in nantucket. right now it's a tropical storm and moving into southern new england and also nova scotia. so the rain continues to lash parts of bangor, maine, and will move to the north and east and weaken. we will look at just showers the tip of new england mainly into the canadian maritime. as that low pressure moves in today, looking at the fog. temperatures coming down a little bit. but by tomorrow, high pressure building in. northerly winds, breezy conditions sweeping the fog away. and then we're getting into a little offshore flow that's going to allow the temperatures to come up dramatically by labor day. today the coolest day in sausalito, 68. warm up tomorrow a little.
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74 monday. and the trend a little in the other direction along the coast in millbrae with the morning clouds and then breezy winds. no fog though. temperatures in the upper 60s tomorrow. northern sierra, warmest day today getting breezy and cooler tomorrow. labor day mid-70s and the warmest day in the southern sierra will be in yosemite, mid-90s today. san diego 77 today with a slight cooling trend. back home looking at temperatures in the upper 70s sunnyvale. upper 80s, los gatos. palo alto 78. mountain view. beautiful day. san francisco 66 waiting on that sunday until about 11:00. and north bay numbers ranging from the upper 70s, san rafael. 72 oakland with 79 fremont. back to the low 90s. a little cooler for you today. you were about 96 yesterday in concord. the fog dense and sunny in salinas at 73. so really a beautiful day. the only day we're going to see that dense fog really is this morning.
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maybe a little tomorrow morning. and much warmer downtown and at our coast for labor day. and then lots of jackets tuesday and wednesday. >> you pointed out earlier, it's getting thicker. you can barely make out any headlights across the bridge. it really is there though. >> and mist and drizzle, too. >> lisa, thanks. a san francisco man finding riches in the high seas. not from sunken treasure but selling jellyfish. the entrepreneur is riding the pet jellyfish craze for big bucks. >> what may look like a jellyfish to you and me is much more to san francisco's alex dunn. he sees a new kind of living art, a source of light and life, the focal point of any space. and sees a good way to make a living. the pet jellyfish craze began ten years ago when the aquarium introduced its jellyfish exhibit. >> people were captivated but nobody figured out how to let
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people have their pet jellyfish at home because they need special tanks and food. i experimented and figured out a tank and food that would work. >> it was spawned by misery when his job in the east bay went down in the tubes. >> we were analyzing samples in the lab and extracting cholesterol from them. >> suddenly jellyfish never looked better. and don designed a filtration system just for jellyfish that would keep them afloat and away from standard filter systems that could liquify them. you can go to, order special jellyfish and filter and high nutrient planning ton for about 400. or don can build you a more elaborate tank. >> tank that covers a whole wall nay restaurant or someone's home. >> despite the popularity in jellyfish, most people stopped on the streets of san francisco told us they've never really
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given it any thought. >> never given it a thought of jellyfish as a pet. kind of a furry animal guy. >> in all my years it's never entered my mind. >> after finding out these moon jellyfish don't sting, don't need exotic care and are so abundant they're considered a nuisance species, they were able to wrap their tentacles around the notion of a pet jellyfish. >> sounds pretty cool. >> gordon's birthday. time for the jellyfish gift! >> kind of got this soothing hypnotic movement. that must be it. people 10, 15 years later go to the monterey bay aquarium and want to see the jellyfish. >> that big wall tank we saw there, $25,000. if you'd like to learn more about jellyfish as pets, go to click on "see it on tv." don't go away. "7 on your side" is next. >> if the 49ers move into that new stadium, how much will the
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tickets$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñ$ñchúiúiúiúiñ [ male announcer ] have something you love doing? cheerios could be your ticket to do it. big time.
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you could win a once in a lifetime chance to live your passion by choosing from t never-dreamed-possible prizes. from a customized v.i.p. vacion, to a hollywood red carpet experience, to cooking with a celebrity chef, and more. find details on specially marked boxes of cheerios. why cheerios? because whatever you love doing, you'll need a healthy heart to do it. ♪
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although it is not without a controversy, there's a possible move to a new stadium. however there are details that may have been overlooked and it's not sitting well with long-time season ticket holders. here's michael finney with the story. >> in the end zone! >> the 49ers online video is big and bold. looking back on an incredible past and forward to a bright future in a new stadium. it's enough to give many long-time fans goosebumps. ♪ al is a long-time fan but it
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nearly gives him a kaniption. >> he and his tickets go back to stadium days. he never paid a license fee, never planned too until he read the latest paperwork that came with his season tickets. >> even though all these years they promise you buy the season tickets, good year, bad year, you get the same seats next year. this year they're telling us that we have no expectation that we're going to have any seats. we have no equitable rights. >> welcome to the economics of professional sports. >> abc 7's sports director larry beil says he's neither a defender nor detractor of the practice but points out it is widespread in today's world.
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>> if they're gonna put down a billion dollars to build a stadium, they have to finance it. the raw numbers say there's only a certain number of ways to finance it and one of those ways in the modern era is personal seat licenses. >> they call the lessonses as b. l.'s for stadium builders license. the organization declined an interview saying the selling of licenses is a long way off. it did tell us all dollars from the stadium builders license goes towards the funding and maintenance of building. none of the revenue goes to the 49ers. key elements of a successful sbl, lifetime and transferable. ours will be both. season ticket holders were informed in 2009 about sbl's in a personal letter. so sbl's can deliver a lot and potentially cost a lot. so are they an investment. >> are we talking the 49ers of the '80s or talking the 49ers of the mid-90s.
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>> mark silverman is the time share columnist of the san francisco examiner. although state licenses have been compared to time shares, he sees them more like a condominium. >> i can sell my tickets. i can give my tickets away, but i have complete control of virtually every event at that venue because those are my seats. >> so for those who don't like this setup, is there any recourse? attorney mark britain of says not really. >> football teams are businesses. they are providing an entertainment service. and people become very tied to their football teams and they say i love my football team and my football team loves me. they do. to the extent that it keeps money coming in in the door. >> so now you know. for good, for bad. >> i haven't heard it and if it wasn't for "7 on your side," a lot of people wouldn't have heard it. who reads this?
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>> so how much will the licenses cost? no one is saying. but the new york giants just charged from 1,000 to $20,000 per seat for their licenses. of course, that doesn't count the cost of the actual tickets themselves and those cost as much as $750 each. i'm michael finney, "7 on your side." >> and coming up next, añpñ
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all right. here are the winning numbers from last night, $16 million megamillions drawing, 10, 13, 20, 28, 36. the meganumber 9. nobody got 'em all. the tuesday jackpot estimated at $25 million. one of the biggest festivals in the bay area and marks the end of summer. the 58th edition of the sausalito art festival, probably the biggest in the bay area, three days of fun in the sun for the most part. and it starts today. here's abc 7 arts and entertainment reporter don sanchez with a preview. >> called shock therapy. >> they are called ultra-realistic sculptures. mark won best of show last year. these are life like down to fingerprints and varicose veins.
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>> a tough material. instead of a two-dimensional sur falls, a three-dimensional service. >> always looking for models. can you figure out which is real and which isn't. 20,000 works of art, a world-class exhibit. >> over 1,000 applications and they're juries by their peers, fellow artists. >> gary of miami says it took him seven years of applying to finally get in. he creates kinetic sculptures. >> the expected piece balances and give it a light touch and the momentum carries it for several minutes. >> garn isn't only an artist. >> i'm a full-time firefighter and paramedic. he says it's a stress reliever. >> she works in dry pigment pastels, an old tradition. >> not everybody can afford it.
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but part of our job is educating the public. >> many come for the music. ♪ >> jefferson starship, dave mason, pablo cruz. >> music like art is rooted in personal experience. >> when you do images that you have a connection to, they have more. so -- >> really is a soul-filled experience. three days, saturday, sunday and monday. here's a great idea. why don't you take the ferry directly from san francisco. it will let you off the dock right here and you can really enjoy a full day. in sausalito, don sanchez, abc 7 news. >> all right. what's the weather gonna be like for the sausalito art festival. >> starting out with fog. glad you asked. later on this afternoon the upper 60s and a warming trend through the weekend. millbrae art and wine festival, 70 today with morning fog, breezy tomorrow. the rest of the bay low 90s inland valleys, 82 san jose.
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dense fog now monterey and watsonville and nice day at santa cruz aat 70. the juror shore flow keeping us cooler than yesterday. nice afternoon with fog sweeping away tomorrow, kind of breezy. the warmest day will be labor day with some highs in the upper 70s to near 80 in san francisco. >> highs from 61 to 92. you make the call. enjoy whatever season you want. thanks for joining us on the abc 7 saturday morning news. our next newscast starts at 8 a.m.. stay connected 24/7 at see you in an hour.
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