tv Nightline ABC October 7, 2010 10:35pm-11:05pm PST
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tonight on "nightline," murder mystery? new questions in the disappearance of a colorado man jet skiing on a mexican border lake. we visit the scene and question the victim's wife who insists he was shot by pirates. what really happened on falcon lake? speed freak. he was the son of a celebrity. with an addiction to fast cars and then this happened. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> there's been a horrible accident. >> reporter: in his first interview since leaving jail nick hogan tells all. and hotel fakeouts. the website promised you this. you checked in to find this. or, you went for the bait and got the switch. why misleading hotel claims are
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a "sign of the times." >> announcer: from the global resources of abc news with terry moran, cynthia mcfadden and bill weir in new york city this is "nightline," october 7th, 2010. >> good evening, everyone. we begin tonight with the strange disappearance on the mexican border. tiffany hartley told police that pirates attacked her and her husband david while they were jet skiing on the mexican side of fall con lake and that they shot her husband to death as they tried to flee. but mexican officials and others say the wife's story doesn't add up. tonight, ryan owens goes to falcon lake in search of answers. >> reporter: search crews spent a second day on the waters of fall con lake, looking for the body of david hartley. or for his jet ski. or for any sign that what his wife tiffany said happened exactly one week ago really did. there is growing skepticism on
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both sides of the u.s.-mexico border, and she knows it. >> i'm in a tough spot. i really am. but i can't do anything until we can get over there and find him. to prove that this is real. >> reporter: tiffany says she and david crossed into mexican waters on their jet skis to photograph the ruins of this church. partially submerged in the lake that straddles the border. why did you want to go? >> actually my husband wanted to do the church. that's david. he loves history. >> reporter: people will say, come on, he was willing to risk his life and what he knew was a dangerous area to take pictures of a church? >> he didn't feel it was going to the dangerous. >> reporter: david worked in mexico for an oil company and only recently moved with his wife, just north of the border. but tiffany says once they finished taking pictures at that church, three small boats began following them. >> we just started going as fast as we could and they started shooting.
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when i looked back i saw him saw blood. >> reporter: tiffany says she turned around and tried to help. >> when i jumped off, he was face down. that's when i saw he was shot in the head. the boat had come next to us and kind of pointed the gun at me a couple of times. i think they were trying to figure out, what do we do with her? and they left. i mean, they could have easily shot me, nobody would know. >> reporter: this four4'10" woman says she tried to lift her husband onto her jet ski but couldn't. then, inexplicably, she says the pirates came back. >> then i saw the boats coming so i had to put him back in the water. >> reporter: one of the things that is confusing to a lot of people about the story is that you say they were chasing and shooting at both of you and suddenly, david falls off and then they just sort of stop.
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>> yeah. i don't know. i don't know why. >> reporter: so that part doesn't make sense to you, either. >> not at all. >> reporter: tiffany says she raced back to the u.s. and called 911. >> are you sure that your husband got shot? >> yes. in his head. and he was thrown off the jet ski and i couldn't pick him up to get him on mine. >> reporter: this man says he actually saw a boat chasing tiffany on her jet ski. he is the one and only witness who backs up at least part of her story. he says he now fears for his life and would only come forward if we didn't show his face and altered his voice. >> i noticed this jet ski in particular coming around the island that that's right off the shoreline. had a boat kind of trailing behind it, looked like it was chasing behind. >> reporter: but you didn't hear any shots or any anybody shooting? >> i didn't hear any shots. >> reporter: based on what you saw that day do you believe this woman's telling the truth?
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>> yes, i do. >> reporter: the local sheriff says he believes tiffany based largely on that account. >> there's no reason why we should not believe her. independent witness, when she was coming over here actually saw the boat chasing her. >> reporter: he's knowledge thenot the only one. >> i don't think we're doing enough. >> reporter: texas politicians from the governor down are lining up to support tiffany and point to her story as an example of why they need more federal help to secure the border. tiffany is also getting strong support from her husband's family. do you believe what you've heard from tiffany? >> absolutely. >> every bit of it. >> 100%. >> reporter: no hesitation. >> no hesitation whatsoever. >> it's like -- for her to have to go through this and people doubt her, that hurts all of us. >> reporter: most of those doubts come from south of the border. the mexican district attorney in charge of that area told a south texas newspaper, we are not
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certain that the incident happened the way they are telling us. one of the reasons the mexican authorities may not be helping you, it's fair to say some of them say, look we didn't find a body, we didn't find a jet ski. we don't think this happened. >> it's hard hearing it. i can understand from their point of view. i have to put myself in their view that i can understand why they would think that. but it's not. it is true and he is over there. i have no proof. i have no cameras. i have nothing. >> reporter: tiffany has been on a media blitz the last few days telling her story to anyone who will listen. >> you can't imagine how awful it was not being able to help him. >> reporter: that increased exposure has brought more questions. did her husband's death have something to do with drugs? did she have something to do with it? >> i would never even think about hurting my husband. i loved him. i know what i saw. i know what i was in and
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unfortunately i have no proof. >> reporter: that proof, she says, will only be found in these mexican waters largely controlled by drug cartels. we took a ride through the channels where american authorities say they can't go and where even the mexican navy says it's often not safe to search. that is the old church where the hartleys allegedly came deep into mexican waters just to take pictures. and where tiffany hartley believes her husband still is. wednesday, she returned to lake falcon, flank bid a flotilla of police and politicians. they held a prayer service on the water. and then tiffany tossed a single rose into the lake. you really feel if his body was found that your story would be confirmed, that there would be pictures of the church, there would be a camera there would be a bullet wound to the head and that your story, as crazy as
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it may sound would make sense if you could get the body back? >> yes. and this would be all over and done with. >> reporter: i'm ryan owens for "nightline" on the mexican side of lake falcon. >> our thanks to ryan owens tonight. and when we come back nick hogan, son of the pro wrestler hulk hogan, talks about his time in solitary confinement and the regret he wakes up with every day. boss: our breakout session is gonna be great. got the gecko t-shirt... "4 mllion drivers switched!" gecko water bottle... notebok... chamois... gecko: sir, i feel a little bit uncofortable with all... you know... with all this. i mean, it's not about me. should be about how geico's the "third-largest car insurance company in the nation. things like that. boss: oh, of course! we're not gonna get carried away. gecko: uh...yeah... all right as long as we don't overdo it. vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ male announcer ] learn about a free trial offer from abilify. if
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show and an avid race car driver, nick hogan appeared to live life with more throttle their break. his best friend with an iraq veteran. then, he made a mistake that cost his his freedom and nearly cost his friend his life. tonight, nick hogan speaks out, and andrea canning has our report. >> there's been a horrible accident. >> is there any smoke or flames coming from the vehicle? >> yeah they were racing. >> it was two cars drag racing. >> reporter: it was august 26th 2007. the day life in the fast lane finally caught up with then 17-year-old nick hogan. while driving to a restaurant with his best friend john graziano hogan lost control of his car and hit a palm tree. in an instant, his life was photographer changed. >> i remember waking up in the car and just a heavy feeling of what had happened.
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it almost seemed like i was in a dream state. >> reporter: hogan is best known as the son of iconic wrestler hulk hogan. as a teen nick appeared to have it all. he raced cars. got in the ring. and he and his family even starred in the hit reality show "hogan knows best." today, he's 20 and a lot has changed. what's the biggest difference about you from that teenager that we knew on "hogan knows best" to now? >> i would say the biggest difference is that i wasn't that person at all. that was just you know producers and stuff saying hey, we need stuff that's going to fit the role. >> reporter: but hogan's teen antics went beyond harmless pranks. he had a problem. a need for speed. evident from his license plate -- does that coehsp ring a bell? >> yes. >> reporter: capable of alluding
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high speed pursuit was on your license plate. >> yes. >> reporter: to this video that shows the teen getting pulled over. one of many times he saw flashing lights. you had quite a few tickets. 57 in a 30. 82 in a 45. then you got pulled over twice in one day with your dad, doing 100, got a warning, then 19 miles later, doing 115. >> it's disgusting to see the driving habits that i made. and it's being young and honestly just stupid not mature. >> reporter: moments after the accident, hogan's famous dad just happened to drive by the crash site and recognized his son's car, a yellow toyota. >> i remember the look on his face was just trying to see if i was alive or not and i remember that i did everything i could to hold him a thoumen's up to let
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him know i'm still here. >> reporter: hogan's best friend, then 22-year-old john, wasn't wearing a seat belt. he was alive, but severely brain damaged. >> it's just something that i pray to got every day for the strength to deal with, because it's -- it's hard. there's days where i can't even get out of bed. >> reporter: today, the retired marine and deck rated iraq war veteran needs 24-hour care. >> it just -- it didn't even seem real. john's my brother, brand, we practically lived together. and -- i remember finding out about how bad everything was, it was -- it's still hard for me to think about, i'm sorry. it's -- still, at this point, it's too much to think about. i -- i still don't really entirely know how to deal with it. it's something that i carry every day.
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>> reporter: do you ever see him? >> i've reached out and tried but at this point, i'm not allowed to visit john. >> reporter: in a just released statement to abc news the graziano's family says nick has done nothing to show his remorse. we haven't heard a word from him. police say hogan had been drinking and speeding at the time of the accident. some witnessed believed hogan and a friend in another car were street racing. something he adamantly denies he has ever done. he accepted a plea deal for reckless driving and was sentenced to eight months in a florida jail. >> i've apologized to the graz graziano grazianos, but i want to say,ly never be able to say sorry enough. >> reporter: but for john's father, the apology was not enough in the courtroom, he lashed out against nick hogan, whose birth name is nick bolea. >> what al qaeda could not do to my son, nick did in a matter of minutes. >> i remember hearing that for the first time and it just remember wanting to stand up and
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just scream that i had no intention of ever hurting john. >> reporter: but the extent of his contrition was brought into doubt when 36 hours of jailhouse phone calls were released after a reporter made a public records request. >> i don't know what to do mom. >> baby i didn't know you were going to go in that kind of a thing. >> i would do anything to get out of this room. >> i know. >> reporter: he even asked for his father's help in securing a lucrative television deal. >> will you work on that real-ality deal? >> yeah. >> for me and get that thing lined up so the minute i walk out of wherever i walk out of it's there? i want to do it where i'll make the most money. >> we could call it "the new nick" or something. >> reporter: i think people were angry because they heard the tapes and thought you were complaining when your friend was in a much tougher situation. >> yeah. there was a significant amount of complaint because at the time i was in the middle of
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really really going to the deepest depths of mental insanity, being in solitary confinement. >> reporter: after serving five months of the eight-month essential answer hogan was released from jail and the hogans settled a lawsuit believed to be worth millions. >> there was nothing that i wanted more than to be able to spend time with john and be there to help with the recovery. >> reporter: today hogan has a new passion, making music. >> i have michael jackson playing here and i can put on my new song over here. >> good to see you. >> reporter: and he founded keep it on the track. >> i can remember being right here at this line with my race car and my friend john sitting there, you know, helping me refrul. >> reporter: a group to prevent teens from street racing and speeding, as he used to frequently do. why do it, though?
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the thrill of speeding the thrill of getting away with it? >> i think it was just a culmination of just being young and i wouldn't want to say it was fun in any way, because it was dangerous, but i was just -- it was really just immature. not understanding what the repercussions would be. >> reporter: and while nick works on slowing his life down the graz yan nope's live with those repercussions every day. i'm andrea canning for "nightline" in calabasas, california. >> tragedy all the way around. our thanks to andrea canning tonight. and up next, we talk travel with the hotel wash dog site that polices the line between advertising fantasy and grown inducing reality.zrzrzrzrzrzr
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weir. >> it has been said that you can fool all of the people all the time, as long as you have the right advertising agency. tonight, we found a new weapon in the quiver of the american travelers, all those that expect the ocean view without the parking lot in between. it is called and for vicki mabrey, it is a "sign of the times." >> reporter: you've waited all year, and you're finally going on vacation. how about a steamy hot tub for two in montego bay? or an intimate wedding in pun that can that? and check out that delicious buffet in the dominican republic. they're decadent lavish, they're fakeouts? or photo fake youments according to where, when it comes to hotel
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brochures, ceoeli sideman says pictures can be deceiving. >> this is a vacation, it's your precious time and money. you want to go some place that's good but be great. and what we experience is that sometimes you go away and when you get there it's not what you saw in the bro sure. >> reporter: went online in june of last year to expose the good the bad and the ugly in hotel advertising. how bad are we being fooled? >> pretty badly. >> reporter: take that destination wedding in the dominican. >> so, it's you and your beloved on that wonderful wedding on the beach. and it's just the two of you, you know going to be nice and quiet. and then, you know this is what's going on. we pull back a little bit, we unzoom, and oh, your friends gawking -- well not your friends. >> reporter: everybody is standing there watching. >> in their speedo. that's what you need. you have to buy them drinks? >> reporter: oyster has a seeing, we're picky, but not
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petty. the site gets 250,000 hits per month. shoppers looking for the real deal on that luxury hotel. some, though, come just for what the website calls those photo fakeouts. that hot tub? that surf board in the pool? >> what's the deal with having a surf board in a pool to begin with? forget about the pool, why do have a surf board? and then we zoom out and we found it's just a hot tub. so, the whole thing doesn't make sense on any level. >> reporter: the secret weapon behind their xan did cameras? real journalists, like jennifer jarfinkle. we're in this hotel in manhattan legally. 3 1/2 to 4 pearls in oyster's ranking, by the way, to show how they work. >> i would go to each corner of the room and when i'm done wp that, i start doing the closeup. >> reporter: a mission to shoot every angle, every object. >> we certainly take things like the tv the mini bar, the things that people really care about, that's the most important. >> reporter: even the pill lopes.
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>> zoom in on the pillows. the comforter. >> reporter: from the toilet. >> the bathroom is so important to people. you'd be surprised how many people spend time on our website looking at the bathroom photos. >> reporter: to the thread count. >> we'll peel back the sheets and take a look. >> reporter: no detail is too small or too insignificant. >> reporter: the pencil holder? >> why not? we're here, we have the camera, we may as well show everybody the most that we can. we take pictures that we don't edit, we don't doctor them. no photoshop. so, when you see our photos we take, you're getting, that's the real photo. >> reporter: what's wrong with hotels putting their best foot forward? >> well, i think the problem is that this is a prop that you can't see before you buy and you can't return once you arrive. our mission is to bring truth so you can see what you're going to get before you go. no false advertising here. >> reporter: they've photographed more than 1,000 low items so far. snapshot of your chosen destination, warts and all.
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this is vicki mabrey for "nightline" in new york. >> one more way to let the buyer beware. thanks to vicki mabrey for that report. when we come back lou dobbs and the people who work for him. that's the subject of tonight's closing arguementargument. first, here's what's coming up next on "jimmy kimmel live." >> jimmy: we have a new show tonight with joaquin phoenix, science bob pflugfelder, music from primus and "this week in unses censorship."
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