tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 4, 2010 11:05pm-12:05am PST
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11,400, up 219 points. this, a day after the federal reserve announced it would purchase $600 billion in treasury bills. that's a big boost to investors. but what about the little guy? one message the voters sent tuesday was that a large swath of america can't afford any kind of stock portfolio these days. so, tonight, we ask, is this a recovery for the irish or are the markets the rising tide that will lift all boats? tell us what you think at the "nightline" facebook page or at the "nightline" page at that is our report for tonight. for terry and cynthia and all of us at abc news, good night, america. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel, along with yehya and uncle frank, marveling at the amazing new sony internet tv. what should we watch? >> i want to watch tv. >> no! i want to watch internet! >> jimmy: look at this fellas, the sony internet tv lets you look at tv listings and search the entire web, to find whatever entertainment your heart desires.
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>> i want to watch "the real housewives of indianapolis!" >> i want to watch funny bank penny on youtube -- >> jimmy: what's a bank penny? you mean penguins? >> penguins! >> "housewives!" >> jimmy: guys, guys. i told you, the sony internet tv is the only television that allows you to watch tv and browse and internet penguins. >> oh, wow. >> jimmy: everybody happy, now? >> yes jim, we are happy. >> thank you, sony tv. no fighting again. >> penguins. penguins. >> dicky: the sony internet tv, bringing tv and internet together at last. it's an entirely new way to experience television. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" is back in two minutes with archery tricks, music from paul weller and ellen pompeo.
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we knew the perfect place to go. man: cheers, everyone. i guess i did okay. i knew they'd love him. introducing olive garden's two new sacchetti dishes. stuffed pasta pouches filled with four italian cheeses. with herb marinated chicken breasts in a garlic cream sauce. or with savory sauteed shrimp. both served with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. it was a great time. and good practice for my parents. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. michelle: yup that's right! everything you see here is 50% off! carol: i'll take this one. wesley: whoa. just the outerwear carol. anncr: all outerwear, 50% off this week at old navy!
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- from "grey's anatomy," ellen pompeo. world record attempt from archer randy oitker. and music from paul weller. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> dicky: and now, take my word for it. here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: that's very nice. hi there, i'm jimmy. don't be alarmed. i'm the host of the show. thanks for coming. thank you for watching. i hope i have your attention tonight because i feel motivated. i'll full of energy because i finally have a cause. you know how oprah has her no phone zone and george clooney has everything else in the world? i found my thing. and it's friendship. i think we should have less of it. but not -- not real friendship, we should have a lot of that. the fake stuff that you get on facebook. wednesday, november 17th, last night, we announced, is officially national unfriend day. and i say officially without any authority to do that, but -- on national unfriend day i'm asking you to unfriend anyone on facebook who isn't really your friend. the annoying people, the people who feel the need to inform you of every thought that enters
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their head. jeff is watching "hoarders" and kate is tired. jacob lentz is feeling fat today. that kind of stuff. i would guess that 90% of your facebook friends aren't really your friends at all. most of them you probably don't even like. so, last night, we launched the unfriend initiative, using a young woman named gina lovato. you see gina, sipping ginn and juice. step class with two exclamation points. last night, she had 545 friends. and no one can have 545 friends, you just can't have it. so, i encouraged people to unfriend her. well, today, as a result of my tirade last night, gina now has 707 friends. which is -- not what i wanted. in fact, it's the opposite of what i wanted. you're ruining my unfriend day with your smart-assy-ness.
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here is some simple guidelines. if you wouldn't loan someone $50, unfriend them. if you wouldn't invite them to your birthday party, unfriend them. if you wouldn't cry if they got hit by a bus, unfriend them. it doesn't have to be a hostile thing. they might not like you much, either. they probably don't. and the day to do it is on november 17th. we will all, national unfriend day. un for all and all for un. and once you have a zbloe begsl that's when you're legit. so, on november 17th, we'll join together and do a little, a spring cleaning before the holidays. after thanksgiving, maybe we'll have an unfamily day, too. not only is -- [ applause ] unfriending -- not only is it
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liberating, it is actually good nor your health. and don't just take that from me. take it from a real life doctor. >> hi, i'm dr. oz. facebook friends can lead to severe anxiety, hyper tension and possible death. this national unfriend day, let's stamp these silent killers out once and for all. and again -- i'm a doctor. [ applause ] >> jimmy: he is a doctor. he's had his hands on oprah. he's a real doctor. mark it down. november 17th. let's free ourselves from fake computer friendships and get back to what the internet was intended for, to be used as a naked picture distribution engine. so, we have that going for us. also tonight, there's a man named randy oitker here. in fact, he's in the other room here. hello, randy? >> hey. >> jimmy: there he is. >> hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: randy is -- is this
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correct, you're an archery exhibitionist? >> that's correct. i travel all over the world putting on my exhibition shows, entertaining audiences everywhere. >> jimmy: i got you. so you're not performing in the nude or anything. >> no, no, no. >> jimmy: tonight, randy is going to attempt to break his own world record, which is what? >> i shoot six arrows and that's what i hold the record for, but i'm going to try to break the record, shoot seven arrows at one time and hit seven individual balloons. >> jimmy: with one shot, hit seven balloons. well, give us a little taste what are you going to do right now? >> what i'm going to do right now is, i'm going to show you one of the hardest shots that i do, besides the six, and, well, the seven. there is four lifesavers right there. i'm going to see if i can shoot all four with one shot, four arrows, at a time, out of this bow. >> jimmy: what do you have against life savers?
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>> nothing. well, if everything goes right, they'll all bust. if i miss one, you can have it later. >> jimmy: are we going to see the spark? >> if i shoot them in the dark, that does happen. >> jimmy: you're shooting arrows in the dark? >> you can. >> jimmy: all right. so, here we go. let's see how you do this here. he's shooting four arrows, all at one time. and these are just regular arrows, right? >> that's correct. everything is totally stock. you can buy these at your local store. everything that you see, there's nothing that is -- that is modified. >> jimmy: pick these up at the 7-eleven. piggly wiggly. there we go, randy. maybe a drum roll would make this more exciting. all right.
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>> jimmy: you got one of them -- >> i got two. [ applause ] thank you. >> jimmy: that's still probably better than i would get. wow, that's pretty unbelievable. >> i got two, but did you feel that earth shake, that earthquake that we had, that little tremor that we had here -- >> jimmy: i didn't feel it, but it's okay. you have already set that record. later, you are going to set -- seven balloons at once. seven arrows, seven balloons. that should be cool. i can shoot one arrow through a pile of seven balloons but that's more. congratulations to rapper lil' wayne who was released from prison today. [ applause ] rikers island. he was met by his family, medium wayne, large wayne and morbidly obese wayne. he didn't answer questions, but through his attorney he said he's learned his lesson.
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headline news had the story this morning but they made a little mistake when it came to identifying lil' wayne. >> we're talking about lil' wayne. he is a free man -- did i say his name right? he's been living under dwyane carter at riker's island for the past eight months. he was at rikers, locked up for a 2007 weapons charge. >> jimmy: that is not lil' wayne. that's ja rule. maybe they were incarcerated together and he followed him out of the prison? or maybe just the producer said, get me a rapper coming out of prison, any rapper. our viewers don't know! wayne's been incarcerated since march. he spent most of his time in there writing songs and practicing his accordion. and his release from jail is big news in the rap world. today, some of his biggest fans sent some of their warmest wishes to welcome lil' wayne back to society.
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>> welcome back, lil' wayne. >> good luck, weezy. >> good to have you back, lil' wayne. >> so happy, mr. carter. make it rain. >> welcome back, lil' weezy. >> i'm not mad at you. >> all better recognize that lil' wayne is back again. >> jimmy: all right, well, that was a little weird is what it was. i hope he feels welcome. president obama is getting ready to go to india this weekend. after the election tuesday he decided to move there. when a president travels overseas, security is very tight and this is kind of funny. the indian government is apparently removing the cocoa nuts from trees to make sure one doesn't fall on barack obama's head. of course, we all remember the falling cocoa nut tragedy that befell president gill began when
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he visited in 1965. apparently falling cocoa nuts injure hundreds of people a year. they're the second-most dangerous thing that can fall out of a cocoa nut tree, just after keith richards. not only are they -- [ applause ] thank you. i was hoping you'd remember that little nugget. not only are they cutting off those, they are also hiring extra monkey catchers to keep the monkeys from interrupting the president's visit. obama, they tell me i might be getting chased by monkeys and hit in the head, i'm like, let's let biden do this one. i was only with the secret service for, like, three years, so, we turn this over to somebody who does know about it, a man who has all the answers, always, and that man, of course, is dr. uncle frank. >> dr. uncle frank here. keeping you healthy. we have a question. from george curious of saskatchewan. he asked are coco nuts and monkeys dangerous and how can i
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avoid them. >> what a dumb question. but they can be dangerous. but peel a coconut very gently. if you come across a monkey, pet it very gently and don't eat a monkey. don't eat any part of a monkey. >> jimmy: that's good. now you're telling us what to eat? [ applause ] he's right on that, though. you shouldn't. don't eat any part of a monkey. not even the tasty parts. sarah palin is pretty pleased with herself today, though two-thirds of the tea party candidates who ran lost. she's celebrating victory. she put out a video today which is kind of a tribute to herself. she's talking over inspiration all music and heroic all american images. i guess she thought it was important to put together a video to congratulate the people who won a job she quit, or something. but at the end of the video, there's a growling grizzly bear.
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it's truly ridiculous. but -- kind of fun to watch. here's the hot new video from sarah palin. >> across the country, every day americans are standing up and they're speaking out. and based on what i've seen, there is more than enough reason to have faith in america. we're going to stand up and we're going to speak out. and it may take some ren ne galds going rogue to get us there. it may take both shaking it up to get there. >> jimmy: well, you know -- it's what she does. [ applause ] i hope she never runs out of bullets. i really do. meanwhile, while sarah palin runs around patting herself on the back, no one is watching russia. this is -- this is video from russia, we found it on youtube today and don't ask me what's going on here, because i have no idea.
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guy on a car. and now on another car. bouncing. and now somebody is coming out, looks like, to get him. but like a -- it's like he's playing frogger or something. jumping from car to car -- i -- [ applause ] i wish i could hear what he's saying. not that i'd understand it in russian, but i want to know what's going on there. there's more video -- there's no audio, so we decided to add some. i think this makes it even more fun. >> you care about yourself. i don't love you. i don't want you. [ bleep ] you. get the [ bleep ] away from me. now! you have one more chance.
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a relationship with you will never work. n no! you should just smile and [ bleep ] me. because i deserve it. >> jimmy: there you go. mel gibson works with anything. [ applause ] kim kardashian is reportedly in the studio, the recording studio, working on an all bum with a producer named the-dream. he's produced for rihanna and beyonce. this should be his biggest challenge yet. you don't just stroll in and make an album because you're famous. oh, you do? either way, it looks like this one is going to be a big hit. >> kim kardashian. socialite, tv personality and now pop star. kim kardashian's debut album, "jamming with a kardashian" includes hits like, "i brought some clothes today." "oh my god, how cute are these shoes?"
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"check out my new watch." the classic, "i look so good naked, even my sisters are famous." "jamming with a kardashian." available wherever great music is sold. available at walgreens. >> jimmy: i'll stop by and pick it up one more thing, as the week comes to a close, it's time for our weekly tribute to the fcc, where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it's "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> thanks for watching us tonight. so, what [ bleep ] happened in the election. >> his opponent was just so controversial that all he felt he had to do was to let him continue to talk and [ bleep ] himself. >> everybody made a huge contribution this year. >> [ bleep ] you. >> go celebrate. >> i've been [ bleep ] every day for you people and do i hear
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anything, say, gee, reg, that's a good looking [ bleep ]. >> max is so -- he's just like a [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> charlie sheen in the headlines. is he really [ bleep ] himself to death? >> last night, theswas kind enough to [ bleep ] me. >> my job, as you know, i had a big bus. [ bleep ] pelosi. >> "the new york times" ran an article on how some people don't [ bleep ] on a daily basis. >> it's great fun. what you are seeing is republicans are [ bleep ] up but so are independents and democrats. >> wake up [ bleep ]. you'll never guess what's for breakfast. >> jimmy: we have a good show tonight. we're going to shoot arrows at balloons. we have music from paul weller. and we'll be right back with ellen pompeo, so stick around. [ man ] ladies and gentlemen,
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♪ ♪ [ bell rings ] ♪ [ male announcer ] the nation's fastest mobile broadband network. at&t. rethink possible. the new blackberry torch with a slide-out keyboard for $199.99. only from at&t. with a slide-out keyboard for $199.99. here, take the card. you go to the shops... i'll meet you at the gate. thanks. please remove all metal objects out of your pockets. with chase freedom you can get a total of 5% cash back. fun money from freedom. that's 5% cash back in quarterly categories and an unlimited 1% cash back everywhere else. and this too. does your card do this? i'm going to need a supervisor over here at gate 4. sign up for this quarter's bonus today. chase what matters. go to
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>> jimmy: oh, hi there, welcome. i had no idea you were coming. thank you all. with us tonight, some call him the godfather, one of the greats, you know his bands the style council and the jam. this is his new album called, "wake the nation." paul weller is here from the bud light outdoor stage and you can see paul live this saturday at the apollo theater in new york. so go see him there. also tonight, this man. randy ottker, he is an expert with a bow and arrow. before the break, randy shot four lifesavers with four arrows at once. randy, you want to take another shot at that? >> let's take another try. >> jimmy: all right. two was pretty good. i would have been -- myself, i would have been happy with two. >> jimmy: we >> well, i have to save you some, jimmy. >> jimmy: yes, they're delicious.
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oh! wow. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you got three of them. it looks like the fourth one -- >> i touched the bottom one, though, jimmy. does that count? i clipped it. you can say you ate a lifesaver that randy hit. >> jimmy: let's look at the instant replay and see if it continued. here come the -- wow. wow. that's -- i don't know. you're pretty close there. well, tonight, randy is going to attempt to break his own world record of six balloons by shooting seven balloons with seven arrows simultaneously. next week on the show, as we continue our march to national unfriend day, harrison ford, kate walsh, danica patrick, chris pine, the latest loser
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from "dancing with the stars," and we'll have music from blake shelton, edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros and neil diamond. so please remember us on your tv and in your prayers. our first guest plays resident surgeon meredith grey on "grey's anatomy," but in real life, she's not a doctor, she's a patient because she's injured her foot somehow. from "grey's anatomy" please welcome ellen pompeo. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome. you wore your orthopedic shoes. >> well, in case i have to run from what's his name with the air ropes. that's a little scary. >> jimmy: what happened to your foot? >> i -- i don't know. >> jimmy: there was talk we might have to wheel you out here. >> i did pretty well, though. >> jimmy: you did. i would never have known. we could have gotten away with
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it entirely, but -- [ applause ] might as well milk it for a little bit of sympathy. what the hell? >> i don't know. high heels and two glasses of wine aren't the best combination. though plenty of women seem to do it all the time really well, but me is a different story. >> jimmy: did you feel it? is it one of those things? >> no, the next morning i did. i said to chris, i woke up and i said, what did i do? and he was like, nothing. >> jimmy: how big were the glasses of wine? were they -- >> i'm a petite little thing. >> jimmy: but you have to work still, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: are they going to do -- like, actresses -- >> they don't care at all. we have to do this scene, you have to run across the floor, and just do it. it stops for nothing. >> jimmy: i guess not. i guess not. and do people kind of make fun? did you go to the doctor and they say, why don't you do this yourself? bring that foot into the set and get some x-rays. >> i did go to the doctor and it's so funny because, you know,
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they get so nervous and -- >> jimmy: they do? >> we never get nervous, but we love the show. like, are you going to be okay to do that, you know? it's not -- it's okay as long as there's no needles or anything sharp. you don't -- >> jimmy: you don't want a nervous surgeon. >> the x-ray is fine. they don't want anyone to see you because everyone will get all frenzied. >> jimmy: they see you -- >> they say, come in here. >> jimmy: people take this stuff -- >> they do. >> jimmy: do people -- >> the fanatics, they're called. >> jimmy: yes. and they're around. see, i got suspicious when i heard the story because -- are you aware that there's a rumor that you have six toes on each foot? they're really -- i have a photograph here -- >> isn't it sad that -- i have six toes on each foot? >> well, why wouldn't you? you can't see it there, but i'm going to show a closeup. let's count the toes together. >> one, two, three, four, five,
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six. wait a second. it really does look like it. >> jimmy: you know why? because you do have six toes. >> no, that is crazy. it really -- >> jimmy: toe, toe, toe, toe, toe, toe. the archer could probably shoot right through all of those. >> that is really strange. >> jimmy: had you not analyzed this picture yet? >> no. but i heard the story, my sister lives in greece, and i spoke to her and she said -- >> jimmy: the country or actual filth? >> the country. and she said, you know, i was looking at this british tabloid. they have a lot of those over there, and i saw this thing where it said you have six taupes and she thought it was hilarious. she has nothing to do over there in greece, they're bored to death and they pick olives once a year or something. so she thought it was hilarious to go online and comment on this, whatever the website was. and tell them, well, i know
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ellen personally and she only has six taupes on one foot. and i said, oh, you're so funny. that is hilarious. i bet it won't make it over here at all. and 48 hours later -- >> jimmy: that's what sisters are for, i guess. >> it traveled. >> jimmy: would you like -- for the record, maybe i could examine and confirm that you have -- though, you do have them wrapped up like spider-man in that thing. >> i do. maybe we should do it, like, in private or something -- >> jimmy: yeah, whatever you want. i'll do a whole inventory on you. now -- so, all right, so, you worked today -- >> i did. >> jimmy: all day today. >> with patrick dempsey. >> jimmy: you guys -- do you think -- you know what would be a great tv event, if you got more than just post-it note married, a big wedding thing on the show. do you think that will ever happen? >> will you stop it? >> jimmy: it's only a tv show,
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right? >> no, well, we generally have a wedding, i think, every season. so, we'll need to have another wedding -- >> jimmy: there should be a wedding. >> every year there's a wedding. oh, wait, this year was -- christina's character got married at the beginning of the season. we'll have to wait until next season. >> jimmy: people love weddings. i guess they feel like they're invited to them if they get to watch it on television. >> i suppose. you know, girls love that whole white dress fantasy thing. me, i got married in black and thigh-high leather boots. >> jimmy: really? you have a birthday and anniversary, like, back to back. >> yes, next week. and i got married at city hall in new york city by mayor bloomberg. i wore all black. >> jimmy: and so, like, does your husband -- does he give you two separate gifts or a lump gift? >> you know, that chris ivory is a real character. and his gifts, to me, are always
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somehow related to sports events. >> jimmy: why? >> oh, well, because i love basketball so much. so -- it's always so quince dental how my present happens to be, this year, it's going to be courtside at the knicks. >> jimmy: really? >> because, in his defense, it is really very sweet because he wanted to recreate our honeymoon -- >> jimmy: oh, that is so bogus. [ laughter ] >> we got married one night and the next night we went out to dinner and went to the knicks. so we're going to the knicks for our -- >> jimmy: he's an evil genius, maybe. he positions this, it would be romantic to relive our honeymoon. he really just wants to go to the game. you're lucky he's even taking you. >> i know. i know. >> jimmy: so, that's -- that will be the deal this year. >> yeah. i mean, i'm -- listen, i love basketball, it's very entertaining sport so i'm happy to go. >> jimmy: okay. you don't sound that convincing.
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>> he's great company. it will be fun. >> jimmy: well, it's a win-win, i guess. though you still seem hostile about the whole thing. we have a clip from next week's "grey's anatomy," which i believe needs a little bit of setting up from you -- >> i hope i know what's going on, because i rarely do. >> jimmy: i don't, either. there's a very important person coming to the hospital. >> yes. >> jimmy: is that true? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay, all right, that's all we need to know. take a look. >> how do we have time for this? >> we have to make time for this. >> should i call her? >> who? >> christina. >> why? >> because she quit and i feel like -- >> that's not your fault. you didn't do anything wrong no matter what she says. okay? you just need to make time for this. >> but -- >> oh, my god. what? >> i'm looking for dr. meredith gr grey.
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[ john ] i love these new cell phones. [ wife ] he just got a new phone and he can't stop using it. boom! profile pic. [ cell phone rings ] do you guys needs a moment? since john is always on his phone, we thought he'd like using wells fargo mobile banking. just paid the electric bill. wow. he's able to pay his bills, check his balance. wow. [ banker ] even transfer money between accounts. i can tell you what's playing, if you like. i can tell you, too. see? oh.
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[ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. ♪ >> jimmy: our next guest drove his truck here all the way from illinois to hopefully break his own guinness world record. here tonight to pop seven balloons with seven arrows fired simultaneously. please welcome andy oitker. now, you seem too young to be an official -- >> i shaved right before the show. >> jimmy: we have a clipboard. this is all on the up and up. how long have you been doing this, shooting -- >> i've been shooting arrows since i was 14 and it was my mom's idea. she said, randy, can you shoot two at a time? i said, you know, you can do a lot in hollywood. and i found out it's possible.
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>> jimmy: regular archery wasn't good enough, dangerous enough as a child are you supposed to shoot more than one at once? >> a bow is not designed for that. i'm trying to make the impossible possible. >> jimmy: and that's the sort of thing you look at guinness. >> we prefer it, yeah. >> jimmy: the previous record is held by you, six balloons. how many times did it take you to do that? >> i hit them on the first shot in london, england. >> were you there with him? >> no, i wasn't. i'm here to see if he can do seven in the one shot. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. >> is that what we're doing? >> jimmy: all right, this is exciting. we saw the lifesavers thing. are lifesavers harder? i would think that's hardener a way. >> not really. it's just the thing about it is, i practiced this shot more recently. that shot i haven't been practicing as much because i do it at shows and stuff across the country and the world. but i want to really break this record. >> jimmy: you have ever shot a human being? >> no, no. >> jimmy: is that something you would like to do one day? >> not particularly.
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>> jimmy: most pedestrians on hollywood boulevard. >> making a note of that? >> jimmy: very good. let's do this then. we should go over here and, it's time, randy is going to do it. guinness world record, hopefully, will be set here. [ applause ] randy is doing something to his bow. that's some bow you got there. >> thank you, jimmy. reas >> jimmy: remember when they were just wood with a string? you've got a telescope on that thing. you could kill the whole moon if you wanted to. all right. oh. six balloons. wow.
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>> thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: well, let's look at that in -- let's look at that in slow motion here and see what went wrong there. you missed it by just a couple of inches. oh, you got -- can we set these things up? let's set the balloons up real quickly. can we reinflate the balloons he already shot? are we going to need fresh ones? you know what would be fun, if you shoot at the guys while they are replacing the balloons, too. we're going to do this quickly and set it up very quickly and -- wow, your mother must be disappointed right now. >> i guarantee she is. >> jimmy: she had a dream for you. >> i tied my record. so -- >> jimmy: did you tie it? you have one extra arrow. does it count that way? >> i guess it doesn't. >> jimmy: yeah, this is a little bit less impressive than six at once. but -- >> the only thing is, the bright lights, the strings get hot -- >> jimmy: champions don't make excuses, randy. >> i know, i know. >> i thought -- >> jimmy: by the way, i'm
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getting blinded from your shirt, just as -- that might be part of the problem here. but -- all right, randy, well -- okay, we got everything reset again. we've got balloons. we've got some confetti there, it looks like. >> free confetti. >> jimmy: is the confetti going to be distracting? >> no. >> jimmy: okay, good. all right. the confetti will not be distracting. confetti rhymes with spaghetti. >> but if i miss them this time, it was -- >> jimmy: it was the confetti. all right. all right. here we go.
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♪ i can't find it. ♪ [ female announcer ] new tide with acti-lift technology helps remove many dry stains as if they were fresh. hey! you found it. yeah, it must have been hiding in my closet. [ female announcer ] new tide with acti-lift. style is an option. clean is not. get acti-lift in these tide detergents.
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12:56 am
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12:59 am
1:00 am
the city in siege ♪ ♪ i don't know where to escape it or who to believe can't find on the pavement ♪ ♪ or lay on his knees scratching around in a second i got where you should be ♪ ♪ we're going to wake up the nation don't be no drag shake up the station ♪ ♪ a night up ahead we're going to wake up the nation don't be no drag shake up the station ♪ ♪ a night on our hands nowhere to be nowhere to be ♪ ♪ get your face off the facebook and turn off your phone ♪ ♪ the death of the post box no where feels home ♪ ♪ scratching around in a second
1:01 am
i got where you should be ♪ ♪ nowhere to be nowhere to be we're going to wake up the nation ♪ ♪ don't be no drag shake up the station a night up ahead ♪ ♪ we're going to wake up the nation don't be no drag ♪ ♪ shake up the station a night up ahead we're going to wake up the nation ♪ ♪ don't be no drag shake up the station a night up ahead ♪ ♪ we're going to wake up the nation don't be no drag ♪ ♪ shake up the station
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