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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 16, 2010 12:05am-1:05am PST

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up almost 5 million viewers. that's an extremely healthy number. the cherry on top of this, the new oxford american dictionary announced a word palin inadvertently coined in a twitterrefudiate. we thought we'd ask, can palin make political hay out of all this attention or is reality tv what you think might suit her best? tell us what you think at the "nightline" facebook page or on the "nightline" page at finally tonight, a taste of tomorrow's show, when my co-anchor bill weir catch us with the english actor russell brand of "get him to the greek" fake. >> this what later, fireman, sitting, photo copier, mailman -- >> sure. >> it's harder than all those jobs. there is more money. and -- but it's longer hours. >> easier to meet women?
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this job. >> not at the moment because -- particularly if you try to put the letters through the window. letters, letters. >> this is urgent. >> quick, get out or i'll get in. oh, look, a letter. here. special delivery. >> brand also talks about his preferred relaxation routine after work. the shape of his average day. and his upcoming movie "arthur." that's tomorrow night. that's our report for tonight. for all of us at abc news, good night, america. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with a word about the upcoming focus rally america, the ultimate interactive cross-country road rally. my amigo guillermo has already begun packing. >> yes, jimmy, my teammate and me are gonna drive this all-new ford focus across the country. this is a great car, jimmy. fun to drive, my ford touch and sync technology and it looks so nice.
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perfect for the competition that awaits. >> jimmy: you said focus, right? >> focus. >> jimmy: that's of course assuming your application is accepted. >> it will, because we are ready for anything! skis for colorado. a crate of crackers. >> jimmy: why crackers? >> to eat cheese in wisconsin! i will put it on the crackers. i brought a horse for texas. and a lobster for maine. >> jimmy: i think maine will actually provide the lobster for you. >> better safe than sorry, jimmy! >> jimmy: but with all that stuff in the car, where's your partner gonna sit? >> don't worry, she's the first thing i packed. >> hola, jimmy. >> jimmy: you're taking your sister on the trip? >> with my brains and her looks, we cannot lose. >> jimmy: of course not. >> dicky: show us you've got what it takes to win focus rally: america.
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apply now at >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" is back in two minutes with miranda cosgrove, music from jason aldean and kathy griffin. [ girl's voice ] do you wanna be my boyfriend?
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[ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ male announcer ] get your own subway melt -- like the melt-tastic new chipotle chicken & cheese fresh-toasted on flatbread. subway. eat fresh. fresh-toasted on flatbread. i can take one airline out... and another home. so with more flight options, i can find the combination that gets me there and back quickest. where you book matters. expedia.
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from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight -- kathy griffin. from "icarly," miranda cosgrove. and music from jason aldean. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's jimmy kimmel live and, now, i thought so, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thank you. i'm jimmy. thank you for coming. thank you for watching. national unfriend day is only 24 hours away. i hope you're excited. this wednesday, november 17th, is national unfriend day or nud as we call it for short. nud is something i came up with. it's a special day on which facebook users, which most of you probably are, without guilt or fear of retribution, can unfriend those people who are not really your friends. because no one has -- no one has 800 friends. not even oprah has 800 friends. don't we all have at least one person in our virtual lives wed we'd like to get rid of? of course we do. probably have 100 of them. facebook has something called a
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news feed. this is a big list of news from your friends. tell me if you think this is news. >> this is facebook breaking news. >> this just in -- marlene barkin has changed her relationship status from in a relationship to it's complicated. >> jimmy: thank you, wolf. now, it sounds like news. because wolf blitzer is reading it. but it isn't news. and these are not friends. we've been getting a lot of support for this. two weeks ago, there was no such thing as national understofrien. today if you do a search, you get back hundreds of thousands of hits. it's been going very, very well until this weekend. over the weekend, facebook all of a sudden made it a lot harder to unfriend someone. they changed things. that's right. there used to be an x next to every name on your friend list. all you had to do to unfriend them was click the x.
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now all of a sudden, those xs are gone. they are nowhere to be found. now you have to actually go into a person's profile individually to unfriend them. instead of just xin' through the list, you have the search for the person you want to unfriend, then go to their page, then you go down to the bottom of the left-hand corner, almost hidden, and click on "remove friend." facebook is trying to thwart national unfriend day! that's enough with the music. but it's a conspiracy. and why are at the doing this? think about it. as we know from the movie "the social network" the facebook founder michael zutenburg had no friends in college. he has devoted the last ten years to undermining the consent of friendship. little by little, month by month, friend by friend, he has stripped its value away. the word "friend" is becoming meaningless because he doesn't
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have any friends. i'm not looking for sympathy, i'm looking for people to get angry on this one. let's try the "aww" again. thank you. according to facebook, there is no difference between your best friend, the person who would give you a kidney to save your life, and, like, the ex-girlfriend of a former roommate who updates to make sure you know what color her aura is. they're the same. mark zuckerberg wants to destroy friendship. he is lex luther and we are the super friends sent here to destroy him! [ applause ] i'll be aquaman. who do you want to be of the super friends, guillermo? >> superman. >> jimmy: superman, okay. mark zuckerberg has devalued the word friend and created a totalitarian system in which friends can be made but they never go away. and it's up to us to stop us.
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in 20 years, our friend kids wn know what the word friend means. we have to defriend ourselves against the evil don'ters. okay? you can hide all the xs you want. i promise you, yewe're going to find them. we'll have more xs than larry king and tom arnold combined. all for un and un for all. thank you. i'm never felt more sally field-ish. let's not lose sight of how ridiculous move tediidiculous m facebook really is. >> this is facebook breaking news. >> breaking news out of baltimore. wayne edwards is tired of people cramping his style, getting up in his grill and minding his business when they should be minding theirs. >> jimmy: see, that's --
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[ applause ] not news. it's not a news theme. this is my first fight with a big website since i took p down in 2002. get ready to lighten your load if you will. speaking of load lightening, tomorrow, another contestant will be forced to go home on "dancing with the stars." four dancers are left. somehow one of those dancers is bristol palin. for the fifth time this season, bristol palin had the lowest score of all the contestants. no contestant has ever cracked the top four with so many low scores. we could wind up with a dance champion who cannot dance. would that ruin the show? i don't know. no bachelor has ever successfully picked a mate and that show is still big so probably not. but i don't understand, why is bristol palin even on this show? i thought dancing was a sin. isn't that what it says in the bible in "footloose"? the palins are very popular i guess. sarah palin's new reality show premiered last night on tlc. huge ratings. 5 million viewers. the biggest premiere in the
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history of that network. basically it's jon and kate plus about four meets "the deadliest catch." it's ice road soccer mom, is what it is. sarah palin talked about trying to protect her family's privacy while speaking directly into a television camera. the show itself is kind of interesting. because alaska's a beautiful state and they're outdoors a lot. there was one funny moment when the palins approached a brown bear and asked to see its papers. and that was cute. one thing you will not see on this show, unlike other successful reality shows like "the osbournes" and "jersey shore" is cursing. sarah palin doesn't use profanity. instead, she has almost a cartoony version of profanity. >> telling him to get the heck out of his -- we better get the heck out of here. this may flipping take me all day. holy geez, everything is soft.
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this is not flipping easy. oh, my gosh, look at this. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. oh, gosh. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. oh, gosh. none of his flipping business. >> jimmy: is it over? [ applause ] i don't want to go to hell. and the ftc stands by and does nothing to her. i was in st. louis over the weekend -- shoutout to my homies in the lou, that's what they call it, the lou. i guess they don't know the bathroom is called the loo. if you've traveled by air recently, you may have seen these new full body scanners. i would assume that would cut down on the patdowns. this weekend in san diego, a man was thrown out of the airport for telling one of the tsa screeners he didn't want him, quote, touching his junk. a lot of people object to being frisked. the department of homeland security has new rules. from now on, security screeners
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are only allowed to pat you down until the music stops and then if they want to keep patting, they have to give you another, i think, $20, depending upon where you live. no, that's -- the new guidelines allow for the touching of the inside of traveler's thighs and for feeling their buttocks which some say it's an invasion of privacy. i say it's the start of an awesome letter to penthouse. really, i get more action going through security than i did during all of high school. this problem, you know, people are upset. it would be totally fixed if the tsa just hired more attract itch screeners, right? people don't like these new full body scanner because you see everything. i think they're a good idea. we've been using them here at the show. in fact, we used them onup guys coming in today. we found some stuff. where's the guy with the -- oh, this guy. tried to sneak a bottle of tequila in. which we confuse skated. which we confiscated and shame on you for doing that.
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i think there's another guy. this guy. must be a soccer fan. he tried to smuggle in a view view zale la. i go the other way with those. and one more. usually we only have trouble with men. but this lady tried to bring a baby -- look, a baby guillermo in, in her womb. [ applause ] that's right, guillermo. you got to be -- i told you to be less aggressive with those patdowns and this is what happens. >> messed up. >> jimmy: so keep up the good work, security team. see, the problem with airline security and security in general is you can't tell whether someone is good or bad just by looking at them. there's a guy arrested last week in milwaukee. looking at his face, you'd never suspect he was up to no good. >> a man is behind bars, accused of going on a crime spee in milwaukee. police tracked down mark. >> they grabbed him on the to the dentist and -- president
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obama is back from his trip to asia where he got a lot done. he signed a trade deal with india. he visited indonesia where he lived for a few years as a boy. he made a stop in japan. they have the coolest robots in japan that somehow never make it over to us but he got to meet one of japan's newest talking service robots, they call them. >> a guy comes home from work, works into his bedroom and find a a stranger [ bleep ] his wife. he says what are you two doing? his wife turns to the stranger and says, i told you he was stupid. >> jimmy: it's a good thing president clinton never met that -- [ applause ] president clinton -- i know this sounds like a joke, but he's -- according to numerous reports, president clinton is in thailand and he just shot a cameo in the new movie "the hangover 2."
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he was in thailand giving a speech. he stopped by the set. you see that, he's not a letch. turns out all these years he's just been preparing for a role. he's a method actor. thailand, movie set, what could be wrong? hillary must be delighted. you did what in thailand? this is pretty great, this is from the local nbc news near lawrenceburg, kentucky. a man named harvey west moreland. a few days ago, harvey was hanging out with a couple of guys. they had an argument over the price of a lawn mower which guys do. suddenly, things turned hilarious. >> i'm a pretty good -- >> at least that's what harvey and his brother joseph used to think about former friends troy hot and james hill. and of all things to fight about, westmoreland says, punches started flying over this lawn mower. >> one thing led to another and before i knowed it, they was knives and guns and --
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everything just went haywire. >> he says his brother had a mark on his neck where a knife was held. but westmoreland's loss was more permanent. >> they cut my beard and forced me to eat it. >> jimmy: wait a minute, the lawn mower or the beard? that guy is the punch line to at least 30 jeff foxworthy jokes. didn't make him eat the beer per se but they just doused it in barbecue sauce. can we get him, by the way? let's go back to wolf with more breaking facebook news. wolf. >> this is facebook breaking news. >> good evening, i'm wolf blitzer. marcy boyd is really craving a skinny pumpkin spice latte from starbucks. yummy. >> jimmy: that's right. please remember, national unfriend day, wednesday,
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november 17th. we got a good show tonight. from "icarly," miranda cosgrove is here. we have music from jason aldean. and we'll be right back with kathy griffin, so stick around. (hissssssssssss!) enterprise... hi, i'm at the repair shop. i need to rent a car. enterprise will arrange to pick you up...
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plus, children's advil® brings fever down faster than children's tylenol®. choose children's advil®. relief you can trust.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. with us tonight, the star of the very popular nickelodeon show "icarly," miranda cosgrove is here. then later, another very popular individual, this is his new album, "my kind of party." this album has sold more copies in its first week than any other album by any other male artist in three years. that includes bieber, by the way. jason aldean is here from the bud light stage. tomorrow, leah remini will be with us. we'll welcome the newest castoff from "dancing with the stars" could it be bristol palin? probably not. who knows. and we will have music from trey songz. then later this week, patrick
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dempsey, armie hammer, robin quivers, bill carter and music from nelly and my chemical romance. so please join us for those shows, too. our first guest is a very funny person. it's always a pleasure to welcome her to my lair. on november 27th, you can see her live at caesar's palace in fabulous las vegas, please say hello to kathy griffin. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow, look at you. you look great. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, i'm sorry, i -- can we wrap this up because i was at the red carpet for "burlesque" across the street and i can't stop posing. >> jimmy: i don't blame you. by the way, i'm going to have a
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hard time looking at you face because of the angle you presented me with that particular dress. >> here are my -- enjoy them, jimmy. >> jimmy: i got a good shot at one of them. >> there's one and there's the other. >> jimmy: i can only see the one. >> can we wrap this up? because i just heard that cher just arrived on the red carpet so if you could talk faster i could ditch you and -- cher. oh, my god, cher! >> jimmy: maybe -- if we talk about cher, maybe that will be -- >> that might calm me down. >> jimmy: can you explain the whole cher thing to me? i understand cher is talented. >> wow, okay. let's just back it up, you son of a bitch. >> jimmy: you know, her songs -- >> that's like saying why do i have to breathe oxygen when i could just shoot myself? i mean, she's a reason to live. you insensitive -- >> jimmy: have you always loved cher? >> of course.
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>> jimmy: right. you're friends. >> i've been to her home. we shot the breeze on her couch. absolutely. tonight she's -- you know, when i go to cher's, it's a no makeup rule, sweat pants, we order in. tonight, she's super cher-y. when are you super jimmy-est? >> jimmy: this is it. >> this can't be it. your head dress? >> jimmy: oh, that stuff. >> i thought you had to be the jimmy-est you can be. >> jimmy: that's not really the jimmy-est i can be but that's my other character -- >> all right, now, is there a major version of burlesque? the gays and i all are gonna be -- >> jimmy: what is burlesque? is this a movie? i know that. >> am i in america? i feel like i'm talking to an alien. >> jimmy: no, i'm not an alien. >> okay, it's a slice of heaven, first of all. it's the story of cher. it takes a legend to make a star. >> jimmy: it's her story?
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>> no! oh, my god! >> jimmy: i don't know what it is. >> there's more, there's more! there's a bunch of guys with pigskin who rape their wives. oh, you can handle it. >> jimmy: they're not married to those women. they're not wives. >> old radio days coming back. all right. as you said, i'm performing in really what is the house of cher. you know, you lived in vegas, correct? >> jimmy: i grew up there. >> for how long? >> jimmy: nine years. >> okay. so i'm doing thanksgiving saturday, the saturday after thanksgiving, at the coliseum in vegas. what kind of person is going to go to vegas for thanksgiving? >> jimmy: well, i spent nine thanksgivings in vegas. a lot of people will go. >> what will it take for you to ditch the family and then say i want to go see a lady with a lot of cleavage tell inappropriate jokes? >> i don't know, a change of sexuality? >> oh, my god. okay, here's what i'm going to do.
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i'm going to look at you and just picture cher. hi, you look great. >> jimmy: hello, kathy. is that how she talks? >> yeah, she talks like the alien from "aliens." >> jimmy: i love me in "moonstruck." >> i loved you too. that's like our conversation. >> jimmy: let's pretend you're the kid from "mask." you have red hair. >> i loved her in "mask." your heart is cold and your veins are filled with ice. >> jimmy: that's not true. i don't have anything against cher. honestly -- >> you don't get it. that's the thing. >> jimmy: i don't get it. >> there are people who get it and people who don't get it. >> jimmy: and there are people who get it like crazy get it. you're one of them. will cher be at your concert in las vegas? >> probably -- not in vegas but she may come to see me in l.a. at the universal amphitheater december 16 and 17. >> jimmy: when she comes, are you terribly nervous? >> when she comes, i put her in
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like a cher booth. it's so weird. it's like the popemobile. she's like, kathy, i don't want to be seen. she looks like, you know, cher. but i actually have made fun of her with -- knowing she's in the cher booth. >> jimmy: oh, you have? >> yeah, she can take it. she's been through everything. i'm sure you read the biographies. >> jimmy: sure, everyone has. >> and saw the tv movies. >> jimmy: happy birthday also. i don't know if you're all right with bringing this up. >> that's right, i'm absolutely fine. >> jimmy: you had a very big birthday. >> i had -- last week was the big 5-0. and i am one of those people -- i know, look at this figure. can you believe it? and the ass. [ cheers and applause ] you ever wish you tapped that? >> jimmy: huh? >> you ever wish -- i'm just wondering, do you ever wish you tapped that? >> jimmy: well, depends what you mean by tapping. i am staring at your breasts right now. >> that's a start. >> jimmy: relentlessly. >> all right, so i'm one of those people that stretched my birthday into way too many
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events. >> jimmy: how many events? >> i had like four parties. and one -- >> jimmy: four? >> yeah, one was a surprise party here in l.a. and i really was surprised. and that was great. and it was at my girlfriend lara spencer's house. and my mom was there. and, um, well, my mom, um, you know, she's great. i do have a photo of her passed out on the couch. >> jimmy: for real? >> yes, because she was sle sleeping. >> jimmy: box of wine again? >> yes. my mom had a great time. i went to new york because i had a very unusual invitation. do you guys know who gloria vanderbilt is? >> jimmy: i used to wear her jeans. >> her jeans of course, museums. >> jimmy: this is a picture of her. >> right, so went to her book party. what about that birthday? gloria veanderbilt, me, gloria steinmen. >> jimmy: book ended by glorias.
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>> and who's in this picture? oh, hi, what's up, anderson cooper? >> jimmy: and gloria vanderbilt is anderson cooper's mother. >> i know. >> jimmy: i figured you knew but i didn't know if everybody knew. >> it all comes together so perfectly. >> jimmy: does it really? >> yeah, because when i go to glorias i like to find embarrassing thing about anderson. one is this little book he wrote when when was young called "the book of me" but of course he's smart and perfect. i tried to be a member of high society. ike like way overdressed. it's members of the literaraty and noble lawyer yacureates and. i didn't know what they were talking about. lied for five hours. they say, naturally, you know, the canadian movie review magazine of note. i'd say, i haven't missed it.
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and then -- and they'd say, of course you read the burning lamp shade. and i'd say, every chapt, i couldn't put it down. it was so stressful. and then finally, thank god, gloria vanity vanderbilt who i think is 98 turned to me and you know how rich people have that accent? she turned to me in front of this very heavy conversation and said, kathy, what is going on with the lohans? yes. >> jimmy: no. you bring her up to date? >> yes! i am on 24/7 lohan watch. now that she's out, i -- i gave her a lojack just for me. she's got the government lojack. and then the kathy griffin lojack. >> jimmy: have you met them? >> i haven't met a lohan i didn't like. she's my favorite. especially walking out of the betty ford and doing a photo shoot and walking back in. got to be some good stuff for the live act.
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so yeah, so then when gloria vanderbilt mentioned the lohans, i could fit in for one second. >> jimmy: then suddenly you are the expert. >> i didn't win a nobel prize for it but honestly i'm pretty up on it. >> jimmy: you also have major motion picture coming out. >> yeah, i'm stretching myself. like cher. i want to be a triple threat. >> jimmy: i don't blame you. >> i want to act, tell [ bleep ] jokes and do movies. >> jimmy: and follow the lohans. well, this movie is -- first of all, i want to thank you for bringing the trailer here. it's not been seen before. >> it's very topical. it's very of the moment topic. >> jimmy: is there anything you'd like to say to set this up? >> i think it stands for itself. >> jimmy: when does this come out? >> tomorrow. >> jimmy: okay. ♪ >> what's up?
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i'm justin bieber! >> justin, eat your cereal. >> yo, mom, i'mworking on my song lyrics. >> you've been working on those for hours. >> hey. >> it just says baby, baby, baby. >> exactly. ♪ [ child coughing ] >> how is she? >> it's not good. she's got bieber fever. >> justin, will you marry me? >> i can't marry you. i'm a star. and you're a peon. stars and peons just don't mix. look at britney spears and kevin federline. paul mccartney and heather mills. charlie sheen and that lady he stabbed on christmas. go to sleep, little girl.
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♪ ♪ never thought i'd love you babe. babe. baby. never say never! who threw the [ bleep ] juicy juice! [ applause ] >> jimmy: congratulations. kathy griffin, everybody. november 27th at caesar's palace in las vegas. thank you, kathy. we'll be right back with miranda cosgrove.
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♪ jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji [ girl's voice ] do you wanna[ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ male announcer ] get your own subway® melt -- like the melt-tastic new chipotle chicken & cheese fresh-toasted on flatbread.
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subway. eat fresh.
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>> jimmy: hey there. our next guest is worshiped by your children. they'd probably kill you if she told them to. her big hit nickelodeon show is called "icarly," it airs friday nights at 8:00. please say hello to miranda cosgrove! [ cheers and applause ] how old are you now, miranda? >> i am 17 years old. >> jimmy: are you looking forward to turning 18? >> i am looking forward to turning 18. >> jimmy: you know, when you turn 18, you can get those scratchoff lotto tickets. are you driving and going on dates and all that stuff? >> i do go on dates. i'm not driving yet. >> jimmy: you're not? >> no, i just passed driver's ed though. i owe my friends a lot of rides though because they drive me everywhere. >> jimmy: were you just waiting or you just didn't have time or what? >> i wanted to the second i turned 15 1/2 i wanted to pass
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and get a license and everything but i couldn't find time. but i did recently -- i went on a date recently. and -- >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah. it was -- >> jimmy: with justin bieber? >> i wish. no. it was one of the first times i've gone on a date where i guy picked me up and i actually got in a car with him and went somewhere. my mom was really nervous about it. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, sure. >> but she was all right. she said, go ahead, it will be fine. i thought everything was going to be cool. i got out of the set -- because he picked me up on set where i was filming. >> jimmy: smooth. pick me up on set. maybe i'll put you in a scene. so he picked you up. >> and right when we pulled out, we got maybe two blocks away actually and i looked in the e rearview mirror and my mom was behind us. >> jimmy: tailing you? did she stake the place out like cagney and lacy? >> i tried not to look. i tried just to act like i had
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no idea. to make sure he didn't see her. >> jimmy: loser. >> he didn't know. and then he got to the restaurant. i could see my mom from the table where i was sitting. >> jimmy: really? >> yes, my mom was in the parking lot. and she parked -- i could kind of see, partially see her the whole night. >> jimmy: was she hiding behind a bush? >> she was in the car. because she was going to pick me up afterwards anyways. >> jimmy: were you mad when you got in the car? >> i was a little mad. in a way, it was sweet. i got over it. >> jimmy: it's sweet now. we'll see how sweet it is when you're 0. 30. so then when you turn 18, will you stay -- i assume you live with your mom. will you stay there? >> i live with my mom and my dad and my dog pearl. >> jimmy: will you take pearl and get out of there? >> i don't know. i'm pretty sure i'm probably going to still be living with my parents for a while because i want to go to usc really bad and it's not far from where i live. >> jimmy: why do you want to go to college? you're already very wealthy. i see no reason to get an
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education. it's just how i look at it. >> my dad went to usc so he wants me to go there really bad. >> jimmy: did your dad have a hit show on nickelodeon when he was a kid? >> no. >> jimmy: no. is your dad drake or josh? i don't think so. >> no, he's not drake. >> jimmy: what do you want to study? >> i'm not sure. i was thinking film. >> jimmy: well, it all fits in. >> yeah, they have a good film department too. >> jimmy: i heard you recorded an album. so do you do concerts? are you on the road? >> i just did a concert in california a few weeks ago actually with ludacris. >> jimmy: hold on a second. you did? why? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: what kind of a mix of fans was that? >> i got there and it was pretty crazy because everybody was -- they were all r&b people. right before i went on, they played "birthday sex." i don't know if you guys heard
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that. right before i went on. i was pretty nervous. i looked back at my band. they didn't want to go on stage. >> jimmy: "birthday sex." that's crazy. and did you get to chat with ludacris? >> i didn't. i met him once though. i do like his music. i was excited about -- >> jimmy: it seems like a weird kind of mix. >> definitely, yeah. >> jimmy: i hear jack black is going to be on "icarly" who you were in "the school of rock" with jack black so it's a reunion show of sorts? >> yeah, he was one of the first people i ever worked with when i was 9 so it was really cool to get to have him -- >> jimmy: you were 9 when that movie was made. wow. >> i'm taller. >> jimmy: he's taller now too i understand. >> yeah. >> jimmy: he's well over seven feet tall. what does he play in the show? >> in the episode, he goes to -- well, it's all about a thing like comicon and we all go there but it's called webicon on the show. he dresses up as his favorite character from a video game. sings a song too. >> jimmy: plays a little bit of
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a weirdo. >> a little bit. >> jimmy: it's very good to have you here. i hope you don't wind up in a lot of trouble like all these other teen stars, you know? i think never driving is a good thing. and your mother following you everywhere is probably for the best too. >> okay. >> jimmy: miranda cosgrove, everybody. you can see "icarly," the big tv movie with jack black on friday night at 8:00 on nickelodeon. we'll be right back with jason aldean. ll meet you at the gate. thanks. please remove all metal objects out of your pockets. with chase freedom you can get a total of 5% cash back. fun money from freedom. that's 5% cash back in quarterly categories and an unlimited 1% cash back everywhere else. and this too. does your card do this? i'm going to need a supervisor over here at gate 4. sign up for this quarter's bonus today. chase what matters. go to
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series, sponsored by bud light. >> jimmy: here with the title track from his new album, "my kinda party," jason aldean. ♪ ♪ i worked all week cleaned up, clean cut and clean shaved ♪ ♪ got the cover off a '68
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i fired it up and let them horses sing ♪ ♪ a little pretty thing a little tan leg georgia dream she's a rockin' them holey jeans ♪ ♪ baby, what you got goin' on saturday? you know, words got it, there's gonna be a party ♪ ♪ out of town about half a mile four wheel drives and big mud tires, muscadine wine ♪ ♪ oh baby, you can find me in the back of a jacked up tailgate ♪ ♪ sittin' 'round watchin' all these pretty things i get down in that georgia clay ♪ ♪ and i'll find peace in the bottom of a real tall cold drink ♪ ♪ chillin' with some skynyrd and some old hank let's get this thing started it's my kind of party ♪ ♪ ♪ if you wanna drink go on baby
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just do your thing ♪ ♪ but give up your keys hell, why drive when you can stay with me? ♪ ♪ and then after while we'll sneak away from the bonfire ♪ ♪ walk by the moonlight and down to the riverside gotcha sippin' on some moonshine ♪ ♪ baby, if you're in the mood and you can settle for a one night rodeo ♪ ♪ if you can be my tan-legged juliet i'll be your redneck romeo ♪ ♪ oh baby you can find me in the back of a jacked up tailgate ♪ ♪ sittin' 'round watchin' all these pretty things i get down in that georgia clay ♪ ♪ and i'll find peace in the bottom of a real tall cold drink ♪ ♪ chillin' with some skynyrd and some old hank let's get this thing started it's my kind of party ♪ ♪
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♪ oh baby you can find me in the back of a jacked up tailgate ♪ ♪ sittin' 'round watchin' all these pretty things i get down in that georgia clay ♪ ♪ and i'll find peace in the bottom of a real tall cold drink ♪ ♪ chillin' with some skynyrd and some old hank let's get this thing started it's my kind of party ♪ ♪ kikikikikikikikikikikikikikikii
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