tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC December 8, 2010 12:05am-1:05am PST
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not to let perfect be the enemy of the good and went on to defend his performance as president. >> take a tally. look at what i promised during the campaign. there's not a single thing that i've said that i would do that i have not either done or tried to do. >> so, tonight, we ask you, has president obama delivered as president as promised? we heard from so many of you on facebook and twitter tonight. please, join in on this big conversation. join us at the "nightline" facebook page or the "nightline" page at that is our report for tonight. hope to see you back here tomorrow night. for all of us at abc news, good night, america. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with a message about the bud light hotel. the place to be during the first week of february, leading up to that big professional football championship game i am legal little prohibited from mentioning by name. go to to secure your reservation for what i expect will be a super fun time. guillermo is packing for the trip now which seems early to
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me, guillermo. >> you know, jimmy. all week long, there are going to be nightly parties including the playboy party including a concert. i cannot wait. >> jimmy: and why are you packing a football helmet. are you playing in the game? >> you never know, jimmy. >> jimmy: you know what? you probably don't need -- i'm positive they're going to have bud light at the bud light hotel. >> i know, but what i'm going to do until i get to the hotel? >> jimmy: you're right. you definitely pack the bud light. and are paco and pepe going? >> just paco. pepe has to go to school. he's going to be a -- >> jimmy: what? >> jimmy: he's going to be a -- perfect. >> dicky: reserve your room now at right now
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and you might win a free trip. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" back in two minutes with brian austin green, music from brad and dan aykroyd. here we go. we demand a helicopter. [ policeman ] got it. ah, wha?! we demand a hovercraft. a pipe organ. [ organ music plays ] a siberian endangered lynx and my old high school track coach, mr. gill. [ roars ] hey, guys! aaww. they're good. [ male announcer ] it's the sure sign of a good time. the just right taste of bud light. here we go. this is the number to the hideout. just give me a call whenever, okay? this is the number to the hideout. sold out online in 17 minutes. beauty editors are raving. the clinical results are astounding.
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olay professional pro-x. read all about it at [ exclaims ] ...with...stage presence. ♪ now get an htc surround for $199.99, and get one free. only from at&t. rethink possible. [ male announcer ] not sure what to take? now click on the robitussin relief finder. click on your symptoms. get the right relief. makes the cold aisle easy. the robitussin relief finder. it's that simple. the robitussin relief finder. amyamy's dad: now that's aers cableknit!yone! amy's mom: oooooooh, a wrap! amy: and two for my twin brothers!
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brothers: (in unison): you're the best! josh: now i can tell them apart! anncr: it's buy one sweater, get one free. this week only at old navy! >> dicky: from hollywood, it's jimmy kimmel! "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- dan aykroyd. from "desperate housewives," brian austin green. and music from brad. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> dicky: and now, fear not. here's jimmy kimmel!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for being here and for watching and for undressing me with your eyes. i don't mind it. hey, something amazing happened last night on monday night football. i don't know if you saw this. the jets played the patriots. it was a blowout. and not just on the field. it was windy in foxborough and that is robert kraft. next to him is donald trump and donald's hair appears to be trying to escape from his head. have to say, when i saw it, i said, i feel like i've been waiting my whole life to see this video. let's take a look at it again, if we could, it's -- there the crowd doing the wave and the -- whoa! and looks like, oh, they're
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going to go around and -- whoa! there it goes. his hair is more into the game than he is. [ cheers and applause ] to me, this -- incredible. see, now, anyone who thought donald trump's hair was fake, not only isn't it fake, it's alive. [ laughter ] that's how it signals that it's ready to mate. here, watch -- look here. you can see, the hair goes up and -- then down onto the field where tom brady is. back to donald. it's -- and tom brady. their hair is flirting. that's -- let's just all take a moment to thank the good lord for that. tonight is the seventh of eight nights of hanukkah. this is the night parents run out of presents. this is the night, on night seven, jewish moms and dads go around the house just wrapping anything. oh, look, it's our dog. i haven't seen any hanukkah pa
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raids, but there are plenty of christmas parades happening. this is from richmond, virginia. there, you see rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is headed towards a traffic light, and that's never good. rudolph gets caught on the traffic light. rudolph's cranium gets pierced by the traffic light. who could have planned for traffic lights being on the street during a parade? now the air is coming out of rudolph. the people on the ground are starting to get weird. this could be a dramatic experience for a child, i would think. rudolph has -- his brain matter is sucked out. oh, there he is. and that's it. sorry, kids. rudolph is dead. rudolph, the dead-nosed reindeer. you know, sarah palin shot a reindeer on her reality show last week.
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took her about ten shots to get it but she finally hit the thing. and you don't typically see politicians shooting reindeer to death on tv two weeks before christmas. we thought it would be funny to take the audio from "sarah palin's alaska" and insert it into a classic christmas cartoon. here is sarah palin and her dad on the hunt for rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. >> i spent the night in bear country, there are two things i want with me. a loaded rifle and my dad. >> here he comes. come on. perfect. it's okay. get settled down. it kicks. wait for him to stop. wait until it turns and stops. go ahead, right there. good. there you go, baby. there you go. >> jimmy: even with the glowing
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red nose, five shots. and look out frosty, you're next. julian assange, the founder of wikileaks was taken into custody today in england. he's wanted for sexual assault in sweden. british authorities arrested him. and the judge refused to grant bail. so, now, we've got him. now our secrets are safe. just as long as no one else figures out how to use the internet, we're going to be fine. through his attorney, assange said he's doing fine. i'm sure he's doing fine. snitches usually do very well in prison. to prepare himself for jail, he's making a small change to his name, oddly. he's added an l to his name, and, voila. it the perfect prison nickname. this is disturbing. we found this on youtube. this is a foreign child playing with what i assume is his pet lizard and i'm not sure what country this is from, but i'm -- one thing i am sure of is, i never want to go there.
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devour his parents, too. and one more item before we hurdle forward. my cousin sal and i, we volunteer our time to help santa claus. santa can't do it all alone, so we help him, we talk to kids to find out if they've been good kids or bad kids. as you saw a moment ago, some kids are very mean to their lizards. those kids will get coal this year. so, we sit down and help santa to find out who is naughty and who is nice. >> jimmy, matthew. >> jimmy: hi there, matt. how are you? >> good. >> jimmy: have a seat right there. >> thanks. >> put your hand on the bible, matthew. on top. do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god? >> yep. >> jimmy: thank you. all right, very good. we can move forward now. matthew, do you like christmas? >> yep. >> jimmy: have you heard of the naughty or nice lists that santa compiles? >> yep. >> jimmy: well, this year he's
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getting serious about it, and we wanted to know whether you've been naughty or nice this year. >> sometimes i've been nice but sometimes i've been a little bit naughty. >> jimmy: that's very honest. >> tell us about the naughty things you've done. >> well, kind of been annoying my brother a bit. he annoys me sometimes. >> jimmy: how does he do that? >> well, he makes fun of me. >> jimmy: what does he say? >> well, he calls me names. >> jimmy: what kind of names? >> he just makes up really weird names. >> jimmy: what is that? >> he just calls me that, but i have no idea what it is. >> that's pretty bad. >> jimmy: maybe it's good, though. >> yeah, maybe. >> jimmy: you get mad, you say, mom, he's calling me that again. >> yep. >> jimmy: she says, don't call your brother that. >> yeah. >> capuener.
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sorry. >> jimmy: sorry about him. what do you want for christmas this year? >> i want some toys. >> jimmy: okay. do you like to get clothes for christmas? >> santa always gives me socks. >> jimmy: do you like that? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you do? are you telling me the truth? >> yes. >> jimmy: because i can tell him to lay off the socks if you want? >> no. >> jimmy: okay, he likes socks. kid likes socks. all right. do you know that santa is watching you when your sleeping? >> yep. >> jimmy: and he knows when you're awake. >> yep. >> jimmy: does that bother you? >> he could do more stuff than just watch us. >> jimmy: we'll mention that. matt said, get a life. >> he should do more stuff than just watching us. >> jimmy: yeah, stop spying on me in the bathroom. >> maybe play a sport or something. >> jimmy: could play a sport? all right. i think we covered everything.
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oh, one other thing i wanted to ask you. is there anyone you know of that should be on the naughty list? >> somebody in my class called ben. >> jimmy: he's a bad kid? >> yeah. >> jimmy: he should get nothing this year? >> he could get something. like socks. >> jimmy: socks? okay. all right. socks for ben. all right, matt. you've been very, very helpful. and we're going to put you on the nice list. >> thanks. >> jimmy: very good. thank you. >> bye. >> bye capueer. >> jimmy: we have a good show for you tonight. brian austin green is here. we have music from brad. and we'll be right back with dan aykroyd so stay there. come on, kids, come inside.
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as you probably figured. from "desperate housewives" tonight, brian austin green is here. you know, i want to ask brian about something because i saw brian a couple of months ago at an event and he said hello, he kissed me right on the lips when he said hello and -- i felt in a way like i was kind of kissing megan fox through him. so i was all right with it but i'm going to ask you him about that because i was puzzled. then, later, a terrific band from seattle. comprised of members of pearl jam and satchel, among others. this is their fourth album, called "best friends." music from brad. tomorrow night, helen mirren, paul bettany and little big town. join us for that. our first guest tonight is one of the greats. he's a blues brother, he's a
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conehead, a ghost burster and a vodka maker on the side. you can hear him give voice to jelly stone park in the new 3d movie "yogi bear." please welcome dan aykroyd. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: are we having a tailgate party or something? [ applause ] ah, yes. i brought you some specimens, jimmy. and i bring you greetings from the aa albanian.
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he wants me to kiss you. he kisses the neck. jimmy i'm talking about. >> jimmy: of course. how are you? >> life in the western world, what could go wrong? >> jimmy: first of all, i'm a big fan, for a long time. but i know you don't do a lot of talk shows. i appreciate you coming on. i saw you with larry king earlier this year. >> yes. i felt like the hand in the fox house on that one. >> jimmy: you were there to talk about ufos. >> well, the reason i was asked to go on there is because stephen hawking actually referenced a ufo siting from 1952 in washington, d.c., he said ufo, washington wag, mentioned the lights that were photographed there. and so they called me because i'm the mutual ufo network, a group of scientists that study this in a real scientific way. they treat it as if it is reality. and so -- the other scientists that were there with me were not believers so i had to hold my
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own against really smart physicists -- >> jimmy: does it help them to have a comedian as one of their spokesmen? >> well, it keeps it in the realm of entertainment. that's where we should be on all this stuff. >> jimmy: do you believe in ufos? >> absolutely. i've seen three. >> jimmy: three? >> i have. >> jimmy: and how close were they to you? >> well, one was 100,000 feet. going about 20,000 miles an hour. there were two of them, my wife saw it with two other witnesses. the concord makes a left over martha's vineyard. i could gauge the altitude. they were as if two discs like, just flying in tandem and in controlled flight and it wasn't a helicopter, wasn't the moon, and i had three people with me and they all believe today that we saw something that was -- that defied earthbound engineering. >> jimmy: people are latching, but you're serious, right? >> i am. >> jimmy: i feel like i saw a ufo once. i was out fishing, my cousin
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sal, my friend tony, the three of us were there and tony and i both saw something just suddenly make a weird kind of turn and my cousin sal, who is the only one that wasn't very, very, very drunk at the time thought we were crazy and still thinks we're crazy. but i thought it was weird that we both -- it's not like we discussed it and decided we saw it -- >> thousands of people do every day. go to the website. we had an interesting sighting in los angeles. we hate a con trail. they said it was a 747. if you look closely at it and we're going to get photo analysis done. it's not a jet and not a rocket. it's an orb. >> jimmy: you think so? >> you can see it in the "l.a. times" photo. it's obviously a round object, not a sill lander. >> jimmy: what percentage of the sightings do you think are -- there's something to them? most of them have to have some reasonable explanation.
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>> i would say, like, an extraer theless real ship coming here and visiting, probably 2%. 80% can be explained. 20% are unexplained and i would say, you know, when you look at ted phillips' evidence, he gathers the trace evidence, burnt car paint, you know, radiation circles on the ground, that sort of thing, you go, yeah, there's some real stuff there. >> jimmy: now, your dad wrote this book, which is called "a history of ghosts." he's 89, writing a fourth book. seems like a fun family to have dinner with. >> it really is. i often say -- the book is about the say yanlss we used to have in the farmhouse up there at the lake in canada. when i put an inscription, i always say, come and have a nap in the farmhouse. please join us. >> jimmy: who would conduct the say yanlss? >> well, they were conducted by my grandfather who was a bell telephone engineer and my great grandfather who was a dentist. we had our own sort of captive
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medi medium. his name was water ashhurst. he had a great 12 education. he wasn't a college-educated guy. he walked up to my great grandfather one day, he said, i feel i have a gift and i can bring spirits from the other side and he ended up being the family medium for years. and this book, on amazon and stuff, items the story of how i came to write ghostbursters and the whole aykroyd history. the invisible world, as it were. >> jimmy: you made yourself an enemy of the ghosts. but you aren't. people say this building is haunted. do you have -- do you sense ghosts -- >> i have no sensitives. >> jimmy: my uncle frank, we're not sure he's alive. >> that's one vibrant guy out there. >> jimmy: that's for sure. i want to ask you about this photograph. you're one of the co-founders of the house of blues. this is, i assume, maybe i'm
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wrong. this is -- did this happen at the house of blues? you can see we've got magic johnson there. we have you -- >> michael jackson. >> jimmy: ray park eer jr. >> tatum o'neil -- >> jimmy: the family medium is here. >> not there. and there's me in a hat that i never wore then and would never wear again. i tonigdon't know -- that's me years and 100 pounds ago. >> jimmy: do you remember this. >> yeah, i remember we had a little party at the house of blues and i think we were -- it was backstage at the staples center and we went to the house of blues afterwards. >> jimmy: that's something else. i want to ask you about james brown, because james brown, obviously, he was in the blues brothers with you, and, performed at the house of blues, and i'm endlessly fascinated with james brown. >> jimmy, did you know james brown? >> jimmy: i didn't. >> i tell you, he like you jimmy, you know why? you tell the truth.
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tell the truth, you tell the truth to yourself, tell the truth to the world, you believe in yourself, you tell the world about yourself and the truth of you, you're going to be all right. you'll be all right. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know if you're channeling him or impersonating him? >> you know, he turned out to be a really good friend of mine and i had -- he opened five of the house of blues nightclubs and the wonderful thing is that my children got to see him perform live and that's a great gift. >> jimmy: did they appreciate it? >> oh, absolutely. and this woman, sharon jones, sharon jones and the dap kings, i believe she's the inheriter of that. >> jimmy: we had her here. >> she's really carrying on that torch. >> jimmy: she's fantastic. besides that, you've got this vodka which -- >> is now the time? >> jimmy: if you would like. i think it would be good.
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in fact -- you know what we ought to do? maybe we should -- it's weird that you are here promoting "yogi bear" and you brought vodka. >> wait a minute now. let's -- let me see this. okay, what i brought, this is santa for adults. this is -- i'm going to solve all of your christmas gift problems right here. there. isn't that beautiful? there is no head in the world like this beautiful head right here. this is the crystal head vodka. it's made in newfoundland, canada. the most romantic place in the world. 1,000 miles out in the atlanta. the people talk with an irish lilt. and this beverage is clean. we have a natural smoothness. our votes are vanilla, dry. the bartender's guilt of san francisco said how can you have a vodka that is so smooth -- >> jimmy: we have a little
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family here. >> how can you have a vad ka that is so smooth without the oils? and we just said, well, put it in a lab and they ran it through there and it runs completely flat. >> jimmy: do you see ufos when you drink this stuff? >> ah, well, you know, in fact, the spielberg movie about the crystal heads atrinted them to ufos. you don't have to shoot it. just sip. >> jimmy: that is very good. this is kind of a hair binger of things to come. >> cleanest vodka on the planet. we've sold our 1 millionth bottle. >> jimmy: wow. >> and john alexander, the great artist designed the bottle and every bottle is an art piece and i've got 100 of them in my house because i can't throw them away. >> jimmy: what a place -- the
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power to go out and you turn the lights on and there's 100 skulls surrounding you. >> yeah. >> jimmy: now, "yogi bear" has nothing to do with this. >> let's clear these over here. >> jimmy: let's talk about the kids now who should not drink the vodka. you play yogi bear. have you done this impersonation in the past? >> it's infused in me as if i had sleep learning because i grew up in ottawa, canada, i used to have to walk, like your grandmother and father did, through the snow, through the bad neighborhood and back every day. four miles to go to school and back and, boy, when i was 8 and 9, i get home there and yogi bear was my fire. i would turn on the tv. it was the reward for going to school and doing that trek back and forth. so, i listened to that voice and i tried to replicate it --
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>> jimmy: you did a very nice job. >> hey, thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: we have -- justin timberlake plays booboo. >> he channels booboo. >> jimmy: but he was not growing up in orlando -- >> tennessee. he has a great sense of what it is to love nature and i think the movie does say that we've got to protect our environment and it's a sweet film. you know what's great about it? it's funny, first of all, and also, you can take a 6-year-old to it. there's movies today that, the "saw" series, you don't want to take a 6-year-old to that. >> jimmy: most 6-year-olds should not go to that. >> unless they are going to grow up for that kind of person and you want to help them along. it's more just that it's funny. the whole family can come. >> jimmy: people can now see just how funny it is. "yogi bear" opens december 17th. >> get ready for it. here it comes!
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right, booboo, run. hurry, booboo. i think we have to jump for it. ready? >> yogi, grab my paw! sorry. i guess it makes a stop leer. >> jimmy: "yogi bear" opens december 17th. dan aykroyd, everybody. we'll be right back with brian austin green. hey... everyone's eating tacos outside bill's office. [ chuckles ] you think that is some information i would have liked to know? i like tacos. you invited eric? i thought eric gave you the creeps.
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our professionals hair care line. [ male stylist 1 ] i love natural ingredients. [ female stylist 2 ] i'm jealous. [ female announcer ] but it's not a salon brand. it's suave professionals. [ female announcer ] suave professionals with natural almond and shea butter is salon-proven to moisturize as well as aveda dry remedy.
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yeah! i thought we'd eat at hey, you ghome. save some money. $200 bucks? that's not saving! [jacks voice] at my place i'm bringing back the bonus jack. two patties, melting cheese and my secret sauce plus fries and a drink for only $3.99. i get it. you can eat a lot cheaper atouar placthan y c]n at home. but do have this? i have dessert. what about this? ohhh. ohhhhhh. jack. that's for max. >> jimmy: hi there. we're back. still to come, brad. 20 years ago on the nose our next guest rose to fame as ghoon's very patient boyfriend on "beverly hills, 90210." now, can you see him on "desperate housewives" here on abc on sunday nights.
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please say hello to brian austin green. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you are blushing. i figured i would start this off the right way. >> we didn't kiss, did we? >> jimmy: you kissed me right on the mouth the last time i saw you. >> i don't remember it. >> jimmy: i thought it was friendly. it wasn't upset about it. is brian italian? i don't think so. >> yeah, no, a bit, but no, i don't -- i don't remember, but i made up for it tonight. >> jimmy: i said to my girlfriend, i said, brian austin green, he just kissed me right on the lips. she's like, really? yeah, he kissed me right on the lips. it was friendly -- >> i didn't kiss him on the lips. i didn't. but i did tonight. >> jimmy: yeah, i swear to god you kissed me on the lips. >> no, i did not. >> jimmy: maybe it was an accident. how could you mistake that?
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>> jimmy: how could i not know that you kissed me on the lips? my uncle frank will do that every now and then. >> he's family. >> i would kiss uncle frank on the lips. >> jimmy: you're a serial lip kisser. >> maybe he's part of our family. >> jimmy: maybe that is. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's possibly what it is. >> man, i was drunk. >> jimmy: i could have been that, too. did dan aykroyd bring you any of the vodka? >> no, he didn't. i was drinking red wine backstage. >> jimmy: congratulations on your marriage. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you eloped or something -- what happened? >> no, no. we had -- >> jimmy: small wedding. >> we did have a small wedding. that's with my son. just the three of us. >> and a guy in a bath towel. >> they're laid back there in hawaii. that's what makes it hawaii. >> jimmy: it's a good thing this is hawaii because otherwise it's just a pervert marrying you.
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>> otherwise it's awkward in malibu. >> jimmy: was your son your best man? >> he was. we had rings and then we did a bracelet for him. >> jimmy: how old is he? >> he's 8. >> jimmy: not much of a bachelor party? chuck e. cheese or something? >> he got wasted. really wasted. but he was good. he made it through. he sobered up in time, you know. watered him down and it was good. >> jimmy: do you wake up every morning, and you go, you married megan fox. nice job. >> i do. >> jimmy: you should be proud of yourself. >> i know, i am. is this my water? >> jimmy: it doesn't matter. we've already kissed. what's the difference? >> yeah, no, i'm a lucky man. i know you're a huge fan of hers -- >> jimmy: she's a lovely woman. she's very attractive. i don't know if people told that you. >> no, i -- i guessed. i was saying -- i was speaking to something i said, i've done this show before and megan has done it, as well. i think twice she was here. >> jimmy: yeah, two or three times. >> and both times you sent her a
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photograph of the two of you on the show. >> jimmy: oh, like a still photograph? yeah, i don't send those myself but -- >> because i never got one. i've been here before -- >> jimmy: well, i have a feeling the photographer's more included to show up when megan is here, in general, because we have male photographers. in fact, he's here. let's take a couple right here that we'll put -- we'll take a few and then -- and then we'll do one pretending that we're just about to kiss. oh, he's gone. the hell with it. >> he lost interest that fast. he's like, it's not megan, who cares. i have the pictures of you in our house. >> jimmy: glad, i'm glad you have pictures of me in your home. congratulations on the "desperate housewives" thing. how did that come into play? was that out of the blue -- >> it did. we were on our honeymoon in hawaii and i got a call saying
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that -- >> jimmy: you took a call on honeymoon with megan fox? men. >> i -- i feel judged by you. i do. >> jimmy: that's just a good, like, insight into our psyche, though, i think. hold on a second, honey, i got to take a call. >> it was a text. >> jimmy: it was a test? >> a text message. >> jimmy: i got you. >> and i thought, yeah, okay, i'll deal with this when i get back. >> jimmy: and mark cherry hired you for the show. >> he did. i never met marcia before -- >> jimmy: she's your lover on the show. >> not to make you jealous, but yes, we are -- >> jimmy: your lover on the show. but all the women on the show are kind of hovering around you. >> well, i had a couple really fun episodes with vanessa williams who is fantastic on the show. and then marcia, who is just great, and i was -- i got to say, showing up, a show that's
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been going for seven years, you either show up and everybody is ready to work or you show up and everybody is ready to go home. and this is a group that's really ready to show up and work. >> jimmy: in the beginning, they all wanted to kill each other. you have heard -- >> well, i don't know. i wasn't around for the beginning. i just started this season. >> jimmy: the bad times. everything is settled down? >> it seems to. everybody gets along well. i see everybody in cast read-throughs -- >> jimmy: do you feel like eye candy when you're there? i know they make you take off your clothes and that kind of stuff. you do? is that -- is that a good feeling or a bad feeling? >> it's different. it's different. >> jimmy: i think of it as a really good feeling. >> no, it's not. it's stressful. >> jimmy: you feel like a piece of meat? >> i do. yeah. >> jimmy: do you feel like you're being sexually harassed there? do you want me to speak to someone? >> if you could. >> jimmy: if there's anything i can do, i'd be more than
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happy -- >> it's the same network. >> jimmy: i'll get mickey on the phone. >> if you could. >> jimmy: congratulations. everything is going great for you. it's good to see this going well for you. brian austin green, everybody. "desperate housewives" 9:00 sundays on abc. we'll be right back with brad. amy: buy one get one,sweaters for everyone!
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amy's dad: now that's a cableknit! amy's mom: oooooooh, a wrap! amy: and two for my twin brothers! brothers: (in unison): you're the best! josh: now i can tell them apart! anncr: it's buy one sweater, get one free. this week only at old navy! and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise
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>> jimmy: all right, here with the song "every whisper," from their new album "best friends," brad. ♪ i get the sense that you and i haven't spoke in so long but you're probably wondering where i've been ♪ ♪ and ever since i've had that thought i've hardly smiled at all ♪ ♪ thinking that i let you down ♪ i'm on my way i'm on my way home ♪ ♪ i'm on my way
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