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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 16, 2010 12:05am-1:05am PST

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time now for tonight's closing argueth. despite sustained criticism for republicans at the obama administration has not been a friend of american business, the president played host today to 20 chief executives at the blare house across the street from the
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white house. the president said that the focus of the meeting was jobs and investment, calling on companies to use some of the billions of dollars they have held on the sidelines to create new jobs. so, tonight, we ask you, is the president doing enough to promote job creation? we've ever heard from many of you on facebook and twitter tonight, but please join the conversation and tell us what you think at the "nightline" facebook page or on the "nightline" page at that's our report for tonight. from all of us at abc news, good night, america. >> dicky: it's the "jimmy kimmel live" fantasy league. presented by gmc. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel. >> and i'm cousin sal. >> jimmy: the regular season is done. and you know what that means? >> playoff football. >> jimmy: let's go and see what happened in the regular season.
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j.b. smoove unplugs the fridge, putting team perry's postseason dreams to rest. >> jimmy: the sports guy nearly doubled team she herald's score. >> the fighting kimmels fall to mchale. and he will not make the playoffs. >> i could care less. >> jimmy: and finally, kristen bell's squad snabed the final playoff spot with a convincing win over team carolla. let's look at the postseason. >> "jimmy kimmel live" fantasy league playoff bracket. brought to you by gmc! >> team simmons plays team bell. team kimmel plays team shepard.
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that's it. >> dicky: to follow all the playoff action, go to the "jimmy kimmel live" youtube channel and click on fantasy league for scores, videos and more. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with music from the temper trap, beau garrett and mark wahlberg. moments ago, we gave this group of people stylish orbit packs. [ orbit trumpet ] let's see what they think. cork my canteen! churn my butterscotch! [ laughs ] shut the front door! more dirty mouths cleaned up with orbit. in stylish packs.
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feeling fresh enough to last through my parent's cocktail party? that's where we're going? ♪ [ female announcer ] feel fresh up to five times longer with scope outlast. still feeling fresh? oh yeah. [ female announcer ] what will you outlast? [ male announcer ] not sure what to take? now click on the robitussin relief finder. click on your symptoms. get the right relief. makes the cold aisle easy. the robitussin relief finder. it's that simple. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up to keep your business moving. blackberry torch now just $99.99. only from at&t. rethink possible. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- mark wahlberg. from "tron: legacy," beau garrett. and music from the temper trap. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live"
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>> dicky: and now, what to my wondering eyes should appear, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, hello there, i'm jimmy, thank you for coming, thank you for watching. happy holidays to everyone. as i think everyone's probably heard about 30 times today, chris matmas is only ten days awee -- away, rather. awee? i just gave away what i asked santa for. there's still time for last-minute shopping. ten days before isn't last minute. if you are buying a birthday present ten days in advance, you'd feel like you're way
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ahead. 6:00 on christmas eve, that's last minute. that's -- that's when i kick into gear, but here is an interesting holiday fact. did you know the word mistle toe is derived from an anglo-saxon word, mistle, meaning dung, and ton, meaning twig. you're making out under a crap stick. merry christmas. the things you learn from these words, you know? tonight after the show, we're having our annual holiday office party. that decisionally, someone in, say, accounts receivable. do we have that? something like that. this is the night when someone comes up to me and says, i work for you, you don't know me, and i say, hello, and they say, what's my name? seriously, what's my name? and then i go home. it's a lot of fun. not as many companies are having
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holiday parties this year, or if they are, they are scaling them back. because of the economy, some companies can barely afford to buy enough toner for employees to drunkenly xerox pictures of their ass. debbie from hr is only going to be able to flash one of her boobs this year. half the country is covered in snow right now. people in new york, people have been flipping each other the mitten. [ cheers and applause ] oh, thank you. here in l.a. we try to pretend it's christmassy, but it really isn't. could you imagine lindsay lohan driving on ice? it's a good thing it doesn't snow here. every year around the holidays, our local channel four weatherman fritz coleman does a segment called fritz's holiday lights. he goes around to houses which are decorated very nicely. well, like this one. >> well, we have this family here, we have their beautiful neighbors in this beautiful,
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beautiful spot here, carmel mountain ranch, stoney gate place. it is a multicultural neighborhood. we have santa, and santa is, what? >> jewish. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and he seems delighted to be there. i had no idea. santa's jewish. kind of makes sense, though. who else would work on christmas eve? we're doing a secret santa here at our office. secret santa is when you pick a name out of a hat and you buy the person a gift. we have a security guard here at the show named adolina. she lives on a planet we have yet to eye department if i. she guards the second floor. i'm right on that guillermo, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: here's adolina hard at work. this is -- doesn't know the camera is on her right now, but -- as you can see, she's -- i feel very comfortable when she is the lion at the gate. but so, over the last two weeks
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someone here has been leaving gifts for adolina with a note saying, "from your secret santa." and we video taped her getting and opening those gifts, because that's what we do. and, here we go, adolina's ten business days of christmas. that's her station. to adolina, from your secret santa. what is this? huh. [ laughter ] and let's see what she got. oh. nunchakus. that's nice. well, this is -- that, by the way is the door i come through all the time, so -- all right. day two. big one this time. oh, look at that. a hula hoop.
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all right, she knows how to work that thing pretty well. gift number three. giant underpants. what do you do -- well, you try them on, of course. and dance around a little. day four. still has no idea what -- what the -- it's a fish. i guess -- i guess she doesn't like fish. day five. day five -- oh, doughnuts. delicious. so delicious someone ate them on the way. but you know what? it really doesn't matter.
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as long as you eat the other side. this is day six. day six -- an inflatable guillermo doll. which -- oh. [ laughter ] why not? all right, day seven. day seven is -- an assortment of little bottles of liquor. hmm, smells good. smells like liquor. tastes like liquor. in fact -- they all kind of taste -- oh, my. i think she had -- [ laughter ] i don't know what she's doing if she's trying to fly with it or catch it or what. day nine's a big gift. and it's -- a human.
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>> merry christmas! yay! i'm yours. >> what do i do with you? >> help me out. whoa! merry christmas. and i guess we skipped the tenth day? we skipped the tenth day. and -- >> hi. >> hi. >> you going home? >> yeah. >> all right, let's go. >> i'm yours, remember? >> you're mine? >> yeah. ah, i wasn't expecting this. but you're mine? >> i'm yours. all right. um -- i'm taking you home. >> jimmy: and never mind the box. [ cheers and applause ] our security team.
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definitely a -- definitely a partridge missing from that particular pear tree. every night this week we've been helping to usher the holidays in by refurbishing the old animated christmas specials. i pearly have been seeing the same 12 christmas specials every day since i was a kid, so, to liven them up a little, we took some of frosty's winter wonderland and mashed it one a recent episode of the maury povich show. and, here you go. holiday magic. >> we got daryl and chris back there, and we have given everybody a dna test and a lie detector test. to find out whether what chris says is true is really true. this is what he had to say, watch. >> i am totally torn between my girlfriend and my cousin. i don't know who to believe. chris had a relationship with her before i fell in love with her. i asked for permission to date her. he said okay. lo and behold, my cousin says
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he's still having sex with her behind my back, then he comes and tell me that my only son could actually be his. i love her with all my heart, but if chris is telling the truth, i can't be with her. the only thing i can trust today are those dna results. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's why frosty melted. his girl stepped out with his cousin chris and turned out daryl jr. was really chris jr. and it broke his snowy heart. next thing you know, the corn cob pipe was replaced by a crack pipe and that was that. "time" named that person of the year this morning. >> without further ado, who is "time's" person of the year. >> "time's" person of the year for 2010 is -- crystal bowersox. >> jimmy: wow, surprise. good for her. no, we screwed with that. there was a lot of speculation that the person of the year might be wikileaks founder
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julian assange, the guy who leaked the secret government information. but instead, it went to facebook founder mark zuckerberg, the guy who leaked all the secret personal information, so -- "time" said they picked zuckerberg because he, quote, changed the way we live. thanks to him, while we used to work during the day, now we play farmville and tag pictures of our cats, so -- thanks, mark. he should be the time wasted person of the year. but -- [ cheers and applause ] there's -- you can't argue with the fact that facebook is a very big deal. the creator of friendster today was named employee of the month at pizza hut. the holidays are a special time for children, some of my fondest memories as a kid are crying hysterically because my sister got more presents than i did. it got me wondering what kind of memories do people have that dress up on hollywood boulevard. there are people that pose for
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pictures with young people outside on the street. they were young people once, too. so, today, we asked our local neighborhood darth vader to share one of his fondest holiday memories, and surprisingly, the dark lord was very accommodating. >> hi, darth vader here. and my favorite christmas memory, it was new year's eve and i just loved this girl tremendously. we were out drinking and got a little bit too wasted and it was my idea to try to propose to this woman because i had her right where i wanted her. sloppy drunk. so, basically, i talked her into it, over a few, few shots of tequila, and we headed out to this little chapel in vegas near the strip and walked in and got ourselves married. so, the next thing up know,
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basically, i'm waking up the next morning with a cheap gum ball ring on my finger and married to this 16 1/2-year-old. and boy were my parents mad at me. let alone the girl's parents. >> i am her father! >> so, this is darth vader wishing you a merry christmas and a happy new year. that's my story. don't let it happen to you. >> jimmy: we won't. thank you, darth vader. [ cheers and applause ] and that's how luke skywalker was born. one more thing. the end of the year is almost upon us. tomorrow, we will name our clip of the year for 2010. we've introduced six nominees so far this week. tonight, the final three. and they are -- [ cheers and applause ] flip-flopper.
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>> jimmy: you try putting a pair of those on your feet. basil marceaux. >> i want you to say pledge allegiance to the republic in the morning when you come out and we all pray to god and say amen and everyone have a nice day. >> jimmy: i voted for him twice. lil jon on sesame street. ♪ sesame street [ bleep ]
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♪ sesame street [ bleep ] ♪ what's the number for today ♪ i don't know [ bleep ] ♪ what's the word for the day ♪ i don't know [ bleep ] ♪ what you learn today ♪ nothing [ bleep ] ♪ sesame street [ bleep ] >> jimmy: i guess he ran out of words to teach the kids. tomorrow night we will name one lucky clip clip of the year. on the show tonight, we have music from the temper trap, from "tron: legacy," beau garrett is here, and we'll be right back with mark wahlberg, so stick around. ♪ ,
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[ female announcer ] tide with acti-lift technology helps remove many dry stains as if they were fresh. ♪ tide with acti-lift.
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here, take the card. you go to the shops... i'll meet you at the gate. thanks. please remove all metal objects out of your pockets. with chase freedom you can get a total of 5% cash back. fun money from freedom. that's 5% cash back in quarterly categories and an unlimited 1% cash back everywhere else. and this too. does your card do this? i'm going to need a supervisor over here at gate 4. sign up for this quarter's bonus today. chase what matters. go to ♪electronic santa song
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hm a throne for the tv... room for movies... your workout gear... non-stop football... it's a man cave! the boys next door will never leave. who says we want them to? jshg well, we've got quite a show for you on this fine winter's evening. with us tonight from "tron: legacy" which opens friday beau garrett is here. beau is a female, by the way. with a name like beau, you never snow. but i saw her in the movie and she definitely is. then, later, with music from,
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this is their album, it's called "conditions," the temper trap from the bud light outdoor stage. i saw them on sunday, they were great. tomorrow night, jeff bridges is here, as women as diddy and his band diddy dirty money. and also our announcer dicky is getting his band back together again. is it called dicky dirty money? >> dicky: we go with the funky bunch. >> jimmy: the mighty mighty b s bosstones, the hometown throwdown. this is the 13th throwdown. house of blues in boston. you can get tickets through tick ticketmaster, so -- >> dicky: thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you, dicky. you don't take a break. you continue entertaining. >> dicky: i'm a machine. >> jimmy: this guy works 1:10 a day. so, for him -- >> dicky: solid hour and ten, though. >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar-nominated actor, who is now also a golden globe-nominated actor. yesterday his new movie earned
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six nominations including best actor. "the fighter" opens nationwide on friday, please say hello to mark wahlberg. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you brought your own water? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right. >> how are you? >> jimmy: what's happening? oh, yeah, that's right. you guys are -- [ cheers and applause ] fellow boston-ites. >> he's been an honorary member of the funky bunch since 1991. >> jimmy: that's what he keeps telling me. i've asked him to strip down to his underpants and he never will. >> maybe tonight. it's a special occasion. >> jimmy: congratulations. i mentioned nominations. not only do you get nominations for "the fighter," but also for
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"boardwalk empire," you're one of the producers. >> yeah, best producer. >> jimmy: were you anxiously awaiting -- they announce these things very early, right? >> yeah, i've been working every day so i was asleep and the phone rang and woke up -- our 11-month-old daughter's crib is right beside our crib so my wife was like -- >> jimmy: did she answer the phone? >> no, but my wife was not happy. >> jimmy: really? >> until i told her what it was and she said, well, nec time, just tell them to wait. but -- >> jimmy: wow. >> good call to get for sure. we didn't expect it. we fought so hard just to get the movie made and to get this kind of recognition is unbelievable. >> jimmy: and the movie came out -- it's a great movie. [ applause ] it is an excellent movie. tough to make a boxing movie -- >> and there have been many great ones and how do you make yours different, but we had a
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very unique story in irish mickey ward's story. boxing is the backdrop but it's a family drama. it's about the things that he had to overcome and there were many growing up in lowell, living in his brother's shadow, his brother's drug addiction. but -- >> jimmy: his older brother was a fighter who achieved some recognition. >> he fought sugar ray leonard, went the distance. >> jimmy: this is a real guy, too. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: i assume you know the guy or met the guy? >> i met mickey ward the first time when i was 18 and i've been a huge fan of his. if people said, who do you want to meet, i would say mickey ward every time. not only was he a local hero, but he was also a local guy. and if mickey could do it against all odds, certainly that would inspire you to go out there and pursue your dreams. >> jimmy: was he excited about the nominations? >> very, very. >> jimmy: and his family, were they excited about the way they were depicted in the film? because, first of all, it's like
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a little bit horrifying, but like, the sisters are kind of hilarious in the movie. >> you know, the sisters are fantastic. they are very powerful women. his sisters, his wife, his mother was their manager and promoter. that's why women are responding to the movie in a positive way because they are strong in this movie. and yeah, it's got to be difficult for anybody having their life con densed into two hours and certainly, you know, there's a lot of lows and a lot of highs, but we wanted to make sure that they were comfortable and that a local person, myself, was going to handle it very delicately with white gloves, and, you know, they're very much like my family, you know. it's normal where we come from. that's just the way it is. and the most important thing when it comes to that family, it's all about love. we've all made poor choices but the love and the loyalty is unwavering. >> jimmy: it seemed like the loyalty almost went above the love in this particular's
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family's case. when you're in lowell, do guys that you grew up with come out to the set -- >> they want to be in the movie. we were table to put some friends in the movie. >> jimmy: tell me the characters that were in the pmovie. >> well, the real e is always in there. my nutritionist and athletic, bo cleary is the one who beat up dicky, the cop, and broke my hand. and my buddy pauly campbell played boo boo, dicky's crackhead buddy. he never acted before. i said, we have to audition my friend. they put him on tape and they thought he was the real guy and he did a tremendous job. and mickey o'keefe, the police officer/trainer, plays himself in the movie. we wanted to surround the actors with real people. and we knew the actors would help them feel more comfortable. >> jimmy: you have some friends in the movie. do you have other friends that are unhappy? >> some of them didn't make the
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cut. others -- >> jimmy: did you call and tell them? >> no, no. you know what, it's just -- it's never going to be good news. you try, you hope that everybody would make the movie. you never know. >> jimmy: when they don't get invited to the premiere -- >> still brought them. we had a premiere in lowell and hingam. >> jimmy: oh, so, it was a surprise when they got into the theater. >> i told them, sometimes things end up on the editing room floor. >> jimmy: did they buy that? >> no, no. but they still got paid, so. >> jimmy: you have a friend who is a professional eater, is that the correct temple? >> nacho? how do you know about him? he's an extreme eater. >> jimmy: what's the difference? >> well -- he eats very special items. we were, his claim to fame now, we were at a golf tournament in t.j. t.j., and joe pesci has an extreme eater friend. we're going to have a competition.
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he goes in the pond, grabs a fish, put s it in his pocket. i hit my final shot on 18, big divot. i told the caddy, put that thing in your bib. the guy slaps the fish on the counter, says, cook that, bones and all. guys eats the fish. i said, nacho. get the divot. he put it on a hamburger role. ate the whole thing. he's a big guy. he's 5'4" but a stocky guy. but he has a very high pitch voice and he goes, holy [ bleep ], i think i got to pass that astro turf. and he -- he'll eat anything for money. he'll eat a steak then eat the bone. fish oil wasabi. just gnaws on it. lobster, eat the shell after. >> jimmy: is he a human or a dog? >> he's half billy goat.
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he'll admit it. >> jimmy: so your friend -- >> he's got a tattoo or a dorito right here. i paid for it myself. >> jimmy: by the way dshg i don't want to give you any bad ideas, but if you can convince him to eat his own tattoo. that would be a high water mark. >> his favorite saying, cash is king. he'll do it. >> jimmy: so, he beat joe's friend? >> hands down. joe and them were like, don't eat that, dude. it's got chemicals and everything. he didn't care. what do they have to do to keep the grass green. >> reporter: christian bale plays your character's brother in the movie and he's unbelievable. is he crazy in real life? >> no, no. he's -- he's just very dedicated, hard working guy. i knew he would be perfect for the part. he's done so many great things in the past. and, you know, he's very much like myself. he doesn't do the whole hollywood scene. he's got a beautiful wife and daughter and they kind of keep to themselves. >> jimmy: what i love best is, at the very end of the movie, you go to the real characters,
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the real guys you're playing, they're sitting there talking and it's kind of astonishing how well -- >> well, we had to do that. we wanted to do that for them anyway. you had to do that because the characters are so extreme that people think that we're just going way over the top or especially in christian's case, but that was a toned down version of those guys. dicky with all the mistakes that he made, he was still one of the most lovable guys you would ever meet. >> jimmy: see, dicky, that's nice. >> dicky: movie. >> jimmy: oh, the movie dicky. >> oh, you got new teeth. i like that. >> jimmy: we have a clip from the movie. you care to set that up? >> yeah, i'm finally going to -- dicky is in prison now, i got a chance to fight on hbo. it's the first time i'm going out on my own and i want to tell him he's no longer my trainer and my mother is no longer my manager and i'm going to go for it. >> jimmy: the movie is called "the fighter," it opens friday. >> i have to talk about that. >> what's your plan?
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>> i am not here to talk about that. >> yes, you are. >> you watch the fight and you'll see the plan. >> hey. mick, you scared, you're embarrassed because you don't have a plan? we're brothers, just tell me. >> you got to run against this guy. let him punch himself out. take him to the body, get inside, switch stances like you're going to work his right him, hit him on the left. >> you ain't me. you can't be me. you had a hard enough time being you when you had your chance and that's why you're in here, all right? i'll fight sanchez the way i fight. >> jimmy: there you go. "the fighter" opens friday. mark wahlberg, everybody. we'll be right back with beau garrett.
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>> jimmy: hi there, we're back. still to come, the temper trap. our next guest is the most beautiful computer program since, dare i say, ms. pac-man. you can see for yourself, in 3-d, when "tron: legacy" opens in theaters friday. please say hello to beau garrett.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: congratulations on the big movie and all that stuff. beau is an unusual name for a woman. >> yeah. i've heard that before. >> jimmy: do you know any other women named -- i get there's bo derek. >> there is. but i guess my parents felt beau. >> jimmy: your parents are here tonight. >> they are -- >> jimmy: i was just told -- that's mom and dad right there? >> that's them. >> jimmy: why did you name your daughter beau? >> it sounded like a good idea at the time. and she was supposed to be a boy -- >> jimmy: oh. >> and it was going to be luke and -- so, why not beau, right? >> jimmy: why not just go with lou? >> show would do that? >> jimmy: it's too late now. maybe you'll have another one.
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who knows. >> you never know. >> jimmy: your dad looks a little bit like pa o'brien. has he been told that? >> no. who do you get? >> ted danson. >> mark spitz. back in the day. >> back in the day. >> jimmy: all right, we've had enough. let's get back to you. so -- >> that's great. >> jimmy: how old were you when you decided you wanted to act? >> i was, i think i was -- i didn't really decide. it kind of fell on me. >> jimmy: how did it fall on you? >> i was living in new york, i came back to l.a. and my mod modeling agency told me to go out for this role for this show that may or may not make it but i was perfect for it, because i was a hipie. >> jimmy: you were a hippie? >> i was. i do shave. i went out for this show, "entourage." that little show. >> jimmy: that's right. >> and that was my first gig.
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>> jimmy: wow. that's -- and you were modeling from what age? >> 14. to about -- >> jimmy: how does that happen that a 14-year-old becomes a model? >> well, for me, it was strange. i was at the santa monica mall and i was there for -- >> jimmy: it's always at the mall. >> it is always at the mall. and i was just standing around, this woman came up to me and asked me if i wanted to model. and i laughed and i thought that was crazy and i went home. my dad was like, do it, it will pay for your horses. >> jimmy: your dad was into it? because he -- >> i rode horses and it was expensiv expensive. that's how it started. >> jimmy: so dad sold you. >> he's pretty happy about it right now. he's front row kimmel. >> jimmy: then, when you become a model, do you leave the country? >> yeah, i spent a lot of time in europe, in paris. i lived in paris when i was 16. >> jimmy: yareally? by yourself?
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>> i did. yeah, it was interesting. >> jimmy: and who do you live with? >> it was one of those models apartment, which are not as glamorous as they sound -- >> jimmy: they sound fine to me. >> they probably do. you would have -- >> jimmy: i would have liked it. >> i lived there and -- >> jimmy: with other models? >> yeah, but i had my own little space and i was kind of like the mamma bear. >> jimmy: at 16? >> yeah, the other girls were crazy. i was kind of a hermit. >> jimmy: that's what you told your parents? i was. i was a hermit. i read -- i missed the whole high school experience, so, i kind of just educated myself in paris. >> jimmy: and now you're in the movie, and in this -- what is this suit made of? >> i couldn't tell you. >> jimmy: you can tell me. i won't tell anyone. >> it's a bunch of -- it's a four-layer suit, so i had a corset first, and then i had a barrier and i had electrical suit and then on top of that was
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the suit. the corset puts you in -- >> jimmy: was it hot? >> i was hard. it was a tough suit to wear. it was, you know, five hours to put on. >> jimmy: really? >> five hours to put on and hour and a half to take off and nothing worked normally, you know, nothing functioned normally. >> jimmy: so there were lights on you -- >> you would light up. before a take, you would hear, light them up and you hear ding and you look around, and everyone would be lit up. >> jimmy: they can't go back and light people up afterwards? >> he wanted itistic as possible. sometimes one extra would have, like, a knee not lit and we would have to stop and fix the knee and go back. >> jimmy: you were like your own christmas decorations. >> pretty much. >> jimmy: did it smell in that suit? >> oh, my god. when i took that suit off, it was like death. i felt so bad for costumes because they would come to my trailer. i'm so sorry. it was 20 hours. and you take it off and it's like the waft. you immediately -- you take the
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first bit off you're just like, oh, my gosh, that came out of me. >> jimmy: like being back in france. >> it is. this was good. >> jimmy: well, congratulations onn all your success. i'm glad your parents are finally keeping an eye on you. >> took them 28 years, but that's all right. >> jimmy: there you go. the movie is called "tron: legacy," it opens friday. beau garrett, everybody. we'll be right back with the temper trap. anncr: 'tis the season for...
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eva and kelly: day wonder boys! choir: it's performance fleece scarves fleece scarves, fleece scarves, wow! for just one day! solo: no way! heather: so many gorgeous...scarves! anncr: fleece scarves for the family, one dollar, saturday only at old navy!
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>> jimmy: how here with the song "fader" from their album "conditions," the temper trap. ♪ ♪ i'm in transit but i'm stranded on this boat ♪ ♪ and i pledge myself allegiance to a better night's sleep at home ♪ ♪ and the sweet sweet sun's comin' down hard ♪ ♪ the sun's comin down hard it burns the bones ♪ ♪ so hold a hand for cover hold a hand for cover hold a hand for cover from harm ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
1:00 am
talk don't change a thing ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh oh it's fadin' for ya ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ words don't sink they swims ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh oh it's fadin' for ya ♪ ♪ bless this mess we tried our best for something we can do ♪ ♪ while the angels walk with the lonely ones in the cold rain and rescue you ♪ ♪ and this fatal world's comin' down hard walls comin' down hard in all our homes ♪ ♪ so hold a hand for cover hold a hand for cover hold a hand for cover from harm ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh talk don't change a thing ♪
1:01 am
♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh oh it's fadin' for ya ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ words don't sink they swims ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh oh it's fadin' for ya ♪ ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh talk don't change a thing ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh oh it's fadin' for ya ♪ ♪ i'm in transit ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ words don't
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sink they swims ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh you know my reasons ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh oh it's fadin' for ya ♪
1:03 am
twizzlers. the twist you can't resist.
1:04 am
yeah! i thought we'd eat at hey, you ghome. save some money. $200 bucks? that's not saving! [jacks voice] at my place i'm bringing back the bonus jack. two patties, melting cheese and my secret sauce plus fries and a drink for only $3.99. i get it. you can eat lot cheaper atouar placthan youc]. but do have this? i have dessert. what about this? ohhh. ohhhhhh. jack. that's for max. >> jimmy: thanks to mark wahlberg, thanks to beau garrett. apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time.


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