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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 25, 2010 12:05am-1:05am PST

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finally tonight, a homecoming. more than 400 soldiers and their
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families are enjoying a very merry christmas tonight. four units from the massachusetts national guard returned back home, just in time for christmas, after being deployed in iraq and kuwait for a year. there were hugs and kisses and tears and joy. one youngster said, "i wished for my daddy to come home for christmas." he did. and, indeed, there's no better present than having that wish come true for him tonight. and thanks for their service. and that is our report for tonight. for now, i'm terry moran. for all of us at abc news, good night, america, have a merry christmas. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with festive news from target. now, through new year's eve, you can download their original holiday album for free, featuring cool artists like guster, jason schwartz mapp's band, crystal antlers and more. it's -- oh, my goodness.
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it sounds like santa is here. >> ho, ho, ho. ouch, ay yi yi. >> jimmy: santa? >> i said ho, ho, ho -- >> jimmy: santa, you were supposed to be down here -- oh, there you are. oh, well -- you all right, santa? geez. santa? >> ho, ho, ho. merry christmas, jimmy kimmel. have you been naughty or nice? >> jimmy: i've been nice. >> oh -- okay. here you go. ho, ho, ho. >> jimmy: can i open it now? there's nothing in it. >> yeah, i know. album. go to to download it. >> jimmy: but that's free. you got me a gift that target gives away for free? >> jimmy, the best things in life are free.
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ho, ho, ho. merry christmas. see you next year. >> jimmy: see you next year, santa. be very careful getting up the -- hey, santa? santa? you just go out the door. >> oh, okay. >> jimmy: all right. that's not -- >> dicky: in the spirit of merriment, target is giving you holiday songs available by free download on >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" back in two minutes with garrett hedlund, music from darker my back in two minutes with garrett hedlund, music from darker my love and rachael ray. huh. yeah, plus every vw includes scheduled carefree maintenance. really? that's great. there you go. oh, that guy's pretty good too. yeah, he's ok. [ male announcer ] it's amazing what you can do with a pen. sign then drive is back. for a limited time get any 2011 volkswagen for practically just your signature.
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it shattered his tissue with hurricane blows. no person or place was safe from the spray. but his mom had new puffs ultra soft & strong to save the day. with lotion-free pillows to cushion the force. puffs holds up better than value tissue of course. next time oliver blew his horn, he reached for puffs ultra soft & strong. a nose in need deserves new puffs ultra soft & strong indeed. when you prefer a lotion tissue, try puffs plus lotion.
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the droid 2 global. run a universe of free apps on the world's fastest mobile phone processor. the droid x. a 4.3-inch screen. summon movies and nfl content at your command. now get a droid x or droid 2 global by motorola for $199.99 and get any phone free. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- rachael ray. from "tron: legacy," garrett hedlund. and music from darker my love.
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with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> dicky: and now, oh what fun we'll have, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's very nice. thank you for coming. thank you for watching. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. wow, what a day it was today, huh? the midwest and the east coast got slammed with a brutal snowstorm. here in l.a., it was sunny and 80 degrees. kels yu celsius, by the way. crazy, right? that we're in the same country?
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if you're visiting, it's not always 80 degrees and sunny. at night, the sun disappears, sometimes for hours. and the temperature drops. sometimes we have winds from the southwest at 4 miles an hour. it can get terrible. [ laughter ] i'm sure the earth will eventually swallow us whole but until then, i tell you, i'll keep rollerblading to work with my shirt off and enjoying it. almost a foot and a half of snow fell on minneapolis over the weekend. the vikings were supposed to play the giants at the metrodome yesterday. roof actually caved in from the weight of the snow. rarely do you see the weather affect a game in a dome. but look at that. it spilled all over. that's why my mother said never build your stadium roof out of plastic wrap. [ laughter ] it's something. a confused charlie sheen volunteered to clean it all up. the game had to be moved to detroit tonight. which neither of the teams are from detroit. brett favre did not play quarterback. his consecutive game streak ends now at 297.
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that was the second-longest streak of all-time. he actually had a close call. brett favre lakes to get to practice early. had his fly been open, that avalanche could have easily landed on his penis. so -- [ laughter ] christmas is like what, 10, 11 days away? as far as shopping goes, you know, you still have a little bit of time, but it's getting down to the wire. so, as a service to you, the viewer, we've combed through craigslist, you know, the online website. they have used items. we found some. and we invited the folks selling them to come showcase those items here on the show. and they're here with us now. in fact, let's meet our first seller. her name is corin wright. hello, how are you? now, you, i just want to be clear, you actually placed an ad on craigslist. >> i did. >> jimmy: we found that ad. tell us about your item. >> it is a signed and dated letter from lyle menendez from mule creek state prison. >> jimmy: of the famed -- of the
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infamed menendez brothers. >> correct. >> jimmy: why did you get a letter? >> i actually wrote him first. he was friends with one of my friends. and i wanted to do an essay for college on him. he said no, wanted to further correspond. i thought it was freaky, i didn't correspond and i'm selling the famous letter. >> jimmy: this would be a great gift for, say, your parents? >> i don't thing my mom would be too happy for that. >> jimmy: probably not. and what is that worth? what are you asking for that? >> actually, letters by him are up to $2,000. i'm only asking $600. >> jimmy: and does he know you're here right now selling this? >> no. >> jimmy: think how much it will be worth when he finds out and eventually kills you. >> i hope that doesn't happen. >> jimmy: so $2,000? they sell letters -- >> they've sold up to $2,000. >> jimmy: what will someone do with something like this? >> probably resell it for more money when he dies. >> jimmy: oh, okay. so -- this is an investment opportunity. >> exactly. i should probably keep it. >> jimmy: if you want to bid on
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this, you go to craigslist, look for signed and dated letter from lyle menendez. thank you, corin. and -- you can get it. it's a deal. [ applause ] let's see. our next seller is rosy. oh, hello, rosy. there you are. oh, no. >> sorry, hi. >> jimmy: this is -- is this related to the menendez or -- what's going on here? what do you have here for sale? >> i have mannequins with real human hair. >> jimmy: oh. well -- how did they -- did they grow? how did they get real human hair? >> well, they were made that way for, like, you know, hairstylists to -- >> jimmy: it's like we got the right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and what are you asking for this? >> i'm asking $20 each. >> jimmy: $20 each. are they cheaper as a set? >> no. >> jimmy: $20 each. >> i just have a lot of them. what do we have, seven? so $140 for the whole lot.
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wouldn't that be great in any kid's stocking on christmas morning? [ laughter ] all right. well, again, thank you very much. if you want to bid on this or you want to buy it, however it works on craigslist, go to craigslist, search cosmetology mannequin heads. take your heads and get out of here, will you? one more. this is a gentleman named daniel garcia. daniel -- now, daniel, you're selling this sign -- [ laughter ] and how much do you want for this sign? >> i want 300 bucks. >> jimmy: you want $300. and tell us what one would do with a sign that has a telephone number on it. >> if you got an insurance office -- >> jimmy: if you have an insurance office -- >> you can change the phone number. >> jimmy: how can you change the phone number? >> the people who do the sign knows -- >> jimmy: i see, so, essentially, you'd be starting from scratch. >> kind of sort of. >> jimmy: you want $300.
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where did you get this in the first place? >> i used to work in an office that closed. the owner told me to take it out. >> jimmy: is this someone's phone number we're putting on television now? >> no. >> jimmy: it is not? >> no, it's not. >> jimmy: are you sure? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: okay, all right. but this is an old insurance office. >> yep, it is. >> jimmy: and what would one do with an item like this? >> just put it in the window, advertise your insurance company. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, it would be -- it would be great hanging in the bar of a very boring person at home, you know? >> that too. >> jimmy: it could be a nice item. >> that too. >> jimmy: so, if you want to get this, to claim this neon sign, go to -- why does it say $3 on the thing? >> well, to get more hits on craigslist you put a lower price. >> jimmy: really? >> yep. >> jimmy: so you're dishonest? >> no, it says the price right there. >> jimmy: yeah, but that isn't the price. >> it is, it says. >> jimmy: wait a minute, it says >> inside the ad it says $300. >> jimmy: so you pretended you made a mistake? >> no.
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>> jimmy: how much for this thing, because i kind of would like to have it? what would you take? what's the lowest? >> for you, you can have it for 300 bucks. >> jimmy: what about -- let's start at $3 and go up from there. >> okay, any bids? >> jimmy: i'll meet you halfway, between 300 and 3, how's that? >> that sounds good. >> jimmy: that sounds good. you know, i'll give you 200 bucks for this thing. >> all right. >> jimmy: you'll sell it to me? okay, guillermo, help him out. [ applause ] here we go. pleasure doing business with you. there you go. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. >> jimmy: you see, crime does pay. thank you. [ applause ] so there you go. thanks, guillermo. i have some neighbors that are going to love that on the front of their home. yes, i do. besides exchanging lousy gifts, another tradition, at least in my house, is watching classic christmas cartoons. some of them are classics. let's be honest, we've seen them all. over and over and over again.
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so we've been hard at work trying to freshen them up for you. tonight, we took one of the great, "a charlie brown christmas" and replaced the original audio with the audio from barbara walters' interview with the cast from "jersey shore" on thursday night. and -- here we go. snoopy meets snooki. so, let's look. enjoy. >> you have your own language so you have to help me. gtl. >> when barbara was speaking in our language, that was freakin' awesome. >> gym, tanning and laundry. it pretty much is an abbreviation of a schedule, what we would go when we first get up. >> okay, grenades? >> unattractive female. >> okay, smoosh. >> smoosh. >> it was very funny to hear barbara say smoosh. >> it's a simpler way, a nicer way of hooking up, having sex with somebody. >> well, i must say, this is an interview unlike many that i have done before. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think barbara looks
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good as a redhead. becoming. in less happy news, it was an embarrassing weekend for miley cyrus. on friday, tmz posted this video of miley cyrus smoking out of a bong. tmz says the substance she's smoking is a hallucinogenic herb called salvia, actually legal. so she wasn't doing anything illegal. it can cause vivid what lose yagss. it can cause you to think the girl videotaping you is your friend. a lot of people are up in arms about this. fans of miley, parents of the fans of miley cyrus. i don't know, i think they should give her a break. she had one hit. same as her dad. right? her dad, by the way -- [ applause ] miley's father, billy ray cyrus, went on twitter to express his disappointment. how parenting is done now a days. he tweeted, sorry, guys, i had no idea. just saw the stuff for the first time myself. i'm so sad.
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there's much beyond my control right now. in other words, miley, you're breaking your father's heart. his achy breaky heart. [ laughter ] i feel bad for billy ray cyrus. because, you know, you want to be a good dad and teach your daughter a lesson, but you also don't want to lose your allowance, so it's a real -- the good news is, snoop dogg has already begun adoption proceedings, so -- [ applause ] that was a very good clip. whether it was one of the best clips of the year, i don't know. the internet gives us so many wonderful things. television gives us wonderful things too. throughout the year, we bring you the funniest and most interesting clips we can find. and as the year 2010 comes to a close, it's time to look back and honor the best of the best. for the next few nights, we're going to show you nominees for this year's best video. on thursday, we'll crown a winner. without further ado, here are your three nominees for 2010 clip of the year.
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antoine dodson. >> well, obviously, we have a rapist in lincoln park. he's climbing in your windows. he's snatching your people up. trying to rape them so y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife and hide your husbands because they raping everybody out here. >> he sends this warning to whoever is responsible. >> you don't have to come and confess that you did it. we're looking for you. we gone find you. i'm letting you know that. you so you can run and tell that. homeboy. [ applause ] >> jimmy: there you go. the weather map. >> the next one behind that can effect us later in the week. this is how it looks tomorrow. getting some steam here. temperatures are going to be a few degrees higher tomorrow. [ applause ] >> jimmy: and little otter. >> what's up, little otter? what's up little otter? little otter. oh, it wants to get back up here.
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holy [ bleep ]! [ screaming ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: and on thursday night, we will crown a champion. we will name the clip of the year. [ cheers and applause ] so please join us for that. hey, we have a good show tonight. from "tron: legacy," garrett hedlund is here. we have music from darker my love. and we'll be right back with rachael ray, so stick around. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t covers 97% of all americans. rethink possible. it's your fault. naturally, blame the mucus. well, i can't breathe. did you try blowing your nose? of course. [ both ] and nothing came out. instead of blaming me, try new advil congestion relief. what you probably have is swelling due to nasal inflammation, not mucus. and this can help? it treats the real problem of your sinus symptoms, reducing swelling due to nasal inflammation. so i can breathe. [ mucus ] new advil congestion relief. the right sinus medicine for the real problem. ♪ it's that chocolate ♪ it's that whipped cream ♪ it's that caramel, and espresso you mix in ♪ [ male announcer ] your two favorite flavors together. new mccafé caramel mocha. ♪
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feeling fresh enough to last through my parent's cocktail party? that's where we're going? ♪ [ female announcer ] feel fresh up to five times longer with scope outlast. still feeling fresh? oh yeah. [ female announcer ] what will you outlast? as the towel used to dry them. so why use the same hand towel over and over instead of a clean, fresh one every time? kleenex® brand hand towels. a clean, fresh towel every time. this holiday season, chevy's giving you more. like a 100,000 mile/5-year powertrain warranty. and our best offers of the year like, zero percent apr financing for qualified buyers, plus $1,500 holiday allowance, plus no monthly payments until spring on most chevy models.
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but hurry our best offer of the season ends soon. or qualified lessees get a low mileage lease on this 2011 equinox ls for around $259 a month. call for details. see your local chevy dealer.
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>> jimmy: the phone is ringing off the hook. welcome back. with us tonight, a young man you
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can see on a light cycle in a skin-tight onesie starting this friday. from "tron: legacy," garrett hedlund is here. then later, making their network television debut. this is their third album, "alive as you are," darker my love from the bud light stage. tomorrow night on the show, kevin spacey will be here tomorrow, olivia wilde will be here and we'll have music from goo goo dolls. and late they are week, mark wahlberg, beau garrett, jeff bridges and music from the temper trap and diddy will be here with his band diddy dirty money. whoa. speaking of bands, i'm thinking of starting a band of my own. have you seen these? i've been playing with them constantly. they go like this. ♪ they harmonize. you guys, by the way, could be in trouble here, band. listen to this. ♪
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you should see me like an idiot doing this for 45 minutes at my house by myself. i keep going to people, isn't this good? guillermo, we should make you into one of these. >> sure, that would be great. >> jimmy: we better move on our first guest tonight was the head cheerleader and valedictorian at the university of "oprah." ♪ i think that means they died. she's taken time away from her tv shows, her magazine, website, her food items, her chain of auto body shops to write this new best-seller, "look and cook." please say hello to rachael ray. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, guys. hey, everybody. >> jimmy: you look great. thank you for coming.
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>> i'm so honored and, and thrilled to be here. plus, you finished my christmas list. >> jimmy: oh, good. >> i can probably get cheaper insurance with you. >> jimmy: how you doing? everything good? >> everything is fantastic. >> jimmy: can i ask you, how many -- how many cookbooks have you written? >> 18. lucky number 18. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: 18 books. and are you worried at all that you're going to run out of recipes? because -- there's a lot of recipes in this book. >> i carry these little paper books with me every day and i write in the middle of the night. i take the book with me to gym. i get off the treadmill, i write in the thing. i write in the car. i write when i get my hair blown out. it's what i do. it's sort of like some people play soduku or whatever it is -- >> jimmy: you come up with recipes? >> songwriters write songs. i write food. >> jimmy: yeah. and so, you're sitting in the hair salon and they're spraying aqua net and you're thinking foods? >> i don't have time to make it to the salon. i make 280 hours of tv a day, it's usually in my dining room
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and i'm writing recipes. >> jimmy: in the magazine "every day with rachael ray," guess what got named one of the top gift choices of the year? your book. >> well, my staff -- >> jimmy: congratulations. >> i have to tell you, i do not curate that so my staff gave me some props, so it's nice. i try and make it cool though -- >> jimmy: that's called ass kissing, is what it is. >> i try and make it cool, though. >> jimmy: i will buy nine of these items on this page. you think i'm kidding, i'm not. i see sock monkeys. >> sock monkey's great, right? >> jimmy: why not? why not have monkeys in your shoes? here's a little peanut butter and jelly sandwich cutters. you can make them shaped like a car. >> you can shape them like fun things. >> you see, i did my christmas shopping with you and i'm happy to be here to reciprocate. >> jimmy: thank you very much. one of the things you talk about a lot is extra virgin olive oil. >> evoo. >> jimmy: which you call evoo.
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an easier way to say it. >> i've been on food network for ten years. originally, i just started saying evoo because i'm talking to myself and a bunch of vegetables. it was just quicker. >> jimmy: you even have your own. >> yep, hi, baby. >> jimmy: you have your own extra virgin motor oil too. >> this was -- my husband came up with that. >> jimmy: and they're the same. you can eat both of them. >> interchangeable. >> jimmy: why do they call it extra virgin in the first place? you can't be an extra virgin. >> yeah, i mean, are they -- yeah, and. >> jimmy: you're either a virgin or you're not. i mean, there may be some gray area but not when it comes to olives. >> can you imagine checking under the olive's hood? you know? >> jimmy: the gynecologist talking to the olive. speaking of extra virgin, oprah, the virgin mary of our time. [ laughter ] if you -- she is and if you dare say she isn't, you'll be struck by lightning.
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how did you meet oprah? >> i was called to do the oprah winfrey show when i'd been on food network for a while and i was on a book tour. it was this time of the year. it was about six years ago. and i was so nervous because the night before, there was this huge snowstorm in washington and i didn't think i was going to get to go to the oprah show. i couldn't get out. i got in to chicago at 3:00 in the morning. i was so nervous and i had been crying the whole time because i'm like, i'm not going to make oprah -- my eyes were like golf balls. and i brought beautiful, like, you know, going to church or meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time clothes. i'm pressing my clothes like 3:30 in the morning. they pick me up at 6:00. i go over there. the hair and makeup team, the look of disappointment on their face when they saw me was a lot. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah. so they tried to fix me up and curl my hair and i ended up in these ringlets sort of oprah-esque. then i put on the big fancy skirt and the sweater and all that. i go out and the dog whisperer was on the same day.
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oprah's in blue jeans and a really cool shirt. >> jimmy: oh, great. >> and she looks like i look on "30 minute meals." i come out and i look like i'm an oprah stalker. i have the big ringlets and the crazy clothes and the skirt and -- >> jimmy: dressed just like oprah. >> and i'm panting like i'm in lamaze class. i'm sweating like -- like, hi, oprah. but she's so wonderful. honestly. and we -- >> jimmy: of course she is. she couldn't be anything less than wonderful. when you look into her eyes, you see unicorns and rainbows, right? >> it really is. it really is like that. she smiles and you just feel okay. we went to break and she's like, you've got it, just be yourself, just calm down. >> jimmy: she said you've got it? wow. >> it was so great. >> jimmy: and you've also recently worked with another one name super star. in fact, he happens to be our security guard guillermo. guillermo -- >> i was so honored to get this booking. it was huge. >> jimmy: guillermo -- >> huge. foodie, i guess, you'd call him,
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gourmet. >> he's a gourmet and wine connoisseur. >> jimmy: he has his own show in which he reviews wines. ways your favorite wine, guillermo, just out of curiosity? >> i don't remember. >> jimmy: you don't remember? >> well, we had a good afternoon. >> jimmy: guillermo, did you want to set up the clip for us? >> yeah, roll the tape. >> jimmy: thank you. >> and now, "the splendid >> oh, hello, and welcome to "the splendid grape." i'm guillermo, editor of "vino buff" magazine. today, we'll be talking about festive holiday wine. with my very special guest, celebrity television chef rachael ray. let's welcome her. >> hi, guillermo. >> jimmy: hi, rachel, how you doing? >> i'm terrific, how are you? happy holidays. >> happy holiday. so, what holiday wine have you brought for us? >> i'm very excited to introduce
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you to this. this is st. veritas. it's a bodelo. >> bodelo? >> yes. it's a beautiful wine. you know, i was actually married in this city in italy. >> oh. >> it's the earth, the herbs, flowers, it's being in tuscany. it's just -- >> let's try it. shall we? >> i think you're going to love it. >> salut. >> salut. >> wow, this italian wine tastes like when someone threw up on themselves. >> okay. would you like to try some of the other bottles that i brought with me? i could open a nice pinot -- >> i think i'm just going to eat the cheese better. thank you, rachael ray. i'm guillermo. join me next week with my guest dolph lundgren and joan van ark.
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bye! >> jimmy: when we come back, we're going to cook, right? >> we're going to cook, i brought burgers. >> jimmy: rachael ray is here. garrett hedlund coming up. >> jimmy: rachael ray is here. garrett hedlund coming up. we'll be right back. estructible, but if you're out there and you're feeling burning it's gonna affect the way that you play. [ herrera ] in my world either you get it done, or they're gonna find someone to get it done for you. [ diehl ] prilosec otc is the one thing i can count on to block my heartburn. prilosec otc is protecting me. [ male announcer ] take your own 14-day challenge. prilosec otc. heartburn gone, power on. yeah, right now during sign then drive, you can take home a volkswagen for just your signature. really? that's great. yeah. plus, it includes scheduled carefree maintenance. huh. light's green. there you go. oh, you need a pen.
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i had one here just a second ago. who would take my pen?? [ male announcer ] it's amazing what you can do with a pen. sign then drive is back. for a limited time get any 2011 volkswagen for practically just your signature. the droid 2 global. run a universe of free apps on the world's fastest mobile phone processor. the droid pro. a fortress for data, a global office as mobile as you. now get a droid 2 global by motorola for $199.99 and get any phone free. heather & eva: day wonder boys!
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choir: it's great's great jeans ...for just fifteen dollars one day wonder boy: wow! choir: sunday & monday ...onlyyyyyy! eva: those are some nice lookin' jeans. anncr: adult jeans just 15 dollars. kids 10. sunday and monday only at old navy!
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>> jimmy: we're back with rachael ray. we're going to cook two things tonight? >> yeah, i thought i'd show you, you know, the cookbook is interesting for people buying it in print because there's 600 pictures -- >> jimmy: there are a lot of good pictures. >> and there's online companion to the book to make it interesting for people who like to read their books on their i-pad or whatever. you can virtually cook along with me with the online companion. >> jimmy: i like that. very good. >> i sort of did a male/female thing. a lovely figure friendly simple supper. sauteed pears and apples. nutmeg. and we're going to hit it with a little honey when they get tender and a little splash of lemon juice. in the same pan, you hit boneless skinless chicken breast in. easy. you have some smashed potatoes, buy the baby ones so you don't have to peel them. smash them up. and you're going to slice up
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some camembert cheese. and smash that in. >> how do i chop it? >> it doesn't matter. >> jimmy: should i peel it? >> no, the rind is ed basketball, -- edible, it's delicious. >> jimmy: now, this can't be healthy, can it? >> it's pretty healthy. you have the boneless skinless chicken breast. you have the fruit so you have fiber. you can have a little cheese. it is the holidays. >> jimmy: okay, by little softball. we put the whole thing in there? >> just put half. >> jimmy: i like the size of a softball. >> get it in there. you mash that together. i'm going to add a little lemon juice. i've got nutmeg in here. and you just let the fruit go until it's tender crisp. little bit of caramelization on the fruit. >> jimmy: tell people what caramelization is. because i think a lot of people don't know. >> when you develop the sugars in anything, in onions, in meats, in fruits. >> jimmy: when it gets brownish and delicious. >> and it starts looking like a
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carmel color. we've been fighting the stove all night. >> jimmy: the stove is not working well but the food looks good. >> we have steam, that means cooking. so that's good. >> jimmy: very good. now? >> you pour your pears and apples down over the top of the chicken. you've got the mash looking pretty good. i'd suggest a touch more milk just to make come together. >> jimmy: maybe you should have suggested that earlier. >> a little bit of fresh thyme goes over the chicken. a little bit of chive into your potato. >> jimmy: all right, nice. >> you can plate it up. >> jimmy: okay, good. >> i know you want to get down to this. >> jimmy: i'd rather get to the hamburger. this looks good and all -- >> you and i are obsessed with burgers. >> jimmy: who isn't? you have to be sick not to be. >> all right, i would agree with that statement. i have a little bun waiting for you. >> jimmy: how fancy. >> do you know what went on with >> jimmy: i guess they came off a cow? >> we started by baking some bacon, it stays perfectly crisp. cook it on a slotted pan, the fat falls away.
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saute up some onion. add chopped bacon. mix it into the burger itself along with worcester. so there's bacon in your bacon cheeseburger. >> jimmy: that's good, because i'm not getting enough bacon into my life. so -- that's going to work out well. >> before you melt the cheese, after the burgers are caramelized -- >> jimmy: throw some beer on there? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how much? >> just a little splash. just like that. then pile the cheese up on top. thank you very much. >> jimmy: let it melt a little bit? >> and i sandwich the bacon in between the cheese. >> jimmy: you do? >> yes. nest it in there. >> jimmy: lovely. >> if you're going to eat it, you might as well eat it. >> jimmy: uh-huh, all right. so you really could die from this, right? almost instantly? >> i happen to think a beer soaked burger once in a while -- keeps people normal. >> jimmy: could not agree with you more. is that ready? >> you just let it kind of set -- >> jimmy: what if you get really hungry and want to eat it right away? like as a soup? >> i know you make a great burger. i've had your burgers. they're fabulous.
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>> jimmy: well, they don't look like this, that's for sure. >> they can now. look, like. let me try it. we have almost no time left, so i'm dying to eat that right here. >> we didn't even make the sauce. >> jimmy: we don't need sauce. >> are you sure? because it's a horseradish sauce. put some of that into sour cream with grainy dijom mustard and a little bit of flat leaf parsley it's good glue right on the -- >> jimmy: put the sauce right on my tongue and i'll eat the burger. >> it's a little glue. here. yeah, delicious. >> jimmy: if you don't mind, i'm going to try this so i can -- [ cheers and applause ] that's really good. >> that's good, right? >> jimmy: you and i have got to get married one day or something. >> you notice what happened? i got the lettuce. i can have the lettuce and onion. jimmy has the burger. >> jimmy: that's right, that's how it works. it's called "look and cook." it's out now. rachael ray. go to her website. go to our website, the recipes are there.
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thank you very much. we'll be right back with garrett hedlund. [ female announcer ] where are people with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis going? they're discovering simponi®, the first self-injectable r.a. medicine you take just once a month. taken with methotrexate, simponi® helps relieve the pain, stiffness and swelling of r.a. with one dose once a month. visit to see if you qualify for a full year of cost support. simponi® can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious and sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, cancer in children and adults, heart failure, nervous system disorders, liver or blood problems, and allergic reactions. before starting simponi®, your doctor should test you for t.b. and assess your risk of infections, including fungal infections and hepatitis b. ask your doctor if you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections,
12:47 am
or develop symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough or sores. you should not start simponi® if you have an infection. [ woman ] ask your rheumatologist about simponi®. just one dose, once a month. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t and blackberry have teamed up to keep your business moving. blackberry torch now just $99.99. only from at&t. rethink possible.
12:48 am
[ cheering ] a place for friends, family, and your husband's trademark victory dance. [ cheering ] now the crowd is gone. and all that remains is the stink. [ dog barks ] but you're ready because febreze air effects cleans away tough game day odors in the air. sweat-socks, chicken wings, garlic dip. and leaves a light fresh scent. febreze air effects. just one of the many ways to keep your home fresh with febreze.
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>> jimmy: still to come, music from darker my love. our next guest went from a cattle farm in roseau, minnesota, to the brightly colored innards of a videogame mainframe. he co-stars alongside jeff bridges in the much-anticipated and three-dimensional "tron: legacy." >> attention program. you will receive an identity disc. everything you do or learn will if you lose your disc or fail to follow commands, you will be subject to immediate deresolution. >> disc activated. proceed to games. >> games? what am i supposed to do? >> survive. >> jimmy: "tron: legacy" opens
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in theaters friday. please say hello to garrett hedlund. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i hope i don't have any bacon or meat in my teeth. you grew up around cattle? >> yes, a cattle farm in minnesota. >> jimmy: you would eat them? would you eat the cattle? >> yeah, we had is 100 head of cattle. that's how we sort of survived. >> jimmy: wow. that's pretty great. would you spare some of them specifically? >> well, we had favorites. you know? they were pets, you know? you waited until they went naturally, i guess. >> jimmy: you had chores on the farm and farm things to do? >> yeah, i mean, you know, every day, when we came home from the school bus and we had to -- we had square mile of electric
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fence where our cattle were, so we always had to walk it every afternoon and see if anything was touching the fence that would shorten the charge -- >> jimmy: it's interesting, because my school had electric fencing around it. >> where did you go, san quentin high? >> jimmy: similar. something like that. you made sure nothing was touching the fence. wouldn't things not want to touch the electric fence on their own? >> well, i mean, you would assume this. >> jimmy: you would assume that? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you'd have like critters running around and all sorts of weird things? >> yeah. one of the things on the farm was a thing we had to do called trapping pocket gophers. >> jimmy: trap what? >> pocket gophers. >> jimmy: okay. >> we had 40 to 80 acre fields in the back of the house. one of the things we had to do was trap pocket gophers. >> jimmy: these are real or video games? >> they made these mounds -- >> jimmy: it sounds like -- >> they made these mounds that when the tractor and the would sort of damage equipment.
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so you're losing more money than you're making. my dad would send us kids out there. and we'd have to trap the pocket gophers. so he didn't have to lose any money. within this, you have to dig a hole with the post hole digger and set a trap and when you come back and find it in the morning, you find it. you know, forgive me, animal activists, we'd have to sort of kill him. we'd have to chop off the two front arms. and put it in a zip lock in our deep freezer in the garage and checkbook that would give us two bucks a piece per gopher. >> jimmy: was this rachael ray by any chance? >> you know what's funny, is when -- before -- when i was talking to the guy this morning about coming on, he said, you know, does your first late night sort of talk show, now, when you go on, everything's going to be great. jimmy's real nice. and -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> it said, he's going to be doing some cooking. i said, can i do some cooking?
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he said, whoa, whoa, wait man. you can't just -- you got to earn this. you can't just come on and be a cooker. >> jimmy: next time you come on the show, we're going to cook up some pocket gopher legs. >> deal. >> jimmy: can you eat them? we'll find out. we'll figure out a recipe. >> if anybody can find out, she can. >> jimmy: she's writing recipes all the time. >> maybe chipotle or -- >> jimmy: it could be a whole book for her, gopher-type meals. 20-minute pocket gopher meals. they're pests. >> you'd have to smooth down the mound and move to the next. then you have a clear pass, you can do your -- >> jimmy: to me, that would be the ideal childhood. catching pocket gophers and returning them for money. >> builds tools for life, man. >> jimmy: and did you move directly from the farm to hollywood? >> no, i moved to arizona. >> jimmy: okay. >> to phoenix, arizona. i lived with my mother. >> jimmy: oh, i got you.
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you decided you wanted to be an actor and you moved out here i assume? i don't want to put words in your mouth. >> well, yeah, from arizona, the funny thing was, i was an aspiring actor, so, there was this -- i would constantly search for who was the best and the biggest of management and representation in the industry. and that to me that i found was this guy named bernie brilstein. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, great manager. >> the great, late -- yes. and i would call his assistant on the phone. i'd say, you know, my name's garrett hedlund. i'm an aspiring actor seeking representation from arizona, would you sit down with me for a meeting? and she was befuddled and said, well, give me your number and maybe bernie will call you back. and two years later, when i was represented by brilsen gray, i went to a book signing bernie had for his book called "little things matter most."
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50 little things from 50 things in the business. and he signed it for me. now that you're a client, i may return your call. >> jimmy: well that's pretty great. here you are in the big "tron" movie with jeff bridges. you're doing a movie with gwyneth paltrow next, right? >> yes, "country strong." i think it comes out -- >> jimmy: well, congratulations to. >> january 7th i think, yeah. >> jimmy: it's great to meet you. next time, we're going to cook up some varmits when you're here. >> i hope so. >> jimmy: garrett hedlund, everybody. "tron: legacy" opens friday. be right back with darker my love. who are they? what do they want? in order to save our civilization, we must schmeplicate with the male of your species. in exchange, we offer this... schmeplicate? bud light? [ buzzes ] here we go!
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i'm doing it... for all of us. [ male announcer ] it's the sure sign of a good time. the just-right taste of bud light. [ woman #1 ] the guys are gone. here we go. whoooohoo! whoooohoo! whoooohoo! rheumatoid arthritis going? they're discovering simponi®, the first self-injectable r.a. medicine you take just once a month. taken with methotrexate, simponi® helps relieve the pain, stiffness and swelling of r.a. with one dose once a month. visit to see if you qualify for a full year of cost support. simponi® can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious and sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, cancer in children and adults, heart failure, nervous system disorders, liver or blood problems, and allergic reactions. before starting simponi®, your doctor should test you for t.b. and assess your risk of infections, including fungal infections and hepatitis b. ask your doctor if you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections,
12:58 am
or develop symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough or sores. you should not start simponi® if you have an infection. [ woman ] ask your rheumatologist about simponi®. just one dose, once a month. heather & eva: day wonder boys! choir: it's great's great jeans
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1:00 am
1:01 am
>> jimmy: and now here with the song "snow is falling" from target's free downloadable album, "the christmas gig," darker my love. ♪ ♪ lights are now spinning round the city scenes are changing ♪ ♪ look at all the windows when the clocks are rearranging ♪ ♪ and the snow has fallen on the ground but they don't seem to know what i am talking about ♪ ♪ little lights on a green cord draped around your outside door ♪ ♪ evergreens forevermore the lights are on for christmas ♪ ♪ lose your mind for christmas that's for sure ♪
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♪ saw your sweater on the floor your jacket's on the hanger ♪ ♪ don't forget your hat and gloves i know you'll thank me later ♪ ♪ cause the snow has fallen on the ground and they don't seem to know what i am talking about ♪ ♪ little lights on a green cord draped around your outside door ♪ ♪ evergreens forevermore the lights are on for christmas ♪ ♪ lose your mind for christmas that's for sure ♪ ♪ and the lights are on for christmas ♪ ♪ lose your mind for christmas ♪ that's for sure ♪ and the lights are on for christmas ♪
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