tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 13, 2011 12:05am-1:05am PST
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and that was quite wonderful. i think it was a little hard to do it in this arena, because it was neither the somberness of a church or the hall of the house of representatives, so, to have all these sort of cheering kids made it sort of odd combination, but i think the president did very well. i was struck, though, bill, not by any of the examples you showed, of reagan and clinton and bush, the speech i remember most, bringing the country together in the toughest times was lyndon johnson after president kennedy was killed. and of course there you're playing not only to the country and to the mourning of the country and of the family, but to the international community. and yet, the words were so similar about how this should not be a time of hate, this should be a time of coming together.
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it really tells you that the country has to keep going through these spasms and takes a president to get us through them. >> matthew, what do you think is the length of this spasm we're in? he chastised the finger pointing. getting decent reviews from conservative quarters on twitter and facebook. what do you think this will do to the diagnose log we've seen in the last five days? well, this interesting, very different about this tragedy and this dark moment is immediately aftermath it became a political football. and normally, in tragedies in the past, presidential assassination, as cokie talked about, or 9/11 or oklahoma city, there wasn't sort of this polarized affect where one side pointed at the other side. i think it's going to take the president not only with this speech, but a series of speeches and conversations, not only to the country as to whole, but to congress individually, to overcome this bitterness and
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polarization that the president alluded to tonight and we saw in the aftermath of this. so, i think, stay tuned to his state of the union address. i think he's going to take this speech and make it one step further in trying to change that dialogue in this country. >> but you know, bill, i was struck by the visuals of that, because you had there eric holder, the attorney general, who has sued the state of arizona, the governor of arizona, jan brewer, right there with him, over the immigration law. so, tremendous divisiveness there and they're together, right behind the president, john mccain, the man who ran against him for president, with jon kyl, the man who led the opposition to the s.t.a.r.t. agreement. all kinds of divisions right there in that arena, the first two rows, and bringing the symbolism of our divisiveness. more things that unite us than divide us. >> cokie, matthew, appreciate
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the mckale memorial center, site of tonight's event, seats about 13,000 people. by 3:30 this afternoon, the number of people in line already reached capacity. so, 13,000 spill sboold a nearby stadium. impressive outpouring. and dan harris was there and tells us now why they came. dan? >> reporter: hey, bill, good evening. there are a couple of reasons why you saw so many here tonight. one, and i think this is a statement that many of us would agree with. after something bad happens, a lot of people like to experience that moment together. but the second thing is something that jake tapper put his finger on earlier in the broadcast. you might have noticed there was a pep rally feel to this evening tonight. we noticed in the days after the shootings here, there was a feeling in shame that the city played host to such an act of brutality. i think there was a desire at the event tonight to shift the focus from the horror to the heroism that followed it.
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as they streamed out of the event tonight, tucson residents said it was cathartic, healing event. >> tonight should represent the country as a whole from this point on. >> though this is a very tragic time in our community, but it gave me a lot of hope that we will heal from this. >> it gave us great and positive reassurance. >> reporter: and they had rave reviews for president barack obama. >> he lifted up my spirits and i think of everybody else in the room, as well. >> because of what he said, i think we all feel now that we can begin our mission of healing and togetherness. >> reporter: all day long, for hours before the event began, people were lining up, reading newspapers, sleeping and even playing games while online. maria and her son javier camped out overnight. what does it say to you guys about tucson as a city that there are people camping out overnight to come to this memorial service?
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>> that they're dedicated to -- >> and we care. >> we care and dedicated. >> reporter: that's a sentiment pretty much everybody else we spoke with here shared. >> one person who caused this major tragedy within our city does not define our city. >> we live here. this is our home. we have to be here. >> i think this is a good r representation of what tucson is reason. >> reporter: the massive crowd here is a reflection of the extraordinary outpouring in this city in the days since the shootings. people here have been giving blood, packing church services and building makeshift memorials at the crime scene, at the school that victim christina green attended. and, at congresswoman gabrielle giffords' office. family members have said this show of support has really helped them. >> he wants to express to this wonderful community of tucson his love and gratitude, because we are a wonderful community and we are a family. >> reporter: perhaps the most
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dramatic example of the outpouring here in tucson is this ever-expanding vigil outside of the hospital where the victims are being treated. it started very small on the day of the shootings, with just a few flowers, cards and candles, but day after day, it has grown and grown, unfurling into a massive carpet of sympathy and support. the sheer scope of this is incredible but it's the details that are some of the most interesting things. let's just take a look at this. we have a lot of and ms here left by members of the catholic community. this is a note from a child here, it says, to all the victims, you are all loved and all in our thoughts and prayers. and over here, take a look at this. this is a box that's been put out for people to live comments. there's clipboards for people to come up and write on, slip the notes in here. just one note we're going to pick at random here. says, dear gabby, you've done so much for the state and this country. we know you can pull through, keep fighting.
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we all love you and miss you. at all hours, people come here to play native american music, to reflect and to cry. and we know the victims inside are aware of this vigil and very appreciative. in fact, the family of pam simon, an aide to giffords who was shot on saturday, says she sneaked out of her hospital room without permission from her doctors to come down and see it for herself. one of the most striking things about this scene is how many parents are bringing their children here. >> i asked him if he had any questions and i told him why everyone put the candles out and just to kind of show that, like, tucson stands together. >> as a parent, it's been very, very hard because i've had several dreams of the 9-year-old girl. >> reporter: how do you explain something like this to a kid? >> well, we just told him that somebody who was very sick hurt
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a lot of people, including people that we love and we're sad and it's going to be okay. >> these are letters from the students that i tutor. >> reporter: we met this woman, her name is denise. she was dropping off letters from local school children who she tutors. >> sorry you got hurt and i hope you feel better. >> reporter: so, we went to that school to meet the students for ourselves. >> dear gabrielle. i think it was wrong for what he did to you. some day you will get better. but don't worry. we will never give up on you. >> dear miss giffords. i am so sorry that you got hurt. i hope you feel better. and i know you will have a good life when you get out of the hospital. >> dear mrs. giffords. i hope you feel better and i
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hope you get out of the hospital. i feel sad for you. >> reporter: after they read for us, we chatted for a little bit, and it became immediately clear that these letters were not some homework assignment. the shooting really weighs on them have you been thinking about this a lot? >> yeah, i've been thinking about, what is the government going to do? what are they going to do if they don't have gabrielle giffords? >> the 9-year-old girl got shot. >> reporter: and when you heard that, what did you feel? >> sad. >> reporter: has what happened made you scared? >> yeah. i got very scared because for the past few days i've been keep thinking about, what if he came over here? >> what if he knows where our class is? >> reporter: well, i can tell you that the man they suspect of doing this is -- he's in jail right now, so, she's not going to come to your class. interesting to hear the perspective of children. and bill, one more observation from here tonight, i mentioned before the piece that some people here were feeling a sense
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of shame in the days and hours after the shootings, but what we're starting to hear now is, given the overwhelming response and the show of unity after the shootings, that many people here in tucson are feeling more pride than ever at the fact that they come from this place. >> they were representing in full force tonight. dan harris, thanks for that. and when we come back, what drives people to act heroically? is it a matter of inate courage or more of a reflect?
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progresso. hi. we love your weight watchers endorsed soups but my husband looks the way he did 20 years ago. well that's great. you haven't seen him... my other can is ringing. progresso. hey can you tell my wife to lax and enjoy the view? (announcer) progresso. you gotta taste is soup. [ speaking spanish ]
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[ male announcer ] old el paso stand 'n stuff taco shells. old el paso. feed your fiesta. it's a safe bet that more than a few of us have imagined ourselves in that safeway parking lot on saturday, wondering, what would i do? when heroes emerge in shooting sprees or bank robberies, you can't help but wonder if bravery is hard wired in certain folks. so, tonight, jim sciutto goes in search of an answer. ♪ >> reporter: tonight, a tribute to the raw courage of the heroes who, in a manic 15 seconds of violence, risked their lives to stop the killer. >> we are grateful to the men who tackled the gunman as he
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stopped to reload. >> i did not make a conscious decision. i just saw the opportunity, you know, and to put a stop to him and i decided that, you know, i had to do something. i just couldn't sit there and let this guy go by. >> we are grateful for petite patricia maisch, who wrestled away the killer's ammunition and undoubtedly saved some lives. >> i think it's something anybody in my place would have done. i was there and i did the job. >> reporter: tucson's heroes echo remarkable cases in the place, where ordinary people, untrained and with very much to lose, made an instant decision, with potentially life of death con consequences. in panama city, florida, just last month, a gunman held a school board hostage and seemed ready to shoot them at point
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blank range. he freed all the female members, including ginger littleton, but she came back, wielding her purse to try to hit the gun out of his hand. >> i have three wonderful daughters, and they said, mom, are you just stupid? what were you thinking? >> reporter: in long beach, california, last june, richard kemp jumped an armed robber from behind at his bank and wrestled him to the ground. wesley autry was on this new york subway station platform in 2007 when a young man, having a seizure, fell onto the tracks. wesley jumped down to help and covered the man with his body as the train rolled over them with inches to spare. autry spoke to abc's david muir at the time. >> it was a split-second decision. i don't like at myself as a hero. i got to be humble about this. i don't want people to blow this out of proportion. >> reporter: this harvard professor has delved into the science of heroism to find out if there's something that separates the heros from the rest of us.
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he focused on the deadly terrorist attacks in mumbai, india, where hotel workers took extreme risks to protect guests they didn't even know. during several desperate hours of explosions and gun fire, kitchen staff formed a cordon around guests as the attackers machine gunned them down. hotel operators stayed at their phones to call guests in rooms with life saving information. >> i was surprised because there was no easy explanation for why these imemployemployees did wha did. >> reporter: it starts with personality. >> it seems that they have a much more highly developed moral compas compass. they have this instinct for doing something good for other people. we find this across a whole series of situations where people risk their own lives, as this in context, risk their own
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lives in order to help somebody. or, to protect other people from harm. >> reporter: acts of heroism are also often about context. that can be a connection to the location where tragedy strikes. mumbai hotel workers considered the taj mahal hotel a proud national landmark they wanted to protect. and so they stayed to rescue guests. or heroism can come from a connection to the victims, even if the heroes don't know them personally. giffords may have been seen as one of their own by the heroes, who then sprang into action during those crucial 15 seconds. >> here we're talking about a relatively small community. in this case, the congresswoman is somebody that's known to not just the people standing in line, waiting to talk to her, but she represents that community, so, these are, even the bystanders there are people who know who she is, there's a
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crowd that's gathered, so, there is a feeling of connection. th >> he says it's impossible to know for sure if you or i may be a hero in the making. possible signs are characterable giving, public service and some belief in a higher moral order, though heroes do not necessarily believe to any organized religion. interestingly, what often doesn't matter is formal training. but inside some of us could be something very special. a selfless reflection to sacrifice ourselves for others, like we saw in tucson. >> when you see violence like that, your first reaction is to put a stop to it. and do what you have to do to put a stop to it. i don't think anybody thought about, you know, getting hurt doing it. they just -- they just wanted to put a stop to him shooting people. >> reporter: in the wake of a tragedy such as tucson, a comfort and an inspiration. i'm jim sciutto for "nightline" in washington.
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>> true nature of some good people revealed. thanks to jim for that report. when we come back, the meaning of 15 seconds. what a fraction of a minute can rerace. [ male announcer ] a red, raw nose can feel really sore. achoo! [ male announcer ] and common tissue can make it burn even more. new puffs plus lotion is more soothing than common tissue and delivers twice the moisturizers to your nose versus the next leading lotion tissue. i'm friend, secret-keeper and playmate. do you think i'd let osteoporosis slow me down?
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in about the time it takes for you to hear this sentence, six lives were taken in tucson saturday. 13 changes forever. countless others plunged into grief. many of us know that worthy projects can take a lifetime to build the speed with which it can all be erased though seems harder to comprehend. here's john donvan. >> reporter: a quarter of a minute on a saturday morning. that's all it took for a man with a gun to do all this.
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15 seconds. but most things that matter take many, many times that. like, the life of a little girl, which lasted nine years, three months, 28 days, before it ended here. or, the oldest victim, for whom building a family, three children, seven grandchildren, one great granddaughter took 15 seconds, try 2.49 billion seconds. that's 79 years. a lifetime. because here's the unfair thing. building something takes time. living needs time. but destruction, all it requires is 31 bull lets and the 15 seconds it takes to get them off. most of us can't complete much of anything in that time. 15 seconds is about what it takes for a traffic light to go from red to green. it's where a home run hitter is only just getting past second base. it's the point at which your average tv commercial is only hairway through. 15 seconds goes by so fast that after those 15 seconds at the safeway, it took 120 seconds for someone to get through to 911. another 212 for the caller to explain what was happening.
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another 180 for police to arrive. another 240 for the first emts. and that was fast. they were all fast. but not nearly as fast as the killing. the quick, easy way to change words. destroying families. inspiring nightmares. as opposed to creating, or, remembering. it was a minute of silence, they gave at congress. a minute and one second, to be precise. and it was four hours plus a minute that the president was in the air tate getting to tucson, plus the minutes he spoke to inspire healing. but it will take months, perhaps years for those who survived to come close to healing physically. while emotionally, for some, those who were there and even for those who were not, it will take many more seconds than anybody could ever count, because it could take forever. i'm john donvan for "nightline." >> a reminder to cherish every 15 seconds. thanks to john donvan and we'll be right back. ab
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ronald reagan throughout his state of the union address to speak to the "challenger" disaster. george w. bush picked up that bull horn on ground zero. tonight, president obama acknowledged the nation's pain and sense of division while urging all americans on to a common, higher ground. so, tonight, we ask, how did he do? we heard from so many already on facebook and twitter, but please join our conversation. tell us what you think at the "nightline" facebook page or on the "nightline" page at that is our extended report for tonight. thanks for staying you late for us. for all of us at abc news, good night, america. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel. on the show tonight, from "grey's anatomy" and the new movie "rabbit hole" sandra oh. from "modern family," the kids are here -- nolan gould, ariel winter, and rico rodriguez. we have music from fitz & the tantrums. and these two viewers, from texas and maryland, will go head-to-virtual-head, via skype, with a live scavenger hunt from
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inside their own house. are you ready, chris and heaven? >> both: yes. >> jimmy: by the way, to find out which one's chris and which one's heaven, tuned. "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes. ford fusion hybrid emerges as the clear fuel economy leader. kimberly? the fusion hybrid holds a 10 mile per gallon advantage in the city over the toyota camry hybrid. uh... that's not good. i would like 10 more miles. he's going to have a lot to think about, kimberly. and there you have it. fusion hybrid. the most fuel-efficient midsize sedan in america. pediatrician recommended pain reliever for children. plus, children's advil® brings fever down faster than children's tylenol®. choose children's advil®. relief you can trust. [ female announcer ] no time to plan? there's still time to whiten. introducing crest whitestrips 2-hour express.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. welcome to the show. thank you for coming. thank you for watching. those of you freezing right now on the east coast, i'm sorry, i had nothing to do with it. there's 9 inches of snow in new york. 2 feet of snow in connecticut. many adults could not get into work. i bet there are a few thousand people who turned on "the price is right" today and said, when the hell did drew carey lose all that weight? i did. so far this winter, it's snowed in 49 of our 50 states. even hawaii, it snowed in hawaii. the only state that hasn't had any snow is florida, which means your grandparents can complain the snow never visits them either. [ laughter ] still snowing in a lot of
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places. and for latest, let's go to our special weather correspondent on the east coast, al roker. hey, al, how's the weather? i said how's the weather, al? al? [ laughter ] i guess we're having some oddo issues with al. it looks like his mom put that coat on him, doesn't it? it's been a very snowy wintry in europe too. this is a youtube video of a man in estonia. somebody posted this this weekend from estonia. he's trying to shovel snow off his roof and the snow is trying to shovel him off the roof too. [ laughter ] the best part -- just in case he fell, inset of getting in there to help make sure he didn't, his wife grabbed the video camera. that's love. speaking of video cameras, on my way into work this morning, there's a man standing on a street corner with a sign asking for money for food.
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so i pulled over and i got my video camera out to tape him and i'm talking to this guy for like eight minutes and it turns out he had no talent at all. i mean, he couldn't do a dejeja voice. he couldn't sing, he couldn't dance. nothing. i asked him to juggle. he dropped the balls. [ applause ] so i took my dollar back and drove away. i mean, can you imagine, the nerve of this guy? i wish i could say this is surprising. but that homeless guy with the golden voice turns out not to be quite so golden, as we guessed. ted williams, who's been all over the news lately -- he's been on dr. phil the last couple of days. if you haven't seen this, i recommend it highly. he denies he still drinks or use drugs. then he promised to make up for abandoning his nine children. he offered to buy his daughter a louis vuitton purse on the show today. it's a wash, right? the night before last, police were called to his hotel in
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hollywood after an altercation with one of his daughters. today we found out that ted, contrary to what he told dr. phil, is still drinking and now dr. phil is sending him to rehab. so there you go. the shortest "e! true hollywood story" ever. what most celebrities take years to accomplish. and his 15 minutes actually lasted 15 minutes. meanwhile, the rumor going around hollywood is cbs warner bros. are very worried about "two and a half men" star charlie sheen. he lost a lot of weight over the holidays. this weekend supposedly spent the whole weekend holed up in vegas with three porn stars. only three though so he's keeping his new year's resolution. tmz said it's unclear what went on inside the hotel room. which is quite a mystery. what could -- possibly have -- it's charlie sheen and three hookers. they were probably playi in
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scattegorise, you know? he showed up for work monday. said what he does on the weekend is none of your business. but producers are concerned. they're even making some changes to "two and a half men." >> this week on "two and a half men." the guys get an unexpected visitor. [ doorbell rings ] uncle dr. drew. "two and a half men," only on cbs. >> jimmy: i think that's a good addition to the show. [ cheers and applause ] charlie was out in vegas doing god knows what, jon cryer spent the weekend watching "pretty in pink" with his labradoodle. we have a fun thing tonight. we're going to play a game with a couple of our home viewer using skype. skype is a service that allows you to video chat with your friend, loved one, inmates, whatever, you name it, if you have an internet connection, you can talk to them and see them while you're talking for free. tonight we're using it with two of our viewers. this is a game so lazy you don't even have to leave your house to play it and it's time to meet
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our contestants. from croften, maryland, we have mortgage broker, father of three, chris shenten. >> how you doing? >> jimmy: are you snowed in there, in maryland? >> we got shafted. they got a foot of snow all the way up into maryland and all north of maryland but we got one inch and it's about four degrees outside. >> jimmy: is it perhaps your body heat is radiating and melting the snow in the area? >> i think it has something to do with it. >> jimmy: from houston, texas, hotel front desk clerk, heaven warner. hello, heaven. [ applause ] when a guest call also the front desk and you answer the phone saying "this is heaven," do they ever think they died? >> oh, they think a lot of things. >> jimmy: all right. well, you guys ready to play? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you both know how the game is played. it's a scavenger hunt. i'm going to name an item. your job is to be the first one to find that item and bring it back to show us on camera. are either of you hoarders?
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>> a little bit. >> jimmy: okay, good, that's actually going to help. let's do it. now, we'll start $100. whoever comes back first with something with your name engraved on it, okay? could be a key chain. locket. alcohol monitoring bracelet. there you go. that's kind of embossed. >> that's my middle name. >> jimmy: ooh, i don't know, initially. chris, did you find anything? >> business card. >> jimmy: just a business card? all right. well, we're going to give it to heaven then. all right, that's $100 for heaven. let's do another one. $200 for something that vibrates. something that vibrates. [ laughter and applause ]
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oh! very clever. she beat you there. she beat you. not what i was imagining but -- whatever you're up for i guess. all right. one more thing. okay, $500 for the ugliest thing in your house. and $100 bonus to whoever's item is uglier, okay? okay. and don't bring your spouse back because that's -- [ laughter ] >> i have an old picture. >> jimmy: an old picture of? >> myself. >> jimmy: oh, let's see it. wow. >> like a year ago. >> jimmy: you doing a jenny craig ad or what? all right. what do you got there, chris? >> bananas are about three months old. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's a banana? >> that is a banana.
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>> jimmy: wow, all right. i'm going to -- heaven, in a way, this is a compliment but i think we're going to give that to chris. you brought yours back first so in a way you both win. let's do one more. whoever can bring back the most cheese i will give $500 to. whoever can bring back the most cheese. [ laughter ] speed is not as important necessarily in this particular aspect of the competition. >> jimmy: no, not -- no! wow, those are a lot -- what are you, a high school janitor? no, i said cheese, heaven. cheese. >> cheese? >> jimmy: yeah. oh, they both got -- is it me? it must have been me. [ applause ] it had to be me. well, all right. now they've -- hopefully they've gone to the fridrefrigerator. what kind of cheese is that, heaven?
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>> laughing cow. >> jimmy: well, this is -- [ applause ] shouldn't come as a surprise. chris, you win the cheese. heaven, you got the -- all right, you know what, you both won money. i appreciate that. very well done. thank you, chris and heaven, everybody. [ applause ] for years, i've been trying to start my car with a wedge of gouda. yesterday, a judge here in los angeles ordered michael jackson's personal physician, dr. conrad murray, to stand charges -- stand trial, rather, on charges of involuntary manslaughter. also granted request from the california medical board to suspend his license to practice medicine. murray's lawyer pleaded with the judge not to suspend his medical license, saying if he lost the license, his patients would have no doctor. which he still has patients? how could that be?
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he must have the best selection of waiting room magazines ever. [ laughter ] on saturday night, the miss america pageant is in las vegas. it's going to be broadcast live at 9:00 here on abc. i for one cannot wait to find out what a bunch of homecoming queens think about the banking crisis and securing our borders. the new miss america of course will go on to marry captain america. they made some changes this year that i think will be very good. for one thing, they now allow tackle during the swimsuit competition. [ applause ] the swimsuit competition is weird in the year 2011. never seems fair that the judges sit and evaluate these women in their bikinis when we have no idea what they themselves look like in their bikinis. we've got some of the judges for this year's competition. for instance, tony dovolani. for instance, mark cherry. and joy behar. they will be --
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[ audience oohs ] oh, you don't like women? [ laughter ] so this saturday night, one young woman will be declared miss america and she will hold that title for one full year or until her first sex tape is released. our real miss america, secretary of state hillary clinton, was in yemen yesterday for high-level talks with the government there. i guess they've got a government there. and as she was preparing to leave, she had a little stumble. there she is. [ laughter ] [ applause ] and it's -- that's why it's -- [ applause ] so important to hem your pantsuits. he butters her shoes whenever she leaves the house. one more thing, the new movie, "the green hornet" opens on friday. tomorrow night, the director of "the green hornet," michel gondry will be here directing our show. are you excited about that,
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guillermo? >> very excited. >> jimmy: michel is an extremely tall aenltd director. if you haven't seen the trailer yet, here it is, "the green hornet" opening friday. >> what started as a comic book sensation. has returned as the must-see movie event of the year. "the green hornet." >> cato, will you come with me on this adventure? >> i'll go with you, but i don't want to touch you. >> maybe just a little bit? >> okay. >> i control the crime. i control the city. >> ow. "the green hornet." in 3-d. >> jimmy: nicely done. we have a good show tonight. the kids from "modern family" are here, nolan rico and we'll
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be right back with sandra oh so stick around. [ male announcer ] it's a new year and time for a fresh start. ok, new year, new me. oh, new me too! gotta cut back. yes. ladies, ready when you are. signature sirloin steak with garlic herb shrimp. [ women ] mmmmmmmm! teriyaki shrimp pasta. mmmmmm! oh, i love cutting back! cheers to cutting back. [ male announcer ] time for applebee's unbelievably great tasting and under 550 calories menu. great tasting generous dishes like new teriyaki shrimp pasta, new sirloin with garlic herb shrimp, and more. all under 550 calories and starting at $8.99. only at applebee's. there's no place like the neighborhood. open until midnight or later.
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>> jimmy: hi there. i'm glad to see you again. with us tonight from the great show "modern family," we have three of the kids, rico rodriguez, nolan gould and ariel winter who play manny, lucas and alex respectively. later on, from right here in los angeles, this is their latest album, it's called "picking up the pieces." fitz and the tantrums from the bud light stage. tomorrow night on the show, michel gondry. will be directing our show. will be joined by el fanning, music from the damned things and
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the green hornet himself seth rogen will be here. our first guest tonight is a five-time emmy-nominated and golden-globe winning actress who on friday sheds her stethoscope to co-star alongside nicole kidman and aaron eckhart in the new movie "rabbit hole." please say hello to sandra oh. [ cheers and applause ] that's really nice, thank you. >> a little of that so just thought -- >> jimmy: i said "keys," not "cheese." thank you. i'll eat all of this. how are you? >> i'm great. >> jimmy: your parents are here in the audience tonight. >> yes, my mom and dad. >> jimmy: there they are. [ cheers and applause ] >> actually, i actually -- because i bought this cheese
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out, i just have to say, okay, my mom and my dad, i love them so much and i abuse them all the time because of the story that i'm about to tell. >> jimmy: really? >> so who of you have immigrant parents? yeah. okay. so maybe you'll understand this or maybe if you're korean. so my mom -- okay, i am not, like, a neat person at all. i'm messy. kind of almost on the verge of sloppy. but i'm messy. and so we're up in vancouver visiting my sister for about ten days. i come back here. i bought my parents. and my mom, who has to clean things, she's looking in bags for i don't know what. she looks in one of my bags and find ace piece of cheese, right. and then i left a piece of cheese in my bag. >> jimmy: this is in your purse or grocery bag? >> no, it's mike work bag. i bring food to work anyway. so i brought a hunk of cheese. and then my mom goes, which is
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my name, i found some cheese in your bag. i'm like, oh, mom, i hope you tossed it out. she goes, no, no, no, it's fine. i cut it. i just cut the mold off. it's in the fridge. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? you don't want to waste. >> through the occupation, then war. and then i actually ate it. >> jimmy: you did not. >> i did. i ate it because -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: she was right. >> making cheese toast so -- >> jimmy: your parents are staying with you? >> yes. i have been with my parents for 23 days in a row. >> jimmy: oh, wow. that's a lot. >> and we're having a great time! oh, you want to know, i just wanted to make a shoutout to my brother, who's in boston, who's in the hospital mass gen. please, everyone, take care of him. hope you get better soon.
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>> jimmy: he's with real doctors, right? not television doctors. >> he's -- >> jimmy: do you think at this point in your life, you could actually diagnosis after, what, seven seasons of "grey's anatomy," could you? i mean, it -- >> no, but i can really look like it. no, and what i mean by that is when anyone's saying, oh, my stomach hurts, i'll go, what's going on? what's going on? do you have gas? is it like this? so i'll come along with the lingo of it. but no, no, no. >> jimmy: you would not actually -- >> seriously, if anyone had a -- i'm not going to say it but if anyone -- >> jimmy: if anyone ate some moldy cheese, you would not be the person to necessarily cure that. you said your parents had been here for what, 23 days? >> yes, 23 days. >> jimmy: and you guys stay together. do they come with you -- because they were here last time you were here. >> yes, they were here last time. >> jimmy: do you bring them or are they following you? >> actually, no, i bring them. my parents are -- >> jimmy: and you guys enjoy
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coming and seeing this sort of thing? >> yes, very happy to be here. >> jimmy: you're happy to be here. >> jimmy: you're putting the mic on the wrong one. she's not going to talk. [ applause ] and so how long -- how long's visit planned? is there an end date in sight? >> yes. shortly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you have a ticket or how will you know when it's time to go? >> well, you know, we sort of -- >> jimmy: okay, there is. who determines that date? [ laughter ] >> my parents. they want to stay here. >> jimmy: sure, they're your parents. >> you know, we have to watch her schedule. >> jimmy: that's right, you have to keep an eye on her schedule. what if she's late to work? somebody's got to take care of this stuff. are your parents -- well, they must be proud that you're a doctor.
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[ laughter ] >> yes, very much so. it's like i played a lot of roles. most of my stuff is in obscure indy stuff. for them to have, you know, a doctor on tv, i think that they're -- >> jimmy: my daughter the doctor. what were they like, your parent, growing up? what is your, like, kind of relationship like, besides packaging spoilled foods for you? >> let's see. i was thinking of this the other day. like, what am i getting from my dad and what am i getting from my mom? fligh right now basically my dad will talk and be very personable like this. and my mom. she'll sit there quietly but then eventually come out with like the most genius cutting comment. >> jimmy: oh, cutting comment? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: is your mom the disciplinarian in the family? >> yes, i'd say so. >> jimmy: because the look -- i'm getting nervous. it's like she seems to be smiling but inside it's like,
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you'd better not embarrass us. >> exactly. but i have. i have over the years. >> jimmy: why don't you go ahead and do that again? is there anything embarrassing you'd like to say about your parents? >> yes, i would. because this has to do with how much i love them. i'm sorry, i have to go on with -- okay, my mom, again, this is also about, like, loving the fact that you just came from an immigrant household. so one time, a while ago, my mom was at my house and i was drying my clothesdryer, right, where you dry your clothe, right? she comes up to me and goes, "what are you doing?" "i'm driving my clothes." like, in the dryer? she takes out the clothes and she goes -- she says this to me when she thinks i'm being fancy. who do you think you are, huh, queen of sheba? queen of sheba. so that was her term. i love you so much, mom.
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