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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 10, 2011 12:00am-1:05am PDT

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they have separated after 25 years of marriage. that's our report for tonight. i gave my mom a nigift. i gave her an etch a sketch and told her it was an ipad 2. >> and rob lowe. >> did you have to say anything to girls or just wave them to your bedroom? >> and music from wiz khalifa. your bedroom? >> and music from wiz khalifa. >> oh you dog learned howne ♪ ♪ ♪ when you're resonsible for this much of the team, you need a car you can count on.
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>> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with a message from shell prepower premium gasoline. we're talking about the shell power fuel my passion sweepstakes. >> that's why i'm so happy to be involved. i'm very passionate about what i drive. on and off the track. >> what you're saying is i have a chance to win great prizes including free shell power if i upload a photo of me next to my favorite ride? >> that's right. >> wow. >> what the hell did you just say? >> don't you understand, tippy,
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by now -- understand my language -- >> oh, please, that ain't a language. get your hand off my leg. >> kiss me and make up. >> oh, please. >> you defied me like you always did. >> what are you talking about? you got the story all wrong. -- wrote the ticket out -- >> okay, okay, that's it. i can't handle it anymore. >> oh, where is the driver going? >> you know, you guys are crazy. >> you made him leave. >> no, you made him leave. >> visit for a chance to win up to five years of free shell v-power premium gas gasoline. maximum protection for optimal performance. back in two minutes with rob lowe, ty pennington and music from whiz khalifa. to others, an obstacle. but when you're genetically engineered with jeep 4x4 capability and iconic beauty,
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it's more like a mud bath at the spa. ♪ the 2011 jeep compass. the evolution of a legendary bloodline. well-qualified lessees can get a 2011 jeep compass sport 4x2 for $239 a month. you can take the heat. 'til it turns into heartburn, you've got what it takes: zantac. it's strong, fast lasting relief. so let them turn up the heat. you can stop that heartburn cold: (sssssssss!!!) zantac. yif you ask a musician, they might call it inspiring. (sssssssss!!!) to a doctor, it's groundbreaking. to a ceo, it's powerful.
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to a teacher, it's the future. if you ask a child, she might call it magic. and if you asked us, we'd say it's just getting started. angus: hey bbq-t. alex: you talkin' to me? angus: your shorts got me spinnin' like a rotisserie. alex: hey bbq-t, is it hot outside? angus: those sweet little strings got me all tongue-tied... angus/alex: i can't help starin' at the tie shorts you're wearin'. alex: i dig your summer look. angus: now lean in and kiss the cook! angus/alex: bah-bah-bbq-t, (hum the second bah-bah-bbq-t) anncr: tie your look together with new summer tie shorts starting at just ten bucks for everyone. now at old navy. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- rob lowe.
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ty pennington. and music from wiz khalifa. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's jim yim jimmy kimmel live ♪ and now, while we're at it, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone. thanks for being here. thank you for watching. thanks to cleto. [ cheers and applause ] i appreciate it. i'm the host of the show. i'm tip pa middleton. you may remember me from the wedding. if you're a mother, i hope you had a good mother's day. every year, my brother, my sister and i do the same thing for our mom for mother's day. we dress up like babies and let
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her change our diapers. she likes it. i got my mom a nice gift. i gave her an etch a sketch and told her it's an ipad 2. [ laughter ] she loves it. she's at home talking to it right now. i thought this is cute. at the white house yesterday, sasha and malia got up very early, 6:00 in the morning, went down in the kitchen and told the chef to make their mother pancakes. isn't that adorable? i always think mother's day is funny because most of the moms i know, all they want for mother's day is to get as far away from their children as possible. i would see guys with their kids just walking around. looking at the sky. yearning for dark. [ laughter ] a lot of dads must have taken their kids to see "tore" this weekend. "thor" made $60 million. check this out. >> down the stretch they come,
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it's a three-horse race. >> jimmy: kentucky derby. >> now animal kingdom pulls ahead. but what's this? >> jimmy: and look at this. >> thor comes from behind to win the 137th running of the kentucky derby. >> jimmy: thor won the kentucky derby on saturday. he did it without a tiny little man on his back like the other horses. there's a new episode of "dancing with the stars" here on abc tonight. five celebrities are left. each celebrity had to do two dances tonight. which is very bad news for an injured ralph who has a ruptured cyst on the back of his knee and no mr. miyagi to rub his hands together. chelsea cane got the highest score. my pick to win this year, hines ward of the pittsburgh steeler. he was mistakenly taken into custody by police who thought he was riding in a stolen car. this is true. turned out the woman who was driving the car reported it stolen last month when the valet
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couldn't find it but then forgot to report it unstolen when the valet found it. this is security camera footage. i guess tmz got a hold of it. they're at a gas station. that's his female companion. they had their duaguns drawn. hines ward coming out of the car. he also is backing up. just out of frame. and then he makes a -- he's a fast guy. so he runs around a little bit. police finally get a hold of him. watch this move. [ laughter ] you see what he did was -- he used his -- his dance ability to disarm the police and everything else. [ cheers and applause ] fortunately, that worked out. that could have been so much worse. meanwhile, simon cowell, remember simon cowell, that
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nasty british guy? he started shooting auditions for his new reality show, "the x-factor," which explains why baby gap across the street is out of t-shirts. the judges for the "x-factor" are simon cowell, another british person named cheryl cole, and paula abdul. paula abdul agreed to take the job yesterday. they told her the "x" stands for xanax. cheryl cole who is also a judge on the british version of the show -- all of these shows have a british version first. they test them over there and then they bring them to us. she said "the x-factor" is going to be unlike anything you've ever seen before, in which case you've seen anything on television, it's going to look very familiar. voting and mentors and simon and paula as judges. how different could it be? not like they're going to have lasers shooting out of their eyes. simon's nipples have been
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replaced by heat-seek missiles that will destroy the losing contestants. speaking of destroying losing contestant, osama bin laden, the death of osama bin laden has apparently damaged our delicate relationship with al qaeda. al qaeda has released a statement vowing to make america pay for bin laden's death. which i'm pretty sure we did pay for his death. i mean, we paid for the whole thing. we even took care of the funeral arrangements. maybe a thank you would be nice. on saturday, the government -- [ cheers and applause ] i get it. we're blood thirsty and we're proud, i know. on saturday, the government released five videos they found at osama bin laden's compound. some of the tapes show him preparing a message to the united states and rehearsing this message. in another, we see him watching a little television. here it is.
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there he is. in his compound in abbottabad. as you can see, he's holding a remote. he's watching -- looks like he's watching "jersey shore." you know what, osama always loved snooki's hair poof. he called it nature's turbin. you can see in the video, bin laden's beard is white. in the tapes when he records his message, his beard is black. can you imagine osama bin laden with his beard in the sink dyeing it? that's when we should have got him, throat. the navy s.e.a.l.s went through his medicine cabinet. apparently he uses this stuff to dye his hair. just for madmen. hey, it got him five wives. [ applause ] that's our wacky segment of the show. you know, for years, the cia thought bin laden was sick, on kidney dialysis. one of his wives says he
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recovered from two kidney operations in part by eating watermelons every day. i always suspected watermelons were against us. i didn't even know they had watermelons over there in the de -- i wonder who the guy was, hey, mustafa, we have the job for you. finally, my hour of martyrdom is at hand. go get some watermelons. what? make sure to tap them on the bottom. and seedless if they have them. this is strange to me anyway. the now famous picture of obama's staff watching the raid from the situation room. an ultraorthodox newspaper edited hillary clinton out of the photo because they believe any footos of women are sexually suggestive. not this one. even bill clinton doesn't find it sexually suggestive. but the newspaper does. so instead of hillary clinton, they actually photo shopped in
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an overstuffed pastrami sandwich. or maybe it's corn beef, i don't know. on friday, the president met the navy s.e.a.l.s who killed bin laden and their dog. the s.e.a.l.s had a dog with them as part of the team. that's got to be humiliating at the dog park. oh, your dog learned how to snit co sit? cool. mine helped kill bin laden. [ applause ] these dogs are pretty awesome. they have cameras. they have protective vests with speakers so they can hear the commands. as you'll see here, they do not stop until their mission is complete. >> among the 24 super secret navy s.e.a.l.s commando team who swept into pakistan and killed osama bin laden, was one super secret four-legged warrior. this war dog at the training center in the air force base outside san antonio is one of nearly 3,000 four-legged ward yors trained by the military.
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a handful of those 3,000 are even more special. just like the human special forces team also they join, details about the breed, its role or names of these super dogs are not being disclosed. >> jimmy: they work hard and they play hard, these war dogs. never get tired of that clip. meanwhile, in the wake of bin laden's death, there have been reports that al qaeda may be targeting train systems in major u.s. cities. on friday, cbs news here in los angeles interviewed some riders. these gentleman made a point. >> -- was considering tampering with an unspecified rail track. commuters for the most part say they're unfazed. >> we're going to have some terror threat. i mean, regardless. you have to live your life. >> jimmy: i'm sorry, didn't hear anything you said. i was districted by something. [ cheers and applause ]
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i think we found the black donald trump. [ applause ] it was a sad weekend for lakers fans. as you probably know, the lakers were -- oh, stop it. were eliminated from the nba playoffs. they were swept by the dallas mavericks yesterday. which means lamar odom will have a lot more time to keep up with kloe. they won the title two years in a row. it was an embarrassing sweep for the laker. even more embarrassing because of a couple of cheap shots at the end of the game. lamar odom and andrew bynum were ejected within 45 seconds of each other. shoving forward dirk nowitzki. then we have -- after that, andrew bynum just elbow smashes j.j.barea. look at this, bynum was ejected. he took his shirt off as he left
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the court. why he did that, i don't know. you zoom in here, you can see he had plane tickets to hawaii and inguess he wanted to get there. sooner. [ applause ] so getting swept from the playoffs wasn't all bad from the laker. in recognition, today the lakers were named honorary clipper also by the mayor of los angeles. here's one more thing i'd be remiss if i didn't mention. this is from the syndicated game show "who wants to be a millionaire." a grad student named rebecca was attempting to sentence a question about the solar system and in doing so provided us with our inunintentional joke of the day. >> jupiter is roman i believe. i can't even put a finger on uranus. >> jimmy: well, you better not try either.
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would not have allowed that. ever. hey, we've got a good show for you tonight. ty pennington is here. we have music from wiz khalifa. and we'll be right back with rob lowe so stick around. [ male announcer ] at cheez-it, we expect a lot from our cheese. hello. hello. how are you? how are you? are you mocking me? are you mocking me? [ both ] well it sounded like you were... now that you're repeating... everything...that i say. ok. ok. [ both ] we made some progress yesterday. [ pen clicks ] click. check. [ pen clicks ] click. [ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheese to mature before we bake it into every delicious cracker because at cheez-it, real cheese matters.
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before we bake it into every delicious cracker better than any other luxury brand.
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♪ intellichoice proclaims that lexus has the best overall value of any brand. ♪ and j.d. power and associates ranks lexus the highest in customer satisfaction. no wonder more people have chosen lexus over any other luxury brand 11 years in a row. see your lexus dealer. 11 years in a row. man: and all the pens are put down... woman: and everything there is to learn is learned. man: till the heroes retire and the monsters return to their dens... woman: and all the plots are wrapped up. man: till that day... boy: by hook or by crook... girl: by book or by nook... woman: i will read.
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>> jimmy: hi there. we're back. tonight on the program, a man who could power a city with nothing more than his positive attitude. you could see him making house related dreams come true sunday nights on extreme home makeover home edition. ty pennington is with us.
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and then later with music from this his new album "rolling papers," wiz khalifa from the bud light stage. we didn't need to rent a smoke machine for tonight's performance. tomorrow night, from the program "castle", nathan fillion, the latest castoff from "dancing with the stars," and music from calle 13. and then later this week, chris o'donnell, ginnifer goodwin, windell middlebrooks, kate hudson, and music from zac brown band and raphael saadiq. so please join us. our first guest tonight is a talented and charming man and a former packed brat. you can see him every week on "parks and recreation" and read all about his unbelievable life in the new book "stories i only tell my friends," please say hello to rob lowe. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome. hey, congratulations. they just said your book's number three on "the new york times" best-seller list. >> how about that? >> jimmy: that's pretty good. >> unbelievable. >> jimmy: do you ever -- did you worry, what if i write this and nobody's interested in reading it? >> every day i was writing it. >> jimmy: so you thought, i have to put all the good stories in here. >> writing is way, way, way more frightening than acting ever was. oh, yeah, it's the blank page. nobody writing a script. nobody making you look good. it's all you for better, for worse. >> jimmy: why did you decide -- i would imagine this is a time-consume thing to do. why would you decide to write a book and write all these stories you've been keeping quiet? >> because inevitably after spending anytime with me over a long dinner or day at the beach, the pool, whatever, people would say to me, dude, you've got to
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write a book. and i was like, you know what? i'm of the -- i'm of the mind-set that if 11 people tell you you should lie down, you're probably drunk. >> jimmy: okay. >> so i did it. >> jimmy: so you did. but now -- do you have anything to talk about at dinner anymore? >> i have nothing to talk about at all ever. >> jimmy: i read it in the book. we know, rob, we know. what about your kids? did you let them read this book? >> yeah. they read the book only under duress because there was some sense they might get asked about it on i think the oprah show. they're teenage boys. they don't want to know from dad. they're like, whatever, book, dad, whatever. >> jimmy: but at that age, you were starting to become famous, at the age your kids are now. >> which is another reason why i wanted to write the book now. because i look at my kids who are 15 and 17 and that's the age i started on this journey. >> jimmy: you want to give them a little kick in the ass. get going. >> this is a -- or a cautionary
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tale. could go either way. >> jimmy: so did they take it in that way? did they look at it and go, oh, dad did all these things? so can we now? because that's how i would transthreat. >> yeah, well -- i think my kids are pretty well versed in wikipedia so they're nothing they didn't know already. >> jimmy: so the kids -- did they like the book when they read it? >> they unwittingly gave me the best compliment they could. they said, dad, it's not a big deal to us. it just sounds like you telling all those stories you always tell. delivered on a promise. stories i only tell my friends. >> jimmy: now it's like we're all your friends. i notice -- speaking of friends, you thanked oprah at the end of the book. >> she was one of the first people to see an early advance of the writing and booked me on the show, at the end of her run, which was a great vote of confidence for me. >> jimmy: legally, you have to thank oprah in every book,
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right, or else you're not allowed on "the new york times" best-seller list? >> they don't like it. >> jimmy: you grew up -- this is pretty amazing. like kids you grew up with are now these big stars. you guys started out at the same time. guys like tom cruise and timothy hutton and charlie sheen. >> sean penn. robert downey jr. was in my history class. not a good student. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, huh? and like emilio estevez, one of your close friends growing up. you would go to the house -- >> the sheens for me -- everybody has that house in the neighborhood where you know you're going to go by on every christmas eve and any given day in the summer you're going to be hanging out in the backyard, that was that house for me. but i didn't know martin all that well because when i moved in, he was doing "apocalypse now" and gone forever. i met him trick or treating one night. i'll never forget it. it was a wild neighborhood.
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a lot of people throwing way too many egg, shaving cream, a little out of control. martin would patrol in a full cameo uniform. >> jimmy: this is not for halloween? >> this is -- look are i don't know if it was halloween or he was working through some psycho stuff left over from "apocalypse now." but that was my introduction to president bartlett. >> jimmy: and did he scare you? did you run from him when you saw him roaming the neighborhood like this? >> listen, anytime there's a baseball wheelding man in cameo fatigues, it's a good idea to run. >> jimmy: there's something your kids can learn from the book, right there. one major thing. >> halloween etiquette. >> jimmy: halloween etiquette is important. also you talk about a lot show business stuff, how competitive you guys were. you were almost the lead in "footloose." >> that was the one that got away, jimmy. >> jimmy: well. >> they had a dance-off.
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big dance audition. i'm many things. dancing is not one of my strong suits. >> jimmy: you're no ralph macchio on "dancing with the stars." >> everybody's in the book but you. but there's time. >> jimmy: maybe i'll be in the pap paperback version. >> there's time. actually blew my meniscus in my knee. yeah, man, i separated my rib on an obstacle course training to be a s.e.a.l. for my next movie. to say you blew out your knee during a kick ball change thing. >> jimmy: would you even have to say anything to girls? wouldn't you just -- kind of just wave them into your bedroom? it's over there. i'll be in in a few minutes. [ cheers and applause ] >> if only. if only. >> jimmy: one of the other things you talk about, the origin of the term brat pack
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which i never thought about. i figured you guys made that term up. >> none of us are smart enough to do that. >> jimmy: it's such a great nickname. >> at the time we hated it. seems so crazy now because it's like a cool thing now that we're talking about it 25 years down the line. we were very serious actors don't you know at the time. we just didn't like the term. but it's a good one. >> jimmy: given to you by a magazine writer. >> new york magazine writer who was doing a piece on emilio. the youngest since orson wells. fact, you can look it up. and he turned it into a story about us being a bunch of ka rousing actors. >> jimmy: was anything inaccurate? in fact, that article -- >> how does it hold up? >> jimmy: it looks like you guys were having a lot of fun. >> that was the point. we were trying to show this guy a good time. that we weren't just serious guys with just our eye on the ball.
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unrelenting about show business. we did that. he knew we had a good time. >> jimmy: he seemed upset that you guys were so handsome and it was so easy to find girls. >> which is why you and i founded the handsome men's club. >> jimmy: right. [ cheers and applause ] >> by the way, by the way, i'm still upset that jimmy has been kicked out of his own handsome men's club. so if you go to my facebook and i get a million votes, i'm going to get him back in the handsome men club. >> jimmy: really? wow, that's very nice of you. >> i'm going to do this for you. >> jimmy: as i recall, you voted against me but that's -- >> listen -- >> jimmy: real redemption for me. >> after i did the big "vanity fair" cover with my shirt off, i now cornered more votes per capita on the handsome men's club than matt damon or any of those idiots. >> jimmy: we're aligned in that one. >> i can get you back in. >> jimmy: there's so many good stories in this book. tell us one more when we come back. rob lowe is here. "stories i only tell my friends" is in stores now. [ female announcer ] when you use cottonelle fresh flushable moist wipes every day
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you get so hooked you'll want to pass it on to a friend. go to tell a friend about fresh and you'll both get a cottonelle fresh reward. so fresh is always at your fingertips. with the new my bud light bottle, it says whatever you want.
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grab a key or coin and write your name, number, whatever. for a limited time only. same great bud light. great new label. here we go. that's trident layers. the gum with layers of flavors. [ excited ] of course you can pay me in gum! no one ever pays me in gum. [ male announcer ] layers and layers and layers of flavor. trident layers. hey baby, what's going on? [ ella ] happy anniversary! are we still on for tonight? yeah, of course. of course. [ laughs ] you remembered to make a reservation, right? yeah, i remembered that. the number one thing a man should remember. i'm gonna be there soon. i'm gonna come pick you up. and i'll, uh...i'll -- i'll -- i'll call you -- i'll call you when i'm on the way. i'm -- i'm on the way. ok? ok! [ male announcer ] only at&t's network lets your iphone talk and surf at the same time.
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we've become synonymous with "dud," "reject," "flop," "failure," "bust." "fiasco." anything defective is a lemon. never mind that people love to squeeze us and we're a favorite among aromatherapists. introducing the mccafé frozen strawberry lemonade from mcdonald's. now we're the bee's knees. we're tart, tangy, and even sweet when you mix in the strawberries. oh, yeah. how do you like me now? the simple joy of bein' a lemon. ♪ ba-da-ba-ba-ba
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>> jimmy: hi there, we are back with rob lowe. ty pennington and wiz khalifa on the way. in addition to oprah, you thanked some famous people, including arnold schwarzenegger.
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>> it's actually something you must be doing. >> jimmy: for being who you are friend, father, leader. he's your friend, father and leader? >> that makes him sound like i'm in the mormon cut or something. >> jimmy: you wrote it. >> he was technically the leader of the state and a leader of -- >> jimmy: oh, i see. >> let me look at that. >> jimmy: friend, father, leader. yeah, you got to go back through this stuff. >> that's very strangely religious. i may need to change that in the paper back. we're like good friends. >> jimmy: he's a father, friend leader to you. have you heard from any of the people you wrote about? >> i heard from michael j. fox. an amazing author. >> jimmy: i read his book, terrific. very inspiring. >> there's a good michael fox story in the book. and i heard from third hand from sarah jessica parker. >> jimmy: what's the michael fox -- >> well, we share a bed.
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>> jimmy: uh-huh. when is this? what year is this? >> it was the '80s, jimmy. i don't want to reveal everything. >> jimmy: this is back to the future era of michael j. fox? >> this is -- oh, yeah, this is like mike is like the man, "back to the future." i had "st. elmo's fire" in the theaters and it was very competitive, whose movies were doing better. >> jimmy: and could not afford separate beds. >> amazing. >> jimmy: and sarah jessica parker. >> who stupidly i did not share a bed with. i couldn't get it together. >> jimmy: we all make mistakes. >> but sarah wanted to make sure in the paperback i say her eyes are blue, which they are. i think i said they were brown. you can't remember everything. >> jimmy: did that trouble you that you had that mistake? >> you know, there's only so much the brain can grasp. >> jimmy: yeah, i guess so. when you look into the eyes of thousands and thousands of beautiful women, eventually all
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you see is white and black. >> i probably wasn't looking at the eyes. >> jimmy: you might get another call from sarah. well, did you leave any -- is there anything you left out of the book that you decided maybe i shouldn't put this in here? >> i'm trying to think. there probably were some things that i left out for the next one. but i think it's all pretty much jammed in there. >> jimmy: it's all jammed in there? and anything you had to just cut, you thought, i'll save this for the next one? >> you know, no, you know what, the lawyers had -- the lawyers have to vet all of the stuff. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah the lawyers had to go, think -- ooh, you're going to write this, really? yeah, it happened to me. but the lawyers gave me a full clean bill of health on all of it. >> jimmy: they did? did they do any digging on their own? make any telephone calls and say, is this true? did martin sheen chase you with a baseball bat, that kind of stuff? or they just trust if you say,
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it happened. >> a lot of it, they just took mi word. >> jimmy: you and sarah jessica's eyes, that seems like a foolish thing to do. there's a lot of great stuff in here. again, the book is called "stories i only tell my friends" and it is a "new york times" best-seller. rob lowe. we'll be right back with ty pennington. ♪ ♪give me land lots of land ♪under starry skies above ♪don't fence me in ♪let me ride through the wide open country♪ ♪don't fence me in... the nokia astound smartphone music video games ...and more available exclusively at t-mobile
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>> dicky: this week on "jimmy kimmel live" -- nathan fillion, chris o'donnell, kate hudson, ginnifer goodwin, windell middlebrooks and the latest cast-off from "dancing with the stars," plus music from calle 13, zac brown band, and raphael saadiq. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it's better when you mix things up. fuze peach mango. fruit flavors and nutrients in every bottle.
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that's trident layers. the gum with layers of flavors. [ excited ] of course you can pay me in gum! no one ever pays me in gum. [ male announcer ] layers and layers and layers of flavor. trident layers.
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there's no place like the neighborhood. open 'til midnight or later. time to mix it up with new philly cooking creme. there's no place like the neighborhood. [ female announcer ] you have all this chicken. it'll make your chicken creamier, dreamier, with lots of flavor. spread the love in four fabulous flavors. spoon in a little new philly cooking creme.
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>> jimmy: hi there. still to come, wiz khalifa will be with us. our next guest has spent the last eight years renovating our country, one house at a time. you can see him and his trusty bullhorn on "extreme makeover:
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home edition," on abc sunday nights at 8:00. please say hello to ty pennington. [ cheers and applause ] >> gentleman. >> jimmy: how's it going? >> it's good. >> jimmy: how did you celebrate mother's day? because i want to ask you a question about your mom. do you wake mom up with a bull horn? >> i've been doing that for years. i mean came out of the womb with a bull horn. >> jimmy: did you see your mother yesterday? >> well, not in person. >> jimmy: oh, all right. >> you know but -- no, yeah -- >> jimmy: you came to her in a dream? >> i did. [ laughter ] no, but there was -- i think every year we celebrate mother's day. if i'm in town, the whole family goes to the chinese buffet and
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it's great. >> jimmy: which town is this? >> this is atlanta. >> jimmy: oh, chinese food there. that's the number one chinese in america. >> i just love the sneeze guard. the blue light and all that. >> jimmy: that is really -- >> it's sort of a family tradition. >> jimmy: you go to the chinese buffet. mom likes that? >> you have to think about my family. when we get together be we're so loud. my mom laughs, she has a cackle that's louder. we need a place that's empty. we go to sort of like empty joints. >> jimmy: now -- >> and we get loud. >> jimmy: the reason i asked about your mom is last time you were here, uyou were just about -- you were planning to take her to a gun range. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: how did that go? >> well, i think it's safe to say she herself is a lethal weapon. >> jimmy: in what way? >> okay, so i go to the gun range, which is a great way to take the family on an outing.
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>> jimmy: especially mom. >> i think she had a -- i think it might have been a glock, might have been a -- you know, she's sitting there talking to me, fired a couple out, and she's having a conversation and while cease talking to me, it goes off into the ceiling. i'm like, [ bleep ], you know, like, put the gun down. like, oh, gosh. i was like -- okay, well -- >> jimmy: it's not -- >> i think anybody that comes in your door is going to be frightened either way so just you holding a gun, whether it's loaded or not, it's frightening me. >> jimmy: that's crazy. she's supposed to have that for self-defense? >> well, yeah, yeah. empowering, you know. >> jimmy: yeah, except she's gonna kill a neighbor if she lives in an apartment building. >> i was like, woup, there's kind of like -- don't let the people -- >> jimmy: the manage worry probably come pay you a visit at that point. >> yeah, maybe we'll find another -- maybe, you know, maybe throwing knives or something is next. i think we're moving on from the gun. >> jimmy: you -- congratulations.
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your whole family must be very proud because you made the front cover this month. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, yeah, yeah! >> jimmy: can i admit something? i wasn't aware that there was a "quilter's home" magazine. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: why do you look like a crazy homeless woman on the cover? what is going on here? why are you on this? >> man, i tell you what, you know, that's an honor. you don't realize. >> jimmy: i guess not. >> jimmy, let me tell you something, quilting, a lot like jazz, is the gift america has given to the world. >> jimmy: is that right? we invented the quilt? >> well, yeah. >> jimmy: i didn't know. >> clearly, you haven't done your research. >> jimmy: you're right, i have not looked into quilting as much as i should have. >> it's a real artistry. it's a real artistry. >> jimmy: are you a quilt maker yourself? >> i'm a fabric maker who actually has -- yes. >> jimmy: you make fabric?
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>> i'm a designer. i don't know if you've seen the show. >> jimmy: i know you're a designer. there's a difference between being a designer and making fabric yourself. >> am i in there with a loom, going back and forth? >> jimmy: i don't know. >> i design the patterns that go on. so but yeah, i mean, i'm clearly a quilter. >> jimmy: i love that you make fabric. and yet rarely are you seen with a shirt on. that seems crazy. >> you may notice, fully covered. in fact, draped by a quilt. >> jimmy: you are. you've never been more covered up. >> when i do cover my body, i true to make it a quilt. >> jimmy: how do you make fabric? >> i've got several worms in my house right now spinning back and forth. >> jimmy: your house is full of worms? no wonder your mother's armed. what have you been doing -- you're on hiatus now, right? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: like a month ago? >> a couple weeks, about three weeks. i've been taking care of all those things you don't have time to take care of when you're on
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my schedule. >> jimmy: i got you. >> yeah, been working on another quilt. >> jimmy: call to the sweatsh sweatshops. get me more fabric. i'm on the cover of "embroider monthly" this month. [ applause [ applause ] >> i did have a break and went to hawaii, went surfing. and i got injured. but in ways that you just wouldn't really expect. >> jimmy: in what ways? >> well, coming out of the water, i stepped on a bunch of rocks. i stepped on sea urchins. you end up getting these -- when you get them in there, like -- there are a couple i could pull out but others were embedded in there. >> jimmy: how many were in your foot? >> i had two big ones that were in there good. >> jimmy: how long were they in there? >> about 12 days. they tell you to soak your foot in vinegar. you become very attractive to so many people -- you just smell of vinegar. it's like, you know -- >> jimmy: wait a minute, who
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tells you to soak your foot in vinegar? >> that's what a doctor said. >> jimmy: what does he know? were you actually in there? i would have opposed that advice. >> i eventually go and -- i go to a guy -- i try to let him just give me the scalpel. the guy's like, i can't let you do that. i'm like, come on, just walk out of the room. it's fine. they thought it was going to dissolve. 12 days go by. who knows what's going on down there, you know what i mean? so then i have to go have it cut out. this guy lances it and goes, oh, man, i never seen anything like this. they pull out this thing. it wasn't dissolving. it was getting worse. >> jimmy: because it's vinegar. it doesn't do anything. >> i know you probably heard -- it just makes you smell like a sal salad. >> jimmy: yeah, really. >> a bad salad. >> jimmy: did you save those -- >> i did. i'm actually using them as needles for the quilt. >> jimmy: oh, that's wonderful. you got to recycle. you've got to take care of our planet. and now i know that exhibit is
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now working with you on "extreme home makeover." formally pimping things. now still kind of pimping things for you now. >> he's pimping crib, kid's rooms. >> jimmy: families feel like they need their cribs pimped? >> x is awesome though. what's so awesome, he's just himself. but yeah, like, who you gonna call? let's say we are going to fix up, you know, souped out wheelchair or anything with an engine that moves. he's the guy. he's the guy on wheels. >> jimmy: people are probably happy to see him. >> yeah, true. neighborhoods -- they cheer. it's so kind of awesome. >> jimmy: you know what -- >> and he has super powers. >> jimmy: a lot of people have good jobs but you have one of best jobs because everywhere you go, people are just thrilled to see you. that's got to be a great thing. [ applause ] >> thank you. thank you. it is. >> jimmy: i would like to see you change things up a little bit. and evict people from their
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homes. >> all right, get out of there. >> jimmy: the dark side of ty pennington. show up in this crazy quilt and hat and kick some people out of their homes. [ cheers and applause ] the season finale of "extreme home makeover" sunday nights on abc. when we come back, music from wiz khalifa.
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>> jimmy: this is his new album called "rolling papers." here with the song "roll up" wiz khalifa. [ cheers and applause ] >> ya'll ready to have a good time? ♪ i roll up i roll up i roll up shawty i roll up ♪ ♪ i roll up i roll up ha ha ha it's your anniversary ♪ ♪ isn't it and your man ain't acting right so you packin' your ♪ ♪ domiar luggage up callin' my cell phone try and catch a flight you know one thing straight ♪ ♪ i'll be there girl whenever you call me when you at home that's your man ♪ ♪ soon as you land you say that's all me
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but ain't all g with him no more ♪ ♪ you ain't entertained ♪ since i meet you a couple months ago you ain't been the same not sayin i'm the ♪ ♪ richest man alive but i'm in the game as long as you keep it 100 i'm going to ♪ ♪ spend this change whenever you need me whenever you want me you know you can call me ♪ ♪ i'll be there shortly don't care what your friends say cause they don't know me ♪ ♪ i can be your best friend and you be my homie i ain't going to flex i'm not going to front ♪ ♪ you know if i thug then we all going to stunt send her my way she ain't got to hold up ♪ ♪ whenever you call baby i roll up i roll up i roll up ♪ ♪ whenever you call baby i roll up i roll up i roll up ♪ ♪ whenever you call baby i roll up i try to stay out your business ♪ ♪ but on the real you're so obvious and if you keep fitting me in your plans and up ♪ ♪ your man's going to catch onto us that white sand surrounding us ♪ ♪ he be handcuffing he should work for them officers if you rolling ♪ ♪ i got a spot where i can put you on this medical
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and send you home ♪ ♪ doctored up you want to ride with me cause you say that he boring wake up you rolling [ muted ] ♪ ♪ cooking eggs in the morning ain't scared to spend this money ♪ ♪ i know i'll make more of it first you was in the sky now you say you in orbit ♪ ♪ whenever you need me whenever you want me you know you can call me i'll be there shortly ♪ ♪ don't care what your friends say cause they don't know me i can be your best friend ♪ ♪ and you be my homie i ain't going to flex i'm not going to front you know if i ♪ ♪ thug then we all going to stunt send her my way she ain't got to hold up whenever you call baby ♪ ♪ i roll up i roll up i roll up whenever you call baby ♪ ♪ i roll up i roll up i roll up whenever you call baby ♪ ♪ i roll up no matter where i am no matter where you are i'll be there ♪ ♪ when it's over baby 'cause i was there from the start no matter if i'm near ♪ ♪ don't matter if you're far all you do is pick the phone up ♪ ♪ lady
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and i'll be there when you call whenever you need me ♪ ♪ whenever you want me you know you can call me i'll be there shortly don't care ♪ ♪ what your friends say 'cause they don't know me i can be your best friend and you be my homie ♪ ♪ i ain't going to flex i'm not going to front you know if i then we all going to stunt ♪ ♪ send her my way she ain't got to hold up whenever you call baby i roll up ♪ ♪ whenever you need me whenever you want me you know you can call me i'll be there shortly ♪ ♪ don't care what your friends say 'cause they don't know me i can be your best friend ♪ ♪ and you be my homie i ain't going to flex i'm not going to front you know if i ♪ ♪ then we all going to stunt send her my way she ain't got to hold up whenever you call baby ♪ ♪ i roll up i roll up i roll up whenever you call baby ♪ ♪ i roll up i roll up i roll up whenever you call baby ♪ ♪ i roll up i roll up ♪


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