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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  June 7, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live game night." tonight -- katie couric. guillermo at the nba finals. and pop-a-shot with glen "big baby" davis. and now, here's jimmy kimmel. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello, i'm jimmy and welcome to our "game night" special. this is where it all happens, or at least some of it happens. i guess if it all happened here, we'd be dead, but never the less, tonight, game four of the nba finals from dallas between the mavericks and the heat. the heat hung on to win game three on the road, which gives them a big advantage from a historical perspective. since the new playoff format was introduced in 1985, the team that went up 2-1 in game three has won the title 11 times and lost none times. which i think is no times. but fans in dallas aren't giving up hope.
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after the mavericks fell on sunday, assured local news cameras that a comeback is on the way. here they are. filing out. >> we ain't through with them -- we going to get them. mavericks going to take this in seven. i'll put my house on it. >> you got a house to put on it? >> yeah. >> i got a house. >> okay. i'll put my house on it. >> jimmy: okay. his friend's house was unavailable, so he, again put his house -- "daddy, tell us again why we're living on the street?" "i put my house on it." this puts miami in a position to potentially win the title in dallas, which would be an embarrassment for the team. but no more embarrassing than this martina navratilova haircut dirk nowitzki has on -- his rookie card. from a pure humiliation standpoint, nothing will ever top that, so he'll be all right. nowitzki had another very strong game on sunday -- 34 points. he's made 24 out of 24 free throws in this final series. that is almost 100%. and he's done it with a pulled
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tendon in his finger -- he, nowitzki has a bad finger, chris bosh of the heat has a bad eye -- he had a swollen left eyelid after getting poked in the first quarter sunday. i told you this facebook was dangerous. and nobody listens to me. the heat are now only nine poked eyes away from being the first all-blind team in the nba finals. this is pretty funny. shaquille o'neal took some attention away from the finals when he held a press conference on friday inside his house. he set a podium up in his living room, he put on a suit, he walked out of his bedroom and announced his retirement to a group of reporters he invited there. and this is why shaq was the best, and keep in mind, this is going on in his house. >> when you see sun sun room where he's got tons and tons of exotic animals, some of which he has killed -- yeah.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's the kind of thing you can do at your house. and then that towel he was waving around, those are his pants. very fu shaq was very funny at his press conference. not only did he retire himself, he retired all his nicknames. he did this on tape of course, so we took the audio from his press conference and we combined it with video from the superman cartoon. and here you are, shaquille o'neal says good-bye to himself. >> so, in light of today, i am retiring all of my nicknames. the big aristotle, shaq-fu, the g cactus, the diesel and finally, the one and only original never to be duplicated or replicated, superman. so, from now on, you guys can call me the big aarp -- the association for the advancement of retired persons. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a fun show for you tonight. if you've seen our "game night" specials in the past, you know the name ricardo. ricardo is a hard working busboy at a local restaurant with a gift for the game of pop-a-shot.
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last year, we put him up against carmelo anthony, he beat lebron james. last week, we beat nba rookie of the year blake griffin blindfolded. and tonight, ricardo will be blindfolded again as he faces off against glen "big baby" davis of the boston celtics. [ cheers and applause ] a player known for his mirth and girth, so that will be something. and if that isn't enough as far as small foreign men pestering nba players goes, our parking lot security guard guillermo is freshly back -- there he is -- from watching the heat and the mavericks practice. and tonight, he files this hard-hitting report. >> you like oprah? >> yeah. >> yeah? do you miss oprah? >> uh -- back to the real questions. >> good luck. >> jimmy: more with guillermo and ricardo on the show. and when we come back, the one and only katie couric will join us. did you know katie used to be a lakers girl? not true, but you know, what the al.l. stick arnight" special. stick around. we'll be right back.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there. welcome back to our "game night" special. still to come, our parking lot security guard guillermo saying weird things to members of the dallas mavericks and miami heat. and then later, from the boston celtics, glen "big baby" davis does pop-a-shot battle with ricardo, the blindfolded busboy. apparently, "big baby" has a pop-a-shot machine in his house.
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so, he might be a tough competitor, and if you've never seen a giant baby shoot baskets before, this is probably your only chance. later tonight, watch us at our regular time with an all new show. our guests are paris hilton, ashley "the bachelorette," with whom we have much to discuss, the 13-year-old new scripps national spelling bee champion, who i will take on and conquer in spelling. and we'll have music from sara barielles, so please join us for that. our guest tonight is a legend in broadcasting with a new job and a new book. the book is a "new york times" listed best seller. it is called "the best advice i ever got: lessons from extraordinary lives." and the new job is right here at abc. please say hello to katie couric. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome. >> nice to meet you. >> jimmy: welcome to your new home. >> i know -- i'm very excited.
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he's like -- ha-ha-ha. >> jimmy: i'm excited too -- no, we've never met before. >> i know. we saw each other for the first time today. you know, and it's so weird because when you haven't met someone, but you watch them on television -- i'm a big fan of yours. >> jimmy: wow. >> and when you see someone live in person in front of you, it's kind of like we were both -- hmm. >> jimmy: yeah, it is. >> it was sort of bizarre, right? >> jimmy: it's like when gorillas look at each other at the zoo. >> exactly -- then we started picking bugs out of our hair, and it was, you know -- >> jimmy: how are things going so far? has everyone called to congratulate you and say welcome to abc? >> it's -- yeah -- everybody -- >> jimmy: mickey mouse given a call? >> no, mickey hasn't called. minnie called me, though. >> jimmy: minnie did? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's nice. >> so, i was happy and goofy. but no, everybody's been incredibly warm and welcoming and gracious and -- >> jimmy: you're feeling good about the decision? >> yeah, i'm feeling great. >> jimmy: that will fade. >> so far, so good. >> jimmy: that will fade. >> i'm waiting to get those special services at disney land and disney world that you didn't get. >> jimmy: yeah, right. i have on my i.d. card -- >> i heard about that. >> jimre's a discount code, and mine says zero -- none. >> yeah -- not applicable. >> jimmy: yeah, i know, right?
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>> yeah, oh, well. >> jimmy: i bet you'll get one, though. >> i don't know. >> jimmy: for sure. you better get one. >> i do, actually, i love going to -- do you like disney world? >> jimmy: well, sometimes i like to just go to sit on the teacups and just vomit for like an hour. >> i like eating those turkey legs. >> jimmy: oh yeah? >> and one time my daughter went when she was little, she ate so many churros, that now that's our synonym for diarrhea. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah. did you churro? did you churro? i mean, it was disgusting. i mean, i'm not going to get into details. but -- >> jimmy: you are not going to last long around here, i'll tell you that. that is not part of the happiest place on earth. >> sorry. >> jimmy: hey, by the way, congratulations on the book being a big "new york times" best seller. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is -- a compilation -- you asked a number of people to give the best advice they ever got. >> that's right. one of my favorite essays is actually on page 229. >> jimmy: that would be my essay, i hope. wouldn't that be embarrassing if
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it wasn't? >> actually, it's solomon rushdie's, jimmy. i know. >> jimmy: you know, this is the first time solomon and i have ever been published together. >> how about that? >> jimmy: so this is exciting. yeah. >> i actually like his essay, but yours was very cute, because jimmy, you talked about sort of how your dad never took -- took you into your study and kind of sat you down like sheriff taylor did with opie, and gave some life advice. and it said -- i think you said because you didn't have a study, and your dad didn't have any good advice to give you, right? >> jimmy: that is correct. >> but you talk about aunt chippy and uncle frank and -- >> jimmy: they were delighted to be part of the book. >> it was so cute, and your dad's ultimate advice was when in doubt -- >> jimmy: order the hamburger. >> there you go. >> jimmy: it's good advice. >> that is good life advice. >> jimmy: it's the only advice he really ever gave me. >> unless there is an e. coli outbreak, right? >> jimmy: right. never eat the churros no matter what. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: so, this is doing well, so we're going to be rich from this, i would think then, no? >> actually, you know, as you know, the -- my proceeds go to scholarship america. >> jimmy: but what about my proceeds? where do they go? >> you -- you get nothing. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> you get nothing -- >> jimmy: that's a terrible deal. >> -- except the joy of being published with solomon rushdie. but you know, it's nice, because this scholarship fund in
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particular has given $2.4 billion to 1.7 million kids since 1958, so, you know, by buying the book -- >> jimmy: that's pretty good. that's a lot of money. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so what is your job going to be at abc? >> well -- >> jimmy: you're not hosting the "late night" show, i hope. >> actually, jimmy -- >> jimmy: oh -- wouldn't that be a great way to find out? >> there's something i need to talk to you about. could you imagine? that would be so cold. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's happened before. [ laughter ] i wouldn't be shocked. >> i am -- for my first year, i am going to be contributing to various programs and platforms at abc news. and then if all goes well -- >> jimmy: "wipeout"? >> yeah. you know what's really sick? i love that show. >> jimmy: it is a fun show to watch. >> but anyway, so -- but to get back to your original question, in the fall of 2012, i'm going to start a daytime talk show, which i'm really excited about, that i'm going to be able to create and host. and so, that's what i'll be doing. >> jimmy: that's great. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and it will be dedicated to destroying sarah palin once and for all, true? >> no. [ applause ]
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no. >> jimmy: did you ask sarah palin to write anything for the book? >> i didn't. i didn't. >> jimmy: you didn't? >> no. >> jimmy: oh, that would have been great. >> i didn't think she would be that receptive. she's not a big fan of mine. but i would have been interesting. and actually, i thought about some political figures i should have reached out to. >> jimmy: well, maybe you'll do another one. >> sort of apolitical. actually, the paperback, you know? so -- >> jimmy: okay. maybe sarah palin. put it out there, she should do it, it would be a good -- >> donald trump is in there, jimmy. >> jimmy: okay, but you don't have problems with him, do you? >> no, no. not at all. >> jimmy: all right. >> no. no, no, and i -- you know, i didn't have problems with her either. i just asked her questions that i think were important for americans to hear her answers. , you shouldn't have asked her -- if she reads. that was out of line. you're going to have to behave yourself over here. we don't ambush people like that. and i'm surprised, i was very surprised to hear this. besides your duties with abc news, and also the show that i'm sure is going to take a lot of work to prepare, you're doing a reality show as well. >> i am. i'm particularly excited about
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that, jimmy, 'cause i think that's really what clinched the deal for me. because, you know, i thought people really deserved an inside look at my life, because it's so fascinating. and you know, and -- >> jimmy: and -- >> so, i decided, when they offered me that, i said, yeah, absolutely. i definitely want cameras in my house. >> jimmy: this is -- and this is the first promo that we're going to see. >> yeah, actually i brought a few clips of the show -- >> jimmy: wonderful. >> i thought you might want to see -- >> jimmy: absolutely. >> and tell me what you think about it. >> jimmy: yeah, we'd love to see it. >> okay. >> jimmy: take a look -- katie couric. >> for more than 20 years, you invited her into your home. and now, katie couric invites you into hers. >> laundry day. ugh. >> she's a single mom with 80 kids. >> okay, little monsters, dinner time! >> yay! >> okay, kids. come and get it! >> yeah! >> you get what you get and you don't get upset. who wants sauce? >> me! >> thanks, mom!
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>> finish your meal. there are kids starving in africa. meat ball time! [ screaming ] yes! >> "katie plus 80" premieres monday, june 20th at 9:00. >> come join our family! get off me. >> on tlc 2. >> jimmy: wow, that's crazy. and welcome to the abc family. katie couric, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: this is her book, "the best advice i ever got." we'll be right back with guillermo and the mavericks and the heat, too. [ cheers and applause ] can i help you ? are these tablets-- mom, allow me. are these tablets flash-ready ? yes. which ones ? these, including the samsung galaxy tab. what about movies ? straight from android market to the motorola xoom. 4g upgradable ? 4g lte upgradable. you always wear glasses ? only when i'm not wearing contacts. he's clean.
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my job is done. a wide selection of tablets at great prices... from the people who know them best-- verizon.
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look out! ♪ ♪ [ po ] you can do impossible things... when you unlock your inner awesomeness. wait for it. happiness is served. [ cheering ] [ female announcer ] your kids can get an awesome toy from the new dreamworks movie, "kung fu panda 2", rated pg, in their mcdonald's happy meal. woo-hoo!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello there, we're back. hey, when it comes to getting a big interview, no one, not barbara walters, not mike wallace, not even oprah in her prime lands bigger fish than our parking lot security guard guillermo. he reels them in, guts them, and leaves them wiggling on the deck. so, when the mavericks in miami decided to do something called practice, our very own guillermo was there. >> lebron, are you going to make the shot? lebron, are you going to make this shot for jimmy kimmel? >> y'all messing up over there. >> oh. >> man, leave me the hell alone man.
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>> mr. bosh, who's you're favorite player right now that's playing? >> me. >> you? mine is magic johnson. >> he's not playing right now. >> but he was playing. but mine is magic johnson. >> okay. cool, man. >> hey, who's a better dunker, you or teen wolf? >> teen wolf got me. have you seen me dunk lately? >> no. >> okay, then you got to go with teen wolf. >> j.j., my friend, how tall you are? >> what? >> how tall you are? >> 5'11". >> 5'11". i'm 5'1". [ speaking spanish ] [ laughter ] mr. shawn, are you in it to win it? [ laughter ] >> yes. >> all right, shawn is in it to win it. >> are you in it to win it? >> in what, to win what? >> mr. nowitzki, are you in it to win it? all right, thank you. jason is in it to win it. are you in it to win it?
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>> no. [ laughter ] >> he's not in it to win it. [ laughter ] mr. dwyane wade is inside. let's see if i can talk to him. >> exclusivo. >> how are you? how are you doing? for jimmy kimmel. are you in it to win it? >> in it to win it? >> yeah. >> yeah, i'm in it to win it. >> wow, dwyane is in it to win it. >> exclusivo. [ applause ] >> well, that's it from miami. i'm in it to win it, yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very good. when we come back, a pop-a-shot throw down between ricardo the blindfolded busboy, and big baby davis from the boston celtics. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] [ male announcer ] this is the story
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we are back, more with our "game night" special. you know, hollywood, the city that we're in, once gave us a movie called "rudy," about an underdog athlete with the heart of a champion. now the name rudy gives way to the name ricardo. ricardo is a busboy at a bar and restaurant here in l.a. he is the greatest pop-a-shot player i have ever seen. last year, he battled some of the best, lebron james, he beat
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him. charles barkley, he beat him. kobe bryant, he beat him. he conquered them all, and tonight, he faces one of the toughest and cuddliest players in all of basketball. we go now to the great marv albert for player introductions. marv? >> thanks, j.k. hello, america, i'm marv albert, and it's time once again for the "jimmy kimmel live" pop-a-shot challenge. [ cheers and applause ] and here are tonight's competitors. he is 6'9", 289 pounds, a one-time nba champion from the boston celtics, hang onto everything. here he is, glen "big baby" davis. and now, at 5'7", 148 pounds, a full-time busboy at local watering hole, barney's beanery, here is ricardo the busboy. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: hello, ricardo. it is very good to see you. last year as we saw, ricardo demolished the competition. so, this year to give the nba players a fighting chance, ricardo is going to shoot blindfolded. cousin sal, please secure the blindfold. ricardo, can you see anything? >> nothing, jimmy. >> jimmy: glen, can you see ricardo? >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you can. all right, very good. let's jump ball now to see who gets to shoot first. gentlemen. >> all right, ricardo, i'm going to count to three and then i'm going to toss it, all right? one. two. three. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. [ whistle ] >> glen davis. >> jimmy: davis uses body. [ applause ] >> big baby shoots first. >> jimmy: all right.
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now, ricardo. does he need to be blindfolded now? i guess he does. all right. big baby, are you good at pop-a-shot? you are? >> you'll see. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. you have -- may i say, you have an enormous bottom. [ laughter ] >> squats. >> 30 seconds. here we go. >> jimmy: and here we go. [ whistle ] big baby begins. ooh. a forceful attack on the rim. perhaps a bit too forceful, an attack on the rim. big baby with 15 points. we're now in the three point time. big baby with 18 points. >> five seconds. >> jimmy: he's starting to heat up, with 21 points, 24 points. [ whistle ] 27 points. >> 27 points big baby. >> jimmy: and that one is just going to sit there. not bad. [ cheers and applause ] not bad, big baby. all right. i'm not sure that was necessary. ricardo, you're still blindfolded?
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you're being massaged. [ laughter ] >> the score to beat is 27. >> jimmy: and -- >> 30 seconds. [ whistle ] >> jimmy: we begin. here we go. 30 seconds on the clock. ricardo is a little left to start. there we go. he's still a little bit left. starting to heat up now. 12 points. 15 points. 20 points. it's tied now. 36. 39. what is this. [ whistle ] 48 points. wow. wow. that's incredible. america's busboy will not be denied. ricardo, congratulations. you've done it again. how do you feel right now, ricardo? >> pretty happy, jimmy.
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>> jimmy: and is there any reason you should still be wearing this blindfold? >> no. >> jimmy: all right, let's go now to our referee now turned sideline reporter, cousin sal and the loser's locker room. cousin sal? >> big baby, you were truly terrible. what do you have to say for yourself? >> it was the spaghetti and pancakes i ate before the match, you know. [ laughter ] >> what a big baby. back to you, jimmy. >> jimmy: all right, thanks cousin sal. you know, they say less is more, except when it comes to points in pop-a-shot. big baby is the loser. richard is our winner, back to you, marv. >> well, there you have it, america. another impressive victory by ricardo. for "jimmy kimmel live" game night, i'm marv albert. and i'm going home. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. i want to thank katie couric, big baby davis. ricardo. join us tonight after "nightline," with paris hilton, ashley "the bachelorette," sara bareilles, and i go head to head with the new 13-year-old national spelling bee champion. thank you for watching. we'll be back in primetime again thursday night. stay tuned for gfo


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