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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 9, 2011 12:00am-1:05am PDT

12:00 am and from all of us at abc news, have a terrific weekend. >> dicky: up next on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> jimmy: so far, this has been the best summer of my entire life. it really has. the only bad thing is my yogalates instructor says i'm not bikini ready yet. but i will be. >> dicky: molly shannon. >> you are bad! >> dicky: tim tebow. and music from matt nathanson. >> jimmy: here's what i don't understand about afghanistan. with all that opium laying around you'd think it would be a mellower place. >> dicky: "jimmy kimmel live can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try.
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i heard eating wle grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lowe our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announc ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol.
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- molly shannon. denver broncos quarterback tim tebow. and music from matt nathanson. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> dicky: and now, the moment we've been waiting for. here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everyone.
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i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. i -- [ cheers and applause ] that's very kind of you. and i don't know about you, but so far this has been the best summer of my entire life. really has. only bad thing, my yogalates instructor says i'm not bikini ready yet. but i will be. give me one month of starving and crying and i will be ready. i love the weather in l.a. right now. the sun is shining. it's 80 degrees. it reminds me of christmas in l.a. kids are setting up their gluten free lemonade stands. got some fun planned for you tonight. nobody enjoys summer like the guy who dresses up like chewbacca on hollywood boulevard. outside our theater, there are a group of characters who put on costumes like these and pose for pictures with tourists. what is your real name, by the way? >> it's cory.
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>> jimmy: cory is one of them. cory who i have recently fallen in love with, we know it's hard for you to get the day off work to go to the beach. so, tonight, we're going to bring the beach to you. we pulled some children away from their parents. hi, kids. how are you? >> good. >> jimmy: is it summer vacation for you now? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, excellent. tonight, we're going to see how many buckets of sand you can pour into the chewbacca costume. before chewbacca starts to overflow, okay? have you done this before? >> no! >> jimmy: you haven't. okay. let's weigh him first, if you can. we have a scale there. chewbacca -- cory, we should say. stem on the scale. i can't imagine that that's correct. oh, yeah, he's tall. that's right. what do you weigh, about 218 pounds? >> yeah. i think so, yeah. >> jimmy: all right. now, step off that scale and -- all right, let's start with bucket number one.
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we numbered the buckets and -- go ahead and just -- >> you can do it. >> jimmy: okay, that's our first bucket. how does it feel? >> it kind of like it. it's like a massage almost. >> jimmy: very good. wow, that's one of those magic buckets. >> okay, number two. >> jimmy: full of sand. yeah, just go ahead and keep dumping that. we imported the sand from tatouine. so, keep dumping, kids. keep going with ththbuckets. >> numumr three, please. >> jimmy: we'll check in in a little bit and see where you are, okay? all right, all right. the kids are hard at work. [ applauau ] i -- let me tell you something. i dream of an america in which every child has a wookie to pack with sand. president obama addressed the nation tonight. he didn't have anything particular to say.
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he just wanted to see how we're doing and what's up. actually, he announced progress is being made in afghanistan after the death of osama bin laden, which means we're going to be bringing some troops home, 1,000 troops after the end of this year. here's what i don't understand about afghanistan. with all of that opium laying around, you would think it would be a mellower place. [ laughter ] the president's speech was in primetime tonight. since all the major tv networks air presidential addresses, it interfered with regularly scheduled programming. fox had to delay a new episode of "so you think you can dance," which makes it hard for us to know if we think we can dance or not. nbc was smart. instead of pre-emptingngthe voice," they did this. >> starting next month, we will be able to remove 10,000 of our troops from afghanistan by the end of this year. and we will bring home a total of 33,000 troops by next summer. [ applause ] may god bless our troops and may god bless the united states of america.
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>> jimmy: you see? what they did was, they combined the two, to form one thing. [ applause ] meanwhile, last night on cnn headline news, the nation was addressed by flavor flav. a.j. hammer interviewed mr. flav about his autobiography and a number of other topics. they only spoke for about two and a half minutes. let's count the number of times in that two and a half minutes that flavor flav said you know what i'm saying. >> just glad that god let me live through all of that, you know what i'm saying? and the reason why is so that that way today i can teach about it, you know what i'm saying, because drugs are easy to get on and they are hard as hell to get off of, you know what i'm saying? i've always been a funny guy. you know what i'm saying? you just got to face one thing. i mean, a man is a comedian, you know what i'm saying? i meme, there are certain jokes, you know what i'm saying, should be told a little more easier, you know what i'm saying? you know what i'm saying? you know what i'm saying? everybody got a lot of gay
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family members in their family, you know what i'm saying? some of the gay people -- best friend you ever had in your life, you know what i'm saying, and the whole nine. you never know. you know what i'm saying? [ applause ] >> jimmy: we now know what he's saying. he would make an extremely dangerous air traffic controller, you know what i'm saying? how is it going outside with the chewbacca guy? do we have -- all right, there we go. okay, we're on bucket number 16. >> 16.6. >> jimmy: how is that feeling right now? >> it's like -- it's pretty, i i feels like -- heavy. >> jimmy: it feels like what? >> like -- i got a lot of, like, sand in my legs. >> jimmy: it feels like you have sand in your legs. i think that's probably as a result of the sand in your legs. kids, are you having fun? >> i'm having an awesome time! >> jimmy: you are, great. [ laughter ]
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cory -- what is -- what's the worst part of working on hollywood boulevard? >> i think it just, like, breaks up my normal routine, like, i actually got to, like, do stuff. and, usually i go down to starbucks and they got, like, they got milk there that's, like, free, and it's just in a silver container and it's for everybody, so, i just get milk and take it home. >> jimmy: okay. >> and i drink it. >> jimmy: oh, all right. that's -- >> jimmy: that's an interesting strategy. >> 21. >> jimmy: are you still talking, cory, or -- >> yeah, he was pouring sand on me. >> jimmy: oh, okay. we'll check back in with you. keep filling that costume. we're up to bucket 23. [ applause ] filling that costume. i swear to god, i could -- i would love to be trapped inn elevator with him, for instance. bristol palin, the daughter of
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sarah palin, released her much anticipated memoir yesterday. it's called "not afraid of life: my journey so far." and a lot of the book is about her relationship with levi johnston. she said it took eight positive pregnancy tests before she believed she was pregnant. her little sister found the pregnancy tests in the car. and -- she's peeing in the car? classy. and eight tests? really? eight? in fairness, she didn't know you're not supposed to put them under your tongue until the seventh st, but -- [ applause ] bristol also said that levi johnston cheated on her, but then made it up to her by buying her designer rain boots. things are different up there, i guess. kobe bryant's got t be kicking himself in the ass right now. [ laughter ] hey, i'm sorry i had sex with someone elsesebut i got you galoshes. [ laughter ] and by the way, i hate to break it to her, but there are no designer rain boots in alaska. he got back in your pants with a gift from the walmart
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clearance aisle. meanwhile, sarah palin has ended her bus tour of the united states. last month, she embarked on what she was calling the one nation bus tour. the idea was to drive around the country giving speeches. but she hasn't given any speeches in two weeks. and reportedly she's back in alaska. which is -- you know, it's weird, because it's not like her to quit something. you know? [ applause ] no, no, it's not -- don't make me fill everyone with sand. meanwhile, in other governor news, texas governor rick perry over thehe weekend accepepd something called the b bt up texas award. it's a computer-oriented award honoring his -- i guess he works -- he does social media things, facebook, twitter. and for anyone who thinks politicians are out of touch with media, well, you're right. >> if you've had enough, take out your phone and text fed up to 95613 and you can always follow me on eete
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tweeter @governorperry. >> jimmy: what a -- [ applause ] good news is, i don't think we have to worry about an online sex scandal from him. former utah governor jon huntsman is running for president, despite the fact that no one outside of f ah knows who jon huntsman is. they did a story a aut him last night on "nightline." this is his first campaign ad. this is for real. and i guess the idea is to show people what a regular guy he is. >> this man, a successful two-term conservative governor of utah. some see a man of the world. his family sees the world's best pancake chef, who makes a mean egg white omelet. a dad who listens, practical jokes. cranks up the rock. the dad who won't make dinner reservations because his favorite restaurant cart don't take them. mary kay has mentioned she'd like to eat somewhere nice some day. but that day seems yet to
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arrive. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's like sad. like the trailer for a movie where the dog dies at the end or something. but that day seems yet to arrive. let's see the rest of that ad. >> he's the neighbor who borrows tools and never returns them. the son who calls his mother a bitch. a monster who uses the floor instead of the toilet. jon huntsman. cheap skate. weirdo. for president. >> jimmy: at least he's honest. [ applause ] it's better to get all that stuff out now. let's check back in with our street chewbacca there and we'll see how many -- 41 buckets. what is going on -- it's coming out. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: you're leaking. >> yeah. it's a good thing, because i feel better. >> jimmy: there are holes in your costume or is that just dumping out into the pile?
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>> it's like -- i got a hole, like -- -- it's coming out. >> jimmy: okay. is this the first time anything like this has ever happened to you? >> ah, yeah. like sometimes -- here you go. >> this is going crazy right now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, kids, do you like "star wars?" >> yes! >> jimmy: and are you going to look at it differently now? >> what? >> jimmy: never mind. all right. well, keep filling until we can't see his face, all right? cory isn't the only one sweating right now. a lot of the country starting to experience the summer heat. yesterday on the weather channel, the weather person, stephanie abrams, was talking about the affects of heat on the human body and in doing so, provided us with our unintentional joke of the day. >> when it's humid out there's a lot of balls that are really closostogether, like, if you are in a crowded area. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: you know, that's -- i don't know how she would have any way of knowing that, but -- [ applause ] we have a big football star on the show tonight. denver broncos quarterback tim tebow. [ cheers and applause ] good news today. the nfl players and the league restarted talks, so, that's good. there's some optimism that the nfl season may go on as scheduled this year. which is great. but in the meantime, the players are still out of work. so try so to try to help out, i've been hiring some of them here at the show. en w wshoot a segment out on the street, we bring a production team in t tmake sure things go smoothly. and guillermo, today, you worked with terrell suggs, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did he do a good job? >> i think so. >> jimmy: you think so? well, let's take a look. >> hi, it's me guillermo, i'm here for -- >> jimmy kimmel! what's up, buddy! >> we're trying to shoot. step out. >> sorry. >> okay, guillermo. let's go again. and action. >> hi, it's me guillermo, i'm here, hollywood boulevard for -- >> let's go, baby.
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yeah. >> i think you kill him. >> yeah, i will. >> thank you, mr. terrell. >> no problem. >> ow. >> anybody else want some? where you at? >> jimmy: a man on the street, i guess. quickly check in with chewbacca. chewbacca? are we done? did we do it? >> yeah, i -- it's all -- just standing in a pile of sand -- >> yeah, there's a pile of sand. >> jimmy: he is a pile of sand. all right, now we're going to get buckets of ants and we're going to put those in there, too, okay? >> okay. >> jimmy: weweave a good show for you tonight. from the denver broncos, t tim tebow is here. we have music from matt nathanson. and we'll be right back with molly shannon. so stick around. [ indistinct conversations ]
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boston cream pie, raspberry cheesecake. even though i work here, i've lost weight. wow. yeah. carry on. (announcer) 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. >> jimmy: what's going on out there? if you are just tuning in, i have no explanation for that. tonight on the show, the quarterback for the e nver broncos and the author of f isis best selling memoir called "through my eyes" -- tim tebow is with us. and then, with music from m thi new album. it just came out yesterday. it's called "modern love." matt nathanson from the bud light stage. tomorrow night, rosario dawson, michael angarano and music from jill scott, so join us for those shows. and i want to say happy birthday tonight to our announcer, dain
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db d dn blanton dicky barrett. the big 5-0? >> no, not quite. >> jimmy: no? all right. well, you look great. >> dicky: a little 4-7. >> jimmy: congratulations. i know you like to make a big deal about it. >> dicky: oh, i go crazy. >> jimmy: you know our first guest tonight from six years on "saturday night live." her new movie with cameron diaz and justin timberlake is called "bad teacher." it opens friday. please say hello to molly shannon. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> great, jimmy, how are you? you look amazing. >> jimmy: oh, thank you. so svelt. >> jimmy: i've been starving. it's good to see you. you look great, as well. >> thank you. >> jimmy: how long have you lived here? >> a couple of years. i was living in new york city, but we moved back a couple years ago. >> jimmy: you brought the whole family. >> brought the whole family. we really love here, it's great. >> jimmy: you do? >> california's great. it's so differenenfrom new york.
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there are so many places you can just drive to, little weekend trips. it's different thahanew york that way. it's easier. i like getting in a car. my kids -- >> jimmy: i like that, by the way. most people from new york hate it and hate it no matter how great it is. >> no, i love it. >> jimmy: do the kids like it? >> they do. we recently just took a little trip to legoland. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> and we had so much fun. it was just, like, fun to be on the road. and legoland is a great little place. they have all these big statues and it was so funny because there was, my son loves "star wars" and there was a big lego statue of darth vader, and my son, you know, i turned around for a second, didn't see him, i turn and i see him yelling at the statue of darth vader, like, darth vader, you are bad! i'm going to get you! like, really like scolding and acting like he was the toughest guy. like really letting him having it. >> jimmy: so he hasn't seen all the episodes yet or he would feel bad, because it turns out
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darth vader is just misunderstood. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: well, that's good. the kids like it here. >> they do. >> jimmy: planning to stay here for awhile? >> yeah. they are in school, so. >> jimmy: you wrote this children's book, now, this is -- when does this come out, b bthe way? >> in the fall. >> jimmy: in the fall. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's called "tilly the trickster." and is tilly based on a person? >> she's based on, well, kind of -- it's's little bit based on my kids because they love to play tricks and it's also, my dad was a big trickster growing up. he loved playing games on people. like, he raised me by himself and when -- we would do, like, fun adventures. we would go into a candy store. and he'd be like, let's pretend we're blind. he would walk in, i can't see! just silly kind of stuff like that. >> jimmy: that's fun. what else would he do? pretend we're blind. >> he would -- he was just a crazy thinker.
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he didn't like to have to pay for things a lot. he was a little cheap. so i went to nyu drama school and it was really expensive. it was, you know, big, expensive university and i had a lot of student loans and i would get the bills and my dad would be like, oh, don't worry about that they don't keep track of those loans. just rip them up. >> jimmy: for real? >> for real. >> jimmy: and would you? >> i would! my sister and i were like, woo! you know? free money. >> jimmy: really? >> really. >> jimmy: did they forget about them? >> he really believed they couldn't track us down. they tracked me down. >> jimmy: they did track you down. you are the one with the confetti in the air around you. >> yeah. so when i got "saturday night live" i was able to pay it off. and i owed a lot of money. >> jimmy: did you get penalties and that stuff? >> yeah, yeah. penalties? >> jimmy: dad really was a trickster. he tricked you into going almost into bankruptcy. >> he did, exactly. >> jimmy: wow. and then you've made a book about it. >> yeah, yeah, exactly.
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he was just the kind of person who was just, like, cash, too. when we were little, pretty young growing up i baby sat to make money in my neighborhood. and during christmas, we were kind of expected to give my dad cash for christmas, like, write a check, which i thought was normal. and then when i got older, people were like, you give your dad checks for christmas? and my sister and i would kind of compete because we would have to give all our money to him and she would be like, how much are you giving, and i would say, oh, $500. and she was like, $500? and he was like, thank you. >> jimmy: like santa going up the chimney instead of coming down. >> yeah. and he was also, like, if i invited friends, like, when i was in, you know, grade school or whatever, you know, eighth grade, ninth grade, friends to sleep over, or come out to dinnnn with us, i wanted him to act normal and pay for my friend the way other parents would.
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he was mad he had to pay for the other kid so i would give him my babysitting money on the slide so he would pretend like he was paying. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. and then, of course, they would be, like, i'll do a -- do you have, like, a dollar? i will give you demonstration of what it was like. >> yeah. >> so, for example, you'll be the little girl we're taking out for dinner. i'll be my dad. >> jimmy: okay. >> and so their parents would give them money. he would go, all right, i got it. he would be paying for it with our babysitting money. so, you be the little girl. >> jimmy: okay. >> keep saying it. i got it. >> jimmy: no, mr. shannon, here's -- >> no, no. no, no. >> jimmy: i really don't. >> he would snatch it and take it. >> jimmy: and keep it? not even as -- we were mortified.e -- ugh. we were so mad.
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>> jimmy: i don't want you to take offense to this, but was your father in the mafia? because it sounds like -- like tony soprano or something. chasing you down at christmas time. >> he liked a good deal. >> jimmy: my dad, too. my dad is the same way, though i'm feeling like he's p. diddy by comparison. >> what was he like? >> jimmy: my dad -- well, he did many things. but when the check came, they would bring the check over and it would come you'd see him, like, he would examine and add every item up and so -- you just see him running his finger and shaking his head like -- and, then he wouldn't say anything, he would go -- and the waitress would come over, he would be like, ah, we didn't have the french fries -- yeah, yeah -- oh, oh, okay. okay. there was always a mistake, an imaginary mistake. and then he would just go along with it. never once did he find an actual mistake, but -- every single time was adding it up. we're going to take a break. when we come back, we're going to talk about "bad teacher."
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molly shannon is here. "bad teacher" opens in theaters june 24th. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] sprint changes the game again with america's first 3d phone. now anyone can watch and shoot video in 3d. cut, guys. uh, we're not making effective use of the 3d technology. i think i can help. you stand over there in front of daddy. volley for serve. what was that?! that was 3d gold. that's what that wasas [ male announcer ] let's make homemade 3d the next big thing. the new htc evo 3d. no glasses required. ♪ all together now ♪ only from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone? visit ♪ [ female announcer ] new 100% natural lipton iced tea. you are what you tea. more than you think. [ female announcer ] you can't pass inspection with lots of pieces left behind.
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[ male announcer ] you don't makeby pressing a button.cken it takes a cook. we're kfc and we've got a certified cook in every restaurant freshly making the colonel's original recipe, today and every day. 11 herbs and spices, hand-breaded, hands down the world's best chicken. today is a kfc day. so bring home a real meal -- 10 pieces of that famous chicken, 3 large sides and 6 biscuits. enough real food to feed a family of four or more, just 20 bucks. today tastes so good.
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hey, it's me, from school. >> it's garrett. having a nice christmas? >> aces. >> what are you doing the rest of the day? going to see your family? >> yeah, i'm going to go see some people. we're having a big pot luck, so -- >> would you like to come and spend christmas with us? ♪ ♪ fa la la la
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♪ tis the season to be jolly ♪ fa la la >> jimmy: the movie "bad teacher." molly shannon is here. opens this weekend. have you seen the whole, the finished film yet? >> i loved it. it was fantastic. >> jimmy: it looks funny. >> cameron is amazing. it's written by two amazing comedy writers and it's fantastic. >> jimmy: so you give it your seal of approval. but you would lie if you didn't like it. you would -- >> no. >> jimmy: you wouldn't? >> i wouldn't have said that. >> jimmy: you wouldn't have named names. i would have been, show the clip, that's it. >> jimmy: what is the story of the movie? >> it's about cameron diaz is this teacher who is really not into teaching. she's just really interested in lalaing a rich buy because she wants to get a new pair of tits. and she's -- yeah. so, that's the movie. really unlikable character and they just -- she's great. she's mean to the kids.. she -- as a matter of fact, when my kids and i drove by the
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poster, i told them about what the movie was about, leaving out the tits part. they loved hearing about it. they were like, yeah, she's a bad teacher. they like seeing the posters. >> jimmy: they do. all right. and are your kids interested in acting and doing what you do? >> no, but -- no. they're not interested in that but they are funny, just naturally with the things they say and ask me. >> jimmy: well, threatening darth vader is a good start. >> they ask questions like, , 00 in the morning. ask crazy questions, like like, mommy, if your head gets chopped off, do you die? and i'm like, let me have a sip of my coffee. my son was like, mommy, when you were little, were you jewish? i was like -- [ laughter ] i laughed so hard. they say things like that. my little boy also knows that i don't like to get tickets from policemen -- >> jimmy: you don't? >> no. >> jimmy: that's weird. >> i know, isn't that weird? so, he saw a policeman giving me a ticket for this, citing me for something that wasn't on my
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license or something and he, no one could see that i was really upset, my son is 6, and i got the ticket, and he goes, next time that happens, you should just kick the policeman. just kick him! i can't do that. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> that makes me laugh. >> jimmy: yeah, sure, it's funny now. when he's 19 and with the continuer s flying over him an putting him on the news -- it's going to be a problem. and the book comes again out in the fall. it's called "tilly the trickster." are you going to go on a book tour? >> i am going to new orleans this monday to speak to 1,000 librarians for one hour. >> jimmy: really? for an hour? >> i'm so nervous. >> jimmy: what are you going to say for an hour? >> i'm going to talk about the importance of library science. reading. literature. wonderful children's characters in books. for an hour!
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>> jimmy: speak in a very low ice. >> i'm shaking in my boots. >> jimmy: great combination of librarians and new orleans. it seems like a strange place to have -- >> doesn't it? well, we go to dinner the night before. so maybe -- >> jimmy: they'll get drunk and it will turn into "girls gone wild." molly shannon, everybody. "bad teacher" opens on friday. we'll be right back with tim tebow. [ male announcer ] applebee's knows what the neighborhood likes!
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>> jimmy: hi, everyone. hello. our next guest has two ncaa football championships, a
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heisman trophy, and now a book. his best-selling memoir is called "through my eyes." from the denver broncos, please welcome tim tebow. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good to see you, thank you for coming. >> absolutely. my pleasure. >> jimmy: how do you get so muscular. be honest. do you work out? >> t 90-x. >> jimmy: that does it for you? >> no, not really. >> jimmy: it's good to see you. it's impressive to write a book, especially at your age. but the coolest thing is, you got a blurb on the back of your book from chuck norris. that's pretty solid. >e e ught me the roundhouse kick, too. >> jimmy: he did? >> no. >> jimmy: that would be dangerous if he did. how do you get chuck norris to write a blurb for the book? >> well, he actually -- right after i won the heisman trophy,
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someone came up and walked and handed me a letter that he had just wanted to be given to me. it was a super nice letter and just encouraging me and keeping up what i was doing and everything and since then we had a relationship and it's been pretty cool. >> jimmy: that is cool. the book, you talk about "rocky iv," that inspired your training? >> well, you know, as a boy, i mean, i was a huge fan, especially "rocky iv." when he destroys ivan drago. but i love his training regular regimen and the music that went with it, he's running up the mountain, he's screaming out "drago." i lived on a farm so i would cut down a big log, put it over my back like him and do the lunges. we had a barn, so i would hang upside down and try to do the abs like he did. it was something that doctor. >> jimim: chasing chickens? >> we had chickens and i caught a lot ofofhickens. that greasy lightning speed. >> jimmy: that's how you get it. that's great.
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have you met sylvester stallone? >> i have not. >> jimmy: he has to do a blurb on the next book. >> yeah, i know. 23 more years. >> jimmy: really. he actually inspired a real athletic achievement. i mean, that's pretty cool. >> yes, it is. >> jimmy: do you think there's going to be a season this year? >> i do. >> jimmy: you do. okay, good. you feel positive about it? >> very confident. i think, you know, working on it and getting closer and hopefully beginning of july we'll be able to work something. >> jimmy: are you involved? do you go to meeeengs or do you talk to -- >> no, not at all. absolutely not. but you know, i am listening pretty -- >> jimmy: you're listening and hoping. you have to win that starting quarterback job. >> competing for that. >> jimmy: it's hard to do when you're not playing. plus, a lot of people have seen this photograph. this is -- this is your rookie hazing and -- that's a pretty serious hazing you got. >> that was rough. >> jimmy: did you go along with this or were you shot with a tranquilizer dart? how did this happen? >> i went along with it. they said, listen, you have a choice.
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either, we're going to do something to your hair or we're shaving everything on your face. eyebrows, everything. so, a lot of the rookies were like, no, you're not shaving me. and they would run, 15 veterans tackle you, bring you in the bathroom and they are doing what they want. >> jimmy: that's no good. >> no good. so, i walked in there, sat down said -- >> jimmy: you did the right thing. >> give me your best. they gave me the friar tuck. i rocked it for a few days. >> jimmy: it's not a great look. >> it's not a great look, but -- >> jimmy: it's like if donald trump didn't have a hot comb, this is what his hair would look like. right? >> the worst part about that, had our first scrimmage. day we so, my first appearance, ever, ever at mile high in front of the orange crush, first appearance, that was my hair cut. >> jimmy: well, you made an impression. now, well, this is pretty cool. you got -- there's a atatue of you at university of florida.
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which is -- do you get to choose your pose? >> i did not choose it. >> jimmy: you did not? >> no. >> jimmy: it's a good one. they got you running there. >> they do. well, they had spurrier throwing so they had to change it up with me. >> jimmy: that's good to be -- how did you decide to go to florida in the first place? >> well, it was a tough decision. you know, a lot of people thought i was going to go to florida my whole life. but i was really leaning towards alabama for most of my high school career and then this guy named urban meyer got hired at florida and so i was like, you know, something intriguing about him, and he worked harder than any other coach to recruit me. and so, you know, on the day when i was committing, telling the world where i was going, i had on my paper, i had, "next year i w wl be playing for the university of blank." i didn't know the whole day. and so, i was talking to my dad and he was like, well, what's the one person you want to play for?
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so i was just thinking and i was like, coach meyer. i love coach shula, but probably coach meyer. so, there you go. >> jimmy: : came down to a mad lib. >> pretty much. ananthen i called coach shula, i was really close with him, i was like, hey, i think i'm going to florida. and he was like, you know, well, just calm down. he said, that's okay. love you just as much now. as if you went to alabama. you're going to have a great career and hopefully i will coach you one day. so i hang up the phone with him, and i look at my dad, and i go, that's the coach i want to play for! to alabama. so, he almost persuaded me back to alabama. >> jimmy: he's no dummy. but i bet coach meyer was happy when you phoned him. >> he was. you know, i called him and i was getting ready to tell him i was coming to florida. he couldn't tell what i was doing. i was wiping off tears, i just got off with shula. he was like, how are you doing? how is everything going? i was like, it's good. hey, coach, i'm getting ready to
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tell him i'm coming to florida, and his phone goes dead. he's very intense. so, as he tells it, he's driving a car, he didn't want to sit there, so, he's punching on the dashboard, he's all upset. so, he goes home, gets his son. he can't watch it on tv. he pulls him outside, throwing balls outside. he hears his family cheer, and that's how he found out. >> jimmy: that's how he found out? wow. he needs to switch service. that's no good at all. well, i -- i hope you guys play next year. i wish you luck. i love to see you start. i know the fans would love to see you starting in denver. you have to go out there and do it. it's great to meet you. you seem like a great guy. and good luck to you. tim tebow, everybody. >> thank you. >> jimmy: this is his auto biography. it's called "through my eyes." and it's in bookstores now. we'll be right back with music from matt nathanson. ♪
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mmm. oh gosh. oh dear. big deal. you're delicious. so what. i've got news for you. there's no such thing... a bear sheriff. you think i'm afraid of you? hey what? you don't have to be mean to the ke. i do. you don't. i do. just eat yoplait light. they have great flavors like... boston cream pie, raspberry cheesecake. even though i work here, i've lost weight. wow. yeah. carry on. (announcer) 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each.
12:59 am
it's french's crunchy onion chicken! (announcer) for a quick and easy dinner crush french fried onions. dip chicken in egg. coat with onion crumbs and bake. when dinner's made with french's french fried onions, everyone's happy. french's. happy starts here. look for it in the canned vegetable aisle.
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>> jimmymywell, this is his new album. it's called "modern love." here with the song "faster," matt nathanson. ♪ ♪ you're so delicious you're so soft sweet on the tip of my tongue ♪ ♪ you taste like sunlight
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and strawberry bubble gum you bite my lip you spike my blood ♪ ♪ you make my heart beat faster own me you own ♪ ♪ you rattle my bones you turn me over and over ♪ ♪ 'till i can't control myself make me a liar yeah ♪ ♪ one big disaster you make my heart beat faster uh-uh-uh ♪ ♪ uh-uh-uh-uh it's the way you swell slow ♪ ♪ pushing right out your seams it's the way you smile
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baby ♪ ♪ when you've got me on my knees your all night noise your siren howl ♪ ♪ you make my heart beat faster ♪ ♪ own me you own you rattle my bones ♪ ♪ you turn me over and over 'till i can't control myself ♪ ♪ make me a liar yeah one big disaster you make my heart beat ♪ ♪ faster uh-uh-uh uh-uh-uh-uh ♪ ♪ cause i jump back crash i crawl ♪ ♪ i beg and steal i follow you yeah ♪ ♪ you own me and you make my heart beat ster faster ♪
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♪ faster faster i can't get enough ♪ ♪ because its on like i guess this world is over to me ♪ ♪ own me you own you rattle my bones ♪ ♪ you turn me over and over 'till i canan control myself ♪ ♪ make me a liar yeah one big disaster you make my heart beat ♪ ♪ own me you own you rattle my bones ♪ ♪ you turn me over and over 'till i can't control myself ♪ ♪ make me a liar yeah one big disaster ♪ ♪ 'cuz you make my heart beat faster ♪ ♪ you make my heart beat faster ♪
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>> jimmy: i want to thank molly shannon, tim tebow. apologize to matt damon. tomorrow night, rosario dawson, michael angarano and music from jill scott. "modern love" released yesterday. playing us off the air with the title track, you can see the full performance at once again, matt nathanson! good night! ♪ ♪ she said this talking kind of wears me out and all these salesmen baby make me tired ♪ ♪ they're no good to tell you the truth she said i've been getting used to lying ♪ ♪ they send me love songs with store bought words they make me promises like politicians ♪ ♪ so we stumble and disconnect


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