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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 12, 2011 12:00am-1:05am PDT

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eastern on espn. that is our report for tonight. thank you for watching abc news. have a great evening. who else is wearing a bathing suit for underwear right now? >> rosario dawson. >> i looked at your twitter page tonight. >> michael angarana. and music from jill scott. >> find someone who uses the word "summer" as a verb, as in "we3q my busy family, the family with thousands of odors. like boomer, our boxer. our leftovers... from last night. and then there's phil. oh phil. but for every odor, our new air wick odor detect uses the latest smart odor sensor technology. the first air freshener that detects thousands of odors then automatically releases a burst of freshness... that can keep up with this family, and yours.
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3q empty nest, new kitchen, new us? who are we? chic, modern, daring dinner-party hosts. that sounds dangerous, maybe we're more the tradiotional sunday brunch set? i'll expect slippers and a cocktail to be ready when i get home from work. point taken. how about... peaceful, quiet cottage in the country folk? now that's us. save up to 20% on every kitchen style, now until august 21st at ikea, the life improvement store.
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>> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with exciting news. our show has an app. here with the news, guillermo. who apparently is not here. hang on a second. [ mexican hat dance" plays ] hello, jimmy? >> jimmy: where are you? >>'m too busy enjoying the jimmy kimmel app to talk to you right now. good-bye. ay-yi-yi. jimmy worry too much. doesn't he realize whether i am here or here or even here the show is always with me on my
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ipad, iphone and ipad touch. i can watch video from the show anywhere on the go and i can read jimmy's hilarious personal tweets. boy, that jimmy is a great guy. i wonder what he's doing now. jimmy, i told you i'm busy, good-bye! jimmy needs to get a life. what a loser. >> the jimle kimmel live app available exclusively at the apple apps store. "jimmy kimmel live" back in two minutes.
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so where's the best place to be this summer? i'm gonna say...leading the way with's only the best-selling brand in america... get behind the wheel of a ford escape... with quality that can't be beat by toyota. escape offers 28 miles per gallon on the highway... and hands-free sync technology... so when's the best time to geta greaeadeal? oh that's easy too...right now. now during the ford best place to be sales event get an escape with 0% financing plus $500 dollars cash back. the ford best place to be sales event. it's a great place to be.
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♪ [ female announcer ] new 100% natural lipton iced tea. you are what you tea. have you ever won anything before? no. [ radio dj ] alright, well here's your question. what is the deepest lake in the us? oh, boy, way to give me the hardest. geography was never my... crater lake. [ radio dj ] you have just won an oversized chess set! i have an oversized chess set. sorry. [ radio dj ] then how about an inflatable bouncy castle? bouncy castle. yeah, i have that too. [ radio dj ] i can give you an entire day with '70s rocker edgar winter!? you know what? just give me another bouncy castle. [ male announcer ] only at&t lets your iphone talk and surf at the same time. it's the network of possibilities. >> dicky: from h hlywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!"
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tonight -- from "zookeeper," rosario dawson. michael angarano. and music from jill scott. with cleto and the cletones. ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" >> dicky: and now, i should also mention, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. that's very nice. thank you. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for being here tonight. it's the first week of summer. who else is wearing a bathing suit for underwear right now? hey, here's a fun idea. this is a good activity for the family. find someone who uses summer as
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a verb, as in, we summer in the hamptons, and punch them in the face. it feels great and it helps the community, too. for many school children around the country this is the last week of school. i loved the last week of school. i love the last week of anything, rerely. i do. saying good-bye to the kids that you like but you don't like enough to hang around with during the summertime, writiti dumb things in each other's yearbooks. do they do that still or are they texting things to the yearbook now? omg, see you -- see you next summer. syns, right? here's some advice for the kids. only nerds actually do their summer reading. it's true. you decide. [ applause ] the end of school also means college kids, many college kids are starting summer internships. we have a group of summer interns here at the showow. every year, we get a group, and what a group we have this year. they haven't been here long, but watching these
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dynamic young people in action, it is inspiring. in fact, it inspired us to put together this educational video titled "how to make the least of your intern experience." the first rule is, never smile. smiling indicates that you're happy to be here. take care not to give the wrong impression. your face should always say, "this job sucks." second rule, don't react to anything. >> hey, debbie. can n u help restock the refrigerator? >> jimmy: if spoken to directly, give a ten count before responding with anything. [ laughter ] take your time. no need to rush. then help but when yououelp, help half-heartedly. third rule, stay in bed as much as possible. there's no point in waking up early when you don't get paid and all you really do is refill the coffee pot anyway. relax. rule number four, don't refill the coffee pot.
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people drink enough coffee and it's summer, you're supposed to be at home sleeping anyway. and finally, the fifth and, i think, most important rule of all -- when in doubt, and this applies to almost any scenario, huff. for any request that comes your way, take a deep breath in and let it all out in an exasperated fashion. >> one more thing, please make sure the dvds don't get scratched. [ huffs ] >> jimmy: like that. and if they said, did you just huff at me -- >> did you just huff at me? >> jimmy: follow it immediatelel with another huff. [ huffs ] and that, kids, is how to make the least of your intern experience. [ applause ] hopefully that will sink in. a lot of people are wondering what theheell to do with their kids now that school's out.
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i have a good idea for that. around april fools' day, we asked those of you watching the show to dump water on people's faces and post it on youtube. with the hash tag of, hey, jimmy kimmel, i dumped water on a person's face. and here's a aample of how that went. >> aqua. oh! april fools! [ laughter ] >> what are you doing? are you okay? why? >> jimmy: that's the best part. it was a big success. so, tonight -- [ applause ] i have another youtube mission for parents whose kids just got out of school. early in the morning, i want you to burst into the room, wake them up and tell them they're late for school.
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try to convince them it isn't summer. they will probably believe. they think spongebob is real right? they're very gullible. so, tomorrow morning, or right now in the middle of the night, that might be better, fire up the video camera and tape this. upload the footage to youtube with the title," hey jimmy kimmel, i woke my kid up and told them they were late for school." we'll use the best ones on the show, and our lawyers have insisted that i ask you not to hurt or humiliate your child or damage property, as if you are going to start smashing your own stuff randomly. [ laughter ] let's do this. it's about time we taught these kidsds lesson and i think it will be a lot of fun. you know, to me, the worst thing to me about summer is all the reruns on tv, like, today, i was catching, i'm not sure which channel it was, but they had this old episode where lindsay lohan goes to court for a probation violation. i think this show was called the news. i've seen that one like ten times now. [ applause ] i'm tired of it.
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lindsay lohan was s dered -- not arrested, ordered -- to appear in court this morning after testing positive for alcohol. by the way, testing positive for alcohol makes it sound like a good thing. it shoululbe like testing negative for sobriety or something, right? fortunately for lindsay, she will not go to jail because there was no order -- even though it was a dui, there was no order in place to test her for alcohol, so i'm m t sure why they tested for alcohol -- the guy with the michael jackson shirt is applauding. but they did. [ applause ] got a guy here from idaho who is -- one of ten michael jackson shirts. [ applause ] he's building a collection. meanwhile, in new york city today, no one was able to move as both president obama and justin bieber visited the city. obama was there raising money for his presidential campaign. bieber was launching a new fragrance. and this would be a great setup for "freaky friday" body switch
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time of -- does anyone here know how to write a movie? because i think we can make a lot of this one. also in the tristate area tonight, the nba draft from beautiful newark, new jersey. there were a lot of foreigners in this year's mix, which made for some comical post-selection interviews. >> a lot of lithuanian flags up in the stands over there, stu. jonis, you told me that your game is a little bit like chris bosh who used to play for the toronto raptors. how is it like chris bosh? >> i don't know, i -- i have -- not, not too strong body, so, i don't know, i -- i can move fast, so, i think like this. >> okay. good on your feet. he'll get better at his english. >> jimmy: i'm sure he will. i hope he tweets. [ applause ] my personal favorite part, this is a little thing, but my favorite part of the draft was hearing nba commissioner david stern say the name of a player from the congo.
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>> with the seventh pick in the 2011 nba draft, the sacramento kings select bismack biyombo. >> jimmy: business mack biyom bow? can you use that in a sentence, please? the cleveland cavaliers had the top draft pick tonight, and if you ask me, they didn't use it very wisely. >> david stern with the first pick of the 2011 nba draft. cleveland has made a decision. >> with the first pick in the 2011 nba draft, the cleveland cavaliers select, from the philippines, junrey balawing, the world's smallest man. >> he's undersized for his position, but his arms make up for it. >> jimmy: a very small forward. very small. the cavaliers also had the fourth pick in the draft, which they used to draft a player from texas. and just to make sure that these
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gugu don't leave them like lebron james did, cleveland, not only did they draft the players, they also took their families hostage. ron artest, by the way, ron artest of the los angeles lakers had big news today. ron actually filed papers to have his name legally changed to metta worldpeace. metta will be his first name and his last name will be worldpeace. the lakers should not have let him go to burning man. that was a mistake. i hope -- and i know this is bad but i hope he has another fight in the stands. remember when he beat up that fan? wouldn't it be great to see a fan get punched in the face by worldpeace? i think it's time to stop thanking his psychiatrist.t. elsewhere in the world of sports, wimbledon is going on in england right now. commentators dick enberg and chris evert were kind enough to provide us our
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"unintentional joke of the day." think back to one of the leaders of the all-england club. didn't exactly have his color code directly but his argument was, you realize we have yellow balls, green grass stains, and we'll have bloody blue balls at wimbledon. that was the argument. >> okay. i'll leave that one alone. >> jimmy: probably for the best. [ applause ] this is something else that was unintentionally funny. this is from "america's got talent." they met a guy named elu. elu plays the piano with one hand and i'm not sure exactly what he was doing with the other hand. ♪ >> oh, that's great. >> jimmy: you know what? you don't do that on television. you do that -- that's for the privacy of home or your place of worship. hey, a new show premiered tonight on abc called "expedition impossible."
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it's a reality competition show where 13 teams race through the deserts, mountains and rivers of morocco. the race is amazing. it's an amazing race, it really is. there's a contestant on the show named eric, who's notable because eric is blind. they had him climb a mountain. is it a good idea to make a blind guy climb a mountain? i noticed a disturbing theme this summer on abc with the new shows. it seems like we are trying to kill people. our game shows have no regard for human life whatsoever and we're not the slightest bit embarrassed about it, either. >> this summer, abc brings you "wipeout." "101 ways to leave a game show." and "expedition impossible." we're sadistic bastards. who make blind people climb mountains. abc. no one gets out alive. [ applause ] >> yeah!
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>> jimmy: we do what we have to do. one more thing. it's thursday night, time for our weekly tribute to the fcc, where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it's "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> a while back i spoke to the 101st airborne that has fought to turn the tide in afghanistan. and to the team that took out osama bin laden. standing in front of a model of bin laden's [ bleep ] -- >> now to the [ bleep ] making headlines around the world. >> if you've had enough, take out your phone and text [ bleep ] to 95613. >> now, you can never guess this about talen, but she grew up eating only southern style fried food. >> i'm 6 years old, i'm in the first grade. >> oh. i see. let's hear it, [ bleep ] face. >> i want to [ bleep ] you.
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i said, well, that's nice, because i want to [ bleep ] you. >> we just want to [ bleep ] a man. weweant to help you. we want to [ bleep ] your man. >> black [ bleep ]. >> yeah, that's it. >> nothing like flying across country with a hot dog in your [ bleep ]. >> spongebob, grab my dad's [ bleep ]. grab it with only one hand. good boy! now move your arm up and down. >> jimmy: we have a good show for you tonight. from the new movie "the art of getting by," michael angarano is here. we have music from jill scott. and we'll be right back with rosario dawson, so stick around. i like things stacked.
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[ male announcer ] applebee's knows what the neighborhood likes. we like things stuffed. [ all ] topppp! [ male announcer ] so we're serving up stacked, stuffed and topped entrees! like the amazing new chicken parmesan stack stuffed with italian cheeses and topped with spicy marinara for only $9.99. there's also provolone stuffed meatballs, new florentine topopd house sirloin and more. stacked, stuffed and topped! i like things smooshed. we'll work on that. [ male announcer ] only at applebee's. open 'til midnight or later. hey, dad, you think i could drive? i'll tell you what -- when we stop to fill it up. ♪ ♪ [ son ] you realize, it's gotta run out sometime. [ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. ♪
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>> jimmy: well, hello there. welcome back. tonight on the program, a young man whom you can currently see in the film "the art of getting by," michael angarano is here. and then, with music from this cd, her new album that came out this week, it's called "the light of the sun." jill scott from the bud light outdoor stage. she's great. next week, we'll be joined by shia labeouf, kevin nealon, ashley the bachelorette. after bentley visits, jason bateman, dave salmoni and his animals, louis c.k., hannibal buress and music from steel magnolia, parachute, and 311. so please join us all next week. since being discovered on a stoop in brooklyn at age 15, our first guest has appeared in more than 40 films. you can see her soon alongside kevin james and other dangerous animals in the new movie "zookeeper." it opens in theaters july 8th.
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please say hello to rosario dawson. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you look great. >> thank you. so do you. >> jimmy: i heard you were tired tonight. >> i'm exhausted. i only got two hours of sleep last night. i was just high on, like, energy and my friends coming over, 2:30 in the morning, we put up my tv, all the wires. >> jimmy: you started installing electronic equipment in the middle of the night. why? was there something you wanted to see? >> my family is coming out to visit me and it was one of those things, i got a new tv, a ps-3, xbox, the whole thing. a lot of things to put together with all the wiring. i was like, okay, i'll wait for my brother to come back. i was like, no, i got the ladies. all the chicks, got the tool box out. >> jimmy: did you get it going? >> yeah, it's awesome. >> jimmy: did you play games? >> no, we started planking. >> jimmy: right.
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>> we were bored. >> jimmy: that sounds dirty, by the way. but it isn't. >> can i -- >> jimmy: i looked on your twitter page today. [ applause ] wow. >> i always wanted to do it with you on your desk. >> jimmy: you what? i think i just heard -- that will come across better when the closed captioning -- but i didn't know you always wanted to do it with me on my desk. had i known that, it would have been arranged many years ago, believe me. but this is -- this is from your twitter page. and this is -- this is you getting ready, you are laying down and this is planking. and you have some other things. >> getting hair and makeup done. >> jimmy: i guess the idea is you behave like a plank of wood, ght? >> yes. it's awesome. it takes me back to my childhood
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of like pulling my dress over my head. it has that same feeling. i don't know what t yone else sees, but this is awesome. >> jimmy: where are you here? >> this is the magic castle. >> jimmy: oh, the magic place. >> oh, yeah. look at this. >> jimmy: who are those people? >> my friend adam and denise. and there's chris, the magic man right there. >> jimmy: and you are all planking together. this is group planking. >> this is group synchronized planking. very symmetrical. >> jimmy: and when did you start doing this? >> about a week ago. >> jimmy: you have, like, a specific technique that you do to differentiate from other plankers? >> you know, i don't even know what other -- like, i don't know how it really started. i saw one clip and they did -- cause actually someone died, so, you have to be safe doing this. they did it on a balcony. i want to do it on, like -- >> jimmy: that's called evolution. be safe when you are planking. >> yes, be safe.
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when you're planking. >> jimmy: are there offshoots of planking? >> i guess. i think there's all types of crazy stuff. we've got stuff up our sleeve. there's competition happening. >> jimmy: there is? >> among our groups. and personally, we don't want competition. if we have the best planks out there, that's just circumstances. but what we're trying to do is plank for peace. planking for peace. >> jimmy: that will do it. >> the twins started it. you can see their plank for peace video online. it has several of my planks included in. they planked all over, all over l.a., in their one-pieces, it's genius. >> jimmy: this is going to be a great thing to explain to your grandchildren. when we were kids, we planked for peace. >> and it works. can you imagine everybody just drops? it's awesome. >> jimmy: i don't think it's going to work. but it's fun. it's fun. no one in palestine is going to put down their guns over this. >> you can prop it.
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>> jimmy: and you were in -- is it cannes? or cannes? i never know. >> cannes. >> jimmy: the cannes film festival. did you plank over there? >> no, i didn't. >> jimmy: what do people do over there besides be photographed? >> actually, i walked a catwalk, a runway, with naomi campbell and a bunch of people -- >> jimmy: where you were photographed. >> right, but it was -- i had known about planking, i would have done that on the runway. >> jimmy: people probably thought you were dead. >> i know. actually a couple people who face planted. at was the thing i was afraid of. one girl went and she stepped on her dress and it went down and she was like, yeye. and the second time it happened, and by the third and fourth time, her top completely came down. we felt so bad for her and i was like, i am not going down like that. as a professional, i walked down militant, like, right, left, right, left. the most cononntration i've done in my life. >> jimmy: do you have to learn anything, because i know they
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say, like, naomi campbell is the best walker? >> she struts like a horse. it is amazing. no pressure or anything. shoes were too big, everything was insane. i had the models giving me tips. but i grew up loving rupaul. >> jimmy: rupaul. >> i grew up in the lower east side. you can't say you love "the rocky horror picture show" as your number one movie and not get it down. the trans walk is important. as a woman, it would be disrespectful if i didn't go there. when a dude does it in a dress and he does it better, that's just shameful. it's shameful. i'm not going down like that. >> jimmy: i don't blame you. you have pride. you have to represent, as they say. now, this movie, "zookeeper," kevin james is obviously in the film. and you have the voices of various other big stars. don rickles, i know, is in it. >> what? that's awesome. >> jimmy: you didn't know that? >> no, i didn't know this. i'm like, really? >> jimmy: yeah. he told me he was. >> i was all about cher.
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like, for me, i was -- i love me some kevin james, this was so fun. we're all live action people and it was super cool but cher does a voice, nick nolte. sylvester stallone. all of them. and i'm obsessed with cher. >> jimmy: you do? you are? how long have you been obsessed by cher? >> my whole life. >> jimmy: did you meet her? >> no, but i took my mom -- i literally had a dream about it. i was like, my god, i think cher's show is ending. i would check on it periodically because it was a whole thing and we were going to go see it. and i realized she was ending in a month.h. >> jimmy: she retires like every two years. >> she did that show for three years. i called my mom, i'm like, we're going to vegas this weekend. we both flew in. on a saturday. from different cities were there. less than 24 hours. it was like cher-off. >> jimmy: and did she deliver? >> she did. she came in on this, like, floating stage and just her, and she lands on the stage and she's
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wearing this, like, see-through little outfit. this woman's been clearly, like, half naked in front of large groups of people for her life. she was so comfortable. unbelievable. she was up there, like, so -- and she starts telling the story, she goes, i only talk in the beginning of the show, and, so, , m going to tell you something. i remember one time i was on this thing floating down, i looked down below me and i thought to myself, if i were to fall right now, i would be, like, on one of those breaking news. cher falls and plummets to her death. and i would die, too. it would say underneath, cher falls and plummets to her death and kills nameless, faceless people. the show started with that. and i was like, ah. >> jimmy: this is her way of making the audience feel special? >> i guess. i justst- everything about it was just like -- there are so few people like you ever to exist on the planet. >> jimmy: i tell y y what, there would be worse ways than to die by a plummeting cher falling on
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your head. >> you know what i'm saying? >> jimmy: we're going to take a break. rosario dawson is here. her movie is called "zookeeper," it opens july 8th. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] when you use cottonelle fresh flushable moist wipes every day
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you get so hooked on feeling f fsh, you'll want to pass it on to a friend. ♪ visit ♪ tell a friend about fresh and you'll both get a cottonelle fresh reward. so fresh is always at your fingertips. ♪ so go on, gegefresh with a friend. [ male announcer ] applebee's knows what the neighborhood likes. we like things stuffed. [ all ] topppp! [ male announcer ] so we're serving up stacked, stuffed and topped entrees! like the amazing new chicken parmesan stack stuffed with italian cheeses and topped with spicy marinara for only $9.99. there's also provolone stuffed meatballs, new florentine t tped house sirloin and more. stacked, stuffed and topped! i like things smooshed. we'll work on that. [ male announcer ] only at applebee's.
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this is my song with stephanie. >> no. ♪ we got it together ♪ didn't we >> are you sure? >> yes. >> okay, this is definitely the song then? >> this is a clear statement. it's premeditated, very definitive. she knew exactly what she was doing. >> whoa, whoa, okay. ♪ the first ♪ the last ♪ my everything >> can you do any of that? >> no. >> jimmy: there you go. the movie is called "zookeeper," stars ro saro dawson and kevin james. the movie opens july 8th. do you like working with animals? >> oh, i loved it. i'm super allergic to animals so i was highly medicated while making this movie. but it was really fun. >> jimmy: what do you take to be -- i mean, really, does anything work for animals?
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>> yeah, i had to take, you know, nose spray, eye drops, face cream and pills because i get hives, i get super itchy. i scratched my eyes so much i get scabs on the inside. i'm really -- >> jimmy: no wonder you didn't know don rickles was in the movie. you don't remember anything that happened. these are real animals. i get nervous around animals because i know they have the trainers there and very, very calm. but i never believe anybody knows what they're doing because in the rest of my life, no one ever seems to know what they're doing. so, i don't entirely trust i'm going g be safe. >> anyone. >> jimmy: yeah. yes. >> yeah, no, they were so remarkable. these people were just pulling feats because all of the different animals would not be in close proximity to each other. so, to shoot each individual one separately and combine it together and make it look like they were all talking and joking and having a great time, the dedication, the hours and hours of footage where they would just have it on the lion, hoping that he would just, like --
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something. just something they could try to make into something. just hours and hours and hours. unbelievable. >> jimmy: lions don't cooperate. if you put a lion -- ? yeah, they only go by food. you could never be on set, you could never, like, you couldn't actutuly be physically there. they couldn't look at you at all. only trainers that got the performances. we were able to go backstage and hang out -- well, not hang out. but, like, go and see them. i worked with a monkey, and the cute little monkey and rosy the elephant who could do head stands and the giraffe and it was so cute. then you go next to the lions and even though he's asleep, you're like, t t second you look at it, the hairs raise on the back of your head, and you know danger, danger. one of the producers was like, whatathould we do, god forbid, if the cages open up? they're like, step away from anyone lame or children. >> jimmy: really? feed them the children? >> that's where they would go. that's immediately where they would go. that's their first target. you would see the lions walking around. anyone who would have their kids, the kids would be like,
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hey, and the lions are like -- just -- it was so scary. >> jimmy: that's no good at all. lions are not really our friends, are they? >> not really. in this movie, they are. >> jimmy: well, great to see you. congratulations. i'm sure the movieies going to be a very big hit. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's called "zookeeper." it opens july 8th. rosario dawson, everyone. we'll be right back with michael angarano. vo: transformers are back...
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>> jimmy: hi there. still to come, jill scott will be here with us. at only 23 years old, our next guest has already shared the silver screen with meryl streep, uma thurman and, yes, jackie chan. his newest movie, with emma roberts, is called "the art of getting by." it is in theaters now.
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please say hello to michael angarano. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: did i pronounce your last name correctly? angarano. >> angarano. i don't know where i am until i hear my name pronounced because in staten island, where i'm born, it's angarano. here in california, it managed to be angarano. i now said -- >> jimmy: you spilled water on -- >> on myself. >> jimmy: on your wangarano. i did both. i'm from new york and i live out here so i split the difference and go with angarano. you are from new york originally. do you live here now? >> i do. i moved out here when i was 12. the family migrated from staten island. >> jimmy: they all moved out here? >> yeah. >> jimmy: was it because of you
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and acting or did you go with your family? >> you know, i think they used it as a great excuse, my acting i mean, to move out there. because my parents are born in brooklyn, i was raised in staten island. all my family's back in staten island, many aunts, uncles, cousins, that italian-catholic family. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> but we moved here for acting. >> jimmy: for acting? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i can't imagine my parents moving, really, for me, for any, like, doing anything. even driving me to, like, little league would have been -- [ laughter ] an achievement. but that's -- you came out here, you started doing commercials? >> yeah, i started as a ford model when i was 5 1/2. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: really? how did you get a modeling job at 5 1/2? >> it's a very long -- >> jimmy: were you a sexy baby? >> i had a great body. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: beautiful navel. >> it was weird. my mother owns dance studios. at the time, she owned two in
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new york. and we went to go take pictures studios and the photographer put me in a costume. naturally. >> jimmy: what kind of costume was it? >> it was like a sparkly sequinededumber. >> jimmy: perfect. and you were all right with that? >> i loved it. i don't know what that says about me. >> jimmy: what commercials did you do? >> my first commercial ever was a sudafed sinus commercial in which i, you know, play a student who has to run in from the rain and the teacher has a headache and i have to reach for scissors and she's like, no, reach for the scissors, i have a headache. that was my first experience. >> jimmy: nice. >> i did -- honestly, i did dozens. i was in a kentucky fried chicken commercial. they are giving me all these drumsticks to eat and i'm having the time of my life. i have to bite it, eat it and smile and i love all the chicken i'm having and then they squeeze in coleslaw.
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i take a bite out of it, i'm like -- you know, being italian, i'm like, you could give me a meatball or spicy sausage or something, i eat it all day. >> jimmy: no coleslaw for you. >> a cabbagy mayonnaise -- >> jimmy: kids don't like coleslaw. so, you really earned your money then is what you're telling me. >> more than i do now in independent movies. >> jimmy: nightmare in a way, this life that you lived. did you like that? did you like working as a kid? was that something -- or would you -- i guess you don't have any point of reference otherwise. >> yeah, right. i always looked at it as a way to get out of school. because i hated school. i didn't go to a full year of school -- the last time i did it was in second grade. >> jimmy: oh, really? wow. >> when i graduated high school and i actually went to high school in california, i went to high school. when i graduated, i hadn't gone to school my whole senior year so my teachers were meeting me for the first time. >> jimmy: at graduation? really?
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: how did you manage that? >> you know, they -- i had a correspondence. the teachers would talk to the first assistant director on the film and i would get homework and complete it. >> jimmy: so you bribed everyone. >> i had people do h hework for me, tests for me. i cheated my way through school. >> jimmy: your family, are they excited about your success and acting? do they, like, want to be part of it? >> no, i mean, i'm lucky enough to have the most supportive family of all time. when i go back home to new york, my -- i have aunts and uncles who are so excited. i had to do a fitting the other day for a premiere, for this movie, actually, and i'm home for the first time and it's so nice. i've been away for so long. and everybody is excited to see me. i got the times mixed up. i literally had nine people, cousins, friends, in my hotel room as i'm -- >> jimmy: watching you change clothes? >> as i'i'getting a suit fitted. my cousins are like, the midnight blue looks really nice on you.
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you should get the -- get the hem up a little bit on those pants. >> jimmy: do they give you any problems? the relatives? they embarrass you or anything like that in public places? >> no. they never embarrass me. it's just -- it's just really funny because i've been acting for so long, and tonight is actually the first time on a late night talk show for me -- >> jimmy: yeah. [ applause ] me, too. um -- that's the way to own it. >> so, everybody is so excited, but i talked to my aunt, she's letterman's my favorite. you know, it's never going to be enough. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> they are all so excited. >> jimmy: she's right, anyway, probably. and so, when you are shooting back there, you visit, you don't stay with them, do you? you stay at their house? >> no, this time, filming this movie, i got to stay in new york.
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they gave me an apartment in greenwich village. >> jimmy: oh, good. >> which, for me, like a young 22-year-old upstart like myself, finding yourself having an apartment in new york city is kind of the best thing. i kind of -- it was really -- caused a bit of a schism, because i told everybody that i really didn't want anybody to visit me because i didn't want to be distracted. >> jimmy: i see, theheamily? how did that go over? >> well, when they come to visit set sometimes, they go, yeah, we're going to bring some friends. sure, how many people? 38. 38 people we're going to bring. >> jimmy: i think we might be related. >> i think you are one of them. >> jimmy: michael angarano, everybody. "the art of getting by" is out now. we'll be right back with music there jill scott. ♪
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mmm. oh gosh. oh dear. big deal. you're delicious. so what. i've got news for you. there's no such thing... a bear sheriff. you think i'm afraid of you? hey what? you don't have to be mean to the ke. i do. you don't. i do. just eat yoplait light. they have great flavors like... boston cream pie, raspberry cheesecake. even though i work here, i've lost weight. wow. yeah. carry on. (announcer) 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each.
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empty nest, new kitchen, new us? who are we? chic, modern, daring dinner-party hosts. that sounds dangerous, maybe we're more the tradiotional sunday brunch set? i'll expect slippers and a cocktail to be ready when i get home from work. point taken. how about... peaceful, quiet cottage in the country folk? now that's us. save up to 20% on every kitchen style, now until august 21st at ikea, the life improvement store. [ male announcer ] you don't makeby pressing a button.cken it takes a cook. we're kfc and we've got a certified cook in every restaurant freshly making the colonel's original recipe, today and every day. 11 herbs and spices, hand-breaded, hands down the world's best chicken. today is a kfc day. so bring home a real meal -- 10 pieces of that famous chicken, 3 large sides and 6 biscuits. enough real food to feed a family of four or more, just 20 bucks. today tastes so good.
1:00 am
a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating wle grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lowe our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announc ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. >> jimmy: this is her new album. it's called "the light of the sun." here with the song "shame," jill scott! ♪
1:01 am
♪ i'm the one you really want but you just can't see it ♪ ♪ i tried and tried to make you understand won't believe it ♪ ♪ it's a shame you're missing out on a good thing and it's a shame ♪ ♪ you can't see a damn thing uh-huh ♪ ♪ what you so scared of me for i'm just a woman ♪ ♪ maybe i got it all together that you think maybe ♪ ♪ i do use yo i'm fresh and cool ♪ ♪ i can 'fend on my own i'm magnificent i'm a queen on a throne i'm magnificent ♪ ♪ i'm the magnificent say what say what i'm the magnificent ♪ ♪ say what
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say what you're standing against the wall ♪ ♪ baby why are you frontin' when you can take my hand and we can in to something ♪ ♪ it's a shame you're missing out on me and it's a shame ♪ ♪ you don't even know my name i can 'fend on my o o i'm magnificent ♪ ♪ i'm a queen on a throne i'm magnificent ♪ ♪ i'm the magnificent say what say what i'm the magnificent ♪ ♪ say what say what i'm your sunshine and your rain ♪ ♪ my heart it doesn't tire my love remains
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why you can see why you playing ♪ ♪ i'm just saying i'm just saying hey yo ♪ ♪ i'm the magnificent ♪ and it's a shame shame shame it's a shame ♪ ♪ shame shame and it's a shame shame ♪ ♪ shame shame missing out on me and it's a shame ♪ shame shame shame ♪ ♪ you can't see a damn thing ♪ >> jimmy: i want to thank rosario dawson and michael angarano. apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "the light of the sun" is the
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new cd. you can see the full performance at once again, jill scott. good night. ♪ this is the last take for the night understand it's kinda late and i gotta get home ♪ ♪ to my son cuz he's so special to me i mean i gotta see him need to breathe him ♪ ♪ that's my baby don't call me crazy i love the studio but i love him more ♪ ♪ let me give you what i got i woke up in the morning feeling fresh to death ♪ ♪ i'm so blessed yes, yes i went to sleep stressed woke up refreshed ♪ ♪ i'm so blessed yeah yes water in my face and everything is in its place ♪ ♪ peace of mind even my grace i'm so blessed yes yes yes yes ♪ ♪ my grandma almost lived to see 92 i'm so blessed yeyeyes s s yes ♪ ♪ my son was born healthy and beautiful


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