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tv   Nightline  ABC  August 30, 2011 11:35pm-12:00am PDT

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tonight on "nightline," risky business. a porn star's positive hiv test shuts down the adult film industry. and revives calls for mandatory condoms. but can those who sell sex really be forced to do it differently? plus, drama queen. as the devious erika cane, she's the most famous soap star of all time. but tonight, actress susan lieu economy shows us the private
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life she's long kept hidden from view. and the deadly 60. fight, bite and sting. there are at least 60 days to kill in natutu. and thth man is counting every one the hard way. >> a aouncer: from the global recourses of abc news, with terry moran, cynthia mcfadden and bill weir in new york city, this is "nightline," august 30th, 2011. >> good evening. we begin tonight with a health crisis in a billion dololr business. the adult film industry. where production shut down temporarily on monday, after it was revealed that an actor had tested positive for hiv. a similar shutdown in 2004 led to calls for condoms to be required in all porn productions. but the industry, including its actors resisted such a move. and now it's happened again. here's abc's david wright for our series, "modern sex in
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america." >> reporter: it's a 10 to $15 billion industry. bigger than professional baseball, football and basketball combined. and again the a alt entertainment industry is at a stand still because an unidentified performer has tested positive for the aids virus. >> animals have more protection in the making of films than porn performers. how many cases do they have to have before taking it seriously? >> reporter: performing porn may be taking your life in your hands. so, when you had sex on camera, did you feel like you were playing russian roulette? >> absolutely. you never know how many people your partner that day has been with since they've gotten their test. >> reporter: gina rodriguez quit the porn bususess threeears ago, in part because of the fear of disease. how important is this? >> it's very important. you know, i think it's a ticking time dbomb. it really is.
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it's not going to get any better. >> reporter: this has happened before. in 2004, actor darren james' test came up positive. he later spoke with lisa ling for "nightline." >> i get that call, everything stops. i had the virus. and my whole world just crashed. >> reporter: so you don't know how you got infected? >> i don't. >> reporter: did you infect people? >> three girls. and i knew them. i felt bald bad. >> reporter: since then, the industry requires all performers to get a test once a month. california's division of occupational safety and health, construction workers to wear hard hats, required t t adult film industry to protect workers from hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens. the regulations clearly state employers must provide and ensure employees use, appropriate personal protective equipment. including condoms, dental dams, gloves and eye protection. but those rules are rarely
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enforced. the industry has been ig rouse about testing, but not about condom use. that may be partly to do with aesthetics. >> the whole point is to see something raw and something really sexual. people should be using condoms in their real life but when they see it on the screen, they don't really want to see that. >> reporter: and it seems to have everything to do with me. steve hirsch, ceo of vivid entertainment, one of the biggest producers, spoke with "nightline" in 2009. >> the truth is that when people watch adult movies they are watching it for the fantasy. they don't want to see condoms. it just doesn't sell as well. that's just a fact. >> they say they won't make as much money but they would like to use 16-year-old girls and they're not permitted to do that. city and county government don't want to deal with this because it deals with sex, it deaea with fornothi pornography. that's a really bad excuse for not protecting these young
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people. >> reporter: of the major adult entertainment producers, only one studio requires condom use for all their contract stars. wicked pictures. >> most of the companiy ies fro upon it. if you are saying, i want to wear a condom, chances are, that is going to do it without the condom. >> reporter: there have been current actresses who say, it doesn't bother them. are they not telling the truth? >> i think they're not thinking about it. they're thinking about the money and getting work. >> reporter: it isn't just porn stars at risk. many adult performers supplement their income by escorting on the side. how many people could you conceivably have sex with in a month? >> a girl could shoot, you know, 15, 20 times a month. that could be stiometimes multie partners in a scene. if she's escorting, it could be 10, 15 added to that a month. and then whatever her personal
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life is. >> reporter: this week, the aids health care foundation started collecting signatures for a local ballot initiative in los geles. >> make a condition of getting a film permit in the city of los angeles for an adult film that condoms must be used. >> even if they do that, they are just going to go elsewhere to shoot. >> reporter: and what's to stop producer from filming in any place else? technically, the law. >> making a pornographic film is considered prostitution in 48 states. it's only allowed in california and new hampshire. gets kind of cold in new hampshire in the winter. i don't think people would be anxious to do that in there. >> reporter: but what many people say the proposed ballot could do is drive production underground. already, the internet is full of it. >> meanwhile, the business just moves right along. unless they come out and they make it mandatory that they have to wear condoms, it's going to get worse. >> reporter: gia rodriguez is
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thankful she made it out of the bubunene with a clean bill of health. i'm david wright for "nightline" in los angeles. >> risky business. just ahead, her signature swing on "all my children" has stung many a cheat. but what's susan lieu economy like when she's not working? on our car insurance. great! at progressive, you can compare rates side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. wow! that is huge! [ disco playing ] and this is to remind you that you could save hundreds! yeah, that'll certainly stick with me. we'll take it. go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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>> announcer: "nightline" continues from new york city with cynthia mcfadden. >> so, a doomed marriage to a football hero. a secret love child. and a father who fakes his own death. it's all in a days work for actress susan lucci, who, for decades has played erica kane on the soap "all my children."
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what might surprise you is just how little life resembles art for lucci, as abc's juju chang finds out in tonight's encore presentati presentation. >> you be oprah, i'll be gayle. for someone so famous, susan lucci leads a pretty normal life. when we arranged to spend the day with her, her preference is to go shopping. shoe shopping, to be exact. can you do this. >> i certainly can. >> reporter: you can? ultra expressive shoes, to be even more precise. and she can afford them, because, she is, after all the most famamous soap star of all time. >> i'm erica kane. erica kane. >> reporter: she's played erica kane on "all my children" for more than 40 years, starting when the character was just 15. >> i want to be special and i'm going to be. >> reporter: erica plowed through countless romances,
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eighghhusbands, untold number of heartbreaks and over the top drama. why did you never leave "all my children?" >> i love acting. it's a fresh script every day. i love playing this part. do you remember me? >> reporter: her role landed her an unprecedented 21 emmy nominations. so when people say it's an honor to be nominated, that's what that means. >> that's what it means to me, absolutely. >> reporter: but it was being the loser time and time and time again that made susan lucci even more famous. >> the streak is over! susan lucci! >> my husband leifted me up and anybody that saw that broadcast saw me lean over to my husband and i whispered to him, "are you sure?" he said yes. i never believed this would happen. >> reporter: from oprah to kelly
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to rosie. it seemed everyone was rooting for her. >> thank you. i'm going back to that studio on monday and i'm going to play erica kane for all she's worth. thank you. juju, a lot of people ask me where i keep the emmy and i tell them, on the mantle in the living room. >> reporter: there she is. you need another spotlight on it. >> or another one next to it. >> reporter: there you go. >> come with me. >> reporter: she could be around her surprisingly traditional home, a stately colonial with family heirlooms. >> i love the photos of our children growing up. >> reporter: as we continue the house tour, i asked her if she could show me a ig that sure she has perfected the slap into an art form all her own. i recruited my producer, stephen baker, to be the victim. >> i'm going to wind up big time and look like i'm really going to let you have it.
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>> reporter: i'm ready for my big slap moment. this is going to be so much fun. how was that? >> very good. >> reporter: thank you. >> you! i hate you! >> reporter: slaps, sex scenes, every juicy detail. it's all spelled out in the script. >> i usually have 82 scenes every script. >> reporter: she's an old fashioned celebrity. keeping her private life to herself. until now. it's all in her book titled "all my life." it was her son's idea. >> he said, well, all the girls i date, once they know your my mom, they want to know how you did it. everybody knows erica kane, but nobody really knows about you. >> reporter: because lucci's trampy on-screen persona is far from her own. she's been married to one man almost as long as she's been playing erica kane. he says his wife is a real life
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goddess. but for of a domestic variety. >> if there's a candle not right, she stops and is going to fix it. >> reporter: she's an organizer. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: a neat freak. lucci was a devoted mother to her now grown son and daughter. both are still very close to her. as a young working mother, she insisted her contract give her time off for the first day of school and other major events in her children's lives. >> if the house is burning down and i had to take one thing, this would be it. >> reporter: like so many moms, lucci suffered when they went off to college. >> i walked into his room the first night and it was dark and it made me so sad. first of all, i missed -- >> reporter: i don't even want to think about it. >> and i was like you. just even thinking about them going to college. i remember, i don't want her to move to the next block! why do they have to go away? >> reporter: they may be your average grandparents, but not
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your ordinary empty nesters. >> you are nothing to me, do you understand? nothing. >> reporter: because susan's long-time alter ego often drops by. do you ever get erica kane at home? >> maybe i'll go away now. >> i think there is a little bit of erica kane in all of us. >> reporter: that's a good point. >> and i just turn around say, honey, you're home now. >> reporter: susan lucci is not a diva. >> i will not let my fans down. >> reporter: she just plays one on tv. i'm juju chang for "nightline" in new york. >> and the paper back edition of susan's new book "all my life" goes on sale next month. just ahead, nature's predators come in every size. but what kind of person would set out to meet them? it's game day, buddy, and, boy, are we in for a doozy.
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gored by horns, squeezed by snakes, sucked dry by parasites. when you think about it, hopefully in your own home, nature really did invent more ways than necessary for animals to kill other animals. and if that seems fascinating, then abc's stephanie sy has somebody you need to meet. >> reporter: a amals have incredibly inventive ways to kill. and stephen beck is on a mission to find them. >> basically i've been on a
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quest for the last years to find the 60 animals that really sum up what it means to be a predator. this is my mission to find the deadly 60. >> reporter: his list including everything from sharks to skunks. chameleons and killer bees. >> there is nowhere where there aren't deadly animals. >> reporter: the world is a dangerous place. >> it is. next up, the middle of nowhere. >> reporter: traveling to the far corners of the earth. steve is looking for face time with lethal animals. he dives right in. this sea lion is enormous. more than ten feet long and 1,000 pounds. steve is quickly surrounded. ow! that hurt! >> reporter: their teeth are like daggers. and steve knows when he's outnumbered. >> they're starting to bite now. getting a little bit too bold.
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>> reporter: while observing the sea lions, a pod of killer whales emerges. all of a sudden -- >> oh! >> reporter: two of the animals on his deadly 60 list going head to head. the killer whales try to intimidate the sea lion, but the stellar sea lion outsmarts and outma move thors. and in the end, escapes. it's a prime example of the unexpected surprises constantly facing steve in the wild. >> that was too close! >> reporter: what's the closest call you've had? >> i think large animals are usually the most frightening because, you know, if they decide that they really genuinely are going to get you, there's little you can do. >> reporter: and while steve tripes to keep a respectful distance -- sometimes it's not enough. >> that was quite a left hook. >> reporter: but some of the most fascinating predators in nature are the least obvious. neither dog nor cat, the foosa stalks the forests of madagascar, waiting to bite the
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faces off its victims with its bone-crunching jaws. its prey? this wacky guy. a lee more that seems to defy gravity. >> lesson number one. never leave bananas in your room. >> reporter: and from the comedic to the majestic. also on the deadly 60, this eagle. the inspiration behind the phoenix in the harry potter films. and then, the insects. >> it plunges that backe deep into insect prey and injects a kind of acid which just turns the prey into liquid and gets a yummy meal. >> reporter: following all these predators day in and day out, you get a sense of how brutal nature can be. >> that is one way of looking at it, yeah. if you're a small animal, everything else wants to eat you. but there is a beauty and a purity in that, as well. >> reporter: it is, after all, nature at its best and most wild.


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