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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  October 9, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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good morning, thanks for joining us, i'm carolyn tyler. oakland raiders play in houston this morning. first game without their maverick leader al davis died yesterday at his home he was 82. the raiders released a statement on his website he was an innovator a pioneer with a deep love and passion for the game of football. his contributions to the game are i am numerable, his legacy
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will endure forever. that legacy has drawn fans to alameda to pay tribute to al davis. abc7's century yeo cantana has more. >> balloons and raiders' jersey. this is what raider nation continue to build. >> i feel like an orphan. i feel like a father of my football team just passed away. >> reporter: the death of al davis has made a rowdy group silent. fans bring flowers and add their signatures to a poster in honor of a man who turned the rough and tumble raiders into more than just a football team. to those devoted fans it's a way of life. >> how long have you been a raider fan, maybe 33 years. >> it's a 50 mile drive from fairfield they made, some
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decisions by him work with other fans. >> i was brought up in a raider household. my elders taught me well. when the raiders first moved i cried. >> a group that runs one of the longest tailgating parties at oakland coliseum. all was forgiven when raiders returned to oakland? >> they were like the greatest miracle ever. it was heaven on earth. >> it's been interesting to watch the respect and devotion fans had been paying to afl davis. a little earlier i watched a fan unfold his walker and personally deliver his memento to this memorial. oakland mayor is reflecting on the passing of al davis. she says raiders bring so much
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goodwill to oakland he will be sorrily missed. there has been an outpouring of celebrities on twitter. robert smith said, win baby win, you will be missed. from n.b.a. great magic johnson a leader an inis elevater and a friend. al davis marched to his own drum and a will be missed. and yankees pitcher said a sad day for a raiders' fan. rest in peace al davis. for more on al davising go to we have a gallery of photos featuring him over the years. >> other news this morning, a controversial bill is now law in california. governor jerry brown signed the dream act this weekend. now undocumented immigrant students can apply to state universities and receive state financial aid. tomas ramon reports.
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>> being signed into law is being celebrated from san francisco to los angeles. >> the credit of thousands of students, especially the undocumented students are were so courageous and fought relentlessly year after year. >> a los angeles assemblyman authored the bill and now the students can help improve the state. >> it means there will be an opportunity for them to be treated equally and to contribute to the future of this state. >> but there are many who believe the state students can barely afford few the igs. they need to get public education grants. they have to work for the citizenship, why shouldn't the students. >> i work hard and apply by the laws. that is why we're so much in debt by the united states.
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>> the past chairman of the republican party. >> but the parents should be responsible, not the taxpayers of california. >> designer and architecture of this bill is that these students will take one cent from. >> it's not just money that is the issue? >> it encourages people that come here illegally. >> they think the dream act is a great idea. >> who is to say? if you are growing up here i wanted them to be smarted and not stupid. >> a state finance formula limits payments to 1% of the annual cal grant. current payments top out at $14.5 million to students. >> the governor has signed a bill to better protect the coastline against oil spills. it allows state to respond more
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quickly. it allows the office of prevention and response to increase fees and inspections when oil is transferred from one vessel to another. >> relatives of the man who shot three co-workers in cupertino last week say they are is as shocked by his shooting rampage as anyone else. the family says there is no words to express their sorrow for the victims. in a statement we are completely shocked and struggle with the event because the shareef we knew was good man who lived his life helping others volunteering and advocating for positive change. police say almond opened fire during a works meeting at lehigh cement plant. he was killed by sheriff's department deputies who confronted him thursday morning. >> in san jose, police are searching for killer after a double shooting this weekend. one person is dead and another
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seriously injured. police are releasing very few details at this point saying only a man and a woman were found shot inside an apartment on south third street yesterday morning. >> and san mateo police are investigating the shooting of a clerk inside a pet store. the victim was taken to a nearby hospital. the shooting happened at petsmart last night. they believe it was part of a robbery attempt. the shooter is still at large. >> oakland police say a probably driving a stolen car is hospitalized and taking charge after leading police on a wild chase through the city yesterday. police say he drofb the red honda in the wrong direction on westbound 580. police finally caught up with him near lake merritt and ended chase by ramming the car. up next, the blue angels will perform their flying stuchbts over san francisco bay today. details on fleet week and why san francisco is likely to be even more crowded today than it
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was yesterday. plus, we're learning more about the pilot who left monterey on a solo flight to hawaii this weekend but miscalculated how far his plane could fly before running out of fuel.8t8t8t8taúap
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blue angels will be back in the sky for another air show.
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the angels precision performance is the highlight of the annual fleet week festivities. there is the parade of navy ships and other special events but they fly wing to wing tip at hundreds of miles an hour, that is with a draws an estimated one million spectators each year. >> they make a lot of noise and fly real close together. >> if you are thinking about coming out today, they are urging you to take public transit. it goes from 12:30 to 4:00 and blue angels will perform at 3:00. you can tour the ships until 4:00. navy band performs at pier 39 from 12:00 to 2:00 and 4:00 to 7:00 and there is a niners game and a italian heritage day which will bring the crowds out to north beach. a computer virus has
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reportedly infected the computer network used to control u.s. air force drones in iraq and afghanistan. the report says the spy ware is resistant. it's uncertain whether it was a direct attack on or accidentally infected the network. the air force will not discuss threats to the computer network. >> pilot that was has been rescued has been identified. he was headed to hilo, hawaii when he realized he did not have enough fuel to make it. coastguard took this dramatic video as he landed the twin engine cessna on the water. 65-year-old pilot was not seriously injured. a helicopter crew pulled him to safety minutes before his plane sank. and speaking of planes, fighter jets, everything is going to be okay? >> the fog will scour out and mostly sunny but everybody is
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waking up to reduced visibility. napa, santa rosa but we're beginning to see clearing in concord. forecast for the rest of the weekend and rain for tomorrow and warmup all next. >> and the reaction to oakakakak
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld.
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>> welcome back. time right now, 9:17. thanks for joining us. you are looking at a live picture of the golden gate bridge. a little bit of smudge on the camera but you can make out the michaelers, the runners, and joggers going across that span. it's a little foggy but lisa it's going to lift and a nice day will be on tap. upclose look at a project that will ensure the bay area has plenty of drinking water and enough to protect delta fisheries, too. the reservoir in contra costa county is expanding by more than 50%. the story is from laura anthony. >> reporter: heavy equipment moves thousands of tons of earth and rock into place to the expansion of the reservoir is beginning to take shape. >> we're raising the dam crest,
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the top of the dam by 34 feet which enables us to increase maximum water levels of the dam going from 100,000 acre feet capacity to 160,000 acre feet. >> the added capacity from the $118 million project will help take pressure off the fragile delta ecosystem requiring less water to be pumped from the central valley. the project will provide stability for the contra costa water district 500,000 customers an insurance policy of sorts during drought years. >> this contract could be a much more aggressive and accelerated. so he has actually done an approach where he is working six to ten hour days and now has gone to two ten hour shifts every day. >> the project will include renovation and expansion of the marina for recreation.
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>> and provide for fishing opportunities. it will be a modified trail system. >> it's nearly a 24-hour a day project but it's under budget. it was put out to bid at a time when contractors were offering their services at very low prices. it's also providing a lot of jobs, more than a hundred local workers out there on the project. a little bit of a something, not in the weather. >> no, if you consider a cloudy start a little bit of malfunction. but we're going mix that out. we'll see a lot of sunshine. a look from santa cruz and we're starting to see blue skies, a little bit of fog. low clouds and fog down to 1500 feet this morning and now it's
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beginning to evaporate and we will begin to see a nice afternoon. so really we will enjoy that before our next weather system comes in and brings us a little rain perhaps. here is a look from the roof cam cloudy and temperatures in the 50s for the most part. we will see these temperatures climb to the 60s and 70s. livermore, 53 degrees with fog and napa and santa rosa. san francisco, airport delays of 44 minutes and fog do you know to san luis obispo where they'll have sunshine right now but it's pretty foggy earlier. with that wind shift and the slower clearing, couple degrees cooler today, but a chance of showers arrive tomorrow as another weather system heads our way favoring the north bay. they could see as much of a half an inch north of santa rosa, trace amounts if anything at
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all. the warm weather will come back. here is a look at the cloud cover. by 1:00 it does clear so we're looking at nice afternoon. although the fog will be quick to move back in tonight. so enjoy the afternoon today. we will look for the numbers to come up after a weak weather disturbance on monday. the fog will want to flirt with the san mateo coast but all things should be mixed out. here is a look at satellite and radar composite, the system that will stay up to the north but the southern edge will bring overrunning moisture. as we go through the morning hours, mist and drizzle monday morning, that is nothing too unusual but mid-level clouds and mostly cloudy day and then look at the rain. it's hung up through 6:00. evening commute to the north but it will be raining here and
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could pick up quarter of an inch half an inch, chance of showers in the entire bay area. then by the morning commute on tuesday, still kind of misty, we've got sunshine by the afternoon. numbers rebounding into the 80s. today a couple degrees cooler but at that time you won't notice the difference in the south bay. looking at 76, santa clara and 78 in los gatos. 74 in redwood city. mid-60s in pacifica. san francisco cloudy to start and sunny to finish and some of those clouds hang around richmond and 76 in the north bay. near east bay, low 70s and if you head inland, nice day, 75 in dublin and pleasanton, 76. monterey bay, you saw the sunshine in santa cruz, nice afternoon. clouds increase even later on today. you might see a few higher clouds, rain, not everybody is
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going to see it and then we'll get back into offshore flow, tuesday and wednesday and by next weekend we could see more rain. >> you don't know all the gadgets is tethered to. good job. thanks, lisa. >> and sports, the death of raiders' owner al davis is big news. he was true pioneer. mike shumann has reaction from players. >> good morning. al davis, the man that coined the phrase just win baby passed away at the age of 82. cause of death was not known. he did more for than n.f.l. perhaps more than anyone involved with the game. he was an owner and american football league commissioner. he was a maverick doing things his way and that was rateder way. won three superbowls in the process. he was loyal to his players and
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fans. he had the first african-american coach in art shell. first latino head coach in tom flores and first female ceo. we caught up with some of the players that are saddened by his passing. >> i was walking around in the morning and one of the players saw it on the news and told me. i tried to reach out to guys and see how things were going. it was tough. >> it was shock for us. you get here last night and then to back up this morning and hear the guy that made the team passed away. it was tough. >> he will be missed. stanford improve to 5-0 as they crush buffalo. on the longest win streak, colorado looking to get on the
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board first. oliver lines up a field goal but matt says, no way. takes it out of midair, gone, 82 yards. it's a special team touchdown 7-0. andrew luck, his second touchdown, 34-7 stanford. turn and luck quick drop finds him on the post. shrugs off another, 48-7. cardinals went 370 yards passing in the game. stanford wins big, 48-7. >> to score a touchdown every drive. no turnovers which we know we have to improve. >> san jose in plovo without brandon. matt is picked off by kyle
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vannoy. they waste no time. nelson right on the money. 40 yards for the score. san jose state two win game streak is over as cougars win 28-16. >> sharks made it to western conference finals the last two years and hopefully, this will be their year. sharks unveiled the fourth consecutive division banner. and he finds new lineman. here is the pass of mar marlowe right between the legs. logan hits him behind the back pass. first game of the season but sharks passing looks in mid season form. going from all four lines and win their opener. >> day one in arlington were the rangers hosting the tigers.
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just tinge verlander not intimidated and solo shot makes it 3-0. verlander is human after all. then it started pouring in the fifth. check it out. when they resumed, tigers finally got to c.j. welkin and ramone santiago comes in to score. would score on a wild pitch but rangers hold on 3-2 your final. 49ers hosting the buccaneers, raiders are in houston to take on the texans. we'll have highlights at 5:00. i'm mike shumann. >> up next, it happened again. someone has released all the fish at the tiburon salmon instituted. the question is why. and protests against what critics call corporate greed is gaining strength from wall street to san francisco. what a hacker group plans to do what a hacker group plans to do tomorrow.
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and even though you do what you can to take care of it, sometimes you want to give your immune system some support. try new airborne chewable tablets. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs... including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system. airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula, and new super-convenient chewable tablets!
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welcome back. a high school project has become a target of vandalism again. tiburon salmon institute hoped to raise money for security cameras after someone kaurtd cut the net last week. before that could be done, someone struck yesterday and this morning, an investigation
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is under way. 40,000 salmon used to swim here. they say they were his babies, he and his classmates at case cran de high school were responsible for every stage of their lives. >> we took care of them. we spawned them in mother to father fish. >> it was collaborative effort from a foundation and tiburon salmon institute whose motto is empowering today's youth to save tomorrow's salmon. they raised the fish for several months at a hatchery in school and transferred them for a release in the bay. >> its sad state where you can't raise fish to give back to the wild without somebody vandalizing the project. >> the fish were going to be released this month, but not this way.
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every year the students have a ceremony to say goodbye to their babies. now they've been deprived of an event that celebrates their hard work. >> we need to do something, but we are restoring the salmon population and helping the environment. the institute says it may have been mistaken for a fishing farm where fish are kept in a smaller space to be raised for food. the marin county sheriff's department is investigating as vandalism and grand theft. >> they say they are rallying against corporate greed. they are moving into 11th day the occupying movement is moving into san francisco. >> demonstrators have been camping out in front of the federal reserve bank on market and main street. it begin last month in new york and has spread nationwide.
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the protestors in new york city have grown to several thousands. they made a peaceful march to washington square park yesterday. computer hacking group anonymous has pledged to take down computers at the new york stock exchange tomorrow as an extension of the protest. >> nancy pelosi says she supports what the occupied protestors are trying to do. >> i support the message to the establishment whether it's political establishment and the rest, change has to happen. we cannot continue in the way that does not relevant to their lives. >> this morning on this week, she says she agrees with president abraham lincoln that public sentiment is everything and contacting elected leaders can bring about change. >> federal government's vow to crack down on pot sales in california is not stopping a
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marijuana expo. three-day west coast cannabis expo is going on as planned at the cow palace. a spokesperson says some people are scared after federal prosecutors announced they would crack down on medical pot dispensaries. they are legal under state law but as you know, they are still illegal under federal law. a new controversy is shaking up the san francisco mayor's race involving donations to ed lee's campaign. dennis herrara called on the u.s. and state attorneys general to open a permanent investigation into allegations into the campaign laundered money through business associates. according to the accusation that it exceeds the limit on campaign donations. the political fair practices commission is opened its own
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investigation. >> ultimately the buck stops with the people engaging in the activity. at that point we don't know who were involved in the activity. we know who were the contributors were. we don't know who was aware of it. >> at issue an $8500 contribution the mayor's campaign received from an airport shuttle company that received certain concessions at sfo. in a statement sent to abc7, lee's campaign accuses herrara of abusing his authority for calling a politically motivated investigation over money returned as a result of our own concerns. meteorologist lisa argen is here now to talk about a beautiful day but a little change perhaps tomorrow. >> i'm sure you noticed. a gray start. bright and sunny and view from mount tam, sutro a little over 1800 feet deep with the cloud
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cover, about thousand feet, we're looking at a slower burn onoff closer to the coast. inland you are beginning to brighten up and nice afternoon but a warmup is on hold because we have a cold front that could bring rain tomorrow. stay tuned. also we will update on the environmental disaster down under. as oil continues to leak from a tanker off new zealand.
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dry mouth is uncomfortable. it can also lead to serious dental problems. [ male announcer ] new act total care dry mouth is alcohol-free and has fluoride to strengthen teeth. stronger teeth and dry mouth relief. international crews are scrambling trying to prevent an environmental disaster off the coast of new zealand. a container ship is leaking oil. today. prime minister took a helicopter tour of the damage. he says he wants to know why the liberian ship hit the reef which
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is well mapped and struck it in calm waters on wednesday. crews have been rescuing and cleaning wildlife. they are hoping to unload tons of fuel in case the ship breaks apart. lisa argen is here now, we see the cloudy, foggy weather, a lot of folks want to know about the blue angels. can they do it? >> sure they can do it. the fog may do it's thing, it's going to clear 12:00, 1:00 at the coast, much sooner inland. vollmer peak shows the marine layer so we still only have three-mile visibility in livermore. concord is doing better. we'll peel away the clouds and ending up with sunny skies here. you can see the clouds from transamerica pyramid. subtle changes allowing temperatures to drop back into the 60s downtown instead of the low 70s. 57 in hayward with the overcast.
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56 san francisco, delays on arriving flights, visibility reduced from santa rosa and napa even hayward looking at changing this morning. within the next couple of hours, by about 11:00, everybody should clear but 1:00 the coast. so war talking low clouds, clearing inland this morning and then the chance of showers, just a slight chance for the north bay tomorrow. we'll see the cloud cover all over the bay. then the system will conductly depart. that will bring a warm weather pattern by tuesday afternoon. the warmest days, wednesday and thursday. so here we are by lunchtime you'll notice there is not much left from the cloud deck. back and forth we're be playing peekaboo with the coast so we will look for the 60s to hold on to the cooler locations, from pacifica, half moon bay and 70s elsewhere. it's due to this incoming system
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really to the north and west of us. this will not be affecting our weather today except for the since it has changed our winds. so with more of a westerly flow, we'll see a little bit cooler today. higher clouds in the late afternoon and then more cloud cover brings overrunning moisture from a system that will stay to the north in canada. it will won't be bringing much to the change except for the cloud cover and the possibility of some light rain. your monday morning commute, it will be cloudy, misty and we'll see drizzle. then it will be by about 6:00 that the rain begins to sag south through the overnight hours. maybe then by midday tuesday, we're sunny and we're looking for the warming trend to get underway. blue angels, upper 60s with blue skies in san francisco. we won't look for the numbers
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we'll look for south bay to warm up in the 70s. 72 in san mateo. clouds parting the coast by about 1:00. 55 in the sunset. north bay, low 60s at the coast. mid-60s to mid-70s around napa. 72 san leandro, 73 castro valley. five degrees warmer here and 77 in danville. down by the monterey bay, sunny in santa cruz going to high of 72 degrees. higher clouds later on today and then we'll see a cloudy day tomorrow with rain favoring the north bay. maybe a few sprinkles in the east bay and sunny and warmer most of the weekend and then another system wants to cool us off. it doesn't look like rain next weekend. >> and blue angels don't fly until late this afternoon so everything should be perfect by then? >> yeah. >> children living in san francisco's mission neighborhood are often underserved but there
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is on organization offering a program to help get students that live in that neighborhood not just interested in science but excited about it. lyanne melendez shows us why this program is getting so much attention. >> it's 8:30 in the morning and kindergarten class at mckinley elementary is going exploring. their one mile walk will take them to the mission science workshop located at mission high. >> what we're going to do first is go in the workshop and take a seat. i'm going to give you some exploration cards. >> for the next several minutes of flee time they will discover new sounds and experience new concepts while getting acquainted with things they've only read about. they move on learning about the five senses. >> taste, touch, and sight. there is two more.
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very good. >> and the props help reinforce what they are taught. in this case the yellow is made of sulfur which they learn is used in different things. and the sound of a tuning fork. >>can hear the sound. >> more pieces of information they can get i feel like my ultimate goal is to get them to closed circle on the way they look at the world. >> don is director and idea of the program started in 1990 in his garage where he had a small workshop for local kids in the mission. >> they actually raised interesting questions why it was doing certain things. i thought it was interesting to try to explain. >> it he eventually moved into vacant auto shop at mission high. students attending in the
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mission district get nearly two hours of science every time they visit. and he wants underserved kids to learn by exploring. >> most of their parents have little or no education. they put off by science or just afraid of it. >> there is so much interesting objects it's hard to single out a favorite. >> this is a group of fourth graders. the lesson is on sources of power. >> one-third of their funding comes from the city's department of children youth and families but private entities like other foundations also support the workshop. they would like to see america regain the competitive edge in science. >> our foundation truly believes
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to turn the tide you started early with children to get them engaged. >> today there are more than ten community based workshops in the state modeled after this one helping to unspire the next generation of california scientists. don't go away, 7 on your side is next. a woman applies for a passport but it never arrives. i'm michael finney and how an important document ab
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every year, millions of passports are sent through the mail but the government doesn't require anyone to sign for them when they arrive. that policy led to a nightmare for a san francisco woman whose passport never arrived. michael finney has been looking into what happened. >> reporter: it was an exciting moment for her. in a group ceremony in oakland, she took her oath as a naturalized u.s. citizen. >> there are all these people from so many different nations, it's very touching and moving. >> right afterwards she applied for her passport so she could fly to india. she did received her certificate in the mail but not the passport. she waited three more weeks and
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then she begin to worry. >> i looked at the document number and it said, your item was delivered on june 17th. >> reporter: this tracking report says the passport was delivered in june. it also says a waiver of signature was exercise order delivery. but she says that is impossible. >> i'm not sure who waived at the time because i was not home. >> reporter: she called the postal service that repeated the tracking report the package was delivered and signature waived but it wasn't here. she and her roommate begin to worry that a thief may be traveling under her name. >> just wondering who is in possession of my passport. >> to use somebody else's ios identification to travel. >> i was sitting and watching the news and i saw michael finney. >> she called us and we contact the state department.
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agency would not discuss her case citing privacy rules but lost passports are cancelled and cannot be used for international travel. the agency said generally the office of passport services does not require signatures for the delivery of passports and millions of passports are delivered every year without incident. she says the government should make sure passports get into the right hands. >> it's a very secure document that needs to be sent into a secure fashion. >> the postal service still says the package was delivered here but she says where is it? she shows us her mail slot in her door leading to her garage which requires an electronic pass code to enter. nobody has tried to break in. >> there is the excitement. >> the government did send her a duplicate passport in time for the trip to india. and postal service is still
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investigating. >> thank you for doing that. i appreciate it very much. >> reporter: postal service says if you suspect someone took an item from your mail you should file a criminal report to the postal inspector's office. i posted all the information you need at a recent study found that one in 13 children in the u.s. has some type of food allergy and nearly half of those children suffers severe reactions. this morning on "beyond the headlines", cheryl jennings talks about the big list of foods that can cause allergic reactions. you'll meet a mother that blogs about her battle with food allergies and hear from a specialist about the dangers. >> sometimes small children when they have a food aler jury ji like this a small gram of peanut can create a terribly allergic
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reaction and this is not a funny thing. this is very serious as citizens have to take seriously. >> join us right after our newscast for "beyond the headlines" to learn about food allergies and resources to help. >> wedding bells are ringing for paul mccartney. his new american bride and the ceremony that just took place a short time ago.
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former beatle paul mccartney tied the knot. they dated for four years, they got married at a central london townhall and headed to their near by home. it's the third marriage for mccartney the second for chavel. she is heiress to a trucking company. there was rain in the morning and it dissipated just as soon as the events begin. >> that is a familiar theme. anyway, we are looking at nice looking day today. overnight tonight you may want to bring in the bike or rain is in the forecast overnight on monday. upper 60s to mid-70s, fog is clearing to the coast by 1:00
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and look for increasing clouds tomorrow and bring a chance of showers north of golden gate east of san francisco through tuesday. we clear on out and looking sunny and warmer next week. >> and british tabloids called it ticket to bride. that is going to do it for us. i'm carolyn tyler along with lisa argen. keep track of us at and talk about it at facebook facebook. have a great sunday everyone. bye-bye.
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