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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 11, 2011 12:00am-1:05am PST

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check in for "good morning america" for an exclusive interview with the mother of penn state molestation victim. and we will see you here tomorrow. >> dicky: up next on an all-new "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> jimmy: michele bachmann says she won't rest until obama care is repealed. or until she kidnaps all 101 dalmatians. >> dicky: kristen stewart. >> in this movie, you get married and have sex and have a baby in a span of 20 minutes. >> dicky: the stars of our halloween candy prank, c.j. and jake. jon bernthal and music from
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♪ ♪ if i should fall from grace with god ♪ ♪ where no doctor can relieve me ♪ ♪ if i'm buried 'neath the sod ♪ but the angels won't receive me ♪ ♪ let me go, boys, let me go, boys ♪ ♪ let me go down in the mud where the rivers... ♪ [ female announcer ] when you're responsible for this much of the team, you need a car you can count on. ♪
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>> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel with a message from applebee's neighborhood grill and bar. tomorrow is veterans day and applebee's is showing their appreciation for servicemen and women with a free meal. show your thanks to our 24 million veterans and active military who serve our country by sending them a personal message at thank you and here is rodney at kins with his new pal guillermo with more. ♪ i'm here with guillermo ♪ with a song for all you vets ♪ we want to say gracias ♪ because you guys are the best ♪ ♪ on this veterans day ♪ you're gonna be treated like a
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star ♪ ♪ you can eat for free at applebee's neighborhood grill and bar ♪ ♪ so happy veterans day ♪ army navy air force and marines ♪ ♪ applebee's is feeding steak, chicken, shrimp and even beef ♪ ♪ so happy veterans day [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sorry, rodney. >> dicky: visit thank you to share your personal message of gratitude and appreciation. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with the stars of our halloween candy prank, c.j. and jake will be here. jon bernthal will be here. music from feist. and kristen stewart, too, so music from feist. and kristen stewart, too, so come on back. ♪ won't you stand up, stand up, stand up ♪
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♪ won't you stand up, you girls and boys? ♪ [ male announcer ] our heroes. for their service and sacrifice, we will honor them always. this veterans day, all veterans and active duty military eat free at applebee's. stand up and share your thanks at
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- kristen stewart.
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jon bernthal. c.j. and jake. and music from feist. with cleto and the cletones. and now, all aboard. here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, thank you. thank you, cleto. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming to worship together. you know, in most of the country, it's just after midnight, which means it's veterans day. and i wish a good veterans day to all of our veterans. it also means that it is the 11th day of the 11th month of 2011. in other words, today's date is -- >> 9-9-9. >> no, no, no. it's 11-11-11.
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he's so stick on that. that's right. all 1s in the day today. we haven't seen the likes of this since ten days ago when it was 11-1-11, so -- very exciting. almost as exciting as that. we made a big announcement on the show last night. next thursday night, november 17th, the second annual national unfriend day. this is the day on which we employ anyone with a facebook account to go through your list of friends, decide which ones are actually your friends and eliminate the rest. if "the bachelorette" can do this on television, you can do it at home. most everyone on facebook has too many friends. until last night, i didn't realize i was still facebook friends with gadhafi. so, i got rid of him. on november 17th, we will thin the herd. this is a new holiday. we started it last year. and people really responded to it. national unfriend day, or n.u.d. for short, already it's at least as popular as arbor day and i feel like we're gaining ground
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on kwanzaa. i really do. it isn't easy to do. you know. you may be wondering, if i unfriend people, how will i know the batteries in their bathroom scales are dead. how will i know when their pumpkin spice latte is too hot or when they love an episode of "parks and rec?" well, you won't. and that's the beauty of this. most of the people aren't friends of yours on facebook. to give you an example of who should be unfriended, we scoured facebook and we found this guy. bernardo tapia. he seems like a nice enough guy. it is almost impossible to see him in his picture. let's go through his status updates. he has 284 friends. ping-pong table is ready. home gym later.
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dvo yolo. no gym today, haha, tired. haha, anybody wants to play ping-pong? almost gym time, dvo yolo. that's ridiculous. [ laughter ] people on this -- you have to read that -- dvo yolo four times a day? unacceptable. if you have a bernardo in your life, don't encourage this. unfriend him. dvo his yolo right back to hell where he came from. [ cheers and applause ] i think he'll be happy you did. i really do. maybe he won't. we have a line of greeting cards for lack of a better term to help you with this. this is something we're providing you free of charge. you can send these to anyone you unfriend to lighten the mood. for instance, here is one. this is a card. remember when we met briefly at derek's birthday party last year?
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me neither. unfriended. [ applause ] that's how it goes. here's another one. you plus me plus pictures of your homemade soap? nope. unfriended. all right. this is a good one, too. our facebook friendship is like those farmville crops you posted about 13 times yesterday. dead. and here's one for possibly your dearest relative. i'm sorry for unfriending you, grandma. but i like to get drunk and postpictures of it. i hope you understand. [ cheers and applause ] if you have to send one of those cards to an unfriend, they are available on our facebook page, don't friend us. click the n.u.d. card tap. on november 17th, show your friends just how much you don't care. let the unfriend-zy begin.
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it feels good to create a holiday. i bet simon cowell would be good at unfriending. "the x factor" got rid of a group act tonight called stair stereo hogs. last season on "american idol," we had fun with steven tyler who would stare at the contestants like a dog stares at steak. but now simon cowell seems to be following suit and with that said, it's time for "simon couple's creepy leer of the night." ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: well -- really enjoying that pen. never saw him look at susan boyle like that. did anyone hear watch the republican presidential debate last night? most analysts agree the big
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winner last night was mitt romney, who stuck closely to his strategy of not being any of the other candidates. what a group this is. michele bachmann says she won't rest until obama care is repealed. or until she kidnaps all 101 dalmatians. rick perry had what may have been the greatest meltdown in presidential debate history last night. his brain just petered out on him. he said he would eliminate three major departments of government but could only name two of them. well, you can't be expected to remember the names of all the departments you're going to eliminate, can you? it was a very, very odd moment and in case you missed it, here it was. >> it's three agencies of government when i get there that are gone. commerce, education and the -- uh -- what's the third one there? let's see. commerce, education and the -- um -- ah -- the third agency of government i would do away with, education, the -- ah -- and
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let's see -- i can't. the third one i can't. oops. >> jimmy: that's why sarah palin writes things on her hands. perry said he was embarrassed by the gaffe and just wanted to crawl inside one of his forehead creases and die after he said it. his campaign staff are trying to say the mistake was a good thing because it proves that he's only human. he's a regular guy like you and me. which -- great, just what we need in the white house. you and me. [ laughter ] no offense, but i don't want you running the country and i deaf nuttily don't want me. i -- i can barely figure out how to set my clocks back after the daylight -- if i was elected president, i would move to canada. [ laughter ] but if there's one thing i know about rick perry, it's that he doesn't go down without a fight and he's already turning last night's negative into a -- i wouldn't say a positive, but a double negative. >> sure, i screwed up, but america doesn't need a smarty pants know it alli like them
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other fellas. they need a guy that knows how to walk horses or stand next to awesome machinery. there i am cutting a ribbon. look at those guys. they like me. that's my family. that's joe bob and the little one -- i don't know her name. whoa! check out that robot! i'm rick perry. what am i doing again? >> paid for by beef. >> jimmy: oh -- [ applause ] last week on this show, you know, we have a lot of celebrity guests on the show, but every once in awhile we create a celebrity of their own. guillermo is one. i actually built him out of clay. and so are the kids you're about to see. on halloween night, i challenged parents watching the show to pretend they ate all their kids' candy and upload the kids' reactions to youtube. they were great. we put the best ones together. the video already has more than 18 million views.
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it's like the top most liked comedy videos of all-time. and much of that interest is because of these kids, c.j. and jake. >> i ate all your candy. you have no more halloween candy left. >> what? >> she ate it. what the heck? >> mom! >> don't you guys think you ate enough candy last night? >> no. i only had one bite of candy. are you serious? and you ate the rest? you're probably going to get a belly ache. why do you have to eat so much candy? mom, that's two. >> two what? >> two bags of candy. >> two plus two is -- two plus two equals five! >> you were so close. did you see how much i had? i went to a lot of houses.
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>> i know. i ate it all. it tasted so good. especially the peanut butter cups. >> you sneaky mom! >> jimmy: i watch it about 12 times a day. and they are here tonight. c.j. and jake. they are very cute. it should be fun. they're on a wild sugar high. we've been feeding them nothing but candy, so -- stick around for that. before they visit. it's thursday night, it's time for our weekly tribute to the fcc where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it's "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> my first response in my mind and reaction was, i don't even know who this [ bleep ] is. >> long time friend, he's like my big brother. he's the guy that [ bleep ] me in a club. >> if you would just show me your [ bleep ]. >> so you kill michael jackson, then you [ bleep ] a [ bleep ]
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to do a documentary? come on. >> if you are too big to [ bleep ], you are too big. >> you have somewhere in -- >> i don't know. it's my [ bleep ] side. >> it hurts, like, it doesn't hurt you there? >> doesn't really murt me but i can see how it hurts you. >> remember i told you about the deputies that would be with him today? i [ bleep ] 13 deputy ngs the courtroom alone. many others on stand-by outside. >> this president has [ bleep ] us so badly. >> kiss her? >> i didn't really think about it. too busy [ bleep ] and choking each other. >> jimmy: we have a good show for you tonight. from "twilight," kristen stewart is here. from "the walking dead," jon bernthal is with us. we have music from feist. and we'll be right back with the halloween candy kids, so stick around.
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>> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. tonight on the program, starting friday, next friday, you can see her in "the twilight saga: breaking dawn part one," kristen stewart is with us. and then from "the walking dead," jon bernthal is here. and with music from this, their latest album, it's called "metals," feist from the bud light outdoor stage. next week, tim allen, jamie oliver, miss piggy, the latest castoff from "dancing with the stars" and music from vince gill, christina perry, miranda lambert and the bell brigade. on halloween night, i issued a challenge to parents, i said, tell your kids you have eaten all of their trick or treating candy, record their reaction and
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post it online. 24 hours later, two little stars were born. their video had more than 18 million views on youtube. from long island new york, please welcome internet sensations, 7-year-old c.j. and 3-year-old jake. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? what's happening? you're c.j. and you're jake. how are you? >> good. >> jimmy: are you excited to be here? >> yes. >> jimmy: do you know what's going on right now? we're on television right now. that's kind of weird, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. have you been on television before? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you have? when bwere you on? don't tell me you did letterman last night. [ laughter ] it's okay. now, this is -- a big deal, this
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video that you guys made. but first i want to start with halloween. you had a lot of candy, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how much candy did you have? >> a lot. >> jimmy: a lot. >> a lot. >> jimmy: and then your mom told you that she ate all of it. and you guys were mad? who was madder? >> i was madder. >> jimmy: you were madder? jake, why were you madder? >> because i was like -- [ screaming ] >> jimmy: you love candy, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what's your favorite kind? >> peanut butter cups. >> jimmy: i love those, too. what about you, what's your favorite? >> same exact. >> jimmy: what? oh, the same, okay, right. so, that could cause a problem in the house. mom said i ate it and you guys believed it and then at the end she told you that she was tricking you. and did you think it was funny then? you did. are you planning to get her
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back? are you going to play a trick on her? >> play a trick on her. >> jimmy: what are you going to do to her, jake? >> i'm going to eat all her candy. >> jimmy: you're going to eat all her candy? if you see her car keeps laying around, just hide them somewhere. [ laughter ] any time you see her car keys. put them -- >> put them in a shirt. >> jimmy: oh the toilet. that's a funny place to put them. [ laughter ] now, have people been recognizing you and taking pictures with you and stuff? where did that do that? >> ah -- i remember one of them, like, they took our picture by the airplane. >> jimmy: oh, at the airport? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and was that surprising to you? >> yeah. >> jimmy: why do you think people like your video so much? >> ah -- i don't know. because we were well behaved.
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>> jimmy: oh, because you were well behaved? i think that is why. i think you're right. you guys are very well behaved. you are a sneaky mom, though, don't you? are you sneaky kids? >> yeah. >> jimmy: sometimes, yeah. yeah. and it's fun when mom is sneaky, right? well, i have a couple of surprises for you. since you're in california, we thought the best place to go for kids is where? the dentist, right? we're going to send you guys to the dentist to have drifling done on your teeth. isn't that fun? no, just kidding. we're going to send you to disneyland tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] what do you think of that, jake? okay. and we also have a special present for you. come over here with me for a second, okay? because you can't stay in the house eating candy all the time but you don't really want to
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exercise. so we got you each a go cart. now, that's the faster one and this is the littler kid one. that one is yours right there and -- sit in them. sit in them. >> which one is mine? >> jimmy: that one right there, c.j. that one is faster. and this one is a little slower. go ahead. sit in it. i'll help you. get in there. all right. okay, see if it fits you and if you can -- that's the pedal you push right there. they're not on right now. do you like them? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i was just kidding. they're not really yours. no, they are really yours. well, thank you for coming all the way out here. you are very well behaved. and it's very nice -- you can sit in that if you want. jump in there. jake, where you are going? >> nowhere. >> jimmy: did you eat all the candy already or do you have any left? >> i have none. >> jimmy: you have none left? >> no. >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. you sneaky kid. all right. there you go.
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c.j. and jake, everybody. thank you guys. have fun at disneyland. we'll be right back with kristen stewart. what's my day look like? not bad..only two meetings today. can i walk to the belvedere hotel from here? here are directions to belvedere hotel. read me that text. new message from sarah russell:'see you soon' do you think it will snow today? it sure looks like snow today. say hello to siri..on the most amazing iphone yet.
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no, i wouldn't use that single miles credit card. hey, aren't you... shhh. i'm researching a role. today's special... the capital one venture card. you earn double miles on every purchase. impressive. chalk is a lost medium.
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if you're not earning double miles... you're settling for half. was that really necessary? [ male announcer ] get the venture card at and earn double miles on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? cover for me. i have an audition.
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♪ if i should fall from grace with god ♪ ♪ where no doctor can relieve me ♪ ♪ if i'm buried 'neath the sod ♪ but the angels won't receive me ♪ ♪ let me go, boys, let me go, boys ♪ ♪ let me go down in the mud where the rivers... ♪ [ female announcer ] when you're responsible for this much of the team, you need a car you can count on. ♪
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>> jimmy: hello, welcome back. jake was just pulled over for dui, so -- still to come on the
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show, jon bernthal from "the walking dead" and music from feist. for three years, our next guest has vacillated between the cold and the furry as the love-torn bella swan. on november 18th, she becomes an official member of team edward in "the twilight saga: breaking dawn part one." please say hello to kristen stewart. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very good to see you. >> same here. >> jimmy: congratulations, because i had the honor of emceeing a ceremony where you had your hands and feet imprinted in cement at the theater last week, which is -- that's a very big deal. [ applause ] >> it is. >> jimmy: we have some video of that here just to prove that it really happened. there you are with rob and taylor and a guy -- i don't know who that guy is, but -- he's the
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helper guy. >> such a trip. >> jimmy: what did it feel like, putting your hands in that? >> gooey. >> jimmy: was there concern you might get trapped in there permanently? >> no, come on. >> jimmy: i noticed you had heels on when you first came out and to put your feet in the cement, you changed into a pair of vans. was that so you didn't topple over or didn't want to ruin the shoes or what? >> no, i felt like if you are going to make something forever you should be yourself and what -- no. no way. >> jimmy: and did you know, and this is a weird thing i noticed, on that day, the founder of the vans company, the guy who invented the vans shoe, died that very same day. >> really? >> jimmy: i swear it happened. >> downer, geez. >> jimmy: they're saying he was killed by werewolves. >> well, i apologize. >> jimmy: i wouldn't take responsibility for that. i was talking to your dad as we were standing and watching the whole thing. he told me that he didn't even
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know about this ceremony until the night before. >> i know. sorry, dad. >> jimmy: really? he said you stopped by the house and you told him, oh, by the way, tomorrow i'm getting my hands -- >> you should come. >> jimmy: next to marylyn monroe and charlie chaplain and r 2 d 2, for that matter. you usually keep him out of the loop with things like that? >> no, i'm so not in my own loop sometimes. i didn't know when it was coming. >> jimmy: that's really being out of your loop. i mean -- that's in the fruit loops box, that's where that is. >> i'm so somewhere else right now. >> jimmy: when you decided that you wanted to be an actress, when was that and what were you doing at that time? were you little? >> i -- it's a funny thing. i realized that i really loved acting on a movie that was -- i was 13 already, i started acting when i was 9. it was a fun thing. my parents are in the business. i was like, yeah, i see kinds on the set, i can do that.
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and i sang a dreidel song, which is -- you know -- >> jimmy: the dreidel song? >> no, it wasn't that, it was really dark. >> jimmy: there's another dreidel song? >> really heavy. i didn't know, either. >> jimmy: heavy dreidel song? >> that's right. yeah. >> jimmy: that may be a whole new form of rock. heavy dreidel. >> i really rocked it. >> jimmy: so who saw you, an agent say you singing? >> yeah, someone was like, hey, you should come talk to people that could be your agent, i don't know, basically just my first performance and, you know, did me well. >> jimmy: that's disheartening to other people who are trying to be actors for 30 years. yeah. speaking of heavy music -- we had a lot of fans around the area because rob was here and you're here and taylor and all of this stuff going on across the street from us. we had megadeath here last week, the band.
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so we thought it might be fun, because you had so much experience with these fans who really, many of them worship you, i mean, they're almost obsessed, i think, a lot of them. perhaps you can identify which of these people are "twilight" fans or megadeath fans. all right? let's take a look here. megadeath or "twilight?" >> my name is andy, i'm 19 years old, i live in hollywood -- >> "way to litwilight." no, megadeath. >> megadeath! >> jimmy: all right. >> i'm desiree from california and -- >> jimmy: you going with? >> "twilight." >> "twilight!" >> jimmy: that is right. even with the shirt. >> i'm paul from california. i'm 21 years old and i'm here to see -- >> "twilight."
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>> jimmy: is that your final answer? >> yep. >> jimmy: it is? and? >> "twilight!" >> jimmy: you're good at this. >> hi, i'm 18 years old and i'm here to see -- >> jimmy: she's here to see? >> i can already see it's going into megadeath. >> jimmy: trying to read patterns. >> i'm -- "twilight." >> megadeath! >> i knew it! >> jimmy: we have one more. >> i'm here for -- >> jimmy: he's here for? a hair cut, i hope. he's here for -- >> "twilight." >> jimmy: and -- >> "twilight!" >> jimmy: yes. you did well. you got 4 out of 5. that's a pretty sharp eye. now, in this movie, you get married, have sex and have a baby all in the span of about 20 minutes. >> i know.
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i know. we tackle a lot. >> jimmy: going to make people just crazy. was that -- i mean, well -- first of all, giving birth on camera to a vampire baby -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's -- was that -- uncomfortable or just another day at work for you? >> i was so excited actually. >> jimmy: you were? >> yeah. it is so intense. i mean -- >> jimmy: it is. yeah. i saw it. >> as a normal birth would be but this is even more so. >> jimmy: yeah because most normal births, the baby isn't eating you from the inside out. >> and no one else is, either. anyway. >> jimmy: and the wedding scene, was that -- i mean, to wear a dress and walk down the aisle, is that exciting? >> yes. >> jimmy: it was? >> it felt too real almost. it was coming to the end of the whole series and sort of felt like, maybe it feels like normal weddings, i don't know. but it wasn't just about me and him, like, god, you guys, awesome, good job. it was like, we made it.
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so it felt great. like a real ceremony. >> jimmy: and rob was here and rob said that the love making scene was -- he said that you were trying to -- >> i don't like those words. >> jimmy: love making? all right, let's say the sex humping scene. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: was -- well, it was -- i thought it was pretty explicit. i was surprised. but he said it was even more explicit than we saw and that you wanted it to be but somebody came in and regulated, put a stop to all the thrusting. >> he's the thruster. i'm just -- not me. >> jimmy: i always thought of him as the thruster. >> yeah, it's weird. like what givens you that, what tips you over. >> jimmy: what takes you from a pg-13 to r rating? what does? did they ever really -- >> like -- noises. if you see the result of -- for example, if you are going to use
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the blood, you know, you can't see dripping blood or you can't see, like -- a lot of -- i can be wrong but if you hear a scream, like, and then drippi p blood, it's not okay. if you take the scream out, it's not as scary, something like that. you know what's going on if you go -- >> jimmy: yeah, so you have to keep it quiet. >> exactly. >> jimmy: like teenagers in the backseat of the car while mom and dad are still in it. >> sure. totally. >> jimmy: well -- we have a clip from the film. would you like to set this up. do you know what this is? >> yeah. big turning point in bella's life. she's pregnant and -- happens very fast. it look down to a -- >> jimmy: we're going to see that part. >> okay, go for it. run it. >> jimmy: run it. >> how many days has it been since the wedding? >> 14, why? tell me what's going on.
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>> i'm late. my period's late. >> it's not possible. can this happen? >> jimmy: yes, it can happen. i happen to know that for a fact. not only can it happen -- apparently there's a company that's making -- have you seen this? making cookies. this is some sort of official merchandise. that's you and rob and your little vampire baby. >> oh, sweet. >> jimmy: isn't that adordable? great to see you. congratulations on everything. kristen stewart, everybody. the movie opens next friday november 18th. we'll be right back with jon bernthal. hohohohohohoholidays?
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>> jimmy: hi there. still to come, fusic from feist. our next guest spends his sundays fighting off zombies. he is one of the stars of "the walking dead." watch it on amc sunday nights atsat 9:00. please say hello to jon bernthal. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome. nice to meet you. congratulations on the show. it's great.
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it's become like almost -- it seems like an instant cult classic this show. >> we're having a lot of fun. i just want to tell you off the jump man, i want to tell you that i'm so grateful to be here. and i grew up watching arsenio hall religiously and i always wandered what the guests went through right before they walked out. and now i figured it out. you stand there in sheer terror. like, completely -- >> jimmy: you don't seem -- >> i'm cool, man. i got to say, howard stern is dead on right about you because your people have been calling me all day making me feel at ease and make me feel good and you're a stand-up guy. >> jimmy: thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> i just want to tell you that. >> jimmy: you're giving me a lot of credit for the four seconds we've been together. maybe i'm a real jerk. >> no, no. >> jimmy: are you trying to get me to give you a go cart? >> i saw him riding out there. i definitely want one. >> jimmy: congratulations again.
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>> thank you. >> jimmy: this show is -- i know it's like enormously popular. >> yeah, man. >> jimmy: are people mentioning it to you all the time? >> all the time. i -- i just had a little boy -- >> jimmy: congratulations. [ applause ] what's his name? >> henry whalen. he and my wife are watching right now. i love you guys. but i wanted to say that she gave birth out here in los angeles and i was in georgia shooting the show and i was covered in blood and mud and i went to check on my docks in my trailer and my phone was ringing. y i grabbed the phone. she said, my water broke. what does that mean? i don't know. andrew lincoln, he didn't know, either. he said, get on a plane right now! i'll take over. just go. so, i high tailed it to the airport. call mill brother tom, i need a flight to l.a. he got me a ticket because he's a great brother. there was one seat left, the middle seat in the back of the plane and there was this
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enormous guy that i was going to be sitting next to. all right, that's cool. i'll ride in the bathroom to see my son born. doesn't matter. we'll cuddle. it will be good. as he saw me walking down the aisle, i saw that he was eyeballing me, man. and he looked at me, he said, shane? is that shane from "the walking dead?" he goes, oh, snap. i know what we're going to do. i got the dvd, man. we're about to do some behind the scenes. and the guy made me watch the entire first season. and i'm thinking, i got five hours to sort of prepare for fatherhood to remove myself from the zombie apocalypse, you know? he asked me one question. the same question. he said, so, so, shane, he called me shane the whole time. he said, this part here, was this filmed in atlanta. i go, yeah, man, the entire thing was. okay, but this part right here was that filmed in atlanta? i'm like, cedric, the entire thing was filmed in atlanta, dude. we made friends and i got there in time. >> jimmy: well, that's good. i'm surprised you didn't name your son cedric.
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i heard you were a baseball player. >> yeah. >> jimmy: in russia. >> yeah. >> jimmy: they have baseball in russia? >> they do, strangely enough. baseball is much different thing in russia than in america. guys smoke cigarettes on the field. i don't think they've done that in america since the days of honus wagner. i did. i played pro baseball in russia. i was only a -- i would be -- i would be talking highly of myself to say i was a mediocre cleej jet baseball player here. i played over there. and it's strange. i don't know anything about polo here in america besides watching "pretty woman" but i feel like in russia we had nice uniforms, team buses and the stadiums were full but they didn't sell any tickets and we got paid. so, i'm not sure how they generated any revenue. but they called them new rich russians who are basically mob guys who would go with their
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model girlfriends, eat hog dogs and watch baseball. jshg american entertainment for them? >> i think so. >> jimmy: and did you dominate the league? >> absolutely not. i could never hit the ball well. >> jimmy: did they expect you would? >> they definitely did. what's the matter? and the first time i took batting practice, the ball just sort of dribbled out to the pitcher's mound. not much to see. >> jimmy: were they nice to you? >> very nice. great way to see the country and i love russia and i love the russian people and i -- that really straightened me out. >> jimmy: well, russia always does. >> yes, it did. >> jimmy: the show is a very gory, does your -- does your mom watch the show? >> she does. she does. >> jimmy: she has to, right? >> yeah, it's cool. this is the first show that i've been on that my friends and family all watch, you know? i was on a show before that they absolutely did not watch. they absolutely did not like it and i remember a couple
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thanksgivings ago, we were going around the table saying what we were thankful for. my uncle steve said, i just want to be thankful for the network that cancelled jon's show so i don't have to feel bad for watching it. it's cool because -- >> jimmy: uncle steve approves? >> he does, man. and i think that it's cool because my friends and family do really dig it. the only downside of that is, i get texts all night when i'm trying to sleep from work from my friends being, hey, you were great in the show tonight but you still suck or -- >> jimmy: well, those are your friends. turn off the phone. >> it's my alarm clock. i have a phone from 1987. >> jimmy: the show is called "the walking dead." sundays ats 9:00 on amc. jon bernthal, everybody. thank you, jon. we'll be right back with feist.
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>> jimmy: that is their new album. it's called "metals." here with the song "how come you never go there," feist.
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♪ ♪ how come you never go there ♪ how come i'm so alone there ♪ how come you never go there ♪ how come i'm so alone there ♪ i went up to a window ♪ lightning banging on the similar balls ♪ ♪ i ripped into the night ♪ came storm into your eyes ♪ my horse had worked the fields too long ♪ ♪ my bear had lost its innate calm ♪ ♪ it's true enough we're not at peace ♪ ♪ but peace is never what it seems ♪ ♪ our love is not the light it was ♪ ♪ when i walk inside the dark i'm calm ♪ ♪ where we look for we meet ♪ it only echoes in the mello mellody ♪ ♪ how come you never go there
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♪ how come i'm so alone there ♪ ♪ ♪ we waste time on blame and away revenge ♪ ♪ waste energy and projections ♪ we're living proof ♪ we got to let go ♪ and stop looking through the halo ♪ ♪ you carry on as if our time is through ♪ ♪ you carry on as if i don't love you ♪ ♪ and so we find the way is out ♪ ♪ to cut the heart out of the doubt now ♪ ♪ the room's full but hearts are empty ♪ ♪ like the letters never sent me ♪ ♪ words are like a lasso ♪ you're an instrumental tune
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♪ ♪ how come you never go there ♪ how come i'm so alone there ♪ how come you never go there ♪ how come i'm so alone there ♪ how come you never go there ♪ how come i'm so alone there ♪ how come you never go


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