tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 19, 2012 12:00am-1:05am PDT
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>> thank you for watching abc news. we hope you check in with "good morning america." jimmy kimmel up next. see you tomorrow, good night, america. up next on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> jimmy: the deadline to file your tax returnses with last night at midnight. don't worry, the irs never checks anyway. >> jennifer love hewitt. >> that looks like a horror movie photo. >> georgia pellegrini. andababababababababababababababb
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i'm the host. thank you for watching. thanks to you guys for coming to visit us here in hollywood. just so you know this is being taped for tv. we are on a television show right now. hey, i'd like to start tonight with legal news. one of the all time great lawsuits is under way. there is a legal battle between the singer trey songs and the guy from the reality show storage wars over who owns the word yup. apparently, you can fight over the word yup. and the storage war guy said he started it. once again, trey songs. >> yep. >> and david hester. >> yup. >> to me that sounds like a yep.
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can you imagine the judge who went to the settle this. it's yup, by wait, with three us. and when i see when with a yup shirt, i say, are you a trey songs fan or a storage fan. who is buying stuff with the word yup on it. this has to go down as the lamest rap feud in history. i mean, what happened to people shooting each other. i know the supreme court is deciding on the full care act. i have to be a personally affected by it. because i used to say yup long before -- i uncovered on old home video. this is my as a kid. >> jimmy, did you feed the dog
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again? >> yup. >> jimmy: our sushi supply has been compromise. the problem is, they are mislabeling fish. you think you are getting a piece of halibut, you are getting carnival goldfish. and that is not good. "a," you are getting ripped off and "b," some fish can make you sick. our local fox news stopped by a restaurant. and a reporter almost got one. >> did do you ever think about the seafood you buy in a grocery store, that it might be mislabeled. >> yeah, everything is good. everything is good. >> everything is good here. do you think about it when you go to a grocery store and say, i want red snapper. i wonder if this is red snapper at the grocery store. >> yep. >> right, exactly. >> i'm sorry. i'm really drunk right now.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's -- he's drunk on schlits. our president launched a campaign called latinos for obama. the idea was to get latinos to rally around him. they launched a campaign. and in 2008, obama won two-thirds of the latino votes. and today, the romney campaign release the an their own ad aimed at the democratic. and who knows. >> hola. i'm mitt romney. [ speaking foreign language ]
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mitt romney. approval, gusto approval. [ applause ] >> jimmy: good? what do you think? >> no. >> jimmy: no good? there is work to do, i guess. mid romney is getting a lot of heat from animal loves. along time ago, he put his dog seamus in a pet area, and strapped the carrier to his roof for a road trip. and now president obama n his memoir, he talked about his childhood in indonesia living with his stepfather, lo lo, he said when he was 8 years old, lo lo introduced him to a number of unusual meat, including dog.
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our president ate dog. not only that, according to the book, he also ate snake. >> grasshopper. and his mother was looking if ar tiger. he was eating through noah's ark. but the dog thing, maybe that is where the floppy ears come from. this is not something that someone dug up on him. this was in a book the president wrote himself. how did we miss this? if ryan seacrest wrote a book and said he ate dog, we would know about it. i guess you are on team dog your dog to the roof or throw him on the hibachi. this is from a nationals reds baseball game in washington, d.c. john popper from the band blues traveler played "god bless
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america" on his harmonica. pay attention to the guy with the eye drops here. ♪ [ laughter ] hard to get them -- you want to get the eye drops through the sunglasses. you have to squeeze really hard. the deadline to file your tax tu returns was last night at mitt night. if you forget, don't worry. the irs never checks. gary busey has some tips. it's gary busey's tax tips. >> i'm from texas. you put the letter "e" between "t" and "a."
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that will pay taxes in a fundamental way. and just show them your shirt, show them yourself and scream, remember the alamo! [ applause ] >> jimmy: this guy -- i believe that is the reason why gary was not invited to participate in celebrity week on "wheel of fortune." a woman in cincinnati hasn't been able to speak for the last 15 years. she was in a car accident. and she was in a super market. and a woman handed her a card with a doctor's name and he mimics the technology to make jet engines go. and al 3 1/2 decades, she has his voice back. >> jan lost her voice in a car accident, that was 35 years ago. now, after 33 years of marriage, she can finally talk to her husband and family. >> i said, none of my family has
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heard my original voice, accept for my mother. >> that is amazing. >> jimmy: things just got a little weird in the bedroom. here is a -- [ applause ] thank you. we worked for almost a minute on that. i saw this clip on youtube last night. this is a 3-year-old girl anytimed keerston. she didn't want to take her bowl to the sink when she was done eating. so her father was smart enough to break out the video camera. keerston will one day win an academy award. >> what's the problem? >> i can't lift it. >> you can't lift it up? >> no! >> try again. you are almost to the sink. >> i can't do it! i can't do it.
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>> that looks like it's very heavy. i think you can do it though, i think you can lift it up to the sink. and you can help clear the table. >> i'm not big enough. >> i think you can do it. you are big. you can do it. oh. you want to the try again? maybe take your thumb out of your mouth and do it -- okay, let's go, put it in the sink. >> i can't do it. >> oh. >> you did it! >> daddy! >> it was so heavy? >> jimmy: oh, yeah, regular vin diesel. here's some potentially disturbing news for the people of glendale, california.
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anyone here from glendale? it's not far from us. kim kardashian has announced her intoengs run for mayor of glendale. for real, like. here she is explaining the plan to her sister. >> i decided i'm going to run for the mayor of glendale. >> i want to be the mayor of dallas. >> you have to have full residency in glendale. >> this is the ross perot museum. >> you are not letting me over! >> so i have to buy a house there. >> you have to have residency there? >> uh-huh. i'm going to -- park here. noel and i are going to look into the requirements and she is going to help me with the campaign. >> that is so cool.
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>> jimmy: how is kim kardashian going to win an election? she came in 11th on "dances w s with the stars." we elected conan the barbarian oz governor. this is the current mayor of glendale. do you see, frank is not a bad looking guy himself. while you might not think a kardashian would get a lot of support for a mayor, there is one man that is excited about it and that is jake dird. jake is very, very enthusiastic and today, he stationed himself outside the glendale galleria to get people fired up. ♪
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is. >> are you registered voters? do you care about the future of glendale? i have to get everyone's signature to get kim on the ballot. where you from? >> philippines. >> philippines. it's not a real place. we need to get her on the ballot and kick out frank. have you seen him naked? he is not trying. that is what he looks like. in the buff. we saw her in the movie kissing peepee. do you want a mayor that looks like that? >> no. >> we need her to fill that seat. and she can fill that seat. and she can bang a gavel. these aren't jokes.
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if these were jokes, i would say, how many kim kardashians does it take to screw in a light bulb? none there are no black light bulbs. i'm sorry. you got stuff all over it. if you would like to donate to kim's super pac, you can just shove it in her mouth. shove it in the mouth. all the doe rations are made out of restraining orders. this is why we should vote for kim. really big eye, takes care of her teeth. enjoys making love. she is short, will live a long time. you know what kim is? he is a job creating. all kinds of jobs, you know what i mean? all kinds of jobs. and a big fatty. she is the daughter of robert
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kardashian, the guy that made o.j. not guilty. she has an angry ster that can beat up five guys. >> kim kardashian is an outstanding human being i. she is a transgendered female. >> another kim fan. once she is her -- >> this mall represents everything we are about. makeup stores. >> that's right. >> get a load of the johnson on that broad? she has been with a lot of athletes, reggie bush, miles austin. shoeless joe jackson. secretariat. serena and venus williams, butterbean and rudy. she loves sports. stay with me.
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>> kim kardashian cares. >> remember, kkk, kim kardashian kares. >> how did it get off the ground? >> what is your favorite kim kardashian tweet? >> mine is omg. these cupcakes are amaze balls. i love when you used this in "up." do you guys like candy? do you want candy? thank you. and kim is not committed to any party. she is the party. get the hell out of here. [ applause ] >> jimmy: jake bird, everybody. muse frick jason mraz and chef
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that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more... you make it special. pure hershey's. roll up your sleeves. sift and pour. sneak a treat. crave for more. what's your nook? nook tablet. get it at your neighborhood barnes and noble. i'm going to lunch. those days are gone now. i'm going with her. i don't want to be chicken... i want to eat it. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's all-white meat premium chicken sandwich and the juicy 100% angus third pounder. it's your lunch. take it. let'all we need is a couple end. 100of gallons of ournder. hardest-working paint... ...from the get-it-done place that gives us more top-rated brands than anywhere else... prices that won't shake up our budget. let's make a one-wall statement... ...or tackle a total room takeover ...with paint that'll get the job done
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in fewer trips up and down the ladder. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. the number one brand of paint just got better. starting at $23.98. tonight on the program a very interesting chef, she hunts the animals she cooks. this is her book, "girl hunter: revolutionizing the way we eat." one hunt at at time. georgia pellegrini is here. like if wolfgang puck and sarah palin had a baby together, this is the book they would write. we are going to make wild boar meatballs. gairl guillermo, have you ever eaten wild boar? >> no. >> jimmy: do you know what a wild boar is?
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>> no. >> jimmy: you are being one now. and music from this album, it's called "love is a four letter world," came out yesterday. jason mraz on the bud light outdoor stage. we have a good show tomorrow night, gabourey sidibe. morning sperlock and music from casabian. our first guest has come a long way from the sweet girl she played on "party of five." you can see her now on the single mom/erotic masseuse on "the client list." please say hello to jennifer love hewitt. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hey. >> jimmy: very good to have you here. were you massaging today? were you hard at work? >> no, there were other scenes but no massaging. no happy endings today. just this.
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>> jimmy: how sad for us. the last month or so, lifetime -- i don't know if it's the same in other cities around the country, but here in l.a. has been running maybe the greatest ad campaign i've ever seen for a television show, which is -- they have been doing it in magazines too -- just this poster of you. in lingerie. [ applause ] and then i was looking at the back of "entertainment weekly" and they had this version of it. the taliban came and cleaned things up. >> i know. kind of wild, right? >> jimmy: that is a violation, right? >> most people want bigger boobs. i've never heard of making them smaller. >> jimmy: no. it should be a felony. and right across the street on hollywood boulevard, this giant -- i don't know if this picture does -- i crashed my car four different times coming into
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work because of this billboard. >> i got a tweet from a guy who is, like, it looks like you're trying to breast-feed me in traffic. i was, like, thanks. then hash tag, i'm thirsty. ewww! >> jimmy: babies must get really hungry when they drive by this billboa billboard. that is a very smooth pickup line. it's thirsty. >> i know, guys come up to me and are like, can i be on your list? and i try to laugh it off, like, oh, that's funny. and i get in the car and i go, do they realize what being on my list means? they are asking for a situation. >> jimmy: yeah. yeah, they do. >> that is not a classy move, dude. >> jimmy: well, the promotional campaign is clearly working and the show is doing well. >> it is. and we are really excited and i feel lucky to have an awesome, fun job. >> jimmy: have members of your
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family seen these advertisements? >> they have. i have heard from people i haven't heard from in years. they're, like, your boobs are right outside my window. i say, oh, thank you. we thank you. my family is proud. thank god nothing has been put up in my grandmother's neighborhood. i'm garateful for that. she asked me, what are you wearing in the posters? and i said, i'm wearing a bathing suit. so she said that is great. she said, is it in spring? oh, yeah, it's in spring. don't worry about it. >> jimmy: what do you think when you see yourself? that has to be weird, right? >> it's weird. it's odd. i feel like i'm going to be sad when they take them down. it's nice. >> jimmy: we are all sad about it. they took the big one down across the street from us. >> i know! so soon. >> jimmy: we're considering filing suit. but we have a little surprise
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for you. we saw they were taking it down and we were able to actually take one part of the -- [ cheers and applause ] we were able to get one square. so there's -- i don't know if you want this for your home. >> no! seriously, that looks like a horror movie blown up. >> jimmy: not to me, it doesn't. i like to imagine people tuning in just right now. >> they are like, king kong's or something. let's just not. >> jimmy: should we send it to your grandma? we'll put it on her lawn. we'll take this out to your car for you. guillermo, take it to the car for her. >> she'd say, what a beautiful
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painting from a wonderful artist. let's see if she recognizes you. do you know who this is? >> i'll take a picture of her. see if you know who this is. where does your grandmother live? >> in texas. >> jamie: and your character is from texas. >> yeah, i get to use my real accent. >> jimmy: other than that, you don't have a lot in common with the character. when did you move out here? >> i was 10. it's been awhile. >> jimmy: you moved out here -- >> to be in show business. >> jimmy: did you have a job? >> no. i came here to find one. i came out to be here as a singer. and i arrived on my tenth birthday at the holiday inn. >> jimmy: were you alone? >> with my mom. we had cheesecake. >> jimmy: you even remember what you ate that day. >> i got a boom box. my first boom box.
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>> jimmy: was it a giant boom box? >> yeah, yeah. i was, like, l.a. is the place for me. i'm sticking around. >> jimmy: well, we are going to take a break. we'll be back and see some "the client list." an dishes. new grilled chicken parmesan, chicken fresh off the grill as well as grilled shrimp or grilled steak, all with a parmesan crust. passion for parmesan for a limited time only at olive garden. you're probably muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. how far one proglide cartridge could go. so they sent me around the world to find out. one world. 5 weeks. the only thing that didn't change was my razor.
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[ male announcer ] 1 in 6. that's how many struggle with hunger in america. ♪ but what if there was a simple way to feed those in need? now there is. just buy select brands at walmart's low prices during april and you help secure meals for local families. go to facebook and learn more about how you can join the fight. because hunger is a big problem, and it needs a big answer.
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we get their technology and they get our brand of wares. >> it's a win-win for everybody. >> especially the conner office, the senior vp title on the boor. >> well, i know just the guy for the job. >> well that is taking initiative. >> all in a hard day's work, sir. >> jimmy: that is the "client list." jennifer love hewitt.
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were you embarrassed by that? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: but not that over there. >> no, following that big boob picture. i'm classy. >> jimmy: how does it work? did you do a ride along with a masseu masseuse. >> they were like, do you want to meet people who -- people who do happy endings and i was like, no, i don't. i can just fake it. i can -- no. >> jimmy: you are not going to gather much information. do the writers of the show use the excuse to go to these places. >> i don't know. but so many people told me strange places where this happens. >> jimmy: really? >> in l.a. >> jimmy: can we map it out now? >> i wasn't aware how much that
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really happens. >> jimmy: how much happens? >> a lot. >> jamie: well, you have a four square or something. >> i will tweet you. >> jimmy: do people expect massages now? >> yeah, people are like, hey, do you learn anything? i'm a little sore and i'm like, i'm exhausted. and all my girlfriend want my lingerie. they are like, my husband or my boyfriend -- >> jimmy: you need a new set of friends. do you give them stuff? >> yeah, why not? they can have it. >> jimmy: it's not like you wear it over and over again. i'm guessing that is what happens in places like that. things start to fray. the guys on the show that come? -- >> pretty hot, right. >> jimmy: they are a bunch of b
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abercrombie & fitch guys. >> that is in my contract. must be abercrombie & fitch. and the guys -- we wanted the ladies to have stuff. >> jimmy: it is a lifetime show. that seems fair. >> it balances out. >> jimmy: so does a newt gingrich come in? rub all over this? there is a young lady coming out in a few moments who kills and cooks her food. >> i love to cook. >> jimmy: do you like to kill? >> no, no, i go to the store. i'm a big cart, walk through, pick up the stuff kind of person. >> jimmy: what sort of stuff do you cook? >> i'm really good at risotto. >> jimmy: that is a hard thing
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to make. >> and baking. i'm really good at cupcakes. i just learned -- this is for the ladieladies. they did a survey, and they did a survey of 100 men and the number one scent that turns them on was cinnamon rolls. and i went out with vanilla extract behind my ears and men are like, you smell amazing. i spend thousands of dollars on perfume. all i have to do is open my pantry. >> jimmy: just what you need, more strange guys chasing after you. >> i know, it's a theme. >> jimmy: the billboard isn't enough. well, it's great to sue. congratulations on the success of shoet. called "the client list." see it on lifetime. we will be right back with
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georgia pellegrini. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ imagine your teeth are giant glass sculptures covered in yellow berets. most whitening toothpastes only remove stains from the surface of your teeth, but there's also a layer beneath called dentin. dentin discolors over time. rembrandt deeply white toothpaste uses the same enamel-safe whitening ingredient dentists use to noticeably whiten teeth from the inside and out. and new from rembrandt -- quick dissolving strips that easily remove tough stains.
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so they♪re always fresh, always comfortable. ♪ ♪ take a step. have a look. explore it all. find your nook. what's your nook? nook tablet. get it at your neighborhood barnes and noble. so i get claritin clear. ♪ i can see clearly now the rain is gone ♪ look! see that? this is all bayberry, and bayberry pollen is very allergenic. non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms for 24 hours... you guys doing good? ... including itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. and only claritin is proven to keep me as alert and focused as someone without allergies. ♪ it's gonna be bright bright sunshiny day ♪ live claritin clear with non-drowsy claritin.
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>> jimmy: hello, we are back. jason mraz is on the way. up next, a chef who packs a powerful gun with her knives. please welcome georgia pellegri pellegrini. how are you? >> great. >> jimmy: did you grow up hunting? >> i grew up fishing but my dad is a vegan. >> jimmy: oh. >> but he can salivate when i bring him in pheasant. >> jimmy: you go out and shoot it on your own. >> yeah, i wanted to pay the
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full price of a meal and i rolled up my sleeves and went into the woods. >> jimmy: a lot of people and say, it's disgusting, vicious. but the fact of the matter is, somebody killed what you are eating if you are eating meat. so what was the first animal that you killed? >> turkey. i was cooking at a restaurant and we had to kill the turkeys. and my first wild animal was a turkey in the mississippi river. >> jimmy: did you drown it? >> no i missed it. >> jimmy: you shoot with shotgun, i presume. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what are we are going to make tonight? >> i figure, with reboth italian, we will make meatballs in. is wild boar. >> >> jimmy: did you shoot that yourself? >> that was actually in the streets of l.a. >> jimmy: you shot a boar in the streets? >> no, i have been known to put boar in my suitcase.
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but that came from texas. >> jimmy: have you really? >> yeah, froze it in my suitcase. and check in security. >> jimmy: they don't have a probe you going through with that? >> they just look at me funny. it's frozen. they walk the other way. >> jimmy: do you travel with boar. and this boar has been -- this is what it looks like to start. >> yeah. it's a lot leaner than regular pig would be. we are going to add fun, zesty ingredien ingredients. you are a good good. >> jimmy: yeah, and i dump things that are premeasured in a bowl. >> i want to you crack eggs. >> jimmy: they can i do. should we shoot these? >> do we put those in there. >> the shells add the labor anyway. we do herbs, harsparsley, basil
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>> jimmy: what if people don't have the wild boar. >> you can substitute. there is leaner boar. >> jimmy: they are leaner because they are running from you. >> they have athletes. lots of muscle. >> jimmy: all of the recipes in the book. balsamic booer heart. >> one of my favorites is the squirrel. >> jimmy: the squirrel dumplings. >> if i made squirrel for you, you would be bonkers. it's some of best meat in the woods. >> jimmy: some of the best meat in the woods. what is the best animal you have eaten? >> you are what you it. i say squirrel. they eat nuts. >> jimmy: if you eat squirrel, imagine how delicious you would
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be. what else? buttermilk fried rabbit. i love fried anything. curried pigeon. can you go in central park and grab a pigeon and eat it? >> well, you are what you eat. you have to think what it's been eating. >> jimmy: cigarettes. >> yeah it can be flavorful. >> jimmy: coot legs and curry. >> you can make it taste good with a good marinade. i'm mixing it up and we are going to meat the meatballs. we are going to make little balls. about two inches the like that. >> jimmy: boar balls. >> yeah. >> jimmy: guillermo v you ever
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eaten boar balls? >> no. >> jimmy: guillermo is disturbed over there. he doesn't like eating stuff like that. he likes tongue. >> yeah. >> so nice and compact. >> jimmy: here, taste one of those, will you? what do you think? >> it's okay. >> jimmy: we have to cook them first, guillermo. what kind of oil are you cooking in? >> i'm using grape seed oil. it has a higher smoking point. so it gets things golden brown. >> jimmy: you can make it hotter. we have these in here. >> we are going saute them on all sides. and one troik get them nice and round is to put them in the refrigerator first so it --
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>> jimmy: keeps their shape. thank you very much. all right. and now -- >> so we are going start to toss them around and let them brown. and nen adds they brown, we actually add a little sauce. >> jimmy: right into the pan? >> yeah, and this is your homemade sauce. if you want to be fancy about it. >> jimmy: if you are browning all boar, should you do a homemade sauce. don't pour prego on that thing. >> you can use prega if you are in a rush. and you just get them -- over them up zwl. >> jimmy: that is what they look like when they are done. >> over pasta. >> jimmy: any pasta. >> have a taste. >> jimmy: don't eat the raw ones. >> we have plates if you want. you can just use your hands. >> jimmy: there you go. all right. let's try them off the plate and
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see how they taste. all right. you did not kill this boar so you cannot vouch for it. >> i didn't bring it in my suitcase. >> jimmy: i'm going to taste it. >> wow. >> you like boar now? >> jimmy: it's delicious, delicious depth. it's actually very good. [ applause ] is it better for you than -- >> it is, it's very lean. >> jimmy: it's very hot and burning me all wait down my body. i feel like the inside of a volcano right now. thank you very much, georgia. this is interesting. if you want to kill some stuff this is the way to cook it. find the repies on your remember site. girl hunter, available now. georgia pellegrini. we will be right back with jason mraz.
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it's like watching the night sky ♪ ♪ or a beautiful sunrise there's so much they hold ♪ ♪ and just like them old stars i see that you've come so far ♪ ♪ to be right where you are how old is your soul ♪ ♪ well i won't give up on us even if this sky gives way ♪ ♪ i've given you all my love i'm still looking up ♪
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♪ and when you're needing your face can do some navigating ♪ ♪ i'll be here patiently waiting to see what you find ♪ ♪ see then the stars they burn some even fall to the earth ♪ ♪ we got a lot to learn god knows we're worth it ♪ ♪ no i won't give up ♪ i don't want to be someone who walks away so easily and sees
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the difference that i can make ♪ ♪ i just assume they do a lot to teachers how to use the tools that god gave ♪ ♪ we got a lot at stake ♪ and in the end it's still my friend at least we don't break, we don't burn ♪ ♪ we have to learn how to bend without the world kaying ine c♪ ♪ i have to learn what i got in who i am ♪ ♪ i won't give up on us ♪ even if the skies get rough ♪ i've given you all of love still looking out still looking up ♪
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