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tv   Assignment 7  ABC  May 6, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm PDT

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about myself, where i'm at. i've never been in this kind of shape. >> c'mon, keep going, keep going, keep going! pump through it! pump through it! ...c'mon, your legs, your abs and your shoulders are all working, but look at the control in the body. can frickin' do it! so work! [♪...] ...with insanity, it's not about how many reps you can do. it's about doing the best that you can do. these guys are doing power jumps. darren, he's going super fast, he's really fit, he's been doing insanity for a while. leah, she's going a little bit slower, she just started insanity. that's the beauty of insanity. there's only one number that counts. 100, as in 100%. >> with insanity, i've found that from the first minute that i started it, i was in for a challenge. i started off weighing 212 pounds. after 60 days, i was back into a size 32 waist. i actually was fitting into the same size that i wore in high school. there's no gimmicks, there's no weights, there's no bands,
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there's nothing. it's you, your body and listening to what shaun t. says. >> is that body changing? c'mon, ready? drill down! back! four push-ups! c'mon! four! three! >> let me just show you what i've done... and i'm really proud of the way i look today, as a 47-year-old guy. this is a program that i will never stop. when i look at myself in the mirror now, i do not see the same person. the face is different. the body is totally different. to go from being out of shape to the best shape of my life is just phenomenal. >> if you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror and you're not doing anything about it, that's crazy. it's insane, especially when the body that you want is only two months away. [bang, cracking...] >> announcer: you want insane results in 60 days? you won't get them by watching
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insanity... you got to do it. >> first time i saw the insanity infomercial was probably two years ago. now here, two years later, i'm standing in front of those same cameras doing the same infomercial. i'm living proof that you can do it. >> announcer: it's time to take the insanity challenge. time to stop wishing you had a great body and start working for it. yes, insanity is a challenge-- probably the hardest workout ever put on dvd. >> every day was a struggle but i pushed myself and i got further and further. >> announcer: there's a method behind the madness... shaun t.'s max interval training. traditional interval workouts feature extended periods of moderate exercise interspersed with short bursts of intense effort. but shaun flipped that on its head. with max interval training, you do extended bursts of intense exercise and only stop long enough to catch your breath. >> how's max interval training feel? >> whoo! >> announcer: this revolutionary training method produces record-setting results. with max interval training, you can lose 30 pounds
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in only 60 days. >> in the first 60 days, i lost 38 pounds. >> announcer: that's a year's worth of results in just two months' time. so... choosing insanity's not so crazy after all. and with insanity, you don't need to spend endless hours in the gym to get results. it's about 40 minutes a day right in your own home. in month 1, you'll do five different max interval workouts: plyo for sculpted legs and glutes... resistance moves for upper body definition... pure cardio that melts fat like butter... insane abs for a crazy core. and once a week, recovery-- at least that's what they call it-- but it doesn't mean you won't sweat. in month 2, you'll dig even deeper, with four new workouts that will leave you standing in a puddle of sweat: max interval circuit, max interval plyo, max cardio conditioning and max recovery. the intervals are longer. the rest periods aren't. hey, it's called insanity for a reason.
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>> insanity is... insane. insane! >> announcer: we'll also include four free gifts. you get the insanity wall calendar-- shaun shows you which workouts to do each day so you get the most insane results... >> i did it! >> announcer: the fitness guide walks you through your 60-day transformation step by step. it's short and to the point-- we want you sweating, not reading. >> one of my favorite things about the workout really was how simple everything was. >> announcer: the elite nutrition plan supplies the fuel your body needs for your insanity workouts. you'll be eating five meals a day so your metabolism skyrockets! >> i didn't really know what eating good consisted of until i started following the nutritional guide. >> announcer: plus you get free online support from shaun t and thousands of men and women just like you who are starting the insanity challenge every day. insanity comes with everything you need to succeed, and sold separately, the insanity system would cost over $500. but you won't pay $500-- not even close.
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order now and insanity is yours for only three payments of $39.95. but call in the next 8 minutes and you'll also receive two free bonus workouts: core, cardio and balance, with insane sports drills so your body moves as good as it looks... and shaun t's fit test that you take every two weeks to track your insane progress. on day 1, you'll be humbled. on day 60, you'll be ripped. and don't go crazy waiting weeks for insanity to arrive. order now and you'll receive a free upgrade to express delivery, so you can start sweating in just three to five business days. >> i was drenched after about six minutes. >> announcer: insanity comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. if it's too tough for you, no problem. at least you tried. send it back and we'll refund the entire purchase price. but if you've got what it takes to conquer the insanity challenge, send us your before and after photos and we'll send you this free t-shirt. you can't buy it in stores.
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but you can earn it. >> here's proof that i earned this t-shirt. >> announcer: so take the insanity challenge. commit 60 days of your life to getting in the best shape of your life. anything else is insane. >> the only way this program does not work is if you don't do it-- that's the only way. if you press play every day, you're gonna see some results. >> announcer: call now. [♪...] call the number on your screen. [♪...] the preceding has been a paid presentation for insanity, brought to you by beachbody.
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the daring move some homeowners are risking when their mortgage goes under water.
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ha you called to switch us to anthem yet? honey, how can i call now, i can barely hear a thing with amber's band practicing. ♪ you're right, we've had enough. but i know exactly what to do. you take care of the music and i'll switch us to anthem. sometimes you just have to pull the plug. ♪ sorry, grandpa, we'll try to keep it down. i just... give it to me. ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you're still more rocker than rocking chair...
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that are just right for you. we have plans with no copays, no deductibles, and lifetime coverage. you may even qualify for one of our guaranteed acceptance plans. if you're eligible for medicare or will be soon, you can schedule an in home visit or get answers right over the phone. call anthem blue cross today at 1-877-230-6352. that's 1-877-230-6352. >> eric: have you heard the term strategic default. that is when a homeowner chooses not to make payments. michael finney takes a look at it. >> reporter: david is showing me around his condominium complex. it is beautiful, well maintained and his one bedroom unit is very nice, too. >> over the five-year period
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from november 2005 through the current time period, the value unfortunately has dropped $300,000 on paper to $130,000 market value. >> wow! >> he attempted to work with his lender asking to reduce the interest rate or the principal but every time he called he got the same answer. >> me told me i make too much money. every phone call, was answered you make too much money. >> reporter: stuck with a home that was so far underwater he started looking for solutions and found this website. you walk helps walk homeowners through the default and short sale process. they offer several levels have services and charge different prices. he is paying about $1,000 for their help. >> i had to be a victim or be pro-active. i chose to be pro-active and
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move on. >> reporter: that is why his condominium has been cleaned up and cleaned out. >> people facing this are freaking out what is going to happen. some of the people call in thf o the sheriff is going to come the next day. >> reporter: chad is co-owner of you walk he says that does not happen. but most homeowners who have the original mortgage will have eight months a year, sometimes longer before they have to move. even then, all of them will receive three months warning of an option. >> you have to look at it as a business transaction. a debt collateralized with property. so when the homeowner enters it with the bank. what they are saying the agreement is, it's a legal one, if i don't make the payments you get the house back. >> reporter: this website payer has been said up by an
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attorney. it helps consumers decide if strategic default is for them. he warns it isn't for everyone. >> if you have multiple refinances and multiple mortgages, those are red flags. >> reporter: he suggests a conversation with an attorney, even a short one is worth your time and money. that brings us back to david. >> i would advise somebody in my situation if you truly feel at wit's end and upside-down in your property, i'm 60% upside-down, there are ways to get help and there are ways to seek remedy. you just have to do your research. >> eric: still ahead the amazing story and life of a one time guitar player stricken by lou gehrig's disease. lifelong friends how the struggle with a life-threatening disease forever changes the
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lives of two young women.
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>> eric: a richmond musician that has defied the odds of medicine is the traffic is new documentary. we've been following the
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remarkable of the life of jason becker more than a decade. ♪ >> there is nobody better than that. >> people hear them and they say what the heck was that. >> he could play it that way. >> he was on his way to becoming a really big rock star. >> reporter: but that didn't happen. at age 20 jason becker was diagnosed with als. it slowly robbed him of the ability to control his body. doctors gave him three to five years to live. when we first met him in 1996 he had proven the doctors wrong. now she 42 years old. almost more incredible during all those years, even though jason can't move or speak, he has continued composing spectacular music. ♪
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>> that music has fans all over the world from heavy metal guitar lovers to ballet companies. he talked about why he wanted to make a movie about jason. >> his story isn't just the story of a rock star or trying to realize dreams. it's the story of family and love and triumph over adversity. those are things that are universal. >> dan: the documentary explains how his father made a system of eye movement so he could communicate. >> it's an eye geometry. every letter has a specific angle. >> he spells out his thoughts and they talked about the film. jason becker, not dead yet. >> that is a bold title.
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>> i think it is funny. >> funny, it makes a statement, too. don't write me off. i have a lot of living to do. >> the film shows him come possible go working with his father note by note. >> guitar to computer and wants jason has the notes on the computer he has something to work with and play with. that is his pallet and start to paint his songs. >> strange to city in a movie theater and watch yourself on the big screen? >> nope. >> not a big deal. documentary is an independent production paid for with fund-raising events, contributions from jason's rock star buddies and donations from fans. >> i flew in yesterday from chicago. i came such a long way because jason is a here hero to me.
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>> he a big deal. >> i'm from chile and they talk about jason. >> his family is overwhelm. >> how many people tell him that he has changed their lives in every way. >> dan: through this movie he really wants people to focus on his music and something else. >> that life doesn't turn out the way we planned. sometimes that can be okay. >> dan:. i have known jason for 15 years and it's good to see him. first thing i noticed he looked great. i asked about his health, while he hat not gotten any better he has not gotten any worse. jason becker, certainly not dead yet. in fact, very much alive. >> eric: a long struggle with a life-threatening disease has led to a powerful friendship for two
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young women being treated at stanford. thanks to lucille packard's children's hospital, they are looking forward to bright futures. >> reporter: they have more in common than most friends, they are both straight "a" students and both are heading off to college and both were born with the same life-threatening disease. >> it's about every day activities. >> they both suffered from cystic fibrosis, a disease that was so severe that was robbing them of the ability to breathe. doctors at children's hospital at stanford told the young women they would each need a double lung transplant. >> had they not gotten a transplant, i don't either one of them would have survived more than a year.
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>> reporter: anna's case was complicated because she needed a liver transplant. so he would have to wait on two lists at the same time. >> the waiting was excruciating. to help them handle the pressure the doctors decided to introduce the two young women who never met in person. >> it was awesome because we were friends. >> their friendship were grown by the time me the were able to exchange the life changing message. >> we talked about what it was like to get the call. she got the call and she had so much excitement. >> i got the call. what! i was really excited.
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>> they would receive transplants within a month of each other. double lung and liver transplant was the first of its kind performed at lucille packard. >> still doesn't feel very good. >> both transplants were successful while emma is loam in lodi, tiffany is making had her recoveryry at ronald mcdonald house. >> i don't think i would be here today so i'm very thankful. thankful for the gift of life and friendship. >> as for the future, emma is starting at u.c. davis and tiffany hopes to some day work at lucille packard.
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>> up [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls.
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>> eric: joyful reunion at a kais kaiser hospital in march. bringing memories back for patients and staff. its an amazing story of a bay area twin who grew up to have twins of her own at the same hospital where she was born. karina rusk has the story. >> she and her brother have a story that goes beyond being twins. their mom is herself a twin. this is video of her as a baby and her brother jane who is now a proud uncle. >> people the store and people at the job. >> there is another twist. had thug at the hospital comes with three decades of history. when she returned where she was born, a nurse made the connection. >> i said okay, you won't believe this. all right.
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i have a patient that i took care of when she was a preemie and her jaws dropped. >> we covered the twins because being a pree, preemie back then was a medical challenge. you might recognize the doctor. >> it was previewable fetus so it gives what our thinking was at the time. >> they reached full term. they were born at 37 weeks and weighed in healthy weight for twins, 5 pounds. >> this reunion celebrated a mother and daughter who had both given birth to twins and kaiser staff that bridged the years. >> back then, it was hard. hopefully it was much easier for my daughter than it was for me. >> reporter: we can't forget michael who did fall in love with ebony and twins of his own. >> in in this as i recall of
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life and blessings, if there is another chapter, we'll be sure to let you know. >> eric: if you would like more information on the stories on our program today, go to our website at look under the news links on the left side for assignment 7.s alo that is all for this edition of assignment 7. i'm eric thomas. thanks for joining us. thanks for joining us. >> ama: live team coverage of the raging fire that destroyed dozens of people homes and injured four san francisco firefighters. >> i put it up and then the guys backed up. >> alan: what happened to the boy has become one of the most talked about stories of the weekend. >> next on abc-7 news.
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-dad, why e you getting that? -that's my cereal. is there a prize in there? oh, there's prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are the great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a perhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪


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