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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 13, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> carolyn: in the news this morning, mayth, the state faces an even greater budget prices. the governor said california's deficit has now grown to $16 billion. and the first day of the amgen tour of california begins in just a few hours in santa rosa before weaving through other parts of the bay area over the next couple days. good morning, everyone, thank for joining us. i'm carolyn tyler. let's start mother's day out with a quick look at the weather. here's our meteorologist lisa argen. >> lisa: good morning, everyone you notice we are starting out with a little bit of a breeze out there. the clouds have moved out across the bay. we are talking about mostly cloudy conditions all throughout the bay except for san jose right any. 55 and clear. 55 in oakland and 49 in santa
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rosa. so visibility with some of the low clouds, a little mist and drizzle at the coast, down to five miles at half moon day, 6 miles in novato. and we will look for a cooler day today. the on-shore breezes and the marine layer has grown taller, it has moved across the bay. we will see high and mid-level clouds. but look at all the 60s and 70s around the bay. a big cool down compared to yesterday and it will continue. the numbers are coming up. >> carolyn: thank you, lease a tomorrow we learn the details behind the state's ballooning $16 billion budget deficit. governor jerry brown announced yesterday the shortfall and nearly twice what was expected and he's warning bigger cuts and higher taxes could be on the way. abc7 news reporter john alston shows us the potential impact. >> reporter: next weekend seniors at san francisco state are set to graduate, but students who still have more time to go are bracing for more cuts and higher tuition.
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students like kenny lee, who is thinking about finding another part-time job. >> i want to get one more part-time job even though i am already working around 15 hours a week now. probably i will ned to get one more just to support myself and to pay my tuition. >> this latest jolt came from governor brown who released this video, announcing that $9 billion budget deficit predicted in january has now ballooned to $16 billion. he says tax revenues have not increased as much as expected because the economy has not bounced back. the governor used the opportunity to make another sales pitch for his november tax initiative. the plan as high income earners to pay up to 3% more in their income taxes for seven years. it would increase sales taxes by one-fourth of one percent for four years. >> without the faction height the governor is warning to deep cuts to public safety and social services programs, as well as to california colleges and schools. the san francisco unified school
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district, which is in the middle of contentious teacher negotiations said it is approaching a worst-case scenario. >> we could be looking at a school day that is nine days shorter than, you know, the regular length of the school year. so that comes -- that would be armageddon, i think, as far as families are concerned. >> republican lawmakers say the higher deficit is not a surprise. >> it's a big number, but we knew it wasn't balanced when it was voted on en a simple majority vote by the democrats. my message has not changed in the six years i've been in the legislature, and that is taxes are not the answer. >> governor brown did not have any specifics about the higher budget deficit. we should find out more on monday when he releases his revised spending plan for the physical year that starts in july n the newsroom, abc7 news. >> carolyn: this morning santa rosa rows is grier up for the first stage of one of the largest cycling race necessary america. the amgen tour of california kicks off at 10:50 in santa
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rosa. tomorrow cyclists will wind their way from san francisco to santa cruz county. on tuesday racers start in san jose and go through central couldn't draw costa county, finishing in livermore. the tour is nothing new to the bay area but there are some new challenges this year, including a cream up mt. diablo. more than 2 million people are expected to line the route statewide this year. the eight-day tour will finish in southern california on may 20th. new this morning a seekling website show federal agents have met with lance armstrong's former team director in an ongoing doping investigation. today's said the cycling major was served a subpoena as soon as i he arrived in the u.s. for the amgen tour. he was armstrong's team manager during his record seven tour de france victories. floyd accused burneal of playing
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a role in a systemic drug scheme. he did not kick off the news conference for the amgen tour. we are wait to go hear from pg&e about the status of the north berkeley bart station where power win out last night. the juice went off about 9:45 and claims it's a pg&e issue. the utility believes the station is the only customer in the area not getting power. last night trains passed through the station without stopping. there's no word on whether service will be affected this morning. occupy the farm protesters say they aren't giving up, even though they have dismantled their encampment this weekend inside the gill tract. that's a patch of land in albany owned by u. c. berkeley. lisa has the details. >> for justice, equity for all people. >> reporter: this meeting's focus is the future of the farm. also known as gill tract. a u. c. berkeley-owned parcel of
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land used by college of natural resources. >> we aren't here to get raided and have it be a spectacle. we are here because we want this land preserved as ag land. >> coral insists that's what it's used for but demonstrators don't believe of it. they moved it put up tents and started farming three weeks ago. and to make access easier they built a ladder and slide as police and security stood by. occupiers got an ultimatum, leave the farm and secure two seats at a u. c.-led meeting for risk prosecution. but the only thing that left the farm were tents and sleeping bags. >> anyone who has gear in the gear cubby, it all came out. >> u. c. has been focusing too much on on the encampment. it's become a contentious activity for them and the researchers so as a movement of good faith we are removing our
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tents. >> we made it clear that we can't do what we need to do with a few dozen untrained and uninvited guests in what is an open air laboratory. >> the demonstrators planned to continue farming the land daily, but some say they will stay with or without tents. >> i would like to be up in a tree to protect the easement. >> the university has fought a lot against more than a dozen of these demonstrators. they are accused of trespassing and of being a nuisance. in albany, abc7 news. >> carolyn: the effort to recall oakland mayor jean quan has failed. the organizer of the recall effort has post add notice on his remove jean quan website stating he was unable to get the required 19,800 signatures. tomorrow is the deadline for submission. former alameda county supervisorser nadia lockier has obtained a restraining order
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against her on and off again lover. she claims she and her husband, bill lockyer, and her son continue to be haunt bid him. on friday he sent sexually graphic video clips involving lock year to a bay area newspaper. he attacked her this year at a hotel but the attorney i don't know general's office decided it will not file charges. a petaluma man has been arrested for driving 104 miles per hour with two kids in the back seat. juan was seen driving into oncoming traffic on lakeville highway yesterday morning. it took officers three miles to catch up to him. he said he was taking his kids to a soccer game and they were late. he was arrested on charges of reckless driving and child endangerment. up next, thousands of angry demon stray stores take to the streets of spain protesting austerity measures. first, the fight over same-sex
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marriage on the road to the white house. does your phone give you all day battery life ? droid does. and does it launch apps by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork. does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america's largest 4glte network and motorola, whatever you want to do... droid does.
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>> carolyn: in spain people are protesting the country's economic and financial woes. they vented their anger over the country's austerity measures. the protests are being held in weekend to mark the one year anniversary of the so-called may 15th movement which inspired similar anti-authority demonstrations throughout the world last year. unemployment in spain is almost 25%. students and faculty at boston university are mourning the deaths of three students who died in a van crash in new deal land. five others were injured in the wreck. the students were enrolled in a boston university study abroad
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prom in auklund. they were traveling too see the volcano where the lord of the rings was filmed. the driver-appeared to veer off the road and overcorrected causing the van to roll. president obama and gop frontrunner mitt romney are on course for a culture war. romney fired another shot some weekenden at the president's public endorsement of same-sex marriage. abc news looks at the local reaction. >> he took a firm stance at life university in virginia found by the late evangelical jerry foul well. >> it is today with the enduring institution of marriage, marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman. [cheers and applause] >> he countered president obama's recent support of same-sex marriage and received huge applause of an audience of 14,000 graduates, hoping to
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cement his mormon religion to beliefs, heed sad. >> there's no greater good than christian conscience in action. >> people have got to wise up to this kind of devious politicking that has nothing to do with faith, belief and religion, but it's all about money and power. reverend amos brown is the president of san francisco's naacp and with the baptist search. >> i'm supportive of the president, he made his decision and i think it's time to get on with dealing with the things that matter. >> brown said the president shows a great deal of courage. reverend will not perform same sex marriages, his personal choice, but he will tell a christian what marriage is. >> it's justice for people who happen to be gays or less by answers to be treated fairly under the law and have equal protection under the law.
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it is mercy less treat people differently. >> some pastors worry about black voter backlash. >> there would be some that will absolutely turn against him, and because again we hear it happening as we speak. >> reverend brown said no one religion has the answers for everyone. >> we live in a nation in which we have freedom of religion and freedom from religion. a recent pew research poll found back in 200867% of african-american voters oppose same-sex marriage. this april that number dropped to 49%. abc7 news. >> carolyn: president obama's historic shift in support of same-sex marriage will be the topic of debate on this week with george stephanopoulos. openly-gay democratic congressman barney frank from massachusetts and republican
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congresswoman marsha blackburn from tennessee will serve up opposing view points. that's coming up at 8:00 this morning in "this ""with george stephanopoulos right here on abc7. happy mother's day to you. our viewers have been posting mother's day photos on our facebook page all week and we want to share a couple with you. linda shared this picture of her mother rose and four generations of their family. and this is her and her mom taken several years ago in san diego. she said she loves her mom very much. and chester sent us this photo of his mom, alberta. he said it was taken on the best christmas ever. and here's mother's day photos from the abc7 news family. you see me and my lovely mom, marianne, taken recently, as well as koreanna and heather with her son henry. you can share your photos at
5:16 am and happy mother's day to you, mom of three. >> lisa: thank you. that's cute, very cute. we have nice weather around the bay although kind of breezy. i don't know if you noticed the change from the overnight temperatures. we have the low clouds and fog that have moved across the bay. we will start out much grayer and the numbers are coming down for the next several days. i'll tell you how cool it's going to get and what to expect for the rest of the weekend. that's coming up. >> carolyn: thank you, lisa. also coming up, matt cain pulls off a double whammy with his arm and his back. mike shumann has the highlights of the giants' big, big win in arizona. that's coming up in sports.
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>> carolyn: well, it was a bit misty out there driving in. it seems like things are changing. >> lisa: absolutely. when the fog moved in across the bay last night the winds really picked up. and now we are looking at a little bit of mist and drizzle. we aren't done with it yet. we have a couple days of that. before we were looking at some warmer weather once this little trough passes through. but we have a system offshore. so ass we head outside right now you will see the flags blowing a little bit. plenty of stratus blanketing the
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coast and with the low clouds and fog this morning the inland surge of marine air making it across to the east bay aill allow for much, much cooler temperatures today. but the coolest day will be tomorrow. 56 in mountain view, 55 in san carlos. good morning, napa, 50 for you, 49 santa rosa. so with the blanket of clouds we have fairly uniform temperatures to start out. and this marine layer is going to mix on out. we will see some sunshine but, boy, you will feel the difference out there. visibility not too much of a problem out there. especially at the coast with about five miles. but maybe the wipers are needed from time to time right along the coastline. starting out with gray skies, cooler and breezy today for mother's day and tomorrow when the trough passes to the east of us, possibility for this dry lightening for our friends in the sacramento valley and more cooling. the back side of it is when we see high pressure build in on tuesday.
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here's look what you can expect for today. you will notice that the clouds do clear, but then this deep marine layer comes back overnight. the mist and drizzle. tomorrow talking 15 to 15 degrees cooler, more 70s around the bay. today we look at a few 80s. definitely below normal the next couple of days. we will look for, with the fog this morning, to keep it cool out there to start out. i think we will get some sunshine by the 11:00 hour but we will see temperatures today much, much cooler. so we were on the edge of upper 80s to near 90 yesterday. today you will notice the cloud cover. some high and mid-level clouds from time to time as the low gets a little closer. but as those cloud tops cool we get into some of the mixing and the marine layer should disburse. even though we will see the sunshine, we have a stronger on shore flow and that will keep it cool around the bay today. not inland, though. still hot there.
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90s from chico to fresno. and 84 to yosemite and the cloud deck all along the shoreline clearing just to the coast. back home look at the change. 63 richmond, 63 san francisco, mid-60s across the bay, and then we will keep this fog here for a quick inland movement tonight with that mist and drizzle. it's not going to be too far so if you are headed into the city, definitely bring the jackets. mild 80s from concord and livermore and gilroy. but the on shore breezes keeping monterey cool at 60." here's a look at our accuweather forecast. for today cooler out there. on the order of about seven to eight degrees or so. tomorrow further cooling. warm up quickly tuesday and wednesday, and then another dip come thursday and friday. when that fog moves in and tries to pull back, it's breezy around the bay. keep that in mind. >> carolyn: it is, but it's still a great day for all the moms. you have plans today? the kids doing something nice for you? >> lisa: apparently, yes.
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they keep me in the dark. >> carolyn: it's supposed to be a surprise. let's check out sports. stage one of the amgen tour begins in a few hours in santa rosa. this afternoon the a's will try to take three out of four from the detroit tigers in this weekend's series after winning again yesterday. but the news wasn't all good for oakland. here's mike shumann with the details in this morning's sports. >> good morning. the a's disabled list is starting to look like an all-star team. yesterday the center fielder was scratched have the lineup against detroit and then placed on the 15 day d. l. retroactive to may 7th with a strained muss they will his left hand. their offense has not suffered. end of the first. jonny gomes going through. of with the one-out rbi single in comes weekes. 1-0. bad break for weekes. he rolls his ankle out of the box and would leave with a sprained left ankle. bran mccarthy's sore right shoulder didn't bother him. 10 strikeouts, no walks in 7
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shutout innings. insurance in the seventh. passenger tom coming through. he would score on a single. a's win again,-1, the final. giants trying to snap a three game losing streak to the diamondbacks. the double here. matt cain did it all last night. look at them take out aaron hill to prevent the double play in the ticket. that led to the giants' second run. then in the sixth. he does is it with his bat. a double inside the line off trevor cahill. two runs score. cain 2 for 3, 2 rbi and struck out eight for the win. and we go to the eighth. slashing the legger. smothered. pops up and gets him at first. giants finally beat the diamondbacks 5-2 in the desert. let's tee it up at the fifth major on the pga tour, the players championship. par 3, 17th hole at tpc saw grass. tiger woods made the catch but continues to struggle. the putt for par on 2.
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brutal. he shoots the 72. ricky fowler, fresh off tour last weekend. on ten. a long birdie putt. shoots 66. he's now three back. matt kutcher leading most of the day but a big mistake on 17. island green or water? he ops for the water. bogeys the hole and falls one shot off the lead that now belongs to kevin na. closing things out on a birdie -- with a birdie on 18 for 68. 12 under. a one-shot lead on kutcher heading into today's final round. do we have turmoil in tense he will town? magic said if the lakers don't beat denver in game seven, the coach brown would be fired. they issued a statement that's not true. tense moment for coach nonetheless. pa solo shot fired up early. 23 points, 17 boards. lakers led by as many as 16 but the nuggets stormed back late in the third. lawson finishes on the break. he had 24. to the fourth. former warrior al harrington,
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the big three. nuggets up three. but have no fear, steve blake is here. 5-3. this one puts the lakers up 5 and kobe bryant steals it with a three of his own. >> a high-five by justin timberlake. up next the thunderner the conference semis. conference semis, game one between the sixers and celtics. philly led by 11 in the fourth at one point but here comes boston. rondo and kevin garnett, 29 points, 11 points for kg. rondo dominated down the stretch. the jumper and put boston up by five with a minute left. won dough 1 points, 12 rebounds 17 assists. celtics take game one 92-91. to the ice games, caps and rangers, third period marian gaborik rick the shot. michael the rebound. and the caps respond. 38 seconds later roman, hamrlik, lost one. 2-1. caps pull the goalie looking to
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tie late but they cannot get a shot on net. rangers hang on 2-16789 next up the new jersey devils for the eastern conference finals. whoa, nelly! yesterday don nelson the former iowa hawk cy star and warriors head coach returned to receive his bachelors degree in physical education during iowa's commencement ceremony. he was 8 credits short, took corresponding classes and only took him 50 years and he finally has his degree at 7 is 11 years old. all right. stay tuned. the grizzlies tipoff at 10:00 a.m. followed by miami and inge. i'm mike shumann. see you tonight again at five. have a great day. >> carolyn: up next, abc news anchor cheryl jennings has a presue of tuesday's professional business women of california's young women's summit. a new study shows a ban at junk food at school helps kids eat fewer calories. it could help curb the the
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>> carolyn: welcome back, everyone. police in southern california have launched an all-out search for missing and distraught fbi agent. special agent steven ivans is based in los angeles. he was last seen by family members thursday evening. on friday he left his home on foot and has not been seen since. authorities won't say why he's distraught but they were unable to find his gun in his search of his home. >> we do searches like this routinely obviously, but we have special concerns given his apparent inclination to potentially commit suicide. >> there's no evidence of foul play right now but that's why we still have a robust effort to locate him. >> they have been searching the rugged verdugo mountains. so far no sign of the missing
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agent. police officers from throughout the nation will join president obama today in honoring peace officers who died in the line of duty. and one of those officers being honored is vallejo officer james kapu after being shot last november. his name is included on a memorial at the capital as well. the ceremony in washington will be held this evening. some encouraging news this morning about what california kids are eating. the state crackdown on junk food at school is apparently having andrew good effect. capital correspondent nannette miranda has the story from sacramento. >> reporter: a new university of illinois study is suggesting california's policies that ban junk food in school cafeteria's is influencing teenagers eating habs. it's been five years since the crackdown and researchers found high school students are eat eating an average of 160 fewer calories a day than kids in other states.
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a trend that could help reverse obesity trends. they are also consuming less fat and sugar. >> studies so to stop the obesity level, it's leveling off and hope any they are taking a stronger interest in their health. >> and they don't sell sodas, unhealthy snacks and fried foods. you will find fruit and vegetables, french fries baked and whole-grain. they have gotten rid of salt package. >> at first i was upset because i like salt but it's helping me eat a lot better and that's what i actually want to do. >> alexander believes he will be heavier today if junk food was readily available at school. >> this would be a larger size. these shorts, this shirt, i do feel like, yeah, i would be heavier. >> 160 fewer calories a day may not be much. it's like a small bag of chips, but researchers say most
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children could prevent significant long-term weight gain by cutting out 100 to 200 calories a day. but they consume only 25% of their calories at school. astemably man richard pan who is also a pediatrician said more needs to be done. >> we've shown in the school we created an environment kids take fewer calories. we can now use this information to talk to parents about how do we create an environment at home. >> the study's author also noted the findings are encouraging for the hispanic community considering the high level of obesity among latino youths. abc7 news. california counties are no longer forcing children to repay their parents' past welfare debts. the policy led to a lawsuit against the california department of social services. it accused state officials of holding children responsible for their caregivers' debts. the laich times reports the much criticized practice is now ending as part of a settlement agreement. any money collected from minors
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since january 6th of this year will now be refunded. the professional business women of california's young women's summit is a conference within a conference. it's held in conjunction with pbwc which is the largest women's business conference in northern california. high school seniors and college age women get to meet and learn and successful professional women. we spoke with tracy, the san francisco regional president of wells fargo and major sponsor of the young women's summit and pbwc. >> i know that wells fargo is a big sponsor of the young women's summit so let's start with that. why is it so born? >> a couple reasons. the young women's summit, we know they are our next generation of leaders. and without having something like this the young women to go to, we wouldn't be able to find mentors, network, find applicants, especially at the businesses of that historically been underserved by women. >> when you started a while ago
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it was a part-time job, right? >> a part-time job 24 years ago when i first moved from england. i certainly didn't have this wonderful conference to go to back then and only had people within wells fargo to turn to to what you need to do to advance. so i'm hoping that for the women that attend this conference will find lot of benefit in it because it's been difficult at times over 24 years, especially, you know, in banking, predominantly a male company back then or a male industry. and now two-thirds of our team members are women. and many in very, very executive positions. >> and for other women, not necessarily the younger women, but women of a certain age who may want to network, may want to gain new skills? >> absolutely. a great place for them to do that, especially if you want to look in industries that you are not already in. there are not many lays us can find mentors or networks or
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network with women across industries and this is going to be, 3,000 women will be there at least. what a great opportunity to have 3,000 women to listen to and to network with. >> i find it very empowering and energizing to be there. >> you walk away, you know you are going to conquer the world, that's for sure. that's what we hope everybody walks away with on may 15th. >> carolyn: the professional business women's of california's conference and young women's summit is happening this coming tuesday, may 15th at mascone center west in san francisco. cheryl jennings will be there as well emceeing the opening keynote session. fuld like more information on the event, we have a link on our website, under "see it on tv." one of my favorite professional women, lisa argen, our meteorologist, is here to talk about the forecast. >> lisa: we saw a little bit of cooling yesterday, away from our inland valleys because it was quite warm there. from emeryville you see the low clouds, the fog.
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bringing uniform temperatures this morning all in the low to mid-50s. but, boy, a big cool down the next couple days. but still a sunny afternoon. i will explain next. >> carolyn: also ahead, we will show you the sensors that are floating and swimming in the delta. a realtime early warning system. >> a landlord won't allow a tenant to plug in his electric car. what does that mean for all renters? i'm michael finney. 7 on your side is coming up.
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>> carolyn: engineers at u. c. berkeley invented floating row pots. it may help california in a number of scenarios. the researchers spent time last week depositing some of them in the delta. we have the story from walnut grove. >> go bears! >> researchers from u. c. berkeley spent the day tossing
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dozens ever high-tech cylinders into the delta waters at walnut grove. the sensors are equipped with gps receivers and cell phone technology that provide data showing their exact movements in the waterway in realtime. they can also deliver information on pollution, saw lynnty and other variables. >> the goal here is to be able to show the currents at a scale that was previously unknown so we can understand better how the delta works. >> inside we have some ballests and a smartphone. >> it contains a consumer cell phone or its components and a signal to a computer. >> it's a tracker, and because it's floating with the water what it's doing is what the water it doing. >> the green dot shows where each device is at the moment. the sensors with the red tops are passive meaning they just float. those with the yellow cap are active and equipped with propellers that allow them to move in the water. >> the robotic sensors we build
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has a capability that hasn't been exploited before which is the ability for the sensor to keep itself safe, to move into the center of the channel to avoid ab tackles. >> with the realtime data and the mobility of the sensors, researchers say there's a variety of real world applications. >> we hope to be able to provide authorities with a technology that can be on demand in realtime to any event that would happen that is unanticipated like levy breach, oil spill or any other problem in the water. >> in an emergency like a levy break they could be dropped from a helicopter and if a cell signal is unavailable they can communicate via two-way radio. in walnut grove, laura anthony, abc7 news. >> carolyn: with more and more of us turning to electric cars, the challenge is to get the vehicle charged up every day. if you are a homeowner you plug it in right in your garage. but 7 on your side's michael finney said for renters it may not be so easy. >> all i do is start it up.
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>> richard is happy with his new electric car. >> living in the bay area, you just feel like, you know, you have some obligation to be as green as you possibly can. >> richard hardly uses any gasoline anymore as long as he can keep his car charged up. and he figured that would be no problem. see, he lives in this san francisco high rise. when he parks in his assigned place there is an electric outlet right there. >> the car was designed to be convenient. that's the beauty of the volt, it has a 110 socket and you can plug it right in. >> it needs only an ordinary socket like this one. the setup seemed ideal until i told his landlord about it. >> the answer came back, we allow no alteration to our premises. >> he explained it required no alterations and he would pay for the extra costs of electricity. still his landlord gave him a flat no. richard could park here, but he could not plug his car into the socket three feet a away.
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>> i'm willing too reimburse you, please let me plug my car in. >> the manager e-mailed him said trinity management services does not approve such a request. now he has to drive to charging stationings and wait hours for the battery to fill up. he contacted on your side and we tried to talk with the building owner and his company trinity properties located in this building. known from the company returned our calls. we reached building manager brian shed. he said i am not allowed to comment on this. and we aren't going say anything. >> i think as we see electric vehicles becoming more popular, that will run into more situations where there's landlord tenant disputes. >> as ted said of the san francisco tenant's union, he believes richard has every right to plug in his car. >> tenants have use of them in the past and they have use of them in the future. >> however an expert in
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landlord-tenant law disagrees. >> i don't see any reason in the law why the landlord would be obliged to make that socket available. >> a former judge, david garcia, now immediate yates civil disputes. he said if the landlord lets one tenant plug in he may have to give the same deal to everybody else in the bulling bulling ande richard's lease doesn't give him specific rights to that socket, the landlord can say no. >> he didn't rent that socket. it's not part of the unit. it's part of a common area. >> he said just the open silt. he said if the lease doesn't prohibit use ever the socket it's fair game. >> that meansist right to use those outlets without restrictions. >> one thing everyone agrees on, this conflict is bound to spread, especially in a city where half the residents of tenants and more are buying electric cars. >> if every landlord would take this position, then no tenant would be able to buy an electric vehicle. >> that's not fair because tenants have the right to have
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electric cars just like homeowners do, and i think all of us want to see more gas-gauzeling vehicles taken off the road. >> i hopes some day charging station will be common and this dispute will seem silly. >> can you imagine ten years from now you go back and replay this video, people would smile is say how archaic were we back then, that we told people they couldn't plug their cars in. >> some cities are telling tenant to install charging stations at their buildings. if you are having problems getting a landlord to let you charge up your car, let me know about it. i'm michael finney, 7 oven your side. >> carolyn: the california gold rush is coming to life again in the sierra nevada mountain. a new mine is opening near fedder creek. the same place that launched the gold rush back in 1848. last week fedder gold celebrated
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the first phase of the venture. the company has invested $30 million and the mine will create 150 much-needed jobs. but it is still a gamble. no one knows what is underneath 90% of the land. >> i think that this mine is something that's been waiting to happen for a long time. you are going to see a lot of resources come out of here. >> by one estimate it took 30 years of planning just to get to this stage. it will likely take another five years to see if that mine has a commercial future. well, the last few weeks have really been spectacular. now we get a little built of a cooling trend. >> lisa: yes, that's right. the marine layer has moved on in. you see it behind us. we are looking at that breezy wind around the bay today. but it is going to mix out so we will see some sunshine but also paying the price as the marine air is pushing all the way to the east bay valleys. 50s now. we will talk about the expected highs today and a further cool
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down tomorrow next. except we are going to do that right now because we are looking at a temperatures in the 50s. so here we go with the low clouds and fog all the way across the bay. so san jose hasn't seen it yet, and you, too, will see a little bit of fog. temperatures are fairly uniform with the numbers mainly in the 50s. 49 santa rosa, 52 half moon bay. some of the drizzle along the coast. we look for cooler and breezier conditions today with numbers coming down into the low 80s in the warmest locations. tomorrow barely reaching 80 degrees and we will look for warming on the back side of the system and that will bring us to a pretty nice day on tuesday and wednesday. here's a look at our satellite and radar come 'sits. a low sitting offshore so the southwesterly winds out ahead of it will bring in the cool are air. because of this, though, this will cool that marine layer and that in turn looks to mix it on out. we will be looking at some
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sunshine as soon as 10, 11:00. then we will look for the fog to move back across the bay overnight. but for the meantime we are talking about the mild temperatures replacing that warmth inland today so we saw numbers approachinged 0, more like low 80s today and upper 50s at the coast. with that low cloudiness, we are looking at the stratus deck bringing in higher clouds as well. notice the orange, really not until you get well into the east bay and maybe we will look for a cup he of 80s down throughout the hills of loss got toss but otherwise there's no 70s around the bay and temperatures just in the lower 60s in san francisco. here's another look at that low. you know, it's going to slide across the east and we will see the potential for higher fire danger in northeastern california, northwestern nevada. but locally it's just increasing that cool marine air, and we don't have any fire danger to worry about here locally. but by the middle of the week we
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will see those winds turnaround and bring us dryer weather. mid-90s for chico today and fresno with the 80s in yosemite. 74 in the northern sierra. look at palm springs with 107 and the low clouds and fog from north to south and a little bit of mist and drizzle this morning. but you will notice more of that tonight and in fact by your monday morning as well. we will look for the gray conditions. so overall today look at the 60s returning from san francisco in oakland, 63 in richmond, 66 across the bay, and in oakland with low 890s returning here. just in a few spots though. upper 70s from san jose and cupertino and campbell. notice along the coast we have some mist and drizzle. i don't think we will see much clearing at all throughout the early part of the day and the fog moves on wack. we are looking at 60 monterey, 28 gilroy. here's the look ahead. today some sunshine, should look pretty good out there but definitely cooler with numbers
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as much as 5 to 12 degrees cooler and then further fooling on monday. tuesday and wednesday looks to be the warmer days of the work week and then more cooling for thursday and friday. so not bad, but, you know, a significant change. >> carolyn: all right. thank you, lisa. straight ahead, johnny depp plays an out of his element vampire in the groove viola 70s. >> 16 and no husband? you must put those berthing units to good use at once. >> carolyn: up next, arts and entertainment reporter don sanchez with his on the isle ♪ ♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley,
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we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. my new place isn't that far away. it's 15 miles away ! with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, we can video chat on skype. you're gonna get lost ! this has gps. well, that makes me feel better. me too. i'll go get two from the back. the droid razr by motorola now only $99.99. hurry in, offer ends may 13th. verizon.
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>> carolyn: johnny depp stars in "dark shadow." don sanchez found it's a film he could sink his teeth in. here's mcdonald on the isle. >> he's coming. >> ice tough when you have been dead for 200 years. johnny depp is barn bus collins, headed to his old family home but he's a vampire. check out the kabuki makeup. >> my name is barn bus collin. >> children, getaway from that man. >> michelle phifer is a later generation collins. his reaction to his return is mixed. >> who is this? >> i'm a vampire. >> he's going to be with us forever, isn't he? >> i like him. >> welcome home, barnibus. >> he comes home to restore the family fishing business but there is an obstacle.
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angelique, not only a fishing business competitor, she's the witch that put a curse on barnabus200 years ago and somewhere along the line they must have a showdown. the film reunites depp with the directors always bizarre vision. it's set in 1972 where barnabus has to confront changes in technology. >> what is this? >> reveal yourself, tiny songstress. >> that's one of my favorite scenes from the fill. we will give johnny depp an overacting reward. but how can you take it seriously anyway? not everything works. it's hit-or-miss. he is immortal and that means there could be a sequel. i liked it. i think i will give it three quarters of a bucket. abc7 news, see you on the isle. >> up next a daredevil tightrope
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walker prepares to make history. we will tell you the unprecedented stunt he will try.
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>> carolyn: big crowds are gathering in new york to watch a tightrope artist practice for a walk across niagara falls. he holds two practice sessions each day over a casino parking lot in buffalo. people snap picture as he walks the length of a 1200-foot practice wire without a net. that's just the warmup for the big show on friday's good morning america he announced plans to cross niagara falls on a tightrope 173 feet above. the daredevil stunt will be carried live exclusively on abc in a three-hour prime time special on june 15th. up next at six, the budget axe is about to fall again as governor jerry brown announces
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the state's growing deficit. also, sex tapes and now a restraining order. the growing scandal involving a former bay area allow maker.
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