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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  June 28, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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jim, are you there? >> i am here. >> what can you tell us? >> about 30 minutes ago there is a vegetation fire and we have the team responding as well as ground cruise. last report is that it's 10-15 acres and that -- . >> is it still spreading at this moment snoo yes. but we do have resources based on the commissions i can see, it looks like it should be something we should be able to manage. >> that is good news, thanks for joining us. the fire and cal fire crews are on the scene scene there, fighting this from the air and on the ground as well. >> and we'll keep you updated. good evening, thanks for joining us. >> there is also breaking news
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in antioch. >> that is right. our media partners are reporting that there is s.w.a.t. action in a home on la fever way near loen tree exit. witnesses heard gunshots, then saw a swarm of police officer was assault rifles. now, police are not giving details but we're on this story and we'll bring you more details as soon as they're available. >> stay with us for that. and more developments tonight involving a high profile bay area man, sex and black mail. mark jackson talking about an extortion plot he faced because of an extramarital affair. heather? >> we're at warriors headquarters, coach jackson issued a statement today, he's a father of four, a husband, and now, pastor. in that statement, it was chock full of apologies for what he called a terrible
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lapse in judgment. he told his wife about the affair six years ago and told warriors after the second black mail attempt and together they went to the fbi. court documents say six years ago, golden state warriors head coach mark jackson had an affair with a dancer at a gentlemen's club. the affair laftd less than a year, papers show jackson sent adams nude photos of himself. jackson was approached in a hotel by a man later identified as marcus shaw, demanding money in exchange fr photos and what saw said were cds with recordings of voice mails. jackson gave him $5,000 cash and two tickets to the warriors versus grizzlies games that night. papers show he texted shaw saying conten trait, he is a fake man of god. jackson's wife got an e mail from the g mail address,
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threatening to sell pictures to tabloids unless jackson could pay, again wrkts fbi now involved a number of e mails went back in forth, shaw asking jackson you did this. i just happen to have pictures and voice recordings. my question is what is it worth to you? jackson issued a statement saying i made errors and apologized for any embarrassment may have caused my family, friends and the warriors. and from the warriors, though not condoning his actions that led to this extortion attempt warriors support coach jackson during this time. abc 7 news sate it appears to be a plain van yila case of black mail. >> often extortions are not filed as criminal cases, victims continue to give in to the threats of extortionists.
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in this case, coach jackson did not. >> jackson offered $200,000 for photos and recordings and both arrested before money changed hands n oakland abc 7 news. >> there is more breaking news out of santa clara county. deputies searching for a suspect firing shots at them during a raid on a marijuana farm at mount madonna state park. >> right. these operations are often dangerous and unpredictable. here is what we know at this hour. there are two suspects and one in custody after a sheriff deputy fired shots. one suspect still on the run. and unknown if that person is armed twochl rifles found and there is video where you can
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see the action and where it took place. there is a nine mem team set out to find and destroy the suspected illegal pot garden. one sheriff deputy fired shots around 11:45 after the team came across two people near that site. there is a spokesperson saying he's not sure what triggered the use of the weapon but there is a suspect in custody. >> there there is one suspect did turn himself in. it was discovered that that suspect had a nonlife threatening injury to the arm. >> and that person was taken to the ho. authorities are still looking for that second person and there two rifles
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found, now, deputies are gathering evidence and also swarming the area with multiple agencies looking for that second suspect. >> thank you for that. there is some breaking news now. a big fire shut down transbay bart service determined to be arson. >> findings released just minutes ago. the fire destroyed a senior housing complex that was under construction. >> right. the security guard told investigators there were three men running from the site just before flames broke out. >> investigators not releasing information because the case is still under investigation. and we'll bring you the latest. >> there are is a 5-4 decision today the court rejected arguments congress went too far.
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>> there is a principal that here in america no illness or accident should lead to family's financial ruin. >> president obama today called it a victory for people around the country. and mitt romney says he'll repeel if effected. >> the court did say that obama care does not violate the constitution. what they did not do is say that obama care is good law or good policy. it was bad policy yesterday and bad policy today. >> there is a look at what this means. every person is required to have health you coverage or pay a penalty. companies will not be able to deny courage or charge more to people with preexisting conditions and there are states required to set up exchanges where they can buy
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health plans. let's get to a look at where this decision means for you. >> there is a focus on three groups affected by the ruling. there is insured, uninsured and those 26 and under insured through parents. >> this is jill, one of 30 million uninsured americans. >> it's terrifying. i try not to think about it. just keep my head down. >> this ruling means in 2014 she will be able to shop around for insurance depending on needs and income ask cannot be denied because of a preexisting condition. >> i would love to do that. >> lower income you are, bigger that is. so this tries to make it affordable. >> this is ori. he comes to the asian health clinic because he doesn't
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qualify for medical. under the affordable care act he now will because the pool of participants will be greater giving him more medical options. >> this is bet weer than a hokeal program. >> i will get support by them. with the medical. >> and he says he will now get more support. for others with insurance, today's ruling is not expected to make much of a difference. there are large companies meeting requirements of the act. for those working for small businesses it could go up because some haven't fully complied. >> there may be lower deductibles and greater coverage. >> there is another benefit for paul lowe, insured and has two children under the age of
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26. >> there is still under my employer's plan. >> and importantly is when i'm getting any plan, i'll able to afford it. >> and there is no coincidence i'm here at kaiser, it's the biggest and largest provider in the bay area there is what they want everybody to know here this, is a quote, they need not be concerned about any disruption of their coverage resulting from the supreme court decision today, that is because they have implemented all of the changes already. in oakland abc 7 news. >> thank you. >> business interests are coming out on both sides of the high-court decision. abc 7 news heard from opponents and supporter autos both sides appear to be
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budging their facts when drilling down we found reasons for supporting or opposing were based on political believes than businesses bottom line. in san francisco, the owner calls this a blessing. >> i'm grateful because it helps us have certainty in managing our costs going forward. >> and she is pointed to tony and tony only working here one day per week. >> we're a small business only need so many people to operate. >> and there is support based on the feeling if it helps employees it will help business. down the street this owner believes the law will ruin his restaurant. >> it doesn't work in france. it doesn't work in portugal or ireland. it doesn't work anywhere. >> when i pressed him to say how it's impacting his business he said it's coming.
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>> this is inkrizible. you don't see it now, you see it later. >> businesses across the country have been asked what impact s three quarters of those surveyed by chamber of commerce says it makes it less likely for them to hire people. >> bruce cane says it's suspect. >> it's opposed to this obama administration on different grounds. >> today, saying the law will have a negative impact on every employer and employee but small business authority said upholding the act is a victory for small business owners. and dr. binman spent more than a year in washington, d.c.. >> a lot of the provisions came from what is put into
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plates when mitt romney signed this into law. >> saying professors back then and others working on this project found that massachusetts didn't suffer, at least the state economy didn't suffer and they don't believe it will shufr this time. and this remains to be seen. >> this does. thank you. >> and coming up... >> this was a huge relieve impact the ruling will have on patients with preexisting conditions and state budget. >> just ahead there is a session where sheriff ross mirkarimi is testifying just got underway. >> and pomp and circumstance. olympic trials come to the bay area. >> live doppler 7 shows a return of low clouds and fog meaning a
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. developing news in vallejo. investigators are combing through the debris of two homes you can see there on the screen. flames jumped from one property to the next. the blaze around 2:30 this afternoon, near discovery kingdom. winds took embers to a neighboring home and there is nornl fire on the roof. >> and some developing news in san francisco. suspended sheriff is facing the ethics commission knew that is right. he's testifying in an effort to keep his job.
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>> ross mirkarimi's testimony is not the first item tonight but what he has to say and how he hasels himself, that is what people are waiting for, including a crowd that cheered him on tonight. >> ross mirkarimi says this is the moment he's been waiting for, the edgics commission scheduled him to testify tonight. >> this is just looking to turn fiction into fact making sure that it's true. >> on january 13th, just days after being sworn in ross mirkarimi found himself in jail, booked for domestic violence. his neighbor turned tofr police a videotape she made of
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mirkarimi's wife, tearfully showing a bruise he caused during a fight on new year's eve. and after pleading guilty mirkarimi was suspended by mayor ed lee who wants him to lose his job. the mayor scheduled to testify tomorrow. >> how i made a decision myself, what i believe the office represents for stit besides the testimony, the ethics commissioners have other issues on the plates. they're expected to address objections both sides have to exhibit lists that mirkarimi has to sworn declarations neighbors gave and objections to declarations from witnesses including a domestic violence expert, still up in the air is whether they'll allow that videotape admitted as
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evidence. this is 45 seconds long but goes to the heart of the mayor's case against mirkarimi. >> this is the second time this is happening. and i said ross, i want to work on the marriage. >> so this could be a very long night. the panel comes back at 8:00 in the morning. >> thank you for that update. >> there are clear skies and warm temperatures. >> yes. spencer chis chin can weather. >> it will cool us down a little bit. we're going maintain this live view looking west towards golden gate there is a marine layer coming back to at least part of the coastline now. and there is a nice, cooling
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sea breeze, there is cooler weather tomorrow. and there is a nice image of the returning row clouds and fog. and there is a push that will start to pull back again, tomorrow, right now, mild conditions and there is 70s in other inland locations. we have low to mid 7 owes around the bay. 59 degrees now in san francisco. there are loi clouds, cooler friday, through saturday. and there is a warming beginning sunday. there is a stronger sea breeze developing. tomorrow at 7:00 fog spreads across the bay and locally inland. 5:00 in the morning start of the rush hour there will be a
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good bit of it around. there is no doubt lows into the 50s. getting into mid morning hours, we'll see the fog burning back. and mid day, it will stop the retreat there along the coast. there are coastal highs into low 60s or around 6 owe degrees, 60s and 70s around the bay. low 80s inland. there are highs into 72. mountain view, upper 50s to around 60s on the coast. 64 degrees tomorrow, there are upper 70s up to 78 in calistoga. 70s in oakland. inland east bay upper 70s to low 80s here is the
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accu-weather forecast. there is a warm up monday, upper 80s inland that will continue throughout 4th of july, next wednesday, into next week. so warm weather here to stay for a while. ups and downs into the temperature range. >> there is spencer going to give us a wake up. >> that is true. the only local alarm clock app. you can wake up on your iphone. our free app designed to wake you up and there is how it works. >> for more people, alarm clock being replaced with iphone, now abc news can get you on the way. >> good morning sunshine. do you know what they say about an early bird. >> there is no need to search
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for the news. local news, weather and traffic are there for new one place. you can start your day with the weather team, wake up to the abc 7 news team or choose from a classic ring tone. this let's you wake up to music from your own library. once up, you can check news that happened overnight. and get the weather forecast and seven-day forecast to plan the week. there is a commute covered thanks to the alarm clock app. all news, weather and traffic on air is now there with you when you wake up. >> there we go.
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and you can get the clock app for free just search abc 7 news san francisco alarm. >> very cool. >> and just ahead, going for gold in san jose. >> back in a m
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2012 olympics are in san jose tonight. >> and there is gymnasts arrived aboard a bus, they're competing for one of five spots on the team that will represent the us news august. >> and there is a running them is everything for athletes hoping to represent the u.s. in august. >> this is cool to be there to see them in person. it's different. >> hopes of being a star one day? >> you never know. might. >> and there is a team from cal sports put on a show of
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their own, they're being held at the convention center. the womens team is the defending world champ. >> that is cool. still ahead tonight rumblings on how to keep part of the president's health care act from taking affect here. >> and there is a ruling that has some veterans feeling the supreme court doesn't get it. >> gun violence is not okay. >> there is tough talk amid questions about how far he's willing to go to stop violence on the streets.
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good evening, again, today's supreme court ruling on the president's law will have an enormous impact on california providing coverage for three million residents and bring billions into the state. abc 7 news has more. >> with about seven million
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californians uninsured, golden state wins big under the ruling that mostly up holds the affordable health care act. $15 billion a year is slated to arrive to help implement it. bridge programs that now cover low income people and those with preexisting conditions will remain intact until reform is fully implemented and the california health benefits exchange, 2014 can proceed to set up a marketplace for consumers to buy affordable insurance and maybe even get subsidies. this direct jerz they could start in 18 month autos there is an opportunity to change health care to do that, we need to get everyone insured. >> i was very emotional. i cried. >> sandy add yamz couldn't believe the ruling. she can take comfort in knowing her grown daughter will never be denied coverage for a preexisting condition when she buys insurance.
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>> this is just a huge relief, a hope maybe is going to be okay. >> critics have doubts. there are no price controls and it requires california to spend $6 billion over five years tochl pand medical. and there is a assemblyman dan hoag is thinking about fully implementing the plan. >> goitsing to come from the university, school and law enforcement. we can have the greatest health care system in the world but won't have school autos california endowment says california families pay $1400 a year in premiums to cover bills of the uninsured. >> and there is a peggy b says
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it just needs to be afford skbrachblt larry says it's thrown the u.s. citizens under the bus taken way one of the basic rights we have, the right of freedom of choice. and join the conversation go to >> there is a new proposal stirring up a lot of controversy tonight among civil rights advocates. we're live to explain. vic? >> there is a spike in the murder rate here. and the smair looking at programs in other cities like new york to help get guns off the streets here in, just 10 hours san francisco police arrested 68 suspects wanted on warrants. there is a operation that confiscated firearms. >> this is not okay. >> the city is experienced a
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drop in violent crime for four years and now, the right is spiking. and so far, in june, there are 10 murders. >> every morning i wake up to texts whof got murdered the other night. >> the mayor says he wants killings to stop, he's willing to look at programs other cities are using to stem violence including one new york city implemented called stop and frisk. this is because it enables police to stop to search people for weapons. aclu filed lawsuits against this practice. >> new york city stop and frisk program has become a code word for racial profiling. and this is a policy that fail ootd chief says the department has strong policies against profiling and he responded to
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a question about stop and frisk. >> all detentions in san francisco are based on reasonable suspension. >> the mayor says he's ware of the charge and yes, there are violation autos shawn richards founded the group brothers against guns and says stop and frisk would target high crime areas. >> you know who is in those areas. they're going to get pulled over and profiled. >> and there is a report by new york aclu found the vast majority of those stopped were blacks and latinos in that about 88% of them were innocent. >> and coming up tonight there is a medical history. >> there is a 2-year-old
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battling a disease
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we have an update now on ross mirkarimi going on as we speak. the commission ruled the videotape showing his wife with bruises will be allowed as an exhibit in his misconduct hearing. we'll have developments on this, this ongoing hearing now
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on abc 7 news at 9:00. >> and there is a 2-year-old girl home with her family tonight after battling a disease that forced her into a coma. >> this was finally diagnosed by doctors in childrens hospital, oakland. >> open it, open it. >> like most 2-year-olds julian likes to get her hands on almost anything. that is mazing considering just months ago, she can barely control her movement autos she won't be able to grasp something and won't be able to walk and talk. >> the family took these videos of the seizures sometimes lasting for 30 minutes at a time. the cause was still a mystery when arriving at childrens hospital oakland from her home. >> she was moving arms and legs twifing.
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arms flailing in the air, her in the air. >> skm and unsure of the variety, she said a sample taken from a spinal tap to an expert in spain. doctors had to deal with the dangerous seizures. >> one part included giving her medication to put her into a coaxa so she won't move. >> her mom never left her bedside thchl ordeal stretched on for weeks and month autos and all i know is that i never lose hope. that that she'll come back. >> that sample confirmed the diagnosis. jillian had a knewly discovered form of encephalitis. researchers only described it years before she was born. encephalitis known as antimmdar. doctors say it's called by dangerous antibodies created
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by the patient's immune system it crosses into the brain attacking parts of the brain. >> this is new, and the doctor says there are several strategize available to treat it. >> this is a process similar to kidney dialysis, her parents say they began to see recovery. >> we've seen her talking. and vocalizing and you can't understand but we're waiting for her to say "mom and dad". and doctors released her to return home. she still faces long months of physical therapy. for the family, being able to hear her speak and watch her play marks the end of a painful journey. >> it was -- tears of joy. tears of joy. and because i've been waiting for her. waiting for her. >> and he saying health
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officials have been alerting doctors about this form of encephalitis trying to learn more about the history. >> just ahead two ipads shipped but only one arrived. how one record keeping. >> and mike yi
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you know when you ship something valuable keep your fingers crossed it may arrive damaged. >> one man was devastated when an ipad disappeared during shipping so he came to 7 on your side. >> okay. karg yes theft from ships, cars and warehouses costs $30 billion so macing ipad seems like a drop in the bucket for but this consumer it was a big
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deal. you see, he had a hard time getting anyone to listen, he found a great way to prove this case. and he dame to 7 on your side. when fans clamored for the ipad, scott was there with them. >> every time there is a new gadget i usually get them for my friend. >> scott says he helps a friend making computer accessories in hong kong like this ipad cover. and scott sends them from here before they go on sale. >> and he bought two ipads and packed nem one box and shipped them. so he was surprised when his friend called to ask where there two shipments? >> i said no. two ipads in one shipment.
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and he said there is only one here. >> one was missing. and he could only reach one conclusion. >> someone must have gone in there and opened it up. and took one out. >> this package label did reveal the contents. but how could he prove only one was in the box when it arrived? well, he found i great clue. >> and how much it weighed whit went out and how much whit came into hong kong. >> take a look. the commercial invoice filled out in san francisco shows it weighed six pounds, noted here six, however, the fed yechl tracking record shows it weighed just three pounds in hong kong, fed yechl and hong kong investigated and found did it nothing wrong. >> and this is scanned in at three pounds. >> fed yechl and the united states said there is no mishandling here. >> i ask them tochl plain why
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one form said six pounds, the other three, they cannot answer me. >> scott contacted 7 on your side. we contacted fed yechl. >> less than a week later they called me up and said... we're going to cut you a check for the missing ipad. >> fed yechl -- med ex -- the company tells us that they take matters seriously. we know our customers trust to us handle their shipments with care this, is disappointing and does not reflect on millions of shipments on time and damage-free, every day. we regret we've been unable to locate the shipment but worked with him to resolve his claim based on information he provided us. >> and i'm thankful. >> and lesson is keep your numbers. scott says he wishes he won't have written on the box, and
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in the end that is what helped him in this case. >> and thank you. >> sure. >> let's update the forecast. >> there are little changes coming our way. there is a look at the time lapse view showing low clouds and fog. there is the accu-weather forecast. tomorrow, saturday, pleasant. just cooler than today. warming up more sunday and big time on monday and there are highs into upper 80s. >> excellent. >> thank you. >> and larry
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coming up at 9:00 there is health care spillover. how it could mean a turnover for corporate america. >> then at 11:00 stolen valor, veterans outraged over another major decision today. join us tonight at 9:00 and 11:00. >> there is on to sports and nba draft. >> yes. and things have turned for the warriors in past months here, draft being held in new york today.
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warriors had the seventh pi, getting a player filling a big need, small toward. terrific player. barns spent two years in college with tar heels and athlete six is off the charts. 6.8, 228. and he didn't play that well in ncaa tournament but was projected as a potential top five pick. >> and i was shocked. so many emotions running through me. just trying to keep it tolgt. just to do whatever it takes to win. whether or not it means take a scoring mode, rebounder, whenever the case may be i'm just trying to make sure we can get back to playoff autos when this was made and this is everybody saw barns is available my phone almost blew up with people calling wanting our pick and this player,
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we're thrilled. he fits what we need. you guys will love him. >> and there are three more picks tonight. there is damion willard from oakland. and harrison barns coming to warriors. these gr times for san jose earthquake as top western conference heading into saturday night's game. that game going to take place at 50,000 feet stanford stadium marking the first time the quakes have sold out prior to the day of a match. goitsing to be packed. galaxy defend fending champions led by becks, david beckham that. is all motivation the squad should need. >> as much as you think crowd makes a difference it's going to help us. there is enthusiasm in the
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game. >> and italy and germany. there is one more look. one-nil and he wasn't done. 16 minutes later there is a long pass on side. shoots and score top shelf. take my shirt off now. he's in good shape. good shape. i believe he works out. 2-1 final. itally will face spain sunday. second round shocker at wimbledon. two seat raffle nadal at the top of the screen. and rasall knocked off nadal. controversy here he was waving back and forth with his racket. nadal didn't like it. and pumped into him as a cross over. and there is a triple match
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and 6-4 and and and and nationals at congressional. and u.s. open disaster on 15. and next shot, oh, brother, bogey. one over 72. and there is bo van pelt bogey-free today. >> thank you, larry. >> from the entire abc 7 news team have a good night. >> appreciate your time. good night. captioned by closed captioning services, inc.
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this is "jeopardy!" today's contestants are-- a grants and contracts coordinator from sunnyside, new york... a stay-at-home mom from the woodlands, texas... and our returning champion-- an editor and musicologist from trout valley, illinois... whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--


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