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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  July 2, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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one exchange between saw ask adams. a a.frayed the extortion would continue, jackson went to the team owner, then, to the authorities and told eefrg what kind of support can he expect from the organization? >> 100%. look, mark is -- this happened six years ago. mite not while he's a warrior. >> he's human. it's something we have to work through. we're a team, family new. >> adams and shaw both arrested now, jack skpon warriors ownership looking forward to watching the legal process play out. >> he made a mistake. and getting those people out of there. it's over. >> and both adams and shaw are now out on bail. and the attorney says she is not commenting on this case. >> and thank you very much. south bay, the jury has the
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case of a man accused of beating a priest he says sexually abused him years ago. the prosecution says the alleged sex abuse does not factor into this assault in 2010. >> prosecutors told the jury the facts proved this case and the defense told the jury the cut above the former priest's eye and bruising are a misdemeanor assault. >> deputy district attorney told the jury two wrongs don't make a right. and prosecutors say the evidence that the assault with felony charge of elder abuse at the time.
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lynch's defense attorney fought hard to tell the jury they were the last line of defense. >> he's trying to tell the jury you can decide not guilty here and on all charges and on greater charge autos the defense called this former priest a monster who raped and tortured lynch and his brother when they were just seven and four years old, pat harris said they have the right to vote not guilty in this case. outside of the jury presence, the judge told harris to watch his step, saying they have to decide the case on facts and law to instruct them to do anything other than that is improper and violates their oath. and the d.a.says it was a selfish act of revenge. >> this fact that the victim
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did something horrific to the defendant years ago doesn't give the defendant the right to go out to commit a crime. you can't take the law into your own hands. >> these three women who say they were also molested by father lindner say the wrong man is on trial. >> there is no comparison to what's happening here today and what the real injustice was. the molestation and rape of children. >> and the jury had the case less than 45 minutes today and will resume deliberations in the morning. >> and there is a pastor accused of molesting children went for half a million dollars bail today. a judge ordered him to wear a gps device and stay away from his accusers.
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police believe he molested teen-aged girls and boys he worked with. the accusations date back to 1994. he will rush to court on august 23. >> there is a strong smell of gas in a storm drain happened after 1:30 along monterey highway. environmental health officers were inspecting a sewer main they expected a leak was present and called hazmat. they checked out the smell and this turned out to be sewer gas. a series of fire house brown outs is now underway. the station closures began when the new year started yesterday, july 1, to two stayings closing each day. officials plan to spread them out so they do not overly impact individual areas of oakland. stations in the oakland hills
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will remain open every day and there is subject to brown outs once fire season ends. leaders believe this will save $4 million per year. >> a 41-year-old man is in jail, charged with a crash that killed an east bay teenager. investigateors sate teenager's truck was hit by a 41-year-old michael harmon. and he lost control sh serving into oncoming traffic. police say chp says harmon left on foot then turned himself in this morning. >> he admitted he left the scene. his version of how is concerned is daimpb than what the evidence indicates. >> the chp says he claims the
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victim claims to be the cause of the accident. >> fish and game officials confirmed a mountain lion attacked a man in novato. the man slept in his deeping bag and a 63-year-old did survive, ended up being taken to the hospital to be treat forward cuts and scratches. this is the 15th confirm add tack on a human since 1890. >> a simmering contract despite continues tomorrow. a 34-year-old -- 3400 registered nurses will be staging another walk out, it's their five of the last eight months over sick leave and health care benefits. sutter calls the demands modest and ages and benefits competitive. >> california lawmakers passed a first state law in the u.s. today that includes many the reforms included in national mortgage settlement brokered
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this year, that covers barroers who have mortgage was five largest lenders in the united states. california's law would go further, pro secretarying -- protecting all who face foreclosure. >> giving me, jose as a just ordinary citizen, legal recourse against this kind of abusers because what i found out along the way is that i am more of the rule, not the exception. >> california would require banks to establish a single point of contact for homeowners seeking help, banks would be banned from practices of robo signing. governor brown needs to sign the bill before it can become law. >> donations coming in tonight that are needed. people have given $1500 for those still homeless nearly two months afteran francisco apartment fire. neighbors in the mission district held a fund-raiser
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and collected donations. the drives are being held online. 37 people were displaced on may 6th and nearly half of them are still looking for a place to live. >> emergency help will arrive for people after the city celebrated the reopening of the local fire station. the mayor used a pair of medical shears to cut the ribbon symbolizing reopening of station 25. vallejo closed station 25 and two others after the city declared bankruptcy in 2008. the city emerged from bankruptcy last fall. and there is a grant enl abling the station to stay open two years. >> coming up, product brand, or store? what consumer loyalty stands. >> and there are neighbors explaining why they're standing by a teenager accused of stabbing his step mom.
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>> how one local lawmaker wants to change the destination and number of people who qualify as a parent. >> there is 4th of july almost here, i'll let you know if fire works gill fizzle in the fog. the forecast is coming up.
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. the battle over the $44 million estate over the estate of thomas kincaid will be decided in open court. a judge allow aid request from his live in girlfriend who wanted the case argued in public claiming to have a hand written will leaving her the artist's mansion and $10 million to set up a museum. his widow annette kincaid wanted proceedings held behind closed door autos she just wants to enforce what is in
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the estate plan. >> we believe thomas kincaid had a clear vision on an interactive museum for the display of his public art. >> i died of an accident overdose in april. >> state lawmakers are considering a bill allowing a child to legally have more than two parents. the measure not meant to expand definition of who can qualify, only to eliminate the limit of two per child. this is under the bill if three or more could not agree on visitation and child support a judge could split things up among them. and saying surrogate births are creating new possibilities for non-traditional households. critics say it muddies up water asks could result in a child being bounced around among multiple adults. the bill is now weight for a
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vote. >> if you take muni in san francisco, you saw big changes today. muni now the first transit agency in the nation, believe it or not, to begin all door boarding that has been the policy for years on the light rail lines. and there is now buses and street cars joined. and they can board at any door. aim is to reduce boarding times which has been a complaint to speed things up tonight. >> police are issuing shot spotter technologies to determine the location of fire works. and there is a map that shows you where they're detected. police say they're taking a zero tolerance policy this 4th of july.
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>> there is michael fin gee here tonight. >> that is right. going to talk about the largest health care fraud settlement in u.s. history. >> it's huge. there is glaxo smith klein paying $3 billion for illegally marketing its drugs. justice department says that it promoted several drugs, among them, paxil, to treat children, though the fda never approved the drug for anyone under 18 years of age. >> in marketing these drugs that are incorporated into civil settlement, they prescribed products using every form of high-priced entertainment from hawaiian vacations to paying doctors millions of dollars to go on speaking tours to a european
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phesesant hunt to madonna concerts. >> the commerce department reports consumer spending was unchanged in may. americans cut spending on cars and other goods. wages remain unchanged and income up a bit because investment income rose. and there are economists say this is disappointing. a study finds we care more about what -- where we shop than the items we buy there. and this shows 62% of us searched for store-center deals and only 14% searched for brand name products. discounts online nearly half of all u.s. consumers will use online coupons and codes
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during 2012. and this will be interesting. are we moving away from name brands? i know my kids are. >> and this takes older folks longer, like use there are study suggesting spanking kids could lead to mental illless later in live. and researchers found they're associated with an increased risk of major depression and alcohol and drug abuse. findings are true even for people who never suffered excessive abuse or neglect. >> and new research suggests the longer children spend in the womb, better they'll do academically. this study babies born at 37 or 38 weegs scored lower than kids born a week or two later, doctors think it results in
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more brain development. >> you hear about coffee. there is a report out about benefits. morn association for cancer research finds it can reduce a chance of getting a certain type of skin cancer, researchers studied consumption habits and found those who bank more developed less basel cell carcinoma. >> that is a good time to remind people to put on sun screen. >> yes. it's important to wear. and we do have overcast sky as long the coastline. by the time 4th of july fire works get underway we're going to clear up the skies. there is a live picture, sunny skies across the bay. and a different vantage point. you can still see we have fog
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lingering along the coastline. here is a look at our live doppler 7 hd. clear skies across the bay area with the exemption of parts of the san francisco and county coastlines. there is a little bit of fog here, 59 degrees in half moon bay to 88 in antioch. our range today has been into low 60s to low 90s inland. just before b.where we should be. there is a wide range of companies. areas in the fog and coast warmer in most areas tomorrow, we're looking at sunny skies and warm conditions for 4th of july, if you don't like it warm there is mild weather for independence day. there is a look and there is a steady sea breeze going and going to continue into some of
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our communities later on tonight into moshing so not going to be as wide spread and not expecting drizzle just some fog in the morning. look at this. there is 55 in san jose. there is 60 degrees in antioch. out the door tomorrow morning you might need a light layer but not going to be a chilly start. there is gore going to just pull away. there are temperatures warmer than today, 60s along beaches to low 9 ows inland. it's going to get warm. so there is a beautiful bit of weather coming our way. there is 82 degrees in san
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jose. inland east bay valleys 89 in concord, there is 85 in vallejo, oakland, richmond, 76 degrees. there is 76 in santa cruz, 88 in gill roi. some of you going to parades and having picture -- picnics it's going to be great looking weather. there is a mid to upper 50s. i would take a sweater with you. we'll have patchy fog returning. here is the accu-weather forecast. mid 60s coastside. there is temperatures coming right back up for the weekend. so just minor ups and downs coming up over the next seven days.
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if you have trouble getting up in the morning. >> you will not. take a listen to this. >> and that is not that. that is coming up. >> and there is it s can you hear it? >> this is part of the abc 7 alarm clock app. just open up and when it goes off, not only will i get you up in a good mood but it loadses latest bay area weather forecast, and headlines to get the day started. so it's free. and this is available on app store. search for abc 7 news san francisco alarm. thanks to cheryl for getting that up and running. >> this is a great idea.
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>> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> yes. >> and still ahead... you tube video of sturjen porching. >> its coming up, then at 6:00 tonight how to help fter children achieve their dreams with a single click on your facebook page. coming up at 6:00.
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a 15-year-old boy is accused of stabbing his stepfather. police called to a home in georgia way saturday night found a 29-year-old man stabbed five times in the upper back. and officers say he had been involved in a domestic dispute. they say he stabbed his stepfather in order to protect his mother. he is charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
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>> you tube video of fisherman illegally snaring a sturjen is leading to new fees and regulations. fish and game department wants to begin charging $7.50 for a fishing license with money going to fund restoration efforts. it will make it illegal to catch a white sturjen less than 68 inches long. >> and california haunters using dogs to track game promise to continue the fight gents a bill approved by the state assembly. it bans using hound dogs to hunt bears and bob cats. the u.s. humane society calls it inhumane and unnecessary. saying the bill saying using dogs is more humane, better for bear eco system. >> if you're hunting bear was out dogs you're more likely to cripple bears and kill a mother bear with cobb cubs because you don't see them.
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when you tree a bear you know is a big male, an old male. those are the ones the guys shoot. they don't shoot mom with the cubs. >> the sponsor says neither oregon or washington allow hunters to use hounds when tracking bear autos the new help san francisco zoo is about to get. >> we'll be right back.
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hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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breaking news over a fire in richmond. >> it's at sanford street and you just saw several firefighters responding. this is hot weather that is a concern heading to holiday weekend. people using fire works illegally. and there is fire a concern this time. year. >> we'll find out whether that is affecting traffic. we'll update that for you. world news is coming up


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