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tv   ABC7 News 1100AM  ABC  July 20, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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we can tell you there were four showings of the "batman" movie, all of them were sold out and we have interviewed close to 200 witnesses as to how many were in the theater, that's the best i can tell you. a caution about social media. please as responsible journalists be very careful. we are analyzing all social media that is out there about this event and i can tell you that we are already finding that there are a lot of pranks, there's even someone who called a national media station and represented to be me. our colleagues in the adjoining mall have closed the mall for the day out of a cooperation and spirit of cooperation with our investigation. with that i'd like to introduce district attorney carol chambers to make a few remarks and after she makes some remarks special agent in charge will make remarks and then i will take
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some questions. >> good morning. i first want to emphasize what a tremendous response there has been from law enforcement and especially from the aurora police department to this incident. i want to thank the u.s. attorney's office and the attorney general's office for their support. with this many victims, we have two concerns, one is providing information that they need and providing resources that they need. we will as -- at this point in time victims should be contacting the aurora police department and they should be looking for resources on the aurora police department website as the case goes to court next week, they can contact -- we will set -- we have set up a contact e-mail account so that we can get information out as quickly as possible. we also have resources available on our website and i want to say that the aurora mental health center has agreed to stay open 24 hours a day for this weekend
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if people -- people may feel fine now and they may have a problem tomorrow. they may have a problem next week, they may have a problem several months down the line but they should seek some counseling or resources if they've been victims. that's to be expected. if there are financial issues that should not stop them and contact us for financial resources so we want to make sure we are getting out whatever our victims in this case need so with that i'll turn it over to the special agent. >> good afternoon. i just want to re-emphasize what chief oates has already talked about. we've had a tightly integrated investigative response. the fbi currently has approximately 100 folks on scene, closely integrated with the aurora police department. >> again, you are listening to the police chief in aurora speak, also, the governor, the mayor, the district attorney, the fbi special agent in charge
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and we'll return to that programming and that press conference when the questioning begins but, brian, i heard some remarkable things i had not heard before. you check in on this too. he said that somebody in an adjoining theater were injured. those bullets penetrated an adjoining theater, that he was wearing -- the suspect was wearing a ballistic helmehelmet throat protection. >> and a gas mask, fully in black ready for combat. >> he also said pierre thomas standing by, pierre, that they are still looking at this apartment which has been booby-trapped with incendiary and chemical devices and trip wires? >> reporter: diane, sources are describing an incredible scene, trip wires as the police chief talked about, chemicals, all kinds of devices. they think it may be days before they can get through the devices. they first have to figure out what exactly type of chemicals might he have been using so that will take some time, also how to
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get to it. i imagine they will be using some robots, different ways to get at some of these chemicals as you can see in that picture they were going in through the window as a way to be more careful to deal with the situation. >> okay, pierre and brian, the questioning has now begun at the press conference so let's rejoin it and see if the police chief has more. >> we immediately arrested the suspect in the back of the theater. from our first call to his apprehension was about a minute to a minute and a half. >> chief, habitually off-duty police officers working the theater. >> we often have off-duty police officer working but they were not working that night but the response was very rapid. >> if you had -- >> he surrendered without any significant incident to our officers. >> what about "batman"? >> i'm sorry. >> why did he choose "batman"? >> i'm not going to get into why he did what he did.
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that's not something we're prepared to discuss. yes, sir. [ inaudible ]. >> i'm sorry? [ inaudible ]. >> no, he was dressed as i described. >> did he say anything to you? >> we wouldn't -- that's not something we would discuss in this setting. >> what weapons did he use to fire at -- of the four weapons you described one -- >> there's pretty significant evidence that he used the ar-15 within the theater, the shotgun within the theater and a pops 40 caliber glock. in the end in possession of two .40 caliber glocks. which one we're still working on. >> how many -- >> we're simply not prepared to tell you how many magazines. there's an awful lot of forensic and ballistic evidence. we will be in the theater quite some time working that crime scene through so we're not in a position to share that with you. >> in new york and some of their plans for this evening -- they
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said on camera the suspect was joker and had red hair but he is cooperating with you -- can you comment on that. >> no, i can't. i will tell you that i received a phone call from the nypd today. i used to work for that agency and i discussed the matter with them but beyond that i have nothing to say. >> did he have a right to have those weapons legally. >> i know we're working up the investigation of those weapons but i don't know what -- their legal status is, we have the assistant of alcohol, tobacco and firearms in that workup and see where that goes but that's something i'm not prepared to talk about right now. >> did anybody else -- >> we are not sure what we're dealing with in the home. they appear to be incendiary devices. there's some chemical elements there and there's also some incendiary elements that are linked together with all kinds of wires. ace lehman it's not something i've ever seen before. we have a lot of smart bomb techs trying to figure out what we're going to do. >> why did he tell you that there were explosives? >> we don't know why he told us
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that. >> he's cooperating though somewhat, it sounds like -- >> i'm not going to discuss what he's telling us. >> aside from the speeding ticket, has your department ever been made aware of this individual at any point? >> that's the extent of our contact with him. anyone else. >> when did he start shooting with -- >> if i knew that i wouldn't tell it to you right now. yes? >> court on monday -- >> i'm sorry? we're not in a position to talk about the identity of the victims. let me talk about our handling of the victims. we obviously have a lot of work to do and mobilized at least 50 victim advocates to deal with the victims and their families and set up a staging area at gateway high school right down the street and that continues to be the staging area for victims and obviously we ask that you give them some space and privacy. there are folks who are trying to locate loved ones. this is a very, very tough day for a whole lot of people. they've been through an awful lot and we'd appreciate if you gave them some space but we're not in a position to talk about any of the victims until all the victims are identified and all
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the family members are spoken to by us, so -- >> when will -- >> understanding -- [ inaudible ]. >> i'm not prepared to release the booking photo today and i don't know when we'll do that. yes, sir. >> is it legal to carry a -- >> i don't know the status of the legality of his possession of those weapons and i'll leave it at that. >> all right. >> one more question, yes, sir. >> can you tell us -- [ inaudible ] and i'm wondering if [ inaudible ] -- >> we have information as to what occurred in the theater based on the roughly 200 interviews we have made and we have ballistic evidence inside that suggests how the shooting went down. but we have so much investigation to do and that's the kind of evidence for a
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prosecution, not for a discussion at this time. >> evaluation of the computer -- >> you couldn't access that door from the outside. that opens from the inside. >> we're not prepared to discuss any theories about how he got in there with the weapons but we will tell you that his car was parked right outside the back door. >> are there cameras in those theaters? s>> we know there are a lot of rounds fired very rapidly. we know we were there within about a minute and a half to two minutes from when we were called. now an event like that, you know, we can surmise as to how much time it takes for someone to call 911 and get through and dispatch to us. that will all be looked into it. i think we'll leave it at that. thank you very much, folks. we will offer an update to you at 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. and that update will be at aurora city hall. okay? >> and there you have him, the veteran police chief of aurora,
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dan oates, talking about the suspect. that he is not prepared, brian, to discuss why this suspect chose this movie or why he did what he did but clearly he's been speaking to them and, again, you had this tip. >> well, from the police commissioner in new york, ray kelly, who said -- with whom he used to work with oathes that te hair was painted and he said i am the joker. >> hair was painted a red color. >> like the joker -- >> he has green hair but in the most recent one he had a red wig on but for "batman" aficionados, his hair was painted and seemed to be we're told that kind of description is the act of a deranged man. >> clayton sandell is at the keen in aurora, one of the first reporters there. this was an incredible response by law enforcement. we heard they were there numbers of one minute to 1 1/2 minutes, clayton? >> reporter: that's right, diane. they were here very, very fast. and right now there are still
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literally dozens of local police and federal agents both fbi and atf that are inside this theater behind me in theater number 9. it was just after 12:30 in the morning when "the dark knight rises" started. there were four screenings going on, people so excited to be one of the first to see it when police say that james holmes opened fire throwing that gas canister we heard about. a lot of people thought it was part of the movie, part of the special effects and one man said that it wasn't until a gentleman right next to him right in the seat next to him was shot in the chest then he knew that it was very real. a lot of the people we talked to say there are just no words, no emotions that can explain what happened here today, diane. >> clayton, thank you. i want to go back to pierre thomas to see if you learned anything new, pierre, again, these numbers, 12 died and according to the police chief, 71 total shot which means 59 were injured. pierre? >> one thing that's key our
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sources have been telling us all day they thought it was a lone-wolf scenario. one of the things the police chief talked about. he only had a speeding ticket, only had a speeding ticket and my sources were saying this is the reason why he was probably able to buy these guns legally. you can buy these weapons as long as you have no criminal record anywhere in the country and that's apparently what he did, atf is running down information about those guns as we speak. they may have some information by this evening but, again, the key, clean record, the type of person they call a lone wolf who shows up with no -- giving no idea that he's coming and does this horrible, horrible act. >> well, again, pierre, when we hear incendiary and chemical devices and trip wires in the department, we hear the police chief saying he has never seen anything like this before, what are we talking about with chemical devices? i know they evacuated the five buildings around. >> well, we heard from sources that he has a background in
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science, that this was a medical student, that he had information about how to make chemicals and, again, that's one reason why they're proceeding so carefully, this is a man with the expertise to make dangerous item, again, when you see that kind of information, when you see that when you're looking through the window you've got to proceed cautiously and the fact that it's going to take days to figure out how to get the material out there, we know they evacuated buildings from a significant area around that particular apartment complex. again, fascinating situation, law enforcement officials say they've never quite seen anything like it in recent memory. >> all right, thank you, pierre and, of course, all day long we have been hearing from those who survived it. the harrowing tales of what happened inside that movie theater and we thought we'd just play a few of the recent ones for you to remind again what it was like to be in the sanctuary of a movie theater and have this happen. >> smelled smoke and you just kept hearing it, bam, bam, bam,
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bam, bam, nonstop. the gunman never had to reload. it just begun -- the shots kept going, kept going, kept going, kept going, kept going. >> watching the movie and one of the action scenes started up, gunshots were firing and like we heard like explosions sr. something to our left or right and we were like, oh, someone brought firecrackers then the alarms started to go off and in the theater. >> he left off a canister of gas and it exploded and everybody thought it was just a prop then he shot up in the air. and everybody started to panic at that point. when he went straight from the air he came down with his gun in my face. he was about three feet away from me at that point and in that instant i didn't know what to do. i was terrified. >> you kept hearing it, bam, bam, bam, bam, nonstop. >> everyone started panicking after that because, like, people are getting hurt. >> smelled smoke. everyone thought it was fireworks or something like that then you just see people just starting to drop and the
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gunshots are constant. i heard at least 20 to 30 rounds within that minute or two. there was people bleeding. there was people obviously may have actually been dead or anything and we just ran outside of there. there was just chaos everywhere. >> terror, fear and i know we will hear more about the hero ism inside. the mayor said we've taken a blow today. we will get back on our feet and the government official said be sure to talk to your children about what happened. we return you now to your regular programming. for many of you that is "good afternoon america" with our colleagues josh elliott and lara spencer and we will have the latest breaking news on this story throughout the day on, special editions of "nightline" and "20/20" later and i will see you on a special edition of
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we continue to follow that breaking news in aurora, colorado. they say this man, jai78s holmes opened fire at the opening 6 the movie. here is what we know right now. 12 people have been killed. 59 wounded in one of the deadliest mass shootings in history. some members are members of the u.s. military and it's not known yet. the youngest victim is three-month-old baby. the new movie opens here, as well. terry mcsweeney and amy hollyfield are standing by. let's begin with you in san francisco, amy. >> i have a new development to tell you about. we saw a san francisco police officer pull up about 20 minutes ago, parked here at the entrance. he sat here for about 20 minutes
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and just drove away. we are starting to see evidence of more security here at the movie theaters where this movie is showing. it was showing here throughout the night and there were people that enjoyed ignorant bliss for a while. some of the people watching the showing of batman were be a immediate blackout and didn't hear about the mass shooting in colorado. >> no one said anything. there wasn't like a rumor or a murmur going on. we were all pretty much in the geek zone, i guess. that is horrible. i don't really know what to say. my heart goes out with the families. >> those waiting for the 8:00 p.m. show heard about it online. one woman saw it on the facebook page and word spread. >> it certainly was a damper. it's unthinkable what happened,
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it was deliberately planned attack that is should be a joyous occasion. >> she was waiting for information about friends while she waited in line for the movie. >> hoping everyone i know and being part of the community myself, living in colorado, there is a pretty good chance someone i know has been directly involved. >> while she was consumed with the news, others try to block it out. >> i try not to think about it. you know you have to push on. i've been here almost 12 hours. i'm not going to let that ruin anything for us. >> the 8:00 show let out and they understand that the attack was part of show. the smeef dark and grim. some people tell me they were thinking about the victims while they watched batman.
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>> theaters around the country are increasing security in the wake of that massacre. terry mcsweeney joins us from san francisco. >> what aim any in front of that theater, san francisco police officer sitting there for 20 minutes is an indication what has changed here in san francisco. police are changing the way they do business as what happened in that theater. there is going to be more patrols in and around theaters. take a look. a san francisco police department spokesman tells me the reason it's done is on the side of prevention. there is no known threat to be a copycat in colorado. that incident from colorado appears to be an isolated incident still, but this is what people can expect if they go to a movie theater this weekend. >> san francisco police department is increasing patrols throughout the movie theaters in the city. we wanted to make sure that
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people will attend these movies without the fear of violence. our job as law enforcement to make sure po to provide safe and security. >> san francisco police stepping up patrols and telling me, it would like the public to do what you can do to help out. if you got a bad feeling something isn't right, tell an employee at a theater or if you are fairly certain this is something besides a small prank, call police they will not be far away, far closer than usual. terry mcsweeney, "abc 7 news." >> "abc 7 news" reporter a ama daetz will file reports starting at 4:00. stay with us for continuing coverage on the colorado theater shooting. we will have the latest developments online for you as well at get breaking news on twitter and
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our facebook page. we have breaking news happening right now in east oakland where sky7hd is overhead an intense manhunt for one of two armed robbery suspects. other is in custody. police are using dogs and searching door to door on hamilton street. nick? >> what we've seen here today is a lot of confused neighbors, people are walking out of their homes and saw the heavy police presence. they do have one suspect in custody. we're blocked from the coliseum bart station. oakland police have cordoned off between hamilton and 76th avenue. details are scarce. just after 9:00 this morning, oakland police received a call about a robbery near the coliseum bart station. these pictures you are seeing
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gives you an idea they are searching the it's not clear if the robbery happened on the bart property or simply near the station but when police arrived they saw two suspects fitting the description of two american wanted. as officers approached the suspect the two men took off on foot. oakland police were able to capture and define one male suspect. inside in custody. second suspect took off on foot and they believe he is hiding in the area since we have been here, we have seen the use of canine units going door to door looking for their second male suspect. ironically there will be a press conference today held by city leaders and oakland police department on areas related to gun crime in the area. we'll have an opportunity to speak to them about that. at the intersection, there is still an active hunt for a male suspect. the second male suspect is in the police car behind me. again we believe these are two
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men who are wanted and in two earlier robberies. nick smith, "abc 7 news." >> suspended san francisco share ross mirkarimi and his wife can be together after a judge. the domestic violence case against mirkarimi can be provided and now they can be reunited as a family. >> how do you feel? [ laughter ] >> we are extremely happy. very emotional reunion. he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of domestic
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violence that led to miss suspension as sheriff. she will return to venezuela to take care of her sick father. time now for meteorologist mike nicco and look at the weather. >> a lot of sunshine out there. it will be cool at the coast and get waer on the bay and even hot inland. >> we'll recap our breaking news in colorado. where a gunman opened fire at a premiere of the batman movie.
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. the weekend shear and it's going to warm up a lot. >> a lot of temperatures will be above average and cloud cover going to leave the coast from time to time this weekend. you can still see it out there as we look back from emeryville back towards san francisco. clouds hanging out at the coast. that is about as many as you are going to see over the next couple of days. here is another beautiful picture from south beach looking back to the port of oakland. you can see the hills getting a little dirty but air quality is pretty good. no spare the air right now. let's talk about live doppler 7-hd with clouds clearing. it's definitely dry out there. even as you head into the central valley the showers are well off to the east. you can see the clearing from north to south along the coast.
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clouds are retreating from inland valleys all the way back to the coast. it looks like that is the beginning of the high pressure that is going to bring us the warm weather starting today. more sunshine and warmth. it will be partly cloudy and pretty comfortable the next couple of nights. we'll need it inland it will be warm to hot tomorrow and sunday. today we get back to average with temperatures jumping, san francisco two degrees at 68. 74 in oakland. hayward, 75. check out concord and santa rosa seven degrees warmer than yesterday. east bay valleys, mainly mid to upper 80s right now. 90 at brentwood, that is what is coming for the weekend. mid 70s for most of the bayshore sunnyvale, santa clara, upper 70s and low to mid 80s for the south bay. heading up the peninsula, 81, 72 in millbrae. low to mid 60s along the coast
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today. downtown san francisco and near 70 degrees. probably reach it tomorrow. 71 in sausalito. check out bodega at 61 and stinson beach at 63. santa cruz, 78. gilroy will be 88. great night for baseball, it will be clear and quiet. temperatures dropping down to about 58 degrees. if you are heading to the sierra this weekend. temperatures in the low 80s from tahoe and sunshine, few more clouds on sunday. slight small chance of some thunderstorms in yosemite saturday and sunday. temperatures in the upper 90s. here is your accu-weather seven-day forecast, we'll jump ahead to that and you can see right there. temperatures in the 90s inland from saturday all the way through tuesday. low to mid-80s around the bay and 50s to near 70s at the coast best day to t


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