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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  August 10, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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day by day increases are unsettling and creating expectations. >> there is i'm braced for the $5 gasoline but hoping they're bringing back hoff lane autos $4 a gallon gasoline has another impact. whit reaches this level, this economist says consumers start to curb their spending, having a impact on restaurants and retailers in a recovering economy. >> there are hundreds of people showing up to file claims against chevron for monday's fire, as many as 2,000 people may try to get reimburse manies for health problems related to this blaze. we're live with the latest. >> good evening, chevron provided a plan for entering
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the area at number four and that is meaning they're closer to investigating the cause of the fire and the reason why people say they're not feeling well, today. >> my eyes have been burning. my throat, swollen. >> since monday, hundreds have complained of ailments. >> i've been very, very weak. nauseated and i have rash on my face and arms. it's not just the people. this is our animals and crops. has anyone bothered to check the water late sfli. >> today, chevron claim to compensate those who say they've been affected by the fire. >> there have been others masks to filter air. >> i'm outraged and have been for years. and this left a dark cloud of
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air and early reports say that there has been no damage to the air quality but bay area air officials say there is one agent above levels. still, some question the legitimacy of those claiming to be harmed. >> do you think it's fair some are looking at the group with a skeptical eye? >> do you know what? if you don't live it sh you don't know it. people are pretending this is not a big deal. oh, those people. them poor people again. >> we're a low income residential area. knob hill would not put up with this. and they're take advantage of people. >> a supervisor warns scammers are pretending to represent the county or chevron. >> nobody is going to homes asking for information or out in the community. there are two options, call an
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attorney or go through channels established to file a claim. >> chevron promising they'll leave no stone unturned. >> we want to apologize for what happened on monday. and to make this right with neighbor autos chevron required to file a report on claims reported today by the end of the day. >> thank you. >> if you want to make a claim you can go to nevin community center open monday through friday from 9:00 to 7:00, saturdays, 8:00 until noon. you can also call and there is a phone number and address on the web site. >> and abc 7 news learn there'd was a fire last call in that unit and there is evidence removing insulation from the line could have played a role in that fire. abc 7 news reporter vic lee
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has the story you'll see only on abc 7 news. the fire occurred november 14th in unit four. the same unit igniting into flames monday night. abc 7 news obtained this report from the contra costa county hazmat unit saying the fire started at about 6:00 p.m. like monday night there is thick black smoke. the plant shut down, resulting in flaring. it was contained and burned into it night. tonight we know about what happened monday night. cal osha has dwrot allow investigators from numerous agencies into the damaged unit four, the crude oil unit where the fire occurred. this agency says it's too hazardous. as you can see from sky 7 hd, a huge crane appeared on that site today and this will enable them to view damage up close, we don't know the cause of the fire but it appears
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removing insulation contributed to it. chevron says it first noticed the leak at 4:30 monday afternoon. this team began looking at options, randy sawer says workers told them they decided to remove insulation of the pipe. >> we take a look at the pipe. >> two and a half hours later crews began to unwrap the insulation. >> they're in a process of taking it off around 6:30 that afternoon. and that is when release got really started to come out of the pipe. >> this small leak ignited into a fireball, spewing hot hydrocarbons into the air. workers and firefighters ran out of the unit. five people suffered injuries and a fire struck was torched. mark used to work in refineries. we asked if it should have
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been shut down before workers began removing the insulation. he says it's a difficult judgment call. >> is a small leak. sometimes you take decisions into your own hands. and maybe they should have shut down the unit. >> chevron tells us safety is the number one priority. >> anyone working for us whether employee or a contractor has ability to stop the operation if they see something that they feel puts anyone, people or the environment, at risk. >> every one one is waiting for the report from chevron that should contain something called root cause analysis, are cause of fire. >> and san bruno residents say construction will resume when a crew clipped a pg&e gas line in the crestmoore neighborhood
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nearly the same location as that deadly 2010 blast. the construction companies took full responsibility, providing a new plan to city officials. crews now working to repair water lines damaged in the 2010 explosion and fire. >> this almost sounds like a movie script. a guy repels down a car, ends up getting caught then buddies try to break him out of jail. authorities believe that is what happened at the marin county juvenile hall in san rafael. here is the story. >> this attempted break incurred at 4:30 this morning. the suspects tried to ben penn trait that wall, shattering two windows. they failed, and then fled leaving behind a sledge hammer. on the other side of the wall was max wade's cell. >> they're hearing thumping sounds from outside. and they believe someone was trying to defeat the concrete wall. >> investigators believe two
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or more people were involved. wade was the only high security prisoner inside. and still, the sheriff's department says there is no evidence that wade was involved in the attempted break in. >> and however he was aware he was turning 18 today. it's no secret you can't keep adults in that facility. so this is probably several people could have survived. >> wade transfered this morning under heightened security. the 18-year-old is accused of stealing celebrity chef guy fieri's lamborghiniy and has been charged in a drive by shooting. >> this is facing two charges of attempted murder. and there are a number of cameras outside. authorities now looking at that video.
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they're also reviewing recorded conversations wade may have had with some of his visitors. there is one thing he did not know is that the fa till sil tis are hard to penetrate. >> all institutions are built to include reinforced concrete and windows that are normal windows in the house, they're rather thick and and now, we're live in san rafael, and the detention sent jer right behind me, break and -- brick and mortar. there is a investigators were behind those trees there.
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and no id and just clothes. this investigation continues. >> thank you. >> california remains in the spell of a heat wave. temperatures reached the 96 degrees in pleasanton today. and there is several readings in the east bay. and and it was 1 hup degrees in livermore. 100 in antioch. there is when you're down, you're still in triple digits. pretty hot and n.clear lake. there are around the bay, quite comfortable. along the coastline there is 59 in half moon bay. it's 101 in morgan hill.
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wide range of conditions you can see here. there is inland areas still sizzling. >> thank you. >> and based on forecast for electricity there is this graph showing as of minutes ago how much electricity we've been using today. you can see there is plenty of capacity. the weekend flex alert cancelled because of cooler than expected weather in southern california. and there is another reason is rebates they're offering smart meter customer autos good news. >> yes. >> still to come there is a death of a local marine. a man who touched lives throughout the bay area. >> a man with an alcohol
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problem was just obtained this video of him trying to burglarize booze, and lots of it. >> these people want to get to the foo fighters. it's outside lands. there is a live report coming up. >> and the san francisco giants
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>> it's a unique combination of food and beverages. if you waited to buy tickets you paid the price. and. >> yeah. the price you paid is that you can't get in.
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unless you want to buy a ticket from someone going to charge mer than face value. 65,000 people a day here z right now, the foo fighter are performing and two hours from now, will be headliner neil young what. a show, what a venue. >> every were you turn there is music. only time there are separate stages at the same time. >> we want to see beck, but then, overlapping is of monsters and men, who is very big right now. who is all the way at the other end of the concert. so it's going to be running that way. then we want to come up for foo fighters which is here. >> there is 72 restaurants
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providing food. concert goers dress to embody the spirit. >> and there is. >> this is a major operation to put this on. and this is to discourage anyone from sneaking in. parking is tight. 10 tow trucks patrolling the neighborhood. and tickets are $250 now they're showing up on ebay. >> and. >> i want to fill up. >> and outside lands has given recreation and parks department more than $4 million. >> this.
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>> you do good work. >> they'll be giving more than $1 million. and this is a unique setting. it's probably what makes it yun yeet. why it continues here and will through sunday night at 9:55. if you don't have a ticket you're not going to be here. >> and because of the out side lands music festival, everything else around the bay area as you would expect traffic is a mess right new. >> take a look. >> oh, man. >> things have lightened up for folks trying to get across the bay bridge. and this is the few from folks trying to get to the bay bridge. and there you've got to get past for fast track. there is traffic heading to
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101. people trying to get to the niners game. >> there is very slow in both directions particularly folks trying to make their way into the city now. >> and there is a waze app. and you can become a exclusive traffic spotter, waze available through i tunes. >> we're seeing changes in weather. >> and we're talking about a 41 degree spread this afternoon. there is summer here in the bay area, there is a wide range into saturday. live picture from our mount tamalpais camera showing you that fog layer looking down towards sausalito. the layer is shallow. about 800 feet deep.
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places like half moon bay reporting three mile visibility and fog. you can see tower camera there earlier. it's socked in. there is where the fog is sitting. it's cozied up to the coast and going to stick around throughout the weekend. there is 50s where fog is. there is 90s showing up around concord and there is if you're looking for relief, it's coming on sunday, you will notice it next week. mild first thing in the morning inland, clear skies, low to mid-60s. there is fog near the coast. early morning plans saturday, kids out of school, just watch out for the fog. and then, that fog pulls away but not clear of the coast.
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we're going to go with a wide range of conditions again. there are 60s coastside to 100s inland. you'll see heat for saturday afternoon. there is east of us, thunderstorms developing. you can see here monsoonal moisture. so be aware of fact there are poor air quality for inland east bay. and south bay santa clara valley moderate and there is good air quality for the rest of the bay area. warm in the south bay. 90 for new cupertino. and there is going to be a beautiful day in palo alto. 65 in half moon bay around the coast. san francisco 67. into the north bay, you'll see heat up around yu kia. there
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is 86 in san rafael. berkeley, 75. oakland 77 degrees and mild 8 to degree day in newark. livermore, 102. there is 79 degrees in santa cruz. mid-60s coast side. sunday cooler as you'll notice out of the triple digits. there is a welcome relief for those who live and work in the area. >> a nationwide bee count about to get underway. >> why it's important to know how ma
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good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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california department of public health warning people not to eat shucked and in shell oysters from drake's bay satisfying they're contaminated with a bacteria. so far three people have become ill. the oysters were sold individually and in bags and
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tubs. drake's bay oyster company has issued a recall. for a list go to our web site. and click on see it on tv. >> san francisco police have arrest aid serial booze thief. this is surveillance video of him allegedly breaking into a restaurant not once or twice, but four times. and he was nabbed after police set up a stake out and found him trying to get away with $7,000 worth of alcohol. the 40-year-old has been charged with commercial robbery. police say he caused 33,000 damage to the restaurant of stolen booze and broken window autos adorable and fuzzy guests have checked into the marriott water front hotel. take a look. these are baby barn owls. and there is a discovered
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there by a guest. >> the family of six checked nchl they're just eggs. then, we found them, they were baby two inches, three inches tau. by the time they started to fly, they're a foot tall. >> they're adorable. the marriott is making the best of the situation, handing out toy owls and encouraging people to see the birds flying around the hotel. the spca says it's likely they'll come back to the location year after year. >> remarkable. >> yes. >> we have breaking news in southern california tonight a small plane crashed in the westwood district of los angeles. we'll bring you details when we come back. >> death of a local marine overnight. we've just finished talking to his parents about the lives he touched throughout the bay area. >> and there are critics saying an ad stirring up hatred in the bay area. >> a company promises you'll
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never have to wait on hold again. and 7 on your side puts that here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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there is breaking news in los angeles in westwood where a small plane has gone down. there is a smoking mess here, firefighters are putting out this fire. we're told that this did not hit houses but it appears this is a residential area. >> this is three miles east of the santa monica airport. crews are on the scene trying to put out the fire now. we don't have report of injuries at this time. and there is no word on what caused this crash. we'll keep you posted here uk see firefighters working to put that out now. so we'll know more later. >> there is a decorated marine from the south bay lost his
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life. tonight his father is speaking out about the young marine he knows and loves. >> this manoukian family is gathering after learning of the death of the 29-year-old matthew manoukian. he died in afghanistan. his dad is a jant clara county judge. he tells me the death happened late at night while he and others were eating because the captain insisted officers observe ramma dachblt he was training police officers and an afghan officer in uniform came and said he wanted to talk to the captain. instead, and he two others were shot. his dad says that he wanted to be a marine since he was 10 years old and found out his dad tried to enlist and couldn't pass the physical. >> he didn't toot his own horn. did he what he thought was the
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right thing and with passion. america is lucky to have soldiers and sailors and men and women like him. and his colleagues who are trying to take care of business elsewhere. >> and he is very proud of service his son and others have done. now, he told that the body should be down to the east coast. ey're planning on meeting him there. live in los altos abc 7 news. >> thank you. >> san francisco mun news pal transportation agency has a policy about ads on buses but an ad being displace plaied now comes close. there is a pro israel campaign. >> the ad says in any war between a civilized man and savage, support the civilized man, support israel defeat jihad.
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james was surprised when he saw the ad on the side. it struck me as inappropriate act to be on the city bus. >> he took a picture sent to it you report at abc 7 and thought it crossed the line. >> no matter which side you're on you should not describe your opponent as a savage. >> the ad was purchase bid american freedom defense initiative. >> i wanted to run these ads to counter the antiisrael ads running in various city as cross the country. in new york, and washington, d.c.. san francisco bart. >> if you don't remember antiisrael ads it's been a year since an ad ran calling on the u.s. to cut military aid to israel. it was a dangerous message that had to be countered with the truth. >> the truth being in the eye of the beholder. i showed the ad to muslim goesing into friday prayers in a mosque.
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>> i can't support israel. no. he called it propaganda. and another pointed out it distorts the meeting of jihad. >> jihad doesn't mean killing people or anything like that it means struggle. it is used as in striving towards the way of god. >> we should support israel more on this earth. you kno tolerance. >> this message didn't sit well with the city of new york's transit authority. >> and and interestingly enough, approving my radz running on your buses. >> and this is through an organization. >> so... buses with the signs will be continuing to roll the next four weeks. >> if i had my way they'd be in every city in the united states. and if i can get funding that
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is what is going to happen. >> and i asked how is this not political? and if you see something you think we should look into, accepted it to you reports. the link to the you report is on the lefthand side at the top. >> yes. thank you. >> good description where you can find that. so remember if you have something we should know about you can send it to us. or look for it on the lefthand side of the web site. >> we'll be right back with 7 on your side and this
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continuing with breaking news out of los angeles a small plane crashed into a heavily populated westwood section of town. you can see this smoke there. and we thought that was from the plane or the building but might just be from a palm tree nearby that. is what appears to be smoking. >> that is making it a bit difficult to see what is beyond that, whether the plane did strike a building and it does appear the plane crashed into that tree. you can see what appears to be
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a wing there. there is three miles east of the santa monica airport wex have not heard about any injuries in this neighborhood and we don't know if b.those onboard the plane. >> and we'll keep you posted. >> are you stired of waiting on hold or winding? there is relief in site. >> there is a service allowing you owe put them on hold. >> i know. >> and there are options for it. >> if you call your bank you'll probably be put on hold saying nearly any business you deal w well, maybe it's time to turn tables and make them wait for you. spending time on hold is a drag. that is how we spend hours of our time each year but this web site and an iphone app from fast customer does away
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with that. >> where do people, humans spend time being on hold with machines? >> aaron came wupt idea and there is a request for a call back. they take over. >> you're done. >> you go back to your life. you know? our system picks up the phone as it were. now, we get to a live person. there is a message says please press one for the next customer. >> that is when the phone rings. >> does it work? with our intern tested it, it worked perfectly. and however, it did not always work with the abc 7 phone service.
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it turns out many corporate phones aren't compatible with the system it told me a minute 36 seconds it took nine minutes and the contact did call back. waits longer than they said they'd take. it took me eight minutes longer. >> and. >> they the did call me back. soy down loaded the app. and the afr i go through the process, and system shows they're going to call back within minutes and so how much does it cost? nothing is free for consumers. we asked about the problems and said he'd check into them and get them fixed right away.
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and that is interesting. >> yes. >> i like that. >> yes. >> and we're going to tell a bunch of people right now. >> sure. >> good. >> san francisco state conducts a national bee count. >> putting our bee team reporter... should have read that
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[ mom ] dear chex cereal, i've never written a fan letter before, but you've done the impossible. you made gluten free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites.
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when my husband found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors, you're making it very hard to choose. your fans, the mcgregor family. 'cause we love chex. ♪ [ male announcer ] and now try new gluten free apple cinnamon chex.
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>> if you happen to look out of the window and show a neighbor staring at sunflowers and counting bees rest assure, he or she will not ab lone. it's a nationwide project to gauge health of bee populations in major cities. and there are some reason for concern. >> it's a pocket of seemingly thriving beauty and color. a living bouquet of flowers and this is a place special
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because of the location. surrounded by concrete and high rises but there is a problem. if you look at the blossoms you'll see it bloomz less every year. there is a reason. i'm looking for pollenateors. >> bees. this garden has become devoid of them. no bee autos nobody knows more on that than she does. she monitors bees using 100,000 citizen scientists to count them. numbers don't lie. >> i think there are fewer bees but this may have been fewer bees for a longer time and no one noticed. >> this appears to be a matter of diminishing habitat. if you're a bee do you think you can find this place? >> i don't think i can. >> and such places do exist.
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>> this is a sort of deep hum, buzzing you'd expect from bee activity. >> last week in san francisco richmond district shelly encountered a swarm of bees moving from yard to yard in neighborhood. >> there are more gardens and less concrete. >> so in the context. work it's good news mixed with bad. bees goring but not gone. happy to come back, even to cities given a proper welcome mat. >> you're brave. >> that is too close for
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comfort. >> we're tight on time this, weekend, hot inland, 102 tomorrow, 98 sunday, coastal areas into 60s. and there is a cooling ticking into low gear if you will back to average by next week. >> and there are people we want to thank tonight. jackie p, adam p, and marjorie b. >> each clicked a like button and $1 goes
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coming up we'll have more on our breaking news, the small plane crashed into this westwood neighborhood of los angeles just miles from the ucla campus. you're looking at a live view now and you can see there is a smoky palm tree there. there are remnants of the plane. also tonight look alike surrogate this, is not the first time a mother welcomed a baby from a different species but may be the cutest. >> oakland's police radios experts think they know what is behind this static.
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and remember switch back after the olympics tonight for a seven minute edition of news and weather coming up at midnight. >> and there is nba news. warriors made nice accusations only to see their rivals laker goes out and land dwight howard in a deal made official today. howard the best center in the nba and and now they're instant title contenders and maybe favorites. lakers parting with andrew biden. nuggets are also involved and magic gets six players and five draft picks. >> there is every day, i had you know one lady would come, come to the lakers! come to the lakers! and she is watching i'm here! >> that is funny.
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pitching a perfect game got matt cane a spot in pitching history for an eternity. today on the port walk cane unveiled his perfect game plaque becoming the first giant pitcher to toss a perfect game in june. >> there is a long list towards -- this is not really long and short but a short list. and it's a honorable list and pretty cool to know it's going to be here, forever. >> giants playing rockies tonight and there is a last start june 19th. there is brandon moss left the building. and after calm conditions yesterday in the pga championship winds kicked up
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today and so did scores. wind surfer didn't seem to mind, big air out there. and there are gusts gusting up to 30 mimp. there is a shot going noo the other hole. chipping for birdie on 13, tied for the lee. there is woods with a nice roll, stopping here somehow. there is a share of the lead at four under. there is woods, peterson and singh on top of the leader board. only two weeks left of the competition in the london
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olympics. if you do not want to know results close your eyes until the music stops. and preseason football 49ers leading first preseason game in the second quarter. and we'll show you that later on. >> don't forget you can wake up to the sound of the abc 7 iphone alarm clock and you'll find it at the i tunes app store. >> that is it for now. >> see you later this he can. captioned by closed captioning services, inc.
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this is the "jeopardy!" tournament of champions. here are three former champions-- a pub trivia editor from crawfordsville, indiana... a urologist from baltimore, maryland... and a student and waiter from moscow, idaho... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- alex trebek!
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thank you, johnny. hi, everyone. well, this is the day we find out which players get to come back for the next three days to play in our semi-finals. mark, justin, and christopher, welcome to the fifth and last of our quarter-final matches. good luck. here comes the jeopardy! round for you. get you off on the good foot, on the right foot, with these categories-- it's not november... we have an invitation to... mark, you start. let's do classic country music, $200. what is "burns"? "burns, burns, burns." what is "burns, burns, burns"? uh, all saints days, $200.
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who is luke? uh, saints, $400. who is francis? classic country, $400. who is parton? dolly parton. classic country, $600. who is hank williams, sr.? classic country music, $800. and that word is "wasted." "wasted days and wasted nights." mark. classic country, $1,000. who is tennessee ernie ford?


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