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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  September 26, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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good morning. thank you for joining us i'm katie marzullo in for kristen sze. and i'm eric thomas. sue hall has been telling us there are multiple cruise ships due into san francisco today. cooler than average weather today which means
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maybe they will buy a sweatshirt tomorrow they won't need it. good weekend to be in the bay area one of the warmest we've had in a while across the board. for now fog in the north bay doppler is dry for the morning commute. 53 minute flight arrival delays just announced at sfo. if you are around the bay today, hazy sun mid 60s to mid 70s inland just a little fog in the north bay otherwise pretty clear, as we head into the afternoon, we'll hang out in the upper 70s to mid 80s over at the coast jut a little sunshine from time to time, near 60°. good morning. cruise ships have a section of the embarcadero shutdown this morning between bay street and north point between 6 a.m. and 2 p.m.. that's just now getting underway. expect delays there. couple hot spots westbound 4 hillcrest accident still blocking left lane typically a grind out of antioch even worse this morning due to this
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accident still blocking lane. san francisco in the median north 280 at 19th, accident there. look at your live bay bridge toll, cash paying folks have a bit of a delay everybody else is breezing through. :02. this morning san mateo police and school district officials are holding a meeting to address parental concerns about campus state after a man tried to abduct a 9-year-old girl. yesterday prosecutors charged 25-year-old bradley mrozek with kidnapping and child molestation he groped the girl in a school bathroom, covered her mouth with his hand and carried her off campus she got away, ran back to school and reported the crime. terry mcsweeney will have a live update in 30 minutes. the 17-year-old driver who hit and killed a father and daughter while they were riding their bikes in concord is expected in court today.
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amy hollyfield is live with what is ahead. >> reporter: he is expected to plead guilty which would bring an end to the criminal case that doesn't mean that would be the end of court proceedings dealing with what happened on treat beautiful boulevard -- treat boulevard. the family plans on suing the driver for negligence that would happen in civil court. they were killed april 7th, while they were out for a family bike ride. they were on the sidewalk when an suv jumped the curb and hit them. the driver is a 17-year-old, since he's a juvenile the maximum punishment would be juvenile detention center until he's 21 then he would have to be released. that is what the nouri family is hoping for. relatives of the victims say they don't know whether he has struck a deal with prosecutors and if that will equal a lesser sentence they are hoping for that maximum punishment. the family says it is determined to make sure that
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what happened is not forgotten. they plan to lobby lawmakers in sacramento for tougher penalties for people involved in fatal accidents. also a plan to dedicate a bench here to their lives. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. this afternoon, suspect shot by an officer in san francisco's mission district last thursday night is scheduled to be arraigned. police say the 22-year-old is a known gang member currently on parole, he was shot after police say he pulled a loaded gun on an officer. investigators say he was carrying a tech 9 semi-automatic pistol loaded with 25 rounds. the shooting parked two nights of protests and vandalism at mission district police substation and nearby businesses. in east oakland police still looking for the gunman who fired dozens of shots some
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of which pierced a pregnant woman's parked car with her three young daughters inside. a man with a white shirt pulled over his face, stood at the corner of east 16th and seminary, unloaded 38 rounds through the neighborhood yesterday afternoon. the pregnant woman says she felt one bullet whiz past her face. her daughters were not hurt. police are looking for two men and she -- say she may have just been -- residents of 14 units in a brentwood apartment complex back home after a gas leak forced them out for nearly five hours. the league happened while pg&e crews were servicing a gasline. the fire department says utility crews could not shut off the line quickly because the pipe was put in by a contractor. fires stood by to make sure the situation as safe --
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firefighters stood by to make sure the situation was safe enough for residents to go back home. the "los angeles times" reports agents launched raids yesterday at several cannibus shops. more raids are likely to follow. warning letters have been sent out to 67 dispensaries. crackdown follows several raids in northern california in the past year including oakland. new polls could be causing concern for republican presidential candidate mitt romney. several polls this morning show romney continuing to trail president obama in critical swing states new numbers come as both get ready for their upcoming debate. stay with the abc7 morning news in our next half hour we'll break down the new numbers. we want a check of the weather. i do the street lamp test. >> what's the street lamp test? >> if i can see the moisture. >> you took years of
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meteorologist -- meteorologist rolling school. >> we need you mike. >> [ talking over each other ] good morning. the clouds aren't as low, not as moisture laden as they were yesterday, still have flight arrival delays into sfo because the clouds are out there. santa rosa half mile visibility right now. clouds pull back to the coast where they will hang out with pockets of sun for you upper 50s to low 60s. 70s in the south bay, north bay, 80s mainly con betweened to the east bay valleys today. as far as around the monterey bay, low to upper 60s from monterey too santa cruz, 76 hollister possibly 82 around morgan hill. tomorrow, friday saturday, big warming trend comes in with a vengeance six degrees warmer tomorrow, couple more friday and couple more saturday mid 90s friday and saturday inland
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mid 80s around the bay low 70s at the coast. we'll take a look at that seven day forecast in a few minutes. first update on traffic. good morning. san mateo bridge getting word that they were late picking up roadwork, you will find bumper-to-bumper traffic mid span westbound towards the highway. they've go the roadwork picked up now but i believe the damage has been done, pretty slow westbound. eastbound forwards hayward moving nicely. if you past golden gate fields, 80 east shore freeway getting a little sluggish, a bit crowded into the macarthur maze, toll plaza still relatively light, a little back-up there. still problem westbound highway 4 at hillcrest that accident in the clearing stages out of the left lane jammed through antioch towards the scene speeds pick up over towards concord. out of central valley slow slow from 205, speeds under 20
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miles an hour, towards the altamont, things pick up a bit through livermore, 20 minute drive from altamont into the dublin-pleasanton area, looks like it is going to be increasing as they get that flow heavily out of the central valley with commute getting underway. ahead, how did your phone bill compare with the average american family? new numbers just release. >> one of the biggest complains with the nut iphone loss of google's mapping service and the solution that could be coming. online shopping can be convenient, but there are complaints. michael finney is ahead with the sites on top in a new survey. i'm a professional stylist
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but styling my friend's is my favorite.
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they all love the latest trends but none of them want to pay full price. they each have their own unique style, so t.j.maxx is a great place because they have such an incredible mix of designers for so much less than the department stores. when my friends feel beautiful i just feel like i scored. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. i'm a maxxinista and now so are all my girls. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you.
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welcome back. new numbers show are spending more money than ever on cell phones. labor department says spending on phone services jumped 4% alone last year. in 2007 the average american family spent over $1100 a year. last year that number jumped to over $1200. the reason? the growing popularity of smartphones and those expensive data plans. google is staying quiet on whether it will release new mapping app for the iphone. sources close to the company
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tell "the new york times" the app should be released by the end of the year. apple replaced google's mapping service with its own service in its latest update sparking complaints. more people are shopping online. not all websites are created equal. michael finney has sites coming out on top in a new survey and ones at the bottom. >> reporter: good morning. shopping online can save you money and time. consumer reports surveyed more than 28,000 of its subscribes to find out which sites they like. flowers make beautiful gifts ordering online can be unpleasant. consumer reports found it surveyed subscribers about their experiences shopping at the 52 largest retail websites. online florist, 1-800-flowers and ftd near the bottom. >> low marks for val -- value,
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complains about high shipping charges. >> reporter: ticketmaster doesn't have a lot to cheer about bottom of the rating got the lowest marks of all for customer support. >> it takes so long, you are entering all this information over and over again. >> don't like how expensive they are. >> a good online retailer should offer great value, good products and services and deliver them on time also great customer support. >> reporter: among highest rated sites: rei stands out with guarantee shoppers can return or replace items any time at the store or online and there's no expiration date. >> zappos has a good return policy. you have a year to return something and zappos picks up the cost i am >> reporter: another way to save on shipping, shop at sites like wal-mart which
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doesn't charge if you have the items delivered to the store for pick-up. shopping online can be convenient getting a ton of spam is not. consumer reports says a good idea is set up a separate e-mail address for all your online purchases. i'm michael finney, 7 on your side. 6:16. time for a check of the weather. a little cool, big warming trend on the way. the key is it will still be cool at night. no excess heat advisories coming in winds women not be very strong, no high fire danger just warmer weather -- for all of us tomorrow. low clouds as we look towards the port of oakland under the bay bridge from our roof cam live doppler 7 hd quiet, dry, churning around looking for rain, other than driving through the clouds and mist you are not going to have it. a little fog around santa rosa,
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everybody else a little cloudy east bay valleys clear now all of us in the 50s, a little fog around the monterey bay 50s also many sunshine this afternoon, coolest afternoon in the forecast, warmth everywhere especially friday through sunday when it will hit beaches. warmer than average today livermore by four degrees at 86, everybody else cooler than average, oakland and san francisco supposed to be your warmest days of the year. getting a little shortchanged now. most of the clouds around through the morning rush hour, then by noon, pulls back we still have finger of fog rolling through the golden gate trying to reach towardsbergly, 50s, 60s bay, 70s, 80s inland. 70s, 80s south bay mid 70s to low 80s saratoga and los gatos. 60° mark this afternoon along
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the coast mid 60s downtown south san francisco and sausalito, more sunshine, low 60s at north bay beaches, mid to upper 70s through your valleys, mid 60s to mid 70s berkeley at 66 to fremont 74 east bay valleys low to upper 80s as mild as it is going to be 60s monterey bay, 70s and a few 80s inland. game at at&t park tonight 7:15 first pitch, increasing clouds decreasing temperatures 55 by the end of the game. move of us will have clouds tonight except east bay valleys and south bay comfortable in the 50s. starting friday, saturday, sunday in the 70s at our beaches, mid 80s bay, mid 90s inland monday, tuesday temperatures still a little above average. have a great day. good morning. nice drive traveling from san jose north 280 speeds at limit highway 17 overcrossing
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out of the santa cruz mountains no problems there good looking drive. not so nice with the bay bridge metering lights just turned on traffic backing beyond the overcrossings heading into san francisco a little sluggish upper deck towards treasure island. south 880 first words of a stall in oakland at fifth blocking right lane, westbound 4 at hillcrest that accident in the clearing stages just now moved to the shoulder. hopefully things start improving, it is really jammed out of antioch this morning, more so than usual. speeds pick up towards concord. eastbound 4 roadwork until 5:00 this afternoon between bailey and railroad. 28019th, accident in the median, a little into san francisco. embarcadero closed ongoing now just shutdown at 6:00, until 2:00 this afternoon between bay and north point due to multiple cruise ships that are arriving in san francisco today. muni and golden gate transit buses will be rerouted around
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that area. i saw one of those ships yesterday. ahead, lady gaga's fuller figure. she explains why she feels okay about gaining 25 pounds. fueling up for less than $2 a gallon. where, when, how? it is true, the
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>> this morning the average price of a gallon of regular gas in california remains $4.13 imagine paying less than $2. yesterday in iowa dozens paid just $1.84. the latest city where the political action committee americans for prosperity offered gas at discounted prices. they say that was the average price for a gallon of regular four years ago before president obama took office. only the first 150 drivers got the cheap gas. you know lady gaga is not the shy retiring type. she firing back at tabloid attacks on her recent 25 pound weight gain after photographers posted unflattering pictures of the singer from an amsterdam concert she revealed she is battling anorexia and bulimia and has been since she was 15. she is now celebrating her so-called curvey flaws in a blog. she is encouraging fans to
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post photos to show off their own body images. "good morning america" will have more on this. today on katie modern family star sophia virga talks about live over 40 and re-- sophia vergara talks about live over 40 and revealing her fight against cancer. >> there are so many sides to to her, 40 and fabulous and cancer survivor. highest paid -- there's a lot to talk about her. today on katie. that's katie at 3 p.m., right here on ab k 7. still ahead, -- -- 41 days until election day race heating up. live picture from ohio one of the swing states that both candidates are hitting hard. romney speaking now the
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president will be there later on. new polls could be causing concerns inside the romney campaign. we'll tell you more. the shooting investigation bringing traffic to a crawl during the height of the evening commute in the east bay. good morning. high temperatures today. coast partly sunny upper 50s to low 60s, 64 in san francisco with more sunshine towards the bay most of the bay hazy upper 60s to low 70s. 70s and 80s eastern seaboard, 60s and 70s seattle and portland all major airports on time except sfo, 53 minute flight arrival delays.ú
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>> announcer: live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. good morning. welcome it is:30 on this wednesday september 26th. you are looking live from our hd roof cam maybe starting to see a little light in the sky there. mike is going to tell us where it is cloudy this morning. don't -- he'll have the full story i'm katie marzullo in for kristen sze. and i'm eric thomas. yes there are delays at sfo. bet you never herder that before.
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>> 53 minute flight arrival delays hopefully they end as quickly as they did yesterday. thickest fog in santa rosa, lifting a little visibility up to a mile and quarter now doppler dry unless you drive through some of these lower clouds maybe mist in the air. cloudy at the coast today, around the bay during the morning then hazy sunshine by noon. need a coat this morning, 50s not in the afternoon mid 60s to upper 70s. inland cool this morning from the 40s and fog in the north bay valleys, 50s for rest of us. mild to warm from 76 to 85 and you will need a coat all day at the coast with limited sun top out in the upper 50s to low 60s. big warming trend come -- coming up. first traffic >> good morning. thought we would go to the bay bridge toll metering lights on, commute lanes the carpool
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lanes are whizzing by, no delays if you have passengers in your car. got that accident westbound 4 out of lanes at hillcrest still very slow out of antioch towards pittsburg, speeds pick up into concord. word from the powell street mason cable car line down shuttle buses in place to repair that hopefully they will get that back. 8 -- drive times heading out now. two hours from now, parents, school officials and law enforcement will gather at park side elementary school in san mateo to talk about students' safety after a girl was kidnapped from campus friday, luckily she was able to get away. terry mcsweeney is live at the school with more. >> reporter: that meeting starts:30 this morning. -- starts 8:30 this morning. officials have pledged for
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fencing and gates in response to what happened last friday afternoon. pictures of park side elementary, according to police, 25-year-old bradley mrozek, followed a 9-year-old girl into the bathroom, groped her, carried her off campus. as the two approached a house walking together that point, he put her down, she kicked him, threw rocks at him and ran back to campus. according to police mrozek stopped at other campuses. he offered vodka to a couple girls followed them off campus, they ran home told their parents, parents called 911. before that he was, according to police at another elementary school where the administrator saw him acting suspiciously, didn't know what he was doing asked him to sign out he signed the name brad. mrozek arrested saturday no picture because police don't want that to interfere with
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their investigation. he was in court yesterday. already again some promises of more fencing and gates out here this morning at 8:30 police school administrators and pan are -- and parents get together to talk about it. terry mcsweeney, abc7 news. the man accused of murdering morgan hill teenager sierra lamar is due back in court today. antolin garcia-torres was arrested in may and is being held without bail. he was supposed to enter a plea in july, several hearings have been postponed. police have dna evidence linking him to the 15-year-old who disappeared march 16th. her body has not been found despite regular searches. traffic back to norm on i in castro valley after gunfire -- normal on i-580 in castro valley after gunfire. shots were reported 7:30 last night on redwood road.
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chp shutdown all westbound lanes between castro valley and redwood road for an hour so investigators could gather evidence. that caused a huge back-up. there are no reports of injuries. it does not appear anyone was hit. the investigation is ongoing. flyers may notice unusual activity at sfo while they wait today because there are delays, don't worry just a drill. the airport will hold a simulated plane crash into the waters near the airport full scale emergency response with firefighters and other disaster officials to test a new response facility. the drill starts in 2 1/2 hours. new this morning, both presidential candidates will be in the swing state of ohio today they've been in a tight race, new numbers today show president obama opening a lead over mitt romney in two key battleground states. kira klapper joins us with the break down from the newsroom. >> reporter: good morning.
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weeks to go until election day the race is heating up for the first time both president obama and mitt romney will spend the day campaigning in ohio. the state that could end up deciding the elect. new numbers out this morning, one poll has romney eight points behind president obama in ohio. another swing state florida shows romney trailing obama by four points. this map shows projections of a steep climb for romney if he were to lose ohio he would need every other battleground state. this morning in ohio romney is trying to differentiate himself on middle class economic issues. here's what he said within the last 15 minutes. >> do we want four more years with 23 million americans struggling to find a good job? >> no! >> do we want four more years where after the kids coming out of college can find work? >> no! >> do we want four more years where every year the take-home
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pay goes down? >> reporter: gop strategists are saying there are no easy answers to romney's failure to connect with the strong middle class in ohio. after ohio the next face off will be the first presidential debate on october 3rd. kira klapper, abc7 news. :37 now. we have coastal fog and delays at the airport port. >> about 53 minutes at sfo because of low clouds. good morning. thickest fog up around is -- up in santa rosa, down a little half moon bay to three not as thick as it was yesterday those are the few areas where you may drive through mist this morning. winds fairly calm except oakland southwest at 12, southwest at napa seven northwest at livermore and hayward just a breath at five we don't have a strong onshore flow this morning.
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clouds banked up against the coast pockets will develop mid 50s to low 60s, mid to upper 60s san francisco, oakland and richmond sea breeze will touch your neighborhoods. low to mid 70s the rest of the bay shore, mid to upper 70s south bay and north bay in the 80s low to mid 80s east bay valleys. mid to upper 70s hollister -- low to upper 60s monterey through watsonville towards santa cruz. next three days some of the warmest in the forecast. temperatures jumping into the 70s at the coast friday, saturday mid 80s around the bay mid 90s inland. in a few minute the seven day forecast with the back half of the weekend. first traffic. good morning. if you travel through san rafael this is a live look south 101 past lucas valley road towards the civic center
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speeds at the limit biz no dan delays can no problems over the -- fog-free over the golden gate bridge nice drive into san francisco no delays four full southbound lanes more crowded east shore freeway past golden gate fields into berkeley and emeryville you can see bumper-to-bumper as you make your way towards the macarthur maze metering lights on at the bay bridge. san mateo bridge earlier late roadwork picked up that made for slow traffic towards the highrise that roadwork is now picked up, a little sluggish westbound. eastbound is moving at the limit, no problems there. ahead, the new discrimination case against bank of america. trading underway on wall street. live report straight ahead. you can see stocks flat just
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up four points. protesters and police clash in greece. the day of action leading to this latest violence. what is year credit scores? the numbers you think you have may not be real.
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welcome back.
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check out temperatures today, coolest at the coast. limited sunshine upper 50s to low 60s. mid 60s to mid 70s around the bay upper 70s to low 80s inland. live doppler dry the last three hours, a lot of sunshine and temperatures in the low to mid 90s central valley, 73 tahoe today, 87 yosemite, sunshine big sur 71, palm springs 100. afternoon sun and mid to upper 70s san diego and los angeles. breaking news, sad news from the world of music. singer andy william has died. he died last night after a year long battle with bladder cancer he was 84. he was one of those popular singers from the 60s he died at his home in branson, missouri where he owned a theater named after his signature song, "moon river." >> time to check in with josh elliot for what is coming up
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on "good morning america." good morning. sad news, we have lost a classic in andy williams. longtime california resident, as well, he will be missed. lot to get to on our program including a wonderful story that sprung from near tragedy. there was a terrible fire but a quick-thinking high school freshman, 14-years-old, grabs a ladder runs next door saves his 7-year-old neighbor who was trapped his family got get to him, fire department would say they've never seen anything like it. wonderful story. lady gaga a woman if nothing else, she has been a champion of disinfranchised fought things like bullying throughout her career. now she is firing back at critics, critical of her weight gain revealing her struggles with eating disorders hoping to empower a
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generation, powerful new message she is bringing. then a weird one. sometimes they are just weird. twist on the old pool party which let -- would you let your children swim with alligators? we visit with the woman behind harry potter. inside the pages of her new book, jk recalling. --. >> k rolling. modern family week continues today it is julie bowen, she is slightly tremendous, terrific. stick around for it all, right here on "good morning america" >> swilling with allegation ares, your kids that's not a metaphor, right? >> no. eric, you know it is morning television, we tend to be metaphor-free. it is kids swimming with alligators. it will all make sense,
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promise. >> we will go nowhere, see you later. more news now happening right now anti-austerity protests underway in greece. 50,000 are hitting the streets in athens protesting government cutbacks. greece's two largest unions called today's strike. fire and smoke can be seen, right now 3,000 police guards are standing guard. greece has promised the european union 15 billion dollars worth of spending cuts over the next two years. the government has in order to secure aid to avoid default but unpopular among the populous. iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad is set to address the united nations 7:30 our time this morning. he told reporters yesterday a new world order needs to emerge away from what he calls american bullying and domination. he also discussed solutions
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for syria, dismissed the question of iran --'s nuclear ambition. do you know year credit score? the score you think you have maybe different from the number lenders are looking at. the three credit bureaus give different numbers than those that lenders use the discrepancy occurs in as many as one in four sometimes it could mean call fighing or being denied for a loan -- it could mean qualifying or being denied for a loan. wall street is watching the housing market this morning. >> jane king at the new york stock exchange with that and renewed criticism about how banks are handling for closures. bank of america in particular accused by the national fair housing alliance
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of discriminating against minority neighborhoods in the oakland, richmond, concord area and several other metro areas across the nation. when it comes to taking care of the foreclosed properties it is responsible. a study shows 77% of foreclosed properties had trash in and around them making them an eyesore, difficult to sell and dangerous bofa strongly denied the allegation and stands behind its practices. apple viral samsung expects sales of galaxy smartphone to get off to a stronger start than its predecessor. it goes on sale today in south korea and is expected to be on sale here in the u.s. by mid november. about to get a report on august home sales in 10 minutes, economists believe me will be the fastest sales pace in two years.
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market so far this morning not doing a lot, sell-off yesterday, barely moving, we are down but not by as much. bloomberg index this morning lower. honored national copy day saturday -- free coffee, in some areas to lure customers in. survey found 43% of workers who drink coffee say they would be less productive without that daily cup of joe. food prep and service workers top the list of people who need coffee to get through their workday. workers in the media also mentioned. live at the new york stock exchange i'm jane king. mike joining us with a look at weather and a lucrative contest. way to win $49,000 easy, abc 7 about to make someone $49,000 richer. go to and like us then click the win
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$49,000 button to enter. we'll announce the winner october 18th. if you already like us, you still have a chance go to our facebook page and click on that $49,000 button that will take you to the page where you can enter. good luck and remember your friends here at abc7 -- we can't win, never mind. here's a look at some of the clouds trying to filler he into the east bay hills, hazy mount diablo -- this morning from vollmer peak. clouds are thin and very dry this morning. biggest issue with the clouds is flight arrival delays of nearly 55 minutes into sfo. you can see both radars north and south over top of the bay area showing no need to worry about wet weather this morning.
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temperatures, 50s around visibility improving in santa rosa now fog and 50s around the monterey bay mid 50s. coolest afternoon in the forecast, patchy fog again tonight warmth will spread everywhere. today, four degrees warmer in santa rosa, everybody else within one to two december of where we were yesterday that puts south bay in the mid 70s to near 80 saratoga and los gatos. millbrae 69. near 60 at the coast today, mid 60s downtown south san francisco and sausalito, mid to upper 70s north bay valleys, more sun at beaches than yesterday, low 60s, berkeley 66, fremont 74 spread on east bay shore. 76 hollister, 68 in santa cruz. boys of summer still playing.
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7:15 first pitch, dropping to 55° by the time the game ends. temperatures jump six degrees across the board tomorrow, another four to six degrees friday, friday through sunday mid 90s inland mid 80s bay low 70s beaches get there early, find your spot it is going to be busy at the beaches this weekend. good morning. a little busier, 280 from san jose past 17 junction into cupertino no major problems in good company as you make your dive. mason cable car line down shuttle bus in place for that now. we'll follow that for you. otherwise, no further delays. muni buses and muni metro on time be bart looking good, caltrain all mass transit looking good. 580 to the altamont pass starting to get sluggish, 680
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san ramon corridor less than 20 minuteso. to 580. 238, southbound 880 to 84 west sluggish, 20 minutes. here are five things to know before you go: number one, this morning san mateo police and school disstick officials are holding a meeting 8:30 to address parental concerns after main tried to abduct a 9-year-old girl from parkside elementary last week. yesterday he was charged with kidnapping and child molestation. number two, east bay teenaged driver accused of hitting a man and daughter riding their bikes in concord could change his plea when he returns to juvenile court today. the d.a. says the teen is considering changes his plea to guilty he of manslaughter. a man and his daughter were hit by an suv last april. >> number three, the man
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accused of killing sierra lamar is due back in court in san jose today. antolin garcia-torres was arrested in may and is being held without bail. he was supposed to enter a plea in july several hearings have been postponed. number four, both presidential candidates will be in ohio today. new numbers this morning show president obama hope opening a lead over mitt romney by eight points in ohio and four points in florida. >> number five, iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad set to address the general assembly of the united nations a half hour from now. he met with reporters and dismissed the question of iran's nuclear ambitions. claimed despite western sanctions his country is better off now than when he took office in 2005. final check on your forecast. a little heat coming our way? >> absolutely starting tomorrow. good morning. here's a look at live doppler, a little fog around santa rosa
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and some of it hugging the coast now trying to spill into the baena's why we have 53 minute flight arrival delays -- oakland and san jose on time, otherwise dry. sunny spots at the coast jacket weather upper 50s to low 60s. hazy sun around the bay upper 60s to mid 70s inland a lot of sun mid 70s to upper 80s into the east bay valleys this is the coolest kay in the -- coolest day in the forecast. back-up remaining at bay bridge metering lights on sluggish getting into san francisco. the carpool.xí: lanes are÷á whig by that's the way to go if you can. 101 past the marin ymca is moving nicely a little sluggish when you get to the golden gate bridge no major delays there. san francisco a portion of the embarcadero between bay and north point closed today until 2 p.m. due to multiple cruise
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ships. nice day for tourists and relatively light traffic. >> come in, money, we like that. >> that's going to do it for this edition of abc7 morning news. >> don't forget to download our new alarm clock app for your iphone. wake up to the bay area's latest headlines, weather and traffic on your phone. thank you for the company this morning. morning. we'll see you later on.
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