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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  September 28, 2012 12:00am-1:05am PDT

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up next on an all-new "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> the nfl lockout is over. the refs will be back to work. [ applause ] and i am happy to say, there will never be a bad call again. >> selena gomez. >> aunt chippy, who are you least looking forward to seeing tonight? >> you. >> lenny venito. music from tony bennett and "unnecessary censorship." >> you [ bleep ] every night
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>> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy kimmel. the presidential election is coming up and guillermo and i are voting early at 7-eleven with free coffee. to honor early voting, 7-eleven is celebrating cof-free day. tomorrow, september 28th. customers can come into any 7-eleven and get a free large sized coffee in a custom cup designed for each nominee. did you know that 7-eleven has correctly predicted the past three presidential elections? >> no, i didn't. that's a lot of elections. >> jimmy: yes, it's three. >> i think it would be fun if we run against each other for president. >> jimmy: if we ran against each other for president? you against me? >> yep. look, i even made my own cup! look. >> jimmy: you made your own cups? wow. >> look, right there. >> jimmy: did you mean to say hope? >> yeah, that's what it says. hope.
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and i made one for you too. look. >> jimmy: what does mine -- that says nop. >> no, it says nope. >> jimmy: nope has an e on the end. so, it says nop. >> you have a zit on your face. >> jimmy: i have a what? >> a zit on your face. >> jimmy: a sip? >> like a pimple. >> jimmy: a zit? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you have a mustache. let me tell you something, you run a dirty campaign, rodriguez. >> i do what i have to do for los people of america! >> dicky: be sure to pick-up a free large coffee casting your vote in 7-election on cof-free day, tomorrow, september 28th, from 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. at participating 7-eleven stores. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live," back in two minutes with selena gomez, lenny venito and music from tony bennett. every picture tells a story.
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of course, some stories are bigger than others. okay guys, here we go. everybody say, 'cheeeeeeeee-eeeeeese'.
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got it. for just 20 bucks. only the best dishes make the menu. it's a southwest showdown. the chefs are coming out choppin'! you can taste the tension in the room! this is really distracting. [ berman ] they're throwing everything at each other -- chipotle, chopped cilantro! do you always do this? i just can't turn it off. must be exhausting. [ berman ] new southwest entrees, part of applebee's 2 for $20 lineup. perfect for game day or every day. see you tomorrow. and see you late night for half-priced apps. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!"
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tonight -- selena gomez. lenny venito. and music from tony bennett. with cleto and the cletones. and now, fortunately, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, hi, everybody. thank you. thank you, cleto. i am jimmy, i'm the host of the show, thanks for watching. thank you for joining us. wonderful to have you here. after the show last night, i went to a concert. i went to see the killers at a theater down the street here -- [ applause ] in hollywood. and it was a great show. excellent. but -- there was a guy in front of me with a camera, a small digital camera, and he would hold the camera up above his
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head and i'm behind, so, the only way we could see the concert was through his little display screen on the camera. and he would take one picture and he would wait until he could take another and he would take another picture and then he would take a third picture and then he would bring the camera down and he would look at it, i don't know if he was deleting, looking at them. but once he was finished here, he would then bring the camera right back above his head and take three more pictures and then look at them, delete, and then, again, with the camera and this went on for the whole concert. he never stopped taking pictures with that stupid little camera. and i thought about saying something, but after a certain point, i wanted to see how long it would go on. you know how long it went on? it went on the whole time. the whole -- he enjoyed exactly none of the concert. anyway, i guess what my point is, the reason i'm bringing this up is, to say, enough with the pictures, everybody, put the cameras away. [ applause ]
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remember -- remember how we used to make fun of japanese tourists? [ laughter ] now they're making fun of us. tonight's show is a big night for us here. it is the first night, or at it is said in italian, prima note, for the feast of san jen narrow. there are dozens of italian food stands set up outside our theater. this is an annual charity event we started here in hollywood. thousands of men named tony come from all over to celebrate. feast runs all day every day through sunday. it's a really great place to fight with your family. but the feast doesn't officially begin until the first pizza dough is thrown and guillermo is outside right now to do it. hello, guillermo. >> hi, jimmy! [ applause ] >> jimmy: that should be shaped more like -- that should be shaped more like a disc, guillermo. >> i'm trying. >> jimmy: well, you're doing it
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wrong. you want to -- like a tortilla. >> oh, like a tortilla. >> jimmy: yeah. >> okay. >> jimmy: pat it down. you're going to have to squeeze it down more because right now it's a loaf of bread. okay, but all right, are you ready to officially kick off the feast, guillermo? >> ready, jimmy! >> jimmy: drum roll please. guillermo, throw the first pizza dough of the season. well, that is not -- >> oh. bye, jimmy. >> jimmy: some top notch acting over there. [ applause ] tell you what. acting like that, i think we could get him on a telenovella pretty soon. good news for football fans. late last night, the nfl lockout is over. the refs will be back to work. and i am happy to say, there will never be a bad call again. [ laughter ] the new collective bargaining
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agreement is an eight-year deal. the referees got better pension, more money, and most importantly, what they wanted more than anything, sundays off, so -- [ laughter ] we might still have a problem. but the replacement refs have been replaced and i hate to see people out of work, so, i hired some of the replacement refs to work here at the feast tonight. this guy, we have, you know, all sorts of games and you can win prize us, that kind of thing. so, we hired these refs, a great thing to have them here and, you know -- >> no good. >> jimmy: wait a minute. >> no good. better luck next time. >> but i made it. >> who is up next? got to make it to win, buddy. don't start jawing at me. you want a t? >> jimmy: give him a couple more times to familiarize himself with the rules. because those refs were terrible. oh. i didn't -- you got it then? okay. this is one of those stories that has everything. a guy that lives in norway wanted to freeze his dead
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grandfather so that one day he could bring him back to life. but they don't allow that in norway, so, they shipped frozen grandpa to oakland, where they do allow it and he stayed there in a laboratory for four years packed in liquid nitrogen and for some reason, they shipped him to colorado, where he is now living, or, not living, but now frozen, he's in a shed packed with dry ice now. the grandson hired a local guy named bo to take care of the body. but now bo wants out of the deal and pay attention, because there's a lot going on here. >> the famous frozen dead guy, could be leaving his 13-year home and heading to michigan. he's been frozen in this shed since 1993. bo has been responsible for covering his coffin with tons of ice every month for 19 years. he says he and his peacock have had it. >> don't jump at me. be nice. it's basically a contract dispute.
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we're not getting paid properly. >> from his farm, iceman says his boss, the grandson that lives in norway, owes him hundreds of dollars. hasn't given him a raise and doesn't take into account the back-breaking work. >> if you are going to take care of your grandfather, so he can be reanimated, let's take care of him right. >> jimmy: i have always said that. i have always said that. got a peacock, a dead guy in a shed. we have to get ahold -- this could be the best episode of "storage wars" yet. [ laughter ] let's go back out to the feast, to check this with my aunt chippy, who is -- hello, aunt chippy. >> hi, jim. >> jimmy: with frankie. what are you making? >> we're making calzones. you remember them? >> i do, but you have a machine -- >> jimmy: you don't look like you are helping, aunt chippy -- >> mind your business.
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i'm going to eat a lot when i start. >> jimmy: let me ask you, who are you least looking forward to seeing tonight? >> you. >> jimmy: aunt chippy is in town for the feast, i thought i would get her opinion on something. there's a new fashion trend in japan right now called bagel head. people are pumping saline into their fore heads and putting a dent in it to make it look like they have a bagel head and it seemed like something that my aunt chippy would have an opinion on, so, we sat her down this afternoon for a new segment titled "rant chippy," and enjoy. >> hi, this is aunt chippy. and here's a trend that stupid kids are doing. they are sticking this is a lean solution in their foreheads and they are sticking their finger in it and making themselves look like a beige. i got to show you this [ bleep ]. here's the first one. not bad looking, could have done without the bagel. take a look at this one. he really did a number.
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two bagels. i guess one for breakfast, one for dinner. then, this one over here. you know what? it doesn't really [ bleep ] matter what he stuck on his head because you look like [ bleep ] anyway. then, this one here. her mother is hiding in the cellar. and i don't blame her. and -- oh! oh my god. this poor baby with bagels in his head. what the [ bleep ] is wrong with you people in japan? go find something to do with yourself. already the moron of the month award. >> i'm done. [ bleep ] they give me to do. >> jimmy: found a replacement for andy rooney. thank you, aunt chippy. >> you're welcome, jimmy. >> jimmy: what's wrong with your hair? >> don't start already with me!
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i don't care what i look like, as long as my teeth work, i'm going to eat. >> jimmy: eat something. here's something else my aunt chippy hates, the show "here comes honey boo boo." you're familiar with this? tlc, the network, just ordered a new season of the show, a halloween, thanksgiving and christmas special. i can't think of a better way to celebrate the birth of jesus than with -- oh, wait, yes i can. i can think of a lot of them. season finale aired last night. a lot happened. honey boo boo's 18-year-old sister anna had a baby girl, which means they are multiplying. and the baby's name is kaitlyn and while this is hard to believe, kaitlyn may already be the most remarkable member of the boo boo family. >> every baby is born with something special. show the thumb. show her. >> kaitlyn has two right thumbs on the same hand.
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when i saw her thumbs, that was just weird. that was really freaking weird. >> kaitlyn is highly evolved. >> i wish i had an extra finger. then i could grab more cheese balls. >> jimmy: hash tag baby cakaitl. i like that. honestly -- place mrals i would like to know what went on. there's a camera crew, what went on in the producer's meeting, were they happy she had a kid with two thumbs on one hand, did anyone say, maybe we shouldn't focus on this. i'm guessing they were happy about it. either way, she'll be the only member of that family that can count to 11, so -- [ applause ] the other big event last night -- thank you. the family got a visit from uncle poodle. honey boo boo calls her uncle uncle poodle because he's gay and while some might find that offensive, believe it or not,
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honey boo boo is very open minded when it comes to same sex relations. >> ain't nothing wrong with being a little gay. everybody's a little gay. [ applause ] >> jimmy: who would have guessed we'd get a message of tolerance from a 6-year-old hill billy with a mouth full of con on the candy. i lie that phrase, everybody's a little gay. we made it into a song this afternoon. ♪ ain't nothing wrong with being a little gay ♪ ♪ everybody's a little gay ♪ everybody ♪ ain't nothing wrong with being a little gay ♪ ♪ everybody ♪ everybody ♪ ain't nothing wrong ♪ everybody's a little gay ♪ gay ♪ ain't nothing wrong with being a little gay ♪ ♪ everybody's a little gay ♪ gay >> jimmy: that's right. i think we have a hit. call ryan seacrest. call somebody. this is interesting. two major suppliers of halloween
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costumes are reporting that barack obama masks are outselling mitt romney masks by 34%. and the numbers are potentially significant because mask sales have correctly predicted the winner of the last four elections. and i -- it's not really fair because with the obama mask, you don't have the to carry a bag around when you trick our treat. you can store the candy in the ears. [ laughter ] i personally don't care which one of these masks is more popular. i'm more interested in receiving which one does a better job of scaring our security guard adelina. this is adelina. she guards the door outside my office. needless to say, i feel very protected when she's around. she's a perfect test subject for this. she has big reactions to everything. let's find out which presidential candidate's mask scared adelina the most today. great. we start with president obama. hiding in the closet behind
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adelina. she's enjoying her coffee. and her 14th snack of the day. she does not know what's happening. and -- >> obama! obama! >> jimmy: round two. mitt romney. here comes mitt. and -- mitt romney is now -- she's talking to herself. >> romney! romney! >> jimmy: notice, she's still -- she's still eating. oh, we decided to throw dennis rodman in there, also, while we're at it. and here comes dennis. >> rodman!
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>> jimmy: all right, so, i guess we have to give that to obama, right? yeah. [ applause ] i think we give it to the president. and one more thing, it's thursday night, it's time for our weekly tribute to the fcc, where we bleep and blur things whether they need it or not. it is "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> inside the emmys. >> our list of the best dressed and the [ bleep ] failures. >> campaign 2012 focusing on foreign [ bleep ] today. >> have fun. nice to see you. >> sofia vergara is behind you, [ bleep ] herself. >> saturday is national [ bleep ] day. and let's face it, who isn't a [ bleep ] lover. >> so, you and jon stewart hanging out at the emmys -- >> we were backstage in kimmel's dressing ro ining room [ bleep .
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>> getting [ bleep ] again. >> we have a long, long, long [ bleep ]. >> i would say i was a mediocre student until i got to college. i [ bleep ] off way too much. >> got a brand new book out called "take a [ bleep ]." >> abraham lincoln promised not to [ bleep ] the slaves. we're glad he didn't break that promise. >> i want him alive. i want to [ bleep ] his [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: tonight on the show, from the new abc show "the neighbors," lenny venito is here. we have music from tony bennett. and we'll be right back with selena gomez, so stick around. i'm jessica and this is my emergen-c.
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[ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes! [ jack ] ...and alicia. ♪ this girl is on fire [ male announcer ] use any citi card to get the benefits of private pass. more concerts, more events, more experiences. [ jack ] hey, who's boring now? [ male announcer ] get more access with the citi card. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ]
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then name it on facebook. an energizing fruit flavor. new 5 rpm gum. stimulate your senses.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. it is a special night in hollywood, our 11th annual feast of san gennaro. it goes on all weekend, day and night. so if you're in the area, come by, bring the kids. there's a lot of good food and rides and men wearing jewelry. we are on the corner of hollywood and highland, just follow the smell of garlic. tonight on the program, from the new abc show "the neighbors," lenny venito is here. and then with music from his album that comes out october 22nd, it's called "viva duets," the great tony bennett is with us. i broke the cd. don't tell tony. we've got a nice lineup for you next week too. ty burrell, zooey deschanel, amy poehler, zac efron, alan arkin, maggie grace, the latest castoff from "dancing
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with the stars" will be with us and we'll have music from garbage, eclectic approach, tenacious d, and psy, that's the gangnam style guy. he'll be here. in case you haven't had enough of that. our first guest tonight survived barney the dinosaur, a house full of wizards and a horde of crazed be-liebers to be here with us tonight. she is a platinum selling recording artist, and now stars in her first animated film. >> good morning. happy birthday my little mouse. >> thank you, dad. i know it's my birthday. >> i have so much fun planned, woo-hoo. but first, we go catch some scorpions together, just the two of us. >> dad. please, let me speak. there's something we have to talk about. >> you want to go out into the world. you can. >> ah-ha. i knew you were going to say that. but dad, you gave me your word and you know that i know that a dracula is sacred -- wait, what? >> jimmy: "hotel transylvania"
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opens in theaters tomorrow. please welcome selena gomez. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so, that was your voice and adam sandler's voice. adam playing dracula. why doesn't your character have an accent? >> because i was really bad at it. >> jimmy: you were? >> i wanted to have a cool accent but they were just like -- you're best using your own voice. >> jimmy: can you do the act se accent that you wanted to do? >> good morning -- it's not good. >> jimmy: you sound like an old lady. you have to sound like a kid. >> i have a lower voice anyway. it doesn't matter. >> jimmy: did you get to work with adam sandler? or you were in a booth and never see him? >> he was so sweet. he actually produced the movie. >> jimmy: i hear he's a monster. >> what do you mean? >> jimmy: just kidding. no, he's very nice. >> he totally does not care what
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he looks like at all. i'm so -- i'm so jealous. we're like, at a premiere and he's in a baseball cap and jeans. i'm so jealous. >> jimmy: that sort of thing doesn't bother him. >> it's awesome. >> jimmy: not at the top of his list of concerns. >> good. >> jimmy: yeah, the movie opens tomorrow. >> yep. >> jimmy: have you seen the whole thing yet? >> yeah, i saw it in toronto. >> jimmy: you went to the premiere. did your family come out? >> no, i -- my mom came and then i brought justin's little brother and sister. jackson and jasmine. >> jimmy: j-a-x-o-n and we spell jasmine j-a-z-z-y. they were the best critics. shoes lost somehow, they are howling and screaming and i was --
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>> jimmy: how did the shoes get lost? >> i have no idea. we walked out and the shoes are gone, i'm just like, when did that happen? >> jimmy: somebody needs to invent a kid shoe glue of some kind that keeps the shoe on -- not permanently. not for -- but it does a better job. kids shoes just go flying off all the time. >> they were excited. i thought i did a good job. >> jimmy: what is the idea behind the movie? >> i play dracula's daughter and she's turning 118, so, she's wanting to experience life and go out and be independent, do her own thing and then she meets andy sam berg's character who is a human and we fall in love. >> jimmy: you kill him and make him immortal? >> yeah. no, i don't, i'm kidding. >> jimmy: are you living with your parents still? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you are? why are you living with -- [ laughter ] >> i love my family. i don't know. i'm not ready yet. >> jimmy: you're not ready? >> i turned 20 but i love being at home i feel safe. >> jimmy: they do your laundry? >> no, no, my mom would shrink
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everything if she did. >> jimmy: she would. are you -- you have like, your same bedroom growing up and -- >> yeah, well, i built on a little extension so i kind of have independence but not really, so, i have this nice little area that i built on and i have my own area. it's good. >> jimmy: does your mom -- can she still ground you, or, would you fire her if she did something like that? >> no, my goodness. then i would, yeah, i would. no, i don't know. i love my family, they're amazing. i get in trouble for little things here and there but i never get grounded. i brought home baylor, who is a dog i found in canada and inrescued him but now that i'm older, i'm having independence going on, all i get are text messages about baylor messing things up, destroying her underwear. >> jimmy: you brought a crazed canadian dog into their home. >> he's so cute. >> jimmy: what kind of dog? >> siberian husky mix. >> jimmy: how did you get that in from canada? >> he was a puppy. he was beautiful. i found him at the pound.
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>> jimmy: you were at the canadian pound? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how do you go on a date with justin bieber? where can you go? >> ah, i don't know. we don't look at it like that. we just kind of do our own thing. >> jimmy: you can't go bowling, right? >> yeah, we can. >> jimmy: you can? where? >> ah, anywhere. >> jimmy: i see that kid just being chased everywhere he goes. i mean, by, like -- >> sometimes. >> jimmy: every day is a parade. do you disguise yourselves? >> no, you can't. not with him. he looks to look cool, so -- >> jimmy: so, there's no -- nothing like that. >> no defeating the swag. >> jimmy: i see. i heard that there was most popular, like, couple's halloween costume last year was you and justin. >> no! >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's awesome. >> jimmy: people were dressing as you guys. >> that's awesome. >> jimmy: you like that? >> that's pretty rad. i love that. >> jimmy: you do like that? >> that's cool. they probably look better than we do anyway. >> jimmy: no, i'm guessing they
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don't. [ laughter ] >> i tried. >> jimmy: you just went to, what, the not scary farm. do you love getting scared? >> i do love it. i'm the kind of person that covers the ears and eyes so, i don't understand why i like getting scared but i guess it's a adrenaline rush. i'm obsessed with scary movies. >> jimmy: what was the first one you saw? >> ah, "seed of chucky." >> jimmy: "seetd d of chucky." how long ago did you see that? >> i was 9. >> jimmy: who took you? >> my dad. >> jimmy: oh, great. really? >> yeah. when you were 9 years old -- >> my dad was a young dad. >> jimmy: was he 12? [ laughter ] close, 17, but -- >> jimmy: wow. >> he thought it would be funny to scare me and i ended up liking it so i liked getting scared. that kind of became our thing was watching scary movies together. >> jimmy: your dad is mexican, your mom is italian.
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did you see the feast outside? >> i did. >> jimmy: does your mom cook italian food? >> yeah. she cooks all kind of food, though. my mom is very -- she likes cooking, but i'll come home and she's cooking, like, japanese food or italian food or, it doesn't matter. >> jimmy: explains why you stay in the house. >> yes. >> jimmy: i understand your next movie is directed by a guy named harmony carrin, people might now from the movie "kids." what was the other movie that he did -- >> dumo. >> jimmy: it's an r-rated movie. this is your first really very adult thing. >> yeah, i was really, i mean, disney channel has been amazing to me and they've really blessed me with amazing things to do, but i wanted to kind of break out of that, just for me. >> jimmy: yeah, because you grow up and you don't want to be thought of as a kid anymore. everyone goes through that, right? >> yeah, i guess that's technically it. >> jimmy: what's the most r-rated thick thng that happens
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this movie? >> involving me? i can't say what really happens, but i smoke a bong and i get drunk and dance with guys? >> jimmy: oh, well, that's -- >> that's as crazy as i get. >> jimmy: that's no good. you're dancing with guys? >> it's not rated r but it was weird for me to do. >> jimmy: was it weird for you to smoke from a bong? >> yeah, i had never done it before so i was thinking, here i am coming from disney channel waving a wand now i'm on a bed in a weird hotel smoking a bong -- >> jimmy: this is what hollywood does to people. >> no! no. it was -- it was funny. they had to teach me how to use it. >> jimmy: who taught you how to use it? >> the girls. >> jimmy: the other girls? >> the other girls. you put them in a -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and what does they put in the bong? >> it was fake stuff. grass, basically. >> jimmy: really? >> it was awful. it was amazing, because at the
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same time, it made me not want to do anything because it was disgusting. paper. >> jimmy: yeah, well, most people aren't, yeah, smoking paper or grass from yard clippings or anything like that. well, i look forward to seeing that. >> thank you. >> jimmy: is that the sort of thing -- i would like to see you smoking a bong. this is the kind of thing that, like, the, you know, the tabloids, they'll take a freeze frame from that and put it on a thing and all the girls who love justin will be going, oh, my god, she's a drug using monster! get away from her immediately! >> well, now you're making them do that because you just said it, so. >> jimmy: in a way, i reversed it and you're welcome. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's good to see you. there are no bongs in "hotel transylvan transylvania." it opens tomorrow. selena gomez, everyone. we'll be right back with lenny venito.
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i mean we've been here for five hours and it only feels like four. it feels like four tops. this year, we're finally getting everything... ...that we didn't get last year. yeah. big screen! true 4g. yup. sfx: bing! hey, what did you just do? i just sent him a playlist. by touching phones? yup, simple as that. it's the galaxy s3. i'll see you at the studio later. later. when do you think we're going to be able to... do that thing? on the next one? vo: the next big thing is already here. the samsung galaxy s3. [ male announcer ] red lobster's endless shrimp is back... but only for a limited time! try as much as you like, any way you like! like parmesan crusted shrimp just $14.99. i'm ryan isabell and i sea food differently.
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so the production of twix was divided between two separate factories. left twix factory cascades caramel and chocolate onto cookie, while right twix factory flows caramel and chocolate onto cookie. today they share nothing, but a wrapper and a driveway. try both and pick a side. [ male announcer ] start with nothing.
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build a ground-breaking car. good. now build a time machine. go here. find someone who can build a futuristic dashboard display. bring future guy back. watch him build a tft display like nothing you've ever seen. get him to explain exactly what that is. the thin-film transistor display -- [ male announcer ] mnh, maybe not. just show it. customize the dash. give it park assist, that fuel efficiency flower thing. send future guy home. his work here is done. destroy time machine. win some awards. send in brady. that's how you do it. easy. for just 20 bucks. only the best dishes make the menu. it's a southwest showdown. the chefs are coming out choppin'! you can taste the tension in the room! this is really distracting. [ berman ] they're throwing everything at each other -- chipotle, chopped cilantro! do you always do this? i just can't turn it off. must be exhausting. [ berman ] new southwest entrees, part of applebee's 2 for $20 lineup. perfect for game day or every day. see you tomorrow. and see you late night for half-priced apps.
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>> jimmy: hello. welcome back. still to come, tony bennett will be with us. in the tradition of "alf," "mork & mindy," and the hilarious "alien vs predator" our next guest co-stars in a new comedy about what happens when humans interact with visitors
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from another planet. it is called "the neighbors." it airs wednesday nights at 8:30 on abc. please say hello to lenny venito. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> how you doing, jimmy? >> jimmy: doing good. you're here on a festive night. there are eight over lenny venitos in the parking lot right now. >> there's a feast going on. i said, screw the show, i'm going over to the feast. you have a nice thing set up back there. >> jimmy: a whole thing over there. i assume you are from new york? >> i'm actually from a small town in iowa -- no, no, i'm from brooklyn and -- i live in statten island now, which is basically brooklyn with a cover charge, you know, because we have -- we got the $13, you know, which goes up basically every two weeks. >> jimmy: it is expensive. >> very. a lot of money. >> jimmy: you're italian? >> actually -- i have four
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grandparents, of course, and each one of them is 100% one nation nationalalty. my grandfather is italian, 100%. polish grandmother. on the other side, we have norwegian and irish. 25% of each. >> jimmy: that's quite the mix. what was the dominant nati nationality in your house? >> it's brooklyn. new york and italian just goes together. very bad italian, because i don't like onions or peppers. so, that doesn't, you nope -- >> jimmy: you don't like onions or peppers? >> my grandfather wanted to disown me. you had to make separate meat balls just for me. had to take out, keep them on the fridge and, these are lenny's meat balls, they don't have onions in them. >> jimmy: we had the opposite with my grandfather. he had his own separate that we did not want to eat because they had little pine nuts in them. >> that sounds good. >> jimmy: which is like biting into a bug when you don't know what's coming. and we thought they were disgusting. so, we had grandpa's meat balls
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and every once in awhile, god forbegi forbid, you get one by mistake. the most disgusting thing ever. >> i couldn't do the onions. >> jimmy: let's try it out, see what happens to you. try it out tonight. >> it's not an allergic reaction but it would be a reaction. >> jimmy: is your family excited about your success? >> they -- my nieces kate and sam, they went, like, batty when they heard i was going to be here with selena gomez. i was in the same, within the same square mile, let alone the same building as selena gomez. they were more excited about that and my dad, who, my dad is very hard to please, you know, throughout my whole year it's been like, hey, dad, i'm doing this movie, i'm going to be working with al pacino, i just landed this part of "the sopranos." very good, very proud, that's great. what? what do you need? he would tell me, son, look, i'm very proud of you, okay, but in my eyes, you have not made it until you are on a talk show. >> jimmy: really? >> and, all right?
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here i -- could you love me now, dad? just a little bit of love? i'm looking for love. so, now -- >> jimmy: you've almost made it. >> i'm there. this is it. in his eyes, i'm -- >> jimmy: i have a feeling when you get home, he's going to change it to, i meant "the tonight show." how old were you when you started acting? >> i went to the high school performing arts, so, i guess 13, 13, 14. >> jimmy: you have to audition to get in that school, right? >> yeah. when i was -- i was in junior high school in brook lip, they give you the big apple book and you go through it, you look at the specialized high schools they have available and there was brooklyn tech and i said, wow you ma, look at this. there's this school where half the day is acting and half the day is academics. i want to go there. oh, lenny, it's in manhattan, you have to take the train. i want to do it if you really want to -- always been so supportive. if you want to do it, go ahead. by the way, the audition is tomorrow. you need two three-minute monologues from a play.
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i don't know if you know, 1983, you know, finding a store that semis plays is not -- in brooklyn, not exactly -- you can't go to samuel french around the corner. >> jimmy: right. >> i went to -- i had the mom and pop video stores, go to the corner and i was a big fan of neil simon. i figured, "the odd couple," right? that was a play. they made it a movie. so, i waited for somebody to talk for a long time and i just like, wrote it down, rewind it and write it down. i did one oscar, one felix, memorized it that night. i did it for my mother in the morning, we got on the train and went to manhattan and i got in. >> jimmy: did you do both oscar and felix? >> i did oscar and felix and my mom was, like, when i came out of the audition, she was like, i think you did really good. why? all the other kids you went in with, they came back and you were still in there and i know i said they must be, he must be doing something right. we found out they mailed it, you know, in the mail, the letter
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came that i got in. they took 70 kids out of 4,000. >> jimmy: wow. >> and i got in. actually -- [ applause ] thank you. i actually -- i went, jennifer aniston was in miss class. >> jimmy: she was? >> yeah, she was. and then chastity bono, now chaz bono was in my class. a great four years. ing that's something else. that's quite a little school you had there. >> it was -- eclectic group. >> jimmy: do you like l.a.? >> i love l.a. i love new york. i like l.a. when i'm working. it's a nice place. >> jimmy: well, you are working. you got this show. and the idea, i explained a little bit. the idea of the show is, you are part of a regular family living among aliens. >> right. we move, j -- i was out telling her, moved my family from new jersey to -- to a gated community, you know, much better house, bigger house, beautiful
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on a golf course and i don't tell her about it. me and my three kids and we move there and then, you know, it's inhasn inhabited by aliens. there's that. a little wrinkle, you know? but we find out right away. we actually aired last night. got great numbers. >> jimmy: yeah, congratulations. it was a big launch there. [ applause ] and then will you move out here if it continues to go well? >> of course. yeah. we'll be doing the show. i mean, this is a beautiful town. i -- look, i'm golfing in january here, you're not doing that in new york. >> jimmy: that is true. >> you know what i mean? >> jimmy: will you mom be upset that you moved out here and abandoned her? >> she'll be happy because she'll get to come here. >> jimmy: i see. >> lenny, you think you got enough money, you can fly me out there now, you know? >> jimmy: when you go back to new york, do you stay with her in her place now or you still have a place -- >> i have a place in staten island right now. >> jimmy: will she come stay with you when she comes out?
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>> jimmy, you're killing me right now. yes, she'll come stay with me, come on, come on over. thanks a lot. thanks a lot. >> jimmy: just wondering what the arrangement will be. i figure -- >> we have a nice hotel. they would like to see -- >> jimmy: it's not the same. that way, they can be there -- >> really killing me now. >> jimmy: they can see what your life is like, they can help get you to bed, they can be up waiting for you -- >> that was my idea about it, that was my first thought. >> jimmy: i mean, listen, italian families aren't intrusive. >> no, not at all. they mind their business, everyone keeps to themselves. there's none of that. >> jimmy: congratulations to you. that's a pretty great story. >> thank you very much. very excited about it. >> jimmy: i've seen you in a million things, of course. >> thank you. >> jimmy: lenny venito, everybody. his show is called "the neighbors," it airs wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. right here on abc. we'll be right back with tony bennett.
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>> jimmy: check out the feast this weekend in hollywood. this is his new album, it is called "viva duets." it comes out october 2 2dnd. performing the song "o sole mio"
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mr. tony bennett. ♪ >> thank you. ♪ ma n'atu sole cchiù bello oje ne' 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te ♪ ♪ 'o sole 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te sta 'nfronte a te ♪ ♪ che bella cosa e' na giornata 'e sole n'aria serena
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dopo na tempesta ♪ ♪ pe' ll'aria fresca pare già na festa che bella cosa e' na giornata 'e sole ♪ ♪ ma n'atu sole cchiù bello oje ne' 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te ♪ ♪ 'o sole 'o sole mio sta 'nfronte a te sta 'nfronte a te ♪


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