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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  October 24, 2012 12:00am-1:05am PDT

12:00 am and see you here tomorrow. up next on an all-new "jimmy kimble live." jerry o'connell. >> i actually, i've met prince. >> you met him before? >> i was in college and prince went like this. i swear to you. >> jimmy: you lie a lot? >> no. >> jimmy: why do you lie so much? >> russell peters and music from prince. >> jimmy: first time we've had royalty on the show since queen latifah was here. >> all new "jimmy kimmel
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♪ >> guillermo: is this football school? >> troy: it's zen football school. we play calmly, thoughtfully and most important deeply. i'm your professor, troy polamalu. >> guillermo: i am your student guillermo. too slow, bro. let's play some football! >> troy: hold on, guillermo. first of all, that's not football. and it's definitely not zen football. >> guillermo: yes, it is. >> troy: no, it's soccer. and second of all, no offense, but your hair needs a deep clean. >> guillermo: my hair is very clean. >> troy: your hair has bugs and onions in it. your hair needs to be deep cleaned. lets go deep. >> guillermo: okay. let's go deep.
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>> not that kind of deep! >> guillermo: what kind of deep are you talking about? >> this kind of deep. >> guillermo: this is a deep clean. # i like football mr. troy packotomacko. >> troy: as do i. >> announcer: brought to you by head and shoulders deep clean. our deepest clean ever. visit and enroll in the troy polamalu school of deeper learning. "jimmy kimmel live" is back in two minutes with jerry o'connell, russell peters and music from prince. ♪ [ male announcer ] bud light. for the fans who do whatever it takes. here we go.
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well the furby can actually dance to your kids' music... my kids have a lot of music. and the itikes discover map has this cool 3d iphone app. they'd be so happy if i could get both. well, you could put them on layaway and pay a little at a time. done, and done! he shoots... he scores!!! touchdown!! [ imitates crowd cheering ] strike! [ male announcer ] shop now. get the hottest toys on your list today, like furby and the itikes discover map... then put it on layaway so you have more time to pay. walmart. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight jerry o'connell, comedian russell peters, and music from prince. with cleto and the cletones. and now, okay, let's go, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: hi, everybody. that's very nice. hi, i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thank you. thank you for being here. allow me to say, very fortunate, a great night to be here. jerry o'connell and russell peters will be here to regale us with tales from their lives and our musical guest, god willing, is prince. [ cheers and applause ] i think -- pretty sure the first time we've had royalty on the show since queen latifah was here. i'm excited. i personally ran his bubble bath today lit more than 1,000 candles his dressing room. he's set. next week, we're bringing the show, everybody, guillermo, the
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band, everybody is going to brooklyn, new york. for monday through friday broadcasting from the brooklyn academy of music. it's been a while since i did a show from a theater that doesn't have homeless people dressed like superheroes outside. our guests in brooklyn will be howard stern, tracy morgan, kelly ripa, chris rock, jon stewart, stephen colbert and david letterman. music guests will bealicia keys and vampire weekend, more names added to the list as we see fit. join us. i was born in brooklyn. depending on how much i eat next week i might die in brooklyn. tickets are sold out. please don't call my parents and ask for anymore. they have exceeded their limit. ify my family true turned no a forest. third and final debate between the major candidates went on in florida last night. think it was either a debate or
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the most boring episode of "the voice" ever. the chairs didn't even spin. did you watch this? the topic was -- don't get too excited about yourselves. foreign policy was the topic. most polls after the debate had the president winning decisively. cbs news poll of undecided voters had obama ahead 53 to 23%. i had just enough of these undecided voters. you can imagine going out to eat with these people? the cobb salad looks good. the turkey burger, how is the turkey burger? just order something. find it annoying that the people who can't decide are the one whose decide this. obama and romney still neck and neck. very interesting, did you know it's possible we could wind up with a president and mitt romney and vice president biden, it's true if there is a tie in the electoral college, the senate picks vice president and house picks the president. the senate leans democrat and
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house leans republican so presumably pick romney and biden, if that happens -- they should make them share an apartment if that happens. that would be great. romney and biden. a dog on every car and a foot in every mouth. overall -- [ applause ] thank you. last night's debate was more civilized than the last one. last night, the candidates agreed on a lot. >> to the governor's credit you supported us going into libya. >> it's wonderful that libya seems to be making some progress. >> we put in the toughest, most crippling sanctions ever. >> absolutely the right thing to do to have crippling sanctions. >> vie thchina is an adversary potential partner. >> we can be a partner with chi china. >> governor romney is right. >> i want to underscore what the president said. >> thank you for a vigorous
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debate. >> jimmy: get a room, you two. i don't know what happened with them. there were so contentious moments, this is national, i guess, you are passion ate, fights will happen. it makes everybody uncomfortable. for a candidate who wants to come off as likable, it's lose-lose. to defuse tension, we took some audio of them arguing about argue relationship with russia and we add aed that to a clip fm youtube of two adorable twins talking to each other. yints-win. >> a few months ago asked what is the biggest geopolitical threat facing america you said russia. >> attacking me is not an agenda. >> the 1980s are asking for their foreign policy back. cold war has been over. >> russia is -- >> you keep on trying to
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airbrush history. >> height of silliness. >> jimmy: i'm silly? you are the guys -- meanwhile, donald trump has announced, donald trump announced that he will announce something big tomorrow and must be big news because it isn't like him to make a big deal out of something that isn't newses. has to be. he said hill be revealing very big news about president obama, he said it's going to be very big. i know one thing you'll cover it in a very big fashion. my sources are telling me, that he has evidence that obama is part black and he's going to -- trump tweeted this earlier today, he said my announcement is tomorrow. and then, he tweeted this, everyone is asking know speak more on robert and kristen. i don't know have time except to say robert drop her, she cheated on you and will again. he covers a lot of ground. by the way, who is in everyone
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that is asking him to speak more about robert -- are the twihards following donald trump? he's promising an october surprise tomorrow which typically an october surprise is a shocking news story that can change the outcome of an election. at this point i don't know what information donald trump could have. will he reveal that obama is the guy that has been styling his hair for the last 20 years? that could be bad. you know, obama and romney aren't the only people running for president. a number of third, fourth, fifth party candidates and they faced off in a debate tonight at the hilt hilton in chicago. mod rate moderated by larry king. it's a good thing, he was the only person they knew on the stage. the person that put the promo together, they did make it feel like an event. >> last night you watched the two men who could be president square off. now, it's time for the people who definitely won't be.
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four candidates, each with about as much chance of winning the election as larry king has of winning the heisman. four men and women so obscure that when they showed up for the debate they were asked to wear wristbands, tackling the issues no one cares what they think about. from health care to who cares, the stakes have never been lower. will larry stay awake for the whole thing? you won't. the 2012 who gives a [ bleep ] presidential debate. tonight on no place. >> jimmy: one of my favorites. it was on c-span, i think. greater event, larry is on top of his game. this is how the debate began. >> my camera is -- where do i look? there? >> there, sir. >> there. >> there. >> there.
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>> there is a card right below on the right -- >> the time card is where? >> right below there. the lady there. >> i don't see her clearly. ♪ >> jimmy: and there you have it. he must want to kill piers morgan. pat robertson had a moment on the 700 club, he's 28 years, not exactly ryan seacrest, that doesn't mean he doesn't ask the tough questions. >> that's what the gays want. they want everything in their favor. they say they've been discriminated too long. i tell you who has got the last word in this and christie, guess who? >> who, pat?
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>> i caught you drinking your tea, didn't i? god almighty. he's got the final vote. >> absolutely. >> do you do body waxing? >> jimmy: unusual question. maybe just looking for christmas gift ideas. apple held a media event, introduced more new products none of us need but all want. at the top of the list was much-anticipated ipad mini, this uses a lot less gas than the original ipad. the screen on the regular ipad 9.7 inches, the mini 7.t9 inche. it's smaller, which is be tho b? it cut down on paper taking pictures with their full-size ipads. i found it very annoying.
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trying to protect yourself from a knife fight or something. then i'm all foirt. it's 7.2 millimeters thick, weighs .63 pounds and 38% more legroom than the original ipad and mini was the big star of the show but the most exciting new apple products is iphone mini which we have one right here. look at this. it's got a one-inch retina display. got 4g connecttivety and best of all, cane eat it. and just like that, i'm off the grid. delicious. tastes like it's been handled by 11 prop guys today. [ laughter ] some disappointing legal news for jay andle family z. jay-z and his wife beyonce have
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a daughter they named blue ivy when she was born in january and they tried to trademark her name so they could potentially use it to market a line of baby products but their trademark request was denied because a wedding planner from boston already trademarked the name blue ivy in 2009. that's awful. what's the point of even having a celebrity baby if you can't tra trademark her name? they'll have to send the kid back, right? no? one more thing, as i mentioned i taking our show to brooklyn next week in preparation, it would be fun go to my old elementary to talk to kids going there now. i packed my lie detector and brought it to my old school and brought my truth fairy guillermo and sat down with a young man named marcus. ♪ >> jimmy: well, hello there. >> hi. >> jimmy: how are you? >> good >> jimmy: have is a seat. this is the truth fairy.
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he'll put a helmet on you, this is the lie detector, tells us if a person is lying or not. all you have do is tell me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god. will you do that? very good. what is your name? >> marcus. >> jimmy: marcus. how old are you? >> i'm 7. >> jimmy: 7 years old. do you like to joke around? >> no. >> jimmy: you do not? [ buzzer ] this is saying you do like to joke around. do you ever joke around? >> yes. >> jimmy: you do sometimes. do you lie a lot? >> no. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: hm. why do you lie so much? okay. tell us a little about yourself. what do you like to do? >> play. >> jimmy: play what? >> basketball. >> jimmy: basketball. what else do you enjoy? do you like music? >> no. >> jimmy: you do not? >> but i do like dancing to music. >> jimmy: you like dancing to music but you don't like the music itself? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i see.
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so it's like if you like decorating cakes but you didn't like eating them. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: that's a good analogy? do you know what an naolg is? what do you want to be when you grow up? >> basketball player. >> jimmy: do you like showering with other guys. let's talk about your home life. are you well behaved at home? >> yes. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: do you bad things? >> sometimes. i get punished at my house. >> jimmy: for what? >> like, sometimes for my homework. >> jimmy: i see. you don't do it? >> yeah. because more fun to not do homework. >> jimmy: it's more fun to not do homework. why don't parents understand that? >> i mean because they're big and they already know you should do your homework because you get in trouble. >> jimmy: is it fun to be a grownup? >> yes.
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>> jimmy: more fun to be a grown up or a kid? >> a grownup. >> jimmy: why? >> you can drive. >> jimmy: where would you drive if could you drive? >> to basketball. >> jimmy: you love basketball, huh? >> yuh-huh. >> jimmy: is there anything else, any secrets that you have? >> i only have a secret but i can't tell anybody. >> jimmy: you can tell us. you can tell us. we're here. >> you can't tell anybody. >> jimmy: this one you can tell us. we're with the police. >> if somebody steals me, i have a secret password, it's called fire. >> jimmy: we might want to change the password. thank you, marcus. tonight on the show, comedian russell peters is here we have music from prince. and we'll be right back with jerry o'connell so stick around.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: all right. tonight on the program, a very popular comedian of the standing-up variety, you can see him live at the barclays center in brooklyn november 10th, russell peters is here. and then his new single is called "rock n roll love affair" the one and only prince from the bud light outdoor stage. tomorrow night, this is something this is his first live interview in 20 years, axl rose will be here, as will ana gasteyer, and our musical guest is the whigs. and on thursday first lady michelle obama, halle berry, and music from ciara. so, join us. and make sure to watch us all next week in brooklyn too.
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you know our first guest as vern the husky kid from "stand by me," frank the quarterback from "jerry maguire" and hoyt the detective from "crossing jordan." now, he faces his greatest challenge yet as herman, the munster in the new halloween special "mockingbird lane." it airs friday at 8:00 on nbc. please say hello to jerry o'connell. [ cheers and applause ] how you doing? >> thank you. >> jimmy: you look very handsome. >> i feel very handsome. i want to thank you, a lot of people say fat kid from "stand by me" you said husky. >> jimmy: husky is a different thing. >> i think i was husky. most people on the street yell fat kid from "stand by me," they think differently. >> jimmy: people are great, aren't they? >> especially in l.a., where
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they're driving by. say it to my face. >> jimmy: did you meet prince backstage? >> like everybody else, love prince. if you can play a album on desert album "desert rainpurple it. i was in college in chicago, a club, the limelight on sixth avenue with a couple dopey friends and prince was at the club sitting in a corner with a grouch bodygua group of body guards. my dumb friends are like we have to meet them. i'm like, no, you're drunk, stop it and they muscled up and said, prince, mr. prince, mr. prince, we just want to say hello and they stuck out hr thetheir hand. stick out your hand. prince did this i swear to you. i have to tell you, we were
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like -- we were like -- oh! my hand. my nails were like this long -- i think it's time to cut them. >> jimmy: that is a very cool thing to do, i guess. >> i know, i know. >> jimmy: did you try that on your own? >> i only greet people by doing this. >> jimmy: my mom used to lick her finger and smooth my eyebrows out which is difficult gu -- difficusgusting. >> your mom didn't write "purple rain." >> jimmy: how are the kids? >> i have twin kids, they are not identical. one is feminine, loves prince sa esses and belle and all of the princesses, and the other is not feminine. i don't -- masculine isn't the word but she's, she's just not feminine. we accept her any way she is, we
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love everybody equally. >> jimmy: what does she like to do? >> she's very much -- i think they do it on purpose because one is sort of a princess and wants to be a bride for halloween and the other wants to be a cowboy she obsessed with horses and cowboys. i'm kind of okay with. >> jimmy: why not? >> someone told me if you're girls are into horses as teenagers they don't get into boys, their love affair is with horses. >> jimmy: who told you this. >> someone who owns a horse ranch, looking for money. you don't want a girl to date boys, give me a down payment we'll make sure that will happen. >> jimmy: they smell like horses. she's a bit of a tomboy? >> that's the word. >> jimmy: i think that's an okay thing to say. >> i have to stop saying masculine. >> jimmy: what do you do with them? you have do different things with them? >> i'm an awful parent. my wife is the best, she does
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crafts with them. if i'm alone with them, okay tv, you sit there, you sit there and shut up. i'm kidding. >> jimmy: what do you watch? >> they're almost 4 so they love dora. >> jimmy: why do i think you're not kidding? i have a feeling you are not kidding. >> no, i put them in front of the television. >> jimmy: that's what it's there for. >> it's only four or five hours -- i know parents are saying they should be playing with wood and should be doing child yoga, what are you doing? we have two, it gets crazy. i mean, it's highly annoying, i don't know control of the television, dora is always on. they insist i sit with them. dad, watch with us. i'm like i don't want to watch diego. i don't care what happens with the waterfall. i don't like this show. they are like please, i'll sit there and i'll realize they have left the room and an hour has past and i watched like four hours of diego.
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i'm even answering, no, the croc crocodile, i sing along ♪ i'm the map i'm the map i'm the map ♪ where are you guys? no, get back in there you made me turn this on >> jimmy: kiefer suggesttherlan here, he told the story but, you worked together on "stand by me," and he told the story about you, accidentally eating some pot cookies. >> he said it was a pot brownie, allegedly. >> jimmy: and then going nuts and like really like losing your mind. >> let me just say, i was watching the show at the time, i was in my underpants at home as i often watch you, jimmy. >> jimmy: me and diego. >> yeah, put that in your head next time you're doing your show. and he told this story and i couldn't believe it. i'm not going to deny it. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> i'm going to say maybe there was a pot brownie that was ingested.
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i was not naked for two days. >> jimmy: you were not? >> okay. i was wearing underwear. i did not climb up a telephone pole and the fire department had to get me. i was in a parking structure. underneath a pacer, one of those cars. no, look, kiefer, kiefer -- the guy -- let me tell you a kiefer story. let me tell you a kiefer story. >> jimmy: seems only fair. >> i grew up in new york. "stand by me" came out, i was in junior high. i was not living the life here in hollywood. i went to the san gennaro fair, you are aware of that do you that in l.a., two weekends in september, and i went there, on a date, i was 13. i was really hoping to get to at least first or maybe second base. >> jimmy: with your date? >> with my date, not with
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kiefer. and second base is you know, that second base. i had a $10 budget for the night which, it will get you kind of far, $10, you can't buy roses from the roses lady, you can get a hot dog. >> jimmy: zeppoli. >> or a cannoli. my date says that's kiefer sutherlands. he was just in "lost boys," i was like i know him. she was like, you don't. i was yes, i was the husky kid in "stand by me." i saw him, he was with a group of people, having a good old time. yeah, i know you, you're the fat kid from "stand by me," and he was like throwing money at us and i believe he -- >> jimmy: what? giving you money? >> and let's go on this ride and he gave my date a sip of his whatever he was drinking, not that he condones underaged drinking but maybe it happened
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allegedly and i want to say, that night i -- i got to second base. >> jimmy: wow, congratulations. [ applause ] >> i have a feeling -- thank you. if i wanted to push it i probably could have gotten to third, i started shaking and got really nervous. in all honesty, kiefer sutherland can say whatever he wants about me, he's responsible for the best night of my life. thank you, kiefer. love you. >> jimmy: that's very sweet. got you drunk and gave you money to ride rides at the fair. by the way, i watched "mockingbird lane," today. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i thought it was really good. >> a show on friday night 8:00 p.m. on a different network -- >> jimmy: on nbc. >> on nbc. we can say that without getting in trouble. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and it's a reimagining of the "monthsters," everybody remember that with fred gwynn?
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it's an iconic show. this is a reimagining. >> jimmy: you play herman munster. how did people react when they found out? >> brian fuller who did "pushing daisies" on this network, brilliant writer and creator, he said i'm going to redo the munsters and i would like you to play herman munster, such an opportunity. i want do it. i've seen every episode three times. they announced i got the role. i have a twitter account like a lot of us people. i thought this is going to be great, everyone will be so stoked that i'm herman munster. and that was my first mistake. going on twitter, people were a little upset. obviously fred gwynn who played the original herman is an iconic actor. >> jimmy: he's passed away. >> amazing illustrator, highly talented person, the judge in "my cousin vinny," he's as good as it gets.
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>> jimmy: he's dead. >> he's as good as it gets. people were very upset i was playing that role. if you get a role that is an iconic role don't go on twitter for at least three years. >> jimmy: great advice. good advice. just goes back to what i say about how wonderful people are just in general. stop being mean to jerry o'connell. knees a nice g he's a nice guy. >> i'm proud of the show. it's got great reviews. it's different. >> jimmy: "mockingbird lane" on fridays on nbc. jerry o'connell. we'll be back with russell peters. cbo. cheddar... bacon...onion.
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yeah it's a... it's threemendous. ♪ threemendous. ♪ threemendous. [ male announcer ] say hello to mcdonald's new... [ basketball announcer ] threemendous!
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[ male announcer ] cbo. smooth cheddar, crispy bacon, grilled onions on the angus third pounder or premium chicken sandwiches. cbo... the simple joy of... threemendous. yeeeah. threemendous. they say opposites attract. but does that work for a car? ask scott makowski. he and his team set out to combine power and fuel efficiency. people said it wouldn't work out. people were wrong. here's proof. an ecoboost engine in the new ford escape with up to a best-in-class 33 mpg highway, and plenty of power to spare. it's the little engine that most definitely can. the all new twenty thirteen ford escape. it's what happens when you go further. have youdéja, deja-vu?, deja, the headphone jack is going to be on the bottom. (explosion noise) welcome back! guess the galaxy s3 didn't work out. no, i love the gs3. it's awesome. i'm just saving a spot in line for someone.
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hey! hey! mom, dad! oh, thanks for holding our spot. you guys have fun. home by midnight you two. hahaha vo: the next big thing is already here. the samsung galaxy s3. wait honey, this is the line for apps. i stand... yep! well, that's too bad. we're on our break. maybe one of the other tellers can help you. ♪ [ chester cheetah ] on your way. [ male announcer ] take a cheetos break with cheetos.
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>> jimmy: we're back. jerry o'connell is with us, prince is coming up. our next guest is an exceptionally successful comedian who's performed in front of sold-out audiences at madison square garden, the sydney opera house, the o2 arena in london and this show tonight. you can see him live at the barclays center in brooklyn november 10th, please welcome russell peters. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing good. how are you? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: i heard you were excited about prince being here. >> i'm very excited. are you excited? we're very incidental to the
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show tonight. >> jimmy: we all, all three of us are. >> we're just filler. >> jimmy: did you meet prince? have you met prince? >> i have met prince. well -- >> jimmy: everybody has met prince except for me. >> i've been to his house but didn't really meet him. >> jimmy: what happened? >> i was at the naacp image awards. >> jimmy: okay. >> and after the awards, there was an after party and i was supposed to meet with the king of tonga. we were supposed to talk to talk about a movie project >> jimmy: what? >> it's all very messed up. guy to the after-party and my manager calls me and he leaves me a voicemail, like hey i don't think this meeting with the king will come together. i'll keep you apprised as to what is happening. after that message was a message from my brother, my other manager, hey, i don't know if you heard but the message with the king is not happening but prince wants to you go to his house.
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i'm like, i call my brother back and iep like, okay, cool. and he's like, okay, cool? i'm like, yeah, we're not meeting with the king, i guess we'll meet with the prince but whatever. so i'm like, yeah, whatever, i'm at a party. i'm not going to go to some prince's house and talk business. he's like play my message again. prince wants you -- i get it. oh. get to his house and like 30 people. that's it. >> jimmy: really? >> and he has a pool in the basement. first of all you have a basement in california, that's impressive. but then he had a pool and covered it with glass and so that was the dance floor. >> jimmy: okay. >> like me and angela bassett was there and like the mayor of south kicarolina, the weirdest group. sheila e. was there. >> jimmy: i think she lives there in the basement. >> prince and the band just
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performed for like three hours. >> jimmy: at his house? >> at his house. i got so hammered. i was so happy. you know when you're happy and you drink, you don't know you're drinking because you stay so extra happy. my friend, daniel, he's a really little guy, he was the only one in the entire party what would go up to prince and say anything to him because prince was taller than him. he's like hey, prince, thanks for having us and prince was like hey yeah. can you believe daniel is going to talk to prince. >> jimmy: you didn't speak to prince? >> daniel said i'll introduce to you prince. a friend of mine just incidental to the party, you know what i mean? but prince, my friend russell wants to thank you for having him over. nice to meet you. and i tell you sheila e. how hot i think she is. so, i leave the party and i had been drinking so much didn't realize how much, do you know which you drink that much and you go outside and the fresh air
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hits you your body remembers it shouldn't have that much alcohol in it. the guy in the car -- in bel air, droech ove out and first t and i go -- all over bel air. don't judge. >> jimmy: prince lives in bel air? >> isn't that ironic? >> jimmy: wow. you think that would be the one neighborhood he would steer clear of. >> i guess it would be too obvious. >> jimmy: you live in las vegas now i heard? >> do i. i'm in vegas, in henderson. where are you from? >> jimmy: spring valley. >> fancy. >> jimmy: not henderson. henderson, you didn't want to -- it existed but it was really just, just a car dealership and that was all. >> not much more than a car dealership there now. >> jimmy: you like in it vegas? >> i love it there but it's very suburbia, which i like, because i grew up just outside of toronto and it's a very suburbia where i grew up.
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>> jimmy: it's strange to move -- why did you move to las vegas? >> you were born in mill basin? why did you move -- >> jimmy: my parents moved me. i was 9. do you work there all of the time is that why you're there? >> no, maybe every two years. >> jimmy: mostly magicians living in las vegas, like my parents. and you live there and in toronto also. >> i have a house in toronto and house here because my daughter is out here. >> jimmy: what is your daughter going for halloween? >> i bought her a monkey costume. that's what you want your 2-year-old going out as is the monkey. >> jimmy: that's good, it's warm. >> one of my thinkings and i'll be lance in yo gabba, gabba. i'll have a big nose. she'll be like dad you looked
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ridd ridiculo ridiculous. >> jimmy: first comedian ever to perform at the barclays. you're baptizing the place. >> i'll be gentle. >> jimmy: will you have jay-z, like jay-z, a celebrity roster? >> i have a lot of hip-hop people showing. >> jimmy: you do? >> literally from the founding father of hip-hop to everybody who was relevant to '93. >> jimmy: who is coming to the show? >> cool herc will be there. he's the godfather of hip-hop. cleated this genre and then melee mel will be there, known as -- >> jimmy: he's a grandmaster. >> the first man to rap, how about that? that is in history books as the first rapper. >> jimmy: is he really? >> when they do hip-hop documentary, who was it is first? mely mel? >> jimmy: and there? >> him and herc are my good
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friends. they did the most bizarre thing when they called and you're the reason i talk and act the way i am. and then obviously, a lot of guys like d.j. premier having an after-party for me. >> jimmy: you are so down. i had no idea. >> i'm very down. if you want to come to the show -- >> jimmy: you might lose your canadian citizenship with this. >> i'm trying to bring a canadian rapper. drake, holler. >> jimmy: congratulations on all your successes. great you're doing so well. see him at the barclays center in brooklyn november 10th. russell peters, everyone. we'll be right back with prince. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: here with his newest single, "rock n roll love affair" the one, the only prince. ♪ ♪ ♪ she believed in fairy tales and princes he believed the voices coming from his stereo ♪ ♪ he believed in rock and roll she left her past and those lily ♪ ♪ white fences and headed out to hollywood in search of her soul but she had to pay the toll ♪ they were bound to find each other
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he needed proof ♪ ♪ she needed a brother that's when stars collide when there's space for what you want and your heart ♪ ♪ is open wide he gave up women for the stripes ♪ ♪ of the road and learned the meaning of grace that's when his cup overflowed ♪ ♪ and she said hello he said my faith keeps me from willin' but you know that i'm able ♪ ♪ and if there's some room i'd like to sit at your table she said it's tight it's tight ♪ ♪ but i think i can fit you in this kind of love don't come from a prayer ♪ ♪ ain't talking rebound born of despair yellow sun rising
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on their bodies in bed ♪ ♪ two people in love with nothing but the road ahead ♪ love, love, love affair ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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she believed in fairy tales and princes ♪ ♪ he believed in jazz rhythm and blues and this thing called soul he believed ♪ ♪ in rock and roll rock and roll, rock and roll ♪ she wanted to see her name appear on the big screen ♪ ♪ he just wanted to hear her scream his name can you scream my name do you know what i mean ♪ ♪ this kind of love don't come from a prayer ain't talking rebound born of despair ♪ ♪ yellow sun rising on their bodies in bed two people in love with nothing ♪ ♪ but the road ahead >> y'all sing it. ♪ rock rock love affair ♪ sing it come on
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rock rock love affair rock rock love affair ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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