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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  November 4, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PST

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>> breaking news. thousands of raley's employees has been to hit the picket lines in an hour after last minute talks broke down early this morning. we will have a live report. >> and a richmond commercial building fire breaks out with an alcohol anonymous meeting going on, damaging four businesses. >> good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm carolyn tyler. let's start with a quick first look at the weather. here's our meteorologist lisa argen. >> good morning, everyone. 58 degrees downtown san francisco. the sun coming up another 39 minutes and the winds very light out there. but we will be looking at a beautiful day today. in fact, temperatures above normal. 74 for a high today in the city
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across the bay. and the warmest east bay low 80s today. upper 60s at the beaches but santa cruz, how about 80 today. temperatures will again to cool with the early sunset at 5:07, but really the warmth just getting underway. an offshore flow for this afternoon into the days ahead. record warmth is possible through election day. carolyn. >> lisa, thank you. breaking news at this hour. workers at raley's grocery stores throughout california and they have he have are on strike. it's a dispute over wages, healthcare and other benefits. we are joined live from the store in fremont with the details. good morning. what did is mean for shoppers. >> it means the workers don't want customers to to shop here. they don't want money going into
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these stores until their contract is figured out. this picket line you are seeing at this store in fremont is the meat cutters. the meat cutners this store are members of the united food workers union. they are encouraging customers not to shop here. it is a different scenario at each store across northern california, central california and nevada. some grocery workers are members of unions and are not working. at this particular raley's, grocery workers are not union members. they are being told to cross the picket line and come in or otherwise they are told they will lose their jobs. this camps after intense negotiations with the federal mediators, but contract talks have been in the work for 15 months. they are battling over a proposed wage frees, the eelimination of premium pay for sunday shifts and healthcare benefits. the dispute involves 7,000 union members, 128raley's, knob hill
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and bell hill stores could be empacketted today. as long as it continues, this is the first strike in raley's 77 year history and here at the raley's store in fremont the striking workers will be passing out flyers encouraging people to shop down the street at safe way and food max. that's the latest from fremont. abc7 news. >> all right. crossing those lines has got to be a difficult decision. thank you. >> in other news this morning, a firefighter is hospitalized after being injured battling a fire that affected four businesses last night. it was on mcdonald avenue and marine away. flames quickly spread, forceth evacuation of an aa meeting taking place. crews say the building was completely on fire when they first arrived so they called for extra help. it took about a an hour and a half to bring things under control.
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the injured firefighter hurt his back. and look at this apartment fire in san rafael yesterday with flames shooting through the roof and out the window of an upper-floor apartment. you can so a barge crew that was dredging nearby san rafael creek go to work. first they tried shoveling water and mud on the fire but couldn't quite reach it. then the operator pulled the barge closer and another worker sprayed water on the flames until fire crews arrived. neighbors and firefighters thanked the barge crew for their quick action. nobody was injured. >> the east coast is slowly, slowly getting back to normal but it's certainly not quickly enough for some people. power is back on in several places, including lower manhattan, but 2.2 million people in several states still have no electricity. as overnight temperatures dipped into the 30s. gas rationing is now underway. people restrict today buying ten gallons. 80% of new york subway system is restored. schools are scheduled to reopen
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tomorrow. today's new york city marathon has been cancelled. fema funds have been approved to repair damaged roads and building in new york city and outlying areas that still need a lot of help. abc news reporter robert reports. the nypd patrols the dark streets surrounding this beach, a welcome site for residence, who say the city has been slow to respond to their crisis. >> you could feel the house move. anthony said he will never forget the night sandy came ashore, flooding his neighborhood with up to five feet of water. >> this is like nothing you have ever seen in my worst nightmare. the scariest movie i've ever seen times ten. >> he used this to rope to rescue three neighbors by pulling them off their roof and into his second story bedroom but he would rather talk about the hundreds of volunteers who descended on his neighborhood over the past few days. >> but the heroes are the people walking around feeding everybody and bringing hot food and coffee and towels and everything.
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the people around here because nobody else did nothing for us. >> it started off with me and my husband, and then from there just people kept coming. >> gail helped set up this donation center in what was an empty parking lot. >> we've had an abundance of help. it's been slowly and gradually like building its way up as far as the supplies and the helpers. there was a whole fence. as you san see, pieces are still standing. >> cheryl is one of the residents who was able to get some much-needed help. >> it's, you know, gut-wrenching. i grew up here my whole life. >> her family's home was flooded and there's not much left, but the structure is intact which means it can be salvaged. >> i'll have fun with my mother picking out new carpets and tile and furniture and keeping positive to keep going. >> and that is the message we got from almost everyone we spoke with. they say they will be back. they say they will rebuild. reporting from the beach, abc
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news. >> dismy and abc are making tomorrow a day of giving to victims of sandy. disney is kicking things off with a $2 million donation to the american red cross. and you can help, as well, by texting abc to 90999 to give ten dollars to the relief efforts. you can also donate to the red crosby calling 1-800-help-now or by going online to with just two days remain until election day, the presidential candidates are busy focusing on the battleground states. the latest abc national news tracking poll shows the race tied at 48%. >> the press and mitt romney traveled from one swing state to
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another for a bottle of votes and victory on tuesday. >> four more years! four more years! >> the last leg means large rallies and skate perry warmed up the crowd for the president in wisconsin. sounding a little raspy, the president asked for more time to finish the work he started. >> we made real progress these past four years. but we are all gathered here today because we've got more work to do. >> mitt romney made his final stop of the day in colorado. he says the progress so far isn't enough and it's time for change. >> the question of this election comes down to this, do you want more of the same or do you want real change? >> it was the last day of early voting in florida. voters there faced long lines, some waiting hours to get into polling centers. and in response to superstorm sandy, new jersey governor chris christie ordered county clerks
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to open their offices this weekend to allow storm victims to vote. they are also allowing registered voters to do so electronically. >> another packed day sunday for the candidates. they will focus on the key swing states and it will be that way until the election. abc news, washington. after nearly two years of campaigning, the race for president is down to the wire. coming up at 8:00, top advisors for both president barack obama and mitt romney respond to the latest abc news washington post tracking poll and discuss the new wildcard in the race, the effects of superstorm sandy. don't miss abc's "this week" with george stephanopoulos at 8:00 right here on abc7. and stay with us for complete election results tuesday. get realtime results on the moment the polls close. and we will have live updates all night long at and through twitter @abc7 news bay area.
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>> straight ahead, tragedy in atlanta. two police officers are killed while trying to search for a missing child. >> it was scary, yeah. >> a hit-and-run victim shares her story while the search is still on for ♪ [ female announcer ] nature exists on the grandest scale... ♪ ...and in the tiniest details.
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♪ and sometimes both. nature valley granola thins pack the big taste of granola and dark chocolate into one perfect square, under 100 calories. nature valley granola thins. nature at its most delicious.
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>> new this morning, tragedy in atlanta as the city mourns the loss of two police officers
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killed late last night in a helicopter crash while searching for a missing child. witnesses say the low-flying police helicopter suddenly plunged to the ground, exploding into a fireball. it happened around 10:30 last night. a man who ran to the wreckage said nobody could have survived. no one on the ground was injured and the nine-year-old boy the officers were searching for was found unharmed. the faa is investigating the crash, and police will not speculate on what caused it. power lines came down at the time, creating a power outage for 1300 homes and businesses. the names of the two officers have not been released. police say their families have been notified. this morning a disabled san mateo woman is recovering after being struck by a hit-and-run driver. the accident happened thursday night on el camino and belmont. the collision left her motorized wheelchair heavily damaged.
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we have the details. >> this never happened. >> reporter: stephanie would like to forget everything about thursday night. >> it was very scary, yeah. >> reporter: stephanie is severely disabled and depends on her motorized wheelchair for everything. she was meeting friends at this belmont i-hop when a car turned in front of her, sideswiping her chair and legs. the driver suddenly took off. >> it happens. >> the sudden collision left stephanie injured and in a state of shock, but she does remember two things, the driver was a woman in a dark-colored mercedes and that driver actually stopped, got out and asked stephanie a question. >> she got out and asked me if i was okay. i said i don't know. she said i -- i'm coming right back. >> did she come back? >> no. >> okay.
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>> stephanie was treated hospital for injuries to her foot, but her wheelchair is broken, out of service. >> it got damaged. the metal pads fell off. >> the metal foot pads are bent. >> right now i'm not sure if they can fix it or not. >> if it can be fixed, she's not sure she has the money to pay for it. belmont police are looking for the driver of the car, but tell abc7 news they have few leads. there were no witnesses. stephanie is using this wheelchair for now on loan temporarily. she would like her old wheelchair back. more than that, she would like something from the driver who hit her. >> like apologize. >> in san mateo, abc7 news. >> that's quite a story. lease arnold is here now talking weather. >> and we have a little fog to speak of in the north bay. around novato, santa rosa,
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visibility over a mile. record warmth in the days ahead. beautiful shot electric emeryville and the sun you are noticing coming up earlier. 6:39 is sunrise. i'll be back in taking a look at the heat and then a big cool down after that. that's all next. >> thank you, lisa. also ahead, it was only the third game of the season, but had the intensity of a playoff game. the warriors leading from the opening tip in l.a., but could they hold off the clippers? we've got the highlights coming up in sp
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"and what's your name?" "oh, it's flo." "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> so we turn the clock back this morning. it's not 7:19, it's 6:19 and i'm here with our meteorologist lisa argen talking about kind of an unusual weather this week. >> very much so. in fact, we are looking at six to ten degrees above average today. 15 to 20 degrees above average tomorrow through election day. and then we will go the other direction. a live look outside right now from our roof camera. boy, is this gorgeous. 6:399 sun comes up, setting at 5:07. average highs in san francisco and oakland should be in the mid-60s. we will be at least ten degrees above that. in oakland today, go raiders this afternoon. we are looking a the a beautiful
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day at the coliseum. live doppler 7hd. we are clear. we have some fog with the dewpoint and temperatures spread almost the same, up toward santa rosa and novato and we will be looking at visibility reduced there for the next hour or two, though, the temperatures are quite mild. 57 this the city, 55 oakland, 53 mountain view. san jose low 50s. you are warmer this morning. and most locations gilroy, though, 47 degrees. so the 24-hour temperature change, looking at numbers mainly three to six degrees warmer from our coast around the bay. but we do have that cooler air mass with those temperatures dropping into the upper 40s near napa and santa rosa. about a half-mile visibility toward novato. a mile and three quarters santa rosa and napa looking at four-mile visibility, as well. throughout the day today we will look for the warmer afternoon with the numbers coming up to more spring-like readings.
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mid-70s downtown today and possible record warmth tomorrow through election day with more 80s around the bay than 70s. san benito county, southern monterey could reach 90 degrees by tomorrow. the warming begins today as the high pressure builds in from the eastern pacific. it will stay that way for the next 48 hours. by wednesday, though, a big drop. a midweek cool-down with numbers dropping at much at ten to fifteen degrees. then the rain comes overnight wednesday into thursday. light showers but mount hamilton and mount dough ab below could see some snowy peaks. and traps not a lot of moisture with the system. a high fire danger southern california. mid-80s today. the winds go offshore for a santa anna event for los angeles and san diego. and 81 big sur. 68 half moon bay with 74 in the
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city. upper 70s through fremont. low 80 #* 80s for cloverdale. inland look for low 80s. 83 gilroy. santa cruz 80 degrees. 71 monterey. this afternoon in the east bay looking beautiful with low 70s by about 1:00 in oakland. mid-70s 4:00 and you will notice the warmth continues with peak heat tomorrow. almost as warm on the peninsula and city tuesday as the flow turns for onshore. everyone cools off by wednesday, here comes the rain and it will be a cold rain on through the end of the work week. >> in l.a. they have to be on alert for the santa an that you winds. >> absolutely, yeah. >> thank you, lisa. coming up at 7:00 is good morning america and we are joined live from new york to tell us what is on top. i know you guys have been really smacked by sandy. how are you doing? >> that's right. we have sandy.
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we are doing well. it's a resilient city. hard to believe tomorrow is one week since sandy fell upon us. not only do we have sandy to talk about, but we have the election to talk about. the final count down. president obama and mitt romney tried to get last minute votes as they make their final presents through the key battleground state with just two days before the voters go to the polls. and new york is on the mend after sandy delivered a knock-out punch. many sub ways and buses are back to business. power is being returned. and in a sign of solidarity, former marathon runners are joining the relief efforts to get the area back on its feet. plus journey to the pumps. we are following an actual gas tanker every step of the way as it heads toward the endless lines of people desperately wait to go fill their tank. and this is such a great story. purpose usually stepped out of bound in the final moments of a crucial game with the full support of his coach and his
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teammates. we will tell you why this is the move that he's going to remember for the rest of his life. it is a heart-warm move and a heart-warming reason to love the game of sports. >> and another heartwarming story i think is the fact that all these marathon runners who were in town and found out at the last minute that there would be no race have decided to use the time to volunteer to help sandy victims. >> and i agree. i agree. it was the right -- it was the right decision. and i think for a lot of people they feel that way, as well. and helping all these pure people would have been seeing everything devastated, their homes, their possessions, everything in ruins, it wasn't the right time for a marathon. >> i can see that. all right. thank you. we will look for you at 7:00. >> sure. let's check out sports now. raiders host the buccaneers at 1:305 at the coliseum. last night the warriors were in l.a. playing. clippers, playing without two key plays are for the first time this season.
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here's collin resch with the highlights in this morning's sports. >> good morning. what had been feared became reality yesterday. warriors swing man brandon rush out for the season with a torn acl suffered in their home opener monday night. undermanned but not overwhelmed last night in l.a. andrew bogut in street both. the warriors don't want to play them in back-to-backs. no rush, no bogut. everyone picking up the slack. steph curry, down the lane. and the put back. warriors jumped out to 18-6 lead. curry 3 of 23. played 23 minutes. griffin, spinning optional. spinning and got away with the walk there. no call. game tied at 67. landry huge off the bench. 11 of 16 from the field. you can count that. two and one, acrobatic finish, 97-83, warriors. clippers a late rally. chris paul downtown, one point gain and he had 27. former warrior jamal crawford, up with the three in the corner.
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tied at 105. more from steph. ankle looking healthy. jumper in the lane. warriors lead again. 10 seconds left, chris paul for the win or the tie. no. steph steps in takes the charge. warriors never trailed. they gut out a 114-110 win handing the clippers their first loss. a huge win for stanford yesterday at colorado. that was expected. what we didn't expect was the role of quarterback kevin hogan. he may replace nunez as the starter from here on out. buffalo fans, they could have left after this because it was not fun for the buffalos. jordan webb, plenty of time. still through the pick six to ed reynolds. second in as many weeks. 48 yards. 7-0, cardinals. nunez airmails this one past torrell. nearly picked off. 3 for 5, 23 yards. in comes hogan. second quarter.
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hand-off. stepfan taylor finds the hole and it's a big one, 26 yards. taylor's seventh rushing touchdown. hogan 111 yards. the first half alone 32 yards. and what a grab by toiloo in traffic. you few plays later. hogan, the bootleg. yeah, he's open. stanford led 35 - 0 at half. hogan 6'4", 225. redshirt freshman. he finally grew. 19 yards. 18 ever 23, 184 yards, two scores and rushed for 38 yards. stanford improves to 7-2, crushing colorado, 38-0. and they host the 11th-ranked oregon state next saturday. san jose state on the road taking on the vandals of moscow. -- idaho, moscow. and jabari carr, that's a thing of beauty. between two defenders, makes the grab, gets his feet down, spartans on top 14-7. san jose state outscores hide
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hoe 28-6 in the second half. fale, four scores that one to chandler jones 35 yards. spartans improve to 7 live 2. they pound the vandals 32-14. -- 42-14. your look at morning sports, i'm collin resch. have a great day, everyone! >> coming up next, the latest on superstorm expand how northern california residents are helping those in need on the east coast. and a woman whose life has been taken over by a public guardian. the police were called when the abc7 news
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>> here's the latest from superstorm sandy. power is being restored to most affected areas, but some 2.2 million homes and businesses
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are still in the dark and colder overnight temperatures dipped into the 30s. flying high above the tri-state area, abc news got an exclusive look at the coast guard's cleanup efforts along the canal that separates new jersey from staten island. with 350,000 gallons ever fuel spilled over as a result of the superstorm, bay area coast guard crews are helping to deal with the toxic mess. and also this morning that crane that dangled precariously is now safely tethered to the side of the building. the bay area is helping the storm-ravaged east coast by sending money, volunteers and blood. we have the details. >> reporter: the red cross blood donation center is still busy almost a week after sandy devastated the east coast. donors poured in when the storm was at its worst. some people are still motivated to donate after seeing the devastation sandy left behind. >> you can't be not motivated if
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you see anything on tv or hear reports about what happened in new york, new jersey, all up and down the coast. >> stephen decided while donating money helps the red cross function, being a universal blood donor is just as important. >> i want to help our friends in the east coast. instead of writing a check, i have 0-negative blood and i thought i would donate blood today instead. >> donations are 25% higher than they usually are this time of year. when sandy hit the east coast, it caused the closure of blood collection centers when the storm hit on the east coast. there became a need for not only blood, but blood platelets. mate let's help the blood to clot. that's what they sent the areas. >> platelets are more of a concern because they only have a shelf life of five days, so if you are not collecting platelets on the east coast for three, four, five days, you see their inventory is going to run out. we had to ship some of the inventory out there. >> 82 bay area volunteers have been sent to help those affected by the storm.
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this red cross emergency vehicle is also being shipped back east on a drive to new york city are shelby of san jose and stewart of cupertinto. it will take them five days to get to the east coast where they plan on driving around and doing whatever they can to provide comfort, food and clothing to those who need it according to him. >> we look for people who need our red cross help. and we notify others so we make sure they get the help, as well as we can provide a hot meal, something like that out there. >> as far as blood donations go, the red cross said there's been such a surge of donors that some had to wait a half-hour or longer to donate blood so they are asking people to make appointments that will make things go a lot smoother. in san francisco, abc7 news. today three local chapters of the red cross are sending emergency response vehicles to help victims of sandy. this morning at 6:00 a truck with two crewmembers departs fairfield, carrying enough
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supplies to provide 3,000 meals a day. this afternoon two more emergency response vehicles leave from oakland and burlingame. they will join the crew of 40 bay area volunteers deployed to the region last week. disney and abc are making tomorrow a day of giving to victims of sandy. disney is kicking things off with a $2 million donation to the american red cross. and you can help by texting abc to 90999 to give ten dollars to the relief effort. you can also donate to the red cross by calling 1-800-help-now or by going online to santa clara county public guardian's office is facing criticism this morning. some families tell us the county is isolating their elderly loved ones unnecessarily and taking control of their entire lives right down to who they can visit. here is dan noyes with part two of this i-team investigation.
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i need my family. they took that away from me, you know. what does it take? >> that's the voice of 82-year-old woman. >> i don't do anything, anything here. >> i know. >> because this is like a prison. >> it's like a prison? >> she suffers from dementia and her son marcus made the recording during one of only three visits he's been allowed with his mother in more than two years. >> they hijacked my mother. >> the santa clara public guardian's office conserve her, took over her personal and medical decisions in 2010 after she visited hospitals 19 times in a single year. a court investigator determined her family, including her son, could not care for her. >> maybe there were family members involved with the person, but they weren't caring for that person by the appearance. >> lee poland is the director of santa clara county social services. he would not speak specifically about her case, but said the
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public guardian does not conserve a person without cause. >> it would have to be a constellation of situations. was there money that was available to provide the elderly person care that she needed? and it wasn't being provided? >> marcus was living with his mother at the time the county took over. he said he loves her and was doing the best he can. >> my mom wants to come home. we have a home. she has food, clothing, shelter. i can take care of her. i was taking good care of her. >> but the public guardian kicked out marcus and sold the house to pay for his mother's care. he end up living in his car for a time and his mom was moved to an assisted living facility. >> this is devastating. my mother and i are very close, we have always been very close. >> marcus is frustrated with the situation and a court investigator said he becomes hostile toward facility staff, yells, becomes disruptive and overwhelms staff with his demands. so they got a court order restricting his visits with his
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mom. they must be supervised. he recorded the last meeting to protect himself from what he calls the guardian's lies. >> they have taken everything. i'm not a criminal. >> okay. i haven't done anything. >> you have managed to make your mother very upset. >> i didn't make my mother upset, she's upset, sir. >> i am going to ask you to turn off your tape. >> she clutched my arm and sobbed on to my shoulder for an hour talking about how lonely she is. >> linda is an advocate to stop guardian abuse. she said not only is the public guardian restricting marcus' visits with his mom but all of her potential visitors. linda was able to see her twice before getting kicked out of the facility. she said 18 members of her group have tried to call up and set up visits with the woman, and all have been denied. >> if the laws were followed and her rights were observed and honored, this would not be happening. >> kincaid points to the notice
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of conservetee's rights. a document in every conserved person's court file. unless the court limits or takes away a right like visits from family and friends, then the conservetee retains the right to have these visitors k and california code title 22 states a resident has a right to have his or her visitors, including ombus persons, advocate representatives, permitted to visit private during reasonable hours and without prior notice. >> if you took your grandmother and locked her up in the spare bedroom, you could go to jail for that. but if the public guardian does it to your grandmother, it's called conservatorship. >> i wanted to see if the public guardian is following the rules. i walked in and asked to see her and another conserved woman. the staff called the county. >> residents can serve by the county and we have to follow the rules. they have a court order that puts them in charge of the residents. the public guardian's office told me by phone i couldn't see her or the other woman until they performed a background check on me.
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and they instructed them to call the police. >> why call the police on me? what danger did i pose to anyone at the nursing home? >> i think you and the public should feel good about that because that means that the public guardian, acting as the conservetor of individuals in any kind of residential facility, is thinking first of protecting that person's interests. >> oh, come on. what family was a danger to anyone? >> i introduced myself to the officer who responded. he didn't really understand why he was there. he gave me an incident card and left. >> we absolutely want people to see other individuals to have socialization, to be around family and friends, but it needs to be done in a way that isn't going to be alarming to them. and that we know about. >> marcus said i got just a taste of the trouble he's received from the county. according to the court investigator, his mother, despite her dementia, is capable of choosing a president. they made sure she's registered
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to vote. marcus said she should be able to pick her own visitors and choose where she lives. >> if i'm still alive, will they let me come home for christmas, christmas day? >> marcus tells me his mother finally got a phone in the room so they are talking more often. he's made a couple of mistakes trying to regain control of his mothers care. he failed to show up for a couple meetings but he feels the deck has been stacked against him. by the way, the public guardian told me it would be two days for my background check. it's been two weeks and i'm still waiting. dan noyes, abc7 news. up next, following the money. you may be surprised to learn what happens when a refinery is fine after a leak or fire. coming up next, one local mayor is saying show me the money. here is a live look from our
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emeryville cam. it's going to be in the mid-to upper 70s today. lisa argen will have your forecast in just a few minutes
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a west contra costa county mayor is questioning where all the money collected from bay area air quality fines is going. his complaint comes nearly three months after that huge fire at the chevron refinery in richmond which blanketed much of the east bay in thick, black smoke. abc7 news reporter laura anthony has our story. i'm alarmed. i'm a citizen in this area. >> dan ramirez, the mayor of hercules, one of the cities not far from this, the huge fire that engulfed the area at the chevron refinery in august. the bay area management office has said it plans to fine chevron, a fine that could reach into the hundreds of thousands
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of dollars. >> what alarmed me is the fine system that the air quality district brings up goes into their general fund. the perception from the community is that those fines that are collected are going back to the community. >> under state law any penalty the air district levies go into the general fund. however, recently the board of director of the air district has provided direction to have the money be spent in the community. >> but there are no guarantees and the practice has been uneven. in 2009 the air district collected $515,000 in fines from developer lanar for failing to monitor the dust at the san francisco hunters point naval shipyard. all of that money went into air quality programs in the community. but in 2008 when the air board and the county collected $2.2 million from shell for a carbon monoxide problem at the martinez refinery, only 10% went to an air quality project at one local elementary school. the air quality district hasn't
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totaled the fines yet for the fire, but they think at least half the money should go to the local community. >> it may not be 50%, but the air board says they are working on it. >> we have had it in writing. we did rescind a couple years ago due the economic times and the shrinking revenues the district had but i'm sure they will consider putting that in as a policy again. >> the air board is also lobbying the state legislature to increase the amount they can fine a company after a major incident. abc7 news. >> this is the kind of week you really want to pay attention day-by-day to the accuweather forecast. >> that's right, to the opening of windows, putting the shorts on, sunglasses today and the next several days and then it's time to bundle up and get the umbrella out. all in a week's time. right now clear conditions. this is a view from mount tam. fog in the north bay. i will have the full forecast coming back. >> also ahead, silicon valley launches it's an you'll holiday food drive. why this year's goals
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[ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin.
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here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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contra costa county officials will be spraying insecticide to kill mosquitoes tomorrow at the former concord naval weapons station to try to control the west nile virus. thary to be treated is border by stevens road, port chicago highway and kenny boulevard. the fogging begins just before 6:00 in the morning tomorrow and it should take about 40 minutes,
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weather permitting. when they say weather permitting, lisa, they usually mean is it going to be windy? >> no. we've got flat winds right now. in fact, the winds very light turning offshore by later this afternoon. and then a little stronger off-shore push into the day's end. that means extreme warmth coming our way. fire danger, that will be in southern california, but still take it easy around here the next couple days because nos. 15 to 20 degrees above normal coming into play tomorrow. right now right here we are looking at the transamerica pyramid where we have clear skies downtown. a very mild start to your sunday. temperatures in the upper 50s downtown. live doppler 7 hd not picking up much. in fact, we will be looking at a beautiful day out here today and we will see numbers, in fact, above normal today. here's a look what you can expect right now as you step on out. 53 san jose with 52 half moon bay. upper 40s up in the north bay
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and also around gilroy. we are looking at a little bit in the way of fog with visibility reduced to about a half-mile novato, a mile and three quarters santa rosa and pretty good along the coast but napa looking at the reduced visibility as well. that's where the temperatures are cooler in the valleys, 2 to 5 degrees cooler this morning. but elsewhere 6 degrees of warming at our coast, 5 degrees of warming since yesterday. fremont and san jose. you get the idea we are starting out mostly warmer so it will be a warmer afternoon today. as much as six to ten degrees above average. here come the records coming into play tomorrow and right through election day. here are a list of some of the cities around the bay. forecasting a high of 82 today in santa rosa. ting the warmup by tomorrow. a little bit of cooling on tuesday. same deal up in san rafael. san francisco, the sea breeze returns by thursday. so we are looking -- tuesday. so we are looking at mid-70s. oakland upper 70s to 80 come
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tomorrow and then we will look for the numbers to stay rather warm right in the east bay. redwood city, you will get a breeze come election day but still before normal. san jose, upper 70s today to low 80s tomorrow. high pressure is responsible as it builds in into the eastern pacific. all of california above normal with dramatic swings in temperatures through the next 48 hours and then we are going down dramatically after that. so highs today in the low 80s from big sur, santa cruz. we've got a red flag warning in effect for the mountains of los angeles, ventura county with numbers in the lower 90s for palm springs, mid-80s in los angeles. we will be looking at temperatures today very spring-like. in fact, it's going to get pretty warm out toward livermore. 82 there, as well as clear lake in santa rosa today with 77 in oakland. 80 in morgan hill. overnight lows tonight are going to be quite comfortable. we will be looking at election
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day with just as much warm warmth with numbers in the 70s by noontime. low 60s for the afternoon for our east bay valleys and the look ahead you will notice as quickly as we warm up, we drop the temperatures come wednesday. light showers, but the big story there is the dramatic cool down, 15 to 20 degrees cooler. there may be snowy peaks. not a lot of snow for the sierra nevada. it's a big trough with a lot of cold air coming by the middle day of the week. >> a roller coaster. thank you, lisa. with unemployment still high, feeding the hungry is an ongoing challenge here in the bay area and elsewhere. it's a problem that grows more acute during the holidays. abc7 news reporter david loui checks in with second harvest food bank in the south bay. social service agencies say long-term unemployment remains a problem in silicon valley and that's why you ten to see
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demands for food programs. second harvest food bank has set a goal to raise $12.4 million and collect two million pounds of food over the next three months. it helps to feed a quarter million people every month in santa clara and san mateo counties. these are volunteers to box up fresh produce. they partner with 300 agencies that in turn distribute the food at 740 locations across the two counties. cisco ceo, john chambers, said the company has been contributing to second harvest for 21 years. the competitiveness of the senior staff is apparent in a mission like this. the need is great. >> even though it is a lot better than a year ago, it's still 10% of our population that needs help and on the global basis probably 3 billion underfed. we should change our valley first, change our country next and play a role in changing the world. i think we can. >> other companies, along with the san francisco 49ers help to about kickoff the campaign.
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>> though the problem is large, we believe it's solvable and working together we can ensure that anyone who needs a meal can actually get one. >> these donation barrels will be set up in offices and businesses. the faces are real. bella and chris from san jose receive food assistance from second harvest with their parents lost their jobs. >> the large, big-name corporations often make substantial contributions to these type of efforts. so do small groups, community groups and schools in making sure the people do not go hungry. in san jose, david loui, abc7 news. up next, a treat for stargazers. we will tell you when you can see two prominent meteor showers lighting up the sky.
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alright let's break it down. mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here
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we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin >> here are the winning numbers from last night's $8 million super lotto plus. 11, 14, 20, 36, 39. the meganumber 11. no one correctly picked all six numbers. wednesday night's jackpot is
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estimated at $9 million. two prominent meteor showers will begin lighting up the night skies starting tomorrow. for the next two weeks, weather permitting, you may be able to see flashes of light and shooting stars. first comes the torid meteor, sometimes called the halloween fireballs because they occur at this time every year. then comes leonid, one that should produce about 15 visible shooting stars every hour. the best viewing is well after midnight in areas free from city lights. astronomers say the meteor showers will be active all month long. >> will you stay up past midnight to see those beauties? >> i may, yes. it is pretty cool. in the days ahead we should have some good clearing and, in fact, just a little this morning in the way of fog. otherwise we are clear and we will warm rapidly today with temperatures above normal. 74 san francisco, 82 in livermore. how about 80 for santa cruz for the sea glass festival, the
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tri-color valley veterans parade should be in the 60s. a degree or two of cooling tuesday and you know what happens, much colder with rain by the end of the week. >> all right. that is going to do it for us. thank you for joining us on the abc7 sunday morning news. i'm carolyn tyler along with lisa argen. abc7 news continues at 9:00 this morning. we will see you then. don't forget, turn that clock back. get a fre
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